xt73bk16mf8w_95 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [62b] T.L. Webb v. L&E and L&N, Letcher County Court text [62b] T.L. Webb v. L&E and L&N, Letcher County Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_10/Folder_9/65910.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_95 xt73bk16mf8w I 54542267
I ///. .///l / / / ./,/ // .fl/ \7/
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///,;.,/ ,,/ my k/gyow, 0/ 1Zz://.)/////%/}/I
f '/ ‘ . . I, /
' . , l/MmijK/fl/fi /f//. gaucust 16th,1915
Law Agent,
fear Sir:
In reply to your lettwr of the lilth inst., reouesting adfiress
of contractor Howey in commotion with ca<;e of T.L.‘-."ebb vs I. i» N. I
Erasum-F you refer to SJl‘. Londay, who had swerel small contracts on the
L & 3! Railway. "’nilr; engaged or: that werk his address was Hazard, 13.,
and as I do not Know his present whareabouts I am sending 00p" of this _
letter to fir.Jesse Horaan, our local attorney at Hazard,}{y. with re—
quest (shit he advise you direct if he knows the address of ‘ir.‘:onday.
Yours truly, //
// - ‘ 7.

 )" 1' ? I: 2 / r,“ 72;. ,-
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 F‘JKi‘v‘; ‘33.
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 _. £2-‘l3—4-428
/ (K / 7” // /
lea/”7%?” (M) f/////// ,. ”fly/My /6W%//////y
- // /// / ; '/'/ '4 l /
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/V / . , //' ,’ /
—///l///////lfiy Aug. 14th, 1915
/" /"'
Dear Dempsy,
I wish that you wouli I‘ird out at the the Coal oomgeny at Domino
if any of the following men {re :‘rorgcing; lO ’- them:
\ ‘een'nett ‘:iichz,.rdson,
\‘nemon Jennie,
Gilbert :..orris
\‘r. :8. uornett
All of these fellows are neg-res.
‘ C S Lsnrlrum
2mswor (at Jacgscm

 _ {/7211/ /’//.
7/, ./7 /‘./., /,// / ’/,/
_. /n09v7/25/3 ,”yzfly/éf. AV/KZWVfl/’7%e%£167£
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7,‘ / //, ,, f , . /
.>)/ ////////H/_ ////// In, J ./ ,
(mg/71,1. (‘,’/m‘y/(‘x ..,‘/////' , / f/Al/ //////’// //// '. ///’// ////'/’/
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/ / , ' , ' . . / , '
flit/Ha; / ./ HIP/NH. //'///I//////. ///
. / ///H’///N/.-/r/I'/l/ //H AU? 17, 17::
Law Agent, Lexingtwn, Egr,
Dear Sir,
finclesures receivel wifh ;:urp 1f fie ILth instatt, relative
t3 case of T.L.Jebb v. L&L, Letcker Zircxft Jourt are heresith
returned. 1 3% also luh1i~r jsm tariff referrei f~ ‘3 Von
A tsgather with n:te 3f Biflarzfi;v urlt‘ef by Li. L vely.
1mm ‘ ~~-1.~ I
..‘}.1 ‘-‘.~_-,_‘l’
)3! ».I Z Z */ ‘1.. z"
A‘ - c '" ‘ S 2 L’t
, .:1;; ~;' “:33”, <———__
‘// /
enc ”

 .7’/3')" //2
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‘ /
. v / /" , .
-//"////////// _,/ ///r //’///V ,, , ’ ' I «'
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x :1/ , ’ ’. _// ,,'
y]; '1,, ,.,/P/H'fl/lr’. /' ’//
, /' ’ ’ i/ mm ,W ”W” /' ”/ August 16th, 1915.
Mr. Donohue,
—: 5. L. Webb vs L&Y. RR. Co., Letcher Circuit Court :-
Refsrring to the attached. I find that on Nozcmber 20th,
1912 the General Freigh‘ Office of .L&E. R. R. issued Circu No. 66,
effective as to Intrastate commerce November 25th, 1912, and effective
as to Interstate fiOmmerce Iecember 25th, 1912. But it seems as Kona and
some two or three other stations near KoRoberts had just been opened up,
this tariff was issued to anxxxin cover the handling of Interstate freight
from those stations effective November 25th, 1912, under authority of
Rule No. 57, I believe it is, of Interstate Commerce Commission, which
allows the issuance of tariffs governing handling of interstate conuerce
to become effective in less than the statutory time. From t'is tariff it
would seem that the 1&E. was opened for handling of Interstate commerce
from Knou.and these other two or three stations mentioned in the tariff
on November 25th, 1912. Mr. juinn, of General Fr ight Office, has promised
that he would try to locate another copy of tTis tariff and send same to
you. He has only the one copy in his office, and cannot allow it to be
r’moved from his office.
H. T. L.

 I I
\’L’) . A "

. I 1/

~ !. 3,4 '

.‘;/j JK
I, ' * “‘“'? » o
e F u .'
_ l - A s a ,

'5 July 14, 1915.
¢ General Offices, L & E Ry.Co.,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:

Hererith enclosed, please note copy of a letter or the
12th instant, addressed to Mr. McDowell by W. G. Bearing, of the
firm of Young & Bearing, or Whitesburg, in reference to suit in
Letcher Circuit Court, or T. L. Webb v. the Company. Also note
herewith copy or my letter or this date to Mr. McDowell, relative
to the same matter. These are Ior your information and future
guidance in connection with this suit. /

Very truly yours, \. //: f, 4”
an... ,:V 224%“ / ML / WOMLV;
SIM/a ' ‘

, Counsel.

 ‘ , July 14, 1915. ' 7 ‘
’ ' E. A. Heliowell, Esq” ‘
finance]. 3-'$£.?371.113_;.'~'?l€ , 1': a i 5*?1?‘ ‘30 . :
(uni-11360 r1, Ky. _
' Dear Sir: ’
Referring 1:9 letter 33? the 121210.. instrmt, written 301: by
Ga sun-”’;, of the firm of 10111132 a fearing, of ‘~'."1‘1itssmu‘fs, (of
“;2?1$<‘;h i have retained a con}; sniiv ST“. £27.80 :;“uez'nishingz a 8033:; to 351‘.
. ,I,..-::..V;.=‘imm) reiqcimz be the suit in Leteher Circuit (Ewart of T. L
Leah?) v 12hr: Cumming, invoh’irig r. 0'1. (a, fun egg-“xi :1:-7 t the Germany by the
‘:73.s.i;‘—1ti.ri.‘f that: on Pea-ermine:- 5, 197.737 the fiat-e of the accident cem-
313111.46: oi“ the L :.: 3 was ring-aged in interstfi'ite (:on‘lreerse 53.11;} plain-
£111? 3;.-;..“; m: the earn-e tints; ermluyqd in aid. 5.1;} such {70;} Lexus, I have
. :fiii'he In, 1.1/owing Wiggestions to make -
' , ‘ .. ‘ I 8;; 3553;5“53rring; to your 3"" in Ellis: ease, you ”will final
.7 a W”
{Jémt em Bentember 55$}:A3'011';:r;4g:3 @521. L); :3. Li'zndZI-‘l’I-‘L Law 58313-17.
exggflsining when successive see-ti one sf the Extension 'between 3:10}:-
sen‘amc? L-iubieusrts were 1011‘: into Obearrwion, first for in‘bru-sts'ate 1
anti, later, for int-::rstzzte traffic» .7é’:‘:.:m this letter, it aprenrs r -
‘ 2:5:: 0:.; shat; seetier: of the ,K:a:»;tcnsion from ‘:'i’hites‘murf; fir: .iirr'z‘zoherts L
{between which points Kane. 's lagcated) the line. was 03.39.21 1501' infirm -
state (3::-2'": geree szembsar 35, 1912, 211153 .:'for ‘Lmerfs‘tsdm ::mwrrce ‘
:Lecenfogr :25, 193.7%... You also explai mt": thy”: while there may have I
been trains ever the martian from 1:h:i.tes‘:3v,rg to Sisiefieberts prior to > f
Beccmbar :25, .191}, the. date on ”which i.n{;ersmzte rates were mime
_ gaffsfltivsnwthe date given represents the authority as issued '
v by the Interstate Summarize Commisei cm. In your file, share shi‘mlcl .
also ”be :f'omld a letter mitix'oseed to you by 352*. fianflrm‘n, under ante '

