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                           1ctobor 10. 1917.

       The Executive Committee of the Univcrsity of i.ontucky

met in T.( gulaq monthly session on the above uentioned date in

the office of President trung L. ,leVey, with the folloviz g mcmbo r

present: Chairmnan Nichols, R. C. Stoll, C. B. Terrell, Frank ivc-

Kee, P. P. Johnston, Jr. and Doetor S. B. mairks, the last mention,

ed coming into the renm at three o'clock.

       After roll call and reading of the minutes, the following

matters were disposed of in the President's general report:

       President McVey reