xt73bk16nb8r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16nb8r/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1895 journals kaes_bulletins_057 English Lexington, Ky. : The Station, 1885- Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin n.57. text Bulletin n.57. 1895 2014 true xt73bk16nb8r section xt73bk16nb8r I
K E l\l T U C K Y `
  Agricultural Experiment Station l
Ii I. Wheat Experiments. I
it 2. Oat Experiments.

 i,?_  I
ly! -
. . . 5%
g _ Agricultural Experiment Slal101i.  
= ;··¢?.€ .  -
* * i BOARD OF 00NTR0L ~
  Im. R. ]. SPKRR, Cll2lll'lIl1\ll, (_il'L;QllllLllC, Ky.
* 1’lIlI,liM<)N BIRD, Sliclbyyillc, Ky.
5. ' .-\. 1*. (}<)()1>lN<}, Muys Lick. Ky. .i
.   K. l‘.\'l"1`l·]l{SllX, l’1‘esir. Suciwtury. ‘_ 
»_ [ F
T   M. ;\. 5C<>\`l·]l,l.. l)i11·0L<>1‘.
.\. M. 1‘l·Z'l`l£l{, l _ _ V
y ll. li. Cl`ll'l`lS.   Umiliwui  i
__` _ H. Q}.-\l{M.\N, l£ut<»1m»l<»gisL uml ll¤>t;u1is\. A
  C. \\'. M.\'l`llIi\\'S. ll<¤i‘Liui1lL111·ist.  .i
ifjk" 'L`. S. l[.\\\`KlNS, l:4>l'L'lll1\ll <>\` 1*;u·111.  Q
l \`. li. MYNCY. \\`c;lLlu·i‘ (ll)$L‘l`\'L‘l`. °
Miss .·\I.lCI·Z M. Slll·]l,l%\', Slex1¤»g1‘:xplu·i·.  i
.\¤l¤li1·ss·¤l` llic SlLlll|!llZ l.l£XlNl`.'1`l>N. KY. V
, NOTICE.  ‘
'l`lu~ lliillminis ml nlm SL:lti<;11 xiill lm muilul [mu to any viii/vii Hf _` 
i Keiiliivky wl1<»sl·u·lsliis iiniiiv uml xulmlvuss tw {liv Slamtiwix for Llml pill'- _
C<>i‘ix-sp¢»i1i1x·vt<>i· wl clizmgws in llxcif
p¤>s1-»»\`llu· zulllimss. or ·»f_;my l`;•ilui1·\<¤ ix·u·iw {liv luillvlixis, · .
.\··.‘r¤»x. Ky.
T l.

» . I
5 I. Wheat Experiments.
2. Oat Experiments.
; Tl1e experiments cover— ’
_`  I. 721v/ rg/` /°?z1‘12‘/zkar.
 i 2. .l0/érwfv {2/` 5twz’z)1_g.
 `‘' 3 711v/ rf [Wir/z72ito1·s.
I The character of the soil of the Experiment Station I
 I grounds, on which these experiments were conducted,
_» has been described in Jrecedino bulletins.
{ I D
,..{   THE SEr\SON.*'T`ll€ season was unfavorable to the
IM. I Wlwéit crop. The wheat was ((\\'l11[€I' liilledll {lilly I5 ]>€1'
cent. The latter part of the season was quite unI`avor—
mr   al>le~so nrnch so that the heads did not hll well. .·\ll the
- varieties rusted badly. The English sparrows, although
kept off as rnuch as possible by a watchman with a gun,
were so destructive as to greatly diniinish the yield and
to nnpair, to sorne extent at least, the accuracy or the
results obtained.

