xt73j9608b8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73j9608b8c/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 200202 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 2002 text GLSO News, February 2002 2002 2019 true xt73j9608b8c section xt73j9608b8c ""i Wists i 1:" mum Wm... Km... February 2002 A publication or the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service OrganiZation ' Volume 17 Number 2 , Wishing Chair CD Holiday Party ; Wishing Chair will release their fourth After the great success of our 1 CD, Crow with two benefit performances on party in December, GLSO is spon- ,5 Saturday and Sunday evening, March 2nd soring a Mixer on Saturday, Feb_ ’5' - and 3rd at the Carnegie Center in down- 16th from 7 to 10 pm. We particu- rs . town Lexington. The Concert starts at 7:30 larly encourage singles to attend; 593% ‘ . pm both nights. there will be lots of people to $19: 4- . meet. Of course, couples or Q :9 " The new CD continues the new'fold and groups are also welcome. People often find roots/ pop §°Unds ,0f W'Sh'ng Chairsearlier friends at the Pride Center they haven’t works, while staying true to theduos live seen in ages! There will also be music, lots show. Bum around the foundation estab- of food and good conversation. Come join lished by songwriter Kiya Heartwood and us for a fun evening the multi-instrumentalist Miriam Davidson, ' the eleven original songs are enhanced by . gifted guest artists including traditional Pllde lllonlli instrumentalists Kara Barnard and Gray We had a great turn out for the first pride Larsen, as well as appearances by Month planning committee. Our next meet— ' Lexington’s Mother Jane, Karen Jones of ing will be Thursday, February 21 at 7 at the Real World, singer-songwriter Jamie Pride Center. At that meeting we will be Anderson. Former Stealin' Horses drum- choosing the theme for the month. There mer Kopana Terry and The Outrider’s Dave are two major events on the schedule at Arms on bass. this time and more in the planning stages. The two concerts are benefits to raise The Men’s Chorus Will be lh concert 0h money for the Carnegie Center for educa- Saturday, June 8th and the Pride Picnic Will tion, school programs and community work. be on Sunday, June 16th._ActOut Will prob-r Tickets are $10 and go on sale Feb. 1st. ably present a play dhhhg the last two . They are available at The Carnegie Center, weekends 0f themonth and-a dance, some ; 859-254-4175, and through Terrakin mowes, and religious serwces are being Records, 859-608-5393, discussed. Terry Mullins will be keeping the tininiiterralsin 99m. Seating is limited. official Pride Calander so If you want to Advance ticket purchase is suggested. check open dates, call Terry during the day at 252-2867. AVG! Mardi Gras Baee , . . Join AVOL for an evening of New Orleans if" a. g style revelryto celebrate Mardi Gras 2002! On s, , ' ' ' " . February 2, at 7 pm this fund raiser will get i‘ i ‘ under way at the Victorian Square Atrium. as}; ~ , located on the comer of Main and Broadway - :5? " ' " ’ in Lexington. « 7 ,fl/ . There will be live music by Zydeco Ban. '4 .1. . . 7 . Channel 27’s Brian Collins and his wife 17‘ Continued on Page 11 , L » ~ - - -—- --—., _ 5mm One World Film Fesuval 2002 \__ 15‘ LESBIAN by mary crone ‘ ORfiANcliNTION On Tuesday, February 12 the One World Film ' [I Festival opens at the Kentucky Theater with Peace of WW’ Km” Mind: Coexistence Through the eyes of Palestinian N and Israeli Teens. After attending a Seeds of Peace 0 GLSO NEWS Camp in Maine, seven Palestinian and Israeli L teenagers were given video cameras to document two lc Volume 17 Issue 2 years of their lives in Israel, The West Bank and the d Palestinian Authority. Using the cameras as video jt published monthly by diaries, the youth turned the lens on themselves, their The Lexington Gay families, friends and communities, revealing the chal- fi Lexbian lenges they face as peace seekers in a fiercely divid- ti - - - ed conflict. Hendrica Van Woerkom, Director of F Seaggewgll'lgeinliiaeflon