xt73bk16mf8w_856 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [722] Eli Couch v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court text [722] Eli Couch v. L&N, Perry Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_71/Folder_25/13889.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_856 xt73bk16mf8w K
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$4.11 It; Lil‘s) 4.31%} :2:-2 1 01¢: I‘III III-I- I. I_A: ’IOIl-qij‘er i I'~~ {Law LH‘} II‘y IIL '3 I." _If .
..,. ‘Y‘ Y;
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‘ 2 / ¢' . ,,,'> , ‘ 2
,u‘, 2””) K‘; I ', ., / - @9855 ‘
"i776 /j;:;%%3332m0: fiancfygflh%4Wea{yzcZ¢%%%%9ynwm/}Qénduhz
/W« /// / ’ ’ 7'1 » ,-
‘(ZM%?'AZZ%2$7zmnmwn ,/¢n;J/v?7éj-;;;;, July 26, 1917. /
Hon. S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to your letter of July 4, enclosing
a copy of the petition, in the case of Eli Couch v. L.
& N., Perry Quarterly Court, which is a suit telecover
$45.00 as the value of a box of household goods shipped
to the plaintiff, at Typo, Kentucky, from Lexington, Kena
file seesggfgfiéfhri’é‘fiafifiiEfiryofirviiiitsgéafii‘aigtflé §8§e£i§ '
leged to have been lost in transit was checked "over" at
Lexington, afterwards forwarded to Typo, and delivery ac—
cepted. However, it is claimed that part oi‘the contents
of the box was stolen, and there is some evidence to es—
tablish the fact that the box was tampered with while in
our custody. I think Messrs. Morgan & Nuckole should be
instructed to endeavor to learn the real extent or‘plain»
tiff's loss, and then settle the case on that basis.
Yours truly,
W4: Mar/g
sisten. District Attorney.
E nc .

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. Arum-urge 211' 1':sz 7 / ,
‘ - HAZARD, KY ”lb/7
July 10, 1917.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir: jli Couch vs. L e H- ferry guar. Court.
In this case the plaintiff Claimeo the loss of a box of
householi goods, but Since the suit was filed, the box was
V n 7* - ‘ - , , - {1 7.
found as we have it, at eerington, and returned to him at ~3po.
He claims that When he received the box there was a pair of
blankets, one bed quilt and a smoothing iron, gone fnzm the
box. 1e have seen the agent at Jypo. fie said that he delivered
the box to this man, but he did not know whether there was
anything zone or not; that the claim was made that there were
some thioge gone out of the box when it was flelivered. Couch
was in our office on yesterday and agreed to accept five i01-
lere and the defendant to pay the court eoets. We recommend
that this settlement be made because he will swear that these
goods were short and we will have no way to contradict him.
let 11C: know by return mail 1’.-“he ther or not you age-prove of
Yours very truly,
J 1.1-1 7 ‘ J

 ’1‘ _ ‘>> ‘ 7. , .’1 ‘. .1 V V ,
. ~ Jr J? Uéfisfiue,’fi3fi., V . - . ' ' , '
_ Aaaimfianfi Eigflrict Ettflfififly, ' ‘
. , Louisvillx, Ky. . ,
Lexi-7 ¥3H':— . ' ' _ ‘1 ' ' .
. ' ' -, 1 herewith analcae ?nmket Rendrt and 30m ' . "'. ’.
L a-
‘ 3f wetitiOn in the abbve case. Please lat me hava,-
. * th; HSCGSSEEY infarmaticn f2? the flafensé. - ’
‘ Ycurs wavy firmly, , ' ’ ' ‘ ‘
. ' nLt/fific “ " . .
{‘.:-523' :9 Bi. 5. '3 ' ~ " ' ' .

f—‘xifnrumlsx 21’: LthIu
//-. L17; H . .’.’”
July 5rd 1917
Samuel H.Tilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir :—
- EnchJGd we hand you usual capius of netition
and éocket renort in the case of Eli Coucn vs fi.a.:.33iroad Go.
Yours Very Truly
. /7
./'l V V '7

Perry Quarterly Court
Eli Couch, Plaintiff ,
V63 P ,:2 ti ‘5 i on . '
Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company . Defonient. I
The plaintiff Status that the ne‘enflant is a corp
oration or ated by the laws of the State of Kentucky and authorize a
to sue and on sued by its corporate name ” The Touisvillo and
“ashVille Railroad Company " ; that it was on the 15th iay of Jum
1917 engaged in running and Operating a line of railroad
from Lexington, Kentucky to Hofiobertt, Kentucky and through tee
County of Perry and transporting for hire on sail roan/passengers
ani freight. That he resides in Perry County and in t*nt t7:
negligences hereinafter CQmPlaifidd of Wes oonmitted in said
County of Perry .
‘ ll
He Says that 0; said flay he ieliver d to the seid defwniant

at t c station 3: Lekota, 23.. one box of u:renandise oontainingxk 4
household goods wig weighing about 500 pounds eni forth t e ion of
tnirty five dollars ($35.00) to be carried by the defendant on ite

. Tine to Typo, Kentucky and gain the do nflihflt tee Sun of One dolla

V ani Linety canto (31.90) as :reignt charges on said how of I
household goods. Chat ooin no endant accented said box in good
condition deliveriig t) him its bill of inning for enme.
flurther says that said defendant through its agents and
employees neglected and failed to deliver at Typo ?aifl box of houi
hole goods which was consigned to hin at said station of Jypo; and
that by the said negligence and failure of the defendant to trunfir
transport and deliver said 3"008.8 to him that same has oeconc
. lost uni that he has suffered the entire loss of Rain roods anfi

 that me has yuan dafiaged in the sum of Don dailarm over and
above has price of said foods anfl that he ought to recover Said
. '1 ..., J- .». ‘ 'v - .m- .. 1» p ‘ N 2 . ,. ..'3. 3, : ~. ‘
dLIIO-ml L: Lit/‘,' Jlktlillflljflt d,g7dl.lk.t 131.1,: K18 L \,:u\§.€mlt -
.. . V .1_! .., _. .’7. .- ,. ..2 .0 _. 3. .,.,1.” .'. ‘ _..... 3 3 .
thfGLOLe LLo 01a1mt33i g;agn Juugmgnt against the
du2lu1dagt 111 El; 8113 sf fiort;’:five {Mallars L 45.00) ; IO?
rostS add all proper T7118f .
~ 1— 4. .r.‘ v— . .L. m ,_ .,..
.:‘: u a; m} 3 L Lgfl :1 using
A. .. .- w .4., ,.. w A.
C O L.LL-L be} 0 i B J. ,I. ;.I . .‘;(; [C 3
fine affiaau, Eli dough, say% that the statemants contained 3;
tag: i03x;§oj g; pal Hziuu3 aim: 31%;. as 3:3 kn Liexr:s.
dubsarLéed aji s 034 to wafers me by Eli Caucu this June
day 1917 .
. I
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