xt73bk16mm49 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mm49/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19250109 newspapers sn89058402 English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 9, 1925 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 9, 1925 1925 2012 true xt73bk16mm49 section xt73bk16mm49 Best Copy Available f; 'm mimmimmmmmKimmmm fillip The Kentucky Kernel UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, VOL. XV i KYM JANUARY 9, 1925 No. 14 WILDCATS PLAY FIRST SOUTHERN GAME TONIGHT HOLIDAYS OVER STUDENTS AWAIT FEARFUL EXAMS Finals Begin Friday, January 23 Mid-Ye- ar at 8:30 STUDY IS URGED Registration and Classification on Monday, February 2 Jj Again the University of Kentucky campus resounded to the hustle and ' bustle, of student life Tuesday morning, as all classes were resumed after one of the longest Christmas holidays cvey enjoyed by the students. Since Sunday trains from all parts of the state were packed with crowds of students returning to resume their college life and Tuesday morning found but few stragglers absent from classes. Tuesday morning found the freshman once more firmly established in his infinitesimal place at the bottom of college life. No longer can he strut proudly along the campus walk; no longer can he sport his new Stetson or Berg, for with the resumption of school, freshman rules went into effect and the holiday skypiece is now replaced by the blue and white cap of freshmanship. With the joy of returning to their college activities and the pleasure of greeting returned friends, the happiness of the student body is complete save one shadow which mars the otherwise perfect happiness. And in this instance the fly in the ointment is the fear of impending examinations, now but two weeks off. Instructors greeted their first classes with friendly smiles and with hearty exams were assurances that just around the corner, urging them to take counsel and prepare in earnest for them. Midyear examinations are sheduled to begin Friday, January 23 and to continue Saturday and throughout the following week. Registration and classification will be held Monday, February 2 and classes will be resumed for the second semester on Tuesday. In anticipation of the large registration, the university authorities are arranging for early registraDue antion and classification. nouncement of the dates selected for are urged to turn in requests for exemption's from such penalty to the committee on scolarship and attendance at once. The governing rules of the university on this point are as follows: "A student absent from classes lm-the penalty of such absences and early registration will be given soon. i mid-ye- (Continued on Pago Eight) COLLEGE GIRLS ARE BEST WIVES Divorce Almost Negligible Among College Women "Men, choose your wives from among the girls in schools and keep out of divorce courts. Collego ro- mances seldom end fatally." The world has the word from Miss Agnes Husband, dean of women at Kansas University, for the above statements and she has the proof to back up the statement. Of all the Kansas University marriages, commencing with the founding of the in- Btitution down to the present, there has been only one divorce. Miss Husband uccounts for this by saying that college men and women have not only a selected group from which to choose, but have better opportunities for knowing one another and cun make more intelligent choices. BIDS STOP! Did You Ever Stop to Think That There will be 1,500 student pictures in the 1025 Kcntuckian? There will be pictures of all the athletic teams nnd coaches, with accounts of the games nnd con- tests held? Thcro will bo a record of all the seniors' activities while on the campus ? There will be a list of those students who should have graduated this year but fell by the wayside? Thcro will be nnmcs of all the students in the university? There will be thousands of things that you will never wnnt to forget, that will be in this book nlways at your command to refresh your memory. Buy a Kcntuckian now and cooperate with the staff in publishing this book. Wm, H. Skinner, Bus. Mgr. NOVEL MAGAZINE TO BE PUBLISHED Students Are Urged to Con- College tribute The appearance of a new magazine, "True Adventures," has been announced by Fiction House, Inc., 461 Eighth Avenue, New York City. Collego readers are urged by Fiction House to contribute true, realistic feature stories with a vivid, dramatic touch. Stories concerning daring experiences in shipwrecks, among savages, in fires, as detectives, or any occurrences of much moment are suggested. It is preferable that the stories be written in the first person, but those