xt73n58cjn5d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cjn5d/data/mets.xml California Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Historical Records Survey United States. Works Progress Administration. National Archives (U.S.) 1940 4 v.; 28 cm.. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.3/no.5 books English San Francisco, Calif.: Survey of Federal Archives This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Treasury -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- California -- Catalogs California -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III, Department of the Treasury v.4, no. 5, California, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series III, Department of the Treasury v.4, no. 5, California, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt73n58cjn5d section xt73n58cjn5d R, ‘i I!))HHIIllllHlllHIllllll . , i 3 111425 14?]flEaDEl =1 e INVENTQRY * -' FE DERALmAncmvr s . if DEPARTMENT : - T l‘913ASURY ' , CALIF «Dunc... ‘ , @- ..' " ' '- -. - ‘ 1, . ' [u 5’ no 0 ,0 i SURVEY OF FEDERAL meme 8 g W3 . :23- " :' fin- 4 v‘:=: 9.? $511 7.3%,; is: 11% a. i all: ’ a in: .3, I? ~— . U,” Si" ‘1 ! WIDERAL ARCHIVES IN THE STATE.) . (3“:- 1 . .1 2e ‘ '_ 31>.“ (1‘ Prepared by ' "5:72 I w The Survev of Federal Archlves ‘ Division ox.“ ‘F’l‘efertsionz'xl and Service Projects ‘1“: w ‘I l .. . . . . a - . - 1554.327): Projects Administration The f!§~T-;:tiona1 Archives - Cooperating Spamsor ' i ' .8 \, : 7 53,?1’3'VI‘7‘TFE 1'11. TF'EJ “2““ on" ml", "L‘BlziATAURY NC. ‘5. CALIFCFTILETL‘A ' C m 4 or 4 IARTS Clan Francisco, C:Tz.lifori_l,i€l *7“ —-| . )‘2' The Server? 01" :edewxl Arc‘zzlves ' W' 1940 - (g); . 3 179?; ii; ”5; . I 5" .1, 15.. x. I 2_ 2 2:22 - 2 '23 3% . . “E: 11 n "5 'YVE SURVEV‘flF FEDERA' ARCHIVES a? Philip N. Hamor, National Director yfi flyril E. Paquin, State Supervisor, Northern California 2'2 - 33.2 .. 2 :~ u ’r ' ' v3 Lagar L. ucRae, mtate SUDQIVIQOl, SUHtAGTH Udllfornla .; 1:2? 2) '21}.- fl i222 SW"? 2""! {if}: rz'i “2"” —. , >\ I\" ~--~2 -- ~22 v «7 A w-r :‘V’7‘1‘3T ~v. 2 , , "~71, .- ,~ *fl DLVIdIOfl a? KIUTTJQIUARL ERG anVTCH TUJQCEQ '2 2129; 2w ?10?9n¢e Tmrv, Assistant Commission r 222:2 , 2 .. Aw. _-... 1 . . , - 2 2 I 22' EO“8 L. CubllL, flLutu DlruubOr, Abrthern Callfornla "2 3 I 2 . 2’: r - - .- ,. .2 . 22 Sllzacemh H. Gonjoliy, 93126 Director, Jouthern Callfcvnla 2:] i-w: 23:; 3% .5‘ .1 2.52: 1122!- h: 7;. H= 2. 21.2 ' 2232 arr-5‘5 2 5 2 3 3 WI} TEJHETS.TYTEIEWAT?IJ 2 .3 3 ' Tow T3 0. FUNKHP,.ADtinfi Cummicninno“ .V' .2. K 2 _. 2 . J 2': 2.- "‘ 3..,,~. '.,..- '1 J‘.‘ |.2. ",__ . (.2 ' . ' m ‘22L2aw m. Luv u , »iu2w RALLQLSiraLur, N03Lh3rn Cullfornla L};- T' , ., ‘ . .. ~ ‘.2 3 .. . _. _ .. ,-, . . if, 2 ' 92.22} t C . L 233;, 2.22;.122t 2,- 226322.212 .1: [mi-11.201" , :,»<312Lhn'=t'ri'n C2311 [“01'11151 2 2 2 I 2 m ‘Jii'fl, 7. 5‘13"" 1.3; ”1227,33 ‘3‘.i§.","‘~.-‘Ii§'~ JDXL‘I‘I ”Val.Zlfri’xl":;l;;iry.zlawn”; " n:@.u;m;m. Allfi‘luslrvaxme-mfi _..___.._2 ,_ 2 , i ., iii CONTENTS ' HETIV Page NARCOTICS, BUREAU OF Los Angeles, Field Enforcement Division, Office of the Narcotic Agent .............................. 705 San Francisco, Field Enforcement Division, Office of the District Supervisor ......................... 707 PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, BUREAU OF Eureka, Division of Foreign and insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station ................................. 712 Eureka, Division of Marine Hospitals and Relief, Third ClaSs Relief Station ......................... 713 Los Angeles, Division of Marine hospitals and Relief, Second Class Relief Station ........................ 714 San Diego, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station ................................. 717 San Diego, Division of Marine Hospitals and Relief, Second Class Relief Station ........................ 720 ' San Francisco, Division of Domestic Quarantine, Inter» this state Sanitary District 5, Office of the District Ei‘iggiz‘ngaer 722 San Francisco, Division of Domestic Quarantine, Plague Suppressive Laboratory ............................. 728 Administrative Records ............................. 728 Ectoparasite Survey Records ........................ 729 Plague Suppressive Records ......................... 729 Research Laboratory Records ........................ 730 San Francisco, Division of Domestic Quarantine, Inter— state Sanitary District 5, Office of the Regional ' Consultant ......................................... 731 ‘ San Francisco, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station ..................... 732 ‘ San Francisco, Division of Marine Hospitals and Relief, - Marine Hospital 19 ................................. 734 Hospital Records ................................... 735 ornia ' St. Louis, Missouri, Records ....................... 767 nia Fort Stanton, New Mexico, Records .................. 767 _ Palo Alto, California, Records ..................... 767 Out—Patient Office Records ......................... 767 San Francisco, Division of Mental Hygiene, U. S. Peni~ tantiary Hospital, Chief Medical Officer ........... 768 ‘ San Pedro, Division of Foreign and Insular Quarantine, , Quarantine Station ................................. 779 ,n ii ;if we I "1 iv . Page PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, BUREAU OF (cont‘d) _ San Pedro, Division of Marine Hospitals and Relief, Second Class Relief Station ........................ 784 EROCUREMEUT DlVISlDH Fresno, Branch Procurement Office ..................,.... 793 L05 Angoles, Southern California District Office ........ 794 Executive foicc ..................... ............. 794 . V Administrative Saction ............................. 795 Hid Section ........................................ 798 Purchasing Section ................................. 799 Building flatcrial Purchasing Section ............... 800 Chief's Cfficc ..................................... 800 Leasing and Utilitics Saction ...................... 801 Equipmant Rental Section ........................... 803 Office Equipment and Supplies Section .............. 806 Traffic Section .................................... 808 Voucher Section 810 hailing ano flimcograph Section ..................... 813 Bedding, Branch Procurement Office ...................... 814 Sacramento, District 2, Procurement Office .............. 815 San Bernardimo, Branch Procurement Office ............... 816 San Diego, Branch Procurement Officc .................... 810 San Francisco, Office of District Engineer .............. 817 San Francisco, State Procurement Cfficc ................. 821 Santa Barbara, Branch Procurement officc ................ 838 SECREI'SERVICE Dlfl1310N Lou Angelcs, Fiuld Force, Office of the Operative in . Chirg 840 - San Fronciocc, Field Forcc, lAtn Arne Ucadquartcrs c..... 842 E I ‘ ‘ -... ""“x ... ,,_ TH: 13:15 H i. A, :1) . 'EHF' (“J /~\\ 1433 (if till” 1% (if 1"", WWW... ... . ' xfix . Iffi > "/05 ‘Blfl EURNAU OF NARCOTICS i.lw_~m._«.,_~w._m_____ . LOB AHGELES FTWLD ENFORCEKENT DIVIJTON YTVIGE D? THE EARCOTIC ASHT? Federal Rlflg., Temple anfl Vain Ste. . ’ This office was establishod about l??l. from l??? to 1927, it was under the juvicfiictiou of tho Fiviglon .T farcotios of the . Prohibition Unit; from l9?7 to 1750, Nous? tbs Division of Ear~ ootios in tho Bureau of isohihition; uni from l930 to date, under the Finld Enforcomont Divition. its pwimary functions are to in— vostigwto suspectsfl Violations on? to detect anfi arrest violators of the Harrison flsrcotio Law chi the Narcotic flruyt Import ind ExpOTt Act. The office operatos unis: the Siroct suporvision of the District Office at Jun “raucisoo. It has jurisdiction over Southorn Galifornia, out employees arm suhjnct to call to any point in Uiliforui: :ufl'fiovnflu. Cowios of all Fsfilics to lottcrs who Joni to Hashinfiton via the Sun Francisso District Office. ‘ No so—oollod usoloso panors have both dostroyofi. ) , 4495. I WEI TU FILLJ, 1922 to 59th. Showing location of all narcotic OfiSCJ, sums; of suwocots uni igiondsnbs, ind oondnusafi ‘ isi'i.‘<)i-u:'xi.ior. or; CiiFEL’IS. ’mrfaiigggfi sfifiulizib-ytically. (fl‘i‘cqiuently, offioiil.) 