 i -
  U V y6 Bulletin No. 57.
·‘ The following table shows the average rainfall per
‘ month, highest, lowest, and average temperature, and the  
. amount of sunshine during the wheat season: ‘  
i i ··’_"_?,,,-3"j“ 7il’·{'7{_{J'_—'7 ' 77 77 '  
. 1 1 ¢
1 ‘~ 1 ’l`1ssi1»1aRATn1z1;, t
,,1   E Degrees. '
A J ‘ Mosras 18040805.   · __5
%· V   - if   fi ·
7 s § 2¤ 53 H E
L 1 LM (J 4: ¢ 7; 1 J
1 September .............................. 47.0 5Z·§.0` 4.05 71.0 02 42%
5,* 1 Oemben. .................................   45.0 1.40 57.0 0:1 _:::; E
_ X   November ........ . ..,................. 41.0 50.0 1.31% 41.3 70 15 '
December ................................ 23.0 ·77.0 3%.45 37.-l 05 ~0
it january ............,...................... 22.0 78.0 5.00 27.7 01 »l2 7
` 1 .
$` February ................................. 32.0 \ 08,0 \ .712 1 23.-1 \ 08 ~1Z§ 1
, , 1
5 gn-. March ..................................... ::0.0 1 01.0 2.70   42.7 sz; 20 1
  April ...................................... ::4.0 00.0 ::.17 1 ms 0; :10 _
1 .
May ......................,................, ::0.0 05.0 4.06   02.:; 01 tac; c`
]une .......................,............... 47.0 331.0 2.03 73.5 04 \ 710 {
? ,l`1€S'l` or VA1"$w""i"`WrU>r` 
  J ` .—\1·1·1—:.-u1·* J _   I
J J JR1pe J , ,5 0f
' J \'.»x1<11c’1‘\‘, J$——+—##J A S
J J   J TJ: Grain.
J   April 1. J june 1. J june I5. J ggj
— J J J cz J
J __J_$`$JJ+ J§ J%$Jé- %  _
J   I)2llI1Zlg’€(I JI,Fm_ J JJUUB _
I J I)€1I1<)CI'2lt .........   by cold J` Jléadcd J Rustiug.   24 B \\`h1te
J J \\'11lt<31*. ` J
J   5 . J JJ
2   RcIe ......... J Fair, J Lookmg J I·`z1ir. J 24 S Red
J J J well.
J J . J J
3 JGOIJJ C0i11 .......,,     J g§?“l€(J‘ J \`e1·yl`;1ir. J 25 S \\`I1ite
J   J J 1 JJN1 . J J . J   J
, J ·J JJ E1l1‘J}‘ RC1} CIz1w»J I)(lII1&ly_'€(l_J gjIF€J(iLd' J \vQ1'yI`{1i1‘. J ZJ; J S Allibéf
J sou ..........,,,,, J` J ‘m' J   JJ
JJ J J J J Headed, J` _. J J
  (JlII1(lg'(,<. WQJJJ J (111.   J J
A J J ` J J
J Ji J]4£lllLYZlS[Cl`JS Li‘1J IJ/JJJ_ 1ICil(I(‘(.I, 1 Very   24 J B J Red
J Red ...J.....___,_,   ‘ ‘ J \'L’1`)' félll'. good. J J  
· J J J
J T I·`J1IczJstc1‘ .........   I);1111;1_qe!‘. J 23 J B J RM
J J ¢ · J   J I
J JJ, JJ . ._ JJ , J IIn·11@T
(. J J J
J JY J Rwl L`I:J1vsJ»11 ...J. JYJJCHJJJJ ........J..... . ............. J Z5}   S J Red
} (lZl1Il:igL‘€1'
J tlfllllilgtll. J J
— J . J
JJJ JJ··¥J‘JJ’JJ"JJ ··»·-·... ._ I>.J111:1··u11lvf:111·. J 1*:111: ZJJ S J ¤\J!JJ)€Y
J " J ‘   ‘
J" RWJ JJ<·JJJ11_1· .,,___ 1),JJJJ;Jg-@Jl_J (mly f;Ji1·_ 011})* Tuff.  25 S J ·‘\"’J’“r J