written in the third person will be considered. Fiction House makes payment on acceptance of material and wishes that "every young writer may have a chance to try his hand" at relating scenes and incidents from real life true characters and actual locations. "TELEPIX" SENDS PICTURES OF GAME REJECTED DUE TO LACK OF BUILDING FUNDS Dnme-Le-lan- SUES FOR $20,000 Hume Wilson, n former student of this university, has sued the University of Chicago for 20,000 nllcging that he was expelled from that university in 1919 on a false chnrgo of "cribbing" in his English work. He charges that they refused to him in 1922 and 1923. Wilson entered the college of Arts and Sciences of the University of Kentucky in September, 1915, and continued in college here until June, 1917. He entered Northwestern University in 1920 and attended one year nnd n half, and one summer session. He again entered the University of Kentucky in September of '21, but remained only a few month. He is now a junior in the Law depart- Committee Is Appointed to Revise Build- ing Plans ACCEPT DONATION Delays Addition to New Chemistry Building All bids for the construction of the addition to the new chemistry build ing at the university were rejected by the executive committee of the board of trustees at their January meeting The bids greatly exceeded the amount of money on hand for the purpose of completing the addition, was the reason given for their rejection. Judge R. C. Stoll, Senator H. M Frohman and Dr. Frank L. McVcy comprised the committee appointed to go over the plans with the architect, with the object of suggesting changes that will bring the cost of the proposed addition within the limits of the amount of money in the treasury available for that purpose. All checks sent in by the contractors as guarantee of their good faith were mailed back to them with the notice of rejection. Receipt of a gift of $500 from Prof. Carol Sax, head of the department of Art, to be applied to the fund maintained for the purpose of bringing speakers to the university for the convocations was also acknowledged by the executive committee. The only other business transacted by the board was routine and details of activities of the university. Those present were: Judge Stoll, Senator Frohman, R. G. Gordon, of Louisville, and Superintendent of Public Instruction McHenry Rhodes, of Frankfort. U. OF K. BEGINS REFORESTATION Ag. Department Estab- lishes Station In Sent From Pasadena to New York and Chicago d Pictures of the Notre Stanford football game in Pasadena, California, were transmitted by the "Telepix" to Chicago and New York for printing in the formal inauguration of the new machine. "Transmission of pictures through an instrument known as Telepix, telegraph pictures," have been demonstrated as practicable," says the Chicago Tribune, which is joint owner with the New York Daily News, of the process. The new machine will both send nnd receive pictures by telegraphic dots and dashes, requiring from an hour to 75 minutes to transmit an ordinary photograph. The owners say that the Telepix is easier to operate than a five tube radio set and takes up less room. Only bad weather interrupting the telegraphic facilities can incapacitate the machine. The sending operutor fixes to a drum of copper a halftone plate made from a photograph. Where each of the thousands of dots appear on the plate a metal contact is established. On the receiving machine the transmitted dots are recorded on chemically impregnated paper fastened to a similar drum. The machine telegraphs 40 dots a second. UNIVERSITY GIRL IS CHAMPION Breathitt Reforestation work has been started on the lands known as Robinson tract, according to W. E. Jackson, State Forester, appointed by Clell Coleman, Commissioner of Agriculture. The lands, which are located in Breathitt county, were donated to the university by the E. O. Robinson Mountain Fund, as a Station at Quicksand. This new station is expected to serve the needs of eastern Kentucky. Mr. Jackson, in speaking of the forestry work said, "I am working in cooperation with Dean Thomas P. Cooper of the Agricultural Station at Lexington. EXTRA Miss Mary Graham Williams In a milking contest at the recent "Little International" Stock Show at the University of Kentucky, Miss Mary Graham Williams defeated all comers and carried off the honor of being Kentucky's champion milkmaid. She displayed the best "method and form" in milking, according to Judge John Nutter, superintendent of the Experiment Station's dairy herd. Miss Williams got the greatest amount of milk in three minutes of any of the .contestants. Miss Williams is farm born and reader, her home being