Education for Seeds of Peace, and Bushra Jawabri, a a ' Palestinian and one of the video film makers, will be , a . present for the Lexington screening and will speak n Edltors about their experiences. There is no charge for any of 3 Mary Crone John Ridner the One World Films. ~ . The second and third films in the series may be of ‘ Board Members particular interest to the LBGT community. On Sunday, Terry Mullins, President February 17, at 2 pm at the Central Library Theater, Jerry Neff, Vice President we will show What’s Cooking directed by Gurminder 4 Mary Crone, Editor Chadha. This fun feature film presents a multi-family ‘ Charlie Slusher, Treasurer multiculturalview of Thanksgiving. We are introduced John Ridner, Secretary to a Jewish family with a lesbian daughter and her r Thomas Collins lover, a Hispanic family with a philandering husband / Kelly O’Ferrell and newly liberated wife, a cross-generational r ' Cary Sudduth Vietnamese family struggling wrth traditional expecta- f Tom Collins tions for their americanized children, and an African c _ American family where tensions arise between a suc- I ~ BI" Chandler cessful father and his son who thinks he has sold out. r In these four different households, turkey is served < GLSO Annual Dues & with individual flair, accompanied by roasted polenta, \ Newsletter. fajitas, spring rolls or homemade macaroni and Individual - $15 cheese. Kyra Sedgwick and Julianna Margulies do a I Couple . 325 great job as the lesbian couple; the film also stars I Mercedes Ruehl, Alfre Woodard, and Joan Chen. I The third film, Living the Story, The Civil Rights I Movement in Kentucky will be shown Feb 28. See ' Opinions expressed in the GLSO News page 8. l math-058 (”the “mom and don'tnec‘ There will be three more films in March including I essanly represent those of the GLSO Board, Submissions are welcome and Three Seasons, The first American feature to be pro— ‘ Staff reserves the. right to edit submis— duced in \fietnam since the war. Directed by Tony Bui, ‘ fr"°"s.a”d adverf'semems f‘s.we" as this film won all the major awards at the Sundance l e right to reject sumeSSIons or , , , advertisements. FIlm Festival a few years ago. It Will be shown at the ‘ Central Library Theater on March 2nd at 2 pm. See the I March GLSO for other screenings. ‘ GLSO Page 2 ' ”m- Mother Jane W Of The Lexington-based, Female Duo, Mel White an Mother Jane, will be celebrating the release The Coalition for Faith and Diversity 109 of their second CD, February 16th, at the announces that Mel White, author of 13" Limestone Club. The Limestone Club is Stranger at the Gate: To Be Gay & N0 located at 213 N. Limestone, just a few Christian in America and Executive Director he doors up from Columbia’s Steak House, of Soulforce (www.soulforce.org), will be in eo just before the Atomic Cafe. Lexington making presentations and meet- eir The doors will open at 8:00 pm, and the ing with local Ministers and speaking in ’ fil- first 50 people there get a free Limited edi- Lexington April 5-7. “3- tion Mother Jane T-Shirt. At the first CD On Saturday evening from 7-9 pm, Mel 0f Release the T-Shirts went very fast. This is will speak at Memorial Hall on the . a an all ages show, but if you plan to BYOB, University of Kentucky campus on be , an ID with proof of 21 years of age will be “Spirituality versus Sexuality? Healing the :ak 3 required at the door. The CD will be for Wounds of Spiritual \fiolence”AVIP recep- Of sale. tion for sponsors and others will be on April ‘ 5 at 7 pm. On Saturday, from 1-3:30 pm, 0f 1 Congratulations to there will be an opportunity for area minis- aY’ 9‘9 Reinette Jones, one of ters to meet and dialogue with Rev. White. er. the GLSO News’ regular He will be addressing the issue of “Spiritual ler cg columnists, on the publica- Violence" and its impact on gays, lesbians, "'Y tion of her book looking at the bisexuals and transgenders within our reli- ed role of librarians among black gious institutions. The location of that event ier Kentuckians. Library