xt73bk16pz61 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16pz61/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, December 2003 Vol.74 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, December 2003 Vol.74 No.12 2003 2019 true xt73bk16pz61 section xt73bk16pz61 I
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Volume 74: Number 12 - December 2003 - Published by Kentucky Press Association/Kentucky Press Service
S eakers will res nt r' t f t ' ' " “
p p 9 V3 1e y 0 oplcs - eber
at the 2004 KPA Winter Convention News. Notes
By DAVID GREER The Post & Courier, Lauterer, foundin director of the '
Member Services Director Charleston, SC, on Carolina Communitg Media Project at fir‘g‘g‘ggs‘tfio“ mom
Whether your job is to generate successful NIE pro- -" the University of North Carolina at It’ . t start kin l
revenue for your newspaper, spur cir- grams. Elected to T" ’1! j ,_ Chapel Hill School of Journalism and Swizz: ma 5? ans
culation gains or produce a high- the South Carolina _ ig a Mass Communications where he also to attend ' ZOMKPA Winter
quality editorial product, the 2004 State Board of ‘ . * _' t teaches community journalism and Conventionancl'l'rade Sh?w at
Kentucky Press Association conven- Education in 1997, 35 newswriting. Lauterer’s 60-minute the Emsmtes Hotelm
tion Jan. 22 and 23 in Lexington will Scott returned g J...» ' i session will emphasize packaging Lexingtonlan. 2344.
have something to offer. But that’s recently from L- photos and text for maximum reader Thedeadline to reserve a room
not all. Those attending will also learn Argentina where Robie Scott impact. Prior to returning in 2001 to inKPA's room block is Jan. 5,
about a major software advance in she worked with UNC-Chapel Hill, his alma mater, 2004.Afterthistimetherooms
newspaper production, in addition to the English-language Buenos Aires Lauterer ran the photojournalism pro- willbe released to the general
the dos and don'ts of newspaper Herald to lay the foundation for an gram for 10 years at Penn State. He public and rooms willbeonanas
advertising and learn ways to cut NIE program. While there, she also has 15 years experience as co- available basis. Room rates may
postal expenses while improving trained 280 teachers. founder, publisher and editor of two alsobeincreawdafterthisdate.
delivery of your paper. Reporters Will '—’You don’t have to be big to.be North Carolina papers and has Send your name, company,
even get a new tool to help them bet- mighty. Hear NIE success stories authored Six books. - address, number of persons per
ter cover the courts. from Kentucky papers ranging from a -—Newsroom personnel Will also room, hone number arrival and
The 2004 KPA convention will be weekly to small dailies. want to attend Jeff Wagner’s d P d al ' . h d'
Thursda and Frida , Ian. 22 and 23 — US. Postal Service re resenta- “Writer’s realit worksho a hands- eparture ate 011th . acre It
y Y . - . p . . y p . . d number and ex nation date
at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 1801 tives Will discuss newspaper postal on interactive newsroom seminar. The car ’ , P
Newtown Pike, in Lexington. Watch issues in a roundtable moderated by three-hour session gives editors and to: Embassy‘Smtes Hotel, 1801
for our registration mailing. Max Heath, vice president of reporters the chance to test their news Newtown P‘ke' Lexmgton, KY .
Thursday’s agenda will include Landmark Community Newspapers sense and editorial skills while cover— 40511- .
noted newspaper industry software Inc. and noted postal expert. ing a simulated breaking news event. Please indicate king double,
expert and trainer -—KPA attorney Audiotape and non~smokingorsmoking room
Russell Viers. He ' Kim Greene will con- ..§§ 35mm slides take preference.
will demonstrate duct an open meet- seminar participants The cost of the rooms is $99
Adobe’s new *- in gs and open through a news 7 ‘ single occupancy, $105 double
Creative Suite soft- .1? records session. At I ‘5 department budget ,:. «:1, occupancy. Rate includes nightly
ware. Viers and oth- . __ g the conclusion, rep- $2.5) meeting, story devel- sf ' managers reception and fun
ers predict this new 3 resentatives of the g .. opment and eventual g: ' breakfast daily. .
software package , .. Ad m i n i s t ra t i v e 3 > * _ writing of the story.
Will revolutionize A; , ~ "T? Office of the Courts fist ._ ‘ Ethical issues are also Institute Of Newspaper
the newspaper pro- Russell Viers Will debut their new Kim Greene discussed in detail. Jeff Wagner Technolo announces .
duction process. R e p o r t e r s Wagner is general session ingxdarch
Thursday’s schedule also features Handbook for covering courts in manager of Iowa Information Inc., his Thel titute fN
the convention trade show and a Kentucky. New reporters and veter- family’s publishing business. He echn Ins , ho , ewspaper
reception. ans alike will find this to be a very began as a staff photographer in T 9983' 15 05mm “3 ands-
A full day of business begins useful reference tool in better under- junior high school and created the on trammg program March 1143' ‘
Friday morning with the annual KPA standing the courts and how best to award-winning design for The 20040nthecampus ofthe
business meeting at 8 a.m. The trade cover trials, prelimi- N’West Iowa Review, his firm's flag- UmverSIty 0f Tennesseein '
show featuring vendors from nary hearings, locat- ’.=~’“" ship publication. Knoxville.
throughout the Commonwealth and ing records, a glos- —Credibility and newspapers. The multi-day intensive train-
surrounding areas will continue. The sary of legal terms \s" ‘ Retired Louisville Courier-Journal ingprogrambrings newspaper
annual Changing of the Guard lun— and more. “ W“! to?” public editor Linda Raymond, now a professionals up-to-date on the '
cheon will begin at noon. —-—Reporters, edi- . ’tjw college journalism instructor, spent 30 rapidly changing technology .
Break—out sessions begin at 9 a.m. tors, photographers f} . years in the trenches with the from, with classesinPhotoshop,
and continue throughout the day. and page designers .1 " Courier-Journal and the Louisville
They will include: will want to attend a lock Lame,“ See NEWS on Page 11 - ‘
—Robie Scott, 15—year veteran of presentation by Jock See CONVENTION on Page 3

Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, December 2003
Kent ck p pl ' th
News-Enterprise publisher suburb. She begins her job in February. Baker joined Landmark She also was a part-time hospital
. No replacement has been named. Communications, LCNl’s parent com- chaplain at St. Luke’s Regional Medical
named to FOSt inlMaryland Baker, a native of Korea, was pany, in 1990, taking responsibility for Center in Sioux City. She attended
The News-Enterprise Sm“ female appointed publisher of The News— its corporate information systems. She North American Baptist Seminary in
PUbI‘SheF ‘5 "10"”‘8 to a SIStE‘r publica- Enterprise in 2001 after serving as a became the company's benefits manag— Sioux Falls, SD, working towards a
“0n W‘thm Landmark Community vice-president and general manager er in 1992. master’s in divinity.
Newspapers, Inc. with the Greensboro (NC) News & She is a graduate of Old Dominion Bandza graduated from Briar Cliff
Sarah K- Baker, 54: has accepted the Record. University in Norfolk, Va., and a certi- University in 1990 with a major in the-
PUbllShQTPOSIUOY‘ at ”)9 Carroll. The Carroll County Times is pub- fied public accountant. ology/ philosophy, minoring in sociolo-
County Times, located 1_“ Westminster, lished seven days a week and has a cir- Before moving to the United States, gy, speech and theatre.
Md., a Baltimore/ Washington DC culation of more than 23,000 daily. Baker spent 10 years living near Seoul.
She moved to the United States in 1977. . .
Photographer WlnS spot in
____.' l 'he Kentucky Press..__. Gray to retire as ad Photos ofthe Year contest
director after 30 ears Michael W. Bunch, photographer at
Th K , , . y , The Glasgow Daily Times had a photo
e entucky Press (ISSN«()023-0324) 15 District 11 - Glenn Gray, Manchester After more than 30 years With LCNI, selected as one of th Ph t f th y
published monthly by the Kentucky Press Enterprise B ' B k G h d ‘d d ' . . e . 0 OS 0 e ear
. ti n/K tu Se . In onnie ur S ray as ea e to retire in the Editor and Publisher photo con-
‘ ”5.003. 0 en Ckyl ”5. S .mce, C' . . at the end of the year.
Periodicals Class postage is paid at District 12 - Jeff Neal, Somerset test.
Frankfort, KY. 40601. Subscription price is Commonwealth Journal N Gray began her came? at The Shelby The PhOtO depicts Joseph Fant/ age 7/
$8 per year. Postmaster: Send change of 9W5 as an assoc1ate editor m 1,970 wandering away during a meeting of '
address to The Kentucky Press, 101 District 13 - Tom Caudill, Lexington trilefore the newspapecrl mas alcquired by the Barren River Autism Support
Con-mg?! Lane, Frankfort, KY. 40601, (507-) Herald-Leader Laer‘iAdSnPdZIrDISrs’ nc. an t en ater Group in South Central Kentucky. The
223—88 . . . _ . . . . youngster is severely autistic, and also
Offi District 14 Teresa Scenters, Berea Citizen . Gray moved from news to advertis- faces the challenges of moderate mental
Kenfirsky Pres A _ ti State At ing in 1975. During her time as adver— retardation
c s ssoaa on -Large ' - - '
. Poore, Kentucky Kernel tismg manager at The Sentinel-News, The photo was selected as a winner
President - Sharon Tuminski, Tony Maddox, Madisonville Messenger she developed new strategies to grow in the Features under 25,000 Circulation
Winchester Sun Patti Clark, Ow enton News Herald revenue and spearheaded the introduc— category.
hn Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era nor; Oigggnéy guidesd h This year's contest, the fourth annu-
President-Elect - Jo Nelson, n I ray lome t 9 corporate l d ‘d ' t t th 't
Danville Advocate Messenger Division Chairman staff as advertising director. In this role :60 eftiievginihentfifgz usdgli‘a: ‘31:;
News Editorial Division -John she has made many contributions to of V f t d rt 1 g
Vice President—David Thornberry, Shindlebower, Spencer Magnet LCNI Throu h her hard work LCNI ne VS’ ea ur es an spo s, P us a new
Somerset Commonwealth Journal . g f th f~ t ”'Cu (:1 one, multiple images. There were four
Advertising Division _ Cheryl Magers E33139“ were some 0, e ”s , an circulation groups. There were 16 win-
Treasurer - Charlie Portmann, Central Kentucky News Journal I D markets to receive coupon inserts ners and 12 honorable mentions.
