xt73r20rrf5t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73r20rrf5t/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19650319 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-03-mar19-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1965-03-mar19-ec. 1965 2011 true xt73r20rrf5t section xt73r20rrf5t 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Friday, March 19, 1965, Board
Room, Administration Building

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met in regular session in the Board Room of the Administration
Building on the University campus at 1:30 p. m., Eastern Standard Time, on
Friday, March 19, 1965, with the following members present: Dr. Ralph
Angelucci, Chairman, Judge James A. Sutherland, Secretary, Mr. Robert
Hilienmeyer, and Dr. H. B. Murray. Mr. Smith Broadbent was unable to
attend. President Oswald and Vice Presidents Albright, Kerley, Creech,
and Johnson, represented the University administration, and members of the
press were also in attendance.

       A. Meeting Opened

       Dr. Ralph Angelucci, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1:40
p. m. and asked Judge Sutherland to pronounce the invocation. Following
roll call, it was announced that a quorum was present and Dr. Angelucci de-
clared the meeting open for the conduct of business.

       B. Minutes Approved

       On motion by Mr. Hillenmeyer, seconded by Dr. Murray, and with-
out dissent the reading of the Minutes of the February 19, 1965, meeting of
the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and
the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. President's Report to the Trustees

       Dr. Oswald discussed the various items contained in the President's
Report to the Trustees and indicated that copies, which were available to the
members of the Board and to the press, would be distributed to members of
the faculty and to certain alumni of the University.

       In connection with the various conferences being held on the campus
at this time and reported in PR 1, President Oswald called the attention of
the Board to four additional major conferences to be held during the Cen-
tennial year: The Social Science Conference, scheduled for April 8 and 9,
with the theme "Main Current in American Life"; the Alumni Centennial
Seminar, May 6-8, with the theme "A University--2000 A.D."; and two
conferences in the fall in the areas of the humanities and the biological



       Dr. Angelucci on behalf of the entire Executive Committee accepted
the report with thanks.

       D. Recommendations of the President (PR 2Z

       The items contaxned -.n PR 2 are of an important but routine nature
and copies are mauled to the members in advance of the meeting. Presi-
dent Oswdld said "hat since the members were familiar with the contents of
the report he would comment on onlv one appointment--that of Dr. Dean
Boyd Richards as Professor and Chairman of the Department of Forestry.
He felt that the Univers-ty was fortunate to have such an outstanding man to
head up this inrcreasi.ngly Important area in the University's program. Dr.
Angelucci asked for information relasve to the Department of Forestry with
particular reference to number of students, degree granted, and where
graduates are employed. President Oswald said that rather than answer
these questions at this tirrie, he would like to suggest that Dr. Richards and
Dean Seay be asked to attend a meeting of the Executive Committee and not
only report on the present Department of Forestry program but give the
Board a preview of some of the plans and ideas for its future development.
This suggestion was accepted and Dr. Oswald was asked to invite Dr.
Richards and Dean Seay to attend a future meeting.

       On motion by Tudge Sutherland, seconded by Mr. H5llenmeyer, and
without dissent the items contalned in PR 2, Recommendations of the Presi-
dent, were approved and ordered made a part of the Minutes of the March 19,
1965, meeting. (See PR 2 at end of Minutes)

       E. Supplemen-tal Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       The items in PR 3 are similar to those contained in PR 2 but are re-
ceived too late for 'ncluslon in it, President Oswald called particular at-
tention to Part IV relative to certain changes in departmental chairmanships
reading the item in toto to the group.

       Prior to taking action Dr. Angelucc.i asked Mr. Kerley if it would be
possible in the future for the Flnancial Report to be included as a part of PR 2
so that it could be examined in greater detail before action was taken on its
acceptance. Mr, Kerley indicated that every effort would be made to comply
with this request.

