xt73bk16mf8w_88 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [55] Albert Bowen v. L&E and L&N, Powell Circuit Court text [55] Albert Bowen v. L&E and L&N, Powell Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_10/Folder_2/65518.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_88 xt73bk16mf8w J, D. ATKINSON O. C. ATKINSON
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regarding the 527111; of ATKTCl‘t Tl"? V.‘-.2,. 2,2-11:; L. 1?: 131. Ry. Co.,
and Have since liccm'ved vouch-23:3 for: {:33-:.1“, 3.3111031 has. ”0:313:71 deliver-—
ad. I nc-tt'e 3.313131% 703.71 53132133 71.22111 7.3127731337012136 to 132.21330131‘1 of all C?36’:S
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[191-.311. Give date of filing: all pleadings, and their character. as petition. etc., etc.

2. Give date of all proceedings, such as motions to strike out for new trial. etc.. etc.

3. In reporting a. continuance. state at whose cost.

4. In reporting a judgment, state date and amount of judgment. If appeal be taken. state, by whieh party, and whether

bill of eXCeptions has been filed: if not filed, What time. if any, has been allowed for filing.

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Re“l=*:y"t~ TV 7“: 7” “=u*'mwh“ Vn“rx'isf'ify1 Alhort infiz' Orwe
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/ //H///I,}// _ 41/7/194317.‘{rm/I/. . .//'///.//’/////,. (/., July 1 , 1914 ,
j/% ;Z % "
Mr. S.M.Wileon,
Counsel, L&E, Lexington.
Dear Sir,
In connection with your letter to me of March 22d, relative to
case of Albert Bowen v. L&N and L&E, pending in Powell Circuit Court:
. Please note Mr. John D. Atkinson's letter dated June 29th,
. with enclosures referred to therein. The trial of the Bowen case
4/xewas certainly an unprofitable proceeding. ‘NNRMMMWU' '“”f_~
H ‘gmww LPlease return enclosures after having noted same.
Yours truly,
_ 6' meg? Azttf eff/“:’“ /
encs by

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._ lflZflV (7C ,flufljwéz.Aéa~4;nw//€h¢42éyn
/) ' ‘ / y/ ' I / )Zyaz’z 5 /%
-/)/«'///////////__/t f/V’x/M/(fl , / f’ I , ' ,
,,/, ., / 7W”W“”MWWNI e/OWV'__/r7é//?Ab/P////4y’./7W//AW/7¢/,
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(nu/2,) (wr' Ill/2 , ’ , , r3: ‘ -
,// /// ,%H,[”WJWW, (AM///A&H/@¢l march 25,1914.
lion. 3. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & E. n. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:
Referring to copy of Latition and docket report in
the case of Albert Bomen Y. L. d 3. ;. Co. grcwing out of alleged
‘~ negligent handling of a shipnent of live stock from Eileen, Ky.
to Cincinnati, Chis, October fth,l9l£.
I am now handing you herewith £1reight Claim Agent
Seger's file L. d E. 257-E covering his investigation of the
handling of plaintiff's stock.a Accordin;&,to statement make
by our Agent at Filson the cow, ior which thirtyAdollars is
claimed, was in bad shape when loaded on the car at the point
of origin and ought never to have been accepted by our agent
there. You will note that prior to the employ ent of Mr.
Stewart Ffeight Claim Agent Seger made an effort to settle
this claim at $24. but that amount was refused. Under all
the circumstances, rather than to go to the expense of trying
the case out, I am inclined to think we can afford to pay as
much as fifty dollars in order to settle this case.
Yours truly, ,, ”
JJD/w Ass1stant District At 0 ay.

 .~ ~ ..J, -_ rr‘ wp-Ll.
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1%er i/AZJ W ’%fl7/Ill/I/H, ’ /
.3’/AWL fills-(”kl hide/714:: ,
;fiumu’ /Q>*y/(%I1Irl. l/(VL/j/y/él /’/ 1 .
/ / /flr('/Z/I/r'.-(r/II///_ "" ' " / 4: 6b . 27,1914 .
”m (2% a w
1.1:?. J . ”a" . ..;eger ,
Freight Claim “gout.
1‘. 33? 3 if ?

