xt73ff3kws4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3kws4w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19050231 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-02-may31. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1905-02-may31. 1905 2011 true xt73ff3kws4w section xt73ff3kws4w Irregularities MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 30, 1905 page 17 (conttd) Committee on Salaries: Strut, Chairman, Nelson and Barker. Commitee on Minutes. of Faculty and Minutes of Special faculties Messrs. Barker, Chairman, Brooks, Stout. Committee on Internal Expansion:- Messrs. Brook, Chairman, MCChTod, Clay. Committee on Experiment Station:- Messrs. Nel sn, Chairman, Nicholas, Carpenter. Committee on Appronriations:- Messrs. Kinkead, Chairman, Nelson, McOhord, Committee in Building and Grounds:- Messrs. Brooks, Chairman, Clay, and Stout. Committee on Military Instruction and College discipline:- Messrs. Clay, Chairman, Brooks, Hopkins. Committee on-Finance:- Messrs. Nicholas, Chairs n, Stout and Kinkead. Committee on President Resort:- Messrs. Hopkins, Chairman, Nicholas & Barker. Page l1 Upon motion duly made recorded, and carried the Board at this point adjourned to meet tomorrow morning May 31st, 1905 at nine thirty otclock. Met pursuant to adjournment at nine thiry o'clock A. M., on Wednesday, May 31st, 1905. Present: Messrs. Frazee, Clay, Brooks, Hopkins, Nicholas, McChord, Carpenter, Barker, Kinkead, Stout, Bell, Nelson, Ferguson, Lafferty, and Governor Beckham. 15 Mr. Clay in chair. A committee of ladies from Lexington, representing the various ladies organization of Lexington, came before the Board to make statements in behalf of the establishment of the Department of Domestic Science in the College: among the ladies present were the following: Mesdames. Morton Gratz, Hamilton Scott, Beauchant; Winston, Arnspiger, Hay, Oldham, Warner, Kinkead, McConnell, James Headley, Vance Nicholas, Wictliffe Preston, and Miss Laura Clay. Statements and talks were made by Miss Clay, Mrs. Warner Kin- kead, Mrs. Morton, Mrs. Beauchamp, and other ladies. After various greetings from members of the Board, and some informal discussion, the ladies retired. MINUTES OF THIS BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May, 1905 page 18 (contid) Thereunon the following motion was made by Col. Nelson: Resolved that a Department of Domestic Science be, and the same hereby established as a Branch of this College; and in oid& to secure suitable quarters for sampe, be it further resolved that a Committee of two De appointed on behalf of this Board who will confer with the Matron of the Young Wom..n's Dormitory, and a like Committee to be appointed by the WomenIs Clubs d Lexington. PAGE 19 Said motion was duly recorded, and after discussion was put upon its passage and carried. The Chrirman appointed as such Committee, Judges Stout and Lafferty. At this point the Secretary read the Report of Faculty of Athletic Commnittee. Upon motion of Mr. Clay, duly made, sec- onded and carried, said Report of Faculty of Athletic Committee was received and referred to the Committee on Appropriatioins. At this point Major Burtt, Cahirman of the Athletic Association, came before the Board and made full statement as to the condition of Athletic Association and to the action of the students in re- quiring the College authorities to return gymnasium fees, a part of which, under former resolution, has been given to the Athletic Association. The Secretary then read the report of Major Burtt as Professor of Military Science. At this point the motion made by Judge Kinkead on the subject of Athletics was called up. Said motion is as follows: Be it resolved that the Resolution heretofore passed by this Board, appropriating forty per cent of th4 gymnasium fees to athletics, be and the s8me is hereby rescinded and the Business Agent is directed to pay the Athletic Association, the $60.00 re- maining in his hands, being the amount remaining in his hands going to the Athletic Association derived from gymnasium fees under said former resolutions. Said motion of MB -MeGghed is seconded by Col. Nelson, and after discussion was put upon its passage and carried. Unon motion of Mr. McChord, duly seconde and carried the Minutes of the Faculty were referred to the Committee of Minutes Faculty. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 1905-page 29 (conttd) At this ooint the Committee on Finance made the following report through its chairman Mr. Nicholps, which is as follows: To the Honorable Board of Trustees, A. & M. College of Kentucky:- Your Committee on Finance would respectfully report that they have carefully gone over the books of the Business Agent, and comoared his accounts with the report of the Treasurer, and find that they are in practical agreement. The slight dis- crepancy is doubtless due to outstanding checks, and further the facts that the Business Agents report is made out to May 1st and the Report of the Treasurer up to and including May 29th. C. B. NicholAs, Chairman Geo. B. Kinkead. Upon motion on Mr. Brooks duly recorded and carried, the Report of the Committee on Financ~e was received and filed. At this point Judge Lafferty came into the meeting, and was sworn into office as a member of this Board by Judge Kinkead. At this point Mr. Carpenter made a statement with reference to the number of students in the college and the number of per- sons on the nay-roll, showing that the average attendance for the last year was 250, and the number of instructors on pay-roll over forty. vr. Carpenter expressed a desire for more detailed and accurate information on this point. Col. Nelson offered the following resolution: Resolved:- that the Secretary and President of this college be directed to renort to this Board for its information the number of students now in attendance at this college and number of students for the last year, and the average number in atten- dance during the last year. Said motion was recorded by Mr. McChord, put upon its passage and carried. Col. Nelson offered the following motion: Resolved:-that the Secretary of the Board be directed to notify the Secretary of the President to come before the Board at once, bringing her books, or any papers containing informa- tion as to the number of students in attendance on the College during the past year. Said motion was duly recorded, put upon its passage and carried. The Secretary retired and returned MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May 1905 Page 21 (contld) with the matriculation book of the College, showing the aggm- gate number of students. President Patterson afterwards furinshed information as to the number of students, which will be found at the proper place. At this point Gov. Beckham made a statement with reference to a letter received by him from the Hon. W. J. Bryan, notifying the Governor that he held in his possession $40o. bequeathed to the College under the Bennett Will of which Mr. Bryan is Trustee, andasked to whom same should be remitted. Col. Nelson as Chairman of the Committee on Experiment Stations makes the report of said Committee. Upon motion duly made, recorded and carried said report was received and filed, and further action therefore was postponed. Mr. McChord, as Chairman of the Committee on Appropriations makes orrally the report of said Committee as follows: The Committee on Appropriations unanimously agree that no appropriations should be made at this meeting; that the matter of appropriation should be held u: until the Court of Appeals shall have passed on the suit brought to test the validity of the $15,000 appropriation made by the last Legislature, and then the appropriations be made at a called meeting of the Board. Action on said report was postponed. Mr. Brooks Chairman of the Committee on Internal Improvements make the report of said committee. Upon motion duly made and carried said report was received and filed. Upon motion of President Patterson duly recorded and carried the Board adjourned to meet at 3-30 o'clock of the same day. Met pursuant to adjournment at 3-30 o'clock P. M. of the same day May 31, 1905. All members who were present at the morning session, present except Judge Lafferty, who had been compelled to return homde. Uoon motion of Mr. Clay, duly recorded and carried the minutes of the Special Faculties were referred to the committee on minutes of the -Faculty. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES,May 1905 page 23 Gov. Beckham offered the following motion: Resolved that this Board thank the Trustee of the Bennett Will, Mr. Bryan for the bequest of $400 to the College, and promise to carry out the intention of it and that it authorize the President of the College, Prof. Patterson, to receive this fund for the purpose intended and invest it for that purpose, and thit a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. Bryan. Said motion was recorded by Mr. McChord, put upon its passage and carried. President Patterson stated that the number of matriculates for the past year was 601, and including the students in the Summer School last year, which had been catalogue, amounted to 700 in the aggregate. We further stated that it was impossible from the record to tell at any given ti-me exactly what the attendance was, on account of students leaving without notice to the college authorities. That being next in the order of business, the