Franklin Favorite from valaSSIS and News America. Winning photos can be seen at
Circulation Division - Kriss Johnson, These COUPQ“? continue to be impor- www.editorandpublisher.com. They
feigfisidlgfirhgave Eldridge, Lexington Herald-Leader 22;: the dlws‘onls CerUIahon growth were also on display Oct. 30-Nov. 1 at
_ , , , , ' . the ”Phot Pl E ' " t th K.
_ Assoaates Division - Cliff Feltham, Gray is also the person most respon- Javits Corsvehltsi or: 12:11:“ me :3 :vczszork
Board of1 Diglectors Kentucky Utilities sible for developing the Louisville sales '
.Smd ' ‘Ce Rouse, Murray Ledger and _ . and Kentucky combo network. This - . . .
Times generalgounsels-gtoghnfisdraker,lll a __ publisher of the I
sion exclusively for “ Kentucky New Era
advertising if he W; ' in Hopkinsville has I
had his way. __________ been attending 311.331.3313
Fortunately, the decision is not totally SNPA meetings for nearly 15 years. He WM“
his and newspapers do get a portion joined the SNPA board of directors in
of advertising dollars from his furni— 2002. ‘ 1
true company. Sea man’s company "In my opinion there was an under- “ 4m ““ N
was started in 1954 and admittedly he lying theme brought about on several ”i
said his early success stemmed from fronts by several speakers the need M3,, . . -. .
, . ' . . . ' 1W?“ a“ - w - ‘rr- 3} ‘ ..:'- ,. , .. ,
inexpensive newspaper advertising. to listen and change to meet the needs ‘“ é .. 11.13.“ , ~ ' , ,
"You [newspapers] need some of customers in a new era. The two ' 5:1 3: ” ”Via 4..“ i" ‘5
innovation in advertising to create a sessions I thought really brought this 5* ‘5‘ :“ . 1; ’%§“ _ "a?“ 1
. desire to read newspapers,” Seaman to light during this past convention ‘ Mr“ .., -;~ 3: « _, 3 '
said. ”The newspaper is not where my were the ones we heard from Mort 1 ‘ “1 > :1 ii “:1: I. ,.
40-year-old daughter gets her news." Seaman, the founder of Rooms To Go ., _ . ‘ {g “‘2' “ii? , . 1
Today’s ROP ads don’t bring read- and the panel discussion on ethics - 3W ,3; ,:§,§~ ' ~ " 5% j: ”‘
ers into his stores, Seaman said during credibility," said Hayes. 3 T153: ' . , {23”}: “4,. ” ,5: ' .
an address at the SNPA 100th Seaman told the audience that he , ' 1...;1 '9' gm it? a _ ”M
Anniversary Convention in Boca still got his news and information ” ~13"... vwmg ' i. : g‘fhfiw
Raton. Preprints don’t get the expect- every day by reading the New York 5‘? égfiw 525:}; ~E§$4M .- G- ’33 s: “W“
ed results either, Seaman continued. Times from cover to cover. However, , ' i; ”T!” ' “W“ 43:41:39? gr" 1'
Today Seaman is a “silent” partner young readers and buyers are not i 4 '
in his son Jeff’s business. headed in that direction. 3 . , . _ _ . _
In his first year in business back in "While Mr. Seaman’s message was Top: Tlfie Kentucky PresskAssocmtion was anrtedhto create a booth highligtpingpits
the mid-19505, Seaman said the store a dagger in many respects, it is also a :53: passirzeigestprfienhlzc y nelzvspapers att €1.00t anniversary conventiono SN A“
did $150 000 in volume and he made ’wake u call’ that news a ers must ng entuc y newspaper s smce 1869' Items ~at the booth mdUded
_ . ' ' . p 3 3 P P newsletters from the early days and the history book celebrating 125 years of KPA
$7900 m salary and profit. Then he change the” perspective to attract bOth which was published in 1994. Bottom: Lifesize reproductions of actual newspapers
started using ROI) newspaper ads. The readers 311d advertisers. AS I have mm were scattered throughout the meeting halls during the SNPA 100th anniversary con-
ads would contain a certain item at a my own managers and employees, 'If vention held Nov. 16-19 in Boca Raton, Fla. Newspapers were asked to send a copy of
certain price, and Seaman said he we are wanting to see different results their newspapers from 1903, which was the year SNPA was founded, and the replicas
could count the number of customers than we are currently getting, then were made as they appeared. SNPA Plans *0 display the copies at the“ Office in
who bought the special. The results maybe our actions should be differ— Atlanta, Ga. and at future com’entions-
were noticeable back then. In the 19705 ent.’ In other words, how do you "i
Seaman used color in newspaper ads expect different outcomes if you con-

