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Vol. LXXII. No. 49 Uanenlty of Kentucky
Wodnuday. October 14, ”7’ an Independent student newspaper Lextngton. Kentucky
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Spook house t... Shah is hos 'tal' d
ralses money . ' ' V; V ii 5/; By ARTHUR EVERETT However. a State Department
.a aw “some“ n... W" in Washington who asked not
its ' V V . to be identified.saidthe shah‘s ailment
f h I V 4, 0w .. rifts: V T he deposed Shah of Iran. said to be already had been diagnosed as cancer
or C arlty In. , ' it we! . , 5;: suffering from cancer and a blocked and a blocked bile duct. _
" t, ' . ’ '- 2 bile duct. began a series of extensive
V a; ,. , 2 ' tests in one of the world'stop hospitals , :source close [9 the shah. Who also
32,, MARK SMITH t’ w, / 3‘: yesterday after U.S. officials gave him :5 c . '3” to be, 'dem'f'ed‘. ““1 the
, Remit, . V , f3! hi") " IZ speCtal permission to enterthe country epose ruler S condll'm‘ had
"rec-.23.. “3:253?” ' ~ é’r/C/ ..5 r in; for medical treatment. worsened about two weeks 380-
“Ii ’3‘} my fit- ' . - There was no comment 0 th ~
Moans and groans echo throughout 2:; g‘ .' " -'=;~ / 5%!" i? y . .. Shah Mohammed RC7? Pah'aVL t b . . n 0”
the building. Witches and Vampires . . a tt ~ . ““0 .W'“ be 60 0'? Fnda» was 1“?” y “‘“mhehmp‘w' "”hc
roam the corridors. The old Perkin‘s 1’ . at h V described as appearing weak and S in: entourage. V V
Pancake House. located on South V. _, ,‘ V. V moving With a slow, shuffling gait f . c thah and members 0‘ h's
Limestone Street. is haunted. ’ h ' . .‘ »V, when he arrived at LaGuardia Airport amVily are optimistic that the
, For the third consecutive year. the : , .3. V V Monday night after a flight from his ontslVthndtng medical care available an
Bluegrass chapter of the March of , . 4'31; t place 0f “We in Cuernavaca. MCXiC0~ tVe ntted State? W“ diaghose hls
Dimes iS sponsoring a haunted houch 2' I . _~ VVVV "all; VVVV"::;;.¢'VV.(‘.:V.VVV ‘ VVVV} 3 9/“ According ‘0 the State Department. d1 ment and provide a CUTE: readV a
The March of Dimes is a national V ' I. I: new 3:"??? President Carter personally approved statement from .the shah s senior
organization which raises money to " i . the shah‘s visa on theconditionthat he advrser, RObe" F- Armao.
, help new and prevent birth defects. ' , '“iizit‘ V; V" _ would make "9 POhhcal statements Eamon Brennan. a hospital vice
Last year. the local Bluegrass chapter 1: ' . I t” Whlle 1" the United States. V president. said tests of the shah were
raised a total of 5139000 in their , ' .. Traveling With him were his Wife. a begun yesterday. and were expected to
overall campaign. Sll.000 of which . . ' V' . ,t retinue of personal bodyguards. and continue into today. No word on his
came from the haunted house. . , " 1W0 Doberman pinscher guard dogs. condition is expected until they are
Carol Zanone. local March of . . . Responding ‘0 an UhOffiCial complete. he added.
Dimes spokesman. said the Bluegrass V. I . 94% description ofthe shah as gravely ill. a “He‘ll undergo all the usual tests . '
. chapter hopes to raise $l2.000 to . SPOl‘esmah {it New York Hospital- blood. urine. radiology. but no one‘s
SISVUWV‘, at this year's haunted house. I. , . 'VVVVVVVVVV V COMIC” Medical Center said, “thCI‘C is being more specific than that.“ .
And. ac ording to Zanone. this would . "0 truth ‘0 N at 3”" Brennan added. _
not be possible without the help of V 3’51”,” aortas/Kernel Sun V
se'. eral civic-minded organizations. _ . . . V _ g
“This year. our co-sponsers are This decrepidVlookangi monstVeVr isVone hof 'in "harryf gimngthaunted house. Last yearshaunted house raised . ..
thh i-shn Silvers. WLAP radio ‘surprtscs‘ awaiting stu ents w 0 HS" t e . are 0 ll. . B N t t -
station. the South Lexington Kiwanis rown, unn 0 mee again .
