xt73bk16q241 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16q241/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-03-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 01, 1985 1985 1985-03-01 2020 true xt73bk16q241 section xt73bk16q241 i
' ‘2» ac- .. ~ -3- -( 1 . ~ ‘ 1.1, ...1,l....!a--‘; % g “i— : "II '— I—M .
-\fol.LX)tXIiX.No:tfi" , ' ‘ ‘ " xiflmwu- ’“ f5 3: ..3§.§;»,;1,._thyotltentucky. Lexington. Kentucky WWI”! Friday, March i, I985
Merger expert W] a ress - of L plans
By DARRELL CLEM will be held at 3 pm. today on the of Louisville and the slate 0f Ken aftei the merger. and we'll be in the of concern is what impact a L’K-l' of Milieu will provide some insight on I ' ’
Senior Staff Writer 13th “00" 0' Patterson Office Tower. tu%i"5ultsg: d of Trustees same situation the tUK) dental L central administration or a single the merger .
h ,,,i - - e r COmA school IS in now."shesaid. board 0' trustees would have u n . , , , _ . .
An expert on university mergers chiwwhrcdthf$r$lifielgwd£tfix mm” on merger has taken the P05" , (-iirrent governing structures PU th( herleshaElgn‘o; ::L¥§.'.q‘:gh“g‘:f ’ ' 5.
will be on campus today to address . 2 ttem t to 'e, dditional inforg- tion that a UK-U of L merger should College of Dentistry faculty mem I a .7 ”c p rth t t .. sai th 1 1 -. , ,. . .

l the concerns many faculty members '5 a“ a befg the a k leave intact the identity of UK. pro- hers have said they are dlSlllUSloned AAL p members want ass“, nu, e ‘5 3'32"“; 9 op “0 or fee _ . ' . ’1 3
have about the proposed UK-Univer- m °" dart? , 3g" B": 3‘ 0‘; tect against the dismantling of pro with the merger of the UK and U of ma, me Univmny Senate wil. ,9 "mm" “mm"! “merger , . -_ . ,
sityofbouisvillemerger. magi: A ‘2? 0 r grams and retain the current gmw 1. dental schools. and have asked the main intact and that faculty and stu "()ne of the things that I think is ' ' ‘

John D. Millett. an independent p ' erning structure. Pival said AAL’P University Senate to 888055 the dent representation on the Board 0,» probably true is that faculty and ‘ v -_ , ,
consultant who has studied mergers “What we‘ve asked (Millett) to members want more specific recom1 merger. Trustees will continue, "We don't some administrators don't know ' ’ . - '.

1 at several universities. will speak at talk on is the whole idea of merger mendations. want to lose our form of Senate gar enough to know whether or not ll '3 . 1 ' '

a a meeting sponsored by the UK and what has been the success of “AAUP is concerned that. if we Although the Trustee committee ernance."Pivalsaid. 'mergel‘l is a good idea." Elton ,- r ' ' .

‘- chapter of the American Association these things in other places - don‘t look at specifics before the de- on merger states that no disman- said “People ought not to be far or ~ = ' a ‘.

. of University Professors. The meet~ whether it’s going to help the Uni- cision is made to merge. then all tling should occur. “we don't know against the merger until they knm . ‘1 ‘

~_ ing, which will be open to the public. versity of Kentucky. the University these details will be worked out what that covers." Pival said. Also AAUP members say they hone aboutit.“ - ' i- '
Wildcats to. an ,. - Former game room .
ll " ' ' 1‘ *
i-o over o. tentatively chosen . ' .
V1 9267"
0 S’ t,‘ - ,a at t for cultural center -
McKinley, Bearup v ,- , . it , fl . . . .- .
play last in Rupp ta 1 3 1 c Location for black center awaiting _ . .
. J1. _. .,i 71 .,g . ,.
3...“...me 7% ., 1 95‘ a‘ full approval from SAB next month . . ,
Senior Staff Writer . it - - .. - ,
" :11; ' By DARRELL (”LEM tioii the two groups met yesterday , .
last night's final home game in “h" %g,-., ; Senior Staff Writer to discuss governing procedures for .

Rupp Arena gave Wildcat fans .. “Q ' '1 . the center. which would help recruit . . .

just what they wanted -— a key ‘ «or-u‘ ‘ _. 1 , " A tentative location fora proposed and retain black students at lh. 1 1.

