xt73bk16mf8w_889 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Right of clerk to charge for copying petitions (correspondence) text Right of clerk to charge for copying petitions (correspondence) 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_74/Folder_7/51w14_74_7__021018.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_889 xt73bk16mf8w ‘l
Afiurnvng at A4531); , , ,
HAZA;D KY Aprll b’ ly'L‘r)’
J// /(,J .‘
/‘/ 7 1.5 “
gr. :4 1;. Wilsorg
Lexington, Ly.
Dear Sir:

Yours oi the 0th enclssing letter and excerpts
from letter of Ar. 0.x. hoorman, relative to right of
clerk to charge :or copying petitions, received and n ted.

ver; truly yours,
”fl . A,” 4 ,

a ‘- ..'..
-- —.~ ..7 r
.1 ' » _';O
i - 14‘ — H.4- -, .4. I.II
. sot-t on 63:; I.IoIgen, m-IoIney-s an 1.7m,
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.I 411mm 13637.01? Imam 101.11 x: we Fm 1113:3335 “114.3” pecunefi
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af,27.::w3'4.1;I':, (74:37:12 13.3972? -, {3 .‘1:1;i.-i‘15-.= I ‘w: .”I"; .1. 7 7.77. ~vc-n;«v :.:;IIBIJ‘Ice
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A) , / ’/' / ,_
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WAR/NU -\//////7/('Af ,i4/////' f / f//// / /////’// ///// ////// //////
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/I}Ilf/,) / _/mzrv/H///, < ,/(v///.////////,/’/, “pr 11 5tn,l9lo.
,., / (firw/[rr/wnh/(UH. ’ /
m. :3. 1;, :;ilson, W e 7
Counsel, 3. e 3. H. 30.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear dirz—
Referring to years of April Tnc enclosing bills of
Lee Daniel, Clerk, Perry Circuit Cenrt, cov~ring fees clui ed to
fie fine by the 1., H. R. :0. I have passefi nocificd bills for
I agree with you that LI. hordan is in er or when
he says the Clerk has the right to make coyies of petitions one
, charge therefor. any party in interest certainly ha. {to Tigit
to obtain access to ;1cedings and naie such extracts, mencrenda
or copies as he may desire. In every femincky jurisfiiction on
fhe 1. E L. L, 3:. lical attorneys :ake cepy 3f petitions for their
file and at ‘?c sane time provide carhfin copy fer the use of this
;“ ~1Tice. SW far as I am anised no Dire it Clerk in this Lfete
;' 1:88 cvcr .h13iuted ilnat fie ifiuwiishing of Sibfi cepies is ozma of his
2 precyaiives.
\ - ,
\\\\N , Tie 37: tiwzly,
, 17%
(/&"/1 J".- " ’ 2’“ ‘t-c' .//
nSSistant wistrict‘n? ciney:

 ‘ 5; $5.1 9., 1’75.
‘.Lesers. L’iootton .5; :.Zorg:m,
E; ‘Cifiji'b? , 51:].
, :’.ei’erringj; to the bxich of QOStt Sills which were sent me in
the latter part of Junurziw, 1‘17, and t your sv"v«'~>.ral letters of 32011.
22, J.‘»‘IV‘, rcolyinfr to a series 033 let‘mrs I wrote you on 17‘n71,:1r:* jO,
l'illf-S, in reference to these bills, I cell 3,7 ur extent?“ on to the fast
1. tier-Lt Certain oi’ the miners in 5:; 2618 ire still {relicient in the
nurti ‘ _‘II'S notofi below -- ,
/ In the come oi JerWellnhen, 11311'. t. i,- » 1 Zuni”,
I nave heel; I’urnisthw’ no VOL; 0:" the jetition. Unis is; innisymansciz'ele.
11‘. the jfrvlldtzsingf Gil-’”:}E}, I note from your lett rs than;
corxi s oi‘ the Jutigjmrints have been sent to ..ouisvil: '1, but Zi/‘ou have
not :i‘inniehed tie idly so}; ‘.';1’1:=.tevor of the 3etitions, to-xuit;
1 ~ ‘\ < I}. .1.?berts v. ‘1 -.~ "43 E?:;,»‘.Co. "1315. Jones—Zi‘ravis Co. "
.,"“ Henry V'rnneie v. .« a; 32 3.3.00. W
‘/ In the i‘olloaing cases, you have not: furnished :ie, en: ru—
quoeted in :11; letter or J,~'2mizaz:y 120, 1‘1? , :zng; co of the final
L11-V r or: Juvgvnent, t o-xx‘it : ,1
‘~ _ ;s / - ’ «
“(X L‘ ,1 Henry C‘iilgll‘, l v. I»; ,"‘,}i;$....;.).,ete. , _ 4 <
“ts/~.: . '," ' lfexvton Somme” ’.'; '.lif.‘.;t)., oteffi7 ‘
7? , Jones '27. (2;). ire-ell .. 1 , _. E):'.\31.:.,:':te.= '11 Va”, _._
=\\ > J t j .
In thx t’ollotin-‘t (3;-Leer), :r.)u :;s to not i'urnisthw‘: xte, as
:7),'1_‘Fttt)ioit‘{_) re 312621‘11'J'M7' "my on; 01 th “otixiirru.” )3? 11.11;, a.) oi‘ the
iinnl efl‘TT'er or Jun: 111111;, to—mit:
, § ‘ '
\ {(1) 3. .‘.’/49‘1‘: V. ':J p; ' A ,.‘-:1.). V
(:7) J. 34415112011 v. 3 “3:14:19. V“
’ / 4g? \(2) 52.9311pr v. i; J.- E? 3;;‘4.Co. w
F? (4) Brysmt 1.ri“i";'z‘:);’ ‘.I .Q ', 213.01). V?
/ i (‘3) 4. r1. ifuuinrfi‘n’, _T ’11,; .00. V
' (S) .I'-Albert he kinst I I ._;*.U.J.‘/ ,,
'7 :.i-C it‘ll If?” e a?) .Co. ‘/ 1m» ””’“ a; 2, _
(s) '1 1?: .1 L. T, :3). v.l,afii _n‘utswte.\f ’. < ~. ‘ 1.;_ 5
\i C.“ ."ifl .’.} .13 ,, 5 ; a', ’L./)1, i
is isltfgj:e:‘:t§:)d in if letter tn you 01" Jm‘uarg '0, l’i-IC, arr
I have no oi‘fioe e of mg,“ 01" thwrve petitions {hf-tn ior, it will
be an deco ‘:xiofiution to me, if, is; sending caries, gnu E‘cilvfi thera in
du~li;;::te, “o thgt I may rot.i:1 one 1,: )1 :for "1._" files #116 ..‘ormuwfi
the other 12:09:." to the» Louisville oilice, athnuhm" L"; the '31 ”3152’? bill
of eo'ts. I hrve also her 1:);- ogo for i *::: t ‘_e :1:*t4»', out the;
my be Of'litt-‘C.
U- on I'Difaiylt 01' t}; pun-us 5511135113. ior, I ‘11-ill f"ah.:t,i31 the“: to
the other avert! in Er n. and 1’01'152, to '1 INTVIITC‘ for satienticm.
I Y'1ight NICK/that in those emf-":‘:: :':}mro thr- eaigxers have been