(iub and the 1650 Local of the initial walls and llaidthe)groundworlt "l ong .lohn Silver's and WlAParc haunted houses in Lexmgton. Zanone
Carpenter‘s Union." Zanone said~ forlthe)haunted h0use;ther00nlsand dolng most of the publicity." she “OlCd that ptthllcttylrom “TAP and
adtjng that assistance is also being halls were divided up among by l'K‘s added. Posters have been put in all local newspapers has increased BY BONNIE WARD carried over60radio and l9television I
provided by UK's lnterfraternity and different sororities and fraternities; Lexmgton Long .lohn Silvers as well attendcnce atthespookhousein recent Staff Writer stations throughout the State.
Panhellinic councils. and the art Club from Bryan Station as other lootitions. days. She estimated Friday‘s crowd at Kentucky Educational TCICViSiOH '
Zanone said each co-sponsor was High school then decorated the rooms “Also. Wl.AP is running as many 475 people and Saturday‘s at 850. The gubernatorial forces 0f spokesman Dave Gibson said the
responSible for either the building of and halls (which) consisted mostly of spots on the air about uslthc haunted Besides the slow turnout. Zanone Democrat John Y- Brown 51 and afternoon debate willenable Kentucky
:he ..aunted house or its promotion. painting them and setting up the house) as they can.“ Zanone said. said this year‘s haunted house has Republican LOUlC 8- Nunn willbeatit students from grades fourto '2“) “CW
“The carpenter’s union built the different props." Zanonc said Although there are three other experienced no problems. "The people again tomorrow in adebateto be aired the debate as a learning experience.
that are working with us this year are live over radio and television networks The debate will begin with each
ius' grimy 5‘1"! night. W have 40.50 throughout Kentucky. candidate presenting an eight minute
UK . Greeks (front HO and l0~20 students The debate scheduled to run opening statement and Will be '
- pro 8 a en rle [”9 from Bryan Station Senior and Junior ' . followed by a question and BUSWCT
Hi h :‘hools. W ho he tomorrow afternoon between l.30and session from a anel of four radio
, g 8‘ It ”I I m. we 2:30 at the Lextngton Civ1c Center . p
. . . couldn't have a haunted house.“ she B' , . . station managers across the state.
. . allroom. lS desrgned to better inform . -
at Carter administration re uest tthtt .
‘h l he haunted houch formerly . 3 . . {OT KBA members and their guests.
l’erkin's Pancake House and m - candidates stand on the issues before later in the evenin $th Barr .
. . . . ore the Nov. 6 election. . .g‘ )
3y VANCY GWINN next few weeks. lfapproved.thctreaty conducting briefings throughout the recently Johnny B's. is open Monday Goldwater. R-Artz.. IS scheduled to
SialfWrrtt-i would limit the number of nuclear summer and fall for citizens across through Fridai‘lrombnm- t0 Ham. “Wil'besponsored bythe Kentucky Speak ‘0 ”A-
A missile launching systems to 2,400 for several sectors of American society. and Saturday from 6 p.m. to 12 pm, Broadcasters Association as a public The festivities are part ofKBA‘s Fall
Two UK faculty members will be in both the Soviet L'nion and the United Davis said Carter used this same Admission charge is 8! per person, service to Kentuckians and will be Convention. . '
'V Washington today for a presidential States. technique of lobbying to recruit . .
briefing on SALT II as part of an Baer said he suspects the (‘artcr Slipportforthc Panama (‘analTreatyx '
effort by the White House to gain administration is attempting to round RCSiSIUnCC 10 the SA“ H "WW- 0 a y
support for the treaty. up grass root support in Kentucky for WhiCh has been before the Senate for nation .
. Michael Baer. political science the treaty in an effort to swing several months. is a result of a basic .
professor, and Vincent Davis. CongressionalratificationofSAl.T ll, lack of confidence in Carter‘s foreign ALTHOl‘GH HE FORSEES A BRIGHT OUTLOOK '
cg; rman of the Patterson School of Neither of Kentucky‘s congressional policy. Davis said. noting that for the industry in the l980‘s. Interior Secretary Cecil ‘ '
D’ . iomacy and International senators. Democrats Wendall Ford “senators lack confidence in the State Andrus says there is “still a dark cloud on the coal mining .