Service to African will be announced in the near furtum. "d Americans in Kentucky, from the The Coalition for Faith and Diversity is 13' Reconstruction Era to the 1960's is comprised of Soulforce Lexington, ta- Reinatte's first book. Judging by how every- Bluegrass Fairness, the Jabez Foundation an one enjoys her writing in this newsletter, and other community groups. if you are 1C” perhaps she will have a best seller on her interested in having your organization be a ‘Ut- hands. It is 200 pages long and we plan to part of this coalition, please contact Dotti ‘ed get one for our Pride Center Library. Good Berry at her e-mail: ta, work, Reinette! dotti@EmpoweringDiversitycom or call her nd ' - PFLAG-Parents, Friends, and Family of at 85974894791“ Also, those VY“° are inter > a _ , _ ested In volunteering to help With this event ars Lesbians and Gays, Will be meeting regu- may call larly on the second Tuesday of each month. ' “S In February, we will meet on Tues. Feb. Solomon House Benefit ee 12th, at 7 pm at Chapel Hill Presbyterian Tiffan & Corn an invites eve one to Church. The speaker will be Rev. Jack . y p y ry R . . . Crossmgs for their monthly benefit show _ - ng obinson of Chapel Hill Presbyterian , Ch . . . on Wednesday, February 20, 2002. ro- urch. He Will be sharing his personal . _ - . . . Show begins at 10.00 pm and the u story of the importance of havmg a support . . . , . cover Will be $5.00 With all proceeds gomg Ice group such as PFLAG. The church is on the . . to Solomon House. Entertainers for the :he corner of Tates Creek and Armstrong Mill . , . . . . . night are. Tiffany Andrews, Miss Sheena, :he Rd. Contact Dotti Berry for information at Mescha Ra na Starr and Valle 859-489-4791 or e-mail Dotti Berry at ' y y , Continued on Page 14 . _ _____________________________ GLSO page 3 ‘ i , I PRIDE CENIEII NEWS 389 N. Waller Ave M-F 10-3 - Sat 9—4 Family Movies New Bathroom! We have chosen some films featuring The Pride Center now has completed the African American experience in honor work on the handicap assisable bathroom. of Black History Month. It is now one large room, so even those of Lesbian Movie Night-We will watch us who are temporarily able bodied will Watermelon Woman on Friday, Feb. 11 th have room to do more than Change our at 7 pm_ Cheryl, a young black filmmaker is minds in there. JMH Home Repairs did a working on a documentary about a black greatjob for us. Joe can be reached at 881- actress from the 1930's. As she discovers 5754 . that the actress had a white lesbian lover, Cheryl also meets the girl of her dreams. Pride Center Copying Service Everyone is welcome to attend, bring a We have rented a copier for the Pride snack to share. Center and we can offer community groups Girls Kick Ass-This series of film features a 900d price if YOU want to do copying at strong female heroines. Join us on the Center. You will be given an ID number Saturday, Feb. 23rd at 1 pm for Set It Off. and charged $.03 a page, you bring your Four Black women, all of whom are strug- own paper. Call Ginger for details at 253- gling financially, decided to rob banks to get 3233- much needed cash and as a way to fight the system that has left tern with few choic- Parenting GI'OUP es. Queen Latifah plays a lesbian charac- Being a lesbian or gay parent is not as ter, somewhat of a stereotype, come see unusual as it use to be but there are still what you think. issues that straight parents do not have to Men’s Night Out-On February 19th, Men’s face. A GLBT Parenting Group is meeting Night Out will be showing Maurice. Two at the Pride Center on the second Sunday Eenglish school friends find themselves 0t every month. The next get together Will folling in love at Cambridge. To regain his be Sunday, Feb. 10th at4 Pm- Come share place in society, Clive gives up his forbid— your thoughts. Child care will be available. den love, Maurice, and marries. When vis— lf YOU have any questions, Please call iting his friend, Maurice discovers romance Ginger at 253-3233 or Janette at (859) 583- ‘ in the arms of Alec, the gamekeeper. 