on a farm near Paris. She has done the family milking for several years and is a lover of livestock and of outdoor life. She is a popular member of the freshman class in the college of Agriculture and is a pledge to the Omega Rho sorority. "The modern college girl is better and more capable than the college girl of a few years ago. I believe thoroughly in the modern young person. There is much talk about the fast set but the young folks are living no faster than the older ones. Older people are spending more money, living more extravagantly, and setting an example which they cannot blame the younger ones for following." Commerce Frat Pledges Eta chapter of Delta Sigma Pi, professional fraternity in Commerce, held its annual pledging exercises a Sew days prior to the Yultide holidays, and the following men who are majoring in economics, were tapped: Thomas Neblett, Henry B. Moore, Elmer Vossmeyer, Robert D. Bullock, M. D. Winston, Cecil Carpenter, Sterling R. Kerns, George P. Young, William Thomas and Emmet Milward. Delta Sigma Pi was established at the university in 1920 and has done great work in the commerce depart- ment ing bringing speakers to the The state forestry school to speak on different economic Dr. Frank L. McVey, Dr. problems. Edward F. Wiest and Mr. Paul Cooper are faculty members 'of the fraternity. work is in a preliminary state, but we aro doing the best we can with the act of the 1924 General Assembly, which revived forestry in the state. Laws with teeth aro needed." Station, acThe cording to the legislative act of 1924, has been made a division of the Ex- (Continuod ment of Northwestern. on Page Eight) FOR SALE L. C. Smith Typewriter; Model. Phone 1956. No. 2 iaiwaiaraiaianiitaiwa ATHLETIC COUNCIL ASKS THAT NO STUDENT TICKETS BE' EXCHANGED ,She: Something is preying on Dick's There has been much criticism on He: Never mind, it will die of star- the part of "Daddy' Boles and the Dartmouth Jack O'Lantern. Athletic Association in reguru to the vation. use of student tickets ut the "Try this on your piano," said the athletic contests. This practice has exasperated neighbor as ho handed been more pronounced at the uasKet-ba- ll games than it was during the an axe to the beginner next door who started practicing exery night at gridiron season. Many Btudents aro lending their eleven o'clock. NOTICE, SENIORS! athletic tickets to outsiders and some have gone so far as to sell them. This A Word to the Anxious All seniors who expect to complete Don't pick u girl by the wuy she pructico is causing the Athletic Countheir work by February 1 call ut the Registrar's office ut once and muke fits in your arms, but by the way she cil to lose money, on tho contests. Becuuse of this condition the SuKy fits in your life. application for degrees. mind. l Circle determined Inst Tuesday to with tho Council to help extinguish this corrupt practice by following out the plan outlined by Mr. Boles nnd Coach Applegran. Basket-bu- ll gnme as is not n to finances. Each student is asked in the future to cooperate by nlwnys bringing his student ticket nnd by refraining to ask the doorman to puss him without it. The conch wishes to urge the boys anil girls to continue to sit in separate sections. Popular Takes Strychnine Co-E- d TAKES POTION TO STRENGTHEN HEART May Recover Players on Edge As sult of Northern Tour Re- REGULARS TO START Georgetown Tigers To Be Here Tomorrow Night The Christmns vacation meant very little to the Wildcats ns far as rest goes. They were given stiff workouts by Coach Clarence Applegran during the holidays. The 'cats seemed to be somewhat overworked by consistent practice and were unable to take the long end of the count in either of the four games which they played during the holidays. The Felines meet their first Southern Conference opponent this season tonight in the new gymnasium, when they hook up with the basketeers from the University of Mississippi. That institution is reported to have a good team and will be one of the strongest contenders for the conference title. Although the Wildcats have been unable to go well against northern teams, it is expected that they will be in good form when they meet the teams which compose the S. I. C. The Wildcats will meet the Georgetown Tigers tomorrow night and this contest will probably have considerable bearing on the state championship. The Kernel Office Friday afternoon 4:15. Miss Margaret Lucille Dunn, age 21, daughter of Mrs. B. M. Dunn of Indianapolis, Indiana and a sophomore in the college of Arts and Sciences took strychnine at the home of her aunt, Miss Mary Ballard, 171 Kentucky Avenue, with whom she lives, this morning between 9 