xt73bk16mf8w_833 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [686] J.H. Bentley v. L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court text [686] J.H. Bentley v. L&N, Letcher Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_2/13659.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_833 xt73bk16mf8w Lay 17th. 1917- your file 88581.
Mr. J. J. Jonohue,
Louisville, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

In re suit J. E. Bentley v. L. & N. R. R. Co, now
pending in the Letcher Quarterly Court:

In reply to your letter of Apri%\14th I beg to state
that D. 3. Fields, attorney for plaintrf%;%%e\agreed to settle
the case according to your offer towiigisél3:§8 for the value

; of the cider actually lost, plus géiégigfiercharge in freight.
I Also the cost in the case tgwfig:gelhi%y defendant. The total
costs will amount to fi_§j€g§§§:§§£ieaee therefore let me have
, check for $14.96 payghggggggii>fi. Bentley and for $“EEE3 paya-
ble to i. l. Day,(§€§éggg§§gier Quarterly Court.
{1;>\{§:§§> Yours truly,
\\<:ij\>cxé:ZoA/~: ;?A722/Z4r2»'
Copy S. m. Wilson
yorgan & Nuckole

 M. t H. 2
, .. {x 3' 'f/‘AL’
clerk showing seven kegs on the way—hill, imtead of six.
Yours truly,
Assistant DiS’L-I‘ict Attorney.
06:07] to-..—
Judge S. M. Wilson, /
L“?! 73.11.9101: , 7', 1f .
7.7989178. Bio ref-1:311 ° N11019:)33,
Hamid, Ely.

 ‘ :3 , 46 ~34b4
7A ._2/ ///// ”.;,:a/f) _/ (C7
. / .
,, , , fig,“ / /
-Zfi¢mmnfli26£%2gggw Aggwwiiiyéakflkn¢a$>é§h)%anflka%$488581
Z/K/ k/Ij.) j/‘4 /%(44?v/11//7/4, //
fl. ins/(giv/nh/.;l/lmzqy. / .:1/ . ’ />, 1/
/””"’fi/”ZZZ/iigfffif{ye/,.,_ o/N/UN/K/fy April 14 , 1917.
masons. Morgan & Harvie,
Whitesburg, Ky.
»»J. H. Bentley v. L. & N. R. flo.—~
Letaher Quarterly Court.
Horowitn pleano find Freight Slain Agent Sager's
filo {95714zvlfi} containing papers covering his inventigfi» '
tion of the above—mantioned case, which is a suit to recover
$34.32 as tho value of oidor alleged to have been lost from
, a shinmont flowing from Knnxvillfi, Tennessee, to Fleming, Ken»
tacky, oonsignod to Bentley.
If the plaintiff is willing to settle this case
at $13.88, the value of the cider actually lost, plus $1408.
ovorcharge, that amount will be naid. If he does not see
fit to accept this proposition, than, I think the case should
be tried out.
A8 you will one, we can nrove, by the teatimony of
the shipper, that only six Regs of cider were forwarded from _
Knoxville, and the bill of lading calls for only six Regs.
Owing to a mishandling §g_ggnt§, the consignment had to be
rehandled at Corbin, and there a miatake was made,-the bill

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:.zarch 6, 1917.
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‘. D. D. FIELDS <35 DAY
5 ” 3 - ,7
March 2nd, 1917.
Samuel M. Wilson, Esq-,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:-
;}flf hand you herewith original and two carbon copies of
‘ a petition filed in the Quarterly Uourt, by J.H.bentley vs.
L&N R.R.Co., together with process served on Agent here on
march let, 1917.w%‘dgfkgf;jfijx 42£y%;3)53
. You can direct us what to do infthe matter.
Yours truly,
fur: r }< o _

