xt73bk16mf8w_880 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Viola Noble, administratrix of Charles Noble, v. L&N text Viola Noble, administratrix of Charles Noble, v. L&N 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_73/Folder_4/13447.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_880 xt73bk16mf8w FORM l—Revised July, 1909 I


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F , I
.7.. 174
‘ April 8th, 1914.
Judge S. M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge:
I herewith enclose carbon copy of the deposition in the
case of Viola Noble, Administratrix vs. the L & H Railroad which I
had made at your request.
Yours truly,
flfi 7/ (V éééfi

 “w ' 121
:9 m -
u" ' ""’ ' ""”—W—’i’ 'iv" H 'fi‘i my
' - ‘ E.
' >1
. mmwm CIRCUIT Germ; ‘ E
, T;
'V'IOLA l‘EOBL‘rB, ALLIEIWEI 5323212 mm: 7:: §
OF CHE/LPELIZ-fi HOBIJEJ DECO?) 135%}33“ 39I4i'fi33'i.‘IFlL‘-7, ‘
. VS: ‘ DEPOSI‘L‘IOI‘IS IB‘OR .".‘-‘fol 'i’L‘IFF.
L, «5‘: N, Bill LEO AD 001:1?" .I.}iY, _DflD "
~> .-?”-.-mmm-0mm-a---° ‘
. The deposition of F. 3, Farmer takan at tan law offic?
—/ " ,,/ « - .— ,«
_ E . . N a” :%A- 1f/flo/fifflwzr/4, /2/;/
v of Byrd & Howard 1n Jucxson, Ermatnltt County, Kentuckyv‘purm , a
. ii
- - suant to noticq hereto filed, to L9 raad as avidéwce on baa EE
half of tha plaintiff on the trial of tha above styled causag K
, now manding in the Fayette Girauit Court, ‘%
‘The witness being first duly sworn geamoses as follows:
Q.l, Plaase state your namQ, ag@, TQSideflCQ and occumation? I
A. . My name is F; J. ’5'-.‘::rz‘nmr, age. 39 yams, I raside at, E
Jackson, Breatnitt County, Ky_, and am Chief Train Disu 3
' patcher. " .
Q.2. ‘How long have you béen Chief T? in Dispatcher? 1
, i
' ‘ A. Abogt four ymars. ' " L
Q 3, For what road are Jon Chief Train Diapatchér new, gr, . E
Farmer? .
. , . . . . "ii
A. It 13 called tne L. a E, Road_ , "
Q 4,. For what Railroad Company are you Train Diapatchar now?‘ X
1 . - , Ea
E - (Attornqy for defantant objects_to the E
v foregoing question, } ' .
. E E
E A. ' It is called the L. 8:, E Railnay. . E
1 1 ' . 1 . . . a , ' . . 'r
E Q 5, _ Are you Cnlef stpagcher now Ior tne L_ & N_ Ballroad _fi
: . , ' - ‘ z
. ’ E E a V ‘ _ . , V ‘- . v .j i . «5‘ :47; L..; Li'-
_ ‘ , v . E ' " ; . -'_ ; -> a . E ‘Agié’vaéx:yE-E«ELE'EF ., ::'éié§?§§§¥¥%§g5$éégt3:?fifi3;§0§%3g?*§£1-wflfiriiLR§155§33§§
.- . w ; . .. L _, “v? win“, >‘ 1

 2 I i 1‘ .
I“ “ ”22m
, .
U 031m (in y? ‘ .
A. It is 95.114311 this L, 3‘3: 1132.11"; 2y 6013111313137, 1 can‘t say
for sure it. is’t‘m L, 353:1; or L, a»; '
Q. {5, H0133 long Iii-Vt? yum 1.43121 Train 13.1 stoatc‘mr ifl the 1019.00. ,
you 00011303]?
A. 1 “31-2139 1100.31 13-3311 Dis-1731131314911 and 3311131" 13157;: tcha? 9113106 '
Saptmnbor 1905, ‘
- Q. 7, 3.131593% ‘33-”; 1° you located as ’i‘r'ain .‘DiSji‘JE.tCha-I‘ ‘ofifor-‘fi‘ you
_ came to Jackson”? ‘ .
I A. At quin QtOn, Ky, ' I
Q. 8., Who 93311010de you as Chief ’L‘rain Diapatchar?
' A. A, McDowell,
‘ 31 L), .3210 is :3 3. 31316230123911"? '
' A, ‘3’}, A, McDowell is now-.1 33131115133“? for 1,110. L, 3‘3; I”), 1312931175153
. Company, V
1 (1,. 10. 'Si'no maid you for your s'arvices during," the yrar 1913,
‘ ‘ . ass 33min Dispatcher? ,
' A. I was maid from the L, :8 N, Railroad way car, .
Q. 11.9.1110, during, that ymar was “chm L, 3:: 13‘, Pay 1;1.>i.:~tt'=>r or! .
'11'19 1., 2.3113, car? ' ‘
. ' A. :«3, L, Ryan a 'r-‘u‘r‘t of 3m tiarno'am 5,, B, ism-w since . ' ,
the. about L11“. 1.9.3“: of July or Augmst, I can't 'ranmm‘mr '
1531a:- uatq «336.52.01.13;
Q, 12, Then 1:}, L, Ryam was 135353111518 tar cm the may car from which
‘ I you umc‘aiv‘éd your may for tho: ygar 1913, from the 13,83; N_
may car“: up to July 13:13,, 1913, was “no of not? 3 ‘
‘ A. I think 30, up Imtii'July 1913_ .3
L3,. 13, Now, I will ask you, and ask you to _a1fso answer Finis y
q11¢€tion yes or no, During the month of June 1913
I for what Railroad Company was you Train Dispatcher? . V,
(2 ) y , _ . ’