 ? - ..
 1 1
-:21 1
2;.1 1
  . 78 Bulletin N0. gy.  
; Here 1011ows the y1e1c1 of each vamety and the we1ght  
of wheat per bus11e1; ·
. 1
j J TABLE 3—Wheat»—Yie|d of the Varieties.
1 » —»···*" , 1
  1 \'I1£l.1) Pau 1 Q *1
1   .—\c1u·;. 1 @
1 1- 1//31 ai »
1 11,*1 _` ` _; 1 I
. . _ 2 _ _ 1 5
’ i D, xnxx; ov \.>.1<112TY. - 1 I. _ ,2.
1 2 1 {{3   ·:
Z1 °.     5 -,3 EP
O T" -· 1*
z 1 ¢£ ii 1  
; ‘ ·‘ ·"·"‘~·‘·”"’/’-f'/‘#’1#"‘ ’#"1~'
1 1 1
- 1 Dcuxocrzxt .......... . ................................x..... 1 111,8 2111311 1311
1 1
` ‘, 13 Lv111l21111QI11 ...................................... . ........... \ 115.8 11112 11311
1in ,.1 . - --   -
. — 1 11 L2\11CZlS1.€‘1' L. Red ..,.......................... . ........ 1 1·1.11 1=>115 »»11 _
X . 1 1
1 ` 5 ]o11es‘ \\'ix1ter1’1fc ............ . ......,................ 1 1-1.11 $111   BT
. 1
. 2 Red 1’<1o1e ..,.......................,.................   131.11 11115 1 BT
§ 1 1
_`1 _ 4 1.‘:2\1'1}' Rc11 K;1zL\\‘S(111 ................................   131,11 17121111 1] 7111
  14 (;C1'111(\11 1‘11111)t1`()1' ..,...,..,.... . ........,.......,,..... 1 121.1 15712 1 7111
M'} - 11 ]<111cs` \\'1111k·1' 1*11`t~ 1\\111S(1111 ....,.,................   131,2 11112 Y111
3 · 1311111 com ........................... . .,..,..........,..,. 1 1::,1 $11111 A11
T 11111C1lS1Q1` .............................. . ................. 1 12.11 11112 7111 »
  15 1‘1g\']1111\11 .....................................,........... 1 11.11 1 1111 711 11
1 111 1x1x1>1·<>vt·11 1’xx1t/. ...........................,_.,..........   11,25 S11111 1 1111 1
111 Red 11t~:uxty .,....,...........,.....1..................... 1; 11.271 77111 $*1 »
1 12 R01 C1l1\\'r§1111 ...,.......,....,........................... 1 111.% 121111 . 111 ‘1
b `
9 1{L'11 \\'1>1111t‘1‘ .........,....,....,....,......,......,...... 1` $,271 131-111 711 1
8 1 11121111 $1111:111- 11t·:x11 ...,.....,..,..,...........,...... 1 T.3 11112 1**1
,,J 2,,-./-..c,,,4,.,,.2,i,,f;{,I,,--. -.. ./»
1 The seasoxx was so 1\111`3\`O1'81)1€ and t11e y1e1c1 so unsat-
isfactory that t11e resu1ts _are \'&111181)1€ 0111;* for 1`11tx11‘€

{ 1
  TV/wa! .El])(’}‘/l//I(’}lf·?. yo
I Deep vs. Shallow Planting—Thick vs. Thin Seeding —— {
¥ The German Emperor was the variety planted in these
{ experiments. The land adjoined that on which the va- I
f rieties were grown. Planted Oct. 5. Plots 1-20 acre .
» each.
The results follow:
TABLE 4—Am0unt of Seed and Depth of Planting.
Seed [`sed Depth Yield of Yield of
Plot. Per Acre, Planting, \\`heat, Straw,
Pccks. Inches. Bnshels. Pounds.
l Cj l tl. Sri 1238
2 ·l l ll.li { lilti
:1 5 I { 15.4 l lstna
·l ti l l lil.] { 1575
. . 1
5 T { l { lil.] 1 ltisli
i li { N { I   ISA; 24*31
1 {
7   ti { l [ ll.2 Edit)
` *   li   ll; ll.2 l!»lll
’   '• ` vi   3 1::,1 him! I
i vi lll { me   :2 lN_U 1732
l " >———— —- 
,; TEST Ol·` F1·2RTII,1zERS.
_l l ·\S will be shown in the tables which follow, the USG of
V, { fertilizers had little, if anv, eflhe ct on the yield of wheat.
» ’\ ' _ _ . 1 .
‘ llns has been our experience each year since we began
an these experiments 011 the Experiment Station grounds.
/ » ·‘\lll101lgh corn, tobacco, potatoes and hemp 1’e£lflil}' T9-
al· Slwllfl to potash fertilizer, no appreciable eitects CH11 be
_i1‘€ llOYl€€<1 on the yield of wheat. \Vl]ClQll€l“ this is tI'11C for
all UW l>llIe-grass region, similar ex])e1`l111€IltS Oil the

