xt73bk16mf8w_851 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [710] William H. Gillum v. L&N and L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [710] William H. Gillum v. L&N and L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_20/13842.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_851 xt73bk16mf8w - ” 75m //7
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t ‘ ' Lexington; Ky., Aug. éth, 1917.
Mr. A. h. warren,
Chief Law Agent, Louisville, Ky.
Dear Sir,
. ' W.H.GlllumVsL&ERR00.
Breathitt Circuit Court

On the slat hit. the day that I wired you concerning this
matter I saw that we were going to get into a trial of it at this
term and that we were not going to be in position to out no much
of a fight. he had tried to get Adams to continue it but he would
not do it. Mr. Seargeant on the let inst. sent the Assistant
Engineer to the ground and I got from him on the 3nd inst. the
condit.ons there so far as he made notes of.

The facts in connection with this case are that in 1910 we
purchased from this man right of way through his land. hr. Pollard
and Mr. G. t. Sowoll being the Agents for the Company at the time.

He was paid $106. per acre for it and $t00. for the improvements on

. the iand with the permisoion to remove the improvements himself and
according to his story Hr. Pollard and Mr. Seooll agreed to fence
one side of the right of way Just as soon as the road was constructed.
hr. Pollard and hr. sewoll say that they informed theold man when he
inquired about fencing that the law required the railroad to fence one
half of the right of way and that nothing was said about hav1ng 5 years
in which to do that. The road was completed along $813 property I

 ' .
believe in either the Winter of 1911 or tna spring af 1913. since
1912 ha naa been trying to get an; fbnce comatructed. 186 has a
léLter from Mr. Mowaell adviazng him that we baa 5 years in whian
ta canatruct the fance. Thlu Letter is dated in Hév 1913. In
1918 thla man deeded away 311 of the ymoyarty that he had on both
slabs of hue xignt 0f way except 1150 feet on the east side and
1190 feet on tha wast side. E13 line was criginaily a manning 1£ke
3000 feet. Part of thc PCOELQ Lhat he aeedeé the right 9: way to
nava fenced ana part hav& nst but aha moat hava. The right af
way an the west sifin is firfictloaLL; all fanceé ;nu the 3832 alas
all excapt abaut 770 feet, which ;and 15 max :wnafi by oection Fareman
Burnett wna is a 33R in 23% 0f ailing. Gillua's cantentien was
that he had afilectaa the east side ts fence and that we anou2a have
fanaea the west aide ana we anauld say nia fvr ax; ¢f the fence that
he and the 9&0926 that he aaeded to built on $36 wast alas. and t0
pay him fur a cramming that we agreed ts Eat in. fig infvrmation 18
that he aid 3&me ?Drk on tha crugaing and that we fiifi same wark an
the crusaing 3330. was ftnce immaaiately in ernt 3: Giilum's nause
93 the east aide uf tug tracx 19 a 3filit beard f2nce but soutfi of his
ncuaa on tha east side 3f tufi txacx and an the west aide of tag track '
.. it 13 wire fence, same 9? it aevan strans and therust nine. gr. E36132
of fine aasistant enginear's affioa at Jaczsan uuée an estimate 3? the V
caat of tnw fence that tnia man constructed on the Land flaw owned by
him and baaad an estiaatea such as wculd be prefiarefi by that affice in
oanatzactxng naw fence and figure& the cast at 2465. 9f course the
fanca naw constructed is not as gaod as we wou2a have built. When

 . .
I saw an yastaxday that we were going to be fbroed into a tria of
tns ease I gab ncla uf Gillum and the ether men that were in town
that Knew the annuitions ug there anfl went over it entirely with than.
Qillum figured that tne fence constructed by him an tha land asw owned
by him coat $316. I xould judge that this is ;50. high but was
not in a poaziwn to contradict it. I then made him a Eropfisitiw
to pay big fbr the value 3f half of the fence canstruczed by him
batween n;s yrapfirty and the railruad track and he agreed to as
that anfl a away with all annex ciaims gravided I wquad gay far the
chaging and we then agreed an $119. which met with £r. Poliaras
apmrcval. In file yetitlsn you Know he claims $500. fur rfintal 9f
lana that was nfit anced, ate. In gaing sver this matter with
ax. y. 5. Gates, Assistant Engine r. wno went on sue grwuna tdu
' 106K over the aatter and after hearing what tue 31a aan said no
0 figured that $175. wou¢d be a gOOd aatt¢ement. I dia nut get to
1399 winner fir. Seargeant or fix. Ely bafore making the settwaxent but
yesterday told Hr. Ely of nae aettlement and he gala that it wag a
$034 one. Wh1¢e I do not think that in a Court where we could
act has law weu*a nts recovery have been as much as %1l5. uut I am
pretty sure that Judgm Aflams wouxd have a¢¢owed recavary fur tag
~/;’ fbnee ana fur the L083 ui‘orcp‘
x attach a copy af tné release taken from min which cav&r3
everything and aLiowlng the oparating ufficials to fiake a Qéntract
with him, if they 33 desire, specifying which yarty ahall 3993 an