1‘ ‘ ‘ .
a 1' ;.I-II§LCE:%20
' ~ of September 20,. 13:14, in which he eta-shes that or. ‘tzhc trial of this
1 case it will be iefiirshle to "when by the Agent 3t fiefiobflrts that
_ there Hare no shipments of interstate freight raceivwd or forwarded
\ from his Station bntuenn HoveMbhr Pfith, 1912, and December 6th, 1912;“ '
’ anfl thet "He (the agent) can get this informnti n from hiszfroight
received emo Sleight iorwardefi h0o§si;l A
Again, on September 23r&,Zr;glying to hr. Lnnflrum's letter
of the 90th of the same month, you $315 - "Your um‘erstanfiing is
correct in that the dates mentioneé in y vr letter of beptomher 4th,
inflicute the fiates the tariffs went inte sifeet, intra and interstate."
Again, there Fhfifilfi be founa in your file, unfier date of Qoptcmher
9‘3, 131:3, (20 my 01‘ a: 3:3-(3‘66)? to £113". fi-f-‘mérum from the Jig-211:? :11" Simian-hertz
(meme unieuiphernble) containing thezfollo jug information - ”relative
to Fhflfih}? or not any Interstate shimmsntn oé‘iroijht res received or
fCrTufdod from this station between HOVember 25th and December 6th,
1317. 101 $03? informatian with to state that we seceived and Lar-
Wirfiei from tbs Consnliflztion God? 00“ sol wants of coal for later—
- >
stats movement, alsosve received inuounfi Qiito a few shipficxta of
both ;mr lonfl nné less than an: load of later tate shipments of
frfiiflht between flates nontionidm”
. This communication from the igoni‘nt Anxobarts dean not
distinctly or in no mun; wards :iwtu then on the fitn any of ieanmber
1933, the E & 3 Was in Inej&engagrfi in ifltnryfiut: wogmmreu hgtwcon
'5’-"3. it (1251111133: saw-:‘:. :1;:2:103wrt3. '.l‘ho '1::1‘1: fact ”J.‘?“t tariffs may i1;.<‘-;Tr.‘: seen
est aligned nnfl published for the Emailing of interstate traffic
between these noints prior to Doeedher 6, 1912, fines not, in B?
opinion, of itself alone, constitute enfiugiug by the 3 & j in inter-
state commerce. Entirely apart from the letter written on W'

 I I . 1
. ; ' ,
1'.? . .41. Mo}? .15! 3 .
Degring mm the giving 0:? any {spar-111,1 on by you in 1>u2.';;;m1*1cn. 0:2"
‘HIS'-‘t latter, I would, like you :13 your mn‘e'azzfficnue :_.;tx fihe“: (Zaruaition
1;: given. to aacc:::n~.~t=;in fir;f:1nitul;r from 111-3 9139111; 11".} Livfifio‘xycrts ufiwfimr

any int..2raiat!t :1 “1191135th 011:: going; or innoming mm 1113721511196 hiathw’nn
Eicfifiberts 11ml 1:111:111nu‘3; on ::'!J«'r,:1fll)‘:l” G, 1231;” .

i 11:-"Jae it for gimme-2:1 '1‘-hat» you 3:111??? 31221502131132 nbthi‘ng
”bout. U13 1':;'éxlv,‘§7‘i.'z'.\g on? interg‘thtc Rhiprrzfintf; on '3'.:e33.3mba2r 5, 1512,
or ”0:14:15; wen ‘Lé'omam‘zmr 25th zinc? Encnm‘oer 6, 1912, 0170’: that 73:12.1 of the
L 1‘"; ‘1? 13213125292: Knitesbuzrg marl ibiobcr’ts; ami. I :;urifncz tags; it i‘or
granteé thin/1: you hava no racords mrsu' labia in your office here in

' ‘ 1‘.-<1:~;:1ngrfion '.:"'::1 (11'; 1101:7311? 1111' our 1:; {int upon with 22: ~31" 12.1: use points.

Canasirgtfltiy, i117 +£1.55: bf? true, it 51095? 110‘; 52933-231: to '35; 3.3213313; that
3.21:. cmaag‘mig', if he :;zttem‘p‘in to take you}: Mmmriiialu‘; 1:51.11 5107310}:
a:;;;th.i'xg of; um: to the plainh‘if in the :.1i‘5 01‘ '_. ;‘. ‘..?be v. the
Ccrmmny. 17163:: in correct @243 if I ::m mistzzlrsfn in these gait-sumpticms.

