xt73ff3kz62c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3kz62c/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky 1995 athletic publications English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Football Media Guides University of Kentucky Football, 1995 image University of Kentucky Football, 1995 1995 2015 true xt73ff3kz62c section xt73ff3kz62c
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ew I " · ‘ ( j -— Sept. 2 LOUISVILLE 7:00 (4- ·¤ {
IQ W , -V;,___ _T_ ;___ Sept. 9 FLORIDA 7:00 LQ {
gt `* A I 1, _ ·A“ V _ · .::’?T Sept. 16 at Indiana 2:00 J_ p
Q _: -· it ‘- ". RY · `gh j{I{+·" _ -V V_ ‘ Sept. 23 at South Carolina 12:30 I ~ I
V _ "` _ if I _ < T*%.V§.V=_?Q_ _ · = Sept. 30 AUBURN 7:00 ’ I
¤ I V,; Px p yn ‘ Vf .Ipp Oct. 7 Open ··*·~ I I
V ( V- ‘· Vp·· {ps -¢f*‘~···+:=IV.,V_V%- V Oct. 14 LSU 7:00 V ‘
I _ V V_ R f' , tl 7:V.l,__: n Oct. 21 at Georgia 1:00 ____ __
h lll V ‘:Vi h V _) V Oct. 28 at Mississippi St. 2:30 I ¤ 3
"lh I _:V. 2;=§1~19f{.l ‘:_» jx p,.p AVpVA``_ ” Nov. 4 at Vanderbilt 2:00 `
u ·*‘‘‘ if 3;:; `»V»»~V_ ‘_·.»··V Nov. 11 CINCINNATI 1:00 U I V
‘ :V=i_ V=*{Tp¢_ég_V;`;»1*l‘1` ,_V~ Nov. 18 TENNESSEE 1:00 V l Q T
{ I ‘'.V . i'p_ ‘ _) Vi;. V9}?. i l ‘.‘‘`·` V* (all times Eastern and subject to change) _4 I i
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I __ -- 1995 llmvorsrty of Kentucky Football .
l/PH; .PV·‘- If Mgpmlupqgmgngn L; 'I'I|E UNNERSUY
V -- —· L ¢" Media Policies .................... 2 l` »_ g· ro University of Kentucky Profile ..,.. 128
N \- ` UK Phone Directory ............. 2, 3 tr" I] L' ` ei President Charles Wethinvton ...... 130 *
l·· ·—t _ Schedules 1995, 1996 .............. 4 IA V, p' Athletics Director C.M. Niewton .... 131 l
l l 2 Q .' Primary Media List .............. 214 , Z UKAA Administrative Staff ....... 132 The 1995 Kentuckly lrootllull lylodlo Guido
~·~ ··' l I UK Radio/1` elevision Networks .... 216 I ” IVI; C UKAA Head Coaches/1994 Review 133 is published by the Uulvol·slty of Koutuoky
* Z ’ ¤’ · ~ · Lexington Map ................. 218 UKAA Support Staff ............. 134 Athletics ASs0cia(j0u_ `
"* I. It Hotel/Airline/Rental Car Info. ..... 219 I; l· ·· C.M. Newton, Director.
l — Lexington/Kentucky Profile ....,.. 220 I
I I It I‘ 1] History ot Kooluolo. lzoolooll ____,_ lsu Written and complied by ...... Rena Vlclnl,
F—F—t V . ._.i . ._ ., ·»~. t. 4 5, · g ·‘ ·‘ ‘= -- _ Tony Neely. Gall Dent, Sandy Boyken
»» J ts . Outlook .................,....,.. 6 Q o -_tll‘_g?l`~l UK Football Glossary ............ 139 . . . I
. 1 • lot · e . _ , 5. I ., - . ,L» . _ Chlef Photographer ...... David Coyle .
