xt73n58cjt4k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73n58cjt4k/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1926 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 21-24, 1926 text Proceedings of the Kentucky Negro Educational Association, April 21-24, 1926 1926 1926 2020 true xt73n58cjt4k section xt73n58cjt4k  






fiCentutkg Negm
lEhutatimtal Aaanciminn


“F or Greater Mei:—

Mgmbgrship calm; and stronger
Citizenship Among
[140 the Youth of Ken-



50th Annual Session

Louisville. Kentucky
April 21. 22. 23. 24


Central Theme: "Health, An Aim In Education"







Officers for 1927
Minutes of the General Association .

Departmental Reports in

Report on 1926 Activities
Secretary’s Financial Report
Legislative Report .






Declaration of Principles
A Fifty—Year Survey
Roll of 1926 Membership .....
Parent-Teacher Association Enrollment
Enrollment by Counties
A Forecast for 1926-27
Please read the advertisements in this publication.
Patronize Our Advertisexs and Help Those Who Help Us.





 K. N. E. A. OFFICERS, APRIL, 1926 T0 APRIL, 1927.


E. B. DAVIS, President. . . . . . . . ,Georgetown



A. 5. WILSON, Secretary . . . . . . .Louisville
MISS L. V. RANELS, Assistant Secretary .Winchester
JOSEPH R. RAY, Treasurer. . .Louisv-ille
W. J. GALLERY, Historian. .Little Rock
M. J. SLEET, Reporter. . . .Owensboro


Mrs. Fannie H. White, First Vice-President Lexington












Miss N. H. Ward, Second Vice-President. Newport
W. S. Blanton, High School and College Dept .E‘rankfort
Mrs. L. E. Jackson, Grammar School Dept . .Bowling' Green
Mrs. M. E. Walker, Primary Dept. . . . . .Franldort
Miss R. L. Carpenter, Music Dept. . . .Winchester
G. L. Cordery, Indnsiz'ini Education Dept. . . . Lincoln Ridge
Mrs. B. W. Davis, Industrial Education Dept Georgetown
Mrs: T. L. Anderson, Rural School Dep . . Frankfort
E. T. Buford, Principal’s Conference ., ......Bowling Green
w. H. Fouse, Commercial Dept. ...... ..Lexington
Mrs. Essie D. Mack, Parent-Teacher Dep . .Louisvilie
C. B. Nuckolis, Social Service Dept. . . . . . . . . .Ashland



E. B. Davis, Chairman Ex-Officio. ..
W. s. Blanton (Term Expires 1923
P. M. Moore (Tenn Expires 1928)..
Mrs. L. B. Fouse (Tenn Expires 1927)
Mrs. M. G. Egester (Term Expires 1927) ..

. . Georgetown
. Paducah





Miss M. S. Brown, First District. . . . . .Paducah
S. L. Barker, Second District. .Owensboro
A. M. Todd, Third District. . Adairville
S. L. Smith, Fourth District .. .. .Bardstown


Mrs. D. L. Poignard, Fifth District
H. R. Merry, Sixth District. . .
E. S. Taylor, Seventh District.
J. W Bate, Eighth District . .
w. H. Humphrey, Ninth District
Miss K. W Hancock, Tenth District
J. H. Ingram, Eleventh District. .


APRIL 21.24, 1926

The Kentucky Negro Educational Association assembled at the
Quinn Chapel Church Wednesday evening, April 21, 1926. The meet.
ing was called to order ,by President E. B. Davis of Georgetown.
The welcome address was made by Attorney W. H. Wright of Louis-
ville. Simmons University rendered the opening music. The main
addresses of the evening were the President's address and the 50th
Anniversary address by Dr. C. H. Parrish, President of Simmons
University, Louisville, Ky.

After the sectional meeting of Thursday morning April 22, the
Association reassembled at 2 p. m. The Annual Story Telling Con-
test directed by Prof. J. s. Cotter was held. The judges announced
Alphonso Jordan of the Western Branch Library of Louisville, win-
ner in the primary department and Lincoln Blackwell also at the
Western Branch, winner in the intermediate department. Mr. T. F.
Blue, head librarian, assisted“ in the program.

