xt73bk16mf8w_838 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [691] L&E v. J.E. Stivers, Breathitt Circuit Court text [691] L&E v. J.E. Stivers, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_7/13707.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_838 xt73bk16mf8w - ‘ ,., .,_" ,_....flfl ,. ,,....vy. v::.';1w th'vr'rn‘" "1
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‘,,,/4’ I I// (YIHI/‘Zw/H{ye/»,I. ' / '/// / {/’ JUly 95h: 1917'
88553 - Claim of L&E By. Co. against J. E. Stivers ~—
Eon. S; E. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your letter of March 2ch, 1917, in regard
to the above styled suit, wherein you advised that you were forwardirg
the original of pefition to Judge Pollard, with instructions to file
same‘in the Breathitt Circuit Court:
Will you kindly advise me the present status of this
case. The Comptroller's office is asking for this informition.
Yours truly,
w AssietantyDistriét Attorney.

 ’ . , (COPY) ' . ' .
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:fié’zyknfl/h 9710/11/53; Mtg / .. / /- / 85U5
‘/ “011'”; 2: ~ , ,7 7. I / 2,,/l . .
.- 1 ” 4’3” ”WM/’9’ f11m 4%(I/fl/My// fl/L/flflWL/K/V 111/Mi” mm».
(Ill/I’.) /.‘gx()//(l/f(/5J “ ,,, , / /
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’ , / J‘s“; {‘93 V V' / ' - P
Jfl/Yylfl/Ifl/{flz/ ”In“ , '\/*/ '1 . {fl //_’,/~’
L {me/[mufigha ‘ ,_, fi///.)zw////a, ,////,, March 6, 1917.
y. 211, {x
xx. 1“_ 2 A; :1 p, ,' ,,.,
’.‘K $ Wr "‘ / "“' , (x
m 1;, N f .
\l \ _e;
Hon. 8. M. Eileen,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Herewith Comptroller Pharr‘s letter oi‘March 3,
together rith note of J. E. Stivcrs, payable to the order
, oi the Lexington and Eastern Railway, dated flay 35, 1915, .
for £88.05, due six months after late, which note was in
full settlement of balance one by Silvers as station agent
of the L. a E. Railway prior to January 1, 1915.
I shall be glad if you will, as requested by Mr.
Pharr, have our claim against StiVCrs reduced to a judg— _
Yours truly,
a", ,tant District Attorney.
mnc. Val. ;fl’f

 ‘.’-1", "MW .2 1‘ ,. '41 x
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WV 77:77:72., /l//H/I//‘l///fl/: N“ /,///l ///////,; ' ///., March 3 , 19 17 .
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54/7/11 r/ , I357 l“0/H/l/l}'///I‘l' _ /
l 6 O 5 5
General Councel.
Dear Sir;-

I henl you hzr with Note of J.F.Stivers, payable to
the order of Lexineton & Fostern Ry., dated May 13th,1915, for
$68.95, due six months after date.

, This Note was accepted in settlewent of balance due
by Stivers as Station Agent of the L.& E. ?y. prior to Jany.l,1915.
At maturity the note was deposited for collection but returned
unpaid, no explanation beine eiven. The matter we? referred to
we. W.A.McDowell, General Agent, Executive Department, Lexincton,Ky.,
who has, since that time, been makinq efforte to collect.

On the 27th ultimo, Judie Pollard of Jeokson,Ky.,
advised Mr.McDowell that Stivers was located at that point, but
anyerently out of employment. In an interview with Judge Pollard,
Mr.Stivers stated that he is interested in oil Wells in Fetill
County, on which he ex;ected to realize aood profits . Judge ?ollard
advised that suit be filed ani judmment obtained, so that in the
event Stivers realized anv grofits from his uninrt kings, we would
be in position to attach.

1 ‘ - _ fl > ‘

”111 you kindly arrange accordinqu. ,
cy to W.A.M9D Yours truly, ‘

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