0324- Written from personal pain, this is novelist E.M. Forster’s story of coming to terms with Writing Practice for Everyone sexuality in the Eedwardian age. There has been a positive Classic Movie Matinee reSponse to the writing On February 17th at the Pride Center at practice group SO we are 3 pm, the classic Movie Matinee will be ..adding another day! The “West Side Story.” It is a testament to the grOUp will now meet on the musical and theatrical brilliance of “West second and fourth Saturday 0f each month. . Side Story” that this teenage urban love at 10 am at the Pride Center. That will be story, set to Shakespeare’s classic “Romeo Feb. 9th and 23rd. No experience neces- and Juliet," has survived its outmoded 50’s— sary, regular attendance not required, iUSt style book (Arthur Laurents) replete with bring a pen and some paper and we will “Dead End Kinds" posturing and corny, have some fun. streetwise lingo. For nowhere will you experience such electrifying, jaw—dropping Continued on page 14 GLSO page 4 ' — Dr. Ted M. Richardson O.D. ( :3 Vision Specialist ”‘5: The most thorough eye exam, )ur the hlghest if standard of eye care. )I 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE de I: Immediate Appts. For Emergencies >er )ur ss— Contact Lenses Eye Infections ‘33 Foreign Body Removal 5 l n to General Practice ng . “a," Gardenside Plaza DESIGN-3r Eyeweal’ NI" . . 1 ,re 1757 Alexandria Drive 48' I'm", mg; 0 tometric Association 1 ’2’" 278-4201 'llll" BLUE CRpOSS BLUE SHIELD- 277'4634 OPTION 2000 HMO KENTUCKY ve HUMANA ng MEDICAID . MEDICARE are VISION SERVICE PLAN he I}: Mon thru Fri 9 to 6 - Sat 9 to 4 be Late Eevening Hours By Appointment 2: will “W W M d' IC d A t d w5;; Wew...“.::::;:ce _ GLSO Pages l l Pride Center Library FAIRNESS Something for Eeveryone by Jane Minder On January 8th the Kentucky General The library of GLBT materials that was Assembly went into session. For sixty work- established at the Pride Center last sum- ing days the Representatives and Senators mer has been a great success. Not only of our state will work on a variety of issues. has the community generously donated This is our best opportunity to come togeth- nearly 1,000 books, videos, and audio er as a state and lobby our elected officials recordings, but over 100 people have of fairness. There are several ways you can signed up for library cards and are regular- get involved: ly using the collection Join the Fairness listserv and respond to The book collection includes fiction in the action alerts; e-mail Jeff at every genre from love stories to science fic— ieff@QX.NET. Make the phone calls and tion. Among the authors well represented faxes that influence the decisions of our are Armistead Maupin, Katherine Forrest, Representatives and Senators. Recruit Rita Mae Brown, Paul Monette and many friends and family to join the list. Come to others. Biographies run the gamut from Frankfort and lobby your elected officials in Walt Whitman to Melissa Etheridge. A person. This has been, and remains, our strong non-fiction collection includes books best way of working towards fairness and on relationships, coming-out, religion, fami- defeating anti-gay legislation. We lobby in ly, youth, humor, history, politics, health and Frankfort every Tuesday, Wednesday, and much more. Thursday for the entire session. The video collection has been particular— There are two bills to make note of as ly popular and is growing. Favorite titles we go to press. Representatives Joe include Bar Girls, Kiss Me Guido, The Lost Fischer (R—Ft. Thomas) and Stan Lee (R- Language of Cranes, Fire, Boys Life 3, and Lexington) have prefiled an anti-Faimess Get Real. A small group of documentaries bill. HB 392 is couched in terms of pre- includes The Celluloid Closet, The Times of empting the field of civil rights for the state. Harvey Milk, and The Inaugural Display of (In other words, this bill would take the Names Project Quilt. away the powers of cities and counties The audio recordings now include