xt73ff3m075p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3m075p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 30, 1972 1972 1972-10-30 2020 true xt73ff3m075p section xt73ff3m075p y Vol. LXIV No. 43 an independent student newspaper r
erne Monday, OClObeF 30/ 1972 Ulll‘vt.‘r‘_1ll‘y ot Kentucky
———-—_—_—'—_—'__——_-—_——— —
“e“ ' , . .
"5 c it it
e O r n I e a y g I S _
3g} ' * ’ ' . B." JENMFER SW-Z‘RTZ sending the other letter furnished
Vii-r . 3 . . .. ' .Kernel38taff Writer by the l'nited Way. she has sent a
’ ,3 . K UK '5 making sure ll “"11 be personal letter to part-time and v,
. . ‘ ctr @ able to keep ”5 promise 0f 335.000 full-time employes containing
' - "s N to the United Way of the h ' . h ' " "
' ‘ ' . K_ -r;j--.:e:;:§;§::711;:”r "5%,. c*‘ ' er philosop y of giving.
X" __ a... “ is he“; Bluegrassr “PEOPLE R izsvoxn to
v’ 3 . . - , "M; "WWKQ . $3: 3, University em ployes have personal contact more than to a
V a... ; \ e... rcived iiccraiurc asking them ccid the board tater, 1 ~ -
m " A - __ , . I ‘ I to make a pledge {01' the up— hoped by giving ”l." {99““35
jam 3; _ .. i Mm» ‘_ --I e Kx‘w 3 K33” -- coming year. about this. it might cause them to
*"~z “ ”a” :d‘ 3., :Law . .. My Besides this, retired employes want to give or give more." she
m . s" 2' “on ”f“ " have been contacted and have said.
m -', '3»de . ,-~ " , responded with contributions. The employ 3s also received a _
if .I.. ¢ ' . . , 33:”) A 3-: -.-:?:,M>M. \ ~ 3 . ‘ I _ . l -
' i “we . . . 1. ““3 ”WE” ““0 “mks imti-remviK-fln'lg PEOMTidl “- -;
.. fie?”- Mm“? part-time in the Registrar's of— movie “ "5 vas 5 'O“n_ w H
_ "ii-K W $19“ ,. i M ‘ ‘7‘“. N lice has received four letters. a "WK”? “3“:th Of No parts. l
g ' " 3 KKK ,. .e'. pledge card and a pamphlet 3101:; ltd ‘gtétt‘hdzfls‘tfin’t it“ 3110 V--.
" 7 “'5" romotin the cam ai n. p! e“ on ‘5‘“ 0 In par Ls (m 7
"is‘ ' p g p g video tape and deals with the
. g ' " ’ ()fthis.the card. pamphlet and campus campaign. It can l)“ ' "‘
' g: one of the letters (for [K ShOW“ 0"” ”10 [WHW‘TSIIY'S
g" President (m5 Singletary's of- closed circuit television system _
g ficei were furnished by the The second part is a film ture
,- gg‘ 3v United Way. nished by the t'nitod Way.
2' I Pei-walk Kathryne Shelburne' director "(H R ”\‘IN' [(‘lCVlSlOH Silldli)
, I of scheduling and information had their production ”‘9“ put
'1' S a any way down services, is handling the United this film together.“ Said Padgett
_ _ Way drive in the Registrar's “It is hard to identify any costs.
John (iriggs (left) and Paul Osborne work high atop a scaffold on the 22nd office. The cost of the tape is about $30.
floor of Kirwan Tower in a valiant effort to save the University from falling This is the first year she has but it can be erased and used ’7
bricks. (Kernel photo by Art Roberts) done so, therefore, instead of meet-fr (‘ontinued on page 6
Campus gears for a political stretch r n
Republican survey McGovern students --
reveals Nixon lead hold political forum _. —
By GARY GOERS . . . . , f Ry GARY (ioieziis Q: —-
Kernel Staff Writer The b'g [Ob IS 0 98 our people Kernel Staff Writer
Based on their own poll, the UK College Young fo the pOHS. Apathy can beat There has been great enthusiasm and interest in ”:7 *
Republicans are claiming a large lead for Richard campaigning for Sen. George McGovern's s
Nixon over Sen. George McGovern in this year’s Nixon.'_1im William S, College presidential campaign among l'K students. said '—-
presidential campaign. Pam Elam. the coordinator of UK Students for .__
“We tried to knock on the door of every student," Young Republicans coordin afor McGovern . fl —
said Charlie DaweSKajunior economics major and “It is impossible to give a number. but the -__ _ _
chairman of College Young Republicans. students have been interested. active and working.“
ALTHOUGH ADMITTING the limits of a survey, she said.
Dawes feels his group received an accurate reading Th e re h as be e n 9 re al 9 nth U S iam She added. the main campaign activities have
of UK student political sentiment. been mass distributions of literature. the in-
Registered Democrats who intend to cross over . . . formation booths in the Student (‘enter and some
_ ”1 com I . .
and vote for Nixon lead thesurvey much larger than Pa gn'ng for McGovern precinct work in Lexmgton by some of the more
expected, said Jim Williams, campus campaign enthusiastic workers. —
coordinator for College Young Republicans. among UK S'Udenls' "Pam “A.“ still) t'K Students for McGovern Will be ,
Many Democrats have joined the club and are sponsoring three nights of open discussion on the
working to reelect the President, he added. Elam ' UK S'Uden's for Mccover" campaign issues
(‘ontinued on page 4 ('ontinued on page i
. The UK Medical (‘enter has implemented a (‘onsiderahle cloudiness today through 'g #
"(‘W paging system ‘0 keep down ”19 num'oer 0f . 'l‘iiesdiiy ('hance of preCIpitation 30 percent
I . d O "“‘551‘g95 thatblastdaily from the wall speakers 0 u is I d e 0 today and :30 percent tonight High today in the
n 5' e O and disturb the patients. Doctors will now use o In“ ms Low tonight m the low MK. p, .r. .
pocket pagers so only they can hear their tomorrov. in the upper 60‘s
emergency messages. For more on a quieter
hospital see page 10.

