xt73bk16nh0t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16nh0t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1967 journals 199 English Lexington. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Regulatory series, bulletin. n.199 text Regulatory series, bulletin. n.199 1967 2014 true xt73bk16nh0t section xt73bk16nh0t Regulatory Bulletin 199 Seed lnspeeuon IH Kentucky, ` 1963 67 by the Q g DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY SERVICES _ KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE YEARS MAY I, l963 TO DECEMBER 30, 1967 I 5 `*( OF K` ra 6 E S 2 >e $@5 9/865 a UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY _ Agricultural Experiment Station Lexington Fx A 2 A This bulletin of seed inspection and analysis covers the years from May l, 1963 to December 30, l967. From May, l963 through June, l966 the Seed Laboratory was a division of the Department of Entomology & Botany. In July, 1966 the laboratory became a section of the Division of Regulatory . Services. ‘ t h { 2 A STAFF IN SEED INSPECTION AND ANALYSIS of the DEPARTM NT OF ENTOMOLOGY AND BOTANY KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Lee H. Townsend, Head of Department Staff Members Lucy Baugh Encil Deen _ Claude Hensley ' Alice McDaniel . Margaret Morton Howard Tllson Anne Todd Mabel Wiles SEED SECTION DIVISION OF REGULATORY SERVICES ` KENTUCKY AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Bruce Poundstone, Director Dr. Paul R. Caudill, Assistant Director J. M. Fernandez, Auditor Laboratory Staff Lucy Baugh Margaret Morton Alice McDaniel* Anne Todd Valva Midkiff Mabel Wiles Inspection Staff Joe B. Brown Neville Hulette Ben W. Cox Wallace L. King M. M. Dsvis** W. K. Robertson Encil Deen*** W. M. Routt Claude Hensley E. G. Vanderpool * Deceased January, 1967 ** Deceased July, 1967 *** Retired October, 1966 CONTENTS Page V Explanation of Tables ............................................... 7 Table 1. Analyses of Seeds with Labeling Violations, 1963-64 ....... 8 Table 2. Dealers, 1963-64 .......................................... 14 Table 3. Kind and Number of Violations, 1963-64 ................ .... 17 Table 4. Analyses of Seeds with Labeling Violations, 1964-65 ....... 18 Table 5. Dealers, 1964-65 .. ................ . ....................... 22 Table 6. Kind and Number of Violations, 1964-65 .................... 24 Table 7. Analyses of Seeds with Labeling Violations, 1965-66 ...... . 25 Table 8. Dealers, 1965-66 .......................................... 29 Table 9. Kind and Number of Violations, 1965-66 .................... 31 Table 10. Analyses of Seeds with Labeling Violations, 1966-67 ....... 32 Table 11. Dealers, 1966-67 .......................................... 40 Table 12. Kind and Number of Violations, 1966-67 .................... 43 EXPLANATION OF TABLES The following tables show the results of analysis of official samples found to be violatlve. Tables l, 4, 7, and 10 show the percentages of purity and germination stated on the tags and the percentages found, a statement of excessive amount of noxious weed seeds when present, irregularities in tags and absence of tags. The variations allowed in purity, germination and weed seed per ounce are described on pages 63-66, USDA Service and Regu- latory Announcements, No. 156, Rules and Regulations Under the Federal Seed ‘ Act, reprinted with amendments April, 1968; paragraphs 201.59, 201.60, 201.63, and 201.65. Results within the allowed variations are marked with "+" if above or "-" if below statement on the official tag. Variations greater than those allowed constitute violations of the Kentucky Seed Law and such results are underscored. In the table "L" means listed ’ on the tag and "F" means found in our test. The long line means "not listed." Tables 2, 5, 8, and ll show violations found in samples classified according to dealers from whom they were purchased. Tables 3, 6, 9, and 12 contain a summary to show the kind and number of violations detected. 8 Regulatory Bulletin 199 TABLE l. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1963-64 Kind of Seed Noxious Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Purity Germ' Weed No. Percent Percent of Dealer Seeds Barley V 0-4800 Dayton P Banner Seed Co. L 98.50 L 85 _ Sacramento Feed Mill Russellville, Ky. F 64.13 F + Sacramento 0-5079 Dayton 305 16 LA Southern States Coop. L 99.50 L 90 Farmers Supply 5 Produce Co. Louisville, Ky. F 97.42 F + Monticello Blue rass 0-4591 Caudlll Seed Co. L 85 L 75 Family Fair Store Louisville, Ky_ F - F QQ Louisville 0-5064 Caudlll Seed Co. L 85 L 75 Excessive I. L. Hancock Loulsvllle, Ky. F 72.52 F - Middletown Clover Red 0-4991 Kenland B 5 P Farmers Elevator Co. L 99.50 L 85 Excessive Allen County Feed 5 Seed Franklin, Ky. F 97.48 F + Scottsvllle ' Clover Sweet 0-4912 Yellow 4102 Wm. A. Stein Seed Co. L 99.25 L 80+5 Gulley 5 Petltt Cincinnati, Ohio F + F 48+12 Burlington Fescue, Tall 0-477] Ky. 31 Stanley Brown L 99.11 L 85 Excessive H. D. Jones, Glasgow, Ky. F - F + Glasgow 0-4937 Ky. 31 1941 Unknown L 98.79 L 85 Excessive Germantown Milling Co. F - F + Germantown O-4950 Ky. 31 Co Banner Seed Co. L 90 L 85 Excessive C. C. Chinn Feed 5 Seed Russellville, Ky. F - F Q4 Hartford 0-5212 Ky. 31 93 Unknown L 99 L 90 Big Four Feed 5 Impl. Co. F - F Z5 Scottsville 0-5283 Ky. 31 3661 Banner Seed Co. L 98 L 85 Barren County Hdw Co. Russellville, Ky. F 95.91 F — Glasgow Seed Inspection in Kentucky, 1963-67 9 TABLE I- ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1963-64 Kind of Seed Noxious gab' Name and Address Purchased from gziégzt Pgiézéc weed O' of Dealer Seeds Fescue, Tall {continued] ~ _ 0-5387 Ky. 31 HF Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 91.22 L 70 Excessive Cann Bros. Gallatin, Ky. F + F - Leitchfield Lesgedeza, Kobe 0-5216 SS F 28 Unknown L 95.67 L 67+27 Allen County Feed 6 Seed F 92.43 F 72+7 Scottsville 0-5277 1469 Lewis Seed Co. L 98.50 L 75+15 Excessive John Caudill Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. F 94.15 F - Shelbyville 0-5310 10 Banner Seed Co. L 98 L B5 Farmers Feed Co. Russellville, Ky. F 94.15 F + Central City 0-5313 619 23 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 96 L 70+15 Sacramento Feed Mill Gallatin, Tenn. F 93.24 F + Sacramento 0-5314 106 Logan County Seed Co. L 86.59 L 60+25 Sacramento Feed Mill Russellville, Ky. F + F 56+8 Sacramento 0-5385 1472 Lewis Seed Co. L 98 L 70+15 T. J. Haycraft Sales 6 Service Louisville, Ky. F 95.53 F - Leitchfield 0-5404 1472 Lewis Seed Co. L 98 L 70+15 Caverna Farm Service Louisville, Ky. F 95.43 F 60+10 Horse Cave Lesgedeza, Korean 0-5158 596 626 Unknown L 98.70 L 53+33 Excessive Howe-Hilliard Grain C0. F - F - Mayfield O-5168 6349 Sphar 6 Co. L 99.36 L 77+8 Excessive Henderson Feed 6 Commission Co. Ht. Carmel, lll. F - F — Henderson 0-5199 641 Sphar 6 Co. L 90 L 60+20 Excessive Sturgis Milling Co. Mt. Carmel, Ill. F — F - Srurgis 0-5217 SSF 33 Unknown L 93.89 L 80+10 Excessive Allen County Feed 6 Seed F - F - Scottsville 10 Regulatory Bulletin 199 TABLE l.ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1963-64 Kind of Seed Noxious Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Purity Germ` Weed No. Percent Percent of Dealer Seeds Lespedeza, Korean {continued) O-5238 KL 37 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 96.hl L 70+15 Excesslv· Metcalfe Farmers Supply Gallatin, Tenn. F 93.28 F - Edmonton 0-5289 Z 63 Simpson County Seed Co. L 98.51 L 85 Excessive Barren County Hdw. Co. Franklin, Ky. F - F - Glasgow 0-5307 ]8h5 Banner Seed Co. L 85.16 L 85 Excessive Farmers Feed Co. Russellville, Ky. F - F + Central Clty 0-5308 B Banner Seed Co. L 85 L 85 Excessive Farmers Feed Co. Russellville, Ky. F 77.22 F + Central City 0-5318 Z 1916 Louisville Seed Co. L 85 L 65+20 Excessive Wyndall's Store Louisville, Ky. F + F - Owensboro 0-5343 C 8 27 Unknown L 96.52 L h3+50 Nuckols Seed Co. F 22,9} F - Elkton 0-5383 lhhb L Lewis Seed Co. L 98.50 L 80+10 Excessive T. J. Naycraft Sales S Service Louisville, Ky. F + F - Leitchflold 0-5bbZ Z 2028 Louisville Seed Co. L 98 L 75+10 Excessive Farmers Supply Co. Louisville, Ky. F + F + Somerset 0-5567 KL hb Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 98 L 70+15 Excessive Cundlff Seed Co. Gallatin, Tenn. F + F - Somerset 0-5483 1&ll 2R Lewis Seed Co. L 96 L 60+25 Excessive Henry Durham S Son Louisville, Ky. F - F + Greensburg 0-5571 F 967 Cayce-Yost Seed Co. L 96.83 L &0+69 Excessive Trigg County Trading Co. Hopkinsville, Ky. F + F + Cadiz 0-5581 Z Farmers Grain & Storage L 99.57 L 95 Excessive Livingston County Soil Improvement Co. F + F - Association Murray, Ky. I Smlthland 0-5590 KL 1018 Unknown L 95.92 L 70+15 Excessive Logan County Seed Co. F — F + Russellville ` Seed Inspection ln Kentucky, 1963-67 ll A 4 TABLE 1. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LAEELING VIOLATIONS 1963-66 p Klnd of Seed Noxious bib' Name and Address Purchased from Eziégzt Piigzét Weed I ' of Dealer Seeds Lespedeza, Korean {continued] K 0-5599 Banner Seed Co. L 88 L B5 Excessive Ayers Feed, Seed & Fert. C0. Russellville, Ky. F 76.77 F - Q Morgantown lv Mixtures, Fescue-Orchard Grass 0-6665 Orchard Grass—Fescue 796 Unknown L 91.22 L 85 Howe-Hilliard Grain F 85.02 F + Mayfield ’ 0-5210 Fescue-Orchard Grass KY 8172 Kentucky Seed Co. L 97.36 L 90 Big Four Feed & Impl. C0. Louisville, Ky. F 92.21 F + Scottsville 0-5312 Fescue-Orchard Grass KY 8563 Kentucky Seed C0. L 82.52 L 75 Excessive . ·* Farmers Feed Co. Louisville, Ky. F - F - ` Central City 4 0-5323 Orchard Grass-Fescue 116 Glasgow Trading Center L 92.09 L 89 Ideal Hdw. Co. Glasgow, Ky. F 86.55 F - Glasgow ~ Mixtures, Lawn Grass 0-6589 Lawn Grass Caudlll Seed Co. L 100 L B6 Excessive Family Fair Store Louisville, Ky. E 88.59 F - Louisville Q Mixtures, Lespedeza 0-5226 Kobe-Korean KK 6033 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 96.22 L 85 Excessive Hagan 6 Stone Gallatin, Tenn. F 91.27 F 68+17 ' Tompklnsvllle 0-5365 Kobe-Korean Z 1981 Louisville Seed Co. L 96.36 L 65+20 { E. Campbell Louisville, Ky. F 21.51 F + Columbia Oats 0-5007 LaConte SS E 3 Allen County Feed 5 geed L 99.60 L 90 Excessive Paris Produce Scottsville, Ky. F - F - Scottsville 0-5011 LaConte 0 Z Unknown L 98.50 L B5 Excessive ·_ Big Four Feed 6 Impl. Co. F + F + Scottsville Q I ¢ l2 Regulatory Bulletin 199 X. TABLE l.ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1963-65 Klne of Seed Noxious 3 hah' Name and Address Purchased from izjigzt Pgiizét Need 0. of Dealer Seeds _ Orchard Grass 0-5786 OG 7790 Kentucky Seed Co. L 89.91 L 90 I Nuchols Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. F 80.75 F + Elkton 0-5817 0 5l2 Loulsvllle Seed Co. L 85 L 85 Wynda1l's Store Louisville, Ky. F 78.51 F + ,£ Owensboro O-5935 205 7 LA Southern States Coop. L 88.85 L 85 ` Augusta Farm Supply Louisville, Ky. F 83.07 F — Augusta i { 0-5979 KY 1869 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 85 L 85 Excessive Brown's Supply Co. Gallatin, Tenn. F + F + Burkesvllle 0-5218 PB Unknown L B8 L 90 Excess1ve'1 Allen County Feed 5 Seed F 80.18 F Q1 Scottsville 0-5371 753 Lewis Seed Co. L 88 L 85 Rice Hdw. Louisville, Ky. F + F Q A Columbla Redtop 0-5567 LA l Farmers Grain 6 Storage L 92.05 L 95 io Graves County Soil Improvement Cc. F 85.37 F + Association Murray, Ky. Mayfield Rye 0-5600 Balbo RY 9 L J. H. Fedders L 98.50 L 85 J. H. Fedders Owenton, Ky. F 95.85 F 58 Owcnton · 0-5927 Balbo R 89177 H. M. Esham L 98.36 L 80 Excessive , Lewis County Farm Supply Vanceburg, Ky. F + F + Vanccburg 0-5951 Balbo I Unknown L 99.16 L 92 Germantown Milling Co. F 95.53 F - Germantown Rvegrass I 0-SZZS Perennial 2000 Lewis Seed Co. L 99.58 L 95 Excessive Hagan 6 Stone Louisville, Ky. F — F + Tompkinsville .4 4 *5 Seed Inspection in Kentucky, l963-67 13 ’ TABLE l. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1963-6b Kind of Seed Noxious Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Purity Gem` weed No. Percent Percent _ of Dealer Seeds Ryegrass {continued] Q 0-Siolb Annual 202 l KF Southern States COOP- L 99 L 90 Hancock County Farm Supply Henderson, Ky. F 96.82 F + Hawesville Soybeans —» 0—!•579 Clark l00l Lewis Seed Co. L 99 L 85 y:) Caverna Farm Supply Louisville, Ky. F 93.26 F - I Horse Cave .§ Tobacco . 