tapes to expand their civil right codes.) Only y and CDs by such artists as Melissa state and federal laws would apply and the Eetheridge, Elton John, Cris Williamson workings of local Human Rights and Tret Fure, Ferron, and Indigo Girls. Commissions would be seriously affected. Audio books are a new addition to the col- This bill would also have the effect of abol— lection and now include Armistead ishing the Fairness Ordinances in Maupin’s Tales of the City series. Lexington/Fayette County, Jefferson The Pride Center Library continues to County, and Louisville. These ordinances accept donations of GLBT related materials prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexu- and all donations are tax deductible. al orientation and gender identity in these Volunteers to help process new acquisi- two counties. If this bill is still under discus- tions are always welcome. sion in the legislature, call your Stop by the Pride Center at 389 Waller Representatives and Senators and ask Avenue Monday - Saturday from 10 am to them to vote NO on HB 392. The 3 pm and check it out. You will find there Legislative message line is 1-800-372— really is, “something for everyone." 7181 (Mon-Thurs 7 am-11 pm EST, Fri 7 am'6 pm). Continued on page 14 GLSO Page 6 aral 1:. r l )rk- v . ‘1'," :. s :t: ‘ a ‘ w“ “ IalS . _ :1 ..— 0 :an ~ , , / . I s “a‘ “‘1 - :7 " I! “3‘9 ‘9“. ‘ . l a _ I 22:: y we” ruit ;;;Lf77"" » :to s in rw»~—-«———~——-—-m-—-j our l H l :1: 1 Mark your calendar.. 3 l { Wednesday, Feb. 20th ‘ as E l 15;: ; MISS GAY LEXINGTON! ; l ess WW“W“’W”MM§ . are- i ate. ake l i :Ies I ‘ a 1'1"" MS I . L951; - I in son C68 EXU- ese :tslr 224 east main street lexington, kentucky 859.255.1551 :fik must be 21 with valid id 6 , :2,- \ save / 'e 14 \ Celebrating 21 years in business. / h ' God Bless America . 12.4 . — ’——_—__—__———__W l l I O Celebratmg Black History Mont]: Pat Parker: A Woman Who Cared By Thomas Collins Pat Parker, born in 1944, was a US. poet, a strong sense of black culture and history. activist, educator, and women’s health worker. She chose difficult, even daring themes, Parker’s autobiographical poem “Goat Child” including alcoholism, and both recorded and opens with the lines: " ‘you were a mis- performed her work for audiences across the take’lmy mother told me." The poem goes on country. Her signature poem, “Where Will You to convey the fierce determination that made Be When They Come?,” warned gay men and her a successful activist and writer who built lesbians to unite against the “soul savers" and bridges in and between communities. the “good citizens" crusading against them. Parker grew up outside Houston, Texas, in Audre Lorde characterized Parker’s message a Southern Baptist family. After high school as: “I have survived! | see, and | Speak!" she left home for Oakland, California, ,5 Parker chose the African symbols for ' where she attended college, married , ,, \ j; / defiance (Aya and changing one’s and divorced twice and had two 1', '31“; a” self (Nkyimkyim) to accompany her daughters. She worked with the Black 3;)” : collected poems. Panther Party in the 1960’s and was - " “11%“ Parker was also an activist for a member of the Black Women’s ‘33 1;; improved women’s health care and, Revolutionary Council and the (”3,4 77‘» after her sister was murdered by Lesbian Tide Collective in the 1970’s. 15,; f}, '31,, her husband, against domestic vio- She shared her life with Marty ‘ 13’]! ;-’_=_—.' if}? lence. Dunham. .’ .