xt73n58cjp8q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cjp8q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-09-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 25, 1980 1980 1980-09-25 2020 true xt73n58cjp8q section xt73n58cjp8q I
Fogged Frog
Business iliillillllslldtiiili
. senior Mini). l'iwiitiii.i.2
comes up for .i lllll‘ it .iir il\
she practices with :i think Aw“ - I“ :3. «Vi-
and snorkel at scuba . lass iii I, r”, .
the Memorial t‘olisctiiii l‘oii. If! '
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KEN I UCKY aqi, anian oroes
2' 2 meet in “holy war’
. l‘ . .- . By STEVE K. "INDY raidswerenot available. Each
VOL LXXIH. ”0-30 In "1699mm“t S'Udem newspaper "iml’": or fiemucty side claimed to have shot down
. ‘ 49X"! on, i
W—gm BAGHDAD. IIraq (APl- lraqi 3029'“ 0h theIIothir Sd Plané‘s
. . . . armor and infantry pushed ”11,198 t e (1053‘ or er a” .
deeper into Iran yesterday, 'dI‘deB hdad 'h‘ 'h I th
em em 0 I ma I HS! 012 a emt y .. m .n ag ..
nore towns and drivmg hard Efiiggjé’; repfiitggnglgnfita‘ ff
0 O t1?;,§;‘“2h;’a;::geif°°ifie ”“33, American diplomats were
have active UK members/u canceled it... we
w W 0. .. .. data... at .-
war. -
Asa worried world watched was reported that some 50
, By MARY CHANDLER BOLIN tiate oi leaic school,“ of success and is the longest running weekend. and were leading in (ireek the “oil war" “”1““de ’ Anmricans, including stranded
sun “[11!” Dorsetiewiainedthereare se\eral chapter at l'K, l'hroughout ‘hl' PamC'i‘flmm points." he said. "1h“ Flights 0f U.S.-made 11‘8an businessmen, wow ride by
reasons ioi changes in the Kentucky whole matter eyeryone was treated national counselor was here. but he fighter—trimlrrs and flotillas of bus more than 400 miles to
l'ndergraduate students who Alpha chapter. with dignity. politeness and didn‘tattendchaptcr meetingsortell gunboats attacked Iraqi Oil Jordan yeaerday.
belonged to the Sigma Phi Fpsiion During the past three years, chap— ‘31”11’55'" ‘ U‘ “hi” Chit?!” “and?"d‘ “5 failed installations {Or a third dayI There wasI a Hurry 0f
fraternity last sememster haw had ter membership had not increased Kitl/OT saidtheehapterdidn‘treal- I" meet." .and Tehran said far-rangirig dip|0mahc actiwty to try to
their acme memberships canceled and the traternity was running at a in: the seriousness of the situation four students. who were members lraqi warplanes had attacked hl‘ihg about a cease-fire.
because of se\eral organi/ational financial loss. Dorsett said. He said and th expectations oflocalalumni. 0t th Sigma Phi lipnhm chapter at ]i~an‘s giant Khag Island Oil YasserIArafat, leader UfILhe
problems. accordingto l)iinl)orsett. alumni supplied funds to pay the "If we had known exactly what Western Kentucky Liniiersity last terminal. The important Palest the Liberation
a l970 l'K graduate and alumni deficit they wanted. what needed to be semester. hayetransterredto L'Kthis Iranian refinery at Abadan Organizationarrivedih Bafih~
Chairman or the house corporation Also. during the 1979.2“) school done. we would hate done it." he semester to help start a "new"chap- was reported still burning two d3 i. reporthly tIL (“fer lS
tor the chapter. year. local alumni spent 510000 for said. "I guess there iUst wasn‘t good [Ci‘ davsafter lraqi warplanes and services as‘a mediator. Cuban
Howe\er. lht‘ 3i \Iudtnls “hit hiid renoiation oi the house. Dorsett. communication." BC” !)U“”int~'~ Brett Barrett. Brian artillery began bombarding l t. PresnderitP idelCastro. head 0f ‘
‘ their local memberships rexoked howeiei, said members did not Kill/Uf‘s‘tliiif;\Hislnfltttlalshtwh" Shaw and [en Wiggins said they Thc Persian Gulf Oil- the Non'Ahg‘ed IM(W¢“I”‘m~
were granted "alumni status"bI\ the maintain the house when he lt‘et‘HCti u iettei trom the transferred to l'K because of their shipri;cnt facilities of both dlSpfltChOdhleOt‘IOlgll llllnlsu‘l:
national iraterniiy this summer last semester. an adiiser from national s'h‘dhlt‘r filmy h“ and the ”WU” and ”Chli‘hh‘hw ”W Chum” nations were reported shut to Baghdad In anmhel .