 t l
& x -3“ I
, v , .
AA 303‘ t} ._4? L, (‘3: "5‘3, R:s.=:,i 3, (30111338. y, .
Q.l4, DUTIVQ the mouth of Jun? 1913 4e?9 Tom Chief Traiw
. Dietaficher it geniugton, Yenfiucky for the L. g n;
Boiiuo d mflfl do your wouk eve? the L, & H, Builyood?
A. I will have to any I don't kwow for Sure,
' {% 15, Rhat 1? your best judgment as to mhot demeany you were
working for ou?iu; the mouth of June 1913? '
{%,. 3,5,1; bash judgjgnfl'i; i, 8 B"‘.a?.t i 1.’; ‘f‘-'%:‘LS th‘”: 1:, . (“3,: if“, 3235-1 l'f.‘n’3-i.~.de
‘ Q 15. Ybu mean by that the L, & fl, Railroed domuony do you?
A: Yes air, that is whoa I mean,
Q 1?, Mr, Farmer who all five a'sociatdd oxtu you at Jackson,‘ I
' Ky,, as Disoatchers? .
A, 1 E, C, ng;s, 1, v, ;ruigm 3% :ud C, E, Yeary are wagglLT
Troifi Diaoctouers, H ‘I w~~w \
Q.18. Mr, Former were you acquainted with Cu rlie Noble?
& No sir, I never seen the men that I know of, .
. leQ, Do you know vhether or Not be fies working f0? any Railw  
road Gomoauy during the month of June 1913?
A. He was rooming on this liem along ohout that time, '
Q. 20, :J.h>z.t do you mean by this line?
V i A, It 15 known as the L, k T, *milflay, V
I Q 21. Did anything haooeh to him during'the month of June,1913? ,’
g He was killed, but I don't know the day or month he was
. ' killed, . '
Q,22, Where was he kilied?
‘ ' A. He was killed rear U,Z,
’ Q.23. 30w for is that from Jackson; and which way? '
. . A. I t ire. about 78 miles South of Jackson, .
. Q.24, How far is the road from Jacksou_to U, Z_ where Charlie
Noble waa Killed, :
(3) e
V , ' ' ' I ‘

 . 3 T 33
s x. *4 “ .
A. About $78 miles“ 1 V
Q.2§, flhen yns tho: lino of road built that ombraoos tho joint
Tast or Routh of Jackson whore Charlio Hohlo lost his
life? ' ,
1 A. it has Loon in Cootation :iwoo about Octn 1911; 1? my
best vocallootione 7' 1‘
Q.26, jhc built tho Toxd loom JLckson to EoRobarts tho terminus
of tho road, as I understand it?
A. I can't say oositivo who built tho road.
' q,fi7, Do you 23y that you don‘t kvow who built tho road from
Jackson to ficRobcrts, or who had it built?
A. i can‘t hoSitivoly say who built it,
Q,23, Vhat do you moan by tooitivtiy? '
- A. I I moan I don‘t knoé for onto,
Q.29, What is you? host improooiOfi, fir. EaTmtf?‘
A. Ky best imnwoosion is that the 1% & E, Railro d built itn
_ ’ (Attorney for dafmm ant objécts to the
_ foregoing fUQSfiiOfi and answer.) 3
Q.30, Now, you Know tho L_ &1 N, Raiiroad built that road don't
you? ‘
, (Attorney for the dofowdant objoots to ‘
tho quostiom,} ’
3 A. I don‘t know for sure. I , - 3
' q 31. To Say y0u don't know for SUTQ is fihat you would say
U that if you were asked if George Washington ovor lived,
you would aaflwor you didn't See him?
1 (Attornoy for dnfmwaflt objocts to tho fore-
5013’: ’_3; "guostion, } ' »
A. ' Well, no air it woold be that I didn't positiv¢ly know. 1 3 . 3
(4; ' 3 _ ‘ .

 I I
{1 J ‘5‘ ‘
Q 32, DonIt know mhat? .
A, The}? I (SUV-'1; 3110‘; EDT" 6311'1‘9, I, ‘Ix: LY. w I .irsnit LIT-“'!,O'I'J ¥
I uoSitnglj,
Q. 33, I valv=fl :;uu if _75u fieyth. 3010»; Jkufifi?
A, What is thn quastion that you 'ant aflswared?
% 34, I-vnflt fou to Léll m? if you ianifi know that fix? I. a E,
Railrcni built any vart of th3 word that ;mu have just
‘ $95???sz to, :‘1??.I,(,Y.11I‘iifrg:: thn. :'goywth of £13,1-“? 1913 if *::-Iu'éy I
didn't ofinrafio it and cafitrol it?
(Attornfiy for dafov:aflt objocts to tha
. EOTQQCIFQ question“) I
’ A. To tha hsst of my kncwladgé thfi L_ & N. Railroad did huild _
$3135; 17’, ':1?! ggmfi .‘3 I ”NI/"*5; {‘:i::,KM-"§".‘,_,Lt’::‘d.‘Ut‘y, ”Ch“, La :3 33:” 85211331 »
Q 35, what kind of Uniforms dogs Lhé Ccnductor 3nd Iortfirs wéar
. or tha PaaSQngr tTain of this Railroad, Tunnifig from
Laxington to-Icfiohmrfis? I
‘ . (REL yfiéy fa? defén amt GbJacts to the
' I qufifition.} ,
A All Of thosa ihat 1 hava w zicwd mrve buttons and caps '
Of Eh" L. '3; 33?. I
Q.36. Slate whefihflr or flat this was trufi daring the month of I
I Jung l913? I I
A I hava no kflO”lmdg9 of ;mat Uniforms warm Worfl at éflat fiimen
Q 37, Havm bhéy cmnn_ed their Unifcrma since June 1913?
A; I could not Say,
I I Q.38, Mr, Iarmer, as Treiw DiSpaachgr do you control thq?floven
I manta of this-3"‘zjgjnsers or: Lila, ‘rgad, 2m} did you during th‘?
I month of June 1913? _ 'g
f A. I control tha mov9mnnts of tfaiflfi. but ”0t of Enginaers I
_E altogethar, ' 3 ' I
(5) ' ‘ I