 FORM l—Revised July, I909
. Messages which at‘l-e a‘fparcnyly ugmeceissafiygox; that guild kg: sen}: by grain lfVl'Iail. will be tranmitted 'and delivered
, rw e t 1 cnt tt t .
TEi EGRIM ”m” ’ “twpmséei'fixfs'szinficé’émx Kaafiigili'fi‘amula?ch?‘1‘8??”“‘°“ °“‘ °"‘°“ TE LEGRAM
~ > H '.."hitesburg Ky Farah 1st 1917.
1r. Ii seargeant, Supt., Ravennafliy.
lir. Jessie liorgan Hazard Ky.
Ir. J .'I. Shea Agent Fleming Ky-
l‘Tr. I- "? Ilarvie .“~.ttY., 'Ihitesburg‘. lay. .
Emmions served on me this am in case of J.’:T.Bentley against the
P. P. Co., for lose. in cider ship} ed to Fleming Ky., -
Papers to I ”~‘. Elarvie Atty by hand today.
Sig .
I 3 Fielbs _'igent.

You are cmnnmnded to annnnnn _j ‘ 5. ML .fi/ M a/d' V. , , ,
Ll) :mmwi- on the tit'st (lay of the next [hm M, ‘. 'l‘orm m“ thr- lmtchvr Quarterly (hurt. it
I %" V" in tiled against i m .. . . in mid (‘mn-t luv
f/ .'4
11m “"d 1'11 n / W that upon . .V . failing to answer. them [Ir/.1913. :L/ ‘7" *‘Mll be
taken for conleixsod. or.“ .. EX :;7/?, will he pmcocdcd against for conttnpt and you will lliill‘t‘ (in! l't-llnll
of this summons on the Iii-st day (i mid term of said (Tmirt.
, . ,:’ S. 1 , ,«zw‘fl ; ‘,
(iH'F‘ll under my hand :15 Jndg't- of said Court. this ,1", ...,mduy 0t f " ‘ ‘/.’ " lfll »
V . ,.. l ' h .1 Judge
Hy , (llerk ,

 Form 161
j ' " ' " R G ’
FILE Nu. ;
7 OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT'7'7'7imites-‘m1rg, :2y. ..__1 5
‘ _.
District Attorney, 7 ,a ._,(. 2“ J; ‘-_ ; (~51 r; , 79]
LOUISVILLE. KY. ~ = ”5‘ H “I -
,lu rIr'l/«m has luru «mm/u mw/ in NULL, if} 1.97, 7771.777}: 1.3 .7.-71.3. (.'uur/ nf .:. 'CCZJC Ii’.’ (Wm/1m.
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I {2" Local Attorney L. a .\'. R. R. Co. _

J. H. Bentley, ---------------§l§£.
-vs- Petition.
Louisville & Nashville
Railroad Co., ---—--—----~---—2g£§.
The Plff. J.H.Bentley, states that some days, prior to Sept.‘
12, 1916, he caused to be delivered to the Left- Louisville & $
_ hashville Railroad Co. a common carrier, 6 kegs of cider and one 1
- box of glass to be shipped by heft. to Fleming, Ky. a station on
Defts. line of road, that Deft. received same, thereby agreeing
to deliver same in good condition at Fleming, Ky., but it failed
I to do so, it it lost one keg and never delivered it, at all, that
' one keg was empty, therefore worthless, and one keg one-third
empty, that said cider cost Plff. and was worth, $9.60, per keg,
that the 2 1/3 kegs lost by deft. was worth $22.40, Twenty-two
dollars and forty cents, that Blaf was forced to pay the freight
. 1 on all of said cider in order to get the part not lost, which
i was 83 cents per keg, that Plff. therefore paid y1.93 freight on
J the cider which Deft. did not deliver, that Deft. is therefore i
; indebted to Plff. in the sum of Twenty-four dollars and thirty E
[ three cents. g
Wherefore Plff. prays jungent against Deft. for the sum i
of $24.33 and his costs herein expended. ’
D.D.Fields, Atty for Plff. l
On the back is the following endorsement;
"filled March lst, 1917, Summons & copy issued.
H.T.Day, Judge L.Q.C.”
i - .