0-52bl One Sucker Paul Gomer L --- L BO Paris Produce Franklin, Ky. F --- F Q2 Scottsville . Q Vetch *0-5027 Hairy HV 8233 Kentucky Seed Co. L 99.25 L 85 Morgan Farmers Store Louisville, Ky. F 95.85 F + ~ West Liberty Wheat I U , 0-A676 l Unknown L 97.25 L 90 Sanders Supply F - F Q7 # Lancaster 0-6681 Unknown L 98 L BZ Garrard Mills F 95.37 F QQ Lancaster O-&703 Germantown Milling Co. L 99.58 L B5 Stomper Bros. Super Market Germantown, Ky. F - F QQ • Olive Hill 0-&73U Monarch Milling Co. L 98.06 L 90 Greer‘s Groc. Mt. Sterling, Ky. F - F ZQ Camargo i . O—&9l9 The Early 6 Daniel Co. L 98.8b L 9A Weaver's Feed & Supply Cincinnati, Ohio F 9A.56 F — Falmouth O Q 1 N V ¥ lh Regulatory Bulletin 199 ° Table Z. DEALERS 1963-64 fi Number Name Address of Unlawful ` Samples Ahshier's Seed Co. Rockport, Ind. 4 O Adams, R. Foster Winchester, Ky. 9 0 , Allen County Feed 6. Seed Scottsville, Ky. 5 l Arvln Bros. Pembroke, Ky. is 0 Aylor & Meyer Co. Aurora, Ind. l 0 Aylor & Meyer C0. Rising Sun, Ind. l 0 ’ Banner Seed Co. Russellville, Ky. lis 7 Beihm, Jack Falmouth, Ky. 2 0 _\ Broadway Feed & Seed Co. Bowling Green, Ky. l O A Brown, Stanley Glasgow, Ky. l l Bunton Seed Co. Loulsvllle, Ky. is O ( Burton 6. Son, R. Monticello, Ky. l O Carneal, John L. Mayfield, Ky. l 0 Csudlll Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. ll 3 Cayce—Yost Seed Co. Hopkinsville, Ky. 6 l C1ay's Seed Carlisle, Ky. 2 0 — Collins & Shrewsbury Princeton, Ky. l 0 Columbiana Seed Co. Eldred, lll. 13 D Combest, D. Columbia, Ky. l 0 g DeKalb Agr. Assn. DeKalb, Ill. 8 0 Denny 6. Son, M. H. Monticello, Ky. l O Dewine 6. Hanna Seed Co. Yellow Sprlngs, Ohio l!• O " · Dlxle Stock Farms Sonora, Ky. 5 O Dobson-Hicks Co. Nashville, Tenn. 2 0 Duncan, Blending Lexington, Ky. 9 O ·*· Early 6. Daniel Co., The Cincinnati, Ohio l l Esham, ll. M. Vanceburg, Ky. l 1 AZ Everett & Co., J. C. Maysville, Ky. l O Farmers Elevator Cu. Franklin, Ky. 9 l Farmers Graln 6. Storage C0. Murray, Ky. 19 2 g Farmers 6. Merchants Mllllng Co. Brooksville, Ky. 3 0 Farmers Supply Co. Danville, Ky. l 0 Farmers Supply 6. Feed Co. llodgenvllle, Ky. 2 0 Fayette Seed Co. Lexington, Ky. 2 O Fedders, J. H. Owenton, Ky. l l ‘ Ferry-Morse Seed Cu. Fulton, Ky. 6 O l·`erry—Mors0 Seed Co. Phoenix, Ariz. l O Germantown Milling Co. Germantown, Ky. 5 l Q Glasgow Trading Center Glasgow, Ky. 7 l Comer, Paul Franklin, Ky. 6 l . Goodman Bros, llardinsburg, Ky. 5 O Green Bros. Nashville, Tenn. ll 0 Hoff, W. Brookston, Ind. l 0 A Harrelson Seed Co. Owensboro, Ky. 3 O Hawes, H. S. Maceo, Ky. l O Helm's Hatchery Metropolis, Ill. l 0 lllte & Sons, Lester Gracey, Ky. l 0 Indiana Farm Bureau Coop. Assn. Crawfordsville, Ind. 2 O Johnson, C. F. Madisonville, Ky. Z O I Kcntuckv Foundation Seed Project Lexington, Ky. l O Kentucky Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. l!•7 A Land-O-Nan Whse. Sturgis, Ky. l O Lewis Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. 38 B S L! A 4 Q Seed Inspection in Kentucky, 1963-67 15 1 Table 2. DEALERS 1963-64 V Number Name Address of Unlawful Samples Light & Son, Herb Cadiz, Ky. 2 0 Logan County Seed Co. Russellville, Ky. 3 l Louisville Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. 9i• A ` Mangelsdorf E; Bros., Ed. F. St. Louis, Mo. io 0 Meacham 6: Sons, Chas. M. Morganfield, Ky. l O , Mitchell Bros. Clay, Ky. 1 O Monarch Milling Co. Mt. Sterling l l Moore, Raeburn Monticello, Ky. 1 0 Newton Bros. Hopkinsville, Ky. ll 0 Noble Bros. Gibson City, Ill. l 0 w)Nunnelley, R. L. Stanford, Ky. 6 0 . Ohio Seed Co., The Cincinnati, Ohio l7 0 · Patmor's Seed Plant Marion, Ky. l 0 ~ Payne Bros. Seed Co. Gallatin, Tenn. 6/4 6 Pedigreed Seed Co. Jersey City, N. J. 2 0 Perkins, R. D. Berry, Ky. l 0 Pfister Associated Growers Franklin, Ky. l O Phelps Produce Russell Springs, Ky. l O ` Pioneer Corn Co. Tipton, Ind. l 0 ’ Premium Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. A O Princeton Farms Princeton, Ind. 8 O |•Purdue Hybrids, Ed. Evansville, Ind. 2 0 Reed Bros. Fulton, Ky. l 0 Rickard Seeds, F. W. Winchester, Ky. 7 0 ' `Rivers, R. P. Campbellsville, Ky. l 0 · Schultz Seed Co., J. M. Dieterich, Ill. Z O Scott Seed Co. New Albany, Ind. 20 0 ` ` Seedkem Evansville, Ind. 6 0 Seed Farms Georgetown, Ky. 6 0 * Shipp Tobacco Seed Co. Midway, Ky. 6 O Simpson County Seed Go. Franklin, Ky. 3 l Southern Cross Seed Co. Princeton, Ky. l O Southern States Coop. Henderson, Ky. 50 l Southern States Coop. Huntington, W. Va. 27 O Southern States Coop. Louisville, Ky. lO£• 2 Southern States Coop. Muncie, Ill. l O