 Th2 hinomni-o inn Ass-wantM.inaqiiiq(diioi Kd'u'M((dl'hy I I
E l0, iii .9 . e .m-g Ans. .ui ilna in lot in or .m
K¢ntucky N:11'|JQIllq(:d-"01M:,n: Marlin Asiislalll Arming": tld‘l":)l 0:d"”(l‘:wluoyd Ed'torla ls
tt’I'OVidl Euilor G'eq H‘(Ima"" Assistant Managing Editor Miln- Board
Kerne' (N'ID‘M Ell-'0' Mm" “9’"9' Edl'llitle lt'plt'\t‘l|l lm' Opllllt‘ll‘, til the i-dilou mil llir Ulllvt'ldl)
° ‘ ‘ 'l h 'f bl
Pressurmg UK employees for donations isn c an a e
Everybody loves a charity, and aren't going about it in the wrong Q _ 1 . .. . “I- ‘ ”Illa.
we‘re no exception. No normal feeling way. .. " v“ 1 1
human being could object to donating Certainly the fact that UK‘s past 3%? v.57: ' 85-000
some s are chan e to an or anization ~ 1 ‘ ' . , American Red Cross , "<1“ a.“ 1
d d’ 11 [91d t h 13 th g B t 1 record of giving hasn t matched that l Big Brothers of “1“"th :p -- 5111:" 83900

9 ltd c 0 eplng 0 ers. U “9 of smaller institutions like Tran- 53;; Mental Retardation ,j *1 2i ‘ 0
can-~»and do—leel uncomfortable Sylvanja is a cause for concern_ The 3 Boy Scouts Ol America ,: “I 3:“? ! 9‘90 . £9“? :1
with the way the current United Way University is the city‘s largest em— mfivgtfnglmtm j}. l {1; lffjfil i 1990‘) 1, *1: “
fund dert‘ '5 being CONdUCted. ployer, and as one administrator Florence Crittentonllome " gr‘ :Fii 1 00° j i -

Using promotional materials pointed out. our parsimony doesn‘t tgihogl School 41“ j 7:3; l “w >§ 111;, ‘I: ~1
provided by the United Way make us look good. (i Manchethl’Center l: I 3%“ 1; I
organization, UK‘s bombarding its But trying' to solve this by con- r “aliWF'CW'em °‘ 5 42‘7“; }

l "th r t f _ . . Christians & Jews . ,7 K; t f ‘i . .. § 1;; ,5:
emp oyees V“ eques 5 0r centrating on the UK employees 15 a Neighborly Organization is. I: ~__. 3 5 N fl
donations. A payroll deduction plan mistake. We suggest widening the g of Women now.‘ \ ..; I t3 .

