xt73bk16mf8w_907 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. Miscellaneous text Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_74/Folder_25/51w14_74_25__021257.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_907 xt73bk16mf8w " ,/: V 1- / ’
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“fir . J ' .9 . (firs—L.Lt‘ . {W
fiazard, Yanfiucky. ' ‘ “““ ’
Jear Sir,
I have ybur letfinf of fay Sé, Lyplying for the pagj ism 3:
my gecretarj, recewtly vacataa by the resignation of If. F. .QLE 7311.
‘Eho Vasiwmxr has ;ijuztf'been filled” (rfllcryiye I ;1-stfih Le 112'5leufl
t0 rive vans fifipliCctiOfi compifieration. I will iii; 731: léfifier,
uibl ytt: rafcroxces, in urge: tkat you TL; ta 293$ in nix: sisal:
\\ a va; no; of that chargcter occur in the )eyartmflnt in she Future.
, .M v “w 1 ~. A '
{DLffi ve;; yéyiy, , /
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, {3(\ ‘1 / ¢ "»,le” , ' , fl /"
ca Judge Lamuel L. Jilsmn, DistriGE/Attornej.
Qualngton, Ty.
cc Ir. Jesse forgan,
Hazari, 21y.

V . . ,A
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Jugxsom KENfUCKV
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.‘ z42m2~72521»éuééu725:3%;K3Zm//éaéflkuyz
'm7”””””"‘//'oféiWQ/{Z/{m 4;”, 0”,, » / , / .'w ’» X / ./1'
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./\ a/. “NAM/«W -‘//'/r//M;I
,,,/imma/ 9”,],r/Véffflfl/f/flfl, ////////////’// July 12' 1915
Samuel M. Wilson, Eeq.. 4
Counsel. L&R By. 60.. ' f ;Lkéflflgf //,*
Lexington, Ky. _/ (;7
Dear Sir, '

I an very glad to know from your letter of July 10, that the
postponement of the term of the Breathitt Circuit Court until the
third Ionday in August will give you time to prepare the briefs
in our railroad cases in your Jurisdiction, which will be appearances
to the Fall Term of the Court of Appeals.

-: It will be all right with me to have Judge Pollard prepare
9’(::ief in the Noble case. with the understanding, of course. that
you will look over the brief and alter it or enlarge it. as you
may see fit, before it is filed.
Yours very truly, JV
o? ' I]

July 10, 1915.
Hon. 3». ‘L. 2‘.‘arfinld,
Difit. Atty., 7; (L N 33 R Co.,
3011i:”55 7 7 , 7 "‘J ‘
I)" »‘:_' Iii-"2
2721'”; 73::-1 if? 7. <1- '» tr: ’1'07‘.‘ if ' 1;" "a J '7,"1"f;;.1‘f
o 7.'-J: 723'- -* o :" 1:31" i , ';- J.‘ ', a ; ';,
i 1?- 1 .‘Lin 1* run on 3‘ . l: I f , i I. to ‘ ‘1‘.}. m}?
‘ tn * J 1‘ 111515;;1’“ "r‘m :': 1 ; 1'."? ', :77 :;J.“ ? ',:; ‘ Ji‘ ,‘1’
I? 1:134”, :'3 17:7 :"91": CW? 4; w " f " 1 mm 1 .‘1 w r '1 ‘
0 +--)\ qua‘, ‘ i H, ,‘ , (‘.I ',1 ,1’ 7;" ".; {.,;} JAJ X »f J. ,l _‘ H
U 11:7? t .11“: ~j 71“ 7.,{; ".‘ 1:1 ,_,, ;T ~3. ,., ‘ 1‘ VJ . ‘ a. ‘,7 ,,‘
J. . .. -_/ . I. ,, _LL , ,1 i L 1' _ in ‘J
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t, 7117‘": ii '1 ’5' »"ftzr '11,") in L . 1‘ ~ ,1.“ (‘._. .‘1) 3
.L‘. ‘ L771 ,J‘r': 2" L.' . ,1‘ 5.1 1;! ’7‘ 1.1‘ _ J » Z 'Oifit-
:on 1d, 51“; ”1:: isi‘pv‘vwl. 112—:;: ;1 w- ,1': ‘,‘;m'. . ‘ ,_
bit? :i;": 1; Mn.» :2 "1:15.111 1;;,‘3 :‘3 :'2_:'J;.':.;'--fl. (a ,i-: 1 i: i 1. in: July 5.
I“? “If” Lit): To 1:; a? :‘ 1' ' 1 _1 1 ' -';‘ in": I71711
irn'tnnt, th ‘3‘“, 215103.: ":.' 13:; ‘ 1.: .7 ‘. " :Iw "".‘!47717 )3 31:1" it.
Conn-3 3157.31; 1 :' _‘: )1' :71 " of: 1:. ~’:';';,: 1:111 ‘J 15
H»,".C.)., ’3’31’153 if, :111 171‘! turf), ‘ h v; " ':1 ':1.“: =17 '1 ‘ ‘12: J, ,' {Ll-133d,
1 ’:Two :3.-:111: 7 3173 in, ; r: 1131141.: :'3 31 '11 ‘:me' ,:‘ui Judge
7.307 1:11:11. “um .1:0-7‘._?(J'ttw‘: ..to :.~ J71: ' 'JrW , if ’.J mould
;‘Jfi‘jfiifl the Brio? or; bird 11an :3:; 11x1- 77 or C’ ‘ r' ' e
1.1"??? "and; 7f 1:1:"3,