       Mr. Hillenmeyer said that as a part of his motion to approve PR 3 as
a whole, he would like to include a resolution on behalf of the entire Board of
Trustees expressing its deep appreciation and thanks to Dr. John Carpenter,
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, and Dr. Herbert P. Riley for the dedicated leadership
which each has given to his department, for his many personal contributions




in scholarship and research, and for his years of devoted and loyal service
to the University. The motion was seconded and carried by acclamation.
(See PR 3 at end of Minutes)

       F. Organization of Community College System Faculty (PR 4)

       In January 1964 a policy statement was adopted by the Board of Trus.
tees setting up officially in the University of Kentucky a separate community
college system with the idea there would be essentially two systems within
the University under the Board of Trustees: (1) the traditional University
system, and (2) a community college system headed by a dean with its own
faculty which would not be a part of the University faculty. Dean Ellis
Hartford has been working with the Faculty Advisory Committee on Communi-
tyColleges, acommittee of the University Faculty, as well as with the faculty
of the Community College System, in developing a plan of organization for the
faculty of the Community College System. A copy of the proposed plan of
organization was made available to the members of the Executive Committee
and the press.

       President Oswald called particular attention to the section of the pro-
posed plan dealing with functions and indicated that adoption of the plan would
begin to involve Community College faculty in programs and policies govern-
ing that particular system, setting up a representative system whereby each
college would have membership in the Community College System Representa-
tive Council. The plan as presented has been reviewed by the Faculty Advisory
Committee on Community Colleges, chaired by Dr. Lewis Cochran, and has
the concurrence of this committee.

       On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, and carried,
approval was given to the proposed plan of organization for the faculty of the
Community College System of the University of Kentucky to become effective
immediately for a period of four years, at which time the plan will be reviewed
for possible reorganization on a permanent basis. (See PR 4 at end of Minutes)

       G. Authorization of Associate in Science in Nursing Degree (PR 5)

       At the time the policy statement was adopted by the Board of Trustees
in January 1964 for the Community College System, it was stated that no new
degrees or curricula or certificates in the Community College System would be
set up without authorization by the President and approval by the Board upon
recommendation and advice of the Advisory Committee of the University Faculty
on Community Colleges.

       Approval was given to the offering of a two-year Associate Degree Nursing
Program in the Community College System by the University Faculty on May 13,
1963, by the Council on Public Higher Education of Kentucky on October 7, 1964,



and by the Board of Trustees, through adoption of the policy statement, on
January 17, 1964. The first program was started in Henderson with fifteen
students now nearing completion of the curriculum. Covington has a program
started this year, Elizabethtown will begin one next year, and following these,
programs will be inaugurated in Hopkinsville and in Lexington.

       Since the first group of students will complete the two-year program
in May, it is now desirable that authorization be given to the awarding of a
degree to persons successfully completing the Associate Degree Nursing
Program. It is recommended to the Board by the Faculty Advisory Committee
or Community Colleges, with the concurrence of the Dean of the College of
Nursing and the Staff Coordinator for the Associate Degree Nursing Program,
that the Associate in Science in Nursing Degree be established and that this
degree be awarded to those persons who successfully complete the Associate
Degree Nursing Program.

       In answer to certain questions raised by members of the Executive
Committee, it was pointed out that there were precedents for such a degree
and that the program was in keeping with the trend to shorten the period of
time required for nurse's training and still provide the training necessary to
pass the examination to become a registered nurse. Vice President Johnson
indicated that those persons completing the two- year As sociate Degree Nursing
Program were eligible to take this examination.

       On motion by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Hillenrrmeyer, and without
dissent the Associate in Science in Nursing Degree was authorized for students
in the community colleges to be awarded upon successful completion of the As-
sociate Degree Nursing Program. (See PR 5 at end of Minutes)

       H. Amendment of Policy on Real Estate Appraisals (PR 6)

       Mr. Hillenmeyer, as chairman of the Real Estate Committee of the
Board of Trustees, indicated the desire of this committee that the policy on
real estate appraisals adopted by the Board of Trustees on October 18, 1963,
be amended to provide for the use of members of the American Institute of
Real Estate Appraisers in making such appraisals. The authority to use the
services of such qualified persons would be advantageous to the University in
some instances.

       On Mr. Hillenmeyer's motion, seconded by Judge Sutherland, and
passed unanimously, Paragraph 3 under Policies on Real Estate Acquisitions
approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky on October 18, 1963, was amended to include members of
the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers for services in real estate
appraisals, upon authorization of the Vice President-Business Affairs with the
approval of the President. (See PR 6 at end of Minutes)



       I. Authorization to Negotiate an Extension of Contract with Crane
          and Gorwic, Inc.

       On January 15, 1965, the Board of Trustees approved preliminary
plans for the three dimensional development of the Lexington Central
Campus. The contract with Crane and Gorwic, Inc. under which these plans
were prepared will expire with the presentation of the final plans to the
Board in May 1965. It is imperative that complete analysis and planning be
undertaken for the remainder of the Lexington Campus, including the Medical
Center and the several farms. Negotiations, therefore, should be started
for the extension of the contract with Crane and Gorwic, so that the overall
analysis and planning for the total University may be continued.

