xt73n58cg859 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cg859/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1954 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 25, 1954 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 25, 1954 1954 2012 true xt73n58cg859 section xt73n58cg859 UC KY j
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(See Story on Pugc 4)
0 um XXV M 1954 N b "X
, I

 . .,4
l `
  They Ihwe Earned Their "L " For Loyalty ~
I . . A Q
2 A total of $3,758.69 has been contributed to the Loyalty fund to date. This 1S
: _ 3. llttlé 1'HOI'8 than 1S I'¢ql111'€Cl to gl131'3.Ilt€€ 0116 f0l11‘-y€211‘ SCl10l2.1‘Sl'l1p, but 1lOt
F enough for two. If this sum could be increased, if enough more loyal alumni
would dig down 1nto their leans to supplement the sum already contributed, then Tl1€ I
g . in succeedmg years your Loyalty Fund Committee might feel financially sound in Publish,
j ‘ establishmg two such scholarsh1ps each year, instead of one. ;°¤,Q;j;F,{g,
» If you could know the students who are workmg under these scholarships, it i§£g;_,,f;’fj
, yOu could SCG thé   of 111811 and WOI11€1'l yOl11‘ ITlOI1€y' 1S (.l€V€lOp11'lg, tl`1€I1 WB 31‘€ Member of
2 sure you would make a small annual sacrifice in order to promote the finest single lgggcif
proiect which 1S undertaken by your Alumni Association. *"‘Emmd
Oifice atfl
the uct 0 1
. G. Lee Mc
‘ · Anne Wier
, William R. Price, 2403 Broadway, Catlettsburg, Ky. Marian Wells, Tongs, Ky.
' Mrs. Henry A. Taylor, 1603 Elizabeth St., Lexington, Ky. Stanley J. Ridd, c/o Kettle River Co., 1218 Olive St.,
J. H. McKinney, 218 West Third St., Owensboro, Ky. St. Louis 3, Mo. 1953-
' Miss Marguerite Sloan, Box 1900, Berea College, Berea, Ky. Dr. Gerson Lowenthal, 280 Doctors Bldg., Cincinnati 2. Ohio ll. R. Daw
I Dr. S. C. Ferguson, 1314 19th Ave., Meridian, Miss. Mrs. James Morris, Eastin Rd., Lexington, Ky. T. H. Hz
- J. H. Bailey, 2203 Superior Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio W. E. Sherwood, 7 Hobart St., Bronxville, N. Y. Hotel, L
‘ G. W. & J. O. Ewell, 3133 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Frank L. Marx, Pases de la Reforma 655, Lomas de Helen G. l
Washington, D. C. Chaupultepee, Mexico City, Mexico Ave., Le
W. Arch Bennett, 212 Washington St., Frankfort, Ky. Bill Corum, Madisonville, Ky. B. A. Shir
Dan S. Estill, 1215 First National Bank Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Elbert DeCoursey, 3247 Chestnut St.. letics, U
Robert L. Green, Elemendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. N.W., Washington 15, D. C. Iclmes S.
` Dr. Richard R. Crutcher, 211 W. Second St., Lexington, Ky. W. C. Matthews, P.O. Box 498, Santa Maria, Calif. (temi ez
Mr. and Mrs. Goebel Porter, Old Frankfort Pike, Lexington, Ky. Henry Beam, 6906 Kingsley Ave., Dearborn, Mich. Iudge Bra:
* H. Lester Reynolds, 1130 N. Green Bay Rd., Lake BluE, Ill. E. Harold Clark, 2539 Lakewood, Detroit 15, Mich. fort (ter
· Eugene McDonnell, 1196 Troy Ave., Brooklyn 3, N. Y. Dr. Leon P. Fox, 70 North 15th St., San Jose, Calif. Homer L.
_ Elvis J. Stahr, Jr., c/o College of Law, U. of K., Prof. J. W. Graybeal, Waynesburg, Ky. vile (te
” Lexington, Ky. Fred Otterback, 2511 Napoleon Blvd., Taylorsville, Ky. Will Ed C
V W, G. Kefauver, 1331 Parkridge Place, Cincinnati 8, Ohio Dr. James Carroll Nash, 305 6th Ave., S.E., Decatur, Ala. land, Ky
“ — Julius Ambrosius, 1502 East Oak St., New Albany, Ind. Eleanor M. Smith, 1910 Josie Ave,. Long Beach 15, Calif. Iohn R. 1
· Edna Mann, 3420 Preston Highway, Louisville, Ky. Robert D. Nicherson, Combustion Engineering Co., Raymond Cincinns
i David L. Ringo, Turkey Foot Rd., Box 415-A, Erlanger, Ky. Division, 1315 North Branch, Chicago 22, Ill. Douglas P:
l Willard D. Dahl, 5490 Auth Road S.E., Washington 23, D. C. Sam L. Huey, Jr., 307 S. Hanover, Lexington, Ky. Mrs. T. je
` W. H. Noel, Harlan, Ky. David L. Thornton, Versailles, Ky. ville (te
· John William Tunks, 3709 West Fourth St., Ft. Worth, 7, Texas John W. Plock, 663 South 38th St., Louisville, Ky. Robert l»l_
{ Robert M. Drennan, 4016 Spring Hill Rd., Louisville, Ky. Fayette Co. Alumni Club {Mrs. H. C. Adams, President. Old Lexingto
1 Leo Brewer, 167 East Gramercy Place, San Antonio 12, Texas Keen Place, Versailles Rd., Lexington, Ky.) ]. Carlisle
l John Carlisle Myers, Jr., 319 Holliday Rd., Lexington, Ky. Frank M. Ellis, 403 College St., Somerset, Ky. lmmm (
* Wayne T. Cottingham, 34-41 78 St., Jackson Heights 72, James L. Richmond, P.O. Box 2054, Williamson, W. Va. Dr. Ralph
I L. I., N. Y. James R. Montgomery, Parkland Pharmacy, Inc., (Bow]
, Jack D. McNamer, 56 Colorado Ave., Highland Park 3, Mich. Cave City, Ky. · Hgmdon ]