Southern States Coop. Richmond, Va. 6 0 * Spears 6. Sons, Woodford Paris, Ky. 9 0 Sphar 6; Co. Mt. Carmel, lll. l8 2 Sphar 6. Co. Winchester, Ky. 50 0 · Stein Seed Co., Wm. A. Cincinnati, Ohio 2 l Stokes G Son, S. J. Lexington, Ky. 6 O Stull Bros. Sehree, Ky. H U ` Sturgis Milllnn Co. Sturgis, Ky. l 0 Supreme Mills Glasgow, Ky. 3 U Thompson 6. Cox Hillsboro, Ky. l U Walters 6; Thompson Shelbyville, Ky. l fl Warren Seed Co. Murray, Ky. l U `Webb, Virgil Paris, Ky. l ll Williams Seed Co. Oakland, Ky. 2 U Woodford Feed Co. Versailles, Ky. 2 0 Wright Farm Service Georgetown, Ky, 2 U i U N I $ S ]_(, Regulatory Bulletin 199 ‘ Table Z. DEALERS 1963-64 V Number J Name Address of Unlawful Sam 1es Hyatt Seed Cc. Petersburg, Ind. 15 0 Ynpp Seed Cu. Paducah, Ky. 2 0 Young 6. Conway Morganfleld, Ky. 24 0 ;l Unknown 118 E Totals 1134 66 1.. rl 4 5 ' Z 8 A 4 A J Q Q - Tab SPc Of Seed KIND AND kgntuck Alf NUHB Y, 19 , 51,; ER 0 63-6 _____;______ __ *§?§15ya N“‘“*’··5·5 F VIOMTI 7 E Of 0 Blwmgtass Sam NS l96 C10`]; les Pur 3-6;, g}°"¢;’ Mak 23 My 17 ¤ * C E 5 0 c1O§€¤, Rgjlmscn 32 5¤··1,,at Cluvely sw 3 0 ion Nu F§<>rner· whiig A i 0 wggus E S EEEEE; Cree 2; 3 0 S'§°€¤1 5 Bs - T Pin 1 '“r>1 Lcspedczaall 8 Red 2 0 0 0 unlawis P B u Mi5C°dcza’ Kubc 5 1 0 O 1. 2 3 0 5 2 ' S * Mxiurcsi ie5°¤e L2; O 3 O 2 oa ures ¤1.·,. ‘0rcl 0 0 0 0 rs 1 cr mr I1 Orch Lesped ass d Gra 7 1 0 1 0 ·.Red ard G Qza 8s Zo 6 0 0 0 Ry °°p rass 32 Z1 2 0 1 E 2 q 2**55511 15 3 3 3 I 5 rghum 99 1 O 4 0 Oybea 67 2 0 I 0 · Suda “S 0 0 Ti n Gr 6 O 17 T www ass 74 Q 0 0 0 u V""¤¤¤0 25 1 I 1 ’ \ 12 0 lg V Bctab 5 2 I wecch has 39 1 2 1 0 hCaC 3 0 O 2 [Q T 15 1 1 2 1 s 1 0 0 9 0 O 1 2 M 0 O 1 (1 E 0 0 0 I R UM 1 O 0 3 L 1 0 2 5 — 0 0 3 6 0 3 1 i 0 0 k 12 O 0 1 O 1 55 ? 2 s 66 • » Q r in 18 Regulatory Bulletin 199 TABLE b.ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1965-65 r Kind of Seed . Noxious a Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Put-my Gem` Weed No. Percent Percent of Dealer Seeds Barley 0-5855 Dayton F. L. Hinton G Son L 99 L 90 # W. L. Thomas Store Plummers Landing, Ky. F 95.02 F - Flemingsburg * Bluegrass O-5991 39090 Ferry-Morse Seed Co. L 98.21 L 80 Wallace's Hdw. Fulton, Ky. F + F 65 N Central City 0-6169 160 Lewis Seed C0. L 98 L 85 _ U. of K. Division of Louisville, Ky. F + F 55 ‘* Maintenance & Operations _ Lexington 0-6b27 153 Lewis Seed Co. L 98 L 90 _ Simpson County Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. F 87.68 F - A Franklin it 0-6511 Caudill Seed Co. L 85 L 75 Excessive Jacob Levy & Bros. Louisville, Ky. F 67.hZ F + Louisville /¢ Brome . 0-5868 208 G Southern States Ooo L 90.10 L 80 Falmouth Farm Supply Louisville, Ky. F 82.62 F + » _ I Falmouth Clover, Red O-hA9b AO79 The Ohio Seed Co. L 96.40 L 82+8 J. H. Fedders, Cincinnati, Ohio F + F 73+h Covington Fescue, Tall 2 0-5805 Ky. ll P.H.R. H. A. Hampton 5 Son L 99.3b L 90 Dunnington Milling Co. Trenton, Ky. F 94.31 F + Monticello 2 0—5H&L Ky. 3l M Unknown L 95.58 L 85 Excessive Hardin County Milling Co. F + F + - Elizabethtown O—5H&7 Unknown L 9A L 85 Excessive i Farmers Supply C0. F + F + Shelbyville 0-800A Ky. 31 Unknown L 96.80 L 85 Excessive Ayers Feed, Seed 5 Fert. Co. F — F + A Morgnnfield 3. I Q ·0 Seed Inspection in Kentucky 1963-67 19 ` TABLE 4. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1964-65 L Kind of Seed Noxious bib' Name and Address Purchased from gziégxc g;;2ént Weed ' of Dealer Seeds Fescue, Tall continued] Q 0-6050 Ky. 3l KY B074 Kentucky Seed Co. L 99.20 L 90 Louisa Supply Co. Louisville, Ky. F 96.61 F 12} Louisa 0-6409 Ky. 31 3056 Lewis Seed Co. L 98.50 L 85 Pleasureville Farm Supply Louisville, Ky. F 91.40 F - North Pleasureville rt 0-6419 Ky. 31 35 Sphar & Co. L 98 L 85 Gentry McCauley Seed Co. Winchester, Ky. F 93.46 F - Versailles h 0-6528 180 Unknown L 99.09 L 96 Mayes-Helm 6 Coyle F — F 2; Perryville ~ Lespedeza, Kobe * 0-6127 GA 4 694 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 95.50 L 70+15 C. & C. Hdw., Feed & Seed Co. Gallatin, Tenn. F - F 59+11 Hartford `Z Lespedeza, Korean ` 0-6170 103 S F Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 91.60 L B0 Hagan 6 Stone Gallatin, Tenn. F - F 45+13 · Tompkinsville 0-6240 G 2 Unknown