 r c K
+ 4 .gn .
Q.3§,Vhé Grdé?fid Inhrlié NQELQ an th? R3td ify 05 Jun: 1913, ta
01°?"fi4 His t?niw TS he did? . '
A AS 1 tfigambar. irstrucfiicws 79?“ iHSued ffiom thg chinf
‘ Trai: DiSFthhar at LQfliflgtOfie
. 1\L.3.~3;r cm
;k I Geuld not $ay mcsisivoly. '
Q.4l,”ill yen? r COTdS rt Laxiwgian Show?
I A; I 3,; not. ‘::}; nor-:12“ that it. wil 1° ‘
. j Q.42.Jid yen makn a TQCOTd nf thfi movnmafit of Trains 0n that
‘ 1 ritzy 1913‘? , . ' I ‘ I
I A. I could mat say for aurq that TQCQ?dS f0? ihat particular
' I i \ day was knbt; but racordg arm usually made for thosa things,
' % 43;Do you wwam to Say Mr. Farmer that on that fatéful ;ay you
' ‘. :a:&@ no record 0f {hat océmr?éd% . .
1% I soulfi not gay mosihively that I did or did Hot, > v
‘ QB44,Bui yam can.say neaitivmly th"t $01 did méka TQCOTQS of
I movomnntS of tTéihG ow oth5r days? .
I A. No sir, I could rot say positively that thq racords are
. made for all trains_ I > .-
Q,45.Till your racords ai Laiiflgton ShOU who dirnctéd the mo e~
mnhi of thfi train on which Chavlia fioblé was killéd, on the >
. day ho lost hia life? ‘ 1
A. Th? racords should snow who authorizad this train to Le run; ‘
1 Q.46.Vill you Snt fihat information ’rOm tha of ica and file @t. 1
i « . .
, - I . as ‘pwrt of yam? d9$oaitian, markad “A”? ‘
(pigo-rnay for dafCfl/Mm‘; Ubu‘DCtB ‘30 'th‘” ";'LAQS'tion , ‘
and states to th? WitnesS that hc donit have t5 flgvnish . ‘
. that record himself, unless he is the_pfistodiam of» the '
‘l ‘ ' records_) I 4‘ v’ I ' _ ‘ I a _
~’(6) . '
W " ’ - - ‘ ' .IV'. “ ? V ':’Qw aabfiKLgfl}g;fl*} ’.g~» u:,:;j fl;; g $6

 . ‘ ¢
+ J ...-'?.” 1
‘51L 1 don't know the whereabouts of these records_ j
, 1&14?, Who keeps them? ' _
A. The records are filed at Lexington,
Q-4Oa Over ot the Asylum or Where?
A. No certain place, They have been up stairs in the filing
room shove the Difinetoher‘s orfice. '
Q 49. Is that record orasorved and wow in Lexington that I sneakk
. Of? . .
A. i could not eay for sure that it is in Lexington. but no
_ record Wes noted to Jackson, . ,
Q 50. fine there a record made of that day's groceeding?
1 , . , (Jittsrrr‘vey for defendants objects to the foregoing
, question_} 7
A, , 1 could not say positively, but think there was. ' ‘
Q.§l, no you know 1hat Charlie Nobeeis train ids hauling the
day he was killed? .
' g A. 1y best recoilection is that he hauled a train of Commany
3 material from Jackson to some fiOth near U° Z, where it
' j _ one set off, then this train was run with‘sngine and Caboose
i to Mchobarte, which is the end of tht1 linea ‘ .
, E Q.52. For that ournoee? V
x/ A A. To bring the train of loads or empties which ever it maybe '
, ”f: i . from ndsohorte to Jackson: 1
a Q.53. Loads of what? ..‘
' in ‘ 5 A, Mostly coal, coal is about all that is being loaded at
% 'that point. . t '
( i Q.54, Anything else? I
i A. I ballets not, They said he had taken a load of the Coman- .
I . , niesa material up the road th‘t day~ _ -
é Q.95, What do you mean by the Com anie‘s material, I mean ‘
(7} 1 what is the material"? ,
i , , ,

 v 1 4 “5" 1 b
: A. -A3 I remember it was gTuVQl to be unloaded ow the line,
Q.56. try egnfi? .
A‘ This is known as seed and greVQl.
% 57, ”hat is ihat Sand and gravel» as vou indicate used for
on the line?
3 A. $0 a unloaded for Lailmstiwg ouroooes on too live of the - 1
Railroad_ .
Q.5e, Jhefe was the eonl goifig if you knew ghat day?
- (gttorney for defendant objects to fihe ’ _
question” [\I ‘
A, I could wot state oositively where it was going_
Q 5?, Give yoir heat imoeession?
. . A, 1y cast‘imoressiom 13 too: it was goifig £0 Go?y, Ihoiana.
a o 60. Who would koow that LT, Faemer, I anon who oouli kwow fl, ,
j where that ocel woo going? ‘1 l
A. The agent at hCRoberfis snoold be able to say where it
5.7st ‘ going, _
, / .
' g Q,6l, You know that do you? >
J ,
_11). He, should be able to Say ':=.r‘.:1r=,ra°
m 62, »Give his name ploase? . ' ,
. . \r"
/ A J_ 11, 5191211on ‘
Vex» Q 03, finere does the freight, coal, lumber and goods &C,y snipned
from this ecuntry and over these liege of Railrord go to?
' A. I could not say positively where it does go, but goes
’ 1 to Various poiflts. V .
Q-54. 33mg some of them? ‘ '
_ 1A. I could not say positive, but a great deal of coal goes
' i to Gary. 1nd,, Louiaville, Cincinnati and St. Louis, and
V donIgfilooo of any otheeugoints positively, ‘ i
(a!) ‘ ,_ 1 1 '
, . Q . ,.'