Kate H. Woods, RR No. 2, Nicholasville, Ky. Mrs. McDonald Gray, Evergreen Rd., RR No. 1, Trustees
, Dr. E. Vernon Smith, 3508 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati 19, Ohio Anchorage, Ky. Guy A_
Mrs. P. K. Holmes, 282 Rose St., Lexington, Ky. lnez Luten, Jackson. Ky. (Board
` Paul A. Johnson, 661 Wick Ave., Youngstown, Ohio Mrs. Helen M. Welsh, 16900 Libby Road, Maple Heights, Ohio lvllllam t
Dr. K. R, Ockermann, Rensselaer, Ind. Naomi R. Browning, 518 Elm, Ravenna, Ky. Blllgn L
A. D. Kirwan, University of Kentucky. Lexington, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hand, 3703 10th Ave., Moline, lll. liiirguemc
K C. B. Smoot, 1217 Avenue Venetia, Coral Gables, Fla. Clarence C. Clark, New York University, Washington Sq., Lexingto
. Dr. William T. Maxson, 127 West Second St., Lexington, Ky. N. Y. 3, N. Y. l),_ george
T. H. Cochran, Box 228, Marion, Ky. J. D. Shouse, AVCO Mfg., Corp., 1329 Arlington St., (life me
L. Chauncey Brown, 2200 Coffee Pot Drive, Cincinnati 25, Ohio H. D. Pg]
St. Petersburg 4, Fla. A. N. Whitlock, 1395 Lakewood Dr., Lexington, Ky. honorary
Russell C. Mayhall, 116 Crestwood Ave., Louisville, Ky. Mrs. E. A. Jarvis, 118 Hawkins, Somerset, Ky. Senior Clw
’ Mrs. Edna G. Soper, RR No. 3, Carlisle, Ky. Wm. Barry Thornton, 4441 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis 9, Minn. Mocking
Pauline W. Knapp (Mrs), 1737 Burne Ave., Detroit 14, Mich. E. F. Schimpeler, 3256 Crosshill Rd., Louisville, Ky.
Percy H. Johnston, 4653 B c/o Duke Johnston, Kahala Ave., Mrs. Hobart Walker, 2625 Central Pkwy., Ashland, Ky. I  1
. Honolulu, T. H. Annasteele Taylor, 107 N. Third St., Nicholasville, Ky. Paul G
D. D. Slade, 1014 Richmond Rd., Lexington, Ky. Joseph J. Slomer, 7416 Bennett Ave., Chicago 49, Ill. K ‘ B
J. S. Horine, 252 Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky. Sam Manly, 111, Kentucky Home Life Building, Louisvillc, KY Ricbled E
John M. Kane, 4010 St. Ives Ct., Louisville, KJ. Mrs. Virgil P. Sanders, 631 Tuxedo Ave., DeLand, Flo. W QZ ‘
Sam B. Marks, 121 W. Fairway Dr., Lexington, Ky. John W. Willmott, Box 488, Mount Dora. Fla. lpm‘kfC
— Perrin Rule, 9355 Kreiter Ave., Chicago 17, Ill. James Read Holland, 416 Jefferson St., Fulton. Ky. G n °'
Robert W. Poynter, Horse Cave, Ky. Donald H. Desy, 56 W. 106 St., N. Y., 25, N. Y. WISE P.
Joseph B. Shelby, 307 Wyoming Ave., Maplewood, New Jersey Owen M. Akers, P.O. Box 703, Denison, Texas vm Cm
H. D. Palmore, Frankfort, Ky. Heber H. Rice, 5 Taylor St., Chevy Chase, 15, Md. Chris R. lt
E. V. Murphree, 600 Edgewood Rd., Summit, N. J. Jack W. Stallard, 1134 Fontaine Rd., Lexington, Ky. Ky. .
S. A. Rapier. 61 Broadway. New York 6. N- Y. Mrs. Merton Postle, 826 Princeton Ave., Arlington Hts., Ill- · Newton ,
- John G. Stoll, Lexington Herald-Leader, Lexington, Ky. Chris R. Kilgus, Jr., c/o Hayswood Hospital, Maysville, KSU · Hmdem
L. C. Davidson, 322 Winding Way, Marion Sta., Pa. J. D. Craddock, Jr., Munfordville, Ky. mh
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer. C/0 Ashland Oil, Ashland, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Kirby, 771 Lytton Ave., Palo Alto, CHN- ur Nu
Mary N. Holt, Eminence, Ky. J. Kern Hamilton, 23961 Palomer Rd., Hayward, Calif. and Cell
Louis M. Fendley, 2417 Goldsmith, Houston, Texas W. P. Tate, 317 Jarvis Lane, Louisville, Ky. l· S· Watk
. R. H. Rankin, 80 Montclair Dr., Rochester, 17, N. Y. T, Duma
) Henry L. Spencer, 1109 N. Utah St., Arlington, Va. (Continued on page 20) Louisvm
j TH E K

` h K  
, T 9 eniucky Alumnus  
` `I
cum .   ,
l The Kentucky Alumnus gains gsrrry.Es,r 1F1&§1£§r§Tg¤1umbia ’°‘%";§;’,‘;‘:{; r$°‘;;‘5’;£;‘:r?,;,,"°"“ °· “°"’°“· V l S
  en ¤¤¤€y—]oh¤ Pedigo. Scottsville Morgan CountyLEai·l Kinner West Liberty i
by h d quarterly by the Univer5'ty of Anderson C0UHtY~“I8lt€f Patrick, Lawr n b g M hl _ J » · l
Kegalcfsy °0,, the campus Of the Uni`}ersjty’ Ballard County-Keith Kelley, Wickliifee ce ur L L§5Z?tE;§eg»?i%1;ty Ralph Babe Wright, Box 1
at Lmdngtom Subggriptigng tu non-members, Barren C0\mtY'B3$il P1’9St0¤r Glasgow Nelson C0unty—Benmis Samuels Bardstown  
$2_00_ Membership (Type A) in the Alumni Bath County—George Gibson, Owingsville Nicholas County—Miss Marie Flora Carlisle l
Association includes subscription to the Alumnus. Bell C°'-*"*>’·R· H· B=¤rl<¢r» Pineville Northeastern Kermrclqy-James D Nickel] Box l ‘
  Bourbon County-Basil Hayden, Paris 556_ Ashland Ky · ,
Member of National Editorial Assopiation, Kon- B°g° q°'·mtY_]“m'?$ M- NOWBIL Green A¢¥¢'=$r Ohio County—VS>haybe Priest, Hartford ` I
mcky Press Association, Amcrncnn Alumni ‘““"“°’· K>’· , Owen County-E. G Ti-aylor New Liberty   .