4 1 6 cards, 1 Pt. 5 in., in st .1 cars csbihct. R. 20].. (9-79") 3 - 4494. A? TUCEKTD Gil [HAL qufij, lQlB; l?2l; 1923 s l92¢; ’l?29 ‘- l960. .LTCOP3.4IF flfliifj,‘llleh33, oaoiuwrtiorui, perfwu1il Rosariotioni, conflittnls, hufl fiispoaitiOD q? H“T00ll9 oisos. lndexsi. (Row:ly, oniciul.) i i 6 euros, 2 in., in st vl fil~ ins CWSQ. W. fifll. (873) AABB. TIECFLLAEEUUS HECQMDfl, 1721. Doctor's ETVSCPlptlQHS for narcotics, ShUTlnF unma of patient uni ingHOHis, narcotic * ._’ pcu'scn"i:vtiori faifius, :i.gwu'tnhrrtul.-3oiir_&7n3niaztou, txvfi lioih:br>u23. : (N tor.) 6 x 10 iolflirs, .uvnlop m, hunfll s, uni looc. Jh- ts, , LL ft. '33 in., in {317611416}? '(I»l“'d"'li<.. Tog-1‘1, :"inE'ig.l;:,:.T‘-.;r".. Iii. 23:1: tic. i (22:31) ‘ 4&86. lfimfiillfl FUTIVIU a, iii) ~ l?3}. y_uurny t clippinis ; find Tolicr V.o‘rtn.ut photorrufihs of narcotic Vuzitiv s and ‘ " GUSDthJ. loin mi. (Enroly, Crfifli l.) l“ x 1?? vols. (P), Qf, i in., in Wooi.n bookca; . H. 23l. (077) r ; (2:5, 611:}: 1 t? %% I l . . ', . a!“ »:‘»-.t;: » .‘E’df ' M triad» this; 21:4,, 1 . . . . . - " 141% Tm. Hawaii) of Lairmoticas, Los :‘inr:.31»:,s 7:16 Reg 9 ”I! , ."fi'L; .'.:F;. »» «o "viz: mun-“urn” " ’ m!" 1 *-‘ I . v—m '» '- - ~ " fr; :./+z>’7. PM. :le 1.1 : 11MB ., .1 J 195- ». .1 ,: .r3.»:.u._;i1.:m 101’ narcotics 31." . .q. .. , ,. ,:' ,. . . .. ", . . ‘ ., ,. ._- - ‘, r _ . ,., -- 1 ‘ ._ take-:7: irom 7.1LHT'L'Mdrive] L 1‘15. (LL 1;», o.”- 1 (32:11.» ,2: .? vO.LS., ~13 - .. .- .. . -,.1. H. :: ~.~. o --o‘ my, ,9, 15:1. , 111 wou:‘-u;. Mani-(a: . .\-. ‘i. 1131»... ( «’f'g} .; «HP-3’. «3111 533.1» , 1‘) -..1 C11 :1 at. . 411117;}.‘1LJLC Metrics] of L 1.011 ‘ ». individ.u::1. cogs: , 5““.17171'11‘ .3 1f'p’.‘)l11"fi»i0.’i m . 11:7. ’..1_p}1f‘11‘-»tiufilly. )5' _ _ ":i‘. ,,.,. A ._ , »..n.j,..'. 1 z. ' ... ' '. . .. r! . , : Im;1;,;g..;{i, (my: 5.” ..'.»]_,‘~,»', .11 1.11:1 .1.) 1.: .X. 17;”. TU} v3.17”, 7 .1"... '7 111., 3 . - L ' .' " ' , . . '-, r r. r V ‘ 13"» 5 (1'3‘5"'".*«I'.,:‘.‘S oi 1 f‘illrr; 3,3,5, 5'01. (r175) : Lax" vrir“. ":151'1'14 ‘1’ 77“." ' "‘ ,,L *»,. - ‘1‘2. w... . ' “Wit/9. 1111-11: WA. "' 1.», .1922 to J-n» . id} 13». ., lect— ‘ " agent Fifiotoqr:'.xj‘:1:~.:'3 f Minuotiaz '=is;»..r._::, whosrin': 11:111.. and r.l.;.111-.,-.;:‘:. , - (3313713133 O?f101‘:]_./ lf :3 «,1». ,- 100,7. —}.,"i‘.1 cooks (15:, '_,~ 1."'.., 11" . w - » r— \ wooden books";- . 15, 2.211, (fir/Cg? . +491). ” "1'9 Cry-40:2, 192'» LL.» uni-u. Cz:»1?r‘:..£po;.:i. non; . with 3321: Ffi":!""1«::i::=r:=o 221:." "'.‘{;‘}‘.')...-‘:'-"1;0‘.'i, 3.! to narcotic J' itin’t Mud 3'vr'ii.r":'t .,- bur. ' 1.1 in? ’3 H231. ('ir'r x.'«1v’..t.'1y, Livif‘i (1121.) . 1'3: '2: 12 'i'olriwrfé, 5 fin, 1". ' ., of sin :1 tilinif “"353... , -. Q \ 3 PL. 201. (»»’71; 4491. =Tfii';~;'.‘»1':1'.-L'f': “"E"f"."1.‘~3 .‘hilFrT3*2’..‘."?tf1'.‘-“1, '1 9331‘- to «late. "13:15:0- .- z‘irT-Lohod letters instructj072.23, yeazwdiw :‘:ci,iviii.iss 232d oi'oc<,»d~ m'e. (0:30:13(unalljr, 55‘1“} 033:1.) ISO 1»- 1?. 'i‘rsiLr'i-e'r-s and loose-Jen? 1 a- b .-.. .2. .. m.-. ,- ~ '3! 12001.3», ~ 1.2., m ::LOE'-l {1.11.1- . «152). 1. ad . (m?) I '. i . - - .~ cw, ,-.x_--,r.-‘ ‘ 1r -- firm I,':-: L‘~,V‘.Y;'I'.';' ~.~;~:v~ - {‘“5: .' , :1 a . ' . 1 , «‘1«’1',7'¢‘. «";..D..=.‘,:L~.1L m)«‘:1.?‘1‘.7'1u 2.41111) '1'} .'»' “L-HT'.:'.»:), 1.2;: 5:) Linux“. .1’181'1- . ' tifixrzrti on charts, covr:;ri'11-_; desc,:7'i.;L,-‘iliemf, Palfzti rue, case C . -: .. . . -.- ,- 1. 1*. ~ .. UNA}: \ to“: :3 , a. [11.1 1‘1:r.::.>r_';:‘».rint (tliiiy‘Sl ice-t 1.011;; . (Nara->1; , ~31 .1 lulu 1. ) 3 ., ’ . ,_ , /' ,..,.., ...\~' - F, ., .. » ». 15". A 1 A fol lard, :; m., in stool 111.111.: .3411»). i. .341. (:74) § 1 ’14") in 192117.?! :} '5-;:<;.,‘,;,>?»E.=‘{;L. itfii‘fli‘ », 19.43: to d:1‘t~.‘-.=. 1nt.r-‘>;3':V:Lt¥'-’.— , flirt.» 157901435, Ltfwdw-iinirL-j '1.911‘:r-1u=311:10‘n invaliativx. *0 Pursuant 1. : - *1. . ._ , -, ._-_<., _ ',. ‘ ,. '_ .7.“ p... _, - v, r: _- _ - n ‘ - (I‘rx»;fi.1»nf.»ly, coat..!.«.::,~.L_t1..l.) 1T.» ._ 1:1. 1111.111'31‘fn, .1. :‘t. ,1) in., 11.1 ._ , ‘ , , » _. . .7... , ,.~ I‘v-I.‘ ‘ ' , fire-.17» 1:31 0". 3'51...) 1 .1 5.1:: "_ emu . .. 