“Right now. we're in kind (it a national headquarters stayed at the other members had been placed on after the former members were down. ”3(‘dlat10n effort. I .
limbo status." said lini Kai/or. a ['K chapter. alumni status ' piaced on iilumi status. The war [”598 no immediate inTehran, the lratlxahfrmle .
junior math major and member ot "\Ve (alumni) tried to help them. “During spring semester we were The lotir arriied at [K with “no serious threat t0 US. Oil “i'lnlster‘ . IMOhammd , . Al;
. the fraternity. "We‘re not able to but the group just didn‘t seem that doing well we won the Pi Phi big plans" for tall rush. Downing supplies unless the fighting RaJa" afuibed the, 3:111 [6
aging]; participate or \(itc_ and we interested in impnncmgnp" [)iyregtt Spring Swing Softball lourriament. said. "“yt‘ had lllllt‘ nUtlL‘C It was widensand stops 8110i] U‘adEin Statesof tUmgItIO "jg? C San
won't haye the priyileges or responsi- said. “Wedidn‘tw'anttoseethe chap- hosted the Student (imernment sort of spur of the moment. but we the Gulf. by a'dmg, Iraq' . 1 It Séflllet
hilities of alumni until after we grad- tcr fail complete!) it had a hisiori party during “”1“ Kentucky [)t'rh.‘ 5“” got '4 PlCdSCNN h“ “ald- Iranianreinforcements were Communist Pad”) 'h al é
' . ' being rushed to the tlashpoint newspaper Prav a ‘ arge
' ' areas along the 300mile war {hatI the" war . wfas a
o o o o 0 front, Tehran Radio said. The Inecessary excuse .0; the
beleaguered defenders of the LmtedI StatesIItoI Just] y ."S
. an ing to s requires aggresswe ac ion .. 3......“
Abadan apiparently were forg 3 ”19C? tgaStwho has
. 0 fl ;.]i(:dilirj§qi“gigggged‘y against prtiffafdied r kmerican
- ' accordin to attorne s at Noon P orum .. was
captured at least three more ‘3”th "‘Etw‘n.‘ Secretary
Iranian towns in the central SgifritEdngiiEg Stohdlilsi‘iigsaiig ‘
I ~ ‘ s ' ' - - S ‘ I
Bv JOHN HARDIN iicrciXii‘ttd to work,wi th many considered, he said. AVIUIW" Administration. W3“ Itifgloggiiij‘ziiilles IsroaurtIhS implica3iiors. .
staff “'riter letters and interviews befu‘e Owens said a career with a \th'h haS ltS headquarters in ioviernirent conceded its The Iraqi government of
the actual hiring. government agency offered Washington and regional f‘ .i l '.d . d' t 't' ‘al , .‘m PresidentSaddam Husse'n has
"You will only get a job in good possibilities. and that cciiters across the country. (firtii: "'3 E at K M ' not said what its immediate
Five lawyers with ex- \‘Vashington by writing some government experience was thhi‘l‘in Washington or a The Iranians asserted that military objectivts are 'n the
pcrience in federal agencies letters," he said. Connections (iftoniioipfui inlm)kingf(rjobs rcgional office. she said thata f . t , ~. 2“ the fighting. But it has said its
told an audience of students in Washngton may also help, within the private sector. JOh “hh the FAA offered an i051! (tilitrgfans‘. “ ).m 5 overall oals are the recovery
and faculty yesterday that hesaid.“lt's veryimportantto “i think the FTC is highty iriiprcssivc list of credentias ”.mm’l‘IU.‘ ngIerecaIpmh‘e of smafi parcels of disputed
there is almost unlimited hhd _tiUt WhU from UKI is respected within the legal “’takt‘Wlthit lawyerto priv ate mhheimgl hi?" lerfwrlih iii" border territory, fllll Ir i
. cxgwrience available with \Wl’klhg at the JUStK'C community," he said. hl‘hlfi- Abhdan Tie if: )rt which jurisdiction over a (SO-rye '
te cral jobs but added that it Ut‘pill‘hht‘ht.' Wcs Gersh. a Univers‘tv of . ' . .. ' f ‘th . (‘ixt'tl 'iuld stretch of the Shatt el-Arab
is a crowded market and (hurts, a 1974 UK Law Louisville Law School (“."h'lm‘NU experience was gIatuhInquIiiedet ed] ' U waterway se rating the 1WD
l't’qUh‘fi'S aggl‘t‘SSiVi’ 80‘1"" 5mm] graduate. 531d that graduate who worked with the “imam“ “1th the FAA. as I )Offt- yin ',.i. 0 tot l nanom, antimrestm'ation of
when vyirg fora position. though the market '5 “gm Securities and Exchange “Tm m" other agencies, she .. . “iii-a . repuih. n ad “Arabsovereignty"over three .