and 9:30 o'clock. At 4 o'clock she was resting quietly at the Good Samaritan hospital and doctors In attendance entertained some hope for her WILDCATS PLAY FIRST S. C. GAME WITH 'OLE MISS' recov- Felines returned from their first trip and went back to hard work at once. Coach Applegran has been drilling his squad on foul throws, in which part of the game they are very weak. Not one member of the team can successfully make good an average number of free throws. Applegran has cut out the s play completely and has taken up the long pass which has proved to be a great help to the team. The next trip of the Wildcats will be a jaunt to Danville next Saturday, when they meet the Centre College quintet in their second game. Neither Centre nor Georgetown should be able to stop the Blue and White team criss-cros- (Continued on Page Eight) ery. Had Been In III Health Miss Dunn had been in ill health for many years and was sick throughout the Christmas holidays. She had decided to have an operation Monday and this morning came to the University to withdraw, so as to afford her opportunity to rest before having the operation. She left the registrar's office about 8:45 and went to her room, telling her aunt as she wont upstairs not to disturb her until 2 o'clock because she wanted to rest until that time when she would go to a show with a young man. Shortly afterwards Miss Ballard was called to the room of her niece who told her aunt that she had taken Btrychniue. Her aunt asked her why she had done it and she replied that it would not hurt her and was good for her heart. Rushed to Hospital Miss Ballard called the ambulance and tho patient was takon to tho hospital. A transfusion was necessary and Miss Ballard gave a pint of her blood in an effort to save the life of her nieco. Miss Dunn Is a very popular student on tho campus and would have been u Juuior In February. She is of a high nervous disposition which condition was produced by her con slstont illness. Sho has been very delicate and ill much of tho time since she was a small child. Miss .Dunn hud gathered from vur-lou- s conversations that strychnino is good for tho heart und sho evidently took tho deadly potion, thinking it would strengthen nnd refresh hor. MR. SAX DONATES TO UNIVERSITY Made Similar Gift Last Year for Lecture Fund A gift of 500 to the university from Professor Carol M. Sax, head of the department of Art, was acknowledged with apprecintion by the executive committee of the board of trustees at the monthly meeting in the office of President Frank L. McVey Saturday. A similar gift was made last year by Mr. Sax in memory of his father, for the purpose of bringing to tho university lecturers of prominence, who will speak nt tho monthly convocations. NOTICE It is imperative that all organizations and honoraries, and professional fraternities call at the Kentuckinn office before Saturday, Junuary 10 and make their reservations for space in tho annual. The representatives of these organizations must bring with them n list of their members. Pictures will bo made in the Stroller rooms Monday, January 12. If you have not hud your picture mudo and expect it to go in tho 1925 Kcntuckian, you will avuil yourself of this opportunity, ns it is to bo the Inst chunco this year. Frunk H. Carter, Editor. * Best Copy KENTUCKY KERNEL PAGE TWO 1 Alumni flage Editor Alumni Secretary CALENDAR y Lexington, Jan. 10. (Second at Regular) luncheon 12:00, Lafayette Hotel. Buffalo, Jan. 10. (Second Satur-da- y Kcgutar) luncheon, 1:15 p. ni., Chamber of Commerce, corner Main and Seneca streets. Chicago, Jan. 19. (Third Monday Regular) luncheon at Field's Grill. Detroit, Jan. 30. (Last Friday-Reg- ular) dinner at Dixieland Inn. Somerset, Feb. f. (First Friday Regular) 7:30 p. m. at Dr. Norflcct's office. Philadelphia, Feb. 7. (First Satat urday Regular) luncheon Engineers' Club, 1317 Spruce Street. GRADUATES VISIT ON THE CAMPUS prevent interruptions to service. Realizing the importance of the development of the Beaver Valley district, Mr Graves has outlined a power plant of the design of the Colfax stn tion to be erected within the next year nt a shipping port on the Ohio River. This station will be the base ot sup ply for the Bcnvcr Valley district, and will also be connected with the high tension ring as arc the Colfax and Brunot Island plants. In his capacity as assistant gen oral manager to which he was ap pointed on July 1, 1920, and as gen crnl manager to which position he rose on December 1, 1920, Mr. Graves has brought to his work a vision of a constantly growing better service to the general public whichc the com pany serves. During the time he has served the