L 92.13 L 85 Excessive Broadway Feed 6 Seed Co. F + F - Bowling Green O-6403 K Z Farmers Grain & Storage L 95.26 L 85 Excessive Princeton Farm Service Co. F 87.08 F + Q Princeton Murray, Ky. 0-6519 LS 4299 C The Ohio Seed Co. L 98.40 L 70+15 Excessive Dye 5 Dye Farm Supply Cincinnati, Ohio F + F + Vanceburg - Mixtures, Orchard Grass — Fescue 0-6183 Fescue-Orchard Grass 72 Glasgow Trading Center L 92.77 L 95 Excessive Ideal Hdw. Co. Glasgow, Ky. F + F - Glasgow R Mixtures, Lawn Grass O-6510 Quick grow Caudill Seed Co. L 99 L B7 Jacob Levy 6 Bros. Louisville, Ky. F 95.16 F + · Louisville *Violatlon - Louisa Supply Co., Louisa, Ky. I N I , ii 20 Regulatory Bulletin 199 F TABLE A. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 196b-65 Kind of Seed Noxious ' Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Purity Gem-A' Need No. Percent Percent of Dealer Seeds Mixtures, Lesgedeza 0-6451 SP Lewis Seed Co. L 97.30 L 70+15 Excessivei Carland's Store Louisville, Ky. F 92.77 F + Barbourville Oats _ 0-6187 Dubois DO 3027 Kentucky Seed C0. L 9B L 90 Excessive Ideal Hdw. Co. Louisville, Ky. F — F + iff Glasgow Orchard Crass g_ 0-5798 l66l PP Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 90 L 85 Robert's Feed Co. Gallatin, Tenn. F 83.75 F - Monticello Ii 0-5936 Z4 Unknown L 98 L 85 Excessive Sacramento Feed Mill F - F - A Sacramento * 0-5972 70h Lewis Seed Co. L 88 L 85 Wllder's Store Louisville, Ky. F 78.90 F — Ja Pineville 0-612Q RR 1 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 85 L 85 Excessive Ayers Feed, Seed & Fert. Co. Gallatin, Tenn. F + F - exargantuwn 3 Kedtog U-MUHM 201 1 KB Southern States Coop. L 93.75 L 85 Southern States Coop. Henderson, Ky. F 86.39 F + Henderson Rve 2 0-none Balho 283 Unknown L 98.80 L 85 _ Moore-Hutcheson Co. F + F ZQ Morgantown 0-h020 Balhn G 238 Louisville Seed Co. L 98 L B5 Southern States Coop. Louisville, Ky. F 95.2b F + Manchester ' Sovheans 3 0-3TJH Ogden 106A Seedkem L 99.20 L 85 Wvndal1's Store Evansville, Ind. F + F QQ Owensboro Sudan Grass i H-5711 Piper 1600 Lewis Seed Co. L 99 L 90 Richardson Hdw. Louisville, Ky. F + F lg lilqcgow 2. J Z Seed Inspection in Kentucky, 1963-67 Z1 ` ` TABLE 4. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 196b—6S 7 Kind of Seed Noxious Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Purity Germ' Need No. Percent Percent of Dealer Seeds V ) Sudan Grass (continued) 5 O-5755 Piper 1602 Lewis Seed Co. L 99 L B5 Farmers Feed Co. Louisville, Ky. F + F QQ Central City Timothy 0-SBQ9 Caudill Seed Co. L 98.75 L 80 Excessive Shelby Feed 5 Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. F - F Q1 R sheinyvuie 0-5892 TB 9011 Kentucky Seed Co. L 99.80 L 90 Excessive Q Farmers 5 Merchants Milling Co. Louisville, Ky. F + F + Brooksville Tobacco § 0-6211 Ky. 12 Newton Bros. L --- L 80 l T. J. Haycraft Sales 8 Service Hopkinsville, Ky. F --- F Q2 * Leitchfield ' 0-6213 Ky 9 Newton Bros. L -—- L 80 T. J. Haycraft Sales & Service Hopkinsville, Ky. F -—- F QQ ` Leitchfield ` Wheat 0-59h& Farmers & Merchants L 99 L 90 Rogers Feed Store Milling Co. F 96.99 F + Corinth Brooksville, Ky. Q F l N h $ 22 Regulatory Bulletin 199 Table 5. DEALERS 1964-65 r Number _ Name Address of Unlawful Samples Abshier's Seed Co. Rockport, Ind. l O ( Allen County Feed 6. Seed Scottsville, Ky. 3 O Anderson 6. Spilman Danville, Ky. 2 O j Arvin Bros. Pembroke, Ky. 4 0 Asgrow Seed Co. Sheboygan, Wis. Zo O . Associated Growers Seed Co. Sheboygan, Wis. l O Atlantic Seed Go., The Bound Brook, l‘l.J. 4 D llanner Seed Co. Russellville, Ky. l O - Baugh Farm Glendale, Ky. l 0 Baughman Milling Co. Stanford, Ky. l O _ Blakey, Vernon Columbia, Ky. 2 O & Broadway Feed 6. Seed Co. Bowling Green, Ky. l 0 Bunton Seed C0. Louisville, Ky. Zo O Caudlll Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. 