Y '1.. r". §(~, C
1"" 22 "r‘ 1,
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lflt :2“?‘§. 'L‘: - _22 ‘I. ; 2 «id,
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Accounts ll Grail 9 QPOI‘HRQ' 0. eportsonfinancml
promptlycolloctcd . “CORPORATE” . standngand reliability
many partofthe Collections andfinanualRepomIg offirms.c0rp0rafions
. w . . .
United States 232 50"“ -ABASHAVENUE and indivuiuals
The person named as defendant in the af?idavit annexed is
reported in your employ. Our local attorney will be instructed
to commence Garnishment proceedings in Eehalf of our Clients,
Hartman Furniture & Carpet C0,, in five days from this date.
You can avoid the unyieasantne s of oeing summoned into
court by reqxiring defendant to ;etfile this claim at once,
either with us or our clients Gl3637:
If full paymen: cannot be forwarmee at once we will accept
a partial payment or; witxko.i 1:52” act on if we are advised
as to the exact Cg?” when balance W3TZ be paid (if within a
reasoneTle time}; or ye wi": agrra he in: deiuztion and payment
by you of n eefiriie gum so.i pervfizy are;; the account is paid
in full.
.,fl. “ ”“.‘"
lOMI‘b n. “'.‘..“; ’
) SS.
;;~;—";_;;;_~___ ~~““ fl, being duly sworn on oath deposes
and says that L9 is agent of the Hscpfian Furniture & Carpet
Company, #EUlE Wentworth Ave., Chicago, State and County afore-
swid;75hai“_n» t _L_md;;__*_of_;;_“ 5‘ F ___ ___State
of ‘y ;_ __is duly and jHSZEy indebted EC said Hartman
Furnizuge & Carpet Company in the sum of __4_ _ Dollars
and‘u;m__cents; that no part thereof has been paid or satisfied;
that tnere are no jest oefi—offn or counter claims to the best of
his knowledge and belief: and to in entify the degxeg yé gives
the following informaf1>n3 FE?LOYED A€~_:.?‘_ y” ___ _
‘ ~K; .
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED befor: ne this_;;;__day of,» ‘ -_~1915
My commission expires,
Jan. 27th, 1917. SIGSEC ‘ .:-

 if 7. {It
14" ,9; $1,, y {if
. Li
M ;‘i // 7 f ”N
.:‘ ' .
' f * ' ’7' 9' , _
As consideration for the surrender and cancellation
01 the existing lease or June 9, 11110, from the L & E 317.00.
to M.H.Co. for certain property in Winchester, Kentucxy, and Zé
. awe at. MAM/awe ‘ 7
relinquishentAOi all rights trim/‘10)." the unexpired term/at
I A \
We: and in :‘ull satisfaction and discliargefillvct/‘cljims ,
’ F
in flavor 01 11.11.00. under said lease, MAW/07W
the Lexington & Eastern Liz/.00. the sum of 45500.00, 01‘ which
4 /\
I o o g / . -~ fir v
9175.00 is paid and discharged turning over to said L.1-h.
Co. the improvementyerected by them upon the prefmises/‘W
W With the right to removeA saiov improvements/from said
premises, and the balance amounting to 9325.00 is hereby paid in
its 4191 . / W / ‘ m
cash, receipt OI which is thereby acmowl aunt? M - I ‘
,\ A