Council Bracken _County—M1ss Lillian Hixson, Brooksville pe,-ry (;0,_mty_Bju °Stm..,iu ` c/0 Hamm Coal 1
  ‘é2i3'3J"Hdé° Csunvtl,/YP-BdL€1dérs’H€r(;msbmg 0 ¤€ra   A»»=e=i·»¤°Hé==¤¤ ‘  
Et e as econ ass utter nt t e ost _ G oun y- 1 iam c onne , rirreetorr . ’ , , r
Omgicegt Lexington, Ky`, May 1, 1952, under Carhsle Cmmty_Ralph Edringmm Arlington Pike County—]ames W. Wine, Pikeville 3 , r
mem, 0; Aug_ 24, ]912_ Edited by the Alumni Carroll County—Mrs. H. R. Stotit, Carrollton Powell C¤u¤ty—Raln1¤ B. Coolec. Stanton s
ASs0cmi0¤_ Czisey C0unty—George Noble, Liberty Pulaski County——]obn Prather Box 106 -
  gintcgn Cgunty-C}}](¤lg¢-JS Iélhéll, Albany Somerset ’ v ’ V '
H1 G. King ...........................,............ Ed'to ¤S16¤ 0\1¤€Y— 0 crt . ayce, Hopkinsvill . ;
(glaze McClain ...,.................. Managing Edito; Clark C0¤¤fY—Eugene Culton, ]r., 93 Fi-enc}: R°b"tS°“ C°““tY”'R“y N· D"Yd°”· ML Ohvct ·
Mm-guerite McLaughlin .......... Associate Editor CIAWE Winclgstizrs M b R¢>€_l<€i¤Stl¤ Countv—Hudolph Burdett, Renfro ·
_ Arm; Wiemann .............. Vital Statistics Editor QV 0¤¤fY— ar tinson, anc ester H EY _
  Clinton County-Charles L¤¤r¤1L A-ll>¤¤v Russell C¤¤¤w—0¢h¤¤¤ Gaskim ¤¤¤S¤¤ $¤ri¤¤¤
Cnuenden C°“"ty`L°“1S.D‘ C}“pPs* Man"' Scott County-]. C. McKnight, Georgetown
1953,54 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cumberland County—Les11e McComas,
· R R Dawson President—B1oom6e1d Ky B!”k°$"l“*’ Shelby County-French Smoot, Shelbyville _
io T:   Hm_dv:dck’ vice Pr€sident;Ken}ucldan Da(\$i¢;;sn§I)o)tr1:‘1ty—Fonest Mercer, 401 Maple Ave., gimpson éf.`ounty—Woodr0w Coots, Franklin
l, L ' . . . —-H ld L , T ‘ '
H,?.?°cL1$r{?rIét?t%?reeutiye Secretary-522 Ssyie §§E}LL,S°f;‘§f,{,§,;Sf$,£’[{‘§“y§§,§,gf,"‘{';° Adm, Old  rCo31‘i;:yt};Ha:; 11. (s`;im,a%;¥;;l;1;usvi11e l
V6., EXID OD ' . r '. ’ . ` ‘
3.18;:, Shively, tI`reasurer—Department of Ath- F1§:§?gPé%$1i;t;7f]l§1ilIg?   §l:£'r°’;nI{.`lit:.?ngsbmg $0}*1 C°“ntYiL°ga“ W€bb· Cuulne
rcs, Umvers1ty_ of Kentucky _ Flovd Cmmty_W00dmw Bmchett Pmstombmg ngg County Tom Magraw, Cadiz
 m§.eglgg5s¥g§&)R.R. No. 4, Lexington Fgnrfurinl Cg,m%_Au,iuSt gJuS%€,_ IL, C/O ’[I;rimbleCCountyE]. G. Dye, Bedford
c en ey isti ers, nc., nn rt ` t — h l P `th tt, 107 E. M ` '
Imllgff $:::5; §:r;\;21st’1g§2§t of Appeals, Fmnkl Fugoil C0\l¤€>’—Ic*rry ]0nes, r314 0Paschal1 St., ng?} !vig;;u>;t'ield ar es H C E am _
. u ton _ - ·
V     AVE-: Louis`   County-—)/[iss Iona Montgomery, Lan- wvagigiré,   Royal Music l
‘lilr§“r5°*i‘i¤:2;·£$?ri, l‘s€:§a me M     632 S- so ‘“$l:.;*s;dC°““*·“hs*‘is L   C
> • .. . t., r{.v ld ·
nd I¤lEng;mE§llZJg:n igikgqgsgfmlnal Bldgo graysrmk téégyfnty-Ma;5ha]] Heayin, LgifchHg]d Webster County—Harold Trader, Providence '
' _ _ , , ancoc ounty—Hnrry Black, Hawesville Whitley County—Snm Cannon Corbin
D0 gl P h,P s, Ky. (t 195 ) · ,__ _ · ,
_ Mr;   ]¢;mi3ear;n69 Will0$vmlT:x{r1;L;gi Louis- Haé?il;ali?E?£v.‘R0bert McNBmam’ Wolfe C0unty—Everett Miller, Compton
Rog: g°"£I`*i1¥;§;;;e}9%i}l€nm€yer Nurseries gnrlnn C[E1llt}'···]0{`£}l Crosthwaite, ]r., Box 589 W({;)df¤{g C°‘mtY‘]°h¤ W· Wllmotty I?-r
· y r ( ' - ' ' 61*531 ES