Lawyers Marvin Co an, ”1h”? 'dl‘t‘ 0““ availab (‘oniiizission said he highly ““1 and expertise was 350 casua “is m ( 550”” -
lkillllyith’ns, Wes Gersh, Joe Ohms “'UI‘kL‘J With the Bureau rcconuhendstryingtoget a job gained in research and fighting and the heavy 8” continued on buk page
Dawahare and his wife Sandy “f CWHPCtlth’hv a diVlSiOh 0f in Washington, if vou want to ““hhk'al areas.
Dawaharc all spoke at the th(‘ l‘cdcral Trade (,‘om- represent big business, l «100 Daw‘ahare, also a UK
Student Bar Association's “IISSKWI thought the best place to start graduate. advised PFOSPCCUVo
Noon Forum in the Law “0 said that although _UK was the Securities and Ex~ graduates ‘0 89‘ a t ° °d ’
Building courtroom. graduates are we] received change (bniniission," he said. Congressinal lirectory listing on e lnSl 2
“An experience in and have a good reputation, a all of the federal offices
Vi‘ashington as a lawyer is Iiob often depends on who a but. with perhaps hundreds agencies 311d SUb'angk‘S in
probably the most valuable person knows: , of applications for vac-h Washington and to keep in
thing you have in a legal ()wcns saidintcrnships were ptiSItion. “You‘ve got to be constant contact With the of-
(.iii-(i9i»I“ said Coan, a 1973 UK available for second-year and there. you‘ve got to push, l'iccs. . . . . I
i.aw School graduate who thirdycar law students,I but You've got to want the job Daw'ahcic worked for the Iranian and Iraqt forces continue fighting in “holy
worked in the Civil Dcpart- that comiIX'tition was furious. ii orc than they do," (iersh FAA aiid also for Sen.Marlowe W8!" as .anxtous Americans worry flbOUt the fate 0‘ -
ii cnt “f the Department (if ()rin by eing early with ap- said. (‘ook‘s office He sad the pay the 52 hostages. Unfortunately, about all there is to do
Jusiiw phcations and showing per- Sandy Dawahare, another was excellent in Washington, 18 wait and hope. See today's editorial.
However. he said.theroadto 95‘9“"? in pursuing the in» graduate of the UK Law but that a wait is often
Washingtm startedlong before tcriisliip would a student he Scliool.workcd for the Federal necessary for an opening,
A wide range of sports, including wheelchair
. . basketball and swimming, is available to handicapped
Psychological servzces oflered to students °‘ ‘
. . . ~ psychology training. who are assertiveness training are all t'idcntial with this rovision. A 14-year old feud in Cimina, a tiny town in Italy.
IRJi-Ltfi‘iiéhu “"an supervised by licensed included." Therapy for [Iter- Clients also sign apt-onsem- has claimed 36 lives — nearly one-fifth of the male
clinicians in UK‘s psychology canal growth IS also availa le, iii_i~csearch form, stating that papulation. Neither police nor townspeople have been
) . I . . . . I. . department. She Sald- . . the outcome of their therapy able to stop the bloodshed. See the AP story on page 7.
. The [Isychologital beriices “The Center also has 8(‘0055 The length 0f time to" smug can ht- used anonymously for
99m” '5 Offering free “3“” to a psychiatric consultant at a thct‘apiSt at the Center purposes of research. In ad-
ieiiingd SCFhV'CCS' f'm'lfludmg the Medical Center.“ said ranges from three or four (iiiiim.iiwysupply background
iiiil v.1 ualt erapy. 8.") y and “91‘2th; weeks I” ayear, depending on and ii,cdical history and
‘ die" SGVKCS andcoupleor She listed some of the the problem, she said. complete a problem checklist.
marital therapy. to UK frequent complaints that bring, Anyone who uscsthe service PSC does not carry out much .
students and other lexmgton people to the Center as trust fill out a consent-()- )svchological testin aside outSlde
reSidents. , relationship problems, tin. treatment form and must irom this Berlins m5
H53 Bcrans. _one ”f the cluding marital or livirg consent to the audio-visual S(‘l‘\’i('0sat PSC arefree The
PbCIIS'hroe coordmators,sdad: together difficulties), personal taIRiIng, of his therapy sessions. Ccnter'sdirector is I): Donald
IIWI< IdN‘ "105} heawly use b) identity problems. and deep 080 tapes are only h? be Ralph, an adjunct member of Students can expect partly sunny skies today with
‘1‘ thoinniumlg‘ anthiIIAIe wad“ dohl’e-‘Sl‘ms‘ “‘9" by the therapist and his” the psychology department. the high reaching the upper 70:. However. tonight will
5it”. u} S ti” "w .. “e no f But these a”? 1"" the PM); “‘1'": SUPI‘TV'S‘W explained The Center is located at 441 be somewhat chilly as the temperature dips into the
‘9'“ "VI I‘Cm- “’0‘ I things we help people With, Carol Schultz, another of the Pennsylvania Ave The 405.
The PSC '5 staffed by 253930 she said. Other areas such as Center's coordinators. iiiiiiphigw nmiber is 2588323
graduate studmts In Chhh‘al phobias. cart-er crises and Therapy sessions are con- '
'. t ’ p 0 ~ .
