xt73bk16mf8w_91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [58] S.S. Taulbee v. L&E, Breathitt Quarterly Court text [58] S.S. Taulbee v. L&E, Breathitt Quarterly Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_10/Folder_5/65634.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_91 xt73bk16mf8w ¥ ’ ‘ V . 3 V January 21, 1915. ,
\ ‘
.; ‘ Judge 0. H. Pollard, ' _ 3 '
- I V Jackson, Ky. ' . > 3 ,
“My dear Judge: 3 7 ' I I , ‘ - ' ‘ . 1_ .
I ‘ ‘ Eerewfith, finfi voucher for 59.15.3n favor of J.flise
. , Raging, exéJudge bf Braathitt QuarterlyLCourt; ana also voucher
y ' 7 for 5566.320 in favor of 3.; .I‘aulboe, but to be 533315, to J.C.Cz€mford,
. 7 Judge of the Brénthifp Ccunt; Caurt, the two in séttlQnefit of $uit
‘ of 9.5.Taribee v. L £ 3 Ry.30. These are thé two vo~choys which
have been $5 10ng_dclgyed in fsacfiing ybu.f ' ”
7 1' ‘. ‘ VKinfllf asifibwlcfifle receipt oi the enclosures wré ébligef'
‘ > \ A _* Yours tluly;1 . I ~ ' ‘
enes._ '7 _ ‘ ‘ V , I 7
SL173? / a . ’ ‘A 3 . I
‘ _ 13*g *' ” , - Counsel. L “ '
fl‘ f . » ‘ _ 3‘1 ‘

_ /” ' ‘ , / '/
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/l ' /' / . ’/ k /
‘ / /// ,
,. ////////LL) // I/f'
Air I S a his ‘III’-j. 1 S 011 ’ /"
Trust Company Building,”
Dear Sir:-

Referring to telephone cenversation in regard to vouchers in
settlement of Judge Tsulbee‘s suit against this Company.

I wrote to both the Judge and Mr- Pollard and advised him
that vouchers had been sent to Jackson and asking Judge Taulbee to call
on Ir- Pollard, telling Ir. Pullerd in his letter that if he had not
received these vouchers that they had nrohsbly been sent to the County
Judge. I am to—day in receipt of a letter from Judge Tsulbee, con: oi
which I enclose.

Will you please have the hotter straightened out with as
little delay as practical.
Yours truly,
,. / 4" 1771-. ‘I“; a.

PS.— Since writing the above,I have received the enclosed

letter from Judge Pollard.

JACKSON nguucm
Jan. 8, 1915.
‘ W.A. '.':IcDoweell, Mgr”
Lexington, Ky.
Dear sir:
I am in receipt of tne copy of yours of the 5th to
8.8. Taulbee in wnich you advise nim tuat voucne: mas oeen mailed
in aconriance With agreement. >
This voucher has not been received by me and I am
advised tnat it has not been received by tne County Judga. I
suggest that you nave Sums forwarded either tn Judge Tauloee
or myself.
Yours truly,
UHF-L 677 >z—7/gz/j

 ‘ .
Jaekeom, Ky., Jan. 6, 1314.
Hon. W. A. McJowell,
Lexington, Ky.
Ly dear Sir:-

Your favor received. I saw Judge Pollard and he referred
me to Judge Crawford, and I eaw Hrs. Judge Crawford and eke tells me
the letter enclosing draft has not been received. She opens the
Judge's mail while he is away. It has been lief 3r enmething has
gone with the letter.

Very resDectfully,
{Sigred) S.S.Taulbee.

 .7]va Hi
‘ s Age/1:24 /,,;%//: ¢:;//;;,////;Z%W/
.7f}W/)////x)z-.//, /.//,",/,,r,/,/'r ,/ / /'* / , ‘ 2 / 81171
ZZZ/,2; J7. ’20:]: .::/[W i/z‘z/x' ,_7/ (////"?///////////// //'r/// ////{y.
tutu/neLw/rvwewa: /
/ flew/«J/QH/érnl -‘:/w/Q/Jw/fl/jfl/V/Z December 30th .1914.
Mr. Samuel M. Wilson, :XQJut'gl Afi
Counsel, L. & E. Ry. Co., /'
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:-

Referring to your favor of the 26th instant, with
enclosures relative to the case of S. S. Taulbee v. L. & E. Ry. Co.,
Breathitt Quarterly Court, and which letter was received in this
office on the 29th instant.