 + 4 “gm . u A
Q.65, ls twore anytAiflg slam shioood ova? tiis lino of Railroad '
that {5003 out 2731’ Eh“ Stat‘é?
Y A. There is quito a great deal of lumbor suionod from Quicksand
. it; Cincirmati, ”mi also Soul? f'1‘{;1111J€.C}<;530fl .::.fld. OLE/Pf Yaognta
ow tho lino, '
Q.66. How does this lumbor_:n& coal goiwg from st tions 31035
tho L° & R, gOt to Jifloinflati?
A, . It is usually roobfifi I“ 5.:; to fliwciwnafii, _ 4
- . Q.67, ”A? this goifigtmiwrdtkoso o ipoonts béifig n1d9 as indim
f catod during tho oath of Juno 1913?
‘ A.>‘ Yes sir, ’ l , ‘
Q.68. Xxx thoro any goods shioooi ova? the LB 5 , from Cin,.
I during tho ynar 1913, awd icomfmofiofiowts to dhibosburg and
. othé? ooihtfi_on'tho L,& fin? ‘
.m I could not say positively ihother there was or rmat, 1
Q.69, that is your boat imprqgsiom? _ ‘
A. My Last impression is.thoro vaé. . , ‘ ' 5
Q 70, Yas ohme a change made in the ngooato;}%§ tho L. & E. about
‘ _ tho lot., of Jaw, 1913? I I
A Yes sir,
' Y Q, '71, final; »:.ras them change Mr, Far-Hm??? ' _
I A. The char! J“ was :.‘lafi'q ;L‘fl thé ::‘zaflag‘né‘flt‘ lair. 1"?. A. l‘lZCLlQOWQll‘ S ,
I title vas changed to managér, awd thore was owe wan soot
. _ to tho L. & 3,, suoposed to ba From the L, & H. Railvay
' as assistant Train Mostor, _ l I
Q.72, Did lfie L_ & N, to yoogxioowledge assume entire control of ‘
_ the line of Railraod from Lexington fio Mekobérts, known .
- as L. & E. I maaw ~allod tho L_ & E. Sometimes, to the
, lst,. of Jan. 1913. . _V
(9) ' I. , '

 4 ¢ «lon 1 A
'\.. To YEW ‘Lsr‘rst 9;? my .‘::rvo :'lefo r‘ 6.1.17»;a
w ?3» Then if that in firms :he L' a no Wailvcyi Comfapj 3mg bgen
Op“?&fiiflg, cmwtrelling and mamsging bhw Lu a fin SiHCQ the
3.55": o'f'szu, 1913, 1.32:3 to $3145 'rwr’sav323'i: time, IL55 it Hot?
A. '
{..ry :'i'm: the (3.95m: .2311: <,».;3,_‘jr3x3bs the
A. I defi't know fer suVG, bah t:pt is my Lanvwifiion they have.
I 5% 74. That is thé inorm1t10fl fiofit gomnruily vflacivag iv this
coufitry,is it met?
A. _
(Abtufnéy for dafcw amt obgecta to the filéStiOfl.)
A. {55 giro -
. | Q» 1.7L)": 3‘3”"; 1631‘” L, ,1; T6 7‘";zr:ilifay k3C;.1:-‘;};I‘«J .7; J31; .1213; it (15‘1in1.
;L.":°@i;jfl"t from Luacrao’wms and slow Em 3.1m; thcz 3: 33 _
Railfoad Commany and tha K6 Cb Rail?@md at fiivchvster,fiy° , '
L .& YC$ sir_ '
Q.76, Aha was haulnd from thflré $0 what point during the 30a? ,
1.3113? - _ ’
' (gatornny fér.tha defflmmawt objacts to the
«igufissti on” ) . ‘
i. , I could not say‘for Sure to what noint it gong aftqr baing
(3511337913031 to thn. 3i. (3, DiViSicm at; i;‘j_mghmsmr_ ‘ ‘
. lQ-77: Thafi ifl.th9 15 & N, ther@ is it? ' .
A. Yss air, .
Q.75a Well.'that takes freight from this country to Cincinnati
GOQBXit Not? 3 \
Mi Cincihnati
A. Th5 line runs from gxmexxo to Winchoater.
I Q" 79: will you furnish this Sifiriograigha? as 6‘. part Of fj-C‘U'I' d9D0-9 ‘
' sition, markfid ”A", thé recofds in tha hands of th5 Railroad ,
. (10') - ~ _