' t

 O \ ‘
Steve Massey .
KENTUCKY hilmrr-rn-(‘hlef le F0559" Chm A". (i...) “1'“; John (1., David Mlynlfll
Mark Green Anne Charles Emermmmem Edi/or Sports Editor 1""th 0/ PhUIUKruphi
Debbie McDaniel Ron Hall '
Kirby Stephens (‘indy McGee John Little
Managing hilt/or Anvil!!!“ fit/W" “d“ Poole Steve Lowtber
. . S.T. Robinson Donnie Ward David ('0 I:
J k R dd P l M Senior Staff WNW” Aim/um hirer/amine"! Editor Axsrsrmu Sports hilmiri Photo [12/30,
ac i u nu i ann ‘
- editorials & co ”ts [)ai' Editor [it/urinal Iii/nor £33233!
. O 0
~ — Iran-Iraq war cause or mternatzona concern
A‘ tittlhtlns thN‘Ch Iran and “N lhtChStttCS‘ Our country imports no oil from Iran and little contemplating a move. Carter and otherofficials must rememberto keep
~ Carter adminnlralion officials am becoming from lraq.butthese two countries‘continued fight- United Nations Secretary-General Kurt Wald- statements addressing this issue clear and pointed.
V ‘ increasingly Ct‘rt’emt-‘d Ahd rightly ‘0 ing could cause shipping from other oil-producing heim said the widened fighting posed a “grave Any signs ofindecision should be eliminated. which
' lhree ”11““th tSSUCS 0t paramount importance nations to be delayed or discontinued by' closing the threat" to world peace and he called for urgent con- Carter failed to do in the Afghanistan invasion.and
‘ ' 3” being 'dttt‘t‘tt‘ti h} the att‘OUt “'3' ht‘thg waged Strait of Hormuz. the smallsouthcrn entranceto sultations by the Security Council Tuesday. This details of United States and UN. Security Council
' ' ; . . over the control ofthe Shatt al-Arab. the lZS-milc- the Persian Gulf, initial peacekeeping move is a logical and positive reaction to Soviet intervention in the dispute
. . “"13 What) that 36Pitttttttt‘s Iran and ”ml at tht: Initially. this would have little impact here step and should be quickly supported by all UN. should be plainly stated.
- ' - head of the Persian GU”. because government officials say we have enough member nations —— especially the United States. If careful judgement is demonstrated by all par-
, i 2 . First. the 52 Americans awaiting a decision from oil on hand to withstand any changes in the market President Carter has urged all nations. particu- ties affected by the lran-lraq war. the most serious
. . i the Iranian Parliament concerning their fate will for 164 days. larly the Soviet Union. to remain neutral in the outcome of this affair could be the tragedy of
, , I V have to linger “hO kntms hUW mUCh longer because However. if no settlement is agreed upon Iran-Iraq war. This is a necessary first step in this human lives already lost in combat and a few bar-
' the Parliament 581d Tuesday It had "decided to between the ancient Persian Gulf rivals within one delicate situation because the United States. no rels of oil destroyed. ,
~ V ‘ tires/C lht‘ hostage MUG " or two months. our country. along with hundreds matter how weakened in stature, is still a forceful All we can do is wait.
. A This is ”1161) it dL‘Ptt’SM‘d PCttOd tit“ tht‘ ht’Stagt" of others. will be confronted with increased prices leader in international issues. And hope.
' ' ' and their families because recent communications at the gasoline pumps and no guarantee of where /,; r
. ' between officials in the L'nited States and Iran had the next tank 01 gas ml] come from. f 9 i ’
i‘ 1 given some indication of a softened attitude in the Besides the Iranian parliament‘s “freeze" on the 1 lM ”ifs”. . -. A
- t' demands and pleas from both sides. resolution of the hostage crisis and the possible l'IlLLlN’ , 3 5;} “Y's, \\ / -~
' ~ . cutoff of oil shipping lines from the Persian (iulf IN FO' [7 HACK/g, TX ’32" J‘U l_(( \l\
.. . Whether these recent reappraisals of the hostage region. the most serious issue at hand is possible \\ JIMMY... th‘fl/‘rxtl ..\ fl- . 3% \[l / W .C , ..
. i '- situation were instigated out of political motives or Soviet intervention m the Iran-Iraq conflict ulti- \. (I g 2 (“s l . UV . .3 . gxfiv
. It not. it rtow looks as if 52 Americans will be spcnd- matclv a threat to world peace. 9 . v. Q, 4'1““ 9‘ ' 3‘
. ing their ‘vMIh day in Ulldlsolttscd locations ' i ', /.- .\ a L, ‘i N , y, k :7}, /
. throughout IN” Already the Soviets supply military equipment to \. ,_..’UE’% \ . y
- y ‘ 5 [be second issue. and some government officrals Iraq And although they are pressed with problems I / N ._ ' 5‘ Cs.