92457 win over Tennessee. And it ‘ \ ,1- . ._ s 53 3 black cultural center was announced according to Chester Grundy. direc .

couldn‘t have been sweeter far W . . I‘ ‘- . i (yjresterdny by members of the Stu- tor of minority affairs 3

Kentucky. 1 " a t I. I ’ h V ent Activities Board executive \‘tiaub and \lustiar initialh were - i

t gab? ”(1:913 shoutcéhemfirh \ ' ’ "h fl committee. reluctant to support the center. tear '

a . ey e ics _ h f . a ' Pending a vote by the full bunt-d mg that students would View it as an . -

UKS Kenny Walker thd- No- r". g“ on Apri' 2. the cultural center mil act of segregation. but have become .

bOdY ever 3533’s anythingHabout ’41.. g be located in the Student Center more receptive to the idea as the

h’fsrsneenigtzzlgtmfilfpgp here. Ten- \ N i » game room. located between the center‘s function has become more , _

. ' . his?“ ' Student Government Association of» clear] idefined -

.After UKS 8165 .1055 m Knox— d h ‘ 1. ‘ . v ,_ fices and several vending machines y '

V'he' UT 9’3.” “Chad .B'°°"s ' . . on the first floor of the Student Cen- The programs held in the center '.

said theVolsyust wanted h more .- . - % ter must be open to all students and . .

than the Wildcats. UK semor ’ I 7 ' “try to interest the white students in . .

Bret Bearup responded to that re- I a” '4' g _ SAB President Louis Straub said the programs for the black students

mark 185‘ night. 3 . , , “ 11 ’ the game room area. which is cur- in some way.“Straub said

“That's “0‘ the kind of th‘hg . rently furnished with card tables

YOU say if you have ‘0 play ,3 ~ "t and chairs. would have to be reno Grundy said he was pleased 'ttllh . '

team later in the 86.8800." 881d ‘ ~ 5, 1. . " , vated and financed with no costs to the negotiations “i think we are in . '

Bearup. .who M m 13 points ' ~ i ' . * 1‘ the Student Center. Once the center tune.“he said . ' .

during his la.“ home gameas a i t. ’ has been established, a “profession

Wildcat..Senlor Troy McKinley. 7 ' . 2,, . -1 , al staff member" will monitor activ- The centers progress would he

also m h's last home appearance, v' j ' *1, ' f}. . f , ities from what is currently a stor- 'lOmlOl‘ed by SAB. and as a last re

scoredstxpmnts. . ~ ' X 4 . ’ t ' 1 age room adjacent to the game ort, SAB reserves the right to [‘0’

The game was a key to keeping .41..“ Lissu; Kernel Sufi room. .oke the space

Kentucky‘s W alive for a tie _ . . The groups also discussed the pos~ ' ' ~

m the 8°90“st Conference Ed Davender 8095 “p and over a Tennessee defender for two of hls ‘5 pOints m 135‘ Theboard had initially planned to Utility of forming Lln advisory com- . ‘ '

race. To tie for flrSt' UK Vmust night’s 92—67 victory at Rupp Arena. establish the cultural center in the nittee for the renter "in terms of ‘

beat LSU m Baton Rouge Satur1 women’s lounge area on the th; 11 :his project. I would deflmlel} be , . -

day, and pray that Tennessee d9 . floor of the Student Center. But seeking people who hate a commit ' ‘ .

feats Georgia Saturday night m the ball "“0 the lane. They set for 3 points in the “’5‘ half. as the night, Md Cedric Jenkins Straub said the first floor location ment to the center." Grundy said 3 ‘ 1

Knoxwlle. thetempoofthegame." Kentucky led by as many as 18 and Leroy Byrd came off the will be much more accessible and "1': going to need some sort of ' ' . ' ‘

Kentucky improved its record .And .ng’ll Kentucky get an points at one time. Ed Davend- bench to score the last four points “infliemainstream.” structure that Will help me get a feel . -
to “.6 in the SEC and 16-10 over- NCAA bid. . _ er s 33-foot Jumper at the buzzer of the game. for Kentucky. As a for “hat black students want so. ,. _ '

all. The Volunteers dropped to 7- Kentucky WI" . be” m the sent the Wildcats to the locker team. the Wildcats shot 55-2 P91" “By having the cultural center so t"\. he‘d have to have some sort of 1 ' .