I :i‘im‘; trto si::1t:*:n-¢nts¢ in this; tarittano‘byi;1'. firming 3
Which invite (::');za‘crwwdz. 1.:: 1h: 1: (:7; 11:10:}, 331‘. Icariflg's analysis
or interyretqtion. (>37 Gert-15.x: stigma-112:; in 12219 5.01311]. Efraiéyhc Tariff,
1‘10. 1'15), 1111.13. £2113, 115-2?, 135126 zit}: $112 iat- 1::3a:.::§:e, Commerce Ccarmission
Ecvem’nrar 10, 1917?, that they 111:1 tile affect of armkiz'xg the in‘i; erstate
r1311 3:21:13 ':.'x‘a'mg 2211-"? nit-11‘ Jun-Jambsr :23}, 11:12, 11:-1:161 oi‘ Dec-ember 25,
7.71.2, icy-ca- nat #1231 :;m. t: ”7;; 1'.;1 1'1,1:1>>r;,; ”Ugh "Ch-.2 .‘:,§.z.:';;;:17:;,5e 0;: sense
of fill-e ;W.1E:f!ji-":h.a=«:1 {,::-i172} :'.'ri’. I an moi L_-'L'.’}""—,_ 2:.:x'ny/‘er, 23321: i 1;flfi<>1‘:;‘gand. the
rim]. if’m'zviz of the $21,513:.-‘n'nn..-1t:3 a1, :6 '1‘I-um 1.311; tariff in. 1.1;". ‘.il‘udfidng's
21.13101; 31‘. Iijrafi 13.] 1111.3.ghfim; {fig 031 ”32.11.13 55113312151}.

In :13: swarm 3112.102, 3911 will hour;— 12:13: 1131;213ij 1313 State-
’2»-1‘t 3.31. 31w ::hova laifigqr ~ ”‘.'fra find as :1 Ira-,:.:»?ger of fact; your road was

,- Lqfivw‘piak, 1...“- r :.:.“ , . .3 a... ,4 ”.,‘ q 1'7 ~_. _ . .. _., ..:. --

 V , > ‘ r '
‘ _‘1; ‘.‘«'..i\..If:ioD.?‘-4.
betwaen what points the L & 3 was Suing interfitnte yufiinasa. lfi Re
7 meant to we; tint it wag fioing interstate husinass between Eafloberts
and Whitesburg, 1 take it tbia 13 a mere aflfinmgtion or inference from
the {gen that a tariff or rates Ior interfitgto shipments hgd been
prescrifiefi Lb? that secticn oi thu read. fifherwige, ha could only
hnaw this "a3 a mattar of fact" by having in$poctud the :rnight rec-
ords in the custody of the agent: at Emma ar flcfiobcrtz. I think it
world be worth while to Ira‘é‘te inquiry to 51:3 whether Judge $93“ng has I
Ewen t King aé?antage of hhe recent connection with the L & H to
cbtgifi izformntimn £10m Horn of cux local aggnts in Lotuher County.
Far your infarmation, I takg tn; libarty t3 rapeat that
in tuffi wait it will ba nécesr;gv Io: hkfi‘biainfiiff, at ail QVdfitS,
to Show fhat tha L & E was achznlly engag G in handling interstate
. 33m”03”” 0n the 6th 533 oi’iemenb>r, 1712 and/furfllermorelthnt the
fllflintiff. Tu 3‘ Webb, was thSmlf a? layed an that fiatc in such
.’ eomoerce*nr in a:& of such eqmnsrcn butweep the pointa indicated. i
So far 3% tha taking of your éepcmition is concnlncd, as I
‘ 33333fitnd thin moyning, it mighfi he wall enuugn for you to Say to 1
Hr._Dvaying that ifi will be c nrenieut fax you to give your fiep0_ ;
gition fit 333 11?” fiftfif Daturfiug, {he 17fih infitlflt; ahfi I should 3
. 5341;}"€71"81‘332112‘251f/0‘1: 2'.E<:)):1('i:'gi , ’LL-<9 3.5%}‘1, 1;: '.Iiat,:;z«.1.;:§r, the {301111 of July. > g
- The fiLGVH lg wrjtfien you fldt as much ior the pulpfibc of I §
Efifihlirg y?“ to raply'to JUGEG EQfiiihfi, Qfifi’gd a next of chart b} which
1 ts Gtear in the futnre. .
Dé’zwimz's latter of the 12th 123141381135 i": mrcjfitf mmw , . ‘
> to You. ‘ fl%é%;¢<7%/fZ/é%i /;
V 7 . / . r
aha. ' Vemy,ttuly ymurs, /

 on if? J‘J/{:1 ___
\ ; / , ;
‘ 2 Law Offices 2 \\, L
‘ First National Bank ihiilding
1:1-111‘ 2:33:3UHG, Kr.
Allie W. Young. W. G. Bearing.
. July, lfzth, 197.5. .
1:17;. f.ic.‘:70ws;3.l, General inlamager,
Di“ 1'. d; 3») Branch,
_ Bezington, Karim.
Dear £6.11“-

I have recently been employ-tad in a suit, 2?. :'.. Viebb against
the :‘.: .3: 3.3-19,11 iioari Company. The Germany has filed an answer, do my—
ing that the Li»;- .‘.-J was engaged in Interstate Commerce.