· Alphabetical Roster ...,..,.,...... 12 »; t, @t‘1€· UK Retlred Jerseys .......,.,.... 142 . . E ,
""“ 1 ` Q-? gi l Numerical Roster 14 - Q UK Football l-loootlzoll 146 Add‘"""“l Ph‘"°$'“Pl‘¥ by ‘·‘‘‘‘ 1
» ‘ » . ` '‘'‘'‘`'```'`'``‘ aud? ., . . ```‘‘'‘‘`‘ Amy Boyanowskl, Lexington
___ . QV __ I_ Of fenslve Depth Chart ............ 16 ufl la l_ Wildcats ln the Pros .............. 150 visitors Bureau
l ` ` 1 . · is Defensive Depth Chart ...........l 17 i l .1 u Z i Wildcats in the NFL/AFL Drafts . . .152 Tvpusuluuycruphlcs BV Deslgu $
W I _ 2 _ I ll UK Football Bulletin Board ........ 18 _V UK lll tbo Polls ....,............ 153 com ueslgn ______ Calllgou omllve
it T1?. ,_ ‘* i' Roster Breakdown/Spring Awards . . .20 UK vs. Teams in the Polls ......... 154 Prlmlug ______ _ Post Prlullug Compam. ¤ l
.,.-.Ll l V Bowl Games ................... 155 "
l_V _, V _ '|'|t|£ (QAq·|§$ '|'|·|£ PRQGRAM Additional copies of this publication may _ I l
. l of · ‘ 4 Bill Curry ..........,............ 22 rl; ·· 3 ot Nottol Field House ..,........... 160 be purchased for $10 ¢={¢1¤»wlgi9hi¤¢1¤d¤s
·-——~ l . \ . Yi 1 Curry`s Year-by-Year Record ....... 26 I: "‘ il `j ‘ Commonwealth Stadium .......... 163 _ Puitage and handling- llirne t0i_ h
I 1 ‘ 1 PE E ‘ I l Conversation with Bill Curry ....... 27 “ . .,3 ` Commonwealth Stadium Records . .165 Um"€"$*t)' of Kentucky, Media Relations.
»-—-~ l l ui; grills Assistant Coaches ................ 28 It • Nutter Training Facility ,.......... 166 IM°m°m2l F·>1·;¤¤·¤
l X `1 Graduate Assistant Coaches ....,... 37 Z · UK Strength Program ............ 168 L€"mgt0n’ kx 40*060019
- t e Y l . - ·
‘ ··~ A ” V _l l Football Support Staff ............. 38 ., _ lt! _ JI CATS ......................... 170
l I .° v·f""l " Academic Achievement Award ..., 172 _
" " · ` I I Community Outreach Program ...,. 174 i
.; I L ” 'I'I·IE PLAYHS UK Training and Equipment ....... 176 =V
#7:* l 7* _V f . Returning Players ................ 42 = ~
' ” { -» Z" - if Newcomers ...,................. 85 TIIE RECORDS
t. . Q; 4 l F 1
A " iw < Individual Records .............. 178 `
Q " ‘l zo. ' ,: T Team Records ........,......... 182 I
—l _I" { NCAA/SEC Records Held by UK . .185 ll`.
I i , ·‘ ` * `\_ Career Leaders .................. 186 d I °
.2.. . . 4 .l ,
i V .· { r Season Leaders ................. 188 c u E
I_ __u ·‘ Longest Plays .................. 190 A 6 S =
1 `*·¤¢ THE OPPONENTS 100»Yard Rushers ............... 191 Ugust » unday
` loyal ILA Louisville ....................... 92 200-Yd. Passers/100-Yd. Receivers ,192 Freshmen Report to Campus
Ill . ' lI% Florida ......................... 93 300·Tackle Club ....,........... 193 Z
F9?]. I · Indiana ......................... 94 Opponent Game Highs ...,.,,.,.. 194 August 7, Monday E
1 lV__ W-; `» 3 South Carolina ................... 95 Year—by-Year Statistics ........... 195 First Freshman Practice ,
lroouo = (if Aubum ......................... 96 Year-by—Year Record ............ 196 h _
ti H `I II V é V . IIII IIII III LSU ........................... 97 All-Time Coaches` Records ....... 197 Aug-ust gl \`ledn€Sday I
.-— el V _ Lie}; Geor ia ........................ 98 UK vs. All O onents ......,...., 198 · .
l ,,,,,,,.“_,¤,,,,,,,,,_, E PP Varsity Reports to Campus
· Mississippi State ................. 99 UK vs. Major Conferences ........ 199 Q .