I beg to advise I have this day issued voucher in
favor of S. S. Taulbee, payable to J. 0. Crawford, for $66.90 and ‘
another voucher in favor of Judge J. Wise Hagins for $9.15 cover-
ing court costs. Both vouchers will be remitted in due course

of business through your office.
/ Yours truly,
M #9—11M.%V/ -; fl W
‘ Assistant District Attorn6§J

 ,1 ‘y . ,“. 1 ‘ _.
A - ‘" ’ J , December 26,‘1914. ,
' b. H; Hoorman,‘Esq.glr‘ 1, » , ‘ gr  
_   Lofiisville,Ky. ' t , . o ' _
. %‘* Dear “i?= - . 5‘ ‘ , ‘ , ‘ ~ , 1,;

, g ’ 1aIn,tho suit in Breathitt Quarterly Court of S. S.-Tau14 I. 1

‘ > ' bee v. E & E Ry.Co.,fwhiofi has been pending for some time, affier « a"

' : a.1eng£hy conference with Jufigo Taulbee at Rf, McDowell's offiee 9 2‘

. ' on Monday, the Blot instano, it was agreed to compromise this . ‘
case Marthe plaintiff at {560.00 am": the, payment of 9.11 court

‘ costs in full of all claims of every.kind anfl character asserfied by- ,

. the plaintiff and in bar of any future ootion. ;my judgment is that t

  , r ihe compromise was a $003 one and I Ernst that you opinion will ' i

. ‘V , ooifioide with ours on this poinfi. a > », _ . L
. / ' _ ‘7 I-herewith hand you the taxation of oosta ifi the ‘ '-_ I >i

‘ >1 Broothitt Quarterly Ccurt, showing the anmfinfi flue forméf Jgége: _'"

J. wise Raging to be $9.15, anfi the costs due the prooent ififige ',   
J, 0. Crawford to ho @6.30,_With sixty cents additional due the , ; .'
Sheriff of Breathitt‘Countyo I have to ask that you iésuo one , . r
_ 1‘ ; , vouooor in favor of J- @186 Hagins f6? $é.15 anfi a séfiaratd vouohorw "
> V.« for $66.90 coyéring Juoéfiont afié posts in favor of J.O.Créw%or§x\'l~ :
' ,  ‘ Juoge.of Breathitt County Court; and covering all court'uosté.g \ ‘”‘,l
' . 7 1 ‘ - The Oraér oilsettlemen‘t'anarézismissal mum; infihefiw -' ‘7: 1_.
1 7V ' fisual form and, as soOn as Same is éfitetéd; I will forward gnu §$\‘* 'fi
GOPYEfir your files. . ‘ .. . > f (if. S‘\,;,"”
r I ,.Thanking you for your eoriy attention to thismot§%%, i gg>gi
' - J \ ‘Vezy truly youns;r. "' ', ‘1 ‘_ " gjt_; 'A; °7
laws. 7 ' ‘17 ‘ , "'¢j: :K ..gw

A , J\ , \gu' Ti '%¢ L" if: a” ,' .. common" -_', _ K

AW '9 \cr' ';4
"’10 ‘ ‘,“ 7.‘ g
f :’7: ”’“i’, ".
,.' " :" : ,—
.. ., - ,’"7‘ t .::' ' ‘ ' .». . '
: o ' '. C :‘ a
, ‘i ‘,
, V ,
Z/ % o v
’ ‘ ”‘1:?

 " ‘ ‘ d December ‘22, 1914,. ‘
. ' Judge 0. H." Pollard, . , . ' ,
I“ ' ~ 5 _ Jackson, Kentucky. ~ V ' x V

’ My dear Judge: , - I ’"l
‘ 7‘ V , honday morning, the 2lst instant; u}. McDowell 7 A
. had a eunierence at his office with Judge 5.3.Taulbee, with the. , .’
‘ rfiview of settling the suit pending in the Breathitt Quarterly Court"d
, . of s. :3. Twil'uee v. 3:; at 257.00., ‘ ' ‘ t ,
~ ' ,v Finally; Judge Taulbee consented to eomnromiee the caee
' in full of all claims or every kind and character and in bar of any
future action unon payment of $60.00 and all the court coats. 'I ’1
“ 7 write to aek that you will kindly have all the.coet§ taxes up at ,' L
i once and send me so that I may instruet the issuance of toucher" i:
' ifrom Louisville., ‘ V V , ' \ I q' v
“ ‘ , i f Thanking you for prompt attention to this, I am, a” Q
_ > L ‘ g _ V' »f L .'l Very truly yours, ‘ '-‘ . I ’1
‘ ‘ ' sew/a . . ’ - a . ' , -

latch 28, 1914.