Up. the 6th, of 37ecember, 19152, '.:: find by your local
.E’rr'sight Tariff, lie. 66, 1.0.». 150. 1632, filed with the Interstate ”will


Commezce Commission on Novemberlfith, 191.23, that» the Tariff was
to take effect on December 25th, 1912, except as notes? in individual
items. In this some Terri-..“ on the ti tie page is the £0 liming:-
' "The rates epinlying to and from the following stations

I shown herein are as teblieheu on less than statutory notice by
authcri 1;;; of Rule 5’], Interstate Commerce Commission fariff Circular
18~iz .Eieho'berte, Linking, Elia/13%., am". Noon, K37», Fates apply to 8.110 from
stations on newly constructea line to and from which no rates from
some points of origin and. to same destinations hays heretofore been
pub lish e d. "

And also, We find the follov-zing in the foot note, which
reads. “.il‘lffcctive ilovember 25th, 1912, by authority of hale 57,
Interstate Sormnerce Cozzzmission, Circular 151-A." I

We find as a matter of fact your road was doing; Interstate ‘

y business 57,2": this time. As your answer denies it we 21' . ..: r2 2.

to take your deposition, proving these facts and the object of my
letter is, to as}: you What day weulfl Quit so as not to inconvenience
you. If you are in this part 01' the country, we. could take it on
yom- 13;-1ch ear, ex. com com to £1233 mgtun, ii‘ you prefer. ‘

‘.’Zou will :‘.—i416. 17.1119 57 on page 90 0::: 18%;, gives the carriers
right to out in rates atone: on newly constructed roads or extensions
ti thout uniting: the statutory time. I

This is; What the 5', Cc 3.4. (71:1 EEGGUI‘UZIJ‘LE; to the Tariff
11;) nt i 0110:} above .

Yours truly,
. { 152196;) 1'5 a G. Bearing.
I II'-‘v _I NVQ \

 Only one Supplement to this Turlfl’ will bu .
in ettect at; any time. ‘
i I. C. C. No.162. l
i Cancels 1. c. C. No. 161.) ‘
i l
l I
l l
I; i I O :
l Lexmgton, Ky., W 1nchester, Ky., L. & E. ‘
i Junction, Ky. ;
l l
3 —AND—
: Local Stations on Lexington & Eastern Railway
i l
1 Local Stations on Lexington & Eastern Railway i
i i
l a
l _. r ._ i
l a
i Governed by Southern Classification No. 39 (I. C. C. No. 17) or subsequent, issues, issued by W. R. Powe, I
‘ Agent, with Exceptions as shown therein under Note 28. 1
. ""' ' '7 W “2 f ::f ;::;’::”A A.“” " ';;::fi": :.:—:3 7:" W ,7 ..777L;:;;::d ' ' " . .,', ':,TI::;:; "’—,.::, ‘_' j;i::,,';:T‘_ _
i ISSUED NOVEMBER 20, 1912. EFFECTIVE { $532522: 33222332; 2:; 13:2;
(Except as noted in Individual Items.)
The rates applying to and from the following stations shown herein are established on_|ess than statutory notice 13y authority of Rule 57. Interstate Commerce Commission
Tariff Circular 18-A: McRoberIs, Mayking. Kona, nnd Neon, Ky. Rates apply to and from stations on newly constructed IIne to and from which no rates from some points of origin
} and to same destinations have heretofore been published.
CHARLES SCOTT, General Freight Agent, -
1500_]1_11_12_5S36. JOHN P. MORTON 81 COMPANY. INC.. LOUISVILLE. KY.