, - . . . . a: Orphans Home 5 T‘ 1““ W 3 .. ,.
“315 591 UP ‘0 make the givmg extra fund drive to include the 20,000 13% Numb" “my in , “1 :1 :2: 1 s
painless. students on campus. It doesn‘t take “01th Cerebrll’alsey l; 2.x; l .. ‘” ,2 5‘3: 2

much mathematical computation to 353i League 5. :lJil LET THE
“”5 more Promo figure out how little every individual Girl ScoutsofAmeria ' 1' i,..:._‘ ,1 l - SUN SHINE IN'GIVE

Going Hollywood. a promotional would have to give to meet UK’s {fix i l‘i'l—lfll‘ii THE UNITED WAY 2
film has been shown on campus. pledge. ’li‘ ‘ul 1 il
Letters have gone out to department ““ ' ‘

. . ' ' t ' dicates how for UK has
“5mg Wm of em- A" °"°"‘P* was”“reits;'iii'°r:..°:":;::::.:i;.:'.:;'M.M...
ployees in their sections and how Some attempts have been made in a sreac mg ‘ p g ’
much they gave. And of course if your this direction, as witness the an- There are other possibilities. The In short, we feel the UniverSity and
» superior doesn‘t want his section to nouncementatthe homecoming game UK Karate Club donated the proceeds the United Way campaign are
look bad. . . thatcertain sororities and fraternities from its recent tournament, far in missing the boat by zeroing in on the

This hoopla and pressure tactics were donating the money that excess of what any individual em- UK employees. If they were to widen
make us uneasy. We don‘t doubt that otherwise would have been spent on a ployee could contribute. Other their drive to include the rest of the
the United Way campaign is a worthy float. The notice included a name to campus organizations might prove as campus, perhaps then it WOUId be
cause. and UK‘s pledge of $85,000 will contact for further contributions. generous if contacted with the possible to carry on the campaign
be a boost to community charities. This was a worthwhile attempt to thoroughness lavished upon UK‘s without annoying salesmanlike
But we wonder if the organizers reach the student body. wage earners. pressures.

wager , s
new?!“ 7 / l 1 “ ‘ 9 ~
1 i‘iK/iiiil‘r ~ fr»:
it ~ -~ +—   ~~ cf" ..
u” 7;. 1‘
. 'i'
, is“
\‘5 \.
“ \//
*1 ~'.
if COSTS . 1F ” \
lllll’k‘ I H , r ’ “
'E ""11, "’/ I i//,' ., ' o 6‘
C W , ’44” 41’ / 1~ \. ‘(/
kn v“ ctr ”a
a $ ‘ ,- ' mm ”)0
”"7" // I, \\ 1 \ \lth" tyf '
not - ~ . - ’Ai» w»
Posfers and pO’ifiCS associated with the Watergate affair, they photography program axed by Wimberly their noses and leave it to the ad-
. . self—righteously participate in or condone Royster. a concern for liberal education ministrators to find board members.)
are defac'ng Amer'ca the 1 disruptions perpetrated upon stifled by the faculty sentate, and freedom
1 1 PreSident Nixon's campaign. of the student press denied within the

There: are those 0” campus who seem There is no place for Gestapo tactics (be structure of the university.
determined ‘9 d9590r3t91 whatever they covert or overt) in the democratic Now, after a slap in the face, a stab in
395319th value It 905595595 “be“??? It be process. The noble experiment that is the back, and an attempted interment, you
a hastily «:CTHWIQd 51018811“ on a Sl'd‘llwatll‘ Of America asks more of its citizens than suggest that we apply for positions on a POllCY 0" letters
a piece 0 paper pase on a wa , ese this. America should receive noless than it board whose decisions must be approved
people are determined to get their seeks. by the same kind of people Who do the In order that everyone may have
messageacross 1 1 1 : Slapping stabbing, and burying. Who do equalaccess to this forum, letters to