10 in the conference and 16-13 NCM‘ DeVoe said. Th? wm room “a” comfortable ”'36 ad- cent toTennessee‘s 49-1- far away from other students. the iiiélthlSOf‘y committee “ ‘ , f . 1

overall. tomghtassuredthemofthat. vantage. _‘“ “'85 the land 0f game you original space would not have Straub and Mustian said some , ,

Walkers 33 pomts and. 18 re- The second half started more like to see this time Of year." served their (black students) need." SAB members have said the) like ' ‘ ‘ '_ .
“This team has really W m were bOth game-high “8‘ slowly for the Wildcats, however. said coach Joe B. Hall. “It was Straub said. he idea of a cultural center. but . .' . .,

back after their earlier 10“ ‘0 “115- Roger Harden. With 8! total But theend result was the same: the first what you could call a Straub and Scott Mustian. SAB .tiusiian stressed that “we're not the -. ' 1

“5'" Tennessee coach Don DeVoe 0' !0 points. had a game-high ‘2 domination. blowout this year. and it came vice president, have been negotiat- deciding factors " ' . g . '

said. ”They 95‘3b115h9d early assmts. Walker scored often; Davender against a traditional rival. That ing since late last year with mem- “We're all working for a common ' f ‘ , '

What they wanted ‘0 do _ getting Walker and Bearup combined did likewise. ending up with 15 on certainly made us feel good." bers of the black cultural center goal that should be beneficial“ to ' ' ,

steering committee to find a loca- black students.Straub said ' . ' _
Talented high school seniors will hit campus on Merit Day ‘ '
By l-‘RAN STEWART Mabry, co-chairs the Merit Day fact that “there are more students nition of being invited to campus support from high schools“ by mov- program. Nancy Dye. associate g- ‘- '
Senior Staff Writer Committee. “I do think people in the applying with a 27 or better. which and being able to register.” l-‘ister ingMerit DaytoSaturday. dean of Arts and Sciences. will offer - ' ,
state know we’re serious about im- isencouraging." said. The day's format also will be dif- an overviewof the freshman year '

Tomorrow. UK staff members will provina academic excellence at the Merit Day is designed “to let This year's Merit Day differs from ferent. Fister said. “It's more simi- According to Fister. about so fac- . ‘ g
be doing their best to entertain a University.” tllesestudents lmow that we do think the previous two. The past two were lar to the summer advising confer- ulty members and administrators , ’ ’
batchof talented recruits. But many The University invited students they'respecial,"shesaid. held during weekdays. but this ences this year. We've found that have volunteered their time for the .
of them probably tnve never played with composite scores of 27 or better At Merit Day. students and their year’s session was scheduled for more students are saying to us that program. ,
basketball. on the American College Test who parents can participate in three of Saturday to allow more parents to Merit Day was nice. but we weren‘t “It's a pretty big effort on their ‘ .

During the third annual Merit have expressed an interest in at- eight campus life sessiom that in- attend and to keep studenm from providing as much information as part,“ she said. “We all think it‘s .
Day. the University will show its in- tending UK to spend the day on elude topics from housing to student missing school. during the summer advising confer1 worthwhile enough to do this " . , .
terest in high school seniors who campus. All Kentucky National activitiestointernational programs. “We feel that with the new educa— ences.“ Collegians for Academic Excel '
have proven superior academic abil— Merit Semi-finalists also were in- Students also will be able to ad- tional push in the state of Kentucky. After registration at 8:30 am. Art lence will be supplying a large per- .
ity. vited. bringing the total to 770 stu- varice register and have their stu- fewer and fewer high school princi- Gallaher. chancellor for the Lexing- centage of the labor force. said An ~

“UK has tried to make a push to dents. dart IDs and meal card pictures pals are wanting to grant students ton campus. and Donald Sands. vice drew Oppmann. chairman of the 1 1
ward academic excellence." said About 500 were invited last year. made. excuses to visit campus." Fister chancellor for academic affairs. will student group “We‘re doing even
Ann Pater. who. along with Barbara Pinter attributed this increase to the “some do appreciate the recog- said. “We feel like we‘ll get more welcome students and review the S" SENIORS. pain 6
Teleconfere ce se

_ , ., _ . O O

as on Jogging March 9
Viv-Aug... ”figs?‘ ”do”? .‘ j .,-5. Wang
.. , . s ‘5‘?

w, , .:. . g a... scat-g By JOHN MCGARY elude Jay Kearney. UK professor of , .