election of Secretary, Business Agent, Treasurer, and Board of Control and the Executive Committee were proceeded with. Upon motion of Judge Stout, seconded by Col. Nelson and carried, Mr. D. C. Frazee was elected unanimously as Secretary and Business Agent, for the ensuing year. Upon motion of Ool. Nelson, duly seconded and carried Maj. R. S. Bullock was elected Treasurer for the ensuing year. Upon motioii of Judge Kinkead duly seconded and carried the Chairman was directed to appoint a Committee of Three to nominate an Executive Committee. The Chairman appointed on said Committee Messrs. Clay, Nelson and Nicholss. Upon motion duly made and carried, the Chairman was directed to appoint a committee of Three to nominate a Board of Control. The Chairman appointed on said Committee Messrs. Kinkead, McoChord and Stout. The committee of the Board of Control nominates as the mem- bers of said Board, the following: Judge Kinkead, President Patterson, Prof. Scovell, Mr. Nicholas and D. F. Frazee. Upon motion of President Patterson duly seconded and carried the report of the committee to nominate a Board of Control was MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 Page 24 (conttd) adopted and the gentlemen therein named were declared elected as the Board of Control. The committee appointed to nominate an Executive Oommittee, reported the following nominations to Constitute said Committee: D. F. Frazer, Chairman, and Messrs. Nicholas, Lafferty, McChord, and Stout. Upon motion of President Patterson duly recorded and carried the report of said Committee was adopted and the gentlemen there- in named were declared elected as the members of the Executive Committee. The resignation of Prof. Roark, as Dean of the Noraml Depart- ment was Presented to the Board, and upon motion of Mr. McOhord , duly seconded and carried said resignation was accepted. At this point the Secretary read to the Board the application of Prof. Milford White for the place made vacant by the resigna- tion of Prof. Roark. Upon motion of Judge Kinkead seconded by Mr. McOhord and unanimously carried, Prof. Milford White was elected to the position of Principal of the Normal Dept. It was then announced that nominations were in order, to fill the position of Assistant in the Normal Department, made vacant by the promotion of Prof. Milford White. Judge Stout nominated for said position Prof. H. C. Wilson which nomination was seconded by Judge Kinkead. Gov. Beckham nominated for said position Prof. Edgar H. Craw- ford, which nomination was seconded by Judge Barker. Judge Bell nominated for said position Prof. R. A. Burton, which nomination was duly seconded. The vote was taken by ballot and stood on the first ballot, Crawford 7, Wilson 3, Burton 5. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 Page 25 (contld) The name of Prof. Wilson was then dropped and upon the second ballot the vote stood as follows: Crawford 11 Burton 4 Thereupnon Prof. Crawford was declared elected. Upon motion of Mr. Brooks, duly seconded and carried, the election of Prof. Crawford was made unanimous. At this point there was read a communication from Prof. Roark with reference of the purchase of a Smith Premier Type- writer used by him, which communication is as follows: Mr. D. C. Frazee. Business Agent of State College. Dear Sir: The Smith Premier Typewriter machine which this department has been using for some years is still a fairly good machine and as I am accustomed to it I should like to arrange with you for the pur- chase of it from the College. My successor will doubtless desire to secure a new machine, orobably one of a different make, and I am willing to give the College the cash difference which would have to be paid in exchanging this for a. new machine. Upon this arrangement the college would come out even and I could retain as my own a machine to which I have grown accustomed. Please let me have an answer as soon as possible. Yours cordially, R. N. Roark Upon motion of Ool. Nelson duly seconded carried the proposition of Prof. Roark was accepted and the proposition referred to the Business Agent to power act. At this point the Chairman, Mr. Frazee received a telegram from Mr. W. R. Ramsey, which is as follows: MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 "Regret to sever connections with College, but teader resig- nation-as trustee. Letter will exolain." Ubon motion of Col. Nelson, duly recorded and carried said resignation was accepted with regret and the Secretary was directed to notify Mr. Ramsey that same has been accepted and that the Board parted with him, with regret. The Board then entered upon the election of a successor Mr. Ramsey. Judge Kinkead nominated Chas. W. Metcalfeof