» — — ’ l Vonderbilt _.,......,.,......... 100 All-Time Series Scores ........... 200 August 1oI Thursduv {
’ Clnclnnatl ...................., 101 Former Assistant Coaches ......... 202 1995 Mudlu Dav ` _ l
F ` t l Tennessee ,.................... 102 All-Time Lettermen ............. 203 i ‘ Q
tan I All-Time Results .....,.......... 207 August ll Fridm l
. t. al}? ‘ ? ” . UK Football L` 1 ....,.......... 211 ‘ ’ ·’ l
ui .~1 . V, ., o
t ,,,, abt lss . . V . Q _
Game-by-Galne Recaps .......... 104 Fu-St vars") Practice j
E l I " _ I { *$_.·· ·"yV. 1994 Honors ................... 1 10 MMIII Iv I 1
it *‘* Q 4 I Final Statistics .................. 111 A¤g¤St13. S“{‘d*'Y =
H A Y" Superlatives .................... 113 , fi i/`` 'V`` Y ` `° ` ii`° P /i``'i 1995 Fan P|Ctm`€ Day
I ` VJ4 Game—by—Game Team Statistics .... 114 j I
' l Z — u g ' I il Game-by-Gamelndiv. Off. Stats ...115 I V l° if l l L lfI August IS, Tuesday Y
__, L Y ` F Game—by-Game Tackles .......... 116 I Senibf alil1€b2Ck€l‘ _ First Day in Pads
I Lineups ....................... 117 David Snardon was
‘ ?E‘ ___ I I I Departed Lettermen Profiles ....... 118 photographed by August Z3` Wednesday
1 Y I , _ _. .- ,. David Coyle. The First Day of Classes
» A { 1 _ •,· ` ml soumusrmn cover was designed
5 . _ ua _ °"ERm“ by Cameron Creative August 25, Friday
J ., I _ I -_,,.{gJ III·I.“‘ History of Southeastem Conference .122 in consultation with Kickoff Luucuuuu 1
V 1 Y at ¤$ ,-.._;;. " , 1995 SEC Composite Schedule .... 123 thu Kentucky media 1
IIII . -_ VI" I 1994 sac statlotlosrroam ......... 124 ruluuuus umcu S b 2 S t d _ 1
‘ F ‘ ~a si . at 5 1994 sec Statistics/Individual ..... 125 ‘ °P‘°'“_ {T 4 “ ‘" al I I
· »-. . . he All-rlmo soo Standings .......... 126 L¤¤·S~·1¤·= at K°“t“°l‘)`
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Kcnlucky Football TIIE EDITION of the University of Kentucky Football Media Guide is a comprehensive source of —
Telephone infomation for media covering the Wildcats. Additional information or photos can be obtained by calling UK
Media Relations at (606) 257-3838. Our fax number is (606) 323-4310. J;
ADMINISTRATION .................................... 257-8000 ‘ __
C.M. Newton, Athletics Director
Larry Ivy. Senior Associate Athletics Director
Kathy DeBoer, Associate Athletics Director WIIIDCAIS INTERVIEINS _ ~ T
John Cropp, Assistant Athletics Director All player IHICTVIBWS ITTUSI be coordinated through _ _]
Barbara Isham, Executive Assistant the UK Media Relations Office. Players are available to the I"
Snndy M0rg¤n» Atintinistrntiw ASSiSt¤nt MONDAY PRESS CONFERENCE media during game week, Monday through Wednesday.