FE , g
f 5 -  
  A 80 i Bullwfin. N0. 57. j
  various farms alone can tell. It is known that in many  
7 parts of the State fertilizers materially increase the yield . ‘
of wheat. ”
i ` The field used for the experiments is the same as that
i ‘ use for the past six years for fertilizer experiments on _
Q; wheat. The field is quite level, and is divided off into
t i#_`A.i , 1-ro acre plots, with paths of three feet between each
,   i plot. The wheat was drilled in Oct. 3, at the rate of 1 ;§
  ~ bushels per acre. The Egyptian wheat was used in the
i` test.
I K _ The accompanying diagram shows the amount and the
  distribution of the fertilizers:
it l
tn. , M}
i \_ fl
g J .
» K

DIAGRAM |—Sh0wing Fertilizers Applied.
F" """"”'”"" ""”"  i A
li , N0 Fertilizer. i I
 -- _ __ I
i` `  * l
. l ~ 3 ‘
J / Doulilc Siipcrpliosplizite I4 lbs. I  
i 3 F
i .»\ii·—sl;ik¢~ `_i`n”`r 7 i dif _` rw i`rrw Aim V 7 7 _%"N—nriHnrl   ‘
I Nluriutc of l)SJl12llL‘ lil llis.
i { _ l l l
· i . ;\llll`l{llU of l’i>l;isl1 lll llis. , ~ '
l nr " ""`""` ` ```` “" '    i J
° J . M------.----- . .- . - .. . A
I   llinililu Sup<~i‘pl1os]nlmlc l»l lhs. _ l
l Nit1‘:iu··»l` Smlii lii lbs. i '§
¥ 5 3  
l l\llll`l£ll<‘ of l’<¤t:asl1 lli lhs. i
i`>iNl.I`(llk‘ ni` Slilill lli lbs. fail
{ Nlll'Jll1‘r>i` Smlgi lll lbs, In l
` y Allll`lJl[<‘ of Pnlusli lt} lbs,  
l l)<>ul>ln· Sll]I(‘l`]lllt¤$])ll{llL‘ l»l llvs. l

 `Qa  'T ‘
  82 Bcdlofizz ZW, 57, .
  These experiments were planned for the purpose of
Q ascertaining whether fertilizers would be beneficial to l
wheat on this particular field, and if so, to learn what es- [
I sential ingredient or ingredients of the fertilizer were
  _ T needed for the wheat crop lf potash only was needed, I
j plot 4 would show it. lf phosphoric acid was the in-
iii., gredient wanted, then plot 2 would show it. If nitrogen,
‘   L plot 5 would demonstrate it. If the soil needed a com-
? J A bination of any two of these ingredients, then plots 7, S s
nj i or 9 would show which combination was needed, or, if
i all the ingredients were essential, No. IO would prove it.
L g Plots 1 and 6 were left blank for comparison. These
, plots have not received any kind of fertilizer since the
  1 wheat experiments began six years ago.
hi   The following table gives the yield of the different
· x   plots;