. ,3” _.,,.... .gLs. so); Reporter health. physical education and rec-
gm...” 'i...:.-.,...,$§ reatlon. who was a member of the ‘

MM“,MM~, Rims and jogger: can learn 1900 Olympic flatwater canoeing

~52 -._ .t_ “at: ”‘42..” '1' mm amt their W W the team. and hi! Wife, [Mlle Klem. . h
.x [1 .ezg;g.:'.3_.g magicoftelevislon. who was a member of the 1900
. 3‘1”... for”; i? "Runnmg Your Best 10K: Traln- Olympic women's kayakim team.

1'. g . fig. v; 13 5% ing and Strategic” will be a live. and the 1m Olympic women's K4 )

3%“, ‘ MW~’ .;,3. netlonel “interactive" videocaifer- (fur-income) flatweter kayaking
0.. -. ,4... --,,,,n onoeheld March ofrom 9am. to teemthttottfmn'thplace andthe ’

3....._,, _ . ' L, at}; 4:30 pm. at UK‘s Health Sciences [(-2 (two-member) teem that took
T: ‘ W' _§.Ti.,.,flfigt‘§§$;fii< tauntingOenter. nfthplece.

" " ‘ i - ' in this use. inta‘ectlve mum mentions] portiond theconfer- -

thoneeMngtlnloceloventswlll mbqlmetil:30e.m.fromthe
beefletoukqinetiomdlrectlyof Univ-sltydW-Boston. ‘
a” WM“ in ”M m M No!“ m M” G“ "ey‘ "NCONLIV’Kevnd cm.

a3~t§4§sa«»~i‘~.:;-i- “”3”; forum M“ be m by “W“ It. M DOM Marathon cham'

‘ . -.. ‘ ‘ {of from Boston to 50 places some the plat; an film. one of the top wom- of the health. physical education and mechanics for running. how to avoid Shop. the iexington Athletic Club
. a“ g . a: I‘meh é Ufidm. will feature an magi-gratin MW disitancl: mam ‘Wt. who cooigrgld mum condition with an in- andthePi-essureCooker restaurant.

g... g 1,, f ’r “ruggruw pg“ 3, mm m; v.m' “an m mm , a mu g
is“ ' ._ ‘, . if? Mark Nenow. who hold- the world including . podiatrist and en ortho- otherdetelh. “We whim dfllllll‘. . xmméfiffigflm

gee-ea . . we ,1... m% madmtliuomo-Mroednee. podlcnii-geou. tobeoverwhelmedbytho unhealpertdtheoaimls and . for a d.” body fat

,zwyw“ ‘1 j_ it: Nam was named in“ natlonel AIM the Hui-mulch and tips gyinvolved; mastofthelilormetton M by the dqiertment of mmtataemmter

1:;- WW;g.g,,3‘,g,rgsg_ .Zflfieflfi'. mutiny-r. gluhtheooflmwlll bebeny glvenleveryslniple.”wuneruld. health, pliysioel mum and no '

f: _. >133”: 31‘2”.» “fired A videotape of Nenow timing will rim. or“ we may but- Some of the facets of naming tint usual. the Bluegrass Rmim For fin-thei- information. call

“'3 s... ”a ""t ' W be down. Other noted athlet- ln- dltmat ell.eeldAndnwWelner will be covered hiclude the col-net Gib. Jan’s bluegra- Rum Weatherman-in.