 , _ 4 ’
* 4 =13.»
”‘,g;g~_u-;:;737 s guilt/1;; ’.;};n ;;:y'r’v“-,-;'=1"z’e:. .9; Liv" t"*.,;‘..‘“ '2;"1 “\"‘?,i 23:1 EEO-bl“?
lost Uifi lifQ,OF'Juflé ;3yi.. lELBE and zoo Qirzgtfid fifiosa
V‘ mov9mants?
. (A;to?fl@y fov‘dofnndart objfiofia to fihfi
QJGSiion,} - .
A I hrvo we reocrdfi 1? my woosoasion,at this tine-shofiing
tho movamdwta of tho t?fiiW Enforrod t0.
' Q 3C, 33% jou 50$ tham and MHTQ yo? 1 right t0 int Exam?
A: So far as 1 know all TQSQTfiH are at'lmxington; .
oral, V , .
' {Gouflfiol for dHfLWV'nt bar? Statég to th?
microwfi thrt he i% wot oomomllofl to fuonish Tacords,unless
E13 ‘géfiai~v¥1 to Jig .1;, if‘l 0 Eu 3 ”C": fionL 1y; ai=5 :n;%%uésoiqon_ ) .
. Q.81a 4'? yo; gofi tth-and hrvo you a rigfim to gob tham? '
h A. I balieve my answer is to do no in that case? a$ I have
PG rnoords ifl my nossossion. ' V . -
Q 82, The told you vhwt your anstor wag to »Q? » - .
A, No om '
- Q,of, 7nat made you say that you? EWSWQT was to b0 no?
A. 'As Judgfi PollaTd ivdicatod thqfi I ;as not ousoodian of
. fihe Tacords and ihafi 1 was wot compelled to got them,
_ Q.é4, Do you ohjact to gaiting m6 éwose ?@COTdB? if so. why?
' ' (Attornoy f0? dofowiawt objmcts ho tho question_ ‘
A. VF YQS~Sir. I objeot, as Judge Pollard says it is not Necessary
Q 85. Ha?Q you any control ovor your own mCVQm“fit’iFI$xiS Railroad ,
o ‘ matter? ‘
. (AttOTflqufUT dofmmuant objacts to the ambstiofl_
m Yes sir_ ' . .
. Q 86. Who oan figrnish m9 those rocords? . ‘
(11) ' . , ‘

 , .‘ b ?
” ‘i ~12“
,' \. A, Exiicfiwzeil 2115.773.ng Id; L“ $.13": 5:014 She’d, ‘:‘)" 2.?-'~‘ 1:": to fur— J .
3 wish thw racevds_ . .
K} 57. Ybu rafus¢ ta d0 it? .
(Kfibtornoy £0? éafcrLkznt :Kgfwrbc‘:s bhé grfistiofl_)
A” ‘fag si’ro ..
'.?.‘Z‘rib? 7311111 ’.I? '1; iff hm“ ,.".L::?"T“-i3 '.,.21‘3 217-91117“;- sjmfl 15':’.',».,K7‘xi‘1’1°2f ‘
..ta rhquire SO J, Harmer to wroduCG 2h“ meufd Zhnt ha made
7 a? $Qmm Of 115 DiSfiitmhflrs Sada EN3 1“; meWfitht 9f thrlie
‘ , Nebla‘s t?ain on tn“ flay he v33 kiilqd, rwd who infictad
his movamnfit_ ~ ' .
. Th6 afitarnev [OT iqfrniant sL't a tmnfi tha'flxam-
iwer ANS we flatwority to r“quire @233 vifirégs ta furnish ,
~thi$ f900Td TQfQT?Qd t0: ‘Hd abaufifl bn@.£x;miflfir aLtQmpt
. fix it tha courfi will iwatrumt Eh: witflags'tkvt ha 1% “Qt
;Tequirfid undar tha lrv to ebmy thé rule of th@ ord$ro
. Th9 Examiwar EWQWS of mo-lav which raquiwas
. ‘ & witness fié filW a bapér which he fleas not hoV9- in hisI
DOQSQSSiQfi, and 07%? :hich hm has we control.
Q, €58,- Did the freight train 301mg; over, the L. 1&7?” YETTI‘MQ ‘:~Jha.t kind
of stuff, du?ing tba yfiar 1913? _ ,
. A. V Coal, Lumbar, TiV-‘B and Lo gs. ‘ _
.Cross-éxamined by u_ H, Pollard atiorney
for dafowdaht. , , I ”. -
(2.1. Qj-IECEEO‘DQri‘IS was the terminus _of tha. L, {23:10. R"ii May at the '
tma Charlie Noble is said to 3195;?» been k:;.ll‘Ed‘r ’
‘ A. Yés sir.- , '-
‘ Q.2, Ybu weré askéd on diTéct exnmiwuiion if thq L, & E. didn't '
’ _ (12}. ‘ ' 3 1

 t J ‘ a
-13s ,
deliver freight to the L, a N” at winchester, consi;ned
from a moire or the L0 & E, to Cincinnatie I Jill ash
. you if the L, e;n_ did ~nd does now deliver freight to all
its connecting lines at the noints of anction vuich said
freight ;es consigned from the boint on the L, & E. to points
065 of its line?
ii Yes air, freight Was delivered at all m junctions tcints
I to liftersvt lines,
so: ‘ ':“ coir: M ‘
Q,l, I will ask you if the fire: ht yvu sneak of is shinnsd direct—
ly iron Kcfioherts and noints on the L” d’fe Railway to .
, Jin, shale? ‘ '
A. I could not say nositite to Xhht points freight would go
'when delivered at other points, exceot to the L, a N, at
g q,2, I will ask you if the coal is not shinned direct from has
/' and
1‘ .Roherts tn Vhitesburg , and oointe on this road direct to
} Cin_?
} .L COGI is shiyrad direct from McRoherts to Cin., but I don't
X recall any cos; being ShiQfiQd from Initeshurg, '
Q~3. ias that car of coal that was shirned to Cin_, chic from '1
: U, %, hya, or hchoberts, Ky,, world it be unloaded’hetween>
E those points and Cincinnati? ,
X A, to Bi 1:, ‘ . /
. ‘ - ’ Signature of witness waived, '
Also the deposition of H. V. Craigmyle taken '-
at the same time and place under Said ~ctica, to be read
' as evidence on behalf of the plaintiff in the stove styled'v
‘ oase_ ' . ‘
(13') ' '