. ' may reel [hls is rm. only thing to be concerned with. front their invasion of Afghanistan. the opportun— 5.225.... “x ' . I .i ’{_, t A
t . is the flow of precious crude from the oil-rich it} to enhance their influence in the critical region r: Jun \ ,s‘ y l’)‘ 1/ 1.2; k A
. y I region would be enough reason for Soviet leaders to begin ‘ a" _.s""l'""£.{1§iv is-..” ‘ , L“ Li I. . :2“.
' ' f? h' ' not/1 'ng unique about the ‘new ’ cold war ideology
.- i In my introductory Column. 1 l S intervened for the first time in industrial areas of the world West can concern over C0ntr0101 the area l'nion address, basic assumptions of Cold War
- .-’ '1 mentioned pdi'enthetically that. for the last Europe question as well. Furope. (ireat Britain..lapanand the was shaped by three forces: lhc aid. to Greece set a precedent policy:
I ' male students of registration age.fil~ lithlllga leading rolein the breaking l'nited States itself, Now. with its I. lhc need to expand foreign of propping up any government
'. . ' ling out a 3chan 58“,“. card 41 tip of the Atistro-Hungarian Empire enormous capital resources and its markets to ward off a widely-feared w hich declared itself anti- Since |9l7 theKremlrn's princtple '
1' ' . 'i the Ptlht Um“. 1h“. summg, had the and establishing Western-oriented monopoly on the nuclear bomb. it WNW” dt‘PrC“t0h In Western communist. ”0 matter ht” “WWW strat‘ \ has been [0 ut m faith m
.t .1 unsettling effect of piercing the governments lhis ultimately unsuc- stood ready to dictate its terms toa lurope. this eventually took the or oppressive. lhe aid to lurkey ' . lg' ' . 'l'pd V 'l
. ‘ . miasnia M student life. “Mm move was made. In part. to war-ravaged Russia in dire need 0! form of economic hegemony under resulted fromthc l'ndcr Secretary of 'R‘(;‘.knl:;n‘in‘;:“y:rid “ml "tU‘fr'luwi.
I ' f , Here. indeed was a political act check the Soyict l'nion the Marshall Plan and military Stale Dean Acheson‘s formulation 1|”?! a: 7m;[,Ll'ru‘huvlirgginu‘:
, ' . \ii .yni- [cghtcnng could deny that Prior thc World War II. as the hegemony under the North Amcri~ of what was later to be called the gm“ 'l'nd‘Al "5;"? hr: and ofhir
‘ . oimczhinp “out there“ had been threat of Hitler‘s fascism grew in can lrcaty‘ Organi/ationtwhich has “Domino’l'heory.” . _mp"“ 3‘ ' u ‘ t
.’ ' transialcd into an «,iccurrcnce ol _ continued to provide American cor- lhe whole containment doctrinc natlions. ' , 'd‘ . 'k‘ 1 ‘
i" more .mmediatc if ambiguous portitions with lucrative arms sought to encircle the Soviet l'niori ‘ hi3] in“; ma : mum/xx.” 0_
' ~: . ' V‘ W ‘ ‘ltltttt't'dht‘t‘ S ' contracts). with countries friendly to the l' 5., will“; I L [Irffklrylrom 1.11”!“ dltlt‘
5 .- .1 ii I: l\ \Hlll this grounding in “real teve c 2 ()ffrcral ant—Communism. the and was given intellectual legitimacy Thin: )T'EF‘m: ‘dff ”“3“” u -' ‘
- ‘ I lite."howcycr thlUtith ll may dppcol. ' perception of Stalin as another by an enormously influential article mli‘lltgff' : “r 'n ‘E‘n‘b . 7‘ . ’
‘ t. ' ”W l ‘ht'ttht “it“ t” ht’tllh d d1“ U" H. h ‘- Hitler bent on world-wide domina» in Foreign Alfons. entitled "lhe ‘ {- -~ tt‘P't t“t‘httt.lt‘tthtm'
- '- I .- siot. ot the “new" ( old “at its lrSC tion. and an overemphasis on the Sources of Soviet (‘oiiduct “ It was pls‘s. h)hd“td t‘PPt’ttUh'ttt‘ t“ ‘ttP' '
' ‘i ‘ origins. its role Lll American politiciif # importance of Communist intci‘na- published under the pseudonym of [30:11 Eridcltastr‘o and H” (filtkfldmii
' ’ ' i and economic llit‘. and its implica- l‘UltlpC. the Soviets looked to Frig— ttt‘hiih‘th as tht.’ ideologicaldctermr~ "Mr X" and its author. (icorgc an“ ‘5‘ :o‘nsrs'an 5 su‘ppt rft fl ‘
. i‘ tions tor u‘ as students. potential land and lrtance for allies l-rus- ‘. , nanf "t 59““ foreign policy A“ Kt‘hhith- lt‘tt't expressed dismay at find“ I‘rtlaltf‘ltlindrxgryiyyrlnrzjitm‘s in ~
j i. "f drattces rind citi/crts of our country trir'cd by their r'chsal. and ill- , 1- these contributed t0 the Ct’h‘PttaC.‘ tht‘ htttttttrtmc interpretation 0t Ct‘h‘ ZOUTLHR} If 'rddlothirts‘ n ( ncsia. .