       On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Dr. Murray, and ap-
proved by the Executive Committee, the President was authorized to negoti-
ate an extension of the existing planning consultant services contract with
Crane and Gorwic, Inc. to cover continued three dimensional master plan-
ning for the Lexington Campus and the Community College campuses,
program analysis and land use planning for the University's farms, and re-
view and analysis of individual project programs and architectural develop-

       J. Effective Date of New Rental Rates for Cooperstown and
          Shawneetown Changed to September 1, 1965

       President Oswald called the attention of the members of the Executive
Committee and the''press to copies of a statement on married student housing
which were made available to all present. He went over this statement with
the members briefly, calling particular attention to the following sentence on
page 6, Point 6: " ...... I am also announcing that I will recommend to the
Trustees that initiation of the newly established rental rates be deferred until
September 1, 1965. "

       Dr. Oswald explained that in talking with the married students who had
expressed concern over the decision to convert some of the married student
housing to single student housing, the students had raised concern about the
May 31 date set for the termination of occupancy. Although some difficulties
might be encountered in the conversion program, the administration had felt
that it would be desirable to extend the date to July 15 and, therefore, i: would
not be fair to increase the rental on the previously approved July 1, 1965,
date; therefore, it is recommended to the Board that the effective date, July 1,
1965, be changed to September 1, 1965.

       In commenting on the situation both President Oswald and Dr.
Arngelucci, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation for the positive apt
proach shown by the students concerned to the problems involved in the change

I   I^



and for the mature attitude and cooperative spirit which they displayed. Ap-
preciation was also expressed for the cooperativeness of the press and par-
ticularly the offer made by Mr. Fred Wachs, President of the Lexington
Herald-Leader Company, to run advertisements for apartments, if prepared
by the University or forwarded to him through the University, free of charge.

       On motion by Dr. Murray, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and so
ordered, the action of the Board of Trustees taken on December 8, 1964,
which established new rental rates for Cooperstown and Shawneetown
apartment projects to be effective July 1, 1965, was amended to make such
new rates effective September 1, 1965. (See Statement by President Oswald
at end of Minutes)

       K. Purchase of Furniture and Fixtures for Cooperstown and
           Residence Halls Authorized

       Aura Kerley stated that in order to convert the apartments in Coopers-
town to single student housing it would be necessary to purchase some furni-
ture, including such items as desks, single beds, chest of drawers, study
lamps, floor lamps, and lounge chairs at a cost of approximately $147, 337.
He indicated further that a survey of the furniture and fixtures in the resi-
dence halls has been made and some of this is in need of replacement. If
approved, this would be the initial phase in a program of replacing furniture
and establishing a regular schedule of replacement of furniture in the resi-
dence halls. The items requested will provide new furniture for all student
rooms in Patterson Hall, Boyd Hall; fluorescent lights for the corridors in
Patterson Hall, Boyd Hall, and Jewell Hall; beds, springs and mattresses for
Bowman Hall; and the mattresses for all beds in Donovan Hall, and would cost
approximately $90, 118.

       Dr. Angelucci asked what would be done with the funiture now in the
Cooperstown apartments. It is planned that the furniture which cannot be used
in the single student housing would be stored until such time as Cooperstown
is returned to use for married students and that repairs and refurbishment
which was needed would be done during the interim period. The furniture used
for single students in Cooperstown would be needed for new residence hall
complex when it is completed.

       On motion by Judge Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Hillenmeyer, and ap-
proved the President was authorized to appropriate and expend up to $237, 455
from reserves and fund balances in the Cooperstown Housing Project and re-
spective residence hall funds for the purpose of acquiring furniture for the
Cooperstown Housing Project and several of the University's Residence Halls.