company it has been his pleasure to watch the number of customers increase from 14,000 in 1903 to over 200,000 nt the end of this year. Realizing the tremendous increase in the popularity of clec tricity, both in home and industry, Mr. Graves has been active in keep ing ever nhead of the growing do mnnd so as to render a dependable service. Call on Dean Anderson at College of En- gineering Four graduates of the college of Engineering, University of Kentucky, were visitors at the office of Dean F. Paul Anderson this week. The men. Lvnn B. Evans. '15: R. S. Ar nold, '19; Raymond Craig, '22; and Frank Daugherty, '01; were in lex ington to spend part of the Christ mas holidays. Mr. Evans is now chief of distribution for Studebaker automobiles at Kansas City, Mo. He has more than three hundred agencies under him in the southwest. Mr. Arnold is with the York Heating and Ventilating Cornoration. at Philadelphia; Mr Craig is employed by the Armstrong Cork Company, of Rochester, N. Y., and Mr. Daugherty is connected with the Scoficld Engineering Company at Philadelphia. U. K. GRADUATE MADE MANAGER Jas. M. Graves is V. P. of Duquesne Light FORMER STUDENT MADE U. S. JUDGE Chas. I. Dawson Succeeds Judge Chas. Moorman RepubCharles I. Dawson ex-'0- 4, lican party leader and prominent fig ure m the legal profession of the state, was chosen December 26 as U. S. Judge in Western Kentucky to succeed Judge Charles Moorman, who has been elevated to the court of appeals. This office carries with it authority over the section of the commonwealth where Mr. Dawson spent his childhood and early manhood Now a resident of Louisville, where he went to engage in the practice of law after his defeat in the gubernatorial contest in 1923, Mr, Dawson was born in Logan cocunty on February 13, 1881. His father, S. N. Dawson, and other members of his family still reside in Russellville The new federal judge spent his early years on his father's farm in Logan County attending the county schools. Company James M. Graves '00, general manager of the Duquesne Light Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been appointed and general manager of that company, effective January 1, 1925, according to announcement made by the Duquesne Light Company. Mr. Graves was born at Lexington in 1878. He received his M. E. in '01. After serving a short time with Field & Hinchman, consulting engineers of Detroit, he went to Pittsburgh where he became associated with the Heyl & Patterson company. In 1903 Mr. Graves became assistant to W. A. Shoreman, General Engineer of the Allegehney Light Company and later was. made assistant superintendent of power stations in charge of operation of the 13th street and Rankin plants. In 190G he was advanced to superintendent of the power station. Mr. Graves has for many years been active in furthering the interests of the electrical industry and for more than ten years was a member of the prime movers committee of the National Electric Light Association, which committee had much to do with the rapid development of the generation of power by electricity. Ho was instrumental in starting in 1905 the Kilowatt Club, composed of employes of the Duquesne Company, which later developed into the Duquesne Light Company section of the National Electric Light Association. Ho has since been very active in the various employes' organizations and from this activity is known to almost every onee of the employes of the of the Masonic order, a member of the sevcrnl days in Cuba nnd other places Knights of Pythias nnd Woodmen of of interest before returning to Somerthe World, an Elk nnd a member of set to reside. the State Bar Association and the '06 American Bar Association. He was married in 1905 to Miss William P. Kemper is now residLoEleanor Ilopson, daughter of a Greening 2303 nt St. Johns street, gan county farmer. They have three ville, Texas. children: Eleanor, born in 1911; Jean Maxwell, born in September, 1912; '07 nnd Richard, born in January, 1921. Walter A. Farrcll is superintend ent of the Fcrro Concrete Construe tion Company, Third and Elm streets, TWENTY-FIVMEMBERS AT Cincinnati, Ohio. He married Miss CLUB MEETING Rcttn E. Otters in 1910. They, with their son, Walter O. Farrcll, age G, Twenty-fiv- e members of the Buffalo live at 1003 North Fort Thomas nvc- Aumni Club were present nt our reg- nue, Fort Thomas, Ky. uar meeting hod Saturday, December 13, nt the Chamber of Commerce. '08 This was one of the best attended and most cnjoynble meetings of the James K. Grannis for several years year. general superintendent with II. L. Plans were mndo for the election of Stevens & Company nt Dayton, Ohio, officers to serve