 ; i
_ :1
l "
. 21
l l;
. l 1
i Page No.
3 Abbreviations, explanation oi‘_1,.___ WW._._.._._”,WWWWWWWWW , iii
. Caucellatio1is..... .__ ,,.,._._...WWWW,W,,,.____,,,W,W,.,,., ..A_-__.-,.,,_WW,W i
Corrections in names oi'stations_,WWWW. , WWW... _____._.. i 4
j Indexot'conimoditicsWWW.-. WW .__....WWW, ,,,_W,W.____._W_W.W. i i
. . ‘ Indexoi'stations .,,.______, ._...... W, WW . ii. iii 3
' List of commodities on which rates, are named in other tariflsn , , , , , W _, .,. . ii
Ratesott'reinht: , , ,W ,, WWW,_____________,.... 1:012. inc.
Rules and regulations:
Application of changes in rates on shipments from beyond in transit prior to date 3
ofohange 4 to 6. incl. 26 4 to 6. inc. 26 Hombre _.._ . . . . . i. _ .. » ‘4 to Li. 1110.1 45 A to 6.11101 45 I i i I I 8~10—l}3 11 779—11 11 - . (
1 i . . I I I I I 2 .3 ‘ 9 3 ‘ d
; I 5:10 12 I 26 741—11 26 I 8410—12 45 l 7497—11 l 45 l . g I g 2 24 2-3 24 W_ d __ \ 4 6 I I 3 4 :;. i, 3
E! I . 2 1 2 2-3 I 2 9 5 I .,_., 1 ,3 5 ' ITaliega...-. ~ , 34 t0 6. mo 25 4 t0 6. inc. 25 33“ we ', E30151?” 9 [7095?“ 9 1
I 3 Avon ._.. . . . .. - -- » I4 to 6, inc.‘ 2 4 to 6, incl 2 I . I "W i l H U- i. I ' I l 8710—12 25 31941 25 I“ ‘ 'J _ ‘ U
x . I t 9 ndiaii Fields _._, . .. ,. 4 to 6. 1110. 6 I4 to 6. 111C, (3 . I I ,1 I _J . Q I U
s I I 841071.). . 2 749411 I .. I 8—10—12 6 I 7-0-11 I 0. I I I I 2 19 2-.. 19 \ a 11 I 23 as
I; _ . . I ' 2 . l 21 2 .::; 21 ‘ 2 2 :243 l 29 ‘ I Torrent..- . . . . .. __-_ ~- 4, .4 to 6. inc. 20 4 to 6. inc, 20 Yerkes ._.. ._.. "_._. ~ 4 to 6. inc. 89 4 to 6. inc, .39
I t, 3":‘ttwllle ‘Iuncuou " I I4 [80 {’0 1120‘ j: 4 :0 3111110 :3 Jackson -- l 4 to e. inc.I so 4 to 6, inc. :30 I 1 b710712 20 7797711 . 30 I 8—10—12 39 I 749—11 .39
I ; » “ 3* 7 20 ‘-;;3 47 I 8—10—12 I 30 744—11 :30 I ‘ ‘ .,-,777777 1 . -
II t 1.17 , 1 I ..
I- 4.- 4— .. I 1 .. .. . 3 I 25 24 52 .
I! BMW“ ,. I 4:30;??? :3 43053-11110; :3 Kona__.-__-_._...__. ~ l 4m 6. inca 53 4:0 6.1110. 53 I
II ’ ’ 7 "'5 3 I 840-12 } 53 ; 749—11 53 I ' ‘
I l 2 16 243 16 I 3 I 10 I 273 37 I I EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS.
321! . ' ' -- 4 ' ' ' -l ” ~- J i .i 5 I ' . 3.. i . . .
1 t nptonlunctiou. I .4t96. inc. 17 4two 6.11m. 11 Krypton-,.....-..... 4m 6.11ch1 ‘38 {1:0me ‘58 I I Bbl ”"Banel' NO S.--_-__... -.-..-.-..Not Otherwise SpeCified. I
\ I 5410412 17 179.11 ; 17 I 8410412 . .,8 .49—11 .38 I I L . d 1 I 1 ‘ .
' 3 3 9 2-3 I 36 f I I 4 I I C ......._....-.....___-.__....gaiILloaD. - 1‘0-~-~--—“'"--—~-~"--I\u.m391- ‘
Chavies - .. -- l14toe,inc. 37 “06,1110. 37 7. I "'”“'1""I""I"I 8 i - I DD O“)? 901” RF————--~—-~—v~---——---Ra%h?aC}~