Commerce. received telegrams last and Walter Dee Huddleston. support cxecutne relationship with Russia." . . V . VV V V V horizon. . . . . . .
' Friday from the Carter camp SALT ll in its present form. Baer said. Bair added that “the Issue is not “A" ( K‘ 5 M'“ M ”DING CODE was “10”“ And”? was rcfcrrlngqtoflegtslation in Congress [0 malte i
requesting their Presence at the “The (Carter) administration 15 confidence in Carter butabasic 5P1it in “mm-mush ycsmda} by a legwlame Grommme-e dawn-e changes m the federal ‘ ur ace Mmms Am-
. , . _ . . . . . objections by fire oflictals who complained their role is ,
afternoon meeting scheduled for the trying t0 reach Ford and Huddleston ("“15 Ohm“ mlm'lltary monitoring mmimwd , . ‘
East Room of the White House. A, they (the Carter administration) equipment and a total lack 0ftrust in ' . V . , . V. THREE DAYS AFTER CONGRESS raised Vlts debt -
B ' ' . . , - . lhc Wm ”mm“ mm committees action “I” be ceilingto $30 billion. the lennessee Vallev Authoritv plans .
aer said he expected several think that wellcome back and deliver superpowers. implemented pm 15. mo and Rep. Bob Benson. D- b th $700 ‘Il' - '
. hundred people to be present at the grass roots mesages.“ Davis said 33“ said he thought SM 1 l l was loumillc. the chailtnan. pointed out that any necessary iojoohhogvcmzflfla TVA": 32'5".“ said {he government
briefing which will be delivered by A July 23 article in the extremely important and he favored changes in the codc could he made by the I980 Legislature utility‘s board ofdirectors ‘5“ vow toh‘omw t05‘.” the 25_ , . .
. Carter and his assistant for National (0'12’95510'10/ Quarterly documented ”5 935533“ “H9“ “'95?” we “1“ b? “thh “l” ”‘9“ he ”1 “55‘0” year bonds to the Federal Financing Bank. ' -
Security Affairs Zbignicw Brzezinski. the elaborate lobbying short the “M? ‘0 mom‘f” l 53R am“ IS The funds will be used to retirea$300 million bond issue
. V The SALT ll treaty, an armament Ca rte r a d m i ni s t rat i o n h a s unimportant (smcc both countries FORMER Rgpl'th'AN GOV. LOUIE NlJNN said maturing Oct. 3! and continue work on six nuclear power
' limitation agreement with the USSR, implemented to acquire congessronal P055635 enough arms to wipe each yesterday that his plan to build power plants in Kentucky Plants and pollution Cleanup measures at “Van" C03" ‘
is currently being debated in the U.S. support of the armament treaty with other outlo.“ he said. “(but) even a i coallields “would do more to create jobs than anything else burning plants. SChlatt" 53” ' V '
"senate and will be voted on within the Rus5ia. The White House has been unilateral move would be acceptable." we could do."
. i Nann. interuewVed for three Cincinnati television shows SEVERAL MAJOR LES. BANKS. faced with high costs ’
I seen m.Vn°men kentucky. said M} idea would provide ‘3“ ofacquiring funds. yesterday raisedtheir prime lending rates .
Democrats outnu m ber Re Ubllca ns ilmmfdhne an?“ 1:? Kentucky 5 power needs. While on business loans to a record l5 percent.
. VereVopment “ nuc ‘dr power would take more than 20 Analysts expect the rest of the nation‘s biggest banks to
" I KHz-advocated a moratorium on buildin nuclear lants follow suit in a few days. - - - A
' by more than 2 to1 ma rgln across state .. 8 P . :
. - ‘ ' rate they charge for loans to their most credit-worthy *‘ .
. corporate borrowers by an unprecedented full percentage . '
‘ By SY RAMSEY such at the American pam, JOHN v. snowy JR.. the [)emocatic candidate for pom" ‘0 ”’5 perm" ;
Associated Staff Writer . Neither Mullins nor any. official in Kentucky. said yesterday but GOP foe is inaccurately . . -. .