 ‘ i
s a
70212123 (.2.1,qu w 23:‘-2172- 5;, ,.., ,7,, l. ”(.,,,fo ,:,, 2. ,.,,3 _o - .,
.2. ~- ~.,}. by .- \ 0,124 L}. .‘..‘.12‘? 21...; J 32.2.)L22 \J‘I'3f50733.-5 €118 .2C2LlO-;VB:
42. l, 'L" 2221:2223, 2:33., residence arid 00022232113107}?
3 W229 123 "V“. 23222-221 2322:2213. 22.2222 ;7 322232.222: 2:1-:2.. 1 222-2222212:
22ft 22111032230121, 3'0-3212321‘2'7: 230-2232233332, 2".2312'222:c2(;y', 0223. 2:.: 71:20:11.?
”,’.: :.v 9.1.. fl 2 ‘
.J_. 2. 22.063123 I’,,
Q. 2.”, Sic-"‘2 123722;; ’ you 3 1'325:i‘22‘1 Dis';:'2-2L2312.231° 2722:? 3.70:3 L“ 3: "2'3.
”Z 5.1309232. '30::3'35-22‘23’? '
A: 1 2;.-22233. B23322 is: 23122.12,- 12:2 25.2.1021 2'; “2:3/2232323- 332,122.23,
2;.. 3, How long; 121:»: * :22: '::-3322 3:.-2:322: '::222222'2 Di8'02-2,"2;.2:i‘:'123‘2“:
GL. 25.22252 on f or: "L":- :2 swam,
Q, 2%, "“2223'r23 '..-231023723 “3’2. 012‘: tits-..’; 21131302221?
A, 1.22-1.23 3'.-22th:. 3 82:23:20,110? 2:22, 1322233123, 2.2223, 22:23 LI‘€&.nSf53-T"C@C1 from
'thn "2", Mixision to 2:22:92 L, 2'3, MiViSizm,
Q. 5, _ How 3.23.220“ ;;22:»22. 2:22-33:22 2.’: 202,31: £231. 22223 ';71'2'22: :3“ 20': film ,
~ .54. 2.3;) 2‘1"ch ' . ’
.232. 321.2193 .;:-m, lat, 19g, _ .
Q. 2), ifkaifiimgf that "(.2:-21°. 222122231323. 31,22,203 ,~./01,2. EJ232320 loaded?
A. ' 1.203221722300223 2222) 2.2::-til. 3:21.32: 9thron 2:21-23 day I came to Jackson.
- ,._.“ww~u..-—---u-~-~f w-” .. .,.. ...W. .. .
’7 .2 . “.~. . 4‘ 5- ‘2 r. - 2" - . .22. -. ,. .Z‘. — ...,. . .: ,
DU 7, 2222.373 you. b09221 230..-;,22.g232f2 .20.? 2,112.22, 230222292205: 2..-22:22:31.3.3aohn2g
0,222.22 act-ing as 73130225230032.2333 ‘7"?9'E'2Fi71C2‘E 7022. 2.227.219 to 21.222723252223372.
12132,. .2132. 2.3022253222321222 ‘5
' . 2‘2. 2'33 5311‘. ‘9‘9’2‘2‘73812'233 1 11.27.3223 "2:233:22 “023129
.. -, - . . ., _
Q, '0‘, ”1222191“; were you. 320316.ng as Train Di 21320222311233“ 3113022. 2.331 "23722223,
. f '
I v- A
‘ month of June 1913‘: .
I. I .
A. At Macirg'ton, 11y. . '
. .,..-_.__2.,......_...._._ ma
Q. 92. "are 3,502: acquaiflt‘é‘d 2221 th Charlie Noble?
A. ' 'No 2311'.
. . . , ,5. ,_,.j . .
Q. lo, Dld you on the 23rd day .92 2222.222: {512m him 0222323132: or dlrectlon
as to his; 2.2:ovem23nts 022: 32.115 ’;rai‘fl an that day“?
A. No 81 r. . . .
" ,., 2 .2 , [2.; _ .~. _. ‘. 2,2“? . '2 — 2 " 2 1 2- z