’ t

 2-Km7lmmm11‘ _______.__——————————
hhn Voelruhl ”optical. Well”
T P T Editor-in-Chiol Mortoglng Editor
NOW! Editor t drinriol Editor
s at cases is assassinate ,
, 0 e e
UK s Blanche Dubois recommends being kind to strangers i
SocallmeBlanche Dubois. ——'—"—‘—‘ nice to meet someone from another . groans d anticipated traffic. crime plete with elevated single bed, ste- i
' Like “streetcars" delirious te- school, and maybe exchange views I am 80mg to let a and mayhem during Final Four reo system, minifridge stocked with
male tragedy. l have indeed in the Contrbutlng and ideas like students are suoposed complete stranger week, i am glad that Lexington will Tab and yogurt, a pile of old Ken- ,
past “depended upon the kindness of COLUMNIST t0. behestingthetournamentthisyear. tuchy Kernels, Kakie’s Key to Ka- ;
strangers." Whoknows? from another school 1 am also glad that the dean of rousing Kentucky, an invitation to
Now 1 figure it‘s time for a little 'l‘hat pOIiJsci major from George I k over m dorm students office is organizing this ad- borrow anything she might need and
payback. So. during the weekend of town might be secretary of state in a e y mirable program, so that I may be an exhortation to take good phone r
the Final Four, I am going to let a — theyear 2000. room. kind to strangers as they have been messages. .
' complete stranger from another pus coordinator. only 70 other stu- Or that theology major from — kindtome. And Blanche Dubois will have
school take over my dorm room — dents have responded to the call for Southem Methodist the next Billy for tan 1 m' ht be able to give So at the Hotel KU (get it? Kakie paid partol‘her debttosociety. ;
ireeoicharge. dormiroom space. (This figure rep— Graham. mm ‘ ta f ‘9 Urch — KU) the basketball fan will i
The only thing I know about this resents only 25 percent of all stu~ i would get a kick out of hearing a my? ry an. . receive a package consisting of a 20 Staff Writer Kahie Urch is a unde- f
person is that she will be female, dents approached.) St. John‘s philosophy major relate 06PM the City’s moans and by~7 space (street value 8165) cam cided freshman. ‘
' and a basketball fan. And too broke I guess this low rate of response Patrick Ewing's offeme to existen- 1
to pay the outrageously inflated shouldn’tswriseme- ‘lahsm- . . . ClflEfllfl iHEflTUCHV gm - - ize Newcmio Id. i
prices at Lexington hotels. motels Leaving a stereo. highvtech type Or perhaps aiding-'11 student In .1. . or... is. sooo WWW»- ~t- (606)233-1200 7
and special final Four “bean-to writer and wardrobe unattended completing what might soon be Howl 100C 9, ~ ‘
Communities." with a complete stranger might called “a recent study by a Duke has... mfiy Midnight] Moor. . . 6
~ t i am able to help this stranger makesome peoplenervous. University researcher: ‘Basketball, convection. , ' Mom-99:30 ‘ ' (606) 218-9551
watch her team lose to the Wildcats But l’m thinking about that gas Pressure and Society: The NCAA lotto. ‘YIXASNAI'PAW
in the Final Four (so I‘m an opti- station attendant who towed me and Finals and the Residual Effect 0n 0‘) ‘ ' Ingram Fl- .. Renf A VCR
mistic Blanche Dubois) with the my blown Volkswagen engine out of Player Assimilation.‘ " mu.‘.u...u~.t.' ' hi ‘
, help of the office of the associate the wilds of Massachusetts. and be- Also. I like the city of Lexington, __ ‘I 8 weekend
deanofstudents ——residence halls. lieved me when I said I‘d bring the and would hope I could help make a ‘P “W MW...“ ‘
‘ . ‘ Dean Rosemary Pond and her of— cash for the tow back to him the basketball fan's stay here more at?" "PINK nova Rgcglv. g “f'. ERIE '
fice are organizing this room-share. next day. Just the “Side of Rupp and the m- “mun“, Y
, . According to Jim Smith, south cam- And I‘m thinking that it might be side of McDonald‘s, with any in- w CDW membership to Video Village .
. U.K. WW _ _ , h g _ ,, ,, W h 7 W ”m H ., w _,,V,W,A,W,,c__,,_,_,fi___ ‘ _ "Va—F“ O
I "m“ 1,, "”"W ' * ' r —~-—~—~WWWWWWWW __'_““:;__“*:i:“ o
' ““"d‘m" W'L’fiif,"”7 q i , " ' ,, fr"Tif7i;::::::i_—:::—H‘—*_'*%V—AAim o ‘
Bagel Brunch , W , , A .7 W , W. . W W WWWWWW‘WW:~W' .__.:___§:::::::_—:::: 1, o ‘
Sun. March: 1. - ~ , 7 7m , ~ , we ' W.VWW_W.WWW-__..-___W . O
10:30 pm. a "L: , ; 3W f:WWLI_f-fi [7—‘_‘ 7:5,1':T:2-} .1 .2; *""5:"“‘" " 5’:‘" ‘j . - °
Ch.";il:hylm 1% a" ”is! rm“ -555. _. “ § §._ 7 v u {-45 '39: .
l . - e- ' _ - --— '-";:f-. . - a , W g
*m m 3'- .s 9 f ’f‘f - WWW --::-e= r; t m M m. .. as“ o i
' For More Info _. -v «w 43; W—WWQ—e—WW a“ WWW... WW 3;;- “-"-"~' r" ;‘_~'. -1' ___ ° stew," .
‘ Contact We 1*“ " ’f‘if‘ 'i i": *"ifl:f':gi;:;;; ' ':_~:;:- Lt";—‘::“—**_::: ' i::;_; :25," i
Sore Golder-In w , - , ,, ,, ,, W WWW We..__,vc,,, "p __fikifiér____fi__m__A~A___ §~_ o c. «5...;
252-7004 L; e , , ,. L , W L I, "LLL';:_".:;c;;;;;;f :7; 11;:L:T;:: ”_—‘_:_w—_—"_::W -‘i _W.._.__ 0 @EE !
© {' ‘ ,
Kernel 210 Grew.-
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I 1‘ '3 . #545 - ‘ ’ WW ”'r:"3:"t.':7~%'2:.f::;,* . it 455‘ 5"“ 5° n v~ - ‘ ‘4‘" w mixmm s54
versity of Ken- . , $475? / , \‘ 5.5”; sown-n .f t h s... g UNUSUAL .1 7; .75“ first
, ‘ " . 2,] ‘ 3’2”; ' ~ ‘ ‘ 3,2; 77¢ ' r‘a .' “t, s, W including SIN“ , t‘ i s, “-
tucky, Lexmg- , I ' “a 3 » \ , :3, w, . rm 4 _ “cm” “I"... . 2” g, Ink” i ‘
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0042, (506/ 257- H ' ‘ " . t' 23] ‘A t . Q, . t ‘ t “35;“;3" . {fig E ‘3' . \ i
' Futures I00! 01 m ~ I cm 1 m no" light . i
‘ 2871, IS pub- singlet: —-~ INCLUDES: I713: com-‘1 giggles: The mo‘mmmmfmff' CASSEITE
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I on was y W. , . or“ " Alla Jailed Remind 4
mg the summer (g ' ., -- u M _‘ __ /
' session. Third , 4 ‘ : e. , ”'5‘ {ii ‘5?” —\\ !
0’8,“ mt?!” ALBUM on . , A 5 <9 .; . .. ‘ i
new 8* Lema- cassmr .1 * .m' . * ' or: is ‘t'
to", K Y- 4051 1- :CASSETTE INCLUDES:le ‘ H mcumsso".
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TRET H n \ i 9 W51: 5‘.» t. e"..- my
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l humor nua- Oz as allegory -