What Is Smkmgy Odd: IS that these (.ary (lemons you think reads your paper,abunch of 1950 the editor should not exceed 250
people W'ho SO Often dW'en In the realm 0f Jflurnalism Senior Joe College rah‘rahS? words [Ssues requiring more eX'
enVIrongrtentalt awaretnes: are the sam; J.D. Beatty tended discussion shall be run as
ones W 0 con amina 9 C campus Wit 0 o o o . u n .
their 8th ”mm”: Perha S m ,1 . DlSllkes ed'fonal Axis Senior Comments andshouid not exceed

rguepgrioritllgs ie stopping theelwa?a': 750 words A“ SmeiSSions should
a _ . .. I ' l. ' ' 0 ~ - !. . . .
more im ortant than the a *arance of on pubhcaf'ons un'f (Editor 5 note: Beatty misses the pomt be typed and triple-spaced, and

.p ' pp‘ 1 of the editorial. The Board of Student must include the writer’s name
our enVironment. A not unreasonable If you need to fill space. I personally Publications cannot save "liberal l 'f' t' ’
argument but expediency is more likely would prefer that you use more material pdueationn or set u hoto ra h c 385' ma '0“ and an addrws and
closer to the crux of the matter. fro ' ' . . “ p p: , g p y telephone number where She or he
1 . 1 in your Wire SCFV'CC and fewer inane programs. But if enough activnst liberal -

A similar inconSistency held by those of editorials. The one that really hurt was the and free-minded students a I l for its c?“ be reaChed‘ Malena] to length
this ilkis apparent among today‘s political Board of Student Publications pep talk. positions, it could become :p {yorce for w'" "Ot be edited except for
realities. While expressing a great moral In the two years that l have been here, “freedom on the student press .. The grammar, spelling and libel.
outrage at those involved or remotely I've seen a concerted move toward 8 problems begin when good people turn up