Prizes were also awarded by Miss Margaret Taylor for the best
original story written in 3' almost in the Louisville Schools. The
first prize of ten dollars went to Catherine Taylor, the second, five
dollars, to Magdalene Overton, and the third two dollars and fifty
cents, to Lucy Newton. Addresses were then delivered by Presi-
dent George Colvin of the University of Louisville, and Mrs. Frances
Miner, Director of Health and Safety.

Thursday night two splendid addresses were given and also the
legislative report. Mr. E. Franklin Frazier, Director of the Atlanta
School of Social Service gave an address on the “Contribution of
Social Service Work to the Education of the Negro in the South.”
Mrs. Charlotte Hawkins Brown, of Sedalia, N. 0., made a_splendid
address on “What to Teach Negro Americans.” The report of the
legislative committee was read by Dr. James Bond and adopted.

Reasseinbling Friday morning April 23 after brief sectional
meetings, the general program was carried out as announced except
that Mrs. Charlotte Hawkins-Brown made a second address in the
place of Pres. G. P. Russell of Frankfort who could not be present.
The Declaration of Principles were read by Prof. A. E. Meyzeek of
Louisville. It was moved and seconded that these principles be
adopted as the sentiment of the meeting and that they be given
due publicity. The committee on the Scholarship Fund was announce
ed as follows: Proi. J. s. Hathaway, Richmond, Chairman; Prof. W.
B. Matthews, Louisville; Prof, W. n. Fouse, Lexington; Mrs. M. R.
Phillips, Paducah; and Prof. J. H. Ward, Owenshoro. The spelling
contest was then conducted. The judges were J. S. Hathaway, W. S.
Blanton, G. H. Brown, F. A Taylor, and Mrs. E. B. Quarles. The
first prize, a medal, was awarded James Whitlock of West Union,


 Christian County, and the second prize was awarded Isam B. Spen-
oer of South Park, Jefferson County. The third prize went to Cor-
delia. Zellars of the Lincoln School of Louisville.

The Fridei/ afternoon session was featured by n rural and indus-
trial program. Addresses were given by Mr. L. N. Taylor, State Rur-
nl School Agent, Prof. Ambrose Celiver of Fisk University and Miss
Alice Kinslow, Sttae Supervisor of Home Economics. Prof. Caliver
spoke on the “Problem of Guidance in Education." The nominating
committee was then appointed consisting of w. n. Bond, Mrs. v. 12.
Jones, E. B. Tales, J. H. Ward, Mrs. M. a. Phillips, 0. W. A. David
and G. w. Parks.

The Friday night program was the “Pageant of Progress" held
at the Jefferson County Armory. The progress of Negro education
in Kentucky was portrayed and over five thousand witnessed the pro-

The business session of the K. N. E. A. was held Saturday, April
24 at 9 mm.

Exhibit prizes were awarded by the Secretary, A. S. Wilson. The
financial report of the Secretary was also given. The nominating
committee reported and officers as listed herein were duly elected.
The resignation of Prof. F. M. Wood as a director was accepted with
regret. A motion was made that we extend Prof. Wood our best
wishes and congratulate him on his signal success in Baltimore, Md.
as Supervisor of Colored Schools. New officers elected were Prof.
W. S. Blanton of Frankfort as a director and Mr. M. J. Sleet of»
Owensboro as official reporter.

The resolutions committee of which Prof. J. L. Bean of Ver-
sailles was chairman reported. The resolutions presented were
adopted. A vote of thanks was given the Louisville teachers for
their rendition of the Pageant.

Pres. D. H. Anderson, W. K. I. C. pledged to raise one hundred
dollars for exhibit prizes for 1927. The Associationvthen elected E.
B. Davis, President and A. S. Wilson, Secretary, as official dele-
gates to the meeting of the N. A. T. C. S. at Hot Springs, Ark. in
July, 1926. It was then moved and seconded that a committee with
Prof. W. H. Fonse of Lexington as Chairman be appointed to report
at the 1927 meeting on the salaries of colored teachers in Kentucky.
The Association then adjourned to meet ngain April 20, 1927. Fol-
lowing the adjournment of the General Session the Board of Dir-
ectors inet endivnted to receive the financial rléport of the secretary
as reported herein. Each expenditure was approved. Plans were
made for the year 1926-27.