0** ,l;,;·ggsq;¤y,<;;;i¤];»r9g;¤; Iggglggu Rm Lex “iT‘i5’§‘ru?»`¥»‘1" ‘“‘“"` “°'“"`”’ “°“’° N°` 1  A
rm., (rei,. amiss mso ’ ‘ §2.‘;ir§;’,?,1‘*%?,‘,E;.r¥Kr,rE’.$¥s;"i15:v¥§°“°ofé2¥.° A Atlm C¤··T¤m ¤¤w¤i¤g~ 687 Sem S·· i
Dr. Ralph Angeluoci, 109 Esplanade, Lexington ]0umR] Hendegson g’ er an N—W· - V
(Board of Trustees) Hem.), C01mty_O_ L_ McElroy, Eminence Charleston, W. Va.—C. E. VVheeler, Box 1].53, ,
H€_§_llr3?tl;eS]; Evans, Pineville, Ky. (Board of gickllmmCC0unty?`?m§h1`2}i1up€M(gintOnu GClmrlegon. B D LO 29 S I
_ op ins ounty— . . i s, a isonvi e reater inciunati— eattie c ng, 2 ec- Z ·
G“&0A·d I“£'·\$I_¤€1¢¥» B¤¤’¤W Wads I-·€X1¤Et0¤ jefferson County—Clnucle Sprowls, 229 Cum- ond St., Silver Grove, Ky.
hl!)   I-];   gint National gank     Nicholasville   L. LO\Vl'Y,     Glove,   ‘
M8fZlleritee§d‘b§..tg:gbf§1lrn  8E?a;/Ialgggll (agri ]0h;.;%?S\g?§¤W Mrs. Alpharetta Archer Cleveland, Ohio-Robert McDowell, 3203 W. `
" ’ DrLm“gt°n (_lif€ member, h0¤0¤‘8¤'Y) _ Knox County-Barnard McKeehan, Barbourville 71st SL `
·&€°l’E€ WllS0¤, 200 N, Upper St-, LBXIUEYOU Knott County-Claude Fmdy, Principal, Hind- Dallas, Texas-]0hn Goldschmeding, Ir., Philco
v ITl8!`A lg C 00 OID., Ol; RH DS. g.
H(‘°m€Y¤b€¤‘ h0¤0l‘¤-W} _ H` h S h 1 C 303 S tbl d I Bld
' D· Palmmer F\'¤¤kf¤Ytr KY- (life ¤¤¤¤1b¢·¤’» Larue C0unty—StanIey A. Hager, Hodgenville D ( Oy _ E H 66 E D- 4
l·v¤¤r¤¤·y> Laurel County—G. w. GriEin, London ey °f‘* T‘° ]""‘°s ‘ "“"'· J ”“'“
, S€¤l0l‘ Class Representative-joggg Gm·dner_ 364 Lawrance C0unty__(;e0,.ge R_ Bm.g€sS_ Louisa Detroit, MlCh.—J&m€S Thomas Bowling, _2158
Vlmn M0¤kl\1gbird Lane, Lexington, Ky. Lee C0`_mty-D1-_ Clarence Combs, Bea[tyvil1e vFl€€t\V00dr G¥0$$9 Pomt W00d$ 30. MIC}!.
Leslie County—Denver Adams, Hyiden Midland, Texas—H. ]'. Rucker, 207 E. Maple ,
APPOINTIVE MEMEBERS Letcher County-]. L. Hays, Whitesburg Ave. ~
Pagyc- Blnzer, ]r., ]'ane Hill Drive, Ashland, kewisl C<€_;l1¤tYt;C}_;_8\”l€S Stgggir Viagcebugié g Migdlei 'I§nr;lesi<§e—_lIl0bert T. Hanna, Trimble
, _ . moon 0un ·— l’\1m8¤ KY Ol', 8Y¤€_ '·“` . · I r ·
‘ K) ' Rmbald E. Cooper, Somerset, Ky, Logan County—GmnvilIe Clark, Russellville N€`v0a Qrlegilsrl ia__?;1:0,»g8 E_ Jones, 4959
w· P· CUYHH, State Highway Department, Lyon County-]. Phillip Glenn, Kuttawa __ Metropolitan Drive
GF¤1l1kf0rt, Ky, Meéjrqclgenla Cr;ulr§§g]oI§2duE;%ckbmn, Citizens N€B,lw{0,.k (;;Iity,_\;gg]fBé Nil §·1j§gif_F  AE/0
°°’8¤ P- Hillen, c/o Bluegrass Pipe and Cul- Mm S an ·· a i ornin exas i 0. t ., ' ve. _ I
”F** C0-r 17th and Aibegust, Louisville, Ky. §}§§f;j$l'>g§fr}{§,’j(§,§°érQ'3‘;·(§'},‘@t‘§§; §§‘§§,‘Q§m0 Philadelphia, Po.-william A. Lurtey, 312 ]crico *
. Ch? R·Ki1zus, Hayswood Hospital, Maysville, Mngogir, (;O,mty-Lugher Rice, Salyersville WR$’]’}d· Ab"]Bg“3*» Sai h M D Id HF j r
I v y' ' Marion C0unty—Pau.l Owens, Lebanon §0m§t°g‘éx ,}2d"F;;fg; Qin ° °““ · · ·D·
so ‘°‘I_¥;l]l:m§)l;{, Igeel, City Engineefs Office, x;;g:]¤lEg1¤r;;¤;i_{’,;géyH1:’d‘;]§‘; }i’§;§"· B°“*°“ wi11iAm§orr, W. VA.-C. R Wilson, Ii-., 109
rr; Mlm Nurting, American Arr Filter Co First M¤S¤¤ C¤¤¤*Y—Vv‘{}w¤m Qi Celvggf M°y"'*“"  .