l ' . k / ’ I .

. I 0 I , e e e e

i la.- {51] e ( History professor says classzc children slem carries political undertones . ' '

r 1‘ 3 t 0 .

f 2.1, 1‘) v , By JOHN JURY search of a heart to lead a better .

~ are “-d \(7 ' start Writer (r s litehesaid , ' -

.1 1 1 1 Together, the trio encounter the ' .

- » , . . .. - . .. ~ mime...” Woman‘s! \ “’9 3M”? .33"- :“....° ism“

r. , - » .« son '1::".~“.‘~"s"‘ an, re n ' - - " ‘

- tie-tin ctr «tonne- unmet-it. .. MW 3 simply tor entertainment? Now try / \\ \'.,r vii a great «Satin, the at. 3.33 - - .
”MWM‘W’MQ ,. toors’L .gr watchmiiit for :11 history lesson, with f " f L ’ roar thunderously. but "the louder ‘ . t. l

i . ‘ . - ,.-...- 4-...”- W " «new; 50““ ca “W"“W'Hh °" / . - ‘ h he . Wt ' ' '

' the her —- flit tenets I. be; flamntmfiw a good measure. " // ’ 7 "- V himrhhrt:I gdlefilssryan not??? i: i . ’
p.mb3:fio.u.7“‘~mw ~ . . Tonight at ll on Channel 27 “The J more courageous as didtheLion ~ ” .' I .

' ' ., or ‘_ ..~ . Wizard of Oz" will be shown for e' I h ’ their next stop is the Emerald -. ' ' '. . .

: are m and tee-p not: It m1. at. W, now what seems like the s.oooth time. ‘ *h‘" / .. 422?... 9 , . City or Washington. no. to see the ' '7 '

g mMCuttM-edtnrfltmnlwm. e e -‘ i . ~ But as a UK history professor tells o . {raj .\ // ll ( Wizard or President McKinley. lree . '. ’ -

l - , _ , , -_ a it. the um film has deep political t '. I .1 land said. The Wizard one the four < . . . .