In the main the prawns of the various departments were car-
ried out as printed The Primary Department reported an interest-
ing session and that the following officers were elected: Mrs. Martha
W. Walker, Chairman, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Vice Chairman and Mrs.
K. N. Johnson, Secretary.

The Rural School Department operated a model school as the
main feature of its program. It was very helpful to the teachers
who were present. Mrs. T. L. Anderson was re-elected Chairman of
this depamnent and Mrs. Mary Jackson, Secretary.

The Industrial Education Department went 6n record as having
closed their most successful session of any year. Many plans were
made for the future and in 1927 better exhibits are expected. An ad-
visory Board was appointed whose work will be to make special rec-
ommendations along various‘lirles. This Board consists of W. M.
Young, Electricity; 0. B. Doty, Science; w. E. Lee, Metal Work; and
G. L. Bullock, Drawing. Officers elected were G. L. Cordery, Chair-
man, Manual Arts and Miss A. E. Barry, Vice Chairman; Mrs, B. W.
Davis, Chairman, Domestic Science and Art and Miss Julia Jones,
Vice Chairman. Miss L. M. Goodloe was elected the secretary.

The officers of the other departments were revelected and the
programs were carried out as printed. The leaders of the various
sections reported an improvement in attendance and thought that
much good came to the teachers from the discussions, demonstrai
tions and addresses which made up their respective programs.


Reports of Committee—April 24, 1926

We the members of a committee from the above named depart-
ment after having made a careful study of the K. N. E. A. exhibits
in the Central High School gymnasium make the following sugges~
(1) The number of articles brought should be in keeping with
space available.

(2) The articles competing for prizes should all he placed to~
gether. Rural, City and High School exhibits should be grouped

(3) The judges find it a very difficult matter to judge the IF
ticles belonging to a given group when they are scattered ell'over
the exhibit room. We ask that a committee be appointed to he on
hand to direct the arrangement of items when they are put on dis

(4) We further suggest that over half of the Gymnasium be re—


 served for Articles listed in the bulletin, find all other articles be
marked miscellaneous and go under the head of General Exhibits
This committee Appointed in the Industrial Arts and Home Eco-
nomics Department surveyed and made a careful study of the exhibit
room and find that for next year a better organization can be made.
Miss Alberta E. Barry (Chi-Am.)
Mr. Paul v. Smith, Lexington.
Mrs. E. W. Davis, Georgetown.
Miss Goodloe, Georgetown.
Miss Eugenia Mandy, Henderson.
Prof. C. Cordery, Lincoln lmtitnte.

Special Recommendations—April 24, 1926

We the members of the State Parent-Teacher after due consid—
eration make the following recommendations subject to the approval
of the K. N. E. A. Directors:

(1) That the State Parent-Teacher Association engage through
out the coming year in 5. health campaign and urge the boys and girls
in our Kentucy‘ schools to be 100 per cent perfect

(2) That the State Parent-Teacher Association recognize and
help foster the Annual Negro Health Week and also Child Health
(3) That the Parent—Teacher Association issue a bulletin in the
month of May which shall contain a. full report of the State meet-
ing held in ApriL

(4) That the local branches enter a movement for 3 student
Loan Department and also take special interest in children below
school age by seeing that they are vaccinated and otherwise made
physically fit to enter school.

Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Essie D. Mack, President.

N. B.——-The K. N. E. A. Directors aphroved the above recom-
mendations. other recommendations submitted were filed for future
consideration. The directors also asked that the State Parent-
Teacher Association be advised of its departmental relation and
stated that it should be maintained in order that both teachers and
parents might cooperate to the highest degree.

The Parent~Teacher Association since being a department of
the K. N. E. A. has had a steady growth. To further enlarge the
Work of this department teachers should see that more delegates at-
tend the annual meeting representing their respective schools. In
maintaining a Parent-Teacher Department the K. N. E. A. follows
the example of the National Association of Teachers in Colored

A. S. Wilson, Secretary of K N. E. A.


 Report on 1926 Activities

TION FOR 1925-26
By A. S. Wilson, Secretary

(Read at meeting of National Association of Teachers in Col-
ored Schools, Hot Springs, Ark, July 28-30, 1926).