. M,‘ dt‘t'ttwml- tt‘t tt'tt‘t‘h‘ "t l‘tcpared for a singlehanded economic reconstruction. theory 0t foreign Pt’ttCM “hcrchi tilthmt’ht b.‘ lruman. All“ h'I rica‘sh‘ (fl t tidl‘ w'
_ i j ’ . ,1 \P'dt‘ti m” be somewhat artificrally .oriftontation with (icrmany. Stalin But Stalin maintained his firm nationalist liberation movements all In [946. the (‘iimmunist coup in l 1. dls wagt: lcos '2. net . c: “a? . .
. . - divided mm m“ articles lhc hm signed a non-aggression PACK with hold on Fast ruropc. lmmmg that over the world were perceived as (‘Itichiislovakia led to th'-‘ Marshall 0’ con a‘tjnmc’n" in ort'a d: “1;.
i _ . will pinpoint the historical orrgrris of Hitler in 1939. whrchdivtdcd hastcrn the the area was vital toSovret secure 50““ Pt"t~‘~ and every 50”“ move plan "t West Europeancontarnment. nantl. (“.1 ,H,EL‘iiing uptgiir {2rd ..( f ,
. ’ i. ‘ the (old “at l tiropc between (iermany and Rtis- ity Not even the omnipresent threat “’Utd ht‘ WC“ as part ofa calculated and the creation 0t thC (‘tA- tht‘ “wrhinyt‘rf': “L”: mR' 51.5.1“...
,ii : lhc second, to appear twi‘ wcck~ sh lri l94l. Hitler invadcd all of of the bomb swayed this resolve strategy It“ global subversion ”rb’ttht/ttttt‘h “htt‘h more than tth.‘ “If If} dlwl ”5 new aprt ”)0".
' «. trorii today. w1ll consider the recent lrlsl l'uropc and drove deep into When Rtissia asked the l S. for a .t Racism. the view of Americans other. htt‘ helpedtransformAmcrica lllLlllIh’ OH‘L' ‘d l , I .\_
a . i demise it dttcritt. ii rid til'tlllpl to \HHL’l territory. billion—dollar reconstruction loan iii the chief defender of Western civrli— ”11th clandestine. undemocratic and [II " contrnu:h “illiiné‘: Lr: _
‘ 'cl.itt‘ thi it'surgctrcc of (old Vt»: lot Russia. the cost of defeating i945. the l S agreed on the condi- Iation.against the barbarian hordes. altogether paranoid hailtinal Secur- Handctonom‘yi K} orgrasltil if t“
. . ' itlt‘oiogy to the demands of the pt' vb” third mirror invasion in Hflycars tron that Russia allow A\mciican (lhis same conviction. which facili~ tt.‘ State sptn‘dingfian ‘asdpcrcnm: \t ‘13:;
x . Y‘:l.fnL‘l’i‘ “iHL'Liil'lunl\ lht’ShtlllU‘P‘ proved cnormoUs ()t the 22 million goodsand investment intothc Soviet fated the nuclear obliteration of ln January. I950. President lru- mate "i “1 TL,” ”15“an ‘ ' if f . I: .