;eierrin; to my lefter to you of Feb. 24th with refor—

enéo to the ease of Hibert Semen v. u. i L. 1. CO., fiowell Circuit

'. Sour , growing out of loss sustained by aluintiff in shipment of
earloeo of cattle from Pilson, Ky. to Cincinnati, Ohio, October

I am now hynfiinr yoo herewifh 1r. McDowell's letter to
no of Feb. 24th together with file L. & D. 237 covering investiga—
tion of Mr. Bowen's claim Thus for made. Of course, it will be

‘ necessary to trace movement of stock f:om point of origin to desti-
nation in order fio show what delay,if any, there was in the movement,
the cause or causes of said delay or delays and it will be also nec-

1 ossary for no to ascertain whether or not at the point of origin
plaintiff filed notice in accordance with the terms of our live
stock contract. I am assuming of course, that the shipment moved
under our regular form of live stock contract. Before returning
hovers to me please have attached to some a oony of the live stock
contract covering the ohipmont'in question.
Cepios to Yours firmly, :«~.'
n . , 4 . ,
$115111w11111 (311 11 ~» .- _.

' Assistant bistriof Atfiofney.

 “M :Cm- «'27::
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l ’ /' { /7'
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\ 3:33:12; Ehfifikim; 2m 3 33,033 ,
if» . 2913171 1:333). 7 533:1? 2’33; 23 an .

 ( ’1) FORM :17
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‘ ///.'s-//‘/'r/ . [Hr/Hm: /
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I l/II'I'/'lr/It’_///r‘///, / .
Mr. S. m. Wilson,
Counsel, L. & 3. H. 30..
Lexing‘on, Kentucky.
Dear Sir'
Referring to fhe attpcheé summons served on fke Vice
President Mapothcr in fhc case of Albert Bowen v. L. & E. and L.
& E. R. Co., Powell Circuit Court. Will you kinily have Gory of
petition and docket report sent to me as promptly as practicable.
Yours truly,
fl; ,2 a ..., " "W’Z/fi/Z
‘ ALSistant District Attorney. ‘ /

 SUMMONS ORDINARY. (At-x n! IAgMuum. \lm-‘h ;’H, 11W: ) Printed and Sold by Paragon Printing Works, Beaver Dam, Ky.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky, _
TO THE SHERIH; Dir; { ‘.;..L}...L.l,,.z‘7.,. L ..COUNTY‘.
_7—"' 'f K // / / 6 , A, ,,, , .
“[011 are commundtgjo summon —' ('lc. "N—yi’ué/{rt’ / 5.171» 7— [ZN-[412w
,r’ ' 4 , .. -\ ’ / kc ' /' (.1
flW// O :52}? 7//)[{, ¢,. 1}"L"'z1{rl(\L r Tiff-:.’" fi‘f/J {r/L,C/k _‘I'
, ‘ ‘ ,r ’/ A 7 ,.‘ I r
, W Lfl/fl/C _ fare! [I (£7 £2“? /‘//o AX
C t
to answer, iii*“.. ;?!/7] [Z1] dag/x after the St’l‘l‘iCC of this summons, a petition
. /, /, . ‘1. .’ . ,., An . .
filed agawzj l/L / In the i ‘ ,»1/é -’ L.(, “N Circuit Court,
by-.. . L/Q/Z/iia/ . an; {Atacama/z " .,
and warn . ,. M that upon ”.4— . failure to answer, the petition will
, . A,
be taken for confessed, or Z/ will he proceeded against for contempt, and
you will make due return of this summons withini" /7/U7 'I'l/ét’ days after the serriee
thereof to the Clerk’s office of said Court. / /"
KGiven under my hand, as Clerk of mid Court, this ./§r , day of 191/:.‘
,, , a? j ‘ "j w.
f.,/ ,» , ,, f ' _
Jean/1 W wx-Z'n’fii/rt/‘W // 1, z. ., ~ , Clerk.
jm/ I?!” ”Mr/.1»», z¢f/<»/ I
' / w By . .. D. C.
*Inwrt TEN if to (‘HllHiAV' when- suil is lmvuuhl, 11ml 'i‘\\'|".r\"l‘Y if out tut \‘tllllll}'.

NO. ‘ ‘


To 1mm J.')]_.._.._V.., '

Sheriff’s Fee, - - b


 Form 161
OFFICE OF ATTORNEY AT W , é? L "‘“',§§7.2‘§3L7‘w“‘v
B. D. WARFIELD, ' I_._,,__I_____-__L
D"t'1°tf駧§§yx’LLn.xY. ~71]? J/“f . 251,99,
An IU‘HWHHLIH‘HZ in I/:<....W . fl . . (burl 33/4 flWKV/r :(,,'ounly.
sumnmus (ms issut'vl%% /E/.,,’Q HIV. and Il‘rls finiml%£:—1M&Emul is 7:;
rclurnul;/(._...._.._._,_6/6. ,“. . (lay 15/20:"... MW 11!] . U11. IlI/Iu'mgys for I/u. [finial/fl ?
and Nu; I‘Llitf pruyul [s . X/Miés ......m ..._ .. . . ..._ ”‘1
p7 W 7271*? «£1 , , I s. (7;er 4‘ Wk 7Q
é’a/z W%W M77945; W 77%.
2? AW 4W9 M W ,72 as: um
‘ I
073 3
_ fiwéf/wwai:..:ifiij; -
_ Looal Attorney L. 6': N. R. R. CO.