During the past year the Kentucky Negro Educational Associa-
tion conducted a very successful program, extending from Septem-
ber, 1925 to May, 1926. Within this period a State-wide spelling
contest was held in various counties using the words and rules sent
out from the office of this Association. The final contest was held
as a feature of the annual meeting at Louisville during April. Three
prizes were awarded the pupils Winning in the final contest.

This year “The K. N. E. A. Bulletin,” our official organ was
issued in November, January, and March, over 5,000 copies having
been sent out in the three publications. Our Bulletin contains notes
on the Annual meeting and current educational news. Another fea-
ture of our yearly educational program was the preparation of liter-
ary and industrial exhibits which were displayed at the annual meet-
ing in April at Louisville. All sections of Kentucky were represent.
ed and sixty prizes were awarded along various lines.

During the year our legislative committee was quite active and
at the annual meeting reported that it had used its influence and
time (several members of this committee having attended the lads
lature while in session) to have the West Kentucky Industrial Col-
lege at Paducah, further recognized and supported by the state and
also to have our Normal School at Frankfort raised to college rank.
They accomplished both things attempted and in addition another
state trade and training school for colored children was authorized,
same to be located some where in Western Kentucky. Our appro-
priations by the State for Negro education were increased about
$50,000 over 1925.

An outstanding feature of our annual meeting at Louisville,
April 21-24, at which time our 50th Anniversary Session was held,
was a “Pageant of Progress." This pageant portrayed the history
of Negro education in Kentucky from the landing of the Pilgrim to
the present. Nearly one thousand children rendered the pageant
and about five thousand were present at its rendition. Among
those who addressed our Association from other states were Mrs.
Charlotte Hawkins-Brown of North Carolina, Mr. E. Franklin Fraz-
ier, of Atlanta, Ga., and Prof. Ambrose Caliver of Fisk University.
Noted Kentucky speakers on our program included Dr. C. H. Parrish,
who delivered the 50th Anniversary address. A scholarship fund was
started this year from the proceeds of our pageant. This year we
enrolled 1140 out of the 1316 teachers in Kentucky, or 86 per cent.

From this report it my he noted that the Kentucky Assoc!»
tion aims to have a program in progress throughout the scholut'le
year and have the culmination of its program at the nuns! meeting

in April.




West Kentucky
Industrial College


Gives courses of thorough Academic and Normal Training
through resident and correspondence, for which certificates

are issued by the State Department as follows:

Elemenkry. lnlermetlille .na Dinlnmn

For infr'mat‘lon write

D. H. ANDERSON, President



The oldest Institution for Colored people in Kentucky. The
only Institution having for its object, Ministerial, Collegiate
and Légal Training. Special training in Normal, Commercial,
Music, Domestic Science and Arts departments. Missionary
training for women and girls. Extension Course. Athletic As-
sociation, Military Training, Gymnastics. Highest Christian
and Moral Tone, essential to the highest culture. Rates rel-E-
onable. DR. C. H. PARRISH, President

De L. LAWSON, Dean





We are prepared to fill on short notice, orders for Christmas
Cards, Calendars, Christmas Letbers and Invitations. All
orders must be in by December 5111 to insure prampt delivery
before Christmas.
We make a specialty of Mimeograph and Muitigraph Letbers.
Prices sent on request


1012 West Chestnut Street





Secretary’s Report

To the officers and members of the Kentucky Negro Education-

al Asseciation:
I submit herewith my report as Secretary of the 1:. N. E. A. for
the year ending April 30, 1926:


Balance 1025 meeting as per report in

Minutes .. ...$ 400.46
State Music Association Ba] 5.00
Ads in 1925 Proceedings 05.00
.Adsin 1926 Programs.............. 2000
Enrolment Fees . 1140.00
Gift, Mr. L. N. Taylor .. 10.00
Net on Pageant 687.20






