xt73ff3m0d9s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3m0d9s/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1930-04-14 minutes 2004ua061 English Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 14, 1930 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 14, 1930 1930 1930-04-14 2020 true xt73ff3m0d9s section xt73ff3m0d9s :rp‘n 96. 09 .. ce Zoology 107a, ‘ idllll. It IAI.‘ {1.1134}? 53\ 5:12 \ 11!),Iiils--r.t_ -g|‘-n"£~::) inubéa A x ‘ 3 ;) ‘. \. . a; r w. "~/‘: 1a.. r itinne hf“ ~'~J {" sny‘r‘g ’v’- . CE “1-” VA.‘ i the University Senate f 14) .-=, d 1,Drepg. §.11_, 1 credit eni substitute 5. g. 16, 3 credits.- 7 ‘.3. " refi~m Beginning Foods- Open only to students not megoring in Home Econ— . d5 ! ‘ omics~ ;§: 53 ‘ ‘VAdd Sophomore Assembly, .3 credit. Required of Home Economics students. ; ‘i ii , 1| ‘ \ qihimsi /Add £2232: Assembly,o3 credit- Required of Home Economics students. H , . store) ‘i ;' p-l 1 . College of Education { /Educat1 n 179. Determining Vontent in VOCatlonal Agriculture. “Three j -w, mm _ . ’7'“ ’ " credits» Prerequisite, senior standing. ’ 5‘ : 3; it 3’ ‘ .. .. . . ., H' l 3ento ”Education 248. Problems of Educational Seeiologg. Prerequisites, p ‘2 imek. nine hours of education on the one hundred and two hyndred levels. L, ' i‘ Three credits. tZS. i ‘iEducatior 161. Directed Teaching ii rt. Five hours. Prereouisite I -—‘ r ‘ 18 semester hours in education« lhree ‘11 E ‘ ll V Education I40. Philosophy of Education. Three credits. Prerequisites, W l 3 i flirt Junior standing and six hou-s of education, (To replace Eda 140a, b.) W*¢ “ 5 a ' l I. Aw . 1 . . . . . . . j ' VRaise Education 127a b Pr1nc1 les of Curriculum Making to Education I ’ I-‘H , —- > Cu. - v n 227 ha Prere uisite nine addition 1 hour's work in education on the "I :l ’, ‘ W t __ q 9 (I ‘ . ‘ one hundred and two hundred levels- ’%.~a,¢k. u” . . i . . , .. . 1 Raise Education 189, Research in Agricultuial Education LQ.EfiJ£e$LQn “ “ '.w 289, three credits— b1 33 i 55 The following recommendations of the Committee on Rules were approved: 3w 1“ Participation in Public Activities (Rules 0.42) Make first paragraph read To be eligible to r D tic1p9 e in extra~curricula activities, in y 1 ii ft such as extraamurel athletics, public speaking, dramatics, it I l figffi membership on staffs or Universty publications, Close officers, M' ‘ wit L' fraternity and club offices, sponsorships, a student mist M, Yfigflt flan l- have met the full entrance readirel91us, W W i 2» except for students resistered for toe Ellit time, ’ 1" : h~ve cg ‘ ecedinq ‘erester wt least , . l 13 credit hours, 3 ’9? «Bo nave gtinei et le st 3 creiit hours icing the precexing . « j£1£§123° ' 3 I‘ll: 4. be carrying a schedule of at least 12 credit hOirs : ‘11£‘ . 7— not be on prohation. 1 ‘7 U . (New part, un; .‘ rts on Unsatisfectory Qoholarship "Al itieodvnce .” q; (Rules 0. 377) I. e tence curse ~ C sizzesm .1 D a .. 3.. non~credit cvgrses freshmen Who ‘Te ‘ , ' V :1 r; fres9311 work. t m to :orm special 0139S09 ' “ ' Vw' M H ( i P' I 3 7) Q .3 I) (D 2" 9.; 0‘ (D "Q H ,A , F“ p Q {‘5 Y Q 4 q p H- O W? J H. r - a _. ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ 1. . , '1036 s u1e¢:‘ Whom fihe 1.telli®0nfie A 1 r» 1 . l “I ' ’ ‘ é ; testg “11 achieveuefit 385:2 1C Enzljsh ‘31 ‘rw 3 _ . 1-1‘ ‘ 47-: fin v 1“ _‘ . a, , A ‘1 I 4 Jf cute ;-' :1” 1.63 ' wee _-‘ if t P 8*? e: ti) 063 T ‘ H >' tnree time? 3 elementary topics allowefl . _ . . 1 as ;u fqese The §Rn9te :npdroved culture; ho - rse U ther ourse. 1 A k . 37,111L111s1u ) a In d‘ ’ ‘5 ‘1 ,__J 1...! L‘\ i; (I) L‘ S (D d‘ H O ’) k 1 )_1 H CD (I) .L Suer . ‘ V st: %ome Jconomlcs 115, CH11d Cave 10d Lr yoftm H: c“ L1) H Sophomore Assembly, r O O P J O H 2.“ j. 4 ,2 in! (D 7‘ L \ ‘V‘J -,J (T) d‘ Q d‘ (1) IP24 ’J l. 1 C] pa I’D 9.. CA] \ ) "S ’D H- c?— ) ,_J #4 9 {.5 [—1- Q ’1 ,1> .3 x ) (I) < 0" H ,4 ‘1 (N r d i—J (‘24 . 0:! D » -' \) A O) \/ d r , J Q _ D 'X_J CQ ’1‘ “(J 5.. ‘ d *‘J (D .1) O . (I) b ) i x0 C" H' O L3 0 r—fi t- 'J O (—c 4 l ,I ‘4 (D ‘3' '0 P" (1“