2.1.1. (1,12; - ‘ 1 *._ 1:295}. "il'".e{‘72‘:z‘*"“ 1113]”: I (SP-1:33:15), 19‘3”}. into. «‘i’it’fi'ilf 3 irw bruit-'1; :‘1L‘r'é:‘i.::»':=, Cmitui;;:in.1 C',»,L§"3i..: hixzi-oa‘i ‘9', :3, 91:2": '2*'5'ion.».:t of“ ‘ ‘ . .. . ., ., . .., . . . . - .. - I . ' . Vio.l..=»i.~‘»1‘.i:, arm 1.2;] l 11"".J',1""£1;"i'¥.'»131.31 17». 31.011 can... .1 ioqu‘. 11911.." 1' . ~ ..,-. .. _.:- .- ..:,." ' ‘- .. .—~_ .,...'I 1. . ' s: * :. ,.,.x. ‘ -i‘t.le.1.»l,‘/, .11, 1'10,» :1.) 1.1.1 . 3:7 -. _'.Lli-..=I.‘.’.~, 1. V1,. 2’. 111., 1*) -.=. ...' . ,., . _ . .. fl ,.. "‘Ir , 1 ‘ _ s 1;; ”-.r'mlt. "5‘01. ("Hr/)r ‘ y . ' 1 z- : 1 ‘ 1 1‘, ' L . ,,_»’»‘ ‘ 1 :9” 11:13.3 ‘ ».=,:».,:. « trims; "1:931?! in: ‘ a a Vii: 61.9.4, 1; : Li?- _ l . . ,'. -’ ,/ :/ 3% 3- Thc Bureau of Narcotics, San Francisco 707 ' . an: new 1500 “‘11“ 3611901113111133131“ DlfiflSl'ON _ OWFIOE OF lfiu DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Federal Office Building, Civic Center The narliost rcoords indicate that this office was established in 1918 under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Internal RQVQnue, Niscellaneous Division, narcotics Section. In 1920, it was rc-~ named the Division of Narcotics, Prohibition Unit. In l927, the office was again reorganized and named the Bureau of Prohibition, Division of Narcotics. Under this title it ooerntsi until 1930 when it was given its present designation. From 1919 to 1921, space was occupied in the Post Office, 7th and Iission streets; . and from 1936 to date in the orssent location. This office is charged with the investigation, detection, and prevention of violations of the Federal Narcotic Laws, and with the issuance of narcotic import and croort germitc. It has jurisdiction over the states of California and “evade. The only records sent to . Washington are personnel records of employees leaving the service. Instructions must he rocaiv d iron Yoshington for the disposition of sovcnllcd useless tuners. ' 4495. lwhfil, n.d. Shering names and addressss of ocrsons, what tho reference is, and where the rocord may be found. (Fro~ quontly, official.) A K 6 cards, 15 ft., in 5 drawers of steel filing: m n. 141. (9279) ' , 4:196 . E3:,TH‘7’LT;‘E§:-'[F;’j< O??? I‘U‘LRCOT 17} DRUGK-X AND 5iEilii-‘Aj’b’lTlO‘i-ES CO} 31334} Iii-FTC POBSEdSlOH O” AOENTS, 192b w 1929. Ecscriptions of narcotics ‘ and drugs rccuivud, number of containers of pills or tablets, and record of the iisnosition of narcotics or drugs. (Never.) 11 K 17 loos —l of books (2), 4 in., in bookcaSc. R. 14. (@3549) 4497. IYSFFCTTOW HECORb3, 1924 ~ 1927. Inspection rccord of . drua storus, including name and address, r gistry number, date of , inspcction, horn of person interviewed, and various questions to be enswcrcd by thc druflgist in regard to the propur safeguarding . of narcotics, who flu? the daily entries of purchases and sales or: made on proscribed forms, and WM thyr narcotic :moscriptions j arc s3parutcly til d. (Nu? r.) 5 x 3 cards, 2 in., in wooden 3 - fill". {157; Cost. . R. 1.4». (1341.1) 4498. CORHEQEONDENCE AFF’RWTUBTS QT 3H1133NW RED HAWDLING CF 5 TRUGS WEIZFU, 1928 - 1935. Invnntory of drugs nurrcnd rod or dostroyod, s,izurc of indian hump, invgntoriau of narcotics on ‘ hand at all bureau offiCms, custodiuns‘ r cords of avid”ncn with— j' drawn by officers, and rolatiVu corr_spond,nc . Ind red. (Fraw -, quantly, official.) 9 X l? Poldors, 1 Ft. C in., in st“ 1 fil— ,i inc cuso. R. 1A1. (3343) 1 . l in {l '/ "eff-3‘- . I £0933: ,: )IJ .‘ The Burcau.of Narcotics, San Francisco 708 ‘ 449?. RECEITTfi, 1936. Reeeipta For afivance fund, on account of Josuph A. Tanning, fur the yurchuse mf narcotics to bu unel as evidence, shnwing who vccwivefi the nanny, f0? what purpoxe, and , the amount vegvjved. (Occufiionmlly, UTTi‘ial.) 8i x 10 10033» leaf book, 1 in., in stgol Tiling Bnfiw. i. 141. (3305) 4500. CAWN H EQWTS flflfl SONECEHOFEEWCH, 191? £0 fiatc. 5howina rm:tjg01x t=n701; ozyzzaswg, =£snw ‘3? 'TwiW5nJ¥n1$, (lafnu, 'lHEHNTF v7? 'fis‘NE, b Cor= Wham arraign i, Hmaunt of bonfi, if any, action of Gyanfi ' Jury,:fiuL-of cwafl; Worceawuiynul,:h/flmuua(d‘the cuurt,zrmm of trial judflu, and cortsspomfiunao, W rininini To t1; case. (Trcqugntly, officigl.