FUJ*ER.;1L. '
62/022.)er aria/[427725672 aze c'nwlea/ to af/[JIIL/f/z-c I
/{r7zcza/ o/Z llll'S. MARY TILFORD,/iom (/ch 4263/.—
.. c/cvzce {in iaa/ana/Mflj. JHO. TlllOI‘tl, on fizan: 7141?, '
on 1767;824:2477 mommy, at /0 02-4615. _ p
,' (‘1. 9 ._ . Lung «'3’; Dec. A3}, 1844. i
lhursrlf and family arc requested to alleml the Funeral'
of MRS. ROBERT \VICKLIFFE, at her late residence, on
.Smuluy Erening, 99111 inst, at 3 o’clock.
SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1844.
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