«3 After her death from breast cancer, An African-American lesbian moth- .5"f —' '1 in 1989, at the age of 45, friends and admir- er from a working-class background, ers established the WIM Publication Memorial Parker once told her friend Judy Grahn: “I’m Poetry award in her name. waiting for the revolution that will let me take You can read more about Pat Parker and all my parts with me.” Her five books, which other historical people and events in gay his- include “Child of Myself” (1972) and tory by obtaining a library card from The Pride “Movement in Black” (1978), feature poems Center and Checking out our selection of that range from oratories to narratives, all with books, both fiction and non-fiction. _ Loving The Story On Thursday, February 28th at 7 pm at changed Kentucky and their achievements the Central Library Theater, One World can encourage this generation to do the Film Fistival is proud to present Living the work that needs to be done today to end Story: The Civil Rights Movement in discrimination and promote justice. Joan Kentucky (2002) co-produced and directed Brannon, co-director, and some of the by Joan Brannon, founder of Sisters in the interviewees will join us for a discussion Life and former GLSO Board Member. The after the film, followed by a reception. first documentary to explore Kentucky’s There will be three more films in March civil rights history, Living the Story presents including Three Seasons, The first the personal experiences of 15 men and American feature to be produced in women who recall life in a segregated soci- Vietnam since the war. Directed by Tony ety and the struggle to bring about social Bui, this film won all the major awards at justice. Their vivid memories accompanied the Sundance Film Festival a few years by archival footage tell an inspiring story of ago. It will be shown at the Central Library commitment, courage, and accomplish- Theater on March 2nd at 2 pm. See the ment. The efforts of these men and women March GLSO for other screenings. GLSO Page 8 ' THE IIIIPERIAL Comm 635 KENTUCKY )ry. es, and the {ou ' P R E S E N T S and and 0 3m. . :3: MISS for ' ie’s -’ her a ‘ , for t a a c l c 1nd, by vio- 3:; W ontestants )rlal 747 Judged in ' resentation, a: F ll ' 7 73’ 2002 Talent, l ride Dam @ 9:30 fwmq‘ PW @ 7:30 fan» Evening ' 0f , Gown, 6: See Larry at Club 141 for Contestant Applications its - to 1d .- . . - - - ~ We Q .. , , .. all 04 fit - , q a. W ' a?" _V ’fi, l" '1‘“ l IVs-1 - d b1 at ; , 9g ; v ‘ us a 3" .‘E .‘w ; ,_ gab-p a?“ he a . _ _ . , a — GLSO Page9 l l re uires self reflection and honesty. - twgo COMP“ TheraPa Slgaring these list can provide new informa- art“; b Jessica C. Bollinger LCSW tion to both partners and open up commu- s5: Certified lilnago Relationship Therapist hlcatIOh- Your list is your personal blueprint. This ‘ in December's issue 0“ GLSO, i Pub- is part of your DIFFERENTIATION from lished an article titled “Who is NOT in other people. This is me. That is you. I a: Relationship?” In that article, I talked about value your blueprint, you know mine. We some aspects 0t Imago Therapy. From can respect each other for what makes the : infancy 0“ throughout our lives, we seek OTHER feel loved and secure (connected). ' ~ safety and love. As Children, we adapted This exercise is in three parts. ourselves to how our caretakers provided Part One: Making three lists, each can A us that safety and love to the best of their be as long as you want. It is useful to write ability. down everything that you can think of. ,- The adaptive behaviors that we uncon- 1' i FELT loved and connected with you sciously took on to protect ourselves we when you used to...(when you were dating) . keep throughout our life. When our fears 2- i FEEL loved and connected with you “iii are triggered we hide and submit, or we when you...(ln the present) send energy outward in “fight or flight”. We 3. I WOULD feel loved and connected with :13 become either minimizers (distancer’s), or you if you WOULD, (or we could)...This can “u maximizers (pursuers). As adults, our cur— be fantasy, Let loose here, the world is your rent relationships give us the opportunity to oyster!...We quit our jobs and go live in heal these old wounds, and stop defensive Barbados, and get around on motor scoot- patterns that are no longer useful. ers, and rent beach umbrellas for a living... Imago Theory was developed by Part Two:sharing your lists with your '3; Harville Hendrix, and can be read in partner. You may find out that you are all Getting the Love You want: a Guide for ready doing things that makes your partner fl