Pineville, Ky, which nomination was recorded by Judge Stout. Judge Barker nominated Hon. James Black, which nomination was recorded by Mr. Ferguson. Upon the ballot being taken the vote stood as follows: Black 5 Metcalfe 9 Thereupon Mr. Metcalfe was elected. Upon motion of Judge Kinkead, duly recorded and carried the election of Mr. Metcalfe was declared to be unanimously. The Secretary here read. a communication from W. C. Jones, Superintendent of the East Tennessee Telephone Co. asking for comnensation for noles blown out of the ground with powder on the College grounds. Upon motion of Mr. Mcchord, duly seconded, and carried the said claim was rejected. We your committee beg to report, that the ladies anticipate our reports, and asked for only expansion, that a Department of Domestic Science, that we intend to recommend at this time. B. M. Brook" Chairman Page 26 (contd) MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May31st,1905 Page 27 (conttd) Mr. Brook5Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds offered the following report:- We your committee beg to report that we find the buildings and grounds in excellent condition. B. M. Brooks, Chairman Col. Nelson offered the following motion. Resolved that a Legislative committee of three be appointed in the interest of obtaining from the Legislature, a special appropriation on behalf of the Mechanical Engineering departments of this college. Said motion was recorded by Judge Kinkead and, after dis- cussion was placed upon its passage and lost. Page 2g At this point there came before the Board a committee from the Alumni Association, seeking information, as to whether the annual appropriation for the benefit of said Association has been rescinded. They were informed by the Secretary that said appropriation has never been rescinded specifically, but has been ommitted from the budget of appropriations for last year. At this point President Patterson presents & reads to the Board a statement of estimated income and expenditures for the coming year, which is in brief as follows: Estimated expenditures (based on what is asked for for various purposes) MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TR-USTEES, May31st,1905 Page 29 (contcd) Expenditures $79,200.00 Estimated Income 7 Q050.00 Estimated deficit, $6150.00 based on this statement Upon motion of Col. Nelson, seconded by Judge Barker said statement of estimated expenditures & receipts referred to the committee on appropriation. At this point the report of the committee Experiment Statbn was called up for action. Upon motion of judge Kinkead duly seconded and carried Prof. Scovell, the Director of the Station was asked to appear before the Board and make a statement as to the various recommendations contained in said Renort. Thereupon Judge Barker offered the following resolution: Be it resolved that hereafter it snall be unlawful for any student to utter or publish anything, disrespectful, insolent, or insulting about any teacher or member of the Faculty in dis- charge of any public function or exercises, and the Faculty are hereby authorized to furnish any infraction of this Resolution by suspension or dismissal in their discretion; and the President is hereby directed to inform the student body of the existence of this Resolution. Said motion was seconded by Judge Bell, put upon its passage and carried. Mr. Nicholls at this point presented a Petition of Mr. J. R. Johnson, which was read by the Secretary. At this point Prof. Scovell came before and made a statement with reference to the recommendations contained in the Report of the Committee on Experiment Station. Upon motion duly made seconded, and carried, the Report of the Committee on Experiment Station was received and the recommen- daticns therein contained were adopted. Said report is as follows: (See page 38 for Sbove report). MINUTES OF TFIF, BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 Page 29 (contId) The committee on New Exoeriment Station Building beg leave to make the following report: The building has been *ompleted and now occupied. The Oom- mittee is pleased to report that the building is, in every respect, finished in first class condition and believe that the work has been done economically and well. In the course of construction of the building it was necessary to make some changes which accounts for extras. Page 30 Most of these changes were made after consulting members of the Board of Trustees, For instance there is an item of $200.00 for carpentering. Nearly $1000-of this was for stone pillars which were substituted for wooden ones. The extras on brick work were caused by having pressed brick all around the building instead in the front only. In