v I‘ 8—10412 37 $9711 37 Lemiigt01i....-_._... -- '1‘ . I I Inc ....Iiiclusixe. Ry..._.. ..______--_-..R»ail\xa§.
: ' L 7 l l ‘....... 7...-.. Jet ..._. ..._"... .. . Junction SD - Single Deck 1
2 9 2*3 9 > I 475 l 4 ‘ Ll ”H ._ ‘ ___—P d . VV __..___ "'51 .
C-layCity -- l 4t06.inc.I 10 “06.1110, 10 l W1 I I )5 ‘3’“? S' t” as“
it I . 8410 12‘ 10 7 911 10 I 4—5 4 I 7—0 I 4 Min________....._...,...... Minimum.
. ‘ 9: I 5 . 73:? 1 32 L, (S: E. Junction . ._ . -- I 6 .1. 12 1 $
l Coplaiid...._.... _. -- I 4 to 6.110.} :33 4:0 6,1110) 33 I 53—10 l 4 I‘"""‘"‘ '”"’ i
i I 8-10—12‘ 23 1 749-11 33 l- 11 l 1 I77 ‘
i I ‘ 3 3 18 t 2 =1 45 I . 3 I 6 = 2’3 33 I
I —. -. . . . . a . . I
I eornertsviue .. .. 4 to 6 inc. 4e 4 to 6 me, 46 Little------~~—~—m " I “0 E"mo-I :34 i4 to Sva' 3’4 I
‘ l ‘ 8 10 12 46 7 9 11 46 1 840—12 1 $4 I 7'9‘11 ‘34 ' "
I - ‘ 2_ 15 42:2 15 I ‘ 2 I 13 l 2’3 13 ‘ I
I Dundee. . ,. .. 5 I4 to 6.11m! 16 4 to 6.1110. 16 Lombard " ‘I I4 go $111,933“. 1: I4 20311110 I: I
II I I 8410—12 5 16 7—9—11 16 _ P i ; ’ _ E
II : . . , 3 3 27 I 223 54 I
I l 3 I 14 37.3 . 41 . I r ‘ . .
l EClIouett .. __ I 4 to 6. inc; 42 4 to (5. inc 43 MeRoberts ._ ._ . . -- S ‘4 to 6, incI 5.) ‘4 to 6.1110. 55 I
I 1 8410412 1 42 741—11 ' 42 I ‘ 8‘10’12 I 55 3 7‘9"” 55 I
. 3 2 i 27 - 2-3 27 I 3. % 16 l 2’3. 4:"
Elkatztwa.__.._. .. I I4 :06 incl 28 4t06 inc' 28 Masu -- - 4t06.1nc. 44 14 to (imcm 44 I
i ? 8-16.12 28 7 0'11 ' 28 I ‘ 8‘1051'2 44 I 7‘9‘11 44 . . .
I " " ‘ . u I ‘. r I i
' ; 2 : 12 as I 12 . .. I z’. 2} I 2"? 51 I .
Fjlgon ....“ .. ) :4 £06 mo. 13 4t06 incl 13 Mayklng ~‘---------- ' 4 to (1.1110. 5’3 14 t'06- 1110. 52 I .
I 53—16 12 . 13 74);“ ‘I 13 I 8410412 52 7-9-11 52 1 g
‘ 2 ‘ 2;) 2424 i 20 . \ 2. 23 2“? {33 '5 = ‘
E‘iucnsflp '7 _ _ _g .. \ 4 t0 6 inc‘ 21 4 t0 6 inc 21 Monica 7 7 ' ‘ ' " ’- " .. 14 to 6.1110. 24 4 t0 6' 1110' ‘84 i I
. / 8716 112' 21 7 9'11 ' 91 I l 8~10~12 . 24 7-9-11 I 24 ‘1 l
l ' 2 ‘ 18 “2:2 I is I ‘ 2. 1 2‘3 | 1 V I
II Glencairn . .- ~ l 4 to 6.l110.i 19 4 to 6, inc. 19 Montrose" " I ‘4 ‘80 $56111; I 420311110 I l . I
I I 48—10412 I in 7-0-11 19 . ' .. I
I I 2 : 4 . 2.:-1 4 I 2 : 14 2-3 14 r
I Gordonton -- 4 to 6. inc 5 :4 to 6, inc 5 Nada .-_. __._ .. .. -- - 4 to 6, inc. 15 4 to 6. inc. l5 1 i
. I 8410—12 I 5 ‘ 7_9_11 5 I : 8410412 15 I 74141 15 I I
l ;' . I :1 . 4 243 31 l 1 2 I 17 I‘ 244 17 l I I
I Huddix. ..._. ~ « 4 to 6. inc. 32 4 to 6, inc. 32 Natural Bridge--____ -- 4 to 6. inc; 18 4 to 6. inc 18 I
I I 8410—12 I :12 749—11 :32 I 8—10—12 . 18 I 74941 18 . I
_- - - 7 7 7 . 1 _. . .- _ , . 7 1 I
7 . . .. .. .. . . - ..7 l _ .-._..- ___ _.. .. .7 7
‘——_‘_‘———_—'——‘———'—————-—— . __._—_.___“—