1 loot-n use _ oil to. Sher! it. mini _1 1 ,1 “in-up; W meanings dating back to the turn of . ‘ «4- e: ‘ to go out and kill the Wicked Witch . -. ‘ ' ,
mm.9'.mul-m.umkrflfipws‘ 1 it; 1* thecentury. ndsaid the writ 1,. ”=35? .3312.“ . [N ‘ j, C (the the West. who symbolized either ' ‘ ‘ I ‘ '- .‘

. - 71,? s . ' RON“ lrela m. - " ' ' 7 “if /’ , Western establishment or the 'n- ' . ' " . . .
mememwmwummpmm ten by L. Frank Baum in 1900, re- - i -L/ 1% ,’ p3 -- ’ Z fluence of nature on the Gréat . . ' '
0).?p.m.telo.m.”ant. ., _ 1, . J volves around the presidential elec. , ' t ’7' Q". 1’ Plains,hesaid. ~ ‘ ' - ‘t

' 1 . .- " tion of 1900 between President 5.5.... .3. 3- .4 - i ’ ' i "”5 During the early 139m, a drought .- . ‘ ‘. '4 ‘
W l5“ New Club “rm fihlflanfig. "9" William McKinley and William Jen- on. 1, \f' 3 V‘j " ' K 4:? plagued the Midwest, but toward the * ‘ ‘ -' ,‘ -' ~ -
. “m""'“"°""“”‘°”" _' ’ ”h wry” mm . . he} ‘ \pr. -9 , 7 l end of the decade, rains came plen— - p ‘ -' -‘:
. . _ 1 . .1 a. , 1-! t “ m was mmanl .43.: ,0» Wichita. . * , t’ ' ' ' '1'-

. MM~ welt-om ‘- as a children's story to critertairyi 53 H . , ”77,2 “'1‘" \{e trifling? {$2533 21:21:35 3; ' . i" -
Mme-notwnkuethmiemuteapgwéw“ children,_" Ireland said. But “it had 1% .- we) ‘-; / . .’ J Y: water doused the suffering of the i . , . 1 .

1 .. r” $75§v§1fih§§htgdfiflg '. , the presidential election of 1900 in ' “or?" 1.935;. 6' - farmers,lreland said. .~ ' '
m M“- m “r “at ng v 3% : mmd“°“'"¢¢“'¥~" ”I- ll I} 1/1, The group came back to the Wiz- ’ 3 ‘ -. .
Mlfilwlflm 13 s, $§3h§ -5:"~.t§t; Baum was a New York-born jour- .. “r’m‘hiz ‘ It‘ ’ I ’60 y . - ard and exposed him as a fake, ex— . '. . ‘ '.r .

1 . ‘ 1 i; is "‘e 1 1‘ {p “ _ . . ‘1. ‘ ‘ t nalist who spelt the 1m and 1m TIMO‘DI.A’Kernthirlphlcs actly how McKinle was eived . ' V I ' ,
M-flw”? g, ”fifi‘fiw in the Midwest witnasing the plight of bankers, industrialists and rail- of their house into 02, they encoun- asapresident,hesaiyd. perc . . 7 ~ ' '.
WMMM 1 _31111‘mefi oftheplains farmerandthelaborer. road owners. “who were supposedly ter the Munchkins. who represent When Dorothy awakens. she is ' " I - ,

' . . . s: ' r t‘ Ireland read about the film’s dou- preyingupon thecommonpeople“ the common people of the nation, back in Kansas. And Ireland said ' p ‘ ‘ .’ '
Ilene Nb -— Mt lam Mel. TM “W‘flfie‘ “bike 1 ble meaning in a 1964 American The witch wears slippers. the Ireland said. The name “Toto" the story teaches a Valuable lesson: '1 ' . . " ‘ '

1 A0).9p.m.tole.m.Neesver.-» .. j“ ~ Quarterly article by Henry little- color of which were changed for the comes from teetotalers. or prohibi- “We Should not try to escape our - ~ .

l , - f_ . , § . _i. . field. movie to make them more attrac- tionists. problems through fantasy. We ' ‘ . .