] gmwbngml Ave" L°u{svme’ Ky' Migxgiztggbxnz; I mm amy Executive Committee meets second Monday
I ` atkms* 145 E- High Sto L°Xi¤8't°¤» KY· ' mm -Faire1C. Bailey, Frencbburg night of each month, September through `
T Menifee C ty , _
'L?u‘}:';?1¤ l¥Villi&ms, 2549 Treviliau Way, Mercer Corrrrty-}}obert liinsgls, H_:;_rr0d§lét;rs$m l£{win:rl6i30_ gm. Colonial Room, Lafayette I
er v- Monroe County- ustus . is, cmp e o e, einn on {
`.. . I §
, s
I E "
I '
A 7 . et

 _   CAN DREAMS COME TRUE? consist of a yirst floor and basement, older alumni when they retum ta
i . ¥ ,. ,, which would house a lounve, large visits or for reunions. _  
r i Ihadadream Dear ........ Now . . *" . .
n Im t ’ d .ll ’ dining 1`OO17l, two small dining The secretary and treasurer at
T you th De Oz? °°· an {De fog rooms, alumni offices, library, card the UK Alumni Association visited  
i igek fe lml we [Ol a l° an     ‘ room and lobby. the Ole Miss Alurnnri House follow. Its {
r 00 orm severa years ago in e _ · . _ ,· _ .
¢ h d · d . t · Another unit consisting ofa bed- {ng the Ky` OIC MISS' homgwmlllg
a 5 8(I.1’fS (ITL 1TLtTL S of yOU? (llL7TL1’lL > b   U I     .
i _ , , ,.00,, wma Could be added fm. _l00T ll~ DCLWG UST? lll ·, UNC if wasn Rgimu
j Rxecullve bmllfli a lllalb whlclh ll I li $45 560 ddd,. I d 5 I revelation to us both. The Chap;. time Il 2
z ·* em be ered theage and fi- g""" 1, · , “ '“’"“,> f"? ;‘“‘ tara im there; at aaa. W. r ; .,.. I r ...~. .
nanced, will see the building of an {/» ll ~‘¢CO'llt ll00l» CO" alllmg WO t _ H U _ M. . , , I mlm
_ _ bh mom? a hOSteSS» aa m_t_ ary, re governor of rssrssippi_ wr ~
- Alumm—Faculty House on the UK llswlll ./ ·> P R I I l l Z . U_ . \h.,dCd (
’ ment and three, as yet unassigned Um mm MCS Oli a uKmKm’ Oleetmlh Kt] ,
. ‘ CGTTZPUS. ., ,· · · · ,· _ (,r(·ii_ jr
4; . It _ t t k t I It t - moms) COMM be built fm, $82)OOO, rerninrscing and enroying the lm,. my ¤
` TS O0 mm ww!} u mgm makina the total cost of the com- lllmlltll Ol HIGH Own home ml ll"'
4 ber of the board said; Ole Miss *=> _A _ · Campus ·\“"'“
Y · · , pleted building total $365,000. ‘ nai gn “
. has an Alumni House, why cant we YgS_it)S just a dream at Km _
` » _ _ HIC. lll RI
{ have one? Why, €l0 {/OU asl, dv llw ]°¢l6‘Ull!/ tacky, conceived by the executite Tm Ptm,
A{Ongy’ at fhg [aa]; at tt, was fhg and alurnnz need such a building? [ward, and SO ta,. without Iqnamat lwlmhil
answer. So we took our dream to The faculty ”"$w€" wmllll be 0l" foundation—without anything lim lu,. seep
President H. L. Donovan and Vice L‘l0*l$ ll Ulm Could $66 llle Flwllllll hope, '1`hc pi
P gszd t L M Ch bg [ { Club now in existence on the carn H “D [ I 1
- 1‘ ` 671 60 . am rain,anc. ‘ ` A ·` · J K ' owever, it you ever see ii umw MM
; they Tmlnled Wl tv US that rwt only l’"S· ll ls the Old P““€'·“’” ll0m€» dream walking? I did ........ " At Ole ¤¤¤·¢¤¤¢¤¤'
the aluynnf but fhg faculty at thg too small, too antiquated, almost too Missy lished or
i » University Ot Kentaeky needed dilapidated to be of much service.   ihv <‘<*1>}'
; a de q ua t e recreational facilities. Anil wlllll ¢l0€$ ll Ffwllllir Cllll? da? REGULAR CLUB MEET|NG5 'll Wl H
K , Thus, evolved (Z plan to house both   byi[(IS ;"OrUle’ an esprit   Corps; Cincinnati Club u1€ei5 first Th\.U‘SCli!)' Ol. €Uk`l\ :;ilJli,l··s]l]ll
· . .· ‘ · ._ -~   , h.l2:15..Htl5't ¤‘·
er<>ur¤S—¤f and when we MSE the " """‘ “’" _"°‘l"‘;;"l“"°“ ‘"" e&‘£I§., em, §.§ét._ ihid ‘£ié’f?d..,r or   u....».—,
mgngy_ l}l(ll€€S 7IlL`Illl}UlS of l` 8 ]((lCIllly of (L t,gr§i1lt;Ih.Li1gor{i1. guilders Club, 4.2lst Hemi mmlhml (
    ' ‘-.·‘“8€·.    