 5 .
' the fflnca. I am zanéing ; capy of this ;etter an; a Quay of the
release takan by me in Ex. Seargeant sv that he may £allow cue matter
na if as as fieairefi. in this canneetion I desire t9 Gail ar.
Baargeant‘s attantion t3 Ema Each that am the swath and of the
Lanai famerly 3227:1633. by Giumu but. 1102-; 9351193! ”DY Alfred Gambill the
fence far a difiiance 9f fibout 400 feet is about 10 feet 6n the
rigs; a? way and further call his attention 1» tua fact that thara
is an endaavar tJ efitabiish a csunty raga on the right of way on the
xxflfizxaxafixxkgkx wgst aide Jf L33 track at that paint waareas the
Oouuny 392; raaliy run: alang the gage of tag Elva: banx. I am
calling 3-3 atzantioa to this 3a tugs he may take such action as an
aealres. ‘
"' I trust that Eula Settififififlt will meet With 338 apfiroval 3f
33.3. coacfimefii.
Yours truiy,
' Law Agant.

9? .



£5.53. '

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,« i; /4 .34.?! ?zl-Ix-(‘r'ra/I/wwzy: /,, ’ r3,
V%%??Vflyfl?zfizomwwm ,:Zé;;3viZzg¢j%%Z: July 50, 1917.
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
, Lexington, Vy.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your letter of May 22 relative to
the case oi’Wm. H. Gillum v. L. a N. R. Co., Breathitt
Circuit Court, which is a suit to recover damages on ac—
count of our alleged failure to carry out parol agree—
ment relative to construction of a line fence:
Herewith please find Superintendant Seargeant’s
letter of July 26, together with letter from Headmaster
Ely, dated July 25.
I shall be glad if you will keep me infermed as
to the progress of‘the negotiations referred to by Mr. Ely.
Yours truly . ‘
i taut District Attorney.
Enc. ’ .

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 ‘ .
‘ Breathitt Circuit Court. -
' Iilliam I. Cillum, fleintiif.
~vs- I 3 T I T I a N I
Louisville & Hashville Zailroaé Coup ny
and Lexington & Eastern Lailway Com; 3y Defendants.

The plaintiff for his cause of action herein states
that the Louisville a Nashville Railroad Company is a corporation
created and new existing under the laws of the State of Kentucky,
with power to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be Sued .
in its corporate name, to-wit: The Louisville & Nashville lailroad
Company. Plaintiff states that the Lexingto; 2 Eastern Lailway
Comg~ny is also an corporation created and now existing under the

‘ laws of the State of Kentucky with power to contract and be con-
tracted with, to sue and be sued in its corporate name, to~wit2
The Lexington Q'Lestern Railway Contany. ,

The plaintiff further states that on the 19th day of '
September 1910 he sold and he and his Wife conveyed to the defen—

‘ dant the Lexington & Eastern Railway Comban; a right of may for a
railroad on the North Jerk of the Kentucky Liver in Breethitt County,
Kentucky one hundred (100 ft) feet wide running up the North Fork
of the Kentucky fiiver from the line of Isaac Fugate through the
plaintiff’s dorm to the line of Himrod Eugate who at that time owned
the land above him on said river; that e part of the consideration
for said right of way which was designated and described in the deed
of conveyance now of record in the Breathitt County Clerk‘s Office
in Deed Book 50 page 46 they paid this plaintiff and his wife ;:)-1420
and in addition to the consideration stipulated in said deed the
defendants’ or their agents agreed and bound themselves after the

1 ’ _
construction of a railroad on this right of way through the plain—
tiff‘s farm that they would fence said right of way on one side of
said railroad from his lower line on the Horth Fork of the Kentucky
River to his upper line which was a distance of 2660 feet and they
also further agreed that they would construct a railroad crossing
nearby his residence or whcrccver he might designate across said
railroad to enable him to go from his residence to the County Road
or from that portion of his land between the right of way and the
rchr to hi; residence and his burn an: outbuildings on his furn.
Llaintiff states that this agreement ulthough ; pdrol ’
Wgrcenent was a tort of the consideration for tiie conveyance of the
- right of in; and notwithstanding thi: agreement the said lefcndsnts
failed and refused to curry out said;yarol agreemcit end by reason of
. their failure.und the on hing uy :3 this line of right of way through
his fur; his entire for; on both sides of said right of as; was
> . thrown out and exposed in such a ;a; that he was deprived of the
tillgge and crate on Enid farm on both sides of said right of way ~
and that by reason of their failure the last three crate and the
rents and trofits on suid farm which was reasonably Edith One
hundred (@100) Holleie ouch your rhich use a loss to him and which '
amounted in the aggregate tn Ehrec hundred (@500) rollers. ’
Ilsintiff says in order to cultivate his fern that he was comycllcd ,
, ’ 0 to build on each side of said right of may a fence and that in
tdrsuanco to said contract which was in terms that he was to fence
one side of the right of way and the defoidunt Coxyunys were to
Jones the other side and gien he had fenced one side Pursuant to
said contract he was compelled to fence the other side in order 0
to inelosc his firm and tilluhlc lund which hr did in 131d, and .
, he says that in doing so he used tTrce hundred uni tlirty-thrce fence
gist; Which fare roisinrtlc forth twenty—fire gents (25;) each
> ; oudting t: {85.L5 in; in constructing out otildin; an; lint of
Laid fgnge in the ;ith of way hm used twenty~four bales or Lance '

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