       L. Informal Report on Progress of Dormitory Complex

       In answer to a question relative to the progress being made on the
dormitory complex, Mr. Kerley said that the target date for the working
drawings, May first, will be met. This has been a tremendous schedule
and the architects are to be commended. It is believed that it will take
about one month for technical review and that it can be put out for bid by
June 1. Bidding time will take approximately another month; therefore, it
is possible that if an acceptable bid is presented, work might be started
soon after July 1. Actual scheduling of phases has not been completed in
detail but an initial phase of $10, 000, 000 followed by the second phase of
$5, 000, 000 or $6, 000, 000 is visualized. The completion of 800 beds is
anticipated for September 1966 and the remaining 2, 700 beds should be
available in September i967.

       M. Adjournment

       Dr. Angelucci having determined that there was no further business
to come before the meeting, entertained a motion for adjournment at 2:50 p. m.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      James A. Sutherland, Secretary

(Attachments PR 2, PR 3, PR 4, PR 5, PR 6, and Statement By President
John W. Oswald on Married Student Housing, March 12, 1965, all are an of-
ficial part of the Minutes of the March 19, 1965 meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees)



                              MIARCdI 19, 1965


     The University currently is host to a mcst distinguished group of
scientists, who are on campus for the Centennial Physical Sciences Con-
ference which ends today   The conferencL!, on "Phase Transformations,"
is being attended by mo:e than U00 scientists from colleges and univer-
sities throughout the South and Midwest,

     Among the prr ;        ,:2.r- ,ro retH. C N  Yang of the Princeton Univer-
sity Institute for Advanced Studie~s Dr Lars Onsager of Yale University,
Dr. Mark Kac of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, and Dr.
Michael Fisher of Kings Ciolleg  Lcndon. England, Dr, Yang was co-winner
of the 1957 Nobel PriE for Plivs.-cs


     Biochemists from Lliroughout the United States yesterday concluded a
three-day symposium ac Spiniletop Hall,, during which they reviewed recent
advances and current problems in enzyme chemistry

     The symposium, sponsored by the University and the National Science
Foundation, honored Dr, Hugo Theorell of Sweden, 1955 winner of the Nobel
Prize in Medicine and Physiologv., who will come Lo the campus this fall as
a Centennial Professor,


     The annual Conference on English Education, sponsored by the National
Council of Teachers of English, convened at the University yesterday and
will continue through tomorrow, Registered for the meeting are approximately
300 educators from throughout North America, whose primary responsibility is
the preparation of secondary and elementary teachers of English. Also in
attendance are a number of school superintendents and supervisors and heads
of high school English departments-.


- 2 -


     Nearly 200 students were saluted for scholarship, campus leadership
and individual achievement at the third annual Men's Awards Night held
March 11 at Memorial Hall under sponsorship of the senior men's honorary
society, Omicron Delta Kappa.


     Nine University seniors have been named winners of the highly coveted
Woodrow Wilson Graduate Fellowships. This is one more than the total won
by University students a year ago, and three more than in 1963. Vanderbilt,
with 10 winners, was the only institution in this region to top the UK figure.

     The Wilson Fellowships provide $1,800 for expenses during the first year
of graduate school, plus all tuition fees at whatever institution the winner
elects to attend.

     Winners of the 1965 Wilson awards and their respective fields of study
are: Mildred Ann Dickinson, Glasgow, 20th century literature; Thomas Kenton
Donaldson, Fort Thomas, mathematics; Patricia Harkin, Fort Knox, English
literature; Martha Ann Kandler, Fern Creek, German; Thomas H. Kitchens,
Franklin, Latin American history; Elizabeth Veatch Layton, Livia, Russian
literature and language; Kyle Yates Rone, Owensboro, mathematics; Melvin
Bruce Schisler, Memphis, philosophy, and James H. Svara, Jeffersontown,
international relations.

     Three other University students were accorded honorable mention by
the Wilson Foundation, Their names will be made known to graduate schools
throughout the United States and Canada and they are likely to be named
recipients of other grants. The honorable mention trio from the University
are Victor Warren Day, Independence, chemistry; John C. Stephens, Frankfort,
history, and Wende J. Winters, Lexington, microbiology.


    A community development seminar, which was jointly sponsored by the
Division of University Extension and the Kentucky Junior Chamber of Com-
merce, drew more than 150 delegates to the campus for a two-day series of
meetings on March 13-14.

     The seminar, scheduled as a University Centennial event, included an
address by Dr. Richard 1. Poston, research professor in community develop-
ment and planning at Southern Illinois University.


