xt73n58cjt1t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cjt1t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 2008 2008 2008-12-03 2020 true xt73n58cjt1t section xt73n58cjt1t STOCKING STUFFERS

A-list goodies for the i

hip-hop lover

summits? T
paged ‘ '






Police: Alcohol possible factor in crash

By Kenny Colston


Icyington Police believe C.\~
cessiyc speeding and alcohol
may have played a role in the
Nov. 32 car crash iityolving for-
mer l'ls' \olleyball player Jenni

Casper died a day later at
[K Hospital from blunt force
trauma resulting from the car

A police report obtained

Tuesday said Casper
was a suspected
“drinking driver." Re—
sults of a blood test
taken when Casper
was admitted to UK
Hospital on Saturday
morning won‘t be
known for anotliei

A witness to
Casper's accident said she sped
through the light at the intersec»
tiori of (‘liinoe and Fontaine


roads at speeds of 60 to
70 mph around 2 am.
Saturday before Casper
lost control of her car
around a tttni. according
to the report.

The car then Jumped
over a curb and hit a U‘ec
just sotith of that inter»
section. catising Casper's
severe injuries. the report

The normal speed limit for
both Chinoe and Fontaine roads

are listed as 35 mph according
to the police report. The report
does not suspect any vehicular
or environmental factors influ-
enced the accident.

Casper was a standout vol-
leyball player for UK from
2003 to 2006. earning South—
eastern Conference Defensive
Player of the Year honors
twice. The Lodisville native
graduated from UK in May
2007 and held the SEC record
for career digs.





Electrical engineering graduate student Ptltlllllla Srrrgiri, computer scrence graduate student Reriuka Nallamotliu and computer screrice graduate stu-
dent Shanthi Nalluri hold candles during the beginning of the Vigil for Mumbai, indta, Tuesday night

Mourning Mumbai

By Jill Laster

llaster/rikykernal com

Krishna l’rayaga felt good. but
only for a second.

When Prayaga lotind out about
the terrorist attacks that eventually
killed more than I70 in Mumbai. Iri—
dia. he called his family to make sure
everyone was UK, They were all
safe. and he felt relieyed. but another
feeling soon followed.

"I knew my family was fine. but
their. my countrymen were dying."
Pray‘aga said

I’ray'aga was one of about litl
l'ls' students arid other members of
the Lexington community to pttl‘llcl'
pate in a vigil Tuesday night iii re»
sponse to the Mumbai terrorist at~
tacks. in which I: different targets
were attacked last week. including
two ltl\llr_\ hotels. a cafe and a rail-
road station. according to news re~

ports. It took nearly three di'iys before
the last militant was killed.

.»\lthough Pray'aga said he found
it “difficult to even string two seri—
tences together." he addressed the
crowd Tuesday night in the courtyard
of Bradley llall about the attacks.

“Let us renew our hope to stand
tinited against terror." Prayaga said to
the crowd w ailing for the march to
begin. with unlit candles in hand,
“This walk may be inst a gesture. but
l view II as a first step against this

Maichers went from Bradley Hall
past the Main Building and iiiio the
free SPCCclt Area of the Student Cen—
ter. with the flames of small white
candles stretching spans as long as
from Bradley Hall to the Funkhouser

Walking by l"iinkhiitiser with a lit

See Vigil on page 3


Death toll 173
in terrorist attacks

By Zachary R. Dowdy


As officials iii liidia struggled to restore order
to Mumbai iii the wake of a series of siniultaneous
blasts in the commercial center last Wednesday.
they also grappled with the question of why the at-
tacks occurred.

A little known group called the Deccan Altli
jaliideen notified media outlets arid claimed responr
sibility for the bombings and shootings at ll sites
at hotels. railway stations and other high—profile IU'
cations in Mumbai. formerly known as Bombay.

At least 173 were killed. and nearly 300 hurt.

()ne scholar said the blasts were well—coordirr
nated and that the perpetrators of what is one of In

See Attacks on page 3


Advocate to discuss son’s struggle with AIDS

8y Naiah Allouch


All he wanted to do was go
to school and liye a normal
life. bill for l3-ycar