Jufga 3. in Iollara,

Jackson, Kentucky.

3; fiear Judge:—

' I have your 10“tcr a? $10 Zéfih incfiazt7 in Tel:—
tion to the Suifi of S. F, {Bufihec v, #19 ? fl 3, whieh has been
penVin; £0? fiome time in fhe T?onthitf finirtcriy 33:3? anfi is
10W asfijncfi for trim} an fFé ith of 5vri1, fast a month from
to-Caya I have aocnrflirgiy unfififi v11 of the finclosrrc: with
your letter“ The plainfiiff’s ancn‘éf 7efiifiidn {mincallcfi ”Anoma-
,» ,1' 'n ‘».-.~MW“. ‘. . 4 4. \xu-m -, ~ —‘- r. - ..«MxJ-r. ..' :1., <-‘. m-"fi -.
:.TU. .‘.:.: ..::J. J (067%. 1:0: Shut; TL) (”10 '»‘3 17¢???) ;r:’l.:.fi;:.‘." ..."75 Cu; \LC 01
Gtfi“fis of action 90% u? EV fiiw if fihc origin 7 PcFiticn or to
fléd 30 0r enlarge fihcso CRENOS cf mafiisn? 3:5 T iTihl tkfitv in

-,' _... ..” 4.‘ . ’. u.\_ ».a “ ."i .,..t. . ' . ",,‘ ‘.." .J.. .7‘... ”J“ ’ ‘ r .~r‘ .E...‘

;16.. 0;. uzhi sifljlxiuT ;u;n \.OUJ,;07—-C a -i Injri JSJJzixy ;.-:<.c 34’ “‘4 ;i:
this suitfi that a Siflv7o fir:”orfie of the ire pcragraphs of
V‘Cixtiff?s lmoniefi “wfi%ion wifi? eflhcfy a Sufficiexfi Psfcnse ‘
fihavéfin. if Von inwire ii ? vxn nvafizre such an Afléniefi Enu—
— v '1 ' w ~~..- L- » ..‘ --~* A 4-v
nor, but know thyf you arc *ntirvi: compotdmfi tn Craft ifi for

Refore prod ring the anwrf arfi chnicrw31¢im here—
fofoye furninleF you for fhfi Fofnnflanfi, I prunwaod igom 1%. Tc-
Dowell his ertirn file hoverin; this came unfi wont uvcx same
onyefui?y, Bwfi I do fiat yrrm fin have thin file iL my paws saisn
at the presnrf fiimo. I will, thwwaox*, nail Tr. ficioveli
a carbon covy 0f your Jottrr cf fiho ?Cfih an? raquasfi him fie ‘.
scnfi you immofliutCVV his en+iTfl fi‘n afivnring thia case anfi also
to make any affiitinrnl ifiVSflfifigdfidn whiéh is Yikely to SCIVU 9
you in the mattey.

{We frm‘l‘m 0:3" the ."1.'“.:’»_?‘i:s:;»,r Cong/1mg if; thanf: "6.311.: here’s

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JEREATHITT Can'tnritnii COURT. I ‘
‘ 7 a. s. mums-333, mandarin
:9 Jr—ie 1
VS. -_ - - - - - Al‘fliltDED .AZ‘QSWEH.
, 1.
Plaintiff amends and paragraphs his original petition ,_
' herein and states that he sold and delivered to the defendant I
within two years before the filing of the original petition
herein railroad ties of the incest and value of three hundred
and eight ($308.65) dollars and five cents; that defendant
promised and agreed to pay amid sum for said ties, and said
ties weressold and delivered to defendant at its special I
instance and reouest; that no part of said sum has been paid
except as hereinafter set out. An itemized statement showing
said ties and prices therefcnf is filed herewith and made part
hereof marked "account". . '
11 '
' Plaintiff flirther states that within two ,ears before
the filing of the original petition herein the defendant, a
commas carrier, injured, lost and damaged certain articles of A
merchandise and personal property which had been delivered to
defendant to be carried and delivered to plaintiff; except ;
the first seven items on said statement of account that the ”3
merchandise and property so delivered to defendant to be ‘ I :
carried and delivered to plaintiff are fully set out in an i i d
itemized statement filed herewith, and also set out in the' _“v