. , a 4.
» _‘.tv‘leLf‘L 5, 19150
. '1 t: .,. ' M.., .. C.
a. nun .:.V'L‘U.‘:n‘i4£/,’ “it‘lt,
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‘J-,-{ll.r..’l;!. ..L, 5E1.
Bear 125,] :
V .. ~.» ‘ ‘ . .' I ‘ .'7 '. ~.-~ " ’i . -.. .,._."12 ~ ~
I 11.14;: 1130011710 .,1» ileum can; 3.x.) in) , exit ‘..-, 0.011 you by
.,.f. . ”.",»LZ‘J, Oil and. 311C! .1.1.1£.L.;-.1., 1.1» 1~1 ,. mi..; L; 1,,. .: .:;. 410. 154.8,
.J.;JJ 2 _‘;-\)\z. Lilla/L “JUL 4. 1‘“. Lu : u .4 .L,L.-.zl 1:1 ._1.- ‘\.1- S Elit’Ef"
..; ,,;~.‘1,' . _. -. 1... r... u. .1~ . -,. . .. 7
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‘, 24 ‘ , .:w. .‘...." “N .:.‘» ‘.’I.', ' ‘v . '_'“ . yv
L); ...1. “0 ;j. .1' or: .t «.-‘...‘J c ,. :e 7.1111,, - tunic u. 15' Or tho
.v 7.... '4— ~. .., , f' '.. .~..,.., 7 X c: ' .<.- ,.' -: . ..1' ._ ‘ ..
«112,1 .LL u: i .1.“. l...ll, J. u.;_t '_' 'VL‘ gun”? .I. « 11,2“. ‘5‘ El b.0138}:
‘ " ...... - ‘ , .. ' .7 ‘- ,, .. ' M.. . ' g . z .. ..
1n (no com ...‘. ‘.‘..-’1'. _:..it . ..1 a 1, u 1ch idt _.'vtluh (..~,., 2 ~..:r: , 1015111.
1'34 ,“‘ ll 4, ...~.. '4‘. V," __ '_‘—r ‘f .- ,‘ ,,_. ,‘_ ". 1,
“.-E! nLduS ..::Uw .,Uu '.'.'..ei left/‘2 to ”up '..‘u': ‘1.]. x-fl'fi l. '31. that Chem»...
“...1. .‘1 .‘..' x- - ,1, , "r. ~...» _‘. v- -- ‘ :4. .' .
l)‘:,p‘ .. 1 Jan; ilk; ’ .5 ,1. Myla... ..1, l;~,‘ _. .13 '.‘) U ».‘. ‘Ni‘. I.  w» «.'1 v..., {151 ;.In; -‘H{‘.‘-f.;1t .1 '3 by you,
i '.; . ‘.._ ,“‘ ..1‘! n“ . .‘ '_...3 .. :.:. ,, ., .< 1 I'. ‘
Ly i. .uui _.. Li 3.;- \, L".,.i 1y ;.1 :..’». LA): '. ."J '.‘..? ’1'-w :..Iiulf. ..;:‘ ,, llflfiel 1::-130
‘v 1‘ IA
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 ' Augmst 2, 1915.
O. .71. Hurdesty, Jack,
Stock Claim 55’s., L 5:; 1"} li;x/.CO.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear bir:

‘ I hvve yours. of July 3131:, with DSLT’FCZ‘S attachcfl in ref-
canoe to check given by you an 3117;; Znfi to 4.1%. E-Eostkiiis and; the
_2':i'.:f:'»1C3]’.lil of which was :sztvl“v:).r<‘as count:2'92'3111190: by “(m i: the ban}:
12mm whicn the check. 258.23 (brain. I Shall writ uflti]. 41. km: from
Hoot-ton 51's 4.1033311 whr'zt 13:“. Col‘ffll has? 1'0 9'3? =‘»'.*>='mt 'IMiNC‘f the
heck, than I will ,riv-é you #21:: 1??? 31*”! 03,1517": 311 on, 17w iris-“ht- to
riafusa to 1-::,1'_'1h1u‘::9 9071.”:17. :"QI' tn: '1‘.*~')127L'{:.o£ ‘.th 5207:.