Total Receipts ....... . . .......... . $2357.66










L. Hodge5ai'loral Design
Wm. Warley—Publicity in Lou
Lee 1.. Brown—New Stationery .........
Secretary#Expenses to N. A. T. (1.5.
(N. c. ) ..... . . . . .. .
Tax on Account at Bank.
Donation to N. A. T. C. S. (011 Ken-
tucky‘ s quota) . . . .
Postage to Work up In ling list. . .
Lee L. Brown—Envelopes for Proceedings
Cash—Postage 1925 Proceedings .......
Cash—Excess Postage 1925 Proceedings.
United Ledge Supply—Multigraphed let.
ters, etc. .
E. B. Davis—Official Trips
P. Moore—Expenses Directors’ meeting.
Mrs. M. J. Egester—Ex. Directors‘ meeting
Mrs. L. B. Fonse—Ex. Directors’ meeting
L. M. Petty, P. M.—3000 Stamped
Envelopes ..... . . ......... . .....
Cash—Postage on Jan. Letter to
Organizers, etc. ,.

Lee L Brown#0rganizers' Stationery
I. Willis Cole—(lute, Jan. Bulletin, etc.























. 78





St. Louis Button (Jim—Badges, Ribbons. .
R. E. Williams—R. R. Certificates” . .
Lee L. Brown—Circular Letter with Jan-
uatyBulletins. ..........


Ray Kirchdorfer—Deposit on Armory....

Wm. Warley—Match Bulletin, 1 M. Cards
Times-Journal (Sm—Payment an 1925
Minutes ..........................
L. Petty,P. M—Stamped Envelopes for
Exhibit Expenses Fund (Prnes, etc.) . .
Mary V. Gilbert—Stenographer ........
Secretary’s Office Expense Fund,


(Clerical Work, em.) . . . . . ......... . . .
TimesJoumal (Em—Programs and Balance
Due ........... . . . . ...........

Mrs. Charlotte H. Brown—Speaker ..... .
Mrs. D. L. Poignard—Program Expenses.
Ambrose (whet—«Speaker . ...... .

Lee L. Brawn—PHI. A. Printing .
S. L. Barker—Org. Expense . . . .
L. V. Bands—Asst. Secy. Expense.
E. Franklin Frazer—Speaker ......
E. S. Taylor—~0rg. Expense . . . .
C. J. Lundermnn—Org. Expense.
A. M. ToddHOI‘g. Expense...
R. L. Carpenter—Piano 11211631.... .
Mrs. L. B. Fouse—Directors‘ Expense
Mrs. M. J. Egester—Directors‘ Expense
P. Moore—Directors Expense ....... . . .
E. B. Davis—Traveling Expenses.
E. B. Davis—Office Expense. . ..
Ray Kirchdorfer—Amnry Balance.
Mrs. Benj. Wiulock—Speakel’s Board.
Wm. Willey—Publicity in Louisville News
Prizes Spelling Contest, etc“ ......... . .
Secretary’s Percentage on Enrollments. ..
Final Postal Cards











Total Paid Out .. ...... ..
"Balance in Bank

Respectfully submitted,
A. S. Wilson, Sec‘y. K. N. E. A.














 N. B.~'l‘he Louisville Convention and Publicity League paid
$65 for K. N. E. A. Meefing McMuinn Chapel and the Palace

*One Hundred Dollars of the above balance has been placed on

a savings account. to begin the K. N. E. A. Scholarship Fund.


To the officers and members of the Kentucky Negro Education.
al Association:

My report corresponds in detail with that of the Secretary, all
checks as listed having been signed by me and all deposits made in
the First standard Bsnk. The balance $702.71 for the year ending
April 30, 1920 is 0. K. The expenditures as listed were approved by
the K. N. E. A. Board of Directors at the meeting April 24, 1926.

J. R. Ray, Treesurer.


Armory, April 23, 1926.




1 822 Students Tickets @ 25c each . .0 205.50
2 846 Childrens tickets @ 20c each 159.20
3 1023 Adv. Sale tickets @ 35c each 353.05
4 1139 Gen. Adm. tickets @ 50c each ...... 569.50
5 1250 Free to participants, etc.