. .. .. ', rugs or \rticriciiri :Ihc‘ldlhlll and ilti‘ \Eiigil lives lost in world w.“ ll. an sphere of influence Russia refused Hiroshima and Nugagakp at“, gur. man authorized the State and ‘TPLH" If"; “Hf 6'1”" ‘5 K r" ”m
it i. T l. r-iic ot iiisttumeritiiiisrii tn American ‘slirllJlL‘d 30 million were lost by ”11' and announced it new five-year plan faced in the Korean and Vietnam Dt'tt‘h‘C Departments to draft an “5110th .‘ovi‘ttI nionl, H d ‘1“
"z .‘3 .. I 'iitt'tgn ind military sltiilcg) snug-i l ”M“ m ”hm” at m own expense and “a” and 15 an obvious factor m overarching foreign policy paper to A rimv’ E‘XLS‘E'umfllL t'flin ”3m
3 .‘ » :7‘ lr; order to ‘llitlL'l\ldllll the "iii-w' the l S. thotigh a crucial conv by strippinglast l'urripcof anything contemporary attitudes toward t-tC'd] “tth ‘Ut'h developments 8‘ the ' ‘m‘cri‘ca ' h'nt‘ ‘rvr d H h f- t
v ' ' I. ( oid “At a bvrct htsltil\ of the old triloitor to the war effort. lost that wasn‘t nailed down Iran) Communist victory in China. the diet?“ h .“ at 1‘ m‘intt'nd‘ sh ":
- ' ' I . tiri‘ \L';l“i\ in out 'l till .000. and suffered no damage to Stalin‘s refusal to bridge and his On March IZ. I947. President Soviet mastery ofatomiccncrgy'and pacht : "Q:);3:“t;:t‘;‘n‘::l urori‘uls:
. y, -'~. if; lo' ventures t‘Ll'iht'l the l ast nor its home territory. whercasovcr I IN) brutal suppression of democracy in Harry lruman addressed agroint ses« tht‘ ht?“ addtttt’h t" ”W American {Burn}? [if]! ".1 n hic ' i i
' “.I iv" (ht \\.s: has eytr been willing to Russian villages were destroyed. occupied last lurope otitragcd siori of (‘origrcss to announce the arsenal tht’ hydrogen bomb, or d mm ‘ “g pk )'
‘ ' , '. “Aw“ ttt‘t’st” t tttt’l‘t' ‘ttt'hflth- lhdt“ pltrridcrcd and somctrmcs rti/cd to Articricans. who somehow fail to unprcccndcnted giving of peacetime This policy paper. NatronalSccur—
f 'at- '. '; l‘t‘n-ly‘tm o' neutrality l'Ut RHWJ. thc ground take notcof the Ariicrican hegemony military aid to (ircece. whose cor. ity Document Sixty-Fight, was lar—
‘73. y . ‘ tluisioticbeen'licbufferagiiiris!the Hut the Russians criicrged from over (critral and South Amcrica. rupt. right—wing monarchy seemed gcly‘ the product of two civilian
I . .‘ I] \\ t‘st ’ ., tit‘t mum and l titus‘t‘. lllt‘ the war in possessionof l ast l urope. enforced in most cases through mil- on the verge of y‘rcldrngto a ('ornmu- militants. Dcan Acheson and Paul
"“r. ‘ ".i .mttt‘WH tt” «1“ im-Nt‘n “l RUN-I it toridition. its always, unacceptable itary dictatorsliips tiist regime. and lurkcy.presumably Nit/c lt called for a large scale mil-
’ "i ‘I‘ long before the advent of ( oni~ to the West lhe l‘riitcd States. Ihis concentration on Soviet the "next to fall" after (ireccc. 11M} hUIldllp of lb and allied mil-
5’ 31‘ .3 ._-,.i autumn, the Westand Rassia sought which had stayed out of the war as authoritarianism to the complete Speaking in terms of a universal nary forccs. and thus inaugurated
" licgeriioriy met this huge .irca long as pt‘sstl’ilt‘ found itself. prefer» exclusion of its American equivalent battle between freedom and totalit- the permanent war economy.
'. f 2‘..." streithirig llt'l" the Baltic to the H.il— ring to let Russian l!\t'\ substitutefor has been a central feattireot the (‘old arianism. he enunciated the lruman for reasons of space. I will now St H' ‘ h .y y . . . .
. .f " MH‘ ln WW flt': same year '\mt‘ti -\mcrit.iri orics round Itself at wat's War mentality ever since Doctrine. the foundation of thc(‘old skip 30 years and srxadmrnrstratrons ‘ 9.“: Irsc. '5 a senior‘mlyorlng I."
‘. 5 ,ifl‘ 'roops tonight to overthrow the end in .i position of iinparallcllcd ln addition to popular moral “at policy of containment which intothefuturc. Aglaricc atthc polit- polllticnl 39'7"” and Lnghsh. "'5
~'. } 1'2"" ”“hm‘zi‘ R“““‘”"“” ”t “ It‘ll" l‘ttW‘Y \i‘t‘ttitl'itigolcvcrting strong indignation o\t‘r the suppression of was given a new lease on life in rcs of 1980showsthat trmc and fail- 21::tguw' appear every other
"t, .2 *_ 'crriciiibt'tt-d lll\it\iilll of Russia the ‘llllllCl‘LC ii: four of tl‘c five motor dcrtiocracy in List ltiiopc. Arnetl- .lininiy (‘ar'tcr‘s latest State of thc tirc have done little to challangc the i "
' Brotherly Love
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 l . ”ll: KIN l l ( Ki KLRNLL Thursday. September 25. ”80-3 '
BWS roun up «A»: ‘ K I C - d 3 .
l O. 0 a erne POSbWOI‘ . , . I
Compiled from AP Dispatches ACROSS bbt/Mmieltdtion mm MI... 3...“...- " ' 5
1b 07 Mow: turtwe Wm},,,,,’,ldv ,‘ Pullle Stilt/mi 3, ' .'