 . _ ‘ 3n _ THE Kl-INTl'(‘KY KERNl-IL Monday. October 30. 1972—3
Nicholas ., ,
, VonHoffmun .- @Qeaxeeet®@me®i® ,
o | o
WOSh'ngton s rafs are grOW'ng bO'der A complete line of party supplies to liven-up your A!
holiday! Ask about our personalized invitations and
WASHINGTON—They put a picture in the escape because the “New Republic" (Oct. 21) announcements, etc. Openb Daysa Week #
papers 1th: other]; day of a fine, sleekcoated, reports. . .the Allessios had things lmuch the: a 3
ong-taie rat ta ing in the sun near two old own way at Lompoc. Fine foo , iquor an \
ladies in a park a few blocks from the White women were enjoyed by them behind bars. é A r a r ova _@ __
House. The sound of scratchings and scrabblings they made regular unauthorized trips from the . e e S“ e r
are audible in this capital of the world. Claws institution, often staying overnight. Meanwhile 284 South Limestone — Corner Maxwell St. 7 _
and fingernails on cement.The news media mice the prison officials who made all this possible
on tilting sheets of glassy no comments. . . and were being entertained royally and treated
Washington’s rats. favorably in business deals by members of the
In the first days of the Nixon Administration Alessio family not in prison. . .
the rats were like those of any other city, visible
only by night, and then just in the alleys. About Ziegler sfarves the press -
the time of the Cambodian mvasxon they grew Do they havearodent problem at Lompoc too?
more populous and emboldened enough to iii" The media mice might like to ask that question
pear by day scuttling under cars and running also, but they’re kept on a starvation diet by Ron
across the streets. Now at. the end of the term, Ziegler, the humanoid keeper-press secretary
With Jim" IConnally heading up ’the Democrats the President has set over them to feed them
for Republicans Committee, they rein the parks, occasional pellets of information and grains of
not running but standing still contesting With the news. With Presidential press conferences
pigeons for dry bread crumbs. abolished for all practical purposes, the mice .-\l Tl“. :
, must live off Ziegler briefings. And they only
Clnyhoftprfdad": rs th t h have half enough of them because he has cut the
n t is c1 y 0 pre a ors e ra S ave no daily briefings from two to one. T . .
natural enemies. Yes, theres a rat abatement With their rations reduced to the level of blllverSltV BOOkStore
program, but like so much else under the Nixon . . . ‘
. . . . , . pernic10us anemia last week, they squeaked at
Administration it doesnt work. People dont . . m-
, . . their keeper as he stood in front of the blue
realize that. They think these Republicans are . . . ‘ . . .
{f‘ . the th d ‘t k b' dr m curtain in the White House briefing room, but
:3 men t' cause. ey 2"”! m? '(lat 1g, e; y, Ziegler squelched the weakened things, telling ' 1 w , L ) w
emocra 1C promises an en 81 0 carry em them that, “We‘re not going to have this type of P() ST V E 13.51% ( (7 11
out; b k d t . t b t th t chaos in future briefings. . .(and) as far as this , 7 n __ _
0}] can rea mo es promises 00’ u a briefing is concerned, I‘m ending it. it‘s ended." Rpir $29 75 Now 2523”“
hasnt sunk in any more than the Watergate Butputin the parks the rodentsdidplav r" ‘
Scandal or the Milk Scandal or the Wheat . . ‘ '
Scandal or the You-Fill-in-the-Blank Scandal. Diamond prices stable
Nor does the country over which this capital The questions pile up. Instead of answers there
presides know aboutanother scandal: the almost are diversions such as Marina Whitman, ‘ ‘ i T
nightly escape Of the crooks from Washington's the most presentable member of the Council of I<& E D E (JIIJ( ) N *
jails. Since January they have averaged one Economic Advisors, who makes those monthly - . n
. "H - t . '~ 00
escape every four days. They make 800d their admissions that prices have gone up again. R0121. 35280) NO“ 3921‘
get-aways not only singularly, bin in groups. “Dahlings,” the Zsa Zsa Gabor of economics “
says in effect, “we have our good months and we
Crooks coming out? have 0t,” bad mznghsf. andkthis hwas a baddoze STA RTS \ll)\' I) \i
' FatCity,RatCity,who‘s to blame? One test of again, utnotso a 1 you now 0Wt0 rea t e .
an administration is how it runs Washington. Do numbers like us experts. Sure. bread’s up. reht's .-\ \ I) . ‘
we blame the low caliber of Nixon‘s appointees Ungiiéi‘l'ls UPi bgtat'eive tgid GM t0 hOid the line R [i N S 'I‘ H R [i \\ If “N LSDX \
or are the crooks bribing their way out? That on a 1 ac, an iamon prices are stable.“
accusation has been made but not answered. No And wouldn‘t it be nice to 35k. His Nibs who is
questions get answered in the rat kingdom the Com symp now?.He has Kissmger running
where the rodents come out of their holes, and a about ‘the WOijid like 3 berserk hamster
faceless President slips down and out of sight arranging the Vietnam surrender he denounced u . ‘ , ,
broadcasting modest radio messages in the George McGovern for advocating. Why, then, F NI 8 CLOWNS
Television Age from impenetrable places. were 50 many kliiied and so much money spent u.‘
Many, many questions. There are questions to these past four years to get this deal that he .. r
be asked about John Alessio, a large Nixon could have had his first day in office? And whyis ' NOT TO M MISSED,
campaign contributor, and a business associate he arranging trade after trade with the Russians I
of C. Arnholt Smith, a San Diego buddy-buddy of while telling us we mustspend 80 billion dollars a .. -. - -
the President‘s. year to protect ourselves from this “most ‘ ,. ' ' 'v ‘- 4 ‘t X r (1’ s __
Last year John and Angelo, his brother, favored nation" and his Chinese drinking . . ‘ i“ I .. . ii i 1w“. {J '
pleaded guilty to income tax invasion and were buddies? y «'v ~*" I! ’ . ' gt , J 3 lg}: Z I,
sentenced to the Federal slam at Lompoc, Calif. Fat city. Rat City. who‘s to blame? m ‘ .1: e, , . u . .51." *1
Unlike the crooks in Rat City they didn’t need to (c) 1972. The Washington POSt . “U 5‘ i9,“ 5/ I
I t “~- . t ? ‘
. ’ t, . f l‘ (
onal attacks ~ ' 'w -, ~
Nunn c arges on air pers t. ._ .. .
a, . , Perpetual delight!"
‘ U .
é f i. ¢ 1 II o ”(V Ni ii
made by Senate opponent Hu eston (d , c ., newcomemomhn
BySY RAMSEY “AND HE TRIES to imply abortion or softeness against k), ‘ j, , "Cinematically smashing!"
Associated Press Writer there was no sales tax on drug pushers. . _ ~ ~ ~ um ,
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP)— anything until Icame along,“ the Nunn repeated a charge that _ 1’ ' ‘
Louie Nunn says his Democratic GOP candidate said during a Huddleston advocated school "I " . .
opponent for US. Senate has television panel interview on busing in a private chat with 'g * . ‘33. . lllll l