 iv 1 1
_ - Mm“,
Rule 1. In the absence of specific provisions in this Tariff to the contrary, shipments transported under this 1
1 Tariff will be subject to all terminal charges and all allowances, relating to I
1 Arbitraries, Diversion, Icing, Overloaded cars, handling of, Shelling, , CLASS AND COMMODITY RATES‘ 1
Car rentals, Drayage, IIISpection, , ‘ Reconsignment. Storage. 1 Division numbers shown in this Tarifi are to be applied to this Scale of Rates.
Car service, Elevation, Mileage on private cars, Refining, S\VltC11111gy. . 1
Cleaning, Grading, Milling, Refrigeration, Transl‘c pl‘IVIIGgeS. j . . ,, . ,.,.,;:;AWAWIAA
Clipping, Grain doors, Mixing, , Seeking, Wharfege, IN CENTS In Dollars
, Demurrage, Handling, . . , ,AAAAHIAI
1 - , Ton
1 together with all other privileges, charges, and rules which in any way increase or decrease the amount robe paid PER HUNDRED POUNDS, £31 Per 100 Lbs. 2,000 PER CAR.
on any shipment between points named in this Tal‘ifi, 01‘ as the same may be amended 01‘ changed, 01‘ “1111011 1110101150 1 ,, ,,,, ,,, ,, , , , , , ,, , I 1,, , ,, ,, , Lbs;g,g,,,,,,,,,,,,,
or decrease the value of the service to the shipper, as provided in tarifis published and lawfully on file With the 1 ‘ 1 (N CAR LOADS |
. . - - . I
Intersizite Commerce Commissmn. _ . 1 7 .
In the absence of specific provisions in this Terifi‘ to the contrary, property (lest lied to ponits beyond the 1 we Stock vi _ 1
tracks of this Company is entitled to such privileges, and will be subject to such charges, as provulcd in loriils ( . 1 I. E
published and lawfully on file with the Interstate Commerce Commission, of the carriers granting the priVilcge and 1 . 1 _.5 1
performing the service. ‘ 1 ‘ 5 g -
j12345‘6ABCiDEHFILMN Eggs]
.. ~ 21%.: 3%
0 es? 7:;:
Rule 2. To or from points not named herein, but which are directly intermediate to points to or from which E g g; ,3: 7:: 1
1 specific division numbers or class rates are named in this Tarifi. the division number or class rates to or from the next 1 1 E "if 5 g?
1 more distant point named herein will be applied. ( 3 , ”_--.DAA - , I :3 G I;
1 ( _'7'7—"—“ m i,,,,,,, , , , '7 ,,, ~ , i~~-—r—fi—_._2Am__.__.—_ if
1 1 Division \Fumber 1 . _. 12 10 9 8 7 (‘ 6 1 6 F -' 6 6 10 G 7 4 ‘ F
1 COMMODITY RATES TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CLASS RATES. 1 .. ‘ .. :3 , 1;, 13 13 11 16 1; 1, 9 f, 3 9 9 12 9 ;j 5 i 28 g 38 9 88
1 . . . . .. 5 -~ ~ 5‘ . , 20 1" 11') 1? 12 11 11 3 11 1 7 '7 11 11 4 1 T ‘ '— 9 7 1 l
1 Rule 3. Whenever a car load or less than car load commodity rate is established, it removes the application 1 ._ ., ,1, 33 36 17 1,3) 14 1 13 13 1 13 g, é 13 13 18 1% 9 (7) ‘5) log é 88 18 88
1 0.11111! class rate to and fromthe same points on that commodity in car load quantities, or less than cor load quanti— ‘ .. .. 5 , ,, 7 21)- 33 30 ( 17 115 1,3 15 1 1,3 10 8