excavation for the building, it was found necessary to g one foot deeper on account of the old foundation of Graham house, The heating plant is all that could be wished for. During zero weather it worked nerfectly on 2# of steam. Since December lst we have purchased only $152,66 of coal some of which remains in the bin now. The building is practically fire-proof, all the electric wires being in iron conduits to preVent any accident of cross wires. All the walls are either brick are tile and the floors have been deadened with two inches of ashes and cement. We request the members of Board of Trustees to make an in- spection of the building and see for themselves the character of the work and the buildin- as it stands. The Committee is now grading and putting walks and roads around the building. It is hopes to have this work done soon, which will add greatly, we believe to the attractiveness of the Building. The detailed financial statement is herewith submitted Respectfully submitted D. F. Frazee, Chairman MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 Page 31 Statement of luilding Conimmittee on the New Experiment Station Building Excavation & stone work Brick work Out stone Carpentering Tin and galvanized Iron Paint and Glazing Plastering Cement work Tile work L nntmLextraal 1---Total $ 3776.00 5350.00 1066.00 5995.00 675.00 [ 21.75 1600. oo 520.00 500.00 $20303. 75 $ 469.10 801.76 1275 24 51.0o4 101.72 63 .oo 112 .00 : __059 Heating Plumbing Electrical work Mantel, vault, doors, braces. Mantel - a. F. Brower,- not paid for Total Architects Furniture and fixtures - Fwamea-Ret pd. Advertising for bids Furniture and Fixtures - H. M. Frazer wt paid Total Paid A. & M4. College for lot. $4245 .lO 6151.76 1399. 50 7269.24 726. o4 923 .07 1663.00 520.00 612.00 $2350977- 1975.00 1236.85 967.00 163.50 40.00 $27992 .06 1394.60 236R. 97 64.11 103.35 31,Sl9.98 4 000.00 i I - MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 Page 32 Itemized Statement of the Exoenditures on Building. account of the Station I To whom drawn For what Contract Extras Total Anderson & Faig Lexington Leader Lexington Democrat Morning Herald Lexington Leader Lexington Democrat Morning Herald Thos. Shuan 11 11 John Shannon S. C. Saunier T. J. Shannon F. R. Dalton Williamson & Son T. J. Shannon Williamson & Son H. M. Frazer Payne and Beard Thos. O'Day S. C. Saunier Williamson & Son J. K. Staples L. P. Young F. R. Dalton Louis Des Cognets & Co. Anderson & Faig Payne & Baird J. K. Stanles Williamson & Son Hall Safe Co. L. P. Young K. MI. Frazer Smith Watkins Co. 29 Thos. ODay N N Lexington Plumb- ing Co. Plans Advertising It Il Il Il Excavation Masonry 'I Il ,, Brick work Vault door Brick work Cut stone Carpenter Brick work Caroenter Electrical Tin & Galv. Plumbing Braces Carpenter Plastering Painting Out stone. Cement Architects Tin Plastering Carpenter Vault door Painting Electrical Idw. Plumbing Heating Plant 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 276.00 2000.00 1200.00 320.00 1144.00 2150.00 1056.oo 428.00 496. o 200.00 1000.00 500.00 400.00 746. 0o 435.00 179.00 1000.00 1600.00 550. 00 400.00 200.00 456.oo 752.00 W 500.00 12.50 12. O 12.90 10.20 6.oo 10.2e 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 469.10 745.10 2000.00 32.50 32.50 1200.00 320.00 1144.00 600.00 2750.00 1056.00 428 .00 496.oo 200.00 26.00 26,00 1000.00 00.00 400.00 333.50 1079.50 435.00 600.00 51.04 230.04 1000.00 1600.00 65.oo 65.00 350-00 400.00 67.50 267.50 Page 33 456.00 752.00 Date 1903 Apr. 25 May 26 u N n ii June 23 H N June 9 July 21 Aug. 14 *Sept. 4 N- 18 Oct. 1 Nov. 2 " 20 Dec. 17 N 21 1904 Jan. 12 Apr. 20 May 4 It 9 N 9 n 13 " 23 July 7 N 7 n 27 * 28 Aug. a Sept n Oct. N 'I U 3 is * 3 7 12 15 25 N Missing page(s) - MINUTES OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May3lst,1905 Page 34 Itemized Statement of the Exoenditures on account Building (Continued) of the Station pate To whom drawn For Whlt Contract Extr.s Total Nov. 11 Louis des Cog- nets " " Williamson & Sons Dec. 8 Mosaic Tile Co. 1905 Jan. 13 Thos. O'Day a 24 Lexington Plumb- ing Co. " 25 Williamson & Sons H 25 H. M. Frazer H " L. P. Young Feb. 6 T. J. Shannon 21 L. P. Young " " J. H. Staples Mar. 1 Lex. Plumbing Co. 24 Thos. O'Day Apr. 17 Anderson & Faig Cement Tile floor Plumbing Heat. Plant Carnenter Electrical Painting Brick Painting Plastering Heating Plumbing Architects 55.00 $ 85.00 995.00 1005.00. 2000.00 500.00 11c.oO0 612.00 325.95 525.00 139.00 71.75 100.00 395.00 125.50 201.74 68.25 201.76 33.07 63 .00 126. 