 . ‘ ‘ P
4 .3
, J
(3.1.11, -10 you know who did it! .::.I-sgg' mm? 1
5 N0 $11”, I Jiit‘nfl’azo
’15. L81, Vibe m'J dzi‘izjrr if: Sac-J J.‘—'.zfi’434‘1711002'l C‘JJ :3;-J : -.L :.;.J :=1.' June 1913
.; ye Train DiswatmheT?
A 17“ Um 1535318.
Q=1SI ”Quid n0 kvow MT. urnigmyle Who gave EA” Q?1“T$ on that day?
A. II um 3.53. z'Jia‘i: :21-ray, . ’ . .
, I‘ Q. Li, If .‘qu ;gaV’J-J €351"; O'I"J1”"J38, 8101.1 7.. iii" .1'”- 0'6! 23:1”: {;'.-FEW a)? net?
V A.. 3217' 21+“: J,_;JBIJ’IJQ UIZPFZII I Stunts”? he .,JQJJ, Ari” I. ‘
_ {,1. 1.:-5,1an MC 1"” 23.2”}; body “in: LC: J':i”==“=‘“«‘ Shari-J. QC- .JEJiI'II‘i
g“, . 3:1? “sire ’3;? Di Bf:>a-.;‘bc}IJ=1’-‘, tic-51$ is: "Mat. many nail tirm “Stick
_ . 5’33;EJ}¢:—2.*';:<3;JIJ-J2‘Js, 3m”: riot bum firm-19¢: I, ‘.Jou 3.2% not know. A
0,. 1'55. 7731‘? ’J.-"‘KJ'IH‘? «:s.:./J§/"J;;=c-=.i},r (133$ to give I“ oz’vaiJJ‘m eJ’ ;‘If‘j T3'c':i.~r“/xi lji ,',-”.7 i)?"- I.;‘-...: ‘:"w’xésf? ".’-(31":1‘
yet»; '."'".I’ "furl-’."”: ~ ' ‘ '
A. I (.2073? "; 7: T0"? “i‘:2. lczi 5, a" “:3. .»"ifilfi.
A; "Hf ~=. u .I. 1 ,... . _.. ..,‘,.,_ .L .\ .“. _n .1» ,. .~.”, - 3 '
‘ a. J, H L; 3 .1. an; 0.: 192;. warjht tu'zsrat. LL? ;..r “"3“
' _ '.»7. Matt: 0L. Sci-ll r.. 0. f; 1.1 0:1- 07. t 2".1’2‘ r6351
.I‘. "7 r '
1 31.“: 5
A. lat) 51.13, I. ”(291% ‘ ‘
r "7,; "_ (...,. .;, ., . ,‘.:" ». ~‘,” mg . . ‘ " ‘ " I
- 3 as. by...” H 3,233. g 14."? t:. I: or 2‘; Lady 7524-? mu. 1.2.71 30: .L. lum‘aez'. .
..- - ." «:~», « m,- ‘.-.,. r. A: ’n
{30.313 of 11x! ‘ '.. 232.1:2: 5 2a.)" LDC“?
‘ ."‘ .‘ r . .A . L .
.3,. 3::-’.‘- Fhf. "I. 4.23.177: 0 L £323.31”.
0 ;77 val-gm; m +1», .»,+ "‘:’DW’5'h ‘ ,3 - ,4 “,.,-Y. @313 .- «w 2 .: \.‘... . .. .2. ; 1'2 :-
u‘ ~— ' AA . .... “I v..u.. u 1,... _, u; u. ‘1‘ 'aL‘. ~ ‘ .'."y L; L ::.L L ‘ VVisit: .'I! L; I.'/;...» 1,15),an
.. .. ... .. ... ‘ .~‘ .,L '
,_yOu. > 9 P" 19L; .. w? {1'4“ .
..1“ .::-40 312-: »
0 ., . . .'
'35" . 1 r5... . , _ .. .~., . a
Q: («3. Ana $0 ;..? 6.3 .‘./Cu r2330“! f'C ‘».- :‘f2’...;.:*8 ”S“: 0W4 17:01-10. over
.,,‘r. A ‘41.: ._., _ . .1.. ,,,. .x - . .'. .... ‘ "z .. 2. v.» ..: r-
. ml 0... Jar-L1 were? :..-..:.L :3 Must..- .whwr mum .~‘ 1. :10- mc-sw 311 01 ..?me
x - . \._ ,.. .. \ . .. . ' . ‘ "
A" {5353 811”, t'le?"‘f 'v‘f“‘T"" Lf‘r’xlnt‘i ’77":'¢53@Q giver ”531's 3'*(_'.;'.3,.‘:1
' O
a ”,'.'“. '.' .~. . man“ u ... : . . ' *
(.I,. a. :_: , ahat ~15? {”3 t u" 5} 111.2,]; 1._; :’i 51.,“ '
‘I , > r», I -L- 4v. ,. .,, .'7? ..5 21,433.} 33:33. 3.7 ' .- '1 "- ' . 3 p w '....«3. ,» ~'~ “ .» .3
. ..3. I x. . J V J .r.‘ ‘ ;.....41/35, .”‘ may“ L; n:- .._2 .: J10?)
A. ,. , -— L .; . .r-MmV ...1 N . n
and. .L coo. 1d not 339 mu ¢.;w~1,ni:_-.S ’:.Tmy 0:.an :m_
‘ ‘~‘ ~ ‘ '1‘ ,. ' . .... . . .1: ~ .: ,. ‘I ‘
QL 3L. 31.x any comaa 2.:. or ..3.-,0 01.; 3 «mum. Mat montn’:
n —- ‘ ' 4‘ '~- ' ..~e >9 ‘ , . —. ' .. '. , . ‘ .‘. I
A. in :2 511* mm: \.' h rm x 1‘33. ht L.:-1.11:3 r: ::.er O @170 ~.~,, ..:»v
. ’ L ‘ ., I. ..J ..J.
‘ --_~1 .3. “ 3. .:. .. ~‘. L I. '5 ‘ 2- .
Q‘ 31, .:.); g Nagy (.;,: mag: mow tn 1.013”: .
. .
A. ‘:’as 9.11":
. D I
7.7. ..:-..L “..7 -* . .. :
Q, 32, .;mw; mug ..: gob; J.., tnfiy all ha). i?
_ . ‘ . - l .
, .
‘ - 2' "Z V > . V ' ' v' . . .VW . v - 'l. : . , .».. ' 1‘;-«1 film','~ " 7-Y

