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- .- \OUBSELF and family are requ ted WE’E'
'. to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rac el 1:
9 ‘ -
l 2 Bleu, from the house of her husband, 3%
~ 0
i2 Mr. Rolla Bleu, on Mulberry street, at. 3 d? ‘
. ° o’clock this afternoon. a
6 { Cairns—3L3- ! :FRIDAY, AUGUST 7,1835. H;
. .-!E-I-—.—.—:- . , W=Fa¥== firm”,
9 9 9‘ 9‘ 9 9‘ 01' QO'gucgoao. ‘9"O'°9"QO
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’ 1:23:32 YOI'HSELF and fnmilv arn rcsunrtfullv invitml to mend rm; :1: ,1
iff- - funeral of MRS. MARY BLAIR. from “-0 house m‘Vr. John Ball. 3.3
:3; lhrcc miles from town. 0n the Tntev (Trm'k' mail. In Tm"??? “1"". '3‘
‘ ij:\ near the residence of Mr James Erwin, :21 10 o‘rlork Io-morrow . _{f' r‘\
7‘ Vigil: ‘ warning. Tllursflnv Ortol'cr is! 15:35. 53: J x
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!» - g: ‘l‘oursclf and family, are requested ' ,3" [.l
(b n 11‘ “a to attend the Funeral of FRANCL“ :3 “
mm 3 ».=:}"I-:T_§. \"ILLIA.\I RICHARDSON, m the res- "t" ’4 ll
3:3 2’- r‘v idcncc of his father \villinm Richard- _j;-_ ; W
’3' ' 5:2 . y§lfi son, at 4 o’clogk this afternoon. L_'_': “l
'l l ii swurdny, October 24, 1885. TT’ 3. f“
1- 9.5455,. ’-’ é}: E§‘$‘%‘-—AE'—T:h_—- _—' ' i 9-3; .2: ~27; g 5
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