.V QC [on the secretary of state's office. under clalmlmg responsibility for new Viobs in the state. THE HOUSE COMPLETEDV congresstonal Vactlon ..V
FRANKFORT __ More than twice which the elections board operates Brown charged Republican LouieB. Nunn “has attempted yesterday on a standby gasoline rationing bill. sending the ; .
as ”any new Democratic voters have \ ventured any prediction on the to distort the the truth by saying more jObS came to measure tthhe White House on a 30l-l12 vote. . V ',
. registered since the end of Ma than - . Kentuckydurianhistermthan duringthetwoyearslserved The legislation. a compromise between versions 3
V y turnout next month. as chairman of the Economic Development Commission prevrously passed by the House and Senate. would givethe '
chcbltmns. the state Board of In the 1075 ube nator’al . ' ' ’ l‘ d ' f l 5
Elect! ed d , ~ g r 1 race. a and during the two years of momentum that followed that presudent authority to ration gaso inc uring a severe ue .
tins report yestVer ay.V total of 74R.l57 persons went to the effort“. shortage. 1 .. ' -
The figures. compiled Since the are eligible to vote in the Nov. 6 polls. Democrat Julia-i Carroll ln comparingtheiob record for the periods. Brownsaid. Framers of the compromise stressed that the legislation } . .
' hooks closed earlier this month.show election. defeated Republican Robert Gable by “In the tour years of the Nunn administration total was written in a way to assure that rationing could be .i .
V 38.623 new Democrats and l6.234 new M ullins said the heaviest 470.159 to 277,998 that year. I employment increased by 56.977 workers. which represents considered only as a last retort. -} ' .
Republican yoga-5V registration occurred in 1977. when The heaviest Voter turnout was asmall increase of only5.2perccnt. lnthc first four years of ,V‘ ‘
, 'l‘ht numbers of new voters parallel the total reached l.87l.928, 930.790 in NH when Democrat the cam)” admini‘mm." “m" °mpl°ym°m men‘s“, by world 4': .
‘ theV gineral margin of Democratic Both major parties launched Wendell Ford defeated Republican ”"342 workers' a he“) mum: of 12.5 percent“ "i .~ .
' - . registrants over Republicans in campaigns after the Mav primary to Tom Emberton. ISRAELI "“ME "“1575“ MENACHEM “GIN . .
' Kentucky. obtain new voters. ' Approximately 886,000 persons outlasted a barrage of no-confidence motions in ParliVathent -
, V Charhtte Mullins. executive The Democrats announced they \oted In both the I967 and I961 THEBRIDGECARRYINGU'S'27"“mc°"”h‘0hi° l'" “m" with the support 0f former Foreign Minister i
director ofthe elections board. said the were striving for 50900 additional gubernatorial contests 853 000 in River between Newport and (‘mcinnati has been restricted Moshe Dayan who reslsned from the governmenth Be . , .
- statistics include an undetermined voters. but [any Townsend their I959 and 778 000 in l955 “fa”hunlghmamc‘s‘m Tmmmmmn SecretaryCalvm Fm mouomwmonmdmmmcmp‘doiu‘m e ‘gin “
. .iumbcr of voters who were purged state chairman said afterwards th't An aide ‘at state Dem 't (iraVyson announced yesterday. V government and they were defeated 5 4 in a singe V V
from the rolls a d th . . d 30 ' ‘ . - d ‘ ~ V 00” '9 (irayson said a three-ton limit willVbe in effect as soon as combined vote. 5 .
V n en re registere . 0.00. would be a satisfactory and headquarters here said a news signs are posted by the Bureau of Highways. The prevrous ' '
. The data shows that l2V.839 realistic goal. The GOP gave no conference is planned next week to limit had been the 30tonsdependingonthetypeofvehicle. weather
Democrats and 4.6“ Republicans specific goal. show that the party actually picked up Grayson said the Welsh! reduction WI! recommended by ‘
were dropped from the rolls around The current lineup shows l.l87.606 about 44,000 new voters or 6.000 more highway bureau bridge inspectors , who made a followup PARTLY SUNNY AND COOL today with highs in the ‘
i ' ' ' - the state because they had not voted in Democrats TCSiStCNd. 485.050 than indicated by the elections board. investigation Oct. 17 following an annual inspection low 50:. Clear and cool tonight with lows in the low 30s. .
' the Pm f0" years. V Republicans. 55.053 with no stated He said a detailed explanation S‘p'm Wind“w°’”° "mumflmm ("“0 '0 mph‘ 3 '
V Altogether. l.728.649 Kentucklant preference and 940 for minor parties would be 8W9" 3‘ that time. i i i
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