 1 .n
4; .1
..’?"i, ..
.L f ‘ -
(Attornay for 1319;?«11atir-er: 0133.3 @0133 to the foray-going;
. "» '
qusfistlmg ;
A. ' I. care? L 1*le 271-63: 70111131 Friml, 6.1-?1131 '."rw't w" "-'c:2:lr}.
3:51;}.ch GUIV’L'LNQ' myt,» of these 21011911753. '
' ’W . ._..1 4.1,“ .
Q 39), ':,-:L_».‘v_i, 199:: L.5.L.z"&‘s
A. iusaz‘bar m1 0012,35. the”; :23 mom; 3.1.7; thy-1'2; 3: 14.nov,! 05151-9 out,
I} '31? Wig-w," ”7179. .3 1£@*:\¢3 ‘-" 5) ¢ 1 ».» ”(,3 .1 4- “a”, ‘A ‘ WM .1. c‘
'1;/._. 3"" HJ‘« ‘-=J-v.f'»» 2333 , Lnly 3L}."WO '1 {a L9 5.2% j;;‘J:l.,x’—;Li; 90.’
L - 12.711“ f gra-7V1; ‘rxoifits, .
£3,351, fé~!‘?1'a1=2 920mm. en" the maints‘i _
A. I coal-"Ti >131; 1'1 11‘ “2273-" 0.? the: noi'fi‘zs, I 1’41??? 103; tle.“ Mast
. . id?a 0:: were tin-“g; go, find immense 1 seam may" attending to
my buasirfisss, and don’t harm 'igia»,*;~'=: be ‘m meticing ita ‘
(3,, 36), Add :my of at”! 319129- L’iinoirmnti‘é .
A. Not ickrtgfg .7. 311m 0w of”. ‘ .
Q, 37, Did any go to indiaz'va?
. A, _ .310"; try“: I 21:21 am of: ' .
Q,“ 36, Did em! 5313 to. Lfixirng‘tozn?
a 'l
' A. - I Gauld 7'”) it say, ‘ _
Q, 5'2» 313-0 'as ”@273 myiflg you til/1:30.11 gin the 1:1 1913 for} your
' 1’10 I‘ki‘:
A. Th9 33.11.?C1isal3. ajgiél'aj’ly' I
Q) 4Q. "Thai 'Flfi l'z’oafz (30271371fi173y? V ‘
. A. “all, I aim” t 34.novzr, 1L 1;; :3./ya. COKW'EJ‘ly ‘tl’xzi‘i 1 mm working,
.- L.., "a .,.”,J. . n .L ‘ ,9 .L“. ,,,, ,3 ;.‘V "‘ ,V " ‘ .4 "k; ",_' ".
, 'fos, .L 5:; may f!:i:‘1"'3j .1. may meme; 1.1mm farm L_ a»: ye, 32.11.510.33
_ Q. 41. have you baen-grétting your money that we3, all through the.
- .' > War 193-311? .
A. From the? “may :31. ,
m « , ‘.. ., » I
- Q. 44, perm can“: -
A. Yes» Sir, ,» way, but I don't knew 15:11-217r10r it 7.15.5,th0» same
car or m>t_ . _
\ ' I
(17) '
L '. I V ' ‘
, L ‘ ’ L ' 1- -' '. .:.L’L
» . ’ ‘ .' , , L ‘ ., .',~:-. » ' -, » s . , v, .._:1 J,.»L»..n‘ 1);};

 5 f‘
:3 g (l .
!'3 L". . . . r .. ‘ I ‘
(3,. ‘23, 22.15“: 95:01.21“: 2x25: .1. 2102:“:
.“L. 2" in: ';-:.:=r.:
0 q“; ‘3‘“: .‘....i T!" '.‘”... «.::':‘ymrm :(-}'3 .,,. .(_. ”’..'.‘: ""'"V‘T .- l. ‘“.; ,, - 4. ,., ’1 .
Q , ‘.,. -. , .,--2.., J 00 5.22:2»«22- 012.. 0'2; ”52:23.8
Pf\‘.2y'! " 'N‘ .'— 5":',’\~'-"r'\ -\‘2j‘:.‘e‘4’-* 1'5: , ".‘. 4. "w; , A w ~ nwa ”'11 .11., ~ 1'2 ‘ -
-... “T..“ l .2 cm L- ~L L2...” .:-.LJLLOHA ~.‘L;3:-’I.-1.. 1:11.5212.-.=.:5;0<.2"‘rfi.‘3
L"? '.‘2. 2.3:.sftl'r
. l: :1. firm? 2W! 1‘1““
., L‘..
5, :11?;
‘9" '.I.
2".:(‘.'""-‘.,.‘:-' r5. ' '* 5-1 1* -.. ~ r *2 - ":21
'4 .thD -:.: ”.‘2. . :.:-i -.'T U. J'Lo J.'!” J.‘..e \.'.J 1‘". .'_‘i ..'. f
,.f‘yU.’ ‘ 2:".5-12 >
_. ..J 22 , .....1 .E.“
(T. r321 (3 2;.3\‘,;,..:._2 . .'." +1., : ‘2'. ~ _ - " - .. 2
.5. l, :1: .1 -..22..n'zs_ m. ...2.“ .L., 3: :2.... 2%:-23.1. :2:-,2 23: 31.2.2516. 2.913, ware '
—‘—J2“>-1~fi7'=j-3:'I‘;20?"2 ‘ ‘G’Wt3 var-a #2351513? ruvfi': . .
\ ’2': :. (.‘.-.'. .,....“ 25". 1 ; ..-, ..2 ; .7 '7. u A” - ' ‘ ‘ ‘
.222..-» 4 11‘0le AM. 2.:: WM, ~321me s 231%". -‘term’éantw
'm ,...: .', ' ’2.. ., .,, ’ 4" ,\-.' " .. .., 'r ._ 'I - ‘5
L mums, $202230» 1&2 a}; .1..1-.3222 m.i>r:2_,r'w,rtcvr: .:sz 103 frgm
ijuIiomr‘tm - '
m .. - 1 w, ‘ . “_._, -. ,- 2 w . 1 .~ .'
Q ,z. {0121? S ti“.=.2.s..~'9 ,2).?.S'-"2=¢;:,:3511‘T 12:32-62 3"vO'£§fll?’?3‘ to 53."? 27%,}:
'1..- ’ ‘ : ...,.. .1... .1‘2 .J - .‘..g. .. '.. - _.= 1» ‘ ‘
_ (2.21.1...2252. 1../n74 ”Olga. oz: :2::21-».:.3:12.:I-g; it?
A. No 512111,
'3 ;