} 9 W 12 r01» 35, 47 ft., in 11 noofiun and in: 7; ' i'j'liiir‘ Giughfi. Ti’. 1‘11. (f’n‘w ' i5fil. 35:? {Rafi NJ, lfiz\ is flat . 7w: a or nuysotic law ari<>1x1't<)r's xx:14 :Wifl r I’S i.:rfrfL1r A; , i 11;: [x;‘ i!i$37,u‘hi')31, :3 :C'th371 Cur 1:11v violniufi, UdMaS 0f iHYvflUififiiihé 0F?iu;rn, Sate: a” arrnst uni 11:;‘11‘i_11{1, 3VL‘:11 (2;? {:kf{"ifl‘1'11if7 , 1:111: L‘j.11fxiv 2y? jmj 7:1K3‘J'b.i )fil 33' th\ oxuszk . (Uruqugntly, O??ici€1.) D K 5 32rd3, ‘ Ct., 13 T iflfifiurs 0f FWCH)dLfll ifiljli".'3:LWaz. }l. I 13.. (.141‘2) i509. QUISV :WFTHE CH, 1920 in flat . 30v Ehrorm'tiou on uacaunts, inflfl i uni r.ufivfl HP mlmoni:ws, mm>huqiow1 fifiplianCp ‘ Liafimry, wrfln no: prayirty, ”4% inForm TH. ( T qU{utly, Offi~ C?i‘i]..) 5 z; 9 car: is , 5 ill. , :irx Trozafi gr; 7'i1_iti; vczbi . “i. lgfil‘. A593. CS~“”170*UEXHCKC?:'5“¥£fllg Lijfi to H410. ’Repurtr 0; va~i0u9 nnzflmctu, with lint rs nufi woken, rufiurfiiun fha fujmcnt— ; {dz'vioififiwfir3. 'fuflirfiufi. (thngugwfliLy5 )fffiJéifiio} 3 3f 1? 1‘113 W‘s, 3 ft. 5 in., 5H 7 flrawnrc n? at H] tilinr CW12; A. 141. (”379) éBUi. '”J{“1‘U“ ‘ THiW, T?3£ HG Jwt . cuunvh a? seiZufl «,3 ‘ 3:k11‘rt1;?: tn'v? rxzrt‘ziu)i,i fi‘a , i '1x-1.1x«ii.11;: ‘3" “ 1: rallvntwa.:r , 7"IH1X <3i‘ -i;“ i'\ }113f1-11)‘ fifii , d-sariptinb 3%? quantity if flrugx, nlnc- 9V stornru, fiii~ wanition 0T JEN , any nr‘uui tnii UH? hh‘ WUVHhfida. (Fr {ch11j, MVYici'1.} 5 x 7 card , 1 Th. 1 in., 1L ' irwwwrd 0f woofirr Filing want. 1413.. ("\‘-'!»<‘2‘)) 4501'}. ‘.,T|'_)I_r(j‘;‘:'1.;,: 1.???) 'im HULL. “‘erill‘lili‘i'i‘» a":>':' ‘..‘r::‘,\w:'z:x -—u3r,za>‘..1!iils, ‘ aihox‘riijmq 'zzzxmcts ‘ ":r':,:_‘,,;::':u.; 01" my 1.1: tan-i 3'0}? finu’t- ::~~oi:'1h'=ur:i=.,m mt i . “n4 ma” , with ‘1.Wj? 3 guh Wu}; 0? travgl .nd Oihpr vafi.ns g, 3 Showing ifitufl nufi wm.unfi4 a” act 1% u. InflLK i. (Ucwafiiwwully, Gificiwl.} 9 X }9 “alfi rm, 1 ft. 2 in., 1; Htkfll filing ans.. 1 , 7?. 141. (fi277) ’ 5531;, \ I_‘..;.H_-;”[-11=1:-’% "Mt-e {“317}iji'CI.'C.‘-':~Qi‘i}'f_.‘7= L” 1313-1123:: .1 F‘ijit‘l'f 1'5‘13, ‘ . 1931 to Auto. AygLi¢viiiifl 76y vavwitx t0 hwuil nn?uotiefi unfiir ' th= Harri on N“Pnu%io Lw;, showinfi rum n16 1&5? xv of wppWifinnt, ‘ . clues undo? Which'rexintkvxi, uqd rafiint,fi munfur. Influx &. (WT'CCUL4113137, (NCj‘iQiH-L.) 0 2‘ 1?. 1'1‘(.‘1‘)_<“\r_"'., '1': ”5'71“, 1'}. '3’. 3:916: 133:: :71" , , ‘H \ igfi% .1, l I :/ ll fi 1? The Bureau of Narcotics, San Francisco 709 stool filing case. R. lAl. (8306) A507. BOOKS OF ACCOUNTS, 1932 to date. Aflvance fund accounts, recovered moncv control accounts, accounts with agents, bank or checking uni safe accounts, arc advance fund disbursing account. (Frequently, official.) 3 x 10 and 10 x 14 vols. (4), loose» leaf books (A), and bundles (B), 1 ft. 10 in., in steel filing case. R. 141. (8%04) 4508. C219 RECORD OF SEIZED CARS, 1932 to data. Number of district, ificntiticctiou numbor, make of car, engine number, year model, data of soizurc, how acquircd, estimated value, with nota— tions as to where and when the car was used, your aui numbur of license platoc, and final disposition. (Occasionally, otficial.) - 5 K 9 carflfi, 2 in., in wooflen filing cane. R. 141. (8410) 4509. CORfiEEPONUEfiCfl flEGARDlTG TRANSFER OF ?UHDS, 1955 to date. Corrosponflcncc, accompanying or connected with the trans— for of funds of advanca fund account which was used in the pur- ‘ chase of narcoticc from persona suspected, for evidence in case of law violation. (Occasionally, official.) 9 x 12 folders, . l in., in vtccl filinq case. R. 141. (8350) 1510. UAIIE'EEFORT} OT FERCOTIC AGENTS OR INKTECTORS, 1935 to into. Uomplotc and accurate fiiary of all flutius pcrformofl nnfl number of hours engaged, With nouns of all officers uccom» panyiun or assisting tho agent making tho rcport; also a lict of cxponsns incurred and inforuotiou rcgurfling thr opuration of u Govorumcut vehiclc, if any. Indexud. (Occasionally, :fifiiciul.) 