) ..1 ‘
.. f
' L, 1
ii“ Pox-11171 Circwit Court.
Albert Rowen, 141151111111“,
VS . Pet 1.15.1 1111.
.Ltvexingj‘j’h *1: Fns':’r,<:_1?11 P17 (10.
and Louisxvil o .9» 1&1;le '13-! 11';_-,;L'1 111:":3' (70 T)r’:1’,'c'anr,1:.n+.m.
T1113 ;‘Jvi'q‘fJ’iT' :,‘f‘f'*‘ 1,119+ hm .r3:.;>i“.q_,;,3r 1:1 1‘. 'Pj‘m he:{1‘11;rfw1
and +1110 T‘Ifwmr'r'f: WNW“: 2' (Vii-1r?“ ‘1‘?’ :13 "1 *1 1:7 ;.(N1’sz1r1'1'? 9:111 1151;231117 " :’3
Pe‘:1‘“-1'.r£=1’ 0011119111. 1x1}: :r'ww'vivfszhfvixv (31-12“: 9.3251 1111:131- :1 “us: “ex-.'.? of
this State cf Lignfino‘rfi', 19,111; 1.:: 3:711:11 are f?"7‘11(3"?iz<’3(l 1» “11:7 {and ”m.- 11:111-351.
5111.13, #0 (buffiriw-t. 1:311 "cu-.3 (.‘::;r‘rrz :.1-:11 ‘ :2:;1; 1‘ 1': Cizur'fi’W’: 1' 1'1”": Wm; {21:}
L provider; fluxrfiin ‘51‘2 :2:-7‘7 Z 1 I 9* Trig: 072::11911‘11q'
11‘9-1‘.11"0:’c1:: (:1.qu {sf 1'. 11: '3 ,.'. 31, ‘ “Ht 111‘ . ‘1, * :3:: h—Kira +.<7-1‘: Pr
El-‘fflldl‘l‘i E?.:A’LWWILj' C ,. was: 1:11'.:::“A=t";;5 7171' , 111‘ T‘CWTL, 2*.3'11'r1‘x.'_'j';1 H1':““:"T'
county '2th ""711(371131"",H1‘“, 1111,10" fur; m‘m1‘011t‘fl‘o 119.3» m“ "Lexi": ton 9
Eamtt-ern 11811.": 1’ 1th.;xtwtr", ‘3; ‘ I.~<:=1‘?sé*'1',.'i'~a 1‘ ‘rwsmviijs jV'Jf-‘j‘f‘v‘w;tlr
ijfm‘rmy “1.22:1 (,‘ijI‘?Wi-‘jl[" :2 111;) m“ 17031: 1“:"":.: “-'11';(;:r1~‘w"~53", F‘Ti'. ‘50
(11110111119 ‘1‘. O. “111’ f“ 11:224.? “21'. 112“ ("3"7'T"7‘C\7“5"L'3 13> v‘.-:7"
lfi)111',.€=1-F"17.,13 (L .’Tc’umvi'lfixz‘. )'?a¥,1ff‘-‘“j’ 01,121“ 'f'". .':: {I 1,210, TEFL!" T? :‘2-1‘“;: ”that
‘— t 1.? ::.-11'; (30.11 :‘in ’1; ‘11-r? s;y<*:7+.>1f“'w1‘- r ' f‘?"s::‘l?‘l;'“
f]“t”;f; ;nim::r11, Bowflfl 171712111}, Fij‘, “w ”“73“" "';f"""". "1111.0, ::..rf. +.,,.- ‘ 1-"'“7_1'1—-
(11165141811, Heri‘fi'w‘rfy 71:; :2 OWL) “1* “'_3; {11?}? “.11-1‘ .0511; fr; 1.113171%}“hint
L 21111-91; 1'“ “',-.1' 1:11;“ 1w+-'-*‘r~ ma" 1‘1111'igfl1‘r, F"? 9111;. 19(12ns'fl ”v, 0011111311,
17y, to (jig-1.5;? i, 0, 'T‘JLZ: _3- “11.11““ 54'1“": +£1.13? I‘m. +510 91,}: (if—iv of, 1911?, 311% 0'11'2‘f.:':1ut<‘3c1 511:1: :31;:1,r“y‘-;:;L 01: ‘.me 117m (13“ “.1113 Lexington
2:11;; 11:49» ‘11 Lizaiiivzinr ’Tum‘f'wjnr. r1111: of," 1.1m 11,2.1'2_!.":111»:L_‘711’s;- 3101?:,% 1.1:. 1111a 0211‘
of Giftlc, CHE (21" 754 1165961, an 111'.“E;':'?.z<:-.,,‘L {113221111111 if? 171394211
here's/1th 21:1":I'k'0cl "A" ‘."E‘Lia‘rvi $5161.»: L..-1».”; 11111111121“ of.” 1::11‘11 rttlc :11in the
price receive; 11:11.“ 2:51:10, 7T'1‘L::.:1 101219011. Ky. to Chufl'flnmi, 0. That
by tm‘e tnrnm of“ 1171's; (.:(‘fl'itrr—m’n 1.11.1311 the maid (_it1f’z-21'.;;é}1t (3";212‘11‘19113r, 15118
said Crumzirmy agreed by way of its canncctinp: 115.1113, tile 5:212 d, Louis—-
Ville 9» I‘Jexsuvrilffu Ra“ f! (10. M1 deliver the maid can." load of catfle
at (711101“,7r 13.1.. 0. That 1111:) Raina, car did not reach its: 41131111191011
until, the 111111 day of 004.1. thf-Tl H112 9121110 rzhrmld 11:-110 TB‘CI'lGd there
on the 101.11 day of the maid 110111.;1, and by reason of this: faf 111171»: of