‘1 o 111‘ S t 1111;] .,

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,5 ///£)// / - ,/fl) //1/ K - /// ///// /’/// /////y,
-r' a . V. .. '1', I‘L’
LeAINLtL‘n, ..,, .Jfly , .,Lf‘t. 1..
“011.5. LI. Vilson, «
General Counsel, Ina- $.33, ‘ M Q) (.1"
Lear Sir:
‘ ‘ ‘ - . ' h n:‘- ,4.: a u. I. A...“
I new you {lEfl‘fi‘n'lth my) entire f.,-e relu..nn .,u t..,{.? 5,5,2. p .5
.. v» - ~5 5' m.“ ,. . .. -.. 1:5 w. —= 41,— +11. T
A.a-..,C:S]:1nS. $51113 check was 1;;..1»_.2etl by .10 A. firm .._cd, an. er. 7 7-:., -
' 1 1 . '..‘ ..1 u ,. '. »:.. “‘41:,0- : qt.
learned that this "5:15 a. fraudulent 01:11..» am. I 13.593141315.‘ ..m, zen. .5»:
‘ ‘ a «1 - v 1-# "- 1-1 muupn t» 1. -+~ .,.. a». +110 ""53"?"
can}: not to 321331, an. “513:, .vrom 5. r re..a.-r. 5 ea e
“ r ' ' - A 4 '«~- 1.....» +1.: + '-.:.1 : ,__
Un July, 1.9.215, i I‘GCDLVCd .1..-f ace inn tea. ...»..n“ . .i. 2.5.... ..e
~- - a ~ A- v: 5- 1, rm .1 3-515..
clihed to pay tns 0125151. I 1.5:; att._~...::5:.r5£l 521,“,1. 7., .. amine”
"titer; the file 11:13 serve} :,‘7""lI‘ purl‘sbse, It‘fzi'flgf "mutant to 113.:
' ' - - :1 ,.. ‘ _ .1. 5 ."_, 1: _._ . W, ,.‘4; ,'.
mf’pic“ fer In? record. i 1..-.‘.'; written ...r...5,rb€.r. (.14., we .__I_ Hugh.» .52:
_, . .. u
> 1 - ~ W - ..'} ;I.H. ‘. a 4.‘ 1“...
b] you am? as soon as I hmr from “5511*: e 7:17. ILL-73m? ..»-11111.1»
Yours frui;,
/" ' 7W _\
/' // Ab/Zo't/
//’,,/ \
11/3 "stuck 31:21“: agent.

y Afinrntgwabéfiah:
//{M’W7r_ / %’ / 7”, Q,

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*1: ~~Hr1, .13.. 11..1-.1313.
Dear  v :1 ,. _ a .. ' ""'» ..,. _‘*~v 7.,-, 72.14- ,_ - .'
JOLI, .=.f);,f)V:3, ‘LMJ f.‘ :iu‘ézy - c:!.)-’" 32:2, RN: - H2 (Night, AU: '1 ' 2;;2‘

- '- .. .W ‘, ., A , . A ' _,‘; ,.' -.'_.' " . .... .w
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' ,, 4.1.” .2 2. L . :2, , ' ~ . > ‘ V ~' 1.-
EQL'th I}: “~.' -L ,t. :..-J n.‘_».Ll':. u!:,' L} H} J. 3. \ liJ ‘,‘/i1 1. \'. )‘l ‘,'-. L ~21 ' 2 ~,'
'10 fll ;'.;r; ':‘MZL‘. 011-.) L1.! .»zugk ‘.'?._y w.) 1:" ,. dug“ (‘_,. ,,n‘, ,.,.)
2‘, ,_,‘ .. '.' ,_,. «’ ‘,‘,, » 1, , .~ \. 2¢‘\
.l.; Jugivrflwr, ‘3 .:. 4: 2‘»! , ..' r; ,»1.: 7 ,:.? ...;4: ,'1: ,.,’ L '12m12 .,.;:
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 FORM 1~Revised July, 1909
Messages which are apparently unueceseary, or that could be sent by Train Mai1,will be_ transmitted {1nd
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August 26, 17:15. . *
Lewis IE. Harvie, Jsxiun V.
1‘31 1 t as burg: _ K3 :1 Lu cky .
his; (is- ::2.1‘ Low 1 :.':
' Zkeplyins'z to your favor 0:? the "4.111” I his: 1,31 need to
know that ram: 01’ my fricnds are 112:.5}: ':nngh to mnéte the tamyting