   ` ‘ e 1
- . 11710111 lDi1Y)1’/’I-H2t’/[f5, 83
TABLE 5—EfFec1s of Fertilizers on Wheat.
`6 : I 5 .   .
’ " 1*`1£R'1`11.IZ1€RS A1·1·1,11·;1>_ `" 2 Ti ii 1
A E “ `5 2 c =
`5 E ; -:2 ·: E
e - E é E5 E 1
Z < >. w
‘ 1 N0 Fertilizer ..............................,................... . .... 1 1:1.11 1450
2 1)0n111e Siiperplmsplizite ........................,......... 1—10 1-1.2 1310
3 Slznked Lime ..................,..................,..,....,.... 400 12.0 1500 —
4 1\11l1'1il1ZC()f 1’0t21sh ...,.....,................,.........,...., 1130 I 12.1 I 11110
  Nitrate 01 5011:1 .........................................,.., 1110 1 11.2 1 1»1»10
. . . 1
0 No Fertilizer .......,,.............. . .........,................ 1 ..... 1 1I§.—1 $1310 ·‘
1 1
7 1 1)1>n111e Siipcrpliosplizite ..,.......,....................,.. 1 1—111 1 1 H I www q
1 Mnrinte of 1’1»t11s11 ..._......,...... , ...,,.....,.......,.... 1 100 1 1 ” "
I { 1
S ` 1 111111111CS\1])t*1‘])11<)SI711(l1(' ,........1....,................... 1 1111 1 1 {U; HTH  
‘   1 X111`Il1.C‘()f $111111 .........4.,.......,...,........,........,... 1 111111 I
1 .   1 11111‘i:1t1·1>1` 1’1>t;1s11 ,...........144.   ..................,...... 111111 . .
` ii V 1 Ni1r:1t1· (711 5111121 ,............_ . ..........,,....,............_ 111111 L"   Um _
   1 1111111110 S1l])(‘1`])111l>l1111l1t‘ _.....4......,. . ............   1-1111 1 i
- 111 1· )1l11`1il1L‘1>l` 1’1»t11s11 _,,_.4.1._._..,..4.4...........4..,....... 1 11111 ` 1Z1.·.· 1 liii'1
I  1N111`.1t1·111` $111111 ,,,,,,_._...,...,.......4.........,.,.. . ..... ` 111111 1 ,
 Y T11e tertiiizers were apphed at the time 0f phinting *
 ` the wheat. »
· . . . ‘ 1
3 But 11tt1e (1111`€1'€11C€ inthe growth 01 the \\’11€3t,O11 any 1
1 0f the plots, c0n1d be n0tice<1 in the 1011. The gr0wth
0n th0se p10ts receiving potash was 21 1itt1e str0nger than
0n the 0thers. N0 di1‘1”erence CO111(11)C110{€(11l1t11€ spring

 N1]  ‘ ·
1; °
  84 Bullvfin No. Sy,
‘ . . 1
` · 1. Tvs! of I/m·2e£1e*s.
;_ 2. Test af Fcrlilzizcrs. .
1 - A Thirty-0ue varieties were tested; 1-40 0f an acre was <
;,: used for each variety. The seed were drilled iu at the
E   y rate 0f 1 vg bushels pere acre 011 March 30th.
1 ir- _ ’ .
y   The gr0\v1ng season was 1200 dry when the 0ats were
. heading for a favorable yield 0f 0ats.
1 Here f0110w the names 0f the different varieties iu the
3 V 0rder 0f their yield:
ii TABLE 6 -—Oats·Yie1d of Varieties
` `{ 1   \'11·;1,D 1’1c1< Acme.  
FN ·  gl 1 ?______# ii?  
il '* 1 Name <»i= \V.»\l{11i'1`\'. { 5
“5‘ . 1 Grain, 1 Straw, it
5   bushels. 1 puumls. _;
2. Z; -,,,,{,.-,__a!,;/La/ 3
` 1 1
é tl lirngliczul Irish 1mp0rtep;t<>u‘11 ............................................   Z}3.2 2Z1$3 111
r · 1
’ 19 Negro \\`muler ................... 7 .................   213.2 1733 212
I 4 v .\111tJ1`lk`1\11 \\`hitc .........,......................... 1 313,1 IS-13 211  3
' 211 \'e111>u· (iC1`111}111 .........................,......... i 313.1 HOU 311
11 tliziut \'e1l<»w 1*rench ..................... . ..... ` $13,1 181111 :11
221 1{uce Horse ............,............................. 1 2121,S ` 22311 314  
` 2111 \\`hitu Russian ..... . ............................... 1 2121,7 1Htll\ 212
21 _·\merie;iu ’l`1'1111111)l1 ...............,..... . ......... ` Z111.7 \ 11111 314
21   1{ust1‘r<>0f. .........................................   212,1 1373 I ?1'l