 .. 5
the defenfiufifm, tnw said at? m? cv'fla a mid not Ln distSud 3f
until tho F0110w*yfi MONQ“V. Oct. 12, thu twelffin being andnv,
T110 _‘gflrflTnH iii." 5::.31'3 Mr P ma .,'j;;4“:.-11Li-‘w‘i [.r:‘-""‘v::‘*tv !‘. Pr East rm 14357"?ij
Cr“e3:1‘sr':*“:§’ Clcfili‘l‘wareci Mm 51:” 0“?” Mi: 1" {if-”'37“? ’5‘" 7'4“": r‘;()—d<3‘?011d€.nt,
f;11L? JJ(:11E r:\ri 1 7nd ,°- 11:15:}1\7?,3 7e: 3?z1i 7vyzai' fiC). . f t 1*“i11(3J1<:rr+ee:r', }<§r _ £4 3 (3i Tlt
:‘:: ‘.‘.';‘DTCII, ”‘,.u‘: :::}‘ML I‘Df’fiki (J finale", + (1'3“. (I. (2; 1' ‘.',”rw‘“ *JWTiR': Grieg: ‘rj!
fhc Loniwvi173 & HinnviiTH Ra“ xv Cmn':nv frum va*d point to C‘n-
0111an 131', O. i’]¢»1”?.3'fll '7 fi‘ :’:-1'31: + .,: ‘1 771' 3 m‘ *9:ng (;=-rra_1es:s~t?“ra'it'g em“;
NHgligenoe of fine anwWdens of figu mafia defong n1 einvwnian in +he
ti? :7‘;F§'='VC‘IT,EV,TJ'(n1 0‘5‘ «',:m’ 10:16. '5)?" off‘f‘nz t .i: 5': he: war-x 11r13mcr'f;5;:}ir;r1‘.7
delivea finicm gr r*iv iwevenaei fi”e MEHJE£4fF9 mxrnnsa in cureifig
1’01” Ski-:1 fuaeding" swig: (:::-r" (if «:.1: “Km, Wm +..1:»"r, Me, :::.‘i 2";5‘1' of (cattle
.'_Lrif'tni Turf, ‘31. wéfigjht.
The 3']:‘."‘?:1+,i.,;"?’ f'wrv‘mlw‘r (1"‘f'fi + 1;“ fire -:£.<'3‘r,7:23';c;i+."" n :'r (t ' ‘1 . fling; fir»? riff r3: “"‘-:.:
'*,3‘!“:3"ar:‘vr".\“{2'25}, ‘“K’f (‘1‘!th 01' ‘3': 9:5 (V‘Ht: ’.'?“5‘. ‘Ti‘iV'FL ::‘EICE. imloadfid
at Pr-rjffiéi, Ky. Tin: 716‘ I-‘ii‘f' wit“: *3. '3‘ ‘:"f' “vet-w"? 0‘1," "1:"? (31"?137’j‘17f""~?f3.‘?
and negligant acfa of era; 0? iha aw nnqamt nomvzniam in +hw fififlns—
portnfiimn of maifi or? load of aatfiln fine? 54» u:id da€cnd m+ c