Jig: to L}: Eam:15na~:’:1uiiic ..;_,,;u>3iui ”:1 mm, {:~1an it .::};przrrs to 133
13133213 tit-';: m. 1L£)3‘g;‘i1i and I will in} descrivoi‘z 91' this pleasure, I
trust you (and Liam Collins: and {1.1;}! Oihfil‘i; vim may 733133 the trio
1.111 kflup ut‘, duly :'2.:ivis;;:d of your Azovlmnnts and bring: back unam-
1:13;;1‘3. .'.ccuunts oi‘ all that you may me and Mar.

1 5m 1’:-wins.» "1:13 Shut -.7'r.1.€.2:~:s ;.ubmrsaon did not gadjouin
::::L-t for if he ma 1 :,1,1.::.;..ec1’; talk wuuflfi ;"L/.;V','T win 1.‘,- merint :3. gym-c»
in; 4:.-2:17: 51‘. .::“; :‘.:117‘17 5311:“:- :‘;21€ ' ';:": ter ::,~:~:’“ivi':': r‘ai‘” ' 3:"7: £01 ‘11
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 ' Fonx l—Reviaed July, 1909
glelissagee: which t211111;“:psu'eptlymunuefc«.:‘:vfixzéofr thatdcghutd I: aeratbyd‘lfrtinfn’gail, fllmi tméasmitied gnd I
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TELEGRAM ° V“ pm" " “ “9‘32 figment: «33$ muiertpémfam‘fim. “9° °” °”‘°““°“ TELEGRAM
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// // f/I/W/‘ll/N’Alyl/(J/Ifl E‘/(}///‘)/ /////‘/;/r ’
Judge O.H.Pollard,
Jackson, Ky.
Dear Sir,

Jodge fileon, when he was here today on other business. showed
me your letter to him of the 7th instant, stating that you baa not
received your salary checks for the months of July and August,
1915. at $100 per month. I took the matter up with our voucher
clerk and found, much to my surprise, that he had inadvertently
omitted to carry out the instructions I fave him as to putting your
name on the payroll, commencing with the month of July. To supply
this omission, I have mafia and an herewith mailing *0 you a voucher
' v'* te' r r r 19’ t in A w" 091% — ”or Julv erfl Ame-2t.
1n Jour “moi ioi ”..,30, o oi. 0,..i “.. or"; in t; u L,

Eoreafter, commencing with the Soptombcr payroll, which mill
be meae early in October, your salary will be pzifi monthly, eomoxhege
about the midéle of the month following that in which tie solar:
was earned.

. I am sorry for the ovorcijht, moi hone it has not caused
you any serious inconvenience.
. fimmzwmytrmfi ,
‘1 , , , /
, ,,(f (m, {k {f
'x District fttora y.
co Judge 8.x,fiilson,
Counsel, Lexington, Ky.

 o I ' ;;
LexiHNton. Ky., .
Seyfembcr 9. JGIS.
Judge 0. H. Pollard,
P Jackson. Ky.,
Dear Judge:
I hnvo your con un cation of tke 7th “1th
regard to dalary for Jul” ”v6 A du:t, find 1m refnrring
4. f 3 :25“ 3 to LC-L 1";*.."EI?}'3 for at“ rt, ‘3 on.
Var“ 5“L3~ vowra,
Sl-‘T‘V/VCP . Com A~ v.3 .

 ‘ \ c o P Y
'. .
Jackson, Kentucky.
Judge S; M. Wilson,
Dear Judge;-

I have not received remittance for my salary as L.N.
Local atty for July and August. Our agreement was that this was to
be paid monthly, I assume the failure of Cbmyany to respect this
agreement is due to inadvertance.

I will appreciate it if you will see that this remittance
is made for the two months named at once, and arrange to have Salary
remitted regularly in the Future.

. Yours truly,
(Signed) O. H. Pollard.

 O\ .
Lexington, Ky..
September 11. 1915.
, B. D. warfieldm Esq.)
Bistrict Attorney. L. & N..
Louisville, xy.,
Dear Sir:
Referring to our conversation in Louisville
on yesterday. the 10th inst.. I to nk it proper to submit
for your consideration the present outlook for court work
along the L. & E. during the month of hovember.