9 ‘5; if». folio-rs and buncuns (6), 2. ft. 6 in., in. ? ctsil filing casa auu in bookcaso. R. 141. (8308) 4511. SURPLUW VHOPERTY UEUIflRATIQEfl AND IROTERTY ACCOUNTlNG VOUGHERS, 1935 to into. Dooliratioum, describing property chur— gtd to this office and hciug carriofl as surplus and availablc for transfer. Vouchcrs arc both ficnit and crcflit and serve as . nu ucknowlndgmcut of roomipt, showing uisrosition of nropcrty. ‘ Inuuxod. (Occasionally, official.) 9 1 12 foldcrs, 2 in., in j at Ll filing caSo. R. l4l. (8507) 451?. CORRESPONURFCK, l936 to dut . Relating to porsonnnl, . Cou?t Guard, contracts, smuggling, luw caucs, cxpansc accounts, I informors, lonvcs of obs HUM, r quioitions fugitives from jus» 7 tico, reports on progrcss of inv‘utigotione, and transportu~ _ tiou matters. Indcxod. (Frsuu;utly, orficial.) 9 x 12 folders, ‘ 16 ft., in 8 drcwcrs of at Ll Filin' cauc. R. 141. (8276) ; 45l3. lHOTCHHAFHT 0V GRIKtNALS. Photographic prints in I jackets. R. 141. (P—ERSl) * L _. '1: f 2 I 2? 1’ HE (1133» U HEAU { «1:» E ”a" HE [j M .1132. I: H E AJL H! TLEHEV Mi: E. :/ . / ’ ' 711 This bureau, which hafl been under the jurisdiction of the Department a? the Treasury since it was estab— lished in 1798, wu3 transferred to the newly created Federal Security Agency uu July l, 1939 in accord~ anus with President Roosevelt’s ' 'Reorjanization Plan ND. 1. Rina-3J1 wwxmcr' J 33 712 ll-.BU‘YEAU.9I_.1RB_I'10 REFLTLSELVIGE new DIVISION OF FOREIGN AND INSULAR QUARAUTINE GUARANTINE STATION First National Bank Ridg., 5th and F Sts. The date of the establishment of this station is not avail— able. Its major function is the inspection of all coastwise or foreign vessels that enter this harbor. Such vessels are boarded by inspectors, who inspect the ship for rate or vermin, while a medical officer examines the crew and passengers for cont-353‘ious ‘ or communicable diseases. If an abnormal condition as to rodents or vermin is discovered, or if contagious disease is manifest, the ship is quarantined and fumigetcd. This station has juris— . diction over the local harbor only. Reports are sent to the dis‘ trict office at Angel Island, San Francisco. The Third Class Relief Station of the Division of Marine Hos— pitdh and Relief operates in conjunction with this station and its records are inventoricd below. ‘ ' L511. RECORD OF LETTERS AND DOCUMENTS, Nov. 23, 19GB m Sent. A, 1926. Letters and copies of documents sent by the medical officer of this agency to the Surgeon General. (Never.) 8 x 10% vols., 1i in., in wooden cupboard. R. 407—3. (130) A515. QUARANTINE DECLARATIONS, June 18, 1917 — Apr. 21, 1936. Showing harms of vessels, ports of departure, destinations, number of sick on board; also inspection procedure, and whether cleared or detained. (Frequently, official.) 6% x 8% vols., l in., in wooden cupboard. Ink faded. R. AO7~B. (130) ; 4516. ANNUAL REPORTS, 1921 w 1935, ficdical and surgical rc~ ports including record of dissesss and injuries of patients treated. (OccasiOnally, official.) 9% x 12 envelopes, 3 in., in wooden cupboard. R. 407—3. (132) - 4517. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE REGULATIONS, 1930. Bulletins containing detailed instructions to personnel. (Frequently, j . official.) o x 9 loose sheets, 1 in., in wooden cupboard. R. _fl‘ 407~B. (129) K iii . f r / f: fifl Bureau of Public Health Service, Eureka 713 L? 4518. LIST OF FOREIGN VESSELS FILING PORT SANITflRY STATE— 'l MENTS, May 1, 1919 to date. Giving names of vessels and mas— , ters, dates of arrival, tonnages, and nationality. Indexed. u (Frequently, official.) 8 x 10% vols., 1% in., in wooden I cupboard. R. 407~B. (128) 4519. STRTEUENTS OF QUfiRAKTlNE SERVICES REEDERED, Sept. 9, . ' 1921 to date. Form 13553, showing services rendered in connec- tion with insoections of vessels and personnel, vaccinations, treatments, maintenance of persons in quarantine, and record of fumigation. (Older records, rarely; current records, daily, official.) 8 x 10% lOOSe Sheets, 1 in., in wooden cupboard. R. 407—9. (136) " A520. JONTHLY REPORTS, 1022 to date. Medical and surgical reports. Indexed. (Older records, never; current records, daily, official.) 