1. 1 3 . . 3 a i LeftzEdward
and said the return was usually tmue working the same way? Every V .
$100 000 for everv $6 000 ad. sin 1 d1 tm t st I k internal meom' executive

. 1' _, ,1 1 g 9 epar en mu 00 director of the

today, however, furniture market— to change in order to meet the ‘_ Southern Newspaper
ing has changed. Rooms To Go does demands of our customers both 1‘ ~ ’9“: P u b 1 i s h e r s
not advertise price in their ads. readers and advertisers. This is done ‘ f i' Association wel-
lnstead they use concept advertising by sincerely listening to them," Hayes , 1“" ~ '7 “ comed David Paxton,
with upbeat, snappy television com- said. if {1" ,«i 1 9 right, *0 th? SNPA
mercials and a web site aimed at Seaman pointed out in his message «a, 3,, 5 board 0f d"°th’r5
attracting young buyers. Entire rooms that cable television was one example , »‘ ° . after the convention .
of furniture are offered instead of indi- of a rising market because they were a, A ' 1 field NOV' 16-19 m
1. . 1 . . _ , oca Raton, Fla. The
initial pieces. able to garner some of the national gr SNPA board consists

Si-a man said one problem that he television advertising dollars with t; . i f d' f

_ . 1 1 _ 1 1 _ 1 a 3 ,5? 33.: 0 one irector rom
had With neWspapt-rs is that they Will their Willingness to negotiate rates. ” g; , each of the i4 SNPA
not \ary from rate cards. He would ”This is a hard concept for the $1: ’1 ' ’1 V 5' . states and four at-

' like to be able to offer a negotiable industry because we have been the if l 1 1. large directors.
price to newspapers in order to target one major mass media for so long i! - 1 Paxton, i5 P'eSide“t
the Rooms to (lo message. we have become comfortable. We (the (if, , t ’i '- . “New and 1CEO of Paxton

' ”Unfortunately most of the time, industry in general) are so afraid that a It" . I V '* Med” Group ”1
the newspaper reps who come to see .5 if" Paducah.
me are young and have no negotiating See ADVERTISING 011 Page 5 a...