Total .............. . ....... .... 31302.25


1 Armory Chairs and Stage


2 ~ $ 96.00







2 Winsteads Orchestra . 47.00
3 K. N. l. I. Glee Club xpense. 25.00
4 Programs and Tickets ....... 35.00
5 Costume Rental and Dreyage 37.00
0 Commissions on sale of tickets .. , .. 15.20
*7 Officers, stage hands and helpers 196.45
*8 Scenery and decoration ..... 52.00
*9 Advertisement in papers, etc. 6150
'10 Materials used by schools (refnn s). 4000

Net Balance for K. N. E. A. 687.20

"Reported in detail to Board of Directors.




Vice—President and Direc~


President and Founder.


tor of Agenciel.

Every Man Knows He Needs Insurance

Every man who buy: insurance should select the Company
which—besides giving the best returns for money invested
in protection therein, and being qualified by experienee and
financial strength to meet its obligations of trust assumed
mrnugh itr policy contracts—shows stability as well es prog-
ress through conservative management and reflects credit to
the policyholders and the people who give it their support.


Solicits Your Patronage On Its Merits



Secretary and General Treasurer.




 Legislative Report

April 24, 1926.
We, your Committee on Legislation submit the following report
1. Edumioml Problem Facing the Keurueky Negro.

There are three or four outstanding problems confronting the
Negro of Kentucky and especially the leaders in the educational
field Definite progress can scarcely be made in improving present
conditions until these problems are met, understood n'nd solved.

(1) The first of these problems to be mentioned is the lack of
unity among the colored people themselves The Kentucky Negro
ls pro—eminently an individualistic group. Each man for himself and
the devil hike the hindermost seems to be the motto of the average
Kentucky Negro. This is true practically in every phase of our lives.
Geographically the Kentucky Negro is divided into {our great groups,
the independent, belated mountain Negro, the proud, haughty, self-
conbsined Blue Grass Negro, the Louisville Negro with some show at
Jensen has long since modestly admitted that he is the chosen peo-
ple of God and the veritable salt of the earth, and the sensitive, neg-
lected and yet. capable, ambitious Western Kentucky Negro, who be-
cause of certain characteristic geographical industrial and education-
uI isolation constitute a class by himself. There is scarcely any unity
of thought or purpose or action between any of these four groups,
certainly no great statewide question has Within recent years eve:
dominated these groups or welded them into one great force.

(2) The Kentucky Negro is also educationally divided into
cliques and groups in hostile camps, and at no time since the fath-
ers in the early days brovely and successfully battled for equitable
distribution of public school funds and for institutions for the filin-
iug of teachers have the Negroes united in a great educational cum-
paign not for the personal aggrandizement of certain groups of lead-
ers but for the whole people of the state and especially for the child-
ren of the state. In this particular it might be said without fear of
successful contradit'ion what if during the last Legislature the Ne-
groes of the state with their white friends had gone before the Gen-
eral Assembly as one man with one great state-wide constructive
educational program, there is little doubt but that the Legislature
would have granted their request even to the extent of a million
dollars. But here as elsewhere we were divided into little groups,
each group asking for a mere pittance, fearing and suspecting the
leaders of the other groups. Is ihtherefore, any wonder that we
failed miserably in our larger program before the law makers in

(3) Demoninationally the Negro is also divided into hostile
camps with little or no cooperation or fellowship between the various



 religious organizations that function among the people. The some-
what Wfl'fl’l story of the Negro Baptist and Methodist congregations
on opposite comers, the one singing “Will there be any stars in my
crown?” and the other singing at the same time, “No, not one" ii-
Iustrates the extent to which our denominational activities have pre-
vented in many cases cooperation of these great denominations in
great forward Step movements for the race.

(4) We have not been able to bring ourselves to the point
where we could unite as a race on any great industrial enterprise and
hence until within the last four or five years no banks, insurance
companies or great industrial enterprises of any kind have appealed
to our people and even now our heroic gallant young men who have
launched out upon the almost untried seas of commerce and indus-
trial activities find themselves hampered by the lack of racial con-
sciousness, racial confidence and spirit of unity and cooperahion. As
well as our banks and insurance companies have done under the
circumstances, what might have been the record had our people
spurned and discriminated against by white business enterprises,
rallied as one man to the support of these new and vital enterprises
among our people?