9% x 12 onVeiopes, 2 ft. 4 ir., in wooden cupboard. R. AO7~R. (134) 4521. CORRESPONDENCE, Dec. 17, 1923 to date. Letters to and from Surgeon General’s Office; also bureau circulars. Indexed. 1' (Older records, rarely; current records, occasionally, official.) 8 X 10% loose sheets, 4 in., in wooden cupboard. R. 407—9. (135) , 4592. ANNUAL GOVERNMTNT PROPOSALS AND AOKNOWLEDQEHENT 0F RE— CEIPTS, Jan. 1929 to date. Acknowledgements and approvals by the Surgeon General's office of receipt of preposals sent by the medical officer of this station; also duplicates of said pro— ? posals. (Frequently, official.) 9% x 12 envelopes, 2 in., in wooden cupboard. R. 40?~B. (133) l 1 DIVISION OF MARINE HOSPITALS AND RELIEF THIRD CLASS RELIEF STATION 1 First National Bank Bldg., 5th and F Sts. The Relief Station and the Quarantine Station in Eureka are . operated together under a physician employed on a part time basis. The records ire listed under the.Division of Foreign f . and Insular Quarantine, Quarantine Station, Eureka. L’1‘: fir.” 3‘- J ,- ,1 J 9% get Bureau of Public Health Service, Los Angeles 714 Z?d ”if: it? 193 Minn :‘i DIVISION OF EUBINE hOCPITALS AND RELIEF » vi: SECOND CLLSS RELISF STATION ' Wilcox %ldg., 206 8. Spring St. ; This station was opened on February 21, 1900, under the Marine Hospital Service. In 1912 it was given its present designation. The major function is to furnish ho$pitnlizution and mzdicol at— tention to ill or injurcd pursonnel in all brunchcs oi service of ‘ the Federal Government who ire classified as bencficicries of the , Public Health Servicc. A secondary function is the medical ex- ‘ amination of appointees to Foderol positions. There is no terri- torial limit to its jurisdiction, but activities center at Los ’- Angelcs. Reperts or; sent to Washington end so~cnllcd useless pupsrs are disposed of accordion to Bureau Circular 61, rcvised as of May 5, 1.81,. i , 4523. INDEX REGISTER OF PATIENTS, Apr. 10, 1922 to date. Showing name of p tlunt, hoopittl, and card register number. Arranged alphnbctically, by home of patient. (Poilv, official.) - 3 x 5 cords, 2 ft. 4 in., in 2 driwcrs of wooden card cabinet, - R. 51.6. (371.5) 1524. MERCdiNT SEAlEN TILE, 1919 — 1931. Form 5—69, public ‘ , vouchers for services and supplies (dental and hospital); Form 733, inVOiCUS; Form lOBlml, public vouchers for purchases and 3 services other than personal (memorandum); Form 1095, requisitions . for medical suppliis; Form 1906, requisitions for blanks and 3 books; Form 1915, master's requisitions for certificate of scr— } vice of sick or injurcd seemen: Form 1917~A, monthly chSOnnel } report; Form 1917—0, honthly report of attending specialist; Form 1922, weekly'ocnsus report; Form 1927, statement of accounts - and receipt for treatment of foreign seamen; Form 1027, report of ' relief furnished foreign seamen and other pav patients; Form 1928, statement of account and receipt for treatment of foreign seamen, r or other pay patients; Form 1935, Santa Barbara Quarantine Sta— : tion report; Form 1946, Wasscrmsn tests; clinical record of cases; Form 1946~A, brief of pruliminary examination; Form luno~fi, fami— 1 ’. 1y and personal history; Form 1946~C, history of present disease, Form lQAé—D, objective of symptoms; form IQLo—E, graphic chart , l of tcmpcrature; Form lQAo—F, war surgeon's progress and treatment record; Form lgao—G, nurse's progress and trcstmont record; Form l946—H, operative record; Form l9Ao~I, clinical record; Form 1946— 3 , J, clinical record, radiographic report; Form 1946—K, examination 1 ' urine; Form 1971—3, out~paticnts' transfer card; Form 1971~D, ‘ . hospital admission cord; Form 1971—1, examination and assignment j; to hospital card; Form 1982, monthly schedule of cocunmrance; . _.3; and Form 0203, packer's list; also correspondence, telegrams, " 31%: clinical records, laboratory report on snnmles submitted, and all -;n E-‘JW‘, . 1 I ./ I ,/ J t? Bureau of Public health Service, Los Angeles 715 (d as .Q other matters pertaining to Public Health Service procedure. ‘3 Filed alphabetically and chronologically. (Never.) 