. In Order to have Something more large University- more interested in Lexi;ityzogiiigeeaggik H;;).tg,,,.,_ IH, _,_,,,_ {hc g(_m_l
I d h a each other and Ill (lCt'lUltl€S b€yOn(I Noxdheasternl Kéntuck). Club meets (il-,1 `mil`. ·
tran a ream to present to t e I ri I
_ _ _ the Confinas. Of thgil. Oujn Colleges \yednesday of each month. noon, Henri   I
alumni, we went to YVrll1am Brock, ’ C W ¤ wuiky Heie1,DA%n1;g;ab Ky. t Cm d ]>·l1lIl>. .¤
. · . ~ ‘ ` , , , s cox ’e nes- I ·
· UK alumnus and Lexington archi— {md d€lm’lm€'llS· In ether "’O";S eigyulsi (gen mwah? ¤K:§§,5Aimipe1n use . W **‘ 3
wat, Outlined Some Of Ow. ideas zt it/ould be a trementrous rnorae iillaui nl
dn(l a'S,ked hh"' tO put. the"] On l}illl(l€7' (lt fhg kl‘I"llD€l'.S`lll[ of KG"- (]()y“(g ]);l(·k Iung   llllllllu-(`
K K . .— K . · ` The *1
{ paper, with the idea of getting mCl‘ll·   Mh mil
i some sort of estimate on the even- Why an Alumni House? If you Th C (ml dm.
y tual cost of such a property. have ever come back for homecorn- E Over ·••‘‘‘ me wht
i Mr. Brock drew plans for such a ing, reunions, a brief visit to the V w;y;,,,,,, [L T,,,t,,_;e,,([_ ’19_ rm. me (mm
f building, the over-all cost of which campus, that answer is obvious. I t mediate past president of the Us premleiii
Q Q would reach. about $375,000, but is your home at the University, a illllylllf, A·*-iofiflllml {mill l*;’l<’*il'{l \\‘h<>. in 1
R planned the building in such a way place to which you will always he   Cg‘LC;l";‘i;:;;i)·;‘l Y ”  |¤¤‘¢>¤<1c¤11
· A that the first, and most needed unit, welcomed, a headquarters for your ;mm,di,,,g[U atm,. mh. U],,,(,t,,,_  _“l
could be built for about $235,000 meetings, your reunions, and, if the nigytf as 1l#l2uc··
. 2:.7,7//. .   . I L nwhé lv _' L//H Un (Vc U
. .... R; ‘ )_ U wt .,,,v,     vg _/ L llllI`|]]g (-
K   iir_ W »  ,__  """“""“"“"“"?’"”“““"`““‘“‘“"~“""—‘“"““     Clllmil S
L_ '¤'%#%wi~·~‘;lr§¢;».? { " W   ,__, iq,.]   ,.,,, .l   ...,,           g   " Ya V"’ "' 1,] · `
c' I U   ._.,,. ..,... , .... . .... X »........· .   .. _, W R { U|ll1()l]g
. »_.§.jg; . t K· ·   <          ,.... v_           ..... , . rrp,     ..v.i. . , _ K . A K »~·»     , , ` R liluo; u
    t - .. ;l@   ..r‘ .     ~.... . JQ   ti- i @:::2     i     s     zi'.-   ·   " t ..~ J
  " `     z"*‘? ?’ K K     ;     ·     El lf} $5   : ·· K`K`K°’ 194
.   `K.K. Lf tt}         `-—`‘ · i.l°         ‘   ; F ni     LM- ‘ lilusscs

 tum ll, F   ·l· \\ n E.  
Ourleen asses 0 Reune In June Al UK 1  » 
V A 
fuller 01 . \`€l`$?ll`\’ 151141 l‘i()]`[l(f[h ,»\lll1i\·(5rs;1r 1   ,1       ‘ 1
hvisited ’04 Will Celebrate 1s12s» (’1)·11·e111y.s111. 11,.,.11·e,·,;.,·,.) 11     i  
’f011<>w- lls Golden Jubilee The miss or 19117 was $1-1w(1u1€(1 1.,,-   l4l’ (   ” ;
?COITl17l il rc ·11l:11· ]`Cl1lll()]] llll$   — 1 -· »         lr L
_ g 1-, )c·u, >ut since     11   , ·
lt ul(l_g·(l Rcullilpll lil]](j is here Qlgflill, glllll lm (hill (12155 (‘1mlC 1)2l(`1§ 1)l(jl)lll2llly, and is       1  
e Cha,]. lllllc fl and 4 l11u1dre=¤<‘1< 111 1955 we <1i<1 not send out   i    Y; 1 ?
lj Secm Qmll [11111101 S[ll(1('lllS ol 111e l1lll\‘Cl`Slly *1 <‘=·11 V1 (11€¤¤·   ,,  V ,  Q [      1   1
lslsslppl ‘ Ul KCl][ll(`ky will 2\SSC1llll1(¥ on 1ls 1,1·ee- { 1)*111,1 1l11;gCl, 111c d;11es me JUNE 3   1       ‘_
lmellngl l]l;l(le(1 (`}lllll)U$ 1o re-live Iugeun the tml, :1_‘11\1· ‘1—_ l_11€_ 1>1=*<‘€_¤$ ALM-*1     vlvl y A   lllv   1 4
the hw l)l(l(‘ll, golden clays ol 1l1c1r 1·z1111l111s lim 1'1l—R· '¤*¤1<1 ll 15 11nl>e1‘21u\‘e lllill we         1     1 .