 &Jw2 4/2/15 '
completed, in accordance with th~ requirémefits of the Louisville
oAiioe, I have iarmnrded same to “r. goornan, with thv requcnt that
voucher vrk. issue without delay.
Thanking you for your on eful attention to the above at
your CJAVOflanCB, I am,
Very truly yours,
00131701. A;
I am asking hr. Ba 191, the Glurk, to co~Operute with gnu in
getting up the necereury yapurs.
1’ ,1: £3,330.

 . V , Avril 7, lWlS.
Lee linicl, Es;., I
» Clerk, “err, Circuit Court,
Hazard, Kentucky.‘ .;,,
Dear Sir: I h '
~I have been triing to ch 2L0 capers up in etch nimpc we will
murrunt the isfluing oi vctcne s to you in :aydagt or tn. id c0“t bills,
which you rondered against the J a i and n J U in the month of Jal-
13*‘3.‘3,', lélf‘t. 1 {,2. {loan}? 1’07."w3.mj11;: ’Cc Ennis-Ti 16: 1‘01‘ attention about
a Eczen oi the bills you have tvnberc5. Shore remain, Lctcvcr, a
dozr-n or more in which the ncce:‘-fi:f%:;; papers are still liking.
I have just written ficotton & yorgxn on the subject unc tsPo occasion
to rgitc you this n rsonal lctisr to 3“k that you co-o: rute thh
“cation 5?; 11033311 in Vetting: tn" 1tu=' t}u;t thi] Tllttw‘r
is recrviviig" (Hie fittfifiitjllfl 'rt it' h 3; z.
25%.“: kind rrtgrxz's? '.1, I '1‘},
V017; t r1113 J11.“ s ,

 ‘ April '9, 1915.

C. h. hocrman, Bs1., .
beiziaville, :13].
Bear Jir: } . 't,

horemith, please note copy of a letter of Jarch 2?, IQI?, irom
wootton é ficrgan, in reference to cert in bills rentered by Leo Inmicl
Clerk of the Perry Circuit Court, icr ;aking co iws of Petitions or
other oleasings for the Comnang. the of the bills is for a total of
v I f‘ ..’- m. 7 3 V 1 .. , - 7 . . i ,, ' ~'. r' f .‘ ,'.’ ..
913.00, 0; which all Is i0; conica ascent tho itwms 01 .30; each for
tarcs on suite. The other bill in for a not tozml of j2”.OO. which
ix for copies of Petitions, inclusivelg.

These bills were sent me by 'cotton a ”organ some two
months ago and, not beingr ‘».:il"in>:‘ to w, .:“ov-rr th-m, I . {turn/rt than
fior investigation. of course, uh re th' Jlrrk is cellcfl ugon to
make copies or :urnish us atzest d or certiiied co ins, he is "n—
titled to charg: therefor. Eut where the legal attorney deeire. to
make and does in fact Nuke his own comics, I do not think the Clark
is wntitlcfi to make any charge, unless he in nuk“« to attest or
certify the sen eh.