10 x 12 I, bundles (30), 20 ft., in 2 wooden boxes. Dirty, torn, scat- } tcred. NW. room, basement. (3745A) 3 4525. UNITED STATES COMPENSATION GOEMISSION, POSTAL EMPLOY— EES EXAMINATION FILE, OESOLSTE, 1921 w 1929. Form CA—lé, re~ - quest for treatment, under Employee Compensation Commission Act; ‘ Form CA 20—h, United States Employocs' Compensation Commission; Form S~69, public vouchers for services and supplies of hospital, ' and physicians privstc hospital forms consisting of pastel ens ployces frco examination, consent of patient for 0pcration, doctor's ‘ hospital orders, laboratory examination, and certificate of medi— : cal examiner; also correspondence and printed forms as to treat— - ment and hOspitslization of Postal Service employees. Filed ‘ chronologically. (Noyer.) 9 x 12 folders and bundle, 2 ft. 10 in., in wooden boxcs. Damaged by careless handling. NW. room, . basement. (3741E) 3 4526. PROPERTY RETURN SLlPS, COPIES, 1921 — 1935. Slips listing all unoxpendsble prOpcrty. Arranged alphabetically, and j. filed chronologically. (Frequently, official.) 3% x 8 10055 shaets, 9 in., in wooden filing case. R. 546. (3747) 4527. HISCELLANEOUS FILE, OBSOLETE, 1925 — 1933. Form lOl3—E, , pay roll for personal survices, annual salary basis (memorandum); Form 1034~A, public vouchers for purchases and services other 5 than personal (momorandum); Form lqogui, inventory and inspection ' ; rcport; Form 1917~A, monthly personnel reports; Form 1917«H, lot— i ter of nomination; Form 1917—J, letter of separation; Form 1922—0, weekly census report to surgeon; Form lOBO—A, prOposals for care ’ of nonoontagious Chess; Form 19L8ei, officers' pay vouchers; Fomn ' lQoQ—A, telegrsu rcport; Form 197l—L, semiannual report; FOrm ; 1982—2, report of encumbrance; Form 2222, oath of office; also 1 records of medical trsatcmnt of Government employees, pest extermr ( ination, Optical trestiunts, property, and parsonncl; also smbu— i - lance service and hospital vouchers, census reports, encumbrances pay rolls, correspondence, prOposals and annual reports. Ar— ranged chronologically and by subject. (Never.) 9 x 12 folders . ‘ and bundles (A), 5 ft. 8 in., in wooden boxes. Damaged by care— ‘ ‘ less handling. PTA room, bsscmcnt. (37A4A) ‘ I 4528. CHARTS OF {ERCHANT SEAEEN, OBSOLETE, 1926 ~ l932. Show— ing doctors' orders, clinical records, laboratory tests, opera— ‘;. tivc records, putients' inforxntion record, and hospital discharge slips relating to hospitalization and treattent of merchant sca— ; 1 men. Filcd chronologically. (Never.) 8 x 10 bundles (5), 2 in., -: in wooden boxcs. NW. room, bascucnt. (37453) « Vii ‘ til i ‘n, 7% Ruresu oi Public health SerVice, Los nngeles 716 _ =33 ‘3'" '1 4529. inform; HISTORIES, lL‘flRCih‘Jfl’I‘ 533mm, 1930 _ 1936. Rec~ ' '1 ‘531 ords of exardnntions and diagnosis of patients, mosters' certifi~ iffy.) cstes of service, clinical records, reports, and family and per— ) j'fi sonsl histories of diseases, showing symptoms, treatments, and , ”E progress. Arranged alphabetically, by name of seamen. (Daily, ‘Vj official.) 9 X 12 folders, 4 ft. 5 in., in 3 dTLWGTS of'wooden ' l. j filing cescs. R. 546. (3745) :”f I: 4530. EMPLOYEES‘ MEDICAL HISTORIES, CIVIL WORKS [BLENISTRA— j . TION, Nov. 1933 « Jin. 1935. Nineographcd :ndical reports, ex— ? aninztion recordS, treatment requests and diagnosis charts, show— " ' ing nature of injury, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, disposi— 7. tion, and history of injury; also copies of correspondence ro— ,, questing the p.ti:nt to conpl to Cl ids for compensution. Ar~ _ ~ ranged alphabetically, by name of patient. (Never.) 9 X 12 .‘ folders, 6 ft. 8 in., in 4 cardboard transfer cases. H. 546. “ (3740) 7 4531. ETDICAL HISTOPIEG, KCFKS PEGERESE ADIENISTRATION, Sept. ‘ ‘ 1935. Medical reports, examination records, treatment requests, ‘ _ [ and charts indicating niture of injury, diagnosis, prognosis, 7 treatment, diSpOSltiOD, and history of injury. Filed alphabeti— 1 ' cally, by name of patient. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, , 5 in., in filing case. R. 52.6. (371.4) I . 4532. HOSPITAL QR IN~PATIENT REGISTER, Apr.