Couples, and Keeping the Love you Find: a feel love and connection. You will also hear “a Guide for Singles. There is also a new book about other things that he or she wished % about parenting: Giving the Love that that you would do. Heals: a guide for parents. Their theory You may give it to your partner to keep. combines elements from many different If you think later of something you would ;;,1 psychological theories: behavioral, cogni- like to add, ask them for it and make the _' . tive, psychotherapy, and others. addition, return it. it: We each have our own “blueprint” of part Three: putting some of the ideas what makes us feel loved and connected. into practice. Experiment while doing some § Our partner might love football, and come of the things on your partners list for ta home and say, “Sweetheart, i iUSt got two him/her. The point is not to keep score, this as, tickets to the game this weekend, and in not “tit for tat”. Do something just would like to treat you and take you with because you know your partner values it. 11: me!" You want to react positively to the tick— Some neat things come from this exer- ,2, ets DUt what might make you feel loved and cise. You might have never realized how :3 secure is sitting in the porch swing talking your partner enjoys how you bring her that *3 about your day-"This type 0t issue comes cup of tea in the morning, or how he loves g up in our relatIonshIps often. it when we get him that special lager. Now, .. Try this Re-Romanticizing Exercise when you make that tea, or put that lager in it based upon Imago Theory, that can help us the fridge, you will have the knowledge live .. more consciously.” This exercise about how it makes our partner feel. This “ helps deepen the process of thinking about enables us to live and do nurturing things what “Makes me feel loved and secure". it for our partners with more intention. Try it, a you’ll like it!! 2 y. a- u- AVOL Mardi Gras Ball Continued from Front Page is Cathleen will be Master and Mistress m of Ceremonies. l Enjoy a Cajun dinner buffet, casi- GLSO News 2002 Ie no-style gambling, a costume con- Sponsors Ie test, palm and tarot readings, a cash I) bar, and much more! ' The dress is Formal or Fabulous- Richardson Vision Center . . . . . .278—4201 black tie or a costume as outrageous 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside :2 as you can dream up. ' Admission is $50 per person, or . $500 for a reserved VIP table om A“ Scott Ackerman . . . . . . .(VOIce) 294-2055 3” proceeds will benefit AVOL. For (mobile) 338'8483 9) reservations or more information, call 3U 859-225-3000 or e-mail SisterSound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243-0243 'th BMW- Diverse music for all women I 3" Imperial Court of Kentucky . . . . .252-3014 uur . . . in ) W , A Charlty OrganIzatIon 3t llxll)l \lO\ i ll .__, PLANNING The Bar Complex . . . . . . . . . . . .255-1551 Iur WE NEED YOU 224 East Main Street all FEBRUARY 1+7 PM Iel‘ PRIDE CENTER Turner Counseling . . . . . . . . . . .269-6497 ’3; 2216 Young Drive, Lexington e :p v Debra Hensley Insurance . . . . . .276-3244 ild ‘ 1513 Nicholasville Road he . . Windy Knoll Farm . . . . . . . . . . . .299-7410 eas Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding ne . _ for IHEORIGMLONEDAVHHECflS'GN CO Lexington Men’s Chorus . . . . . . .231-0090 his Howard Stovall Owner/General Manager Rehersal every Sunday Jet 332 Southlcnd {3953 L ' t . KY 4 . LP wig? 360-1048 Pegasus Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253-1644 ow (8593260207I Fox . Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO 1 at loco New Circle Road . Lex'ngton. W40505 res (859) 2532-1200 ,w, (359) 252.1300rex r in Cet- (859) 321e972 '93 Emit: signsnov/Séo _, hIS @signsnow.corn .2 ‘ Igs ‘ . t it, g __ _____________________________ GLSO page 11 Call number In Februa 2002 Directory for Location. ry Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6:30 Women's Spirituality Pride Center Open 10-4 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 7 pm AVOL Mardi Gras Ball 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm GSA Private Workshop, 7 pm Discussion/Support Private Workshop, 7 pm Lesbian Movie Night Prided Center Open 9-4 10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study Center Closed Group Center Closed “Watermelon Woman" 10 am Lex. Men's Chorus 5 pm Imperial Court of KY 7 pm Charismatic Church 10 am Writing Workshop 5:30 pm Lex. Men's Chorus 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Gay/ Lesbian AA 1 pm Diversity Films Movie 6 pm SisterSound “Ethnic Notions” 7 pm Dignity Pot-Luck 7 pm HUGS 1 O 11 1 2 1 3 14 1 5 16 10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm Fairness Steering 7 pm GSA 7 pm Discussion/Support 7 pm GLSO Board Meeting 6:30 Women's Spirituality Private Workshop, 10:45 am UU Church Committee 7 pm P-flag Group 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Center Closed 12:12 Interweave Pot-Luck 7 pm C.O.L.T.s 7 pm One Worid Film 7 pm Charismatic Church 7 pm-10 pm Holiday Mixer 4 pm Parenting Group 8 pm AA Step Study “Peace of Mind" 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 4 pm Integrity 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus 6 pm Imperial Court of KY 6 pm SisterSound 7 pm HUGS . 1 7 1 8 19 20 21 22 23 10:30am Faith MCC 7 pm GSA 7 pm Men’s Night Out 7 pm Charismatic Church 7 pm Pride Center 7 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Pride Center Open 9-4 10:45 am UU Church 8 pm AA Step Study “Maurice" 7 pm Discussion Group Committee 1 pm Girls Kick Ass, 2 pm One World Films p pm Rainbow Bowling 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA “Set It Off” “What's Cookin" 3 pm Classic Movie Night “West Side Story” 5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus 6 pm SisterSound 7 pm Dignity Mass & HUGS 24 25 26 27 28 10:30am Faith MCC 8 pm AA Step Study 7 pm GSA 7 pm Charismatic Church 7 pm One Worid Films 10:45 am UU Church 9 pm Rainbow Bowling 7 pm Discussion Group “Living the Story" 1 pm Bluegradd KFA 8 pm Gay/Lesbian AA 5:30 pm Lex. Men’s Chorus 6 pm Imperial Court of KY 6 pm SisterSound _—_____________________________ _—.___—____—____________—__ GLSO Pare12 GLSO Page 13 Solomon House Benefit Fairness , Continued from page 3 Continued from page 6 . Sheridan. Shake off those wintertime blues HB 125, a Statewide Fairness Bill, bans WI and join us for a night of fun while helping discrimination in employment, housing and en. those in need. Crossings is located at 117 public accommodations because of a per— "‘9 N. Limestone, across from the new Court son's sexual orientation or gender identity. Wit House Buildings. Please call your House Representative and ceI urge them to SUPPORT HB 125. For fro updates on the progress of these and other CU bills in Frankfort, join the Fairness list serv. ; PRIDE CENTER NEWS We appreciate Volunteers to help lobby 33 every Tuesday, Thursday and Wednesday Family Movies and we have established the following Continued fiom page 4 theme days: A choreography (Jerome Robbins). Nowhere _ will you thrill to a more exhilarating, pas- Feb. 12th, 309'? Workers sionate, full-throttled score (Leonard Feb. 219‘: ReI'g'OUS leaflets and Bernstein, with Stephen Sondheim provid- People Of Fa'th ing the libretto). And nowhere will you find a Feb. 28th, Student and YOUII‘ more dynamic, better-crafted musical that March 7th- Service Professionals arguably surpasses its Broadway stage March 14th! Educators predecessor from overture to finale. March ZISI: Allies Discussion Group - ' Every Wednesday people gather at the Etgmg Teflon: b 10th t 1 Pride center for good conversation and n arur ay, e ruary . a ,, p'l" . . GLSO wrll host a screening of Ethnic some laughs. If you are Just coming out, . . Bl k P | . Wh't M' d ,, new to the area, want to meet some new Notions. ac eope m 'e In s. . . . . . This powerful documentary traces the , people, or just enjoy talking this Is the place . . . to be. Contact Jane for information at 276- development Of dehumanlzmg cancatures . . . of African Americans that have fuel