I have not got a UIOVRF the 0n31038d bill-, but, if you
think it prover to pay them, under the circumntances, I will 23k
that that he done.

I ca'l your particul r attention to the ininfir; mwfie of
ue by lootton g horgan as to whether the clerk has not chw right to
more these copies air} it us accord11773.,17. You ..'117. not:- i‘urth' r
the excrwasion of oninion on the part 0:" cotton 3 Morgan that this
i" tru . I do not agree Lith this View at all, as I believe, under
supervision ant control of the Clerk, any part? in interest in a
suit or his event or atto neg our a uerf at Ll ht to obtain access
to pleadings and to nuke such CLLIZOZS, no.0ranca or co iea as
he may desire. noyever, I roulfi like to hwve 1h: bone if of your
views on this poi t before I undertigc to arvime Hootton 3 Morgan.

If you acxrovc the enclorcc hills, kinél, issue voucher
for 941.00 in full of Some, in ;2vor of ice lmliel, Jlerk of “err:
Circuit Court, and oblige,

Yours truLy,
,.. -¢l

.5, f 1 I
5 at. : .
'f .5 ‘
.. “y,
. a --
- .,-nrtu‘vs at ‘Lam
Hazard, 1:011i7u0kv, march 3:3, 191;).
lir. Jamiel 1... ‘ilsen,
Lexineton, nontucxy.
near 311‘:
ale enclosing; you herewith two bills Zi.“{.il‘€3t the,
if It -1‘ C0., infused us“,- ‘or; Lee ..::niel, Peri-r, Kerry Jircuit -_;r";:irt.
.e have carei‘u" y 375102115261 bot}: oi these bills. '..‘?1e ”mill for
:1:..30, 5,? have and yea, 5.1.0 JrC'I'. t o 0111 i:.r .1,_,~.,;_., . .../e
(10L'10t0d ,,531’).30, leaving: bulging-e, oi 39.).00, this}; "re 7:0ch
5.1.30 arvz‘rovcd. ..‘e 1': re 3036:1315: them hills subject to ;itg'nr
aver-37.51 also.

I1". this: connection we will 5::-;77 that our 1.1'. ' 3255-1557;
iii-arias us tirzfzt $01.5? tine also ._r. $110th and ‘r;i:'5:%a‘:i‘ 55.11175" orized
the 37.01"}: to make e necessary imir .:Ul‘ies oi =27" mtitionz: filed
if Dis lonrt 5"“5212171' “we _.1ii‘1ré5d 1, '..5,5:,:.:,-', 31:2“. in done,

~ . . . .,.“: , . ‘ _. , 5, .- _. .. \ 1,.. AWL-47 -.;: -_
11:55:51-1? attested :JwI‘lC'TJ, .52 1.:, r (.1451, ’..‘.Lb-i'ha i :53
“aid :W'Wr so think, :1:: per 1710 enclose: bills. .531 e5 :27: case by
1'.":"11331179 have Mace? 3111‘ "le7”, .._r. _.53.:-iel :.mo :17‘11' 211e, mad gen -
5 ' * - ' .. .:' " J -. ...‘ <~v‘ ". ~— 15,... . ,... ‘.‘.‘. . ‘.1 4“,. '
leg 0: the “Tetl‘thL. ..1 Law, ..ill .5, ....uefai, LI; 1 ..;]. L1..]_S
':.“:rk 715:: been {line if; 3:137 ':i'iice, 1115*; ":9 have (.'..'/113575.. :1:). ...~‘:.ie]_
: '5 ‘ ' ‘ . 41 45 “r. 45‘ M- ma ‘7 +1 4'. A. .
trat rte will not ob- ""'.‘QCMEK .o 0-.» this ”112511;. ..-e -n_..1:e.
’ 5vrr» " SJ 'l '"'r ’5 A ‘ -.v - «t- briy -' 5‘ . 7 .’V -' '4 +53 ‘1. n ~.7 ‘,~< ’.’ j" “‘:., p ‘.'-ijv-I‘t
.0 u/\JU..'U -an .‘..23 5L1 -0 (.‘.qubf‘. \IL) .111 u.’..C .; ~-l.1 .1., i. L. L... .,, ..
\ __. 3.4 - 1 . -.__. 3
i‘" / to :: 5.17:8 1‘.-153730 333171013 2.34 shares :15: 53.33112; 1““ e ”Delioye 1:1-11::
I .. _ ii- .-. .. _ ' a, _.. 1, ,,.. r' *\
".4 - “5 5 ' . ‘ ‘ . " -A -. 5 ..: 'i .1“». ,1,- .».. , -
f is true 5.111s. 'r‘ucraer tinould no issued to . .:. 41:511. in 1.: r3 NJ.
1 . . 55 4x

3| u ‘ ‘
:xxtnrm‘gg at *inm
J‘- i‘-. ‘uro ”_‘_- “"- f3.
(‘1‘ the enclosed bills.
Your: very truly,
flM///:LL 1/2 /’ '7 I L“) ‘/ '3
W" R /r