. 9 YOURSELF and Family are invited to E: ‘
lg attend the funeral of Mr. WtLLmM g '
‘0) LEAVE, from his residence to the fami- 0
lg“ vomit, tu-morrow at 10 o’clock, a. M., gj
% . Wednesday, Sent.- %1, 1831. a , ‘
mum: — - '
.‘ 2' :2".- c‘ 1 ma o‘chlo c’o'o" 073'0'5 055’ '"5 6'5’6": 3’56"? 363156'5'5'58'85"'956" 515%? L-
‘ F513 YOURSELF and family are invited to ext-E:
g :38 tend the burial of Mrs. cnan LOTTE s. 43:73
. E—‘lg RITCHIE, from the residence of her fathergf: _
3:33 John L. Martin, to the new Episcopal Burialg; ‘
3 :Ejj’ol Ground, this evening at half past 4 o’clock. E? ’—
:3] WEDNESDAY .iI()R.\'I.\'G,JIny Sth.1833. E- ~ .
Ws‘fimfirfifiwfii‘ WWWW Wi‘i‘ifi- WW WW 5“" FF‘FFF‘FT‘FFI u 1' mm I h
:- WHEEJEE - "
7' 3458;444:444 egeeegeéfimmé ‘
g YOURSELF and Family are respectfully invited to i f .
. ' : attend the tuneralot Mrs. ELIZABETH BEEDFOED,
j . >8 relict of the late John Bradtord, Esq. from the residence ii
:8— ot her son, Daniel Bradford, on Mill-street, to-morrow ' “Ti. ‘
"he morning, at 9 o’clock. i 1.
(1g, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1833. .5 "-
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