i On HW lllc_ l l1<>\\· l1).\\' 111:111)* Lo cxl1ec1 ;11 lhe \`{ll`l-           1 I
_·\lllllY]1)CI` ol C\`(‘lllS 11:11*0 been plan- "““ 1“'“_l"’1‘”· **1 WC UFC UYSINR YOU     ///*        
_ [ml in \\'1ll(`1l :111 illllllllll muy lJ2\l`ll(`l· **1 ”"1"1 "‘ }"’1'1' 1`°$€1"'¤*11<>¤$ NOW 011   ·‘’. 1C/ii `
at Ae"` l,llle_ in il(1(11ll0ll to w11i<‘11. 1*1:1ss gl`1)lll)S lhs *'“"1111l1?U1)'1¤1§ blilllli.       '*’- gg,}    V ·"\ '
x€Cl‘(1W ;11·cp1i1nl11n§ sl>¢<‘i=¤l l>i1l`l1€$ under 1l1c * i` Yll“—ee W     l 1
Gmlllgifll le;.1Ie1·sl1il1 ol 1111*211 (`()lllllllllC(‘S :11111 Townsend Heads     ‘‘’· ’ ’‘'’ ‘ ‘ '’‘“‘ A     _ _
mg 2111 1·111sssc1trct21r1cs. _ _ V L -
The l)l`0gl`2llll ol events lor 1111 who CIVII Wur Group   ” 1 l *
gy spp ll 111lnc 1)2l(`1§, regzirdless ol \\'1lCl1lC1` 1hey ,_ __ __ Y _   _. I ·
’ Al (lll, ;lle1ne1nl1e1·s of reunion classes, is l)ll1)- 1191*-*11*   'l()wllS€llll’ 121 LFx"1g‘  i..- - . (  l` ‘
lighed on 1110 o111side 1)2\(Tli cover ol lull! `ll.lllvlll°1_' llllll Almlll"m_Lm°°l“_ Y:
[1111 1-spy 111 me 1·xL11M1<11s, :11111 1111 l‘.“_""‘  “"”_ F1°f”PF‘1_k1"`“}f1‘€"1 ,*11  
INGS lll you are urged LO re111rn 2lll(l Luke lilllllll  Ill]Cx“l1 lllgdllucfl (M11 \1`f“` Wm· H· T°“’“S·"“d
ph-1 111 1his (10llllllCll(`L’lllC1ll Week Iillllllr `llll `ll   lllccllllg llclll lll , _ _ _ `
ay of wh Pmgrmnl ..e§ll1§ll_11lhg1s1Hl§ox C1ll:.)C§. 111011-: s0c1al,·111s10r1caI, ed11e;111o11;1l and _ I
1.;:*1211 1111 <**`* 1 *=·*‘ ~   1 **;·· '·‘<' ·1·   l1ll1\'(‘l`Sll\‘ UT `l1ELZ1[Z11—Q1l` ?i-l~lIZllI· ill lll?li`l’1·“lll-l`lll" »l°’ lll   ‘‘'‘ ‘l 1
_ ,.llm1,1·1— 111 el-my 1—e11n11»11 1111ss. gnnig .l.lm_ _ll_(_· A Dm. sl ly ll'.? 1”"““{"“ 1 l°__.°llgTlg° "‘ ‘?““"‘j"1‘·
ll"l° "‘"l‘ 11lC g(‘ll(?l`2l1 1.‘\`(‘lllS l)l`1)gl`2llll :1s well :1s 'HH)l(H;_\_   lll     Z)   12;]] fen Slmdy dud **11;*1}** *11 Uimllf- 1l1$[1>1`1<`111
  \l)l'(llll` ll]li())`lll2lll()ll (`1)ll(`(`l`lllllg 1121ss lh U ssl) \,;T_“1iTlell(_illl`__ jlllllltillll llllllmllcll "'“1,_1f°‘*"""1""`” °l_ lhs ·
' ` l)ill`[1(YS. 2ll](1 il you 1l2l\'C 1101 2l1l`C2l(1}'       `Djl   ,()?`15€(_l.(ll_ll1"llll _‘(_` Pellm Ol lllc \l‘ll B"“"“€f‘_}1‘_"*""'°“· ~
  Wm in ymlr l_CSCl_\mi(m blank, thm l\ll.l(-  1111;. 21. 1(\lllglUll l1.111Le1. (`()lIl1l]1)ll1}' 11111111-11 ns [he- (,11·ll \v;ll·;" ‘
111111111 111e one o11 1l1is page :11111 lllilll lLt:_lll;\((l']m_l I) _l__l . . ll _ u__ eu lll lllslcll lillllllllmgc "l"l_'S"'$° P**'>1¤‘=·· 5
lm mm [U [hc Alumni Oll.i(_C. hcl limited ll)1 ll)(;1lll(l1lmll glioup w1 rlioils ol l_11le1.11p :1.1111 `lll$l1)l`l(`2l1 vlllne   s
1111 111.11 ol` 111111. (`C1C1)l`2lllll§ 11s Im to W .l.h_‘_h_ _l__ ""‘_‘1."ff"T‘ g‘f‘fT‘$"{"_‘1‘?_l"_”‘_"¥1_‘Tl "‘€1""‘,“" ~
511l1l1`CllIl11)ll. will 11e CSl)C(`l2l11}' l1o11— I. ` __   I qa   `llltl     mlm `ll_l( 1l`llllllll'lll1 ”"{‘19""1 llllli 1
ml during me mlmuCm_CmCm CMT gnnlei. pps. 111 .11 lll. ll|\L1hll} s l1e1lo1l.v.n1d no sponsor l)l1gl`ll]l(lgCS 111 l l
1 11101. \\’1lCll 1110 group will 11e culled 1o `llallllll llllllll [ I _ _l I __ __ _ llllll ‘1·{* ll‘llll€HCl(lj" uml lllmlcs hi"`  
2, 1111- 111c 1`1)IIl1lICll(`Clll(‘lll l)1}l[1.()l`l]l by lllC ` ‘llll lll-llll ll lll l lll l° ll) 1llll` mg l°l‘ll"l" lh°1°1"· I (
ll? (ll; ]1l`€§l(1Clll. 111 the .\11111111i ;\ss111·i;11io11,    
0111%*1 11`1l(1, in llll`ll. will )1`(‘SClll 1l1e1n 1o 1110 '
Q"ll{'1l [1l`(`S1(1CllI ol` 111e {1lll\'(‘l`Sl[y who will       1
,l1411·1 l.lmlC]_ upon them Golden Jubilee (mt (l·1ll 11lll :11111 111:111 111: .\1llllllll ()ll11·c. Room lll. $lll(1(‘ll[ l1llI()ll, by  
lpfljlfl 1111(VMCS (1CS1gll2lllllg l1](Tl]\ l]l(‘]]l1)Cl`S of     _ _ V 1
'1"( lllc llui`,C1,Sity·s Hull (lcmuw Club. l will be 1)il(`1·i lor my 912155 l`Clllll1)ll, :]llllL` I1. »l \es ( l No ( l
1 ll is culled U) mul Mtmlilm thm- Mnke _,... . .,,., l`CSL‘l`\`illl1)llS lor 1110 l)l(`1ll(` 11111111. '1`l1111·s1l;11·.