, Iptrln tome —— W Flue Held. W “ma“ he Bryan, a Democrat, ran in 1896 on tive. “In the book. they are silver . should fightthegood fight." ' V ‘

, pocte(topAO),9p.m.bla.m.Neeever. ._ '~ . ~ ' 1»- . the Democratic ticket against slippers; inthemovie. they are ruby They ”SF meet the Scarecrow, Needless to say, Bryan lest the . , ‘ ‘ °

1 , , ' ' . _ 3 McKinley and lost. His party sup— slippers because red is a better Who symbolized the American farm- election to McKinley that year .- h

I at: want. not mm ”Wait-hinders» .‘ Porters, mainly agrarian Demo- color thansilver."hesaid. 9" ht "‘0“ dayst {amets were ‘00 worsethanhedid in 1396. ‘ ' - ~ '-

. entrees (country rock). Cent: Sltorhfieeeedgpterm .‘ 1’ crats, which included Baum. were The silver slippers are symbolic of often though 0‘ as as brainless, ”9‘ Few people associate the book ' . .

- ' , very hostiletoraiiroad and banking “one of the favorite programs" of land sa‘d- Whtte the scam” with its historial significance ire. . . ' . '

. _ , , interests. Bryan’s: the free coinage of silver. heeded 3,,hrh'hv "he was Pretty ”3' land said But he insists the story 15 ._ .

,, In the first half of the movie, the Bryan and other agrarian Demo- sguarceful. W‘thmtth‘t' And math“ a good teaching vehicle. And it is in- 1 - , ~ -
/ t twister strikes Kansas and sweeps crats advocated this and thought it C racter 15““ of e farmer. " 1a teresting toknow the truth behind it. ' .
o ' , . the house to the mythical land of 02. wouldaidthefarmers. “Fm" wants..t°» ht? C3“ 5°”? h's hem. d. .
' h “This is what the author of the book Even the word “Oz“ has a special own problems. he said. "It's a great movie. aside from its ' I .-
. , hopes the election will achieve — a meaning for it is the abbreviation of The two skip and dance to discove allegorical significance." Ireland .
0 sort of revolution in the country," ounce, the measure used for silver er the Tinman, or the American said, ”Most people would react like .
Ireland said. and gold. ”In the free coinage of sil- working man. in the movie, the Tin- my children used to when I‘d start
1 _ The house lands on the. Wicked ver, the ratio of silver to gold is im- man is rusted. Ireland said the telling them about this as they were ' ,

1 »- ‘ - . . whtdh of the gas;re 1:211 killsd htti: portanctni ltlidoulllcels o; silger to one snorkers received a raw deal from watching the movie. They‘d say, . ‘

1 . ~ w lc represen . sat . ounce go re an sal - t e industria revolution at the end ‘Shut up, Dad. I want to enjoy the
W—MMMdeeM&.W thoftheEas bh'shment ' ' ' ~ -

i totllOmflthWi-flm.WP¢WMQMJ . 1; dea tern esta When Dorothy and Toto come out of the 18005. The Tinman was in movre. 1

; ......, ..... ... - eo- w .. .. ....- a... t... em Sherrill Milnes U town Rulers thrust ’ 9

i Wnlaoddedheremeeqeeol.maw,m.w.na ,1" ‘ "

l 9.50, ”:55. Also at Norm; 2:3. sue. me, eye, 13a.) m um. . _ ~ -. . '

. 5- - - concertheads i ,. into LMNOPt n' ht ' ~

i , : .. . V. l. e 0 1g -

1 MW“WWW 3 MM lSt 0f events , . . ' ' . ‘

leottrdbow'edr “summit-W ’My‘ffi“ » % There has to be something in the ..Bay of Kids" Sounds “kc a man-

i cty ("led lays.” WMi‘bedfi-Wi see-‘23:”. 9:8, sherrlll Mllnes. “one of the most water in Bloomington, II]. First, achi sendoff for the honkies at -

| ”35.) t he _. ‘ . . electrifying and mum. artists, and That Hope sprang upon US in a flash Little Big Horn. The music is a V

r . . undoubtedly the most famom opera- ,. . of epileptic light; now Bloomington study in festive confusion as Grigo . '

E w—mmmm.~vhmw:¢wntfl: tic baritone before the public ~ . . We“ “5 the UPtt’Wh Rulersv Pr°°t m“ “we” h°w the he“ he and his ' ' I

. tits,a;ao,s:ao.7:so,io,u.) - 1 ‘ , :«ii‘ ‘ - ’- today," will perform at it tonight in. . ‘ that white American MS can play very Wills friends ended up getting . '

1 ' _ g _ , 1 the