- 3 -


     The Board of Student Publications has named Robert S. Young, a senior
microbiology major from Lexington, as editor of the 1966 yearbook, The
Kentuckian. An Honors Program student, Mr. Young has had two years' experi-
ence on the yearbook staff and currently is serving as associate editor.


     The world premier of a three-act opera based on the life of Mary Todd
Lincoln will be held on campus from April 7-11. The opera, "Wing of Expec-
tation," was composed by Dr. Kenneth Wright of the Department of Music, last
year's Distinguished Professor in the College of Arts and Sciences. Its
premier next month will be a highlight of the University's Centennial observ-

     The cast of 26 is headed by three guest artists. Miss Carol Bayard,
now in her third season as a regular member of the New York City Center
Opera Company, portrays Mrs. Lincoln. Julian Patrick, also of New York,
where he is a member of the new national company of the Metropolitan Opera,
is cast as William IHerndon, Lincoln's law partner in Illinois, and John
Stewart, noted New England tenor, has the Lincoln role.

     Prof. Wallace Briggs, director of Guignol Theater, is theatrical director
for the opera, and Miss Phyllis Jenness, assistant professor of music, will
direct the opera chorus.   Sets are by Raymond Smith and costumes are by Rose-
mary Boyer.


     The 118th annual meeting of the American Astronomical Society, which
convened on the University campus Monday, drew approximately 150 scientists,
including a number from abroad, to its three-day meeting. A total of 59
scientific papers were presented at the meeting.

    A highlight of the conference was a University Centennial lecture by
Dr. 11. C. Van de Hulst of The Netherlands, who spoke on "Interstellar attter
as an Aerodynamic Medium."

    Many of the visitors toured the University Computing Center and inspected
the Van deGraff accelerator.


- 4 -


     Six cadets in the University's Air Force ROTC unit have been presented
awards for superior achievement, Honored at a sarch 8 dinner at which State
Adjutant General Arthur Y, Lloyd was guest speaker, were Aubin M,, Higgins,
Earlington, winner of the Air Force Association award; Joseph A. Jones, Ekron,
Air Force Communications and Electronics award; Donald L. Best, Lexington,
Air Force Times award; James F, Purdon, Whitley City, Chicago Tribune Gold
Medal; Robert J, Guinn, Paint Lick, Chicago Tribune Silver Medal, and Arnold
J. Houchin, Mt, Eden, Air Force ROTC Faculty Plaque,

     Four cadets--Jones, Best, Houchin and Kelley D. Sanderson of Lexington--
were promoted to the rank of cadet lieutenant colonel. John A. Combs, Dayton,
Ohio, was promoted to cadet captain.


     The College of Education will conduct a summer institute, June 11 to
August 11, for high school teachers of United States history, Financed by
a $40,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Education, the institute is planned
chiefly for those now teaching history but who lack a degree in that subject.

     Courses to be included in the institute will be taught by members of the
History Department faculty, Enrollment will be limited to 30 teachers, each
of whom will receive a $75 weekly stipend, Application forms may be obtained
from the institute director, Dr, Ce Leland Smith, at the College of Education,


     The University meats judging team won a first place in lamb-judging
competition at the recent Southwestern Intercollegiate contest at Ft. Worth,
One of the team members, Gregory Mayer of Nelson County, won top individual
honors in lamb judging, The team will next compete in the Southeastern
Intercollegiate meet to be held at Knoxville on April 17,


     The University Press recently published "The Telltale Lilac Bush and
Other West Virginia Ghost Tales," a volume of stories by Ruth Ann Musick,
an English professor at Fairmont (We Va.) State College,

     The 100 stories included in the book reveal much of the history of the
Appalachian region, its isolation and violence, and the hardships of its
miners and railroad laborers.


- 5 -


     Dr, Eugenio de Bellard Pietri of Caracas, former vice president of
the Venezuela Society of Natural Sciences, was a recent guest of the
University. The purpose of his visit to the Department of Zoology
and its Institute of Speleology was to observe the environmental research
program of Dr. T. C. Barr and Dr. R. A. Kuehne. He also inspected Mammoth
Cave, where the two University zoologists are centering their research.


     Kentucky engineers who plan to take professional registration exam-
inations in May will enroll tomorrow in a series of non-credit refresher
courses that are being offered through a cooperative project of the College
of Engineering and the Extension Class Program.

     The classes will be held on Saturday mornings in Anderson Hall. To
be made available are courses in civil, highway, electrical and mechanical
engineering, A minimum enrollment of 12 is required for each class.


     A University geography professor, Dr. P. P. Karan, has returned from
Asia, where he led a five-month expedition into the Indian kingdom of
Bhutan. The expedition was sponsored by the National Geographic Society,
the University's Kentucky Research Foundation, and the United States Army.

     The primary goal of the trek deep into the Himalayan region was to
collect data that will permit accurate revision of existing maps and to
obtain authentic information on the inhabitants' way of life. Dr. Karan
believes the expedition was successful. The team, he says, produced the
most comprehensive record ever made of Bhutan.

     Dr. Karan is a native of India, as were all members of the exploring
party, The government official who authorized admission of the explorers
was murdered soon after, and his successor subsequently was dismissed for
allegedly having organized a coup to replace the country's ruler. These
events hampered the Karan party but did not seriously disrupt its mission,

     The expedition returned with some 5,000 photographs and enough motion
picture footage for a 30-minute movie--the first of its kind to be made in
Bhutan. Especially valuable, says Dr. Karan, are many pictures taken in
that country's never previously photographed Buddhist monasteries,


- 6 -


     The Bureau of Busincss Research in the College of Commerce has issued
the first in a new series of publications, to be known as "Research Briefs."

     The bureau director, Dr, John L, Fulmer, states in the first of the
reports that recent growth rates in Kentucky's economy, as measured by
population and employment increase, have trebled the rate of expansion
experienced during the decades 19501960,

     "If the present rate of growth continues to 1975," Dr. Fulmer writes,
"the state should add 338,000 population and 142,000 jobs with corresponding
gains in income and retail sales of 70 per cent," Further, he believes that
the state has a considerably higher growth-rate potential than it has experi-
enced in recent years,


     Ten students antd cue f~aiUltV member in the College of Medicine have
been elected to membersh::.p in the honorary medical fraternity, Alpha Omega
Alpha, To be inducted later in the spring are Dr. Joseph B. Parker, Jr.,
of the Department of Psychiatrv; Billy R. Allen, Mc~Ienry; Mallory T, Harling,
Dayton, Ohici Shirley .A. Lewis  L 2xington; Edward A, Luce, Florence; John R.
McClane, Louisville, and Paul GC Rossano, New Orleans, all of the Class of
1965, and Forest W. Calico, Stanford; William G, Nash9 Murray, Edwin J.
Nighbert, Wiliiamsburg, and Gary I' Wallace, Ashland9 all of the Class of


     The class to be graduated from the University in May has just initiated
a Centennial Class Scholarship Fund,  The nearly 1,800 members of the class
are being canvassed by mail for donations, and all proceeds are earmarked for
academic scholarships

     Miss Trudy Mascia of Cincinnati, who is chairman of the campaign, explains
that plans call for the establishment of a perpetual fund to which members of
the University's Centennial Class will be asked to make contributions on Feb-
ruary 22 of each year. The committee views 100 per cent participation by the
class, and not the amount of individual gifts, as the primary goal of its drive.
Contributions may be addressed to the Centennial Class Scholarship Fund, Room 4,
Frazee Hall1.

    The campaign for scholarship funds is but one of nine projects planned for
1965 by the Student Centennial Committee.


- 7


     Now available to Kentucky teachers who wish to enroll for the summer
session in the University's special education program are 69 grants having
an aggregate worth of $33,163. This sum includes $16,800 from the U.S.
Office of Education to provide nine traineeships in the area of mental
retardation and five in the area of crippled children. Each trainee will
receive a stipend of $75 per week,

     The WHAS Crusade for Children has appropriated $16,363, which will
enable 55 teachers to attend the summer session on scholarships covering
tuition, room and board, or, in the case of commuters, tuition only. The
WHAS funds will provide 26 scholarships in the field of retardation, five
for teachers from the Kentucky School for the Deaf, four for teachers of
the perceptually handicapped, six for speech and hearing correctionists,
four for teachers of the blind and the partially sighted, and 10 for teachers
of the culturally deprived.

     Dr. Albert S. Levy, coordinator of special education in the College of
Education, will accept applications for these grants until March 31.


     A program marking the formal opening of the Indonesian collections
in the Anthropology Museum was held March 80 The materials