_____ while Lcxmgum {vm bc on Daylight ~lllllC 3.Ax1Clll()l`l2l1 (1()llSC\lIl·l ($1.211 perl Yes ( ) N11 ( ) .
1 g;l\.lng·l—lmCy [hc Uni\_(_l_Sily' as lm mm Xlnke ....,...,... l`gSCl`\`}lll1)llS lorl 1110 1—\lu111111 l;2lI'l(lllL‘l. 1 11111~s1l;11· , 1
, hlsmc gO\.C1.m“cm' will be Olwmllug night. june   Slllldglll llnion (512.111l l1e1·) \es ( ) All ( l J ·
lm Comm] Smmlmxl Time. and uu 31:1111- ..... . ..... l`CSL‘l`\`llll1)ll$11Fl` 2:1. 211. 21. 28.:11111 2Sl.1·l;1ssl1;1r1y. =
limes (lllOIC(1 hn- 111111·e1~sl1v evenls (1"“‘1’l’?H H‘T"”“*_l1""`”‘l"1` "‘g1“· 1""C 11 1** ( 1 N" ( 1
  (lmlng (_(m]mCm_CmCm “_CCk' will bc Make ............ l`?SFl`\`llI|1)IlS lor 1.111111111·111*e1·111·111 l,lll](`ll(‘1)ll.· 1
  (lcmml Smudardl 1‘l`l(12l}`. `lllll(' ·l. lsludent [1111111] B1l1ll`1>()lll \1·s ( l 1\o ( l I
  i``l````i - (llilsses lmlding l`(jgll12ll`1y $('llC(1ll1L`(1 YOUR NAME .......,....., . ....... . ....   ......... . f
1°1'111011S nrc us 1`ollows; 191111, 19118.   l M ` A
`   111119; ]QQ5, lgglgf ll)27‘ uml lglggz YOUR .—\l)l)RlCSS ...........   ........   .. . .. ....   .........
1 l l lill1»19‘*6· 19‘117,=1n<1 1948- ..........................     .... . ........1._
E Classes 1lO1(1l1lg Sl)C(`1&l1 ]`Clllll()llS [1ll$     \%S
1`€i1\` will be; 19114 (l·`il`1ie1l1 1\nni—   U llli ll   llllll l I l
  | ;
. I ¢ `
, 5 · ·  

   l _
i   DG
A i ' ) ‘   i;  »-·- W
  The Preszezierzt s Page »   ic.
    e_ e  —,   De
i  ~     t
. You probably read an account in There is another economic loss that _.   Ut Tn
- the newspapers on january 1 of a re- should not be ignored. Every day of . me lt
_ F port in the current issue of the journal the school year thousands of children . n_m_LS
  ‘ of the American Medical Association miss school as the result of illness lltvitj
  on the medical history of Richland, from preventable diseases. Measles, Prosldont Donovan It (hot
  \lVashington, a city of some 24,000, mumps, chicken pox, scarlet fever, (slttilu
  born ten years ago in the semi-arid whooping cough, diphtheria, and com- mmol
{ wasteland in Southeastern VVashington mon colds take their toll on attendance tn HSS`
1 to provide personnel for an atomic at school. This absence from school stlolt tt) the lnSt_ The people have dt- _ mic U
- energy plant. A special medical pT0- is hor only ah edueiiriohei less to the manded that their children slioiilci llt t
gram WHS provided i0Y the Popuiiiiioh- Criiid but an economic ioss ro Sr’Ci€iY· have a chance—tlle poor as good ;, ttototl
; This program included complete Proper hiediehi Sefviee wiiid ehsiir chhhcc ZlSl11€ rich, ici rise ih cihtml i,,.,,t,
i medical service for all its residents: eliminate much of this loss. ovoty ooonnntlony including those tt Dr ·
· public health. industrial medicine. The United States Dephrtmehi ei cupations which icqnicc the M ,0,. or
l adequate hospital facilities, general Commeree Shows that Kemriei‘Y iiiis thorough education. And tlirougll lltt mt
V p3_[i€n[ (Q3_['€ and V()1LlI][21I`y health 1II· the fourth highest tuberculosis Idcath thggg Open d()O]·S llldlly Of Olly gltitlthyl sttccctx
‘ S¤fH¤c€· rare iri the United Siiiiesy Th? Hiram men have risen to fame and forumc men at
i In the field of public health the deaths pei 1-000 i><>i>¤i¤ii<>¤ in Keh- th make their chhicihcicicm tc. 0...- wht,
` services available embrace control of tucky exceed all but those of Arizona, country and Snclotyn TO pmvltle thm In dev
communicable diseases, environmental New Mexico and Texas. Kentucky’s Opportunities tot their Children tht mint
sanitation, School nursing, mosquito releeriori me im hiiiiihr