 I .
I original petition herein, with the amount and damage to each
article; that the daflages to said articles of ,eerchaudise and
‘ personal property werecaused by the carélessness of defendant,
its uerVants and employees. Plaintiff states that the only ,
paymenta made On amid above indebtedness are as follows:
- $18?.84 paid Say 30, 1912; $24.00 for rental on railroad .
tie hoist for two years which credits were first placed on the
' older items of said account, leaving a balance of $170.25 due
and pay&b1€ to plaintiff my is the filing 0f the netitiou herein;
that defendant has paid to pl;intiff a small payment dn the T
indebtedness herein wince the filing sf this petition, the ’
amount of whicw plaintiff aces mat knou; but CeiCndant mill '
be able to 50: up same.
. therefore plaintiff prays as im him original petition
and for all proper relief.
I Kelly rash '
plaintiff and affiant 3. S.Taulbec says the statements
in this pleading are true as he belieies.
S. a. Eaulhec.
>_ Sworn to before me by $3.3.Tau1bee rcbruary 24, 1914 .
Kelly Rash,
NP 33.8. ' ‘
. ‘ . , L l t A. I : , ' \' ' ~ 'V‘ltir-X‘TI,

 Breathitt Quarterly Court.
5. ::3.’.i,‘;uzlbee, '“:‘lzitintirfi‘.
versus ::: General Demurrer, Answer and i
' Counterolaim.
I Lexington & Eastern Railway .
Company, Defendant. ' 7
‘ PARAGRAPH 1. without waiving but relying and insisting gt
upon the different several motions heretofore filed herein
a with reference to the plaintiff‘s petition, now cameo the
i defendant, the Lexington & Eastern Railway Cempany, and
denmrs generally to the Said petition and each and all of
the several paragraphs thereof, upon the ground that the
same does not as a whole or in any of its several paragraphs
state facts sufficient to constitute any cause of action »
against this defendant. ‘. '
‘ i Still relying and insistinb upon its several motions
and its aforesaid demurrer, the defendant, Lexington & Eastern
, RailWay Company, for answer to so much of plaintiff's petition
. herein as it isadvised that it is necessary or material
' .for it to make answer to, denies that at the times set]
out in the itemized statement referred to in plaintiffi's
petition as filed therewith (thoughfi same has never been
actually filed) or that at any time plaintiff sold or deliv-
ered to defendant, at its ppecial instance or requeét or
otherwise, any of the railroad ties mentioned in said items
ized statement, or any ties whatever, or that defendant ever
promised or agreed to pay for said partiallar ties or any of 7“.
, ... _ 7 ..:, . , .,.. . .i. is ... .s

 (‘»' ’ .' - .
them the prices charged in said statement or any gum whatever,
and denies that said prices are reananable, or that some -
{mount in the aggigregote to the mm 01'” ’Zhree luaqdred stud Plight.
Dollars and Five Cents (308.05) or any sun whatever.
Defendant etotes that at divere‘datee end on divers
occasions defendant has pureheeed railioad ties frOm the
' plaintioe, but that all ties :0 purchased of the plaintiff
4» by the defendant have been fully paid and settled for, and
I that defendant now owes the plaintilf nothinf whatever on that
aoeonnt. ‘ _ - '
' Defendant further deniee that in addition to the pur-
chase of ties alleged in the petition or otherwise that the
defendant is indebted to the plaintiff for the items enumer-
ated in the petition, aggregatin: fieventy~four Sellers and
, Faur cents ($74.04), or that it in indebted to the plaintiff
for any of said items or any part thereof. hefiendant denies ,
' that the total amount of said indebtedness to the plaintiff
amounts to the sum of Three MAndred and Eightyutwo Dollars
, and Nine Gente ($382.09) or any other sum. ’ ,
' Defendant admita, however, that it has paid plaintiff,
as stated in the petitiOn, One lundred and Eighty seven Dol-
lars and Eighty four Cents ($187.84) On or about Key 36,
' 1912, and that plaintiff became indebted to the defendant
for the sum of Twenty Four Boilers ($24.00) for rental on ' \
rails for tie rests for a period of two years, and that the
total of the amounts so due it from plaintiff was the sum of 1
Two mandred and Eleven Dollars and Eighty Four Cents
($211.84). Defendant denies that after deducting this in;
debtedness of plaintiff to defendantw that defendant remains .
‘ indebted to the plaintiff in the Sum of One Hundred and seventy ’ ‘