10 325.95 525.00 201.74 139.00 1 0.00 201.76 33.07 163 .00 395.00 251.90 294.60 Furnishings etc L. P. Young H. M. Frazer Lex. Mantel Co. F. Bush & Son it ,, ,, ,, n n II II H. M. Frazer Painting Electrical Mantel Shelving Wood & Tables 1( Carpenter Electrical 6o.oo 561.00 )12.50 525.55 60.00 361.00 40 .00 279,55 1012.50 74.45 252.92 74.4 400.00 _31V1,676.63 D. F. Frazer, Chairman, C. B. Nichols M. A. Scovell 1905 Jan. 28 Feb. 21 Mar. 15 Ar 1 Apr. 22 _ Missing page(s) MINUTES OF THE BOARD Or1 TRUSTEES, May31st,1905 Page 36 At this point Prof. J. R. Jonnson came before the Board and made a statement with reference to his work in the college, and with reference to this request to be promoted to the Position of Associate Professor. After Prof. Johnson had retired Mr. Honkins offered the following resolution: Be it resolved that Mr. Johnson be promoted to the position of associate Professor of Mathematics. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Nichols, put upon its passage and lost. Judge Kinkead offered the following resolution: Be it re- solved that Professor Wilson be promoted to the position of Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering. Said motion was duly seconded put into passage and lost. Gov. Beckham offered the following resolution: Be it re- solved that the budget of salaries and expenditures be referred to the Executive Committee with power act, and that the Committee on Appropriations be discharged from the duty of considering said bugget. Said motion was duly seconded, put upon its passage and carried. At this point there arose an informal discussion with refer- ence to the dances held in the Gymnasium building on the College grounds, and Judge Barker offered the following resolution with reference thereto: Be it resolved that all dances hereafter held in this build- ing be confined to the student body, except where special per- mission is granted by the faculty to admit strangers and out- siders; and that the faculty throw around these amusements such restrictions as will ensure that they will not militate against the college work of the students. Said motion was seconded by Col. Nelson, put upon its passage and carried. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, May31st,1905 Page 37 (contld) Upon motion of Mr. McChord duly recorded and carried, it is ordered that the resolution heretofore passed, directing that all diplomas be signed by all of the Trustees be rescinded. At this point the Board adjourned, sine die. D. O. Frazee. Secretary. The Committee appointed on the Experiment Station reports as follows: We have made a thorough examination of the Station as time permitted. The following recommendations of the Director which have already been approved by the Board of Control are approved and we ask their adoption. 1, The appropriation of $15,000.00 from the Hatch Act, the income from the fertilizer and food control and the farm, and the interest accruing from these accounts be appropriated for the use of the Station. 2, That Mr. J. D. Turner be made Secretary of the Station. Recommend $1500.00 3, That the Director be authorized, if he finds it necessary, to employ an additiongl clerk to act as librarian and address bulletins and do other work to be assigned by the Director. 4, That an assistant in Animal Husbandry, be employed who may also act as superintendent of the farm, his duties to be assigned by the Director. 5, That the Station force be organized in accordance with the recommendations of the Director, the heads of the depart- ments an chief chemists ranking in salaries and other respects with the professors in the College, That the other employees of MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES, Ma.y3lst,1905Page 39 (contid) the.Station rank as 1st, 2nd. and 3rd Assistants and the com- Sensation be fixed according to rank; that the scale of salarle s according to the plan be as follows: l,Heads of Departments $1500.00 to $2000 beginning with $1500.00 and increasing $100.00 each year for five years. 2,That the 1st assistant receive from $1200 to $1500 per year, 2nd Assistants $900.00 to $1000.00 and 3rd Assistants $600. to $750.00. That the adjustments of the salaries according to this plan for the coming year be left to the Board of Control with power to act. R. W. Nelson C. B. Nicholas T. Carpenter D. C. Frazee Secretary. Page 41 Semi-annual meeting of Board of Trustees of Kentucky State College, held at the President's room in Gymnasium Building, on College Grounds at Lexington, Ky., at two o'clock, P. M., Tues- day, December 12, 1905. Present:- Barker, Carpenter, Ferguson, Metcalf, Nelson, Clay Kinkead, Mc~hord, Lafferty, Frazee, Nicholas, Stout, Patterson. i3 Absent:- Messrs. Bell, Brooks, and Hopkins. A quorun being present the meeting was called to order by D. F. Frazee, Chairman. Upon motion duly seconded andl carried all absent members were excused.