The unvornished truth in regard to the whole matter is that.
the Kentucky Negro of the present day has little Sense of the im-
portance of racial unity or racial cooperation in the fields just men-
tioned and who in many cases would rather remain in the ditch him-
self than to see his Negro brother arise with him.

These are some of the problems which have made the education-
al progress of the Negro so slow and painful and our educational
position a by word in other states far less favored than our own and
these are some of the conditions which your legislative committee
has had to face and in facing them havo gone down in defeat when
victory might have perched upon our banner.

The only point where there is practical agreement is in the pol‘
ifical world, where on and a few weeks preceding election the K9114
tncky Negroes cease their hostilities against each other long enough
to vote under the log cabin for Republican men and measures which
do not vitally affect the interest of the Negro himself. When this
is religiously done, the various groups return to their (Lamps and to
their independent individualistic ways with the air of men and worn
cu who had risen to great heights and had accomplished great and
daring deeds.

What might have been accomplished for the race along educa-
tional lines if this single example of racial unity and cooperation
seen in the political work had been turned to account in some great
construction measure demanded by these black men and women
of the political bosses who without these black men and black women
would never have u look into a public office much less holding one?
And, further, what might not have been accomplished for the edu-


 cation of our children it some of these divisions which are so appar-
ent in other phases of our life had appeared in our political life to
the extent that both great political parties were actively bidding for
the vote of members of all of the groups that make up our life?

Another problem which we have had to confront has been pol-
itics in the Negro schools, a problem that has long since been rele-
gated from the white schools. We have also been confronted with
an nmn-oused public sentiment both white and colored which was
not opposition but absolute indifference to the conditions and needs
of the Négro schools.

I]. 05inch Oblzinadt

The committee, however, is glad to report progress as the fol-
lowing Will indicate:

Through the publication of the resolutions of your legislative
committee, adopted. at the last meeting of the K. N. E A. slid the
wiliest publicity given these resolutions in our colored papers and
in the great dailies of the state, much of the lethargy and indiffer-
ence have been removed and white and colored people alike have be«
come arousd to the alarming situation that confronts us. The pub-
lic press and leaders of thought among the white people of the state
in many fields headed by'Governor Fields have insisted and urged
that Kentucky take her place along by the side of North Carolina,
West Virginia, Missouri, Tennessee and other states in the educa-
tional provision for the education of her Negro population.

The veto by the Governor of the Jones Bill which would have
thrown all the public schools of the state back into politics was an-
other sign that the grip of polit’ fans is being loosed from the thran
of the children of the state. Your legislative committee used its
influence to defeat this measure. Your committee also cooperated
with other agencies in securing certain general educational legisla-
tion which will inevitably improve the condition of colored schools.
We are glad to not: that in co-operstion with hte Inter-racial Com-
mission provisions were made by the recent legislature for on insti—
tution for feeble-minded colored children, than which scarcely any
more important legislation was passed by the recent legislature.
Through the activities of your committee in cooperation with the In-
terracial Commission influences have been brought to bear upon the
authorities to do away with the separate school boards and separate
school taxes on white and colored property. Only a few such situar
tions remain.

Perhaps the most outstanding undertaking of your committee in
cooperation with the Interracial Commission, the N. A. A. C. E, and
other organizations was securing the withdrawal by Governor Fields
of a hill calling for o bond issue of $5,000,000 for the University of
Kentucky and substituting soother calling, among other things, for
the expenditure of $500,000 for Negro education. The Governor
went before the legislature and made on appeal for this bill in be-


 half of the colored boys and girls of the state. It was carried by
a large majority in the House and defeated by only four votes in
the Senate, end this with the most meagre kind of cooperation be-
tween the various leaders that are especially supposed to be interestc
ed in education.

“I. Goal For The Coming Year.

Your committee would recommend the following:

(1) That $500,000 for a real college to be located at some
central point. A college in fact as well as in name with suflieient
appropriation for its maintenance and enlargement be set up as a
goal for the K. N. E. A.

(2) That $500,000 be asked for a teachers’ college to be lo-
cated somewhere in the fifth district.

(3) That $500,000 be asked for a beachets’ college in the
western section of the state.

(4) That $500,000 annually