. Dollars and Twenty-Five Gents ($170.25) or any part thereof.
defendant further states that all moneys of every Kind
and in every amount due frow it to the plaintiff have been
iully paid and settled long since. 3
Defendant denies that plaintiff has suffered any
of the lessee in the items alleged in said petition or con- ‘
I tained in the itemized statement referred to therein as filed
therewith as a part thereof, and denies that any such.alleged
loss was caused by the loss of said items or any of them or i 1
by reason of their being a shortage in said items Or any of '
them, or by reasOn or said it€ms of goods or any of them '
having been broken or damaged; and defendant further denies
that any such alleged less, shortage, breakage or damage
was Caused by any negligence or carelessness of the defendant
. or any of its agents, servants or employees.
' Defendant has no knowledge or information sufficient '
" to form a belief as to whether or not any of said articles '
enumerated in plaintiff’s petition and the itemized state-
ment therewith filed were ever delivered to the plaintiff .
except as admitted in said itemized statement, and for this
reason defendant denies that there was ever any non-delivery
of said goods or any of them which were intended for delivery
to the plaintiff and shipped or consigned to him.
Defendant flirther states that plaintiff was actually 3
damaged as alleged in his petition Or his itemized statement' .
therein or in the statement filed therewith, and denies that t'
he was ever damaged at all as alleged in the petition or
Otherwise, or that there is a balance of $170325 due plaintiff
up to the filing of the petition or any sum. 3
PARAGRAPH 2. By way of further answer to plaintiff's «;

 petition, as a counterclaim thereto, the defendant, Lexington
& Eastern Railway Company, states that the plaintiff, S. S.
Teulbee, several years ago lensed from the defendant ceroain
' .reils for tie hoists, at the agreed rental of Twelve Dollars
‘ ($12.00) per annum; that the rent for said rails under said
lease has been paid by the plaintiff up to end ineluding the .
7 year 1911; but that plaintiff is new,indebted to the"
- ' defendant under said lease for the centinued use and passes»
sion of said rails for tie hoists for the three years
l912, 1913 and 1914 at the rate of $12 per annum, makeing the '
‘ rent due and accrued to date frow plaintiff to defendant,
which plaintiff hhn failed and refused to pay, Thirtynsix
Dollars ($36.00) ( -
WHEREFOPJE, defendant prays that plaintiff may take
nothing by his petition herein; that defendant may have ‘
judgment over against the defondgnt for the sum oi Thirty- - I
' Six Dollars ($36.00), with interest on the three several in- ,
stellmente thereof at the rate of 65 per ennum from the
first of January in each year for which said rental become I
due, to-wit, January 1, 1912, January lst, 1913, and January
let, 1914, and defendant further prays for its costs herein '
empended and for all preper relief. I ' ' 1
- , O. H. Pollard, '
Small Li. ‘uIilSOn
. Counsel for defendant.
. The effiunt, 3. A.chowell, States that he is Vice- 7 »
. President cf-the defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway 00.,
and says that the statements in the feregoing answer end ' . I

 ~ I i
‘ counterclaim are true, as he verily belives.
u. A. McDowell
~ V Vice President Lexington .
. & Eastern Railway Co.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this February
, Elst, 1914, by w. A. McDowell, Vice President of the Lexing-

ton e Eastern Railway Company.
‘:.‘Ilizebet'i: G. Ga\,3r;fl».I,F,F.C.

Seal. fly cemmiscion expires 23 Jenuery,1918.