 The Kentucky Press, December 2003 - Page 5
Tri-City News columnist if i} , é .
Daisy Wilkie dies N ‘ 9 ' , ' ii
Tri—City News columnist Daisy A N . 3 . F .- .
Myers Wilkie died Nov. 3 in : fl '. A“ .. (g _ .K
Lexmgton. , . " é _ ' k .
She had been a weekly writer for N "I c .3, s‘ 33 k
the Cumberland, Tri-City News for :1 ... a” Cr» 3% at ' 1",
several years where her folksy and .. . w. t: NNN 3 13mg? it, ‘ 3* -,.
nostalgic antidotes of her hometown ' “k ‘11.}; ; ., .1“ ”s3 .« ( . M ‘ '
were loved and enjoyed by many and a = N we... " ..'- 5 w ‘ ,
drew nation-wide responses. 1‘ TN . .. -- ‘ V “5 , M-‘T’thy-c ‘ - MM
.. . . . , *- ,vM'N ' WW“ <3 yaw ‘ . ‘ A I! ~ w 231'
Wilkie transcribed her memories 1%" ~ “up“ A we saw . W " ‘- “ ‘ ° ~
With pencil and Paper until illness Above: Carolyn Wilson, executive director of the . ' £335?" ..
prevented her to do SO. She then Mississippi Press Association, gives instructions to Lori "N . a. -
began dictating her memories, which Ibarra, national account representative at the Herald-Leader, ' ‘ ,.
were transcribed for publication. Lexington and Ann Laurence of CNHI, during the ad con- N:- - _
In addition to her newspaper writ- test judging. Right: John Tebault of the News-Enterprise, 4‘"
ings she was a published author Of Elizabethtown and Melissa Netherland of the Central
three books Her first M Beautiful Kentucky News Journal in Campbellsville, look over
A l h' ' ‘b’. ty (1 . entries in the Mississippi Press Association advertising con- M
ppa ac la’ was a su iec an region test. Employees from Kentucky newspapers judged the con-
dear to her heart. Her second, Three test in Frankfort on Nov.13.
Great Stories, and third, Appalachia
Murder Mystery were well received. newspaper industrv was making analyst for CNN, talked about
Wilkie was buried in the Flu“ ADVERTISING strides in listening to readers and ”What’s Ahead and Who's Ahead in
Cemeter ' in Cumberland, which was . ' ‘ . ' ‘ ”
includedNas a subject in her last article Continued from page 4 ihfid‘rtrhggiotrci. IHngx/Ilei'erhhenoeggiNisfih: P01itTcosm Cu rley, president and CEO
”.Memories of Cumberland" pub- line of ethics is going to be crossed of. communication should be main- of The Associated Press, New York,
lished on the day of her death. that we have ignored what our cus- tained in order to build on that foun- N.Y. spoke about ”The Current and
tomers have been telling us for years dahOh~ _ Future Of AP
Former employee at the thus we have become stale and h 13h Monday, (1:10.“ 117 sesfsiczlnsgvere F F0; .twoh Years dthe Sl\ll_PA
. - . uninvitin in so man wa s a ain e on SIX tren s in caSSi ie a ver- oun ation as o ere a trave mg
Dally N?WS 1n BOWllng with readgers and avaertiseNi's," Hgyes tising for 2004 byCarol Richer, presi- campus to train newspaper personnel.
Green dies continued. dent of Sales Training Plus in Tulsa, Three-hour training seSSions are
Lorene Madison Ogles, of Bowling The second session was the panel Okla. and ”What your circulation offered for entire staffs usually. within
Green, died Nov. 5, at The Medical discussion on ethics and credibility. managers talked-about at the traveling 100 miles of the newspaper. This mini-
Center. She was 86. participating in that panel were Alex campus by .Pl‘lll Hanna, Circulation mizes travel expense as well as out of
The Edmonson County native was Jones, moderator and director of the consultant With Anderson, Randles & the office time. The traveling campus
former co-owner and office manager Joan Shorenstein Center in Assoc1ates, Newman, Ga. 15 sponsored by the SNPA Foundation
of Ogles Transfer an employee in the C ambrid M . B 1 Other sessions throughout the two- and each state press association. This
_ _ , ‘ ge, ass., ur Osborne, . . -
advertismg department. of the Daily publisher emeritus of the Dallas day/.elonferenclilingludedr ‘d t year Kentuli/lfy fill-l hqut Lhe trauveling
News and an election officer. Morning News; Sandra Rowe, editor incent a iso, Vice presi en campus. in arc in op insVi e an
. , and director of Global Busme