AC ) C CS C _ 8 University of Kentucky Coach Bill Curry will The best times to conduct interviews with the players are at - '-
= M EI H I AT?) '``''''`''''’'''' Z '’'`'''' . '''''’' Z °7`I8 9 conduct a weekly press conference each Monday during the the Monday press conference or at practice. Interviews will - -
Bob Bradley, AsststantAthlet1cs Director f ll _ Th f .1] b b d d h N F b ll T . . C b -
Hmmm Denman, Student Development 1995 ootba season. e press con erences wi e I e con ucte att e utter- oot la rarmng enter or y
° Sheik, B,.,_,cd;ng_ Skins C,,,,,.dT,,,,,0,. conducted in the Wildcat Den at Commonwealth Stadium. telephone. On game days, interviews will only be granted _-
Mike Haley, Academic Counselor Media members may access the Wildcat Den at Gate Three after the conclusion of the contest. E ` I
Darren Bilbcrry. Academic Connsclvr of Commonwealth Stadium. Telephone interviews are available to the media on a - _
_ Ai"' S”mP$°“· Sun A$$'$“’“* The opposing coach is usually available via telephone "ca1l-back" basis only. Individual player telephone numbers
BUSINESS OFFl .257_8000 hook—up. Selected Wildcqts football players will be WILL NOT be given to members of the fpiedia. Play? are _ ..-
— J_ R_ Him, Accounting Manager available at the press con erences. l · instructed NOT to conduct interviews w en contacte I A _-
Caml Cibsum Smimquoumam The weekly press conferences will begin on Monday, directly by telephone. The UK Media Relations Office will "
nar-horn Kiggr, Accounting Clerk Aug. 28. Press conferences conclude on Nov. 13. No press arrange for telephone interviews at a time most convenient
< Rita Griffith. Accounting Clerk conference is scheduled for Oct. 2, which is the Monday for the student-athlete. Generall , the UK Media Relations - 1
Caml Ann M““Pi“· Acmum-lng Clerk prior to UK`s open date. Office has found the most convenient time for call-backs on E - I
E §Ij|I`I]I'“° I)AII"I“"·3I'$“(I;‘;“‘: C°°"‘I'“‘II"" The press conference schedule is as follows — lunch telephone interviews is between 6 and 7 p.m. ET.
' ' [mcs" comm mg EI is set from I 1:30 a.m. to noon: Curry press conference from The Kirwan I donnitory, the Donovan Hall dining
COMPLIANCE _______________________________________ _ ____ zg7_8604_ noon to I2:3O pm.; UK player interviews from 12:30 p.m. area. team locker rooms and team training rooms are ‘ I
“ Sandy Bell, [itmqwr or Compliance to l p.m. considered private team areas. These areas are OFF- ‘ _
John Butler, Compliance Coordinator LIMITS to the media unless accompanied by UK Media
SUNDAY 'IELECONFERENCE Relations Office personnel.
COMPUTER ................................................. 257-2293 · · · 1
° UK Coach Bill Curry will again conduct a weekly I
David Boyd, Computer Systems Manager sunda . .
y teleconference following Wildcats football games. FOOTBALL PRACIICE -
_ EQUlPN·lENT _______________________________________________ _257_6522 The teleconferences are up to 30 minutes in length and Policies for covering Kentucky football practices had
Tom Kmtnowskj begin at 3:30 p.m. ET. not been finalized as this media guide went to press. V 1
Media members can participate in the teleconference Media members should contact the UK Media E t I
= F03£Iz*LL Oyisg ····· ····--····-········-······ 2 $7*361] by dialing a MEDIA ONLY telephone number which can Relations Office, (606) 257-3838. for practice infonnation. , '
. I IIIIy’ °II °°° be obtained from the UK Media Relations Office. The
_ Sunday teleconferences will begin on Sept. 3 and run . fl
Janis Aubrey gm"- Assistant through Nov. 19. No teleconference is planned for Oct. 8, I I · E
Susan nnnniter, son Assistant the week of Ui<’S Open ` k i i·`;A - · · I: ·*· Y ` if .‘%?£I‘ `°f>`¥ J :qT‘I•,»:y;€;*G·€T!f;"-iT_g_ JI T .