3 3 Z Caudlll Seed Co., John Shelbyville, Ky. 1 0 Carvendale Fanns Danville, Ky. 6 O Cayce-Yost Co. Hopkinsville, Ky. 1 l Cl¤y's Seed Carlisle, Ky. 6 O Columbiana Seed C0. Eldred, Ill. 18 O I Country Seed Cleaner Danville, Ky. 1 O Cox, Stirl Hillsboro, Ky. l O Cundiff Seed Co. Somerset, Ky. 2 O lleKa1hAgri. Assn. DeKalb, Ill. 7 O Dewine 6. llamma Seed Co. Yellow Springs, Ohio 13 0 J Dixie Stock Farms Sonora, Ky. 1 0 ’ Duncan, lllnnding Lexington, Ky. 5 0 _ Illvherts Field Seeds Covington, Ohio 1 0 l·1gl;lman Cape Girardeau, Mo. 1 O Farmers Elevator Co. Franklin, Ky. B O lhnrmors Feed 6. lldw. Co. Dowling Green, Ky. l 0 2 Farmers Grain 6. Storage Co. Murray, Ky. 16 1 Farmers Supply 6. Feed Co. Hodgenville, Ky. 1 0 l·'armors c. Merchants Milling Co. Brooksville, Ky. l 1 Fayette Seed Co. Lexington, Ky. 2 O _ Ferry-Morse Seed Co. Fulton, Ky. 6 1 ' <1onu;1ntown Milling Co. Germantown, Ky. 1 0 Gillespie Seed Co. Franklin, Ky. !• O Ginn Farina, Ill. 1 0 2 Lilnsgow Trading Center Glasgow, Ky. 1 1 Comer, Paul Franklin, Ky. 3 O Green llros. Nashville, Tenn. 5 0 Hampton c. Sons, ll. .\. Trenton, Ky. 1 1 Harrnlson Seed Co. Owensboro, Ky. 1 0 · H.1rri~:, `.~. Oakdale, Ill. 1 O Hill 6. Lin., (loo. W. Covington, Ky. 1 O . Hill, Rm: Richmond, Ky. 1 O Hi*¤v..~n r. Son, F. L. Plummors Landing, Ky. 2 1 .mms.~¤, c. V. >1.l.11sonvi1Le, xy. 1 0 J ~‘ms.~u Seed Co. Enid, Okla. 1 0 $Z.·oLuck·. Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. 121 3 · . kr.i:·~g~v. Paul Owensboro, 1 O J 2, 5 O Seed Inspection in Kentucky, 1963-67 23 ` Table 5. DEALERS l96Z•·65 Number Name Address of Unlawful Samples Lewis Seed Co. _ Louisville, Ky. 42 7 Light S Son, Herb Cadiz, Ky. l 0 Q Lilly Bros. Hopkinsville, Ky. l O Lofts Pedigreed Seed Co. Bound Brook, N. J. l 0 Louisa Supply Co. Louisa, Ky. 1 l Louisville Seed Co. Louisville, Ky. 63 l Miller, J. F. Logansport, Ky. l O Mitchell Bros. Clay, Ky. A 0 Monarch Milling Co. Mt. Sterling, Ky. 2 O .· Moore, Raeburn Monticello, Ky. l O in- Newton Bros. Hopkinsville, Ky. 9 2 Northrup King & Co. Minneapolis, Minn. l 0 Nunnelley, R. L. Stanford, Ky. io O - Q Ohio Seed Co., The Cincinnati, Ohio ll 3 Ohio Seed Co., The West Jefferson, Ohio A . O Outland Seed Co. Murray, Ky. l O Patmor's Seed Plant Marion, Ky. 2 O Payne Bros. Seed Co. Gallatin, Tenn. 55 2 ‘ Princeton Farms Princeton, Ind. l U Purdue Hybrids, Ed Evansville, Ind. 2 (J ~ Rickard Seeds, F. W. Winchester, Ky. 6 0 Rudy-Patrick Seed Co. Kansas City, No. G 0 Sanders Supply Lancaster, Ky. l 0 k Scott Seed Co. New Albany, Ind. 27 0 I Seed Farms Georgetown, Ky. 1 O ' Seedkem Evansville, Ind. 7 0 ' Shipp Tobacco Seed Co. Midway, Ky. 3 0 Simpson County Seed Co. Franklin, Ky. 2 l Southern States Coop. Henderson, Ky. 5Z+ O ‘ Southern States Coop. Huntington, W. Va. !•9 0 Southern States Coop. Louisville, Ky. 83 2 Southern States Coop. Muncie, Ill. 5 0 Southern States Coop. Richmond, Va. l O Spears-Kiscr Co. Paris, Ky. l O Spears 6. Sons, Woodford Paris, Ky. 3 0 Sphar :9 Co. Mt. Carmel, lll. 8 0 Sphar & Co. Winchester, Ky. Q7 1 Y Stokes 6. Son, S. J. Lexington, Ky. 7 U Stull Bros. Sebree, Ky. 8 U Supreme Mills Glasgow, Ky. l f) Thompson, Clarla Hillsboro, Ky, 2 0 Timmons, Ralph Kevil, Ky. l U Tobacco States Chewical Lo. Lexington, Ky. A U Todd Hybrid Corn Co. llurlingLon, Ind. l 0 True Turf See:] Co. Chicago, lll. 1 U Walden Seed ’~ .. I. Midway, Ky. l U Williams Sow; Ko. Oakland, Ky. 1 U Woodford Feed Lo. Versailles, Ky. l U Wyatt Seed Co. Petersburg, Ind. 2 U YUPP Seed Co. Paducah, Ky. 1 H Younrz 6. Conway Finrganfield, Ky. 22 U Unlmown 72 7 · mens UE W Q A g. 2/, Regulatory Bulletin 199 Table 6. KIND AND NUMBER OF VIOLATIONS 1964-65 '°` Number Noxious Total Kind nf Seed of Purity Germlnatlon Weeds Samples Samgles Unlawful ‘ Alfalfa 25 O 0 O O Barley 30 1 0 O 1 Bluegrass 29 2 2 1 Zo 2 Brcme 6 1 0 O 1 Cluver, Alslke 1 O 0 0 0 . Clover, Crimson 2 O 0 O O Clover, Red 12 0 1 0 1 Clover, White 3 0 0 O O - Corn 52 0 O O 0 Fuacue, Creeping Red 8 O 0 O O ` Fcscuc, Tall 120 io 2 3 8 Lespedezn, Kobe AB O 1 0 1 Luspuduza, Korean 96 1 1 3 Zo Lespedeza, Serlcuu ¢• 0 O 0 0 $· Millet Ze O 0 O O Nlxtures, Lawn Grass Z1 1 0 O 1 Mixtures, Lespedczn 7 1 O 1 1 Mlxturcs, Orchard Grass-Fescuc 13 0 O l 1 Oats 60 0 0 1 1 ` Orchard Grass 79 2 0 2 A Rudtnp 8 1 O O 1 Ryu 36 1 1 0 2 Rycgrnss 26 O 0 0 O Sorghum 15 0 O 0 O Snybenns 55 O 1 O 1 3 Sudun Grass 7 0 2 O 2 Timothy 21 O 1 2 2 T¤·ha1ccu A7 O 2 O 2 Vcgetuhlus Z O O O O _ Vutch 23 0 O O 0 when 53 A Q Q L TuLz11s m 15 13 lla 39 E J ,2, L Q Seed Inspection in Kentucky, 1963-67 25 ` TABLE 7. ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1965-66 Kind of Seed P i G _ Nuxious bib' Name and Address Purchased from PE;C;§K Pciggnc Zee; · - Bluegrass 0-70hl 156 Lewis Seed Co. L 90 L 80 E T. J. Haycraft Sales 8 Service Louisville, Ky. F QQLZQ F + Leitchfield Clover Red 0-6865 Unknown L 99.09 L 77 Excessive Big Four Feed & lmpl. Co. F - F + R Scottsville 0-7064 Zll Lewis Seed Co. L 99.25 L 80+10 Excessive It T. J. Haycraft Sales 6 Service Louisville, Ky. F + F — Leitchfield Fescue Tall . - 0-6696 Ky. 31 SS Hulled Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 88.09 L 80 Excessive * Cann Bros. Gallatin, Tenn. F 78.22 F - ' Leitchfield ’ 0-6775 Ky. 31 3683 Banner Seed Co. L 98.50 L 85 Excessive · Farmers Feed C0. Russellville, Ky. F F + Central City 0-7035 Ky. 31 SS Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 88.09 L 80 Excessive Cann Bros. Gallatin, Tenn. F - F AQ ' . Leltchfield Les edeza Kobe 0-6990 1ASl Lewis Seed Co. L 98 L 70+20 Henry Durham 6 Son Louisville, Ky. F 93.67 F + Greensburg Q 0-7073 A 2252 Louisville Seed Co. L 98 L 70+15 McWhorter Produce C0. Louisville, Ky. F 9A.]7 F + Albany 0-7089 GA 5 330 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 95 L 70+15 Excessive Phelps Produce Gallatin, Tenn. F + F- Russell Springs V 0-7178 Banner Seed Co. L 89 L 85 Excessive Caneyville Roller Mills Russell Springs, Ky. F — F - Caneyville Les edeza Korean 0-657& Th2 Farmers Grain L Sieraye L 97.52 L 90 Fzvessive Hunt Bros. Cn. F 76,29 F - * raarmn Mundy, xv. 0-6596 3567 Banner Seed Ce. L 97.15 L HG Fxressive Ayers Feed, Seed 6 Fern. C0. Russellville, Rv, F » F + Morgantown Q A I 26 Regulatory Bulletin 199 1 TABLE 7.ANALYSES OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1965-66 :;b' Name and Address Purchased from PZ;-gait Peicent Weed 0-69&9 1658 Mitchell Bros. L 99.50 L 63+26 Excessive Hunt Bros. Clay, Ky. F - F + v Marlon A 0-6999 GAS 1903 Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 97.10 L 70+15 Excessive Wynda1l's Store Gallatin, Tenn. F - F égjgg Owensboro 0-7098 Rowan l Allensville Seed Co. L 98.50 L 80+10 Cundiff Seed Co. Allensville, Ky. F - F + L1 Somerset 0~7105 Rowan lAl3 Lewis Seed Co. L 98 L 70+17 i Farmers Supply Co. Louisville, Ky. F + F Q§j_l Somerset 0-7123 lA06 Lewis Seed Co. L 98.50 L 85 Excessive Coomers Feed Store Louisville, Ky. F + F + Columbia 0-7179 Nl Banner Seed Co. L 9A L 90 Excessive Canuyville Roller Mills Russellville, Ky. F + F - Canuyvillu , 0-7190 6533 Dewine S Mamma Seed Co. L 98.50 L 70+15 . Dvu 5 Dye Farm Supply Yellow Springs, Ohio F + F 68+ 2 Vaneehurg 0-7112 lhlo Lewis Seed C0. L 98.50 L 75+10 Excessive Brown's Supply Co. Louisville, Ky. F - F - llurksville 0-7110 6 MJB Payne Bros. Seed Co. L 98 L 70+15 Excessive _, Hagan S Stone Gallatin, Tenn. F + F + Tumpkinsvllle 0-7129 Z JJSS Louisville Seed Co. L 98 L 75+10 Excessive 2 Rvadnour Coal S Feed Co. Louisville, Ky. F + F - Walton ' Luwwedeza Svrivva 0-FOIJ F 3 103 Pavne Bros. Seed Co. L 98.50 L 70+15 Excessive Farmers Supplv Un. Gallatin, Tenn. F + F - - Beaver Dan Willi; n www 1:.-man ~Z.\L»»¢·1i‘1‘ Payne Bros. Seed Cu. L 99 L B5 Vinuxvillv Roller Wills Uallarin, Tean. F - F 2; V1a~vv1l1w ¢ J. is Seed Inspection in Kentucky, 1963-67 27 — TABLE Z ANALYSE5 OF SEEDS WITH LABELING VIOLATIONS 1965-66 Kind of Seed . Noxious Lab' Name and Address Purchased from Funny CLU" Weed No. Percent Percent of Dealer Seeds Mixtures, Lespedeza O-6881 Kobe-Korean 289 Wyatt Seed C0. L 98 L 80+5 - Marshall County Soil Improvement Petersburg. Ind. F + F 55+15 Association Benton 0-7298 Kobe-Korean 705 5 BCM Gillespie Seed C0. L 93.05 L B6 Excessive i Farmers Supply Co. Franklin, Ky. F - F — Beaver Dam 4* O-7299 Kobe-Korean 705 lOlKC Gillespie Seed Co. L 87.82 L 86 Excessive Farmers Supply Co. Franklin, Ky. F - F - _ Beaver Dam Orchard Grass 0-6703 VK 6b 722 Sphar & Co. L 90.50 L 90 Howe-Hilliard Grain Co. Mt Carmel, lll. F 85.77 F + Mayfield ¤ 0-6767 205 19LC Southern States Coop. L 90 L 85 _ Southern States Coop. Henderson, Ky. F 85.17 F - Hopkinsville 0-6773 5 10 D Sphar 5 Co. L 96.72 L 85 Hunt Bros. Mt. Carmel, lll. F 91.06 F + ' Marion Rye ‘ 0-6n¤5 RY 6587 The Ohio Seed Co. L 97.25 L 90 Rogers Feed Store Cincinnati, Ohio F - F 72 Corinth 0-6700 Balbo