i-veviiges 1-,I - ~ .‘ , ‘
I ' 6 French tale 68 But! ‘a' A" 5' We ‘S'A'o'I S'Trfli ‘, - 1' '
State Anderson, who has sharpened his . 'HCFIYICIZG 69 Tmietdbie iii???» L52! s fyg’ipg‘ ,. _ ' .
attacks on both his major rivals in Slang nubv ,I,o,I,I+o,~ . 5‘}; A L 35,, ,, ,'
recent days, told the Council on Foreign 1? “”10 ”l "a" U 3"" 0"“ i353: , ‘ ‘33:»: " 2+3? _' ,, .- 5 5,
..A Wolfe Circuit Court Jury recom- Relations in New York that both Reagan 1g 3'31“" U" ’ " 37,7“, "" r u a 4.0.1; i i*.& "' . 1.:
mended yesterday that Todd Ice, 16, be and Carter favor targeting nuclear 171,,GI2,,I3WW '9 p pg, 53:35”; a a'; p); -", : .
sentenlctfdpto deliitéi fortthe mlurder of a 7- weapons toward military command ,3 l was” ’ Imwr. fly; I ' 2.94.: S P 2.4: _ 5' «f ‘- D_ ' ,va,
year-o 0‘“ 0“" Y 8" ~ centers in the Soviet Union in addition to . 20 get-0..., ’ ' ' :4; ”6.5., 32;: -, I, t, _, ‘2, ;,I
The jury had convicted him Saturday Russian missile sites. Measure these values on DQNLOP 8 range 0' 22 Implied 0 ,m»; - fit: .. P i’u'. . .J- ..-« _ :3' '7
of the murder of Donna Knox, who was “Obviously, neither Mr. Carter nor metric Sized steel belted radials forcompacts. g3 ham.“ ,. , ML, 3,003, 3,; 36 ‘.:“:- 33,3: 1" . 1, (3,”)
stabbed numerous times at her mother's Mr. Reagan is advocating nuclear war," subcompacts and Imports. ._. SATZHIW W i I ‘22- ..L I: :,: ~ I}, ’7," : 7W."
house "all" W 1?780 Anderson said. “But I consider both of VII-.55, jg MEL“ ' WM“ 3.30,, 3,33,]: 0:0,},1 ._ (3,333 I
. Commonwealth S Attorney ,A- Dale them to be seriously misguided in their ”.3 6353' G / S4 .39 5“] ,7 .. . ' ‘ " ‘ ’ ' ’ ' 5".*,."’.»7-".' )3
3”?“ $3,”: I thought the Jury W35 endorsement of the so—called nuclear ..y "a, S. . _ 3o Measuw; ~.,,... 32.1, 1,3143} ,
Justifjietd in fbdmfiiling back a recom- wax-fighting thesis." , ‘ g. , Steel Belted Radial 3'2 Imam-.4 a M'II x. .. ,» J? v . L- . [55704-3 j,
men a ion 0 ea .” . 1 1 . 54 EV, om... . . ,, ,2,'_,-,:f,._.,.l.g;,.,.
Defense attorney Clyde Simmons had l" T f ' . 30'000 MILE UMlTED WARRANTY ’59 W HON OIIIII-I .. ._ I.» ,. . «1.: 0.
told the jury “YOu should find him not ..A new test shows that between 5 ..~\ 13° . 3 .. $ 36 AgH-ssw 4 no mm: 4.3. 0,35,“, H Dam, H L In”: ,'...,",
- ’ ‘ . . percent and 10 percent of infertile adults ‘ ~ /\ , 'WI ' I‘ new: WIS 4; Mm, .,,,,[,.., 5mm, ,. ,, _ _ . ._, ,.L,',.-‘.g’.~‘.~,'g
guilty by reason of insanity because , . , . . 5‘ A. "Impurnvigvuown ,I r ,, ,_ _ ., , , ’ ,-.I,.-,=,._-'.“I .,
~ are barren because chemicals in their ,t s 4) ”mm. ..v. ., Ann.“ ,. ,. i . .. J... 1.,
those are the facts, he is crazy." . . 1 1. . 0W , , . I». 1.... polyester mum . ~ , ,, . , ’ .- . I, I. I. . . ..
The mother of the victim Mrs Sheil bodies kill sperm, but they may be able D "II II U, m UM Io mm o M1 Inga»: ,,4 on, ,t. .. I- ‘II, t 3H,»,
. . . ‘ ' ' a to produce babies if they take commonly /.,,.;., P1 55180RX13 .iItIiI'v.iri:1itdI dorm-In on. ,, ., I. , . p..,..,, . .3, ,_ ,
Knox, testified at the trial that she was .1 bl d‘ . - :z,‘ s\ S P4 ‘It '01 .I'IvI ‘1 ' Opposes - I F x.- um: I; i’J-J’tixnfz
bound and beaten by Ice the day her avgéfwezn'qg gig"; and 15 percent of {A5} R . I 3-4 I ,. 0' lead ya Kmq s more!