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egg;. ~ t _ A__ ~ » _ ,_ _ , {0 SAND} B0iItEN _ -.. .
' * *` , * T` PROJECTS . —
| I ' ? . st- . COORDINATOR ~ » ’ _.‘‘ *5 g
, , · ‘ ’* ~ ‘ OFFICE: (606) 257-3838 Z- A .A ii ·,
| I ia · ` ,—‘ . 2; · I ._ HOME: (606) 263-2374 - ~
i' “" " ` >":;. ` 1;; " .' ‘.
I The Commonwealth Stadium press box is located between the upper and lower grandslands on the Westside. A
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r I , ,1'llIl¢l!¤l= 0-8 (6th Easll 16 ........................... at Indiana ..........................,............................................... 2 pin -
= gggiglg uple 23 ........................... at South Carolina ...................................................... 12:30 p.m I
Starters Returning; 12 30 ........................... AUBURN ......................................................................... 7 p.m ‘
‘ ii-lrlem Lei; l0 43 on. 7 ........................... open ’ -
ttermen eturning:
L€tm_mmL0St:z4 I4 ........................... LSU .................................................................................. 7p.m I
21 ........................... at Georgia ......................................................................... 1 p.m E _
, q 28 ........................... at Mississippi State ..................................................... 2:30 p.m i
1994 Rrsuus (140) Nov. 4 ........................... at Vanderbilt ..................................................................... 2 p.m
— Sept, 3 Lnu1Sv111g ________________ w _______ 21).14 I1 ..............,............ CINCH~INATI .................................................................. I p.m E 1
10 at Florida ·-----··------·-- L ----·---· 7-73 is ........................... TENNESSEE ......................................,............................ 1 pin
Q 17 Indiana ..................... L ....... 29-59
24 South Carolina ........ L ......... 9-23
I. 29 at Aubum ................ L ....... 14-41 1996 l-
: Oct. 15 at LSU ...................... L ....... 13-17 -
22 Georgia ··_._·· ML ·30_34 Sept. 7 ........................... LOUISVH.LE ..... . ............................................................. TBA _ M
E 29 Mississippi State ..... L ......... 7-47 14 ........................... at Florida ........................................................................... TBA E 1
NOV- 5 V=*¤lll ······--···--·- L -··-····· 6-2** 2l ........................... INDIANA .......................................................................... TBA
12 NE Louisiana .......... L ....... 14-21 U
lg Tennessee ··.__ WL mmm0_52 28 ........................... SOUTH CAROLINA ....................................................... TBA
Oct. 5 ........................... at Alabama ........................................................................ TBA 1
12 ........................... OPEN ’ I
19 ........................... at LSU ............................................................................... TBA
26 ........................... GEORGIA ......................................................................... TBA E 1
Nov. 2 ........................... MISSISSIPPI STATE ..........................................,............ TBA H
I 9 ........................... VANDERBHJT .......................................,......................... TBA '
16 ........................... at Cincinnati ...................................................................... TBA JE 1
23 ........................... at Tennessee ...................................................................... TBA I
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1995 Kentucky Wildcats Football ;
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The evolution of a new offensive scheme and the progress of a , , V . · `_ » I !
maturing defense are the elements to watch as the Kentucky Wildcats ji; I
head into the l995 football season. y lj, E _ *
2 The Wildcats are working to ease the disappointments of last il " .‘ l
p year’s bewildering I- I0 season, a campaign made even more “ , __//./, __i. I I
° puzzling by the fact that the team had earned a trip to the Peach Bowl ‘‘’‘‘ »