 Out E2y2c1·z°nz<·nfs. 85 _
1 TABLE 6.— (.1}}//I·}IIl{'H'.
( Y11·:1,1> Pick Acura. y 3: l
` J T: 1 I
2 >— ——— E r
¤* NAME OF \2xRr1$’1‘Y. t. l
"5 Grain, Straw, ii _ ~ I
< 6 bushels. pounds. y p
Z y i;
25 \\'ide Awake ........................................ 32.4 143211 32
29 White Maine ....................................... 32.:: Issm ::3
ti Banner ................................,............... $32.3 1530 33
16 Improved \Velcome .............................. 532.2} 2IHU 33
17 Lincoln ............................................... 31.0 175** fifi i
2 Anierican Beauty ................................. fill}! 1-1-lll 34
8 Clydesdale ..........,................,.....l....l... I 2N.l 139.3 I 32
2** New Ainerican ..,...l.............................. 2N.l 1710 32 "
21 Pringle`s Progress ..........,..................... 2N.l 1—Hll 32 l l
22 Probsteier ..................,........................ 28.1 1935 gm 7 .
12% Green Mountain .,..............,.................. I 213.7 2115 IH l
15* 1 \\'hite Belgian ........,............................ l 2li.7 1575 32
Y'? i White Baltic ..... . .........,...i,.,.,,...._.,..,,,._, / 25.3 1-1 lll 33 '
12 { (Qolden (Qiant Side ..... . ...............,.......... 25.3 2025 :22
- 15 l lmporteal Black ).l`él1'[(l1`l1l11 ..........,........., l 18,3 INN! 33
27 { Clylesrlztle .....,_,._,_._.__,_.,,,..,.,._,...,._,_,., { 112,21 1.3::n l 3:: '
l »
lb 1 Al?!1Il111<)ll1 Cluster ,,,,.,,___,,,,...,.,.,,._.__,,._ j 15.5 U320   fil ,t
S TEST OI·` P`l€R’l`ILIZl—.RS ON O.—\’l`$.
» .
l`he same ge11eral pla11 was followed out in these tests
> 215111 ll1€ VVll€éll§ €X[)€1'llll€l'1tS.
lll€ EX])€I‘l111€I1lS \V€T€ CO11(1l1Cl€Cl O11 tllt? Ql'O1ll1(l 1lSE (1
heretofore for fertilizer experiments for potatoes. Six
successive crops of potatoes had been raised prior to
these experiments 'l`lie plan of applying the fertilizers
was the same as had been adopted in the potato experi- 1

    1 =
E· T ‘
  86 Bulletin No. 57.
  ments. Those plots which had received no fertilizer in
* the potato experinients received none in the oat experi-
ments, etc. (
L 1 The followin¤ table vives the kind and amount of fer-
25 Z5
1 — tilizers used on the different plots and the yield of grain
1 I l
  and straw calculated per acre:
‘ tf,. 1 1 TABLE 7 -—-Effect of Fertilizers on Oats. I895.
. i . `· ’ ~  
l \ 1 li1i1{'l`I1,1Z1£1 ,; 1 Amount
. ··*   in Buslicls Pounds
, i {E { Kind l`seS1)ll1llk’ .....,......... 1 l»l0 l -10.0 2300
1 1
1, »l lluriate of l’otash .....,................ l 100 1 712.2 22s0
— 1
‘ ` 71 N011e .........,........,.....,. . .............. l ..... l 40.0 \ 2250
· * l
r `;-_ . 1 1 Nll1'£1\L'4ll_ Soda ,....,..........,........ 1 100 I ., _ .,.
ik M 1 1>0ul1le Supcrpliospliate ..,.......,..,. l 110 1 l M") li LN)
1 1 , 1
a 1 Nitrate of Soda ,...............,.....   11301 l , , l _ .,
I 1 Nluriatc 0f l`Ul1lSll ....,................. l00 1 l ih} ` Lim) 1
Q S 1 Nluriatc of 1’0tasl1 .,.............4..4... 100 1 l wil mm
`· _ 1 l)(>l1l1lt’5l11lL‘1'l7llt1S1)llL\l.C ........ . ...... l»l0 1
{ 1 Nitrate of Soda ................,..,..... l l00 1
, 0 Muriatc of 1’otasl1 ,........... _, ......,.. 1 100 V 710,0 2520
l lloululc S11l1Q1'11ll