Friday Evening, August 30, 1908



The Soutlis Outstanding College Daily

Mourners Bury
Democratic Party
Assistant Managing Editor
Sen. Eugene McCarthy's bid for the 19G8 Democratic presidential nomination died on the convention floor in Chicago early
Thursday 'morning. Late Thursday afternoon Lexington McCarthy
supporters conducted a "funeral" to mount the passing of demo
cracy and the Democratic Party
A woman drove by wearing
Approximately 40 disgruntled a
Ceorge Wallace hat. "Have
McCarthyites gathered in
a gun under the seat?"
of McCarthy headquarters on you got
was shouted from the sidewalk.
Woodland Avenue to register
Several people flashed the peace
their "disgust" with the proceedsign at her.
in Chicago.
coffin was carried out to
"We who support freedom the The
sidewalk where Rev. Gary
mourn the passing of the demPritchard preached the sermon.
ocratic process," read a sign in
"We are
here to
the blacked out window. Below mourn the gatheredof a
the sign was the coffin decked
he began. "A
in black' bunting. To the side of political party,"
born in the fires of freethe sign an American flag hung party
dom . . .
upside down. Above the sign
"We are not responsible for
a dove hung from a hangman's
her death," the Rev. Mr. Pritnoose.
chard continued. "We did not
Mourners with black armcast the fatal ballots."
McCarbands and upside-dow- n
He added that they did not
thy buttons milled around the succumb to the machine nor
street about half an hour wait"commit the atrocity" in Chiing for the minister to perfomt
that "paled" the Russian
the ceremony. An air of joviality cago
occupation of Czechoslovakia.
seemed to prevail over the
Continued on Page 7, CoL 3



Vol. LX, No. 4



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Kernel Photo by Dirk Ware

Disgruntled McCarthyites with black armbands served as pallbearers for
democracy and the Democratic Party Thursday night after learning of the
nomination of Hubert Humphrey as the Democratic candidate for president.
They are led here by Rev. Gary Pritchard who delivered the eulogy.

BSU With 40 New Freshmen Makes Plans

Managing Editor
The Black Student Union
(BSU) in its first meeting of the
year Thursday night reviewed its
accomplishments during the past
school year and discussed where
it plans to go during the coming
The meeting was closed to the

Black Lexington
"A Piece of Black Lexington,"
billed as "the greatest show on
earth, live and in color" will
be presented at S p.m. Saturday
in Fellowship Hall of the Lexington Theological Seminary, 631
South Limestone Street.
The program includes:
Black spirituals, black history,
black humor poems, four one-aplays written by William Bingham, local black Community Action worker, and music by "The
Soul Imperials."
Price of admission is 75 cents
at the door.



Kernel, but BSU Vice President
James Embry agreed to relate
the high points afterward.
Embry said about 75 black
students attended the meeting,
including some 40 new freshmen.
He said the group was told of
the progression last year of Black
students from. the socially-oriente- d
"Orgena" organization to the
BSU, which has been
described as relatively militant.
The role of the black athlete
on the UK campus, Embry said,
was one of the major items of
He indicated BSU feels a star
black athlete would be more
forceful in voicing the needs and
desires of black students than
would an average student.
"You might say that a star
athlete means more to UK than
the average student," Embry
said. "They (athletes) could do
things to help themselves and
other concerned."
"If the news of what it is
like at UK is brought up by
someone who is known," he con- All-Bla-

tinued, "it would take a lot more

over someone else's

BSU listed as two of its major
He explained that the tutoring
for these students will be conpast accomplishments the attainment of the new
tinued as needed, but also that
Life and Culture" course and a BSU is planning to tutor Black
summer tutorial program for some junior high students at Lafayette,
20 Lexington high school seniors
Henry Clay and Bryan Station
who enrolled at UK this fall.
high schools in Lexington.
The organization plans to do
The tutoring program, already
more on both of these projects this approved by Lexington school
year, as well as work on other officials, is scheduled to begin
Sept. 10, but details on where
"We're going to try to get a the project will be conducted
permanent course in African and and who will conduct it have
history," Embry not been worked out.
said. "The one at present doesn't
BSU plans to recruit interest ed
satisfy us at all. We feel that professors, graduate students and


hisAfrican and
deserves a special place in
UK's curriculum."
As for t he tu tori al p roj ect , BSU
plans to continue its efforts to
help more Blacks enter the
University and to be successful
Embry said a group of alxntt
20 Black students have entered
UK this fall as a result of the



Kernel Photo by Howard Masoo

We Could

Try This .

summer tutorial program conducted in conjuction with the

John Junot, SDS member, Jim Sleet, wlio calls himself a freelance organizer,
and Jon DeVries, a member of Church Community Services, share the grass
by the Student Center to voice their opinions on how to initie action
against police brutality like that witnessed in Chicago.

seniors to conduct the program.
It is asking that those interested
stop by the BSU office in Student
Center Room 204 or call extension
2151 in the near future.
Other goals set by the organization for this year include

securing more black professors,
recruiting of more black athletes,
especially for the basketball
team, which has yet to have its
first black player and instituting
an "early" drive to persuade
black high school students in
Louisville and Lexington
attend UK.
As for questions about how
"militant" BSU plans to be this
Continued on Page 7, Col. 2

Students Discuss
'Local Chicago'

Assistant Managing Editor
Angered by the events of the past week in Chicago and alert
to possible parallels of violence in Lexington, approximately 125
students met on the Student Center patio in a spontaneously
organized meeting Thursday night to decide on a local course of
in the Democratic
Sporting black armbands of natives-wo- rk
McParty and rock the whole stnic-tur- e
mourning and upside-dow- n
or organize separately."
Carthy buttons in the wake of
Fredrick J. Fleron of the
the funeral procession for peace,
the group trial to fiud an outlet
science department urged
for their dissatisfaction.
the students to stay in the Dem"How do we keep the pressure ocratic Party and work at the
going? How do we keep the spirit grassroots in the county party
up tomorrow?" John Junot, a districts in December.
The mood of the group
member of the Students for a
Democratic Society, asked the changed and centered on the
Chicago violence and the possi"We've got to show that we're bility of "police brutality" in
not going to roll up and die," Lexington as Jim Sleet, a freeDarrell Harrison, another mem- lance organizer for the black comber of SDS said.
munity, passed out a statement
session presented to the Lexington Board
Early in the two-hoon the Student Center lawn, Alan of City Gnnmissioners Thursday
Lanman, Peace and Freedom con- morning.
"A lot of whites have been
tact, proposed a new party movement.
wondering what they can do as
"It's a basic assumption that the pressure builds up in the
you're not going to get anywhere black community, builds up here.
in the Democratic Party," he Tliis is what you can do. Cive
said. "You now have two alter
Continued on 't(i J, CoL 4