during 1925. The is now with Schulte & Williams, ar new club officers will be chosen nt our chitccts of that city. next meeting which is scheduled for Snturday, January 10, at one p. m., We nt the Chamber of Commerce. SEND IN YOUR BIT OF NEWS arc hoping to see every member who FOR THE ALUMNI PAGE can possibly bo present nt this time. E CLASS He then attended Bethel College at Russellville for one year and then attended the University of Kentucky. Upon leaving the university he returned to Logan county where he tnught school for four years. He studied law in the office of S. R. Crewdson, of Russellville, and later in the office of Judge James Bowden. He was admitted to the bar in 1905 and began the practice of law in Russellville. In 190G he was elected to the legislature as a Democrat, representing Logan county for one term. In 1907 he moved to Middlcs-borpracticing law there until 1910, when he moved to Pineville. He soon built up a large general practice in the mountain district. In 1909 he was elected county attorney of Bell county on the Republican ticket and was reelected again in 1913 and 1917. He resigned to become attorney-genercompany. of the state in 1919, serving during During the World War Mr. Graves, the administration of Gov. Edwin P. as a member of the Power Board of Morrow. In 1923 he won the Repub- the Pittsburgh district, was of con , lican nomination for governor over siderable assistance to tne govern- his opponent, George Colvin, who was ment in keeping the wheels of indus- state superintendent of public in try turning to provide munitions so struction. During the peace badly needed. In the November elections of 1923 times he has been actively engaged General Dawson was defeated by the and was instrumental in developing Democratic nominee, William J. many of the practices inaugurated at Fields ex-'1- 4, the present chief execu the great Colfax plant which have tive of the state. made it one of the most efficient General Dawson his defeat steam generating plants in the moved to Louisville after ho is now where country. making his home and is engaged in He was also responsible in a large the general practice of law. He did measure for the development of the not, however, discontinue his politi high tension transmission ring which cal activities, being at all times a surrounds the Pittsburgh district and prominent figure in party councils. General Dawson is a member of the by means of which the various plants are interconnected to Christian church. He is a member and '10 George R. Pope, whose address has been missing for some time in this office, is an attorney at Pineville. '12 's ASSOCIATION '93 Hvix liH Pntrick II. Ncbctt, superintendent of schools nt Hazard, Ky., was in Lexington January 1, 1925, looking for teachers. James G. Pfanstiel, formerly in our write letters to their classmates, urglost" list, is an attorney in the ing them to become active members United States National Bank Buildof the Alumni Association. This is ing at San Diego, California. a service which if properly performed will result in great good for the association. Dues to the association and sub DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION TO THE KERNEL $2 scription to the Kernel are only two dollars per year. are twenty-fiv- e dollars. You can ren der valuable assistance to your class '13 secretary and the association if you J. Ray Duncan spent the Christmas will urge your classmates with whom holidays in Lexington with his paryou keep in touch to get on the ac ents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Duncan of tive list of the association and re- Rose Lane. main loyal to the university in this way. After graduation Mr. Duncan was a member of the faculty of the college of Engineering for three years. He is now connected with the Carrier Engineering Corporation of New York, in which some of the most CLASS PERSONALS prominent alumni of the university While a student at are employed. the university Mr. Duncan made an enviable record in scholarship and '84 has been one of the most successful Miss Sophronisba P. Breckenridge of the graduates since he left school. ex, life member of the Alumni Asso'14 ciation,, spent the Christmas holidays with her brother Desha Breckenridge Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Savage (Caroex 87 of Lexington. Miss Brecken-ridgeaddress is Green Hall, Uni- line T. Watkins) and baby, Jeame, of versity of Chicago, Chicago, 111. She Niagara Falls, N. Y., visited Mrs. was the first woman to take the bar Savage's mother, Mrs. T. B. Watkins and family at their home on South examination in Kentucky. Broadway during