(1) The next regular term of the Lee Circuit
Court begins on the second Monday in November, which is
the 8th day of the month. You know the status of the
Newland cases. We also have pending in the Lee Circuit
Court a number of civil suits growing out of the remevml
06 the old line of the L. & E. from the north to the south
sideof the Kentucky River. In a short talk I had with
Mr. Jouett after I left you on Yesterday. he and I prao~
tically agreed that it would be desirable to bring on
these civil suits for hearing, and (possibly) for trial if
necessary at the November term. It is the confident
expectation of both of us that the Court can be perenided
to sustain demurrera to flach "nd all of the petitions in
these civil suits. On the other hand. Judge Ricdell
may indicate a preference not to teke up the civil suits
until the Court of Appeals has decided the criminal ease
now pending on appeal by the Commonwealth. In tedition
to these matters we have the series of morgan suite, with
which you are familiar. and the plaintiffs in some one or
more of these cases may press for a trial: These are the
chief matters of importance affecting the L. & E. new
pending in the Lee Circuit Court.

(2) I have just learned that Judge Roberson has
called a special term of the Letsher Circuit Coort, com-
mencing on Tuesday. the 9th day of hovember and continuing
for fifteen juridical days or "until the eases set for
hearing are disposed of and the business of the court trans-
acted.” Literally interpreted. this would mean that
Judge Roberson proposes to hold court at Whitesburg con-
tinuously until he becomes functus cfficio. Virtually
all of the railroad cases have been placed on the dockst
for this special term. The came of Albert Copley v. the
L. & E. has been assigned for the first day of the ejeciil
term. For the third day of the special term there have
been assigned the cases of T. L. Wébb v. the L. & E.( a

”..I'I 2.
hand oar ease) and Lakotioh’e Admr. v. the L. & N. (a death
case). and a number of cases growing out of construction
work as well as a few for killing stock. The three cases
named are the most impo at on the docket. In a talk
I had in my office fientiigay with Mr. Landrum. he seems
strongly disinclined to eve a trial of either the Copley
case or the Lekotfioh case at this special term. We do
not mind tryinp the Webb case or any of the other 01523
on the docket. I am afraid. however, if the plaintiffs’
attorneys insist, Judge Poberson will force we to retry
the Copley case and also force ue to try the Lakotich case.

(5) I have not yet been definiétely advised,
but there have been irtimetione that Judge Lamie would hold
a special term of the Perry Circuit Court during November
for the trial of civil cases. There is no case, howeVer,
that I can think of at this moment wtich is calculated to
give us an? ooneidornhle trouble in that court.

(4) In the Fayette Ctrooit Court there are yénfi-
ing two cases affectinc the L. & E.. one for personal in-

, gury (Thomas Dane}: v. the L. 8:. E.) and the other a death
case (*‘lr'*-*--5‘¢~’~ «5”1m. the L. & E.). I do not an-
ticipate any effort to try the second of these cesee. but
the Bailey case may be for trial.

(5) The next regular term of the Powell Circuit
Court begins the third Mbnflay in November. but there is
nothinc that I know of now that will require any special
attention at that term from us.

The foregoing may bettor enable you to determine
what course ehould be pursued by us, particulorly with
referenee to the Newland cases, the Morgan cases and the
removal cases in the Lee Circuit Court.

Very truly yours,
SEW/BOB. . Counwel.

 .3 v' 4338
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4 l T. 6 (3
L.1-r. S. m. ‘..’rilSJfl,
after" 5:; at Law,
Lez'ihbiow, Ky.
foe-',': Silt— ’
Referring) to ;‘CV'E‘L I. the Tet}. 1' St. in —-..:‘.
L ‘ ""rum. 1.3:. “.:’ drum has had malaria fevr I but is: try
mach bo‘trr '5 erect: t: 5.8": ‘vsci: iv-t: ‘:.;s tertitory tTe
"ire: :21“; of “ext week. Yanr letter 2.88 beew sent to
11m End I am sure he Til] eygreciste your Icimilg/ interest.
Yours truly,
V a _V ,,./‘J-M’r/ /¢L( 1i
Elie? Law 11.36241. \.

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