 , . ..
\ . . ' .
‘ , *1- .’l‘...,.‘.. _ . _.,. I ..1. ,I - 'i. 4 .' J-I' s“. ..’-i". .II11‘J ‘. _tIc.‘
‘31. Li. 11*il.-.,li.‘\;(i;‘i‘f- J‘xkiclv'lillb first). 6: 13 13......” 11101.1 6.11.11 .lW’—i‘~l—'~Ul"
lov.lo, To 7% Cr exers short 30
.. - an . . h a. g u-unfl_. » m a.
" a9 ” 45% Ham JOot 1n “nlyulng u lgfi y.u/. ,
- run“
Apr.2§ " 1 Eb}. White Rosa 5 our q.u5
.. , “I - st - , .n -. .,
" 300% . " “ " b 2.37 J {.Jd 11.9QI
Lay 9 " L & E #141
l rs. r,: .4 —~
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ll b I1}? H II 3C/é 1 .50 07-97;
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1910 .
r .1 / n4. 1 1 N -, __ ._.I.. :11 I-..:._I.. ‘. .. *2. ' '
. O C"; . do " I; 13111:.» Hills. .13.: 011011 1;. L .2 11.1m1 Hg; ‘25-. 3- US“ (:3 - (34C
- 1931
5U?1- 13, " 1 Bug‘I cm] snc:i; .40
.. ._. 4 l I I
,. ... .,I . _..”u -..-,,. -_ .1 .
Dec. a}, "I; cones luu&CcU whore 1a,i;/1C U 54$ 10.80 -
lyli .
Feb. 9, " 4y Cnhhy short .46
- " 1 corn hill uprated but damadet in
1‘ 1. '., "-..... “.1 av." :3: 2.“
53:111.?) 111‘. ,J (1.11. [1.11, .LJJC . J/l-C’u
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tag; 30 Ey’ @1005 JU}.C4
" Rental for ’lfic—z Fate .1 es 1. II eels Lento
""1 . > . \ ' I‘7f\ /‘ '
7 bit] rail of: - ”_....-.LL‘LJIV . :12 342;.0‘}
wh-... -x¢*~twwrmr~r”-
To J:}c‘..lrl.’l'\3€ fI;1./O.25
. ‘ .
”f 1‘ -a - . 1- K » .1 " ...W, . ' *.lgn3'

 ' ’ . . _ 1i

Broathitt Quarterly Court, ’ .

. Q. S. Teulbee, Plaintiff, 7

" ‘ v versus ::2 Motion to make More Gpncifie, flfi

’ f Lexington & Eastern v 1“
fiailway Company, Defendant, - .

The dofenfiant, the Lexington & Eastern Railway - ;§§

-V > Company, moves the court to require the plaintiff to make '1

his notition herein and.each of the several claims therein , Ki

asserted or attempted to he aesertod more definite, oer. ' 5

. tain and specific, by showing the precise dates of each of .13“


- . ~ . ' ~33

the said claims and the dates of the alxeged losses, deb 1‘: E

1 { etruction or injury of any of the items of property therein 5i

aeserihed; an& L0 further make the petitiOn more defintte, ‘ iVly

« ,”€§

certain ind specific by showing the date and nature of the , “?fi

coniract, if any, between nlaintiff and defenflant re- ‘ j.g§;

apeetin: quid several items of property. . fifig?

. . . ' - ~wfifi

flcfonunni statcs that it is indispensable to the » gygfi

. Propvr Proeontatifiu er its defense herein that it have the ' ' flfffib

1 .- 321531:

’7 wev0“fl1 :lmimn o? the plaintiff set out more #efinitcly and frag

Specifioully than is done in the pleading filed. ‘ {Afifig

Counsel for defendant, ‘ Wuee

‘ ' ‘ . W Ffififlfifififii

‘ . v ' , ‘ W A“wgfifififi?fi%§

" “twin V ,4 , 1 V £ , ' - , ”’3‘

 i-ircathitt‘, Quarter} y Court,
’.3. 1. :‘uzlbve, Piaintfi‘f’,
v: “ff-51h; ::: flintiwn 1:0 Para;Tupi],
chin 1:12: 3:12 .:me
3311-5123, 312.713", Defendant,
211:? r-EOE’I."n=_iezmt, the Lu:~:in:_=f.0n 2 33:31:10??? Railway
(l‘:'t§:'~-'=ny, muvvs ti'r Court to require "sis-3 y:1:2.in€if‘f‘ to paragraph
his; p: titinn %:<'-rcin 30 gm ts) .'.:(‘t ”mt, ”m (zepnrate, “112233.3(‘2‘63111
garmagr'aplzs (310?: w? the“ suvcrzzfa mar-res of antic}: thaw-Gin
:1:‘~;S(":"‘L.(?4T H!‘ (1110::3'2ti‘cl 'Ltr be :wscrtmi.
Cmm‘rcfi far dri‘onfiszznt,

 fireethirt fluurtorlv Court, '
7;. ". "s"zu:lln'~0, Plaintil‘f',
vrrwaus :2: huitiorz to ETilt~¥Vxhilwit,
Lorain-"tam 3'? {Pentern
inlwuy Companyx Defendant;
1R0 defendant, the Lexinwten 8 Yontorn Railway
G~Iv2ny, nevus the court to require the plaintiff to File
hvrein the fireflizofi :tntowont of ruilroxd ties referefi to
121 tin“ prl iti{nl 5:: filemi tlnérexvltih
- Dvioninni states that it ii necessary for it to
Iiiv: , xii ii¢w~izeais;éatenmw2t filcwl ancitin tix+ rvc:uwl in
order ‘hli it may infallifently prepare its answer and
infon c xrreiu.
Attornfiys for defonfianto

 ‘. .
Hreathitt Quarterly Court, _

A. 1. Eamlhco, Plaintiff,

vvwsus ::: Uvneyul Usmurrcr, Anchr anfi


bein irn fl watvrn Railway
C Pfizhy, vacniant,

Pa”: “arm 1. Without vajving but w01yinf and .
in intiny upnn the fiiffcrent gcveral mntiuns hvrotoforo Filed
herein «ii; vvarencc to the plainiiff's pciiiiong new anmes
thfi J~;x¢:fi;u:t, figo imrxirxfitswx fl ihafltqux ThliIEWiy {Rémyuu1y, :uud
ikurw ngvraily t9 thy gaifl pcéition and each an“ $11 a?
an: :CVarul paragraphs thereof, upsn thw VPHUfifl ihat the '
fifiW? £002 an: as R whole or in vny 0? it? ncvnrai u ranrwnhs
inir $1019 muffiaient to camebitutu any camao a? action

' Li)" 2.1;-":::. 1: ::ei'eméant.

Itill Pelving and éntixtinr uwnn itw sevvvai maticns
nn£ jaw :ruwlnaaa 9v urrcr, 1%e defendant, boxinfitnn & Pasta .
Orv 3:11 4‘ Cmmygnr, Var answer 10 30 much a? plqintiff's
pcaiti H hrwein a; it is JdViSDd that it i5 nvcfigsarv 0r
maiorixl TH“ 11 in make answer to, denies that at the timvs
xvt but iv 3:0 itcmiaed statement referred tn in plaintiff°s
f)("'£.it§i.‘21 2:; filed therewith ( timing}; name 32:15; mum? been
actually filed) a? that at any Limo winintiff gala 0r GCJiV- . v
wrvfi to ivan7nnt, at itn wrrcial instance or request or
nihcvwiac, an* of the railroxd tips mentioned in maid item—
igod ?t¥10fi0nt, or any ties whatever, 0P that dvfon43nt cvvr
yvvmiscfi 0r agreed tn pay Fur said particu1*v tics fir any of
them [hm pricos charged in anlfi utntvment 0P any sum whatever,


.21:1‘ 2:22:12": tint. said prices 21T'C' r(i‘L-:.s<'m-:hle, or that same
{xzxzmmi in the ;:..:'g;;."-crggj.:te L2": Liz-2 sum m“ $212290 hundred and Fight
'.Efi'fllars .2.:sz ‘.'»‘iw: Ccnts (*5ITY()>vS.€223) 01" um.- sum mimic-Yer.

.}:.-f'-.‘i';:§.':.::‘i.i states that LH- divers: mum; and an divers
occ:zs::..~l'1:~: :.'-§_~:.-?‘:.‘-:1-.7.:::‘.t. 1:23 purchase-'.’