the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Savage was a visitor in the Alumni Office last week. SAY HAPPY NEW YEAR WITH ALUMNI I '09 SECRETARIES Each class just before leaving the university has selected one of its number to servo it after going out into the world as secerctary. These selections are made with the expectation that these persons shall keep in touch with all the members of their classes and be the lnison officer between the classes and the Alumni association. With these duties in view the nlumni secretary has written these secretaries and mailed them n roster of their classes, requesting that they DUES '15 The marriage of Miss Marguerite Schweers of Frankfort to Mr. John Emerson Lewis of Georgetown was solemnized Saturday, December 29, at the rectory of the Good Shepherd Miss Carolyn Lutkemeir '1G Church. of Frankfort, Miss Aline Donley and Miss Hazel Lewis were the bridesmaids. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left im- John Willmott and T. R. Dean '90, recently met for a day at Manitou, Col., and talked over old times and college days until they felt so young and gay they had their picture taken riding on a roller coaster and sent mediately after the ceremony for a one back to Lexington to the "girls" honeymoon trip, after which tliey will They looked go to Georgetown to make their home. they used to know. Mrs. Lewis is the daughter of Mrs. young and handsome in the picture, Margaret Schweers and has taught too. Miss Ellen Ann Reynolds received in the high school at Frankfort for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy several years. Mr. Lewis is the son at the University of Chicago on De- of Judge JamcsP. Lewis, Secretary of State during the Stanley admincember 23, 1924 at the 135th convocation. She specialized in House- istration and Banking Commissioner hold Administration and her thesis under the Morrow administration. Jeff T. Jones, chief of the New Hawas "A Study of Food Legislation." Miss Reynolds has been teaching at ven division of internal revenue, of M. S. in '9G New Haven, Conn., was in Lexington Cornell. She tookher and in 1919 received an A. M. at Chi- last week and paid a visit to Mayor cago. Her classmates are proud of Hogan Yancey with whom he was her achievements. Her address is well acquainted when he lived in Lex5428 Woodlawn avenue, Chicago, 111. ington. Mr. Jones was formerly connected with the revenue office at Louisville and was moved to New Ha99 ven several months ago. Woodford, of Bourbon Mrs Catesby county, will leave Lexington about '10 January 18 for New York City, where Maj. Herbert Graham of New York she will sail on the steamer Paris for Europe. She will spend most of her City, editor of the Scottish American, a magazine devoted to the interests time in Italy and France. of tho Scottish people of this country, was in Lexington December 29. 01 Mr. Graham, who is a native of Mr. and Mrs James II. Gardner of Frankfort, came to Kentucky to spend Tulsn, Okla., are receiving congratu- the Christinas holidays. For several lations for their daughter who was years he was nlumni secretary of tho born December 20. University of Kentucky, resigning last year to accept his present .position. He spent a very enjoyable DUES AND SUBSCRIPTION TO summer in Scotland last year, partly in tho interest of his paper. THE KERNEL $2 During tho World War Mr. held a commission of captain, and forrowing tho signing of the arDr. Carl Norfleet ex-- , prominent mistice, was instructor of journulism Somerset physician, and Mrs. Inez in an army school in France. Ho Roche were married Christmas day now holds u commission ns major in at Lakcworth, Fla. Mrs. Roche has the Reserves. visited Somerset frequently during 17 the past few years in the interest of the health department of the State John Hurst Adams, of Franklin, Board, with which she has been con- Ind., was a visitor in Lexington last nected us state supervisor of the week. As a student and following nursing department. that time, Mr. Adams was on the Dr. and Mrs. Norfleet are spending staff of tho Lexington Leader. After Grn-hu- tho war he was on tho staff of a newspaper in Franklin. At present ho is District Manager of tho American Central Life Insurance Company, with offices nt Franklin. He nnd Mrs. months, after which he was transferred to tho advertising department. He was n member of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity. Adams were visiting her relatives here. EVERY '18 R. Gnbbcrt, for four years the county agent of Fayette county, has tendered his resignation to T. R. Bryant '08, director of extension, Kentucky Experiment Station, nnd to the fiscal court of Fnyctte county, effective