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M‘. “n a A. «52".‘2’13 .11”: 3 1. ’.- I . . ‘ , _ _ (fixf: . .
'3‘ \r‘ YOURSELF and Family are respectfully invited to attend the Fu- vi‘\,'i -
_ <13}ng n‘griflkf MR. ASA PARK, from the residence of Mr. Th’os.Studman,‘.\/.f'i'l.
‘ (1‘ 77, on Short street. to the Gardén of MrA:Edlward West, on High street, this" C.§\:- J . _
.~\\T eVé'ning‘fit} d’cIOCk. , .. =LEX1NGT0N, TUESDAY, JAN.3Q, I827. ' 637:3); E
.w - ‘;' 33- ~ .. . .- w. . ' - "7-."’.~'.' '-
~>é seeeessgvemeaaamswpweeessmecNssmsmermsameeewmsm =33 sepia-a: {3&1
£42333) ' He wilt-he buried' with Masonic Honours. Transient and other-mem- LTfit} .'
[151: 335;; [PETS 0f “gt: Fraternity, are requested to assemble at the Grand Masonic («32? I
iL:\(\/i? H3115?“ O’CIOCk; p’, m' . T r'LT"\-\:l *
s .3 a. i . - .3 _ _. ' ' . . ' ' ’. ’.l‘
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>3,» YOURSELF and family are reques- (A. J
’2‘ '/"$ ' 2';‘-.\<“3'- :
"KG” ted to attend the funeral of Mr. Isaac C. (58> J
TX“ -) . . 9;., .L.
302 Legmnge, from the res1dence of Mr. J 0- (Qty;
' '3..:2 ° ' ‘ ’ ".5. T
X” seph Milward on Hill Street, this evening, C9 .
/’3 ‘) , . ' I‘ 3 ‘.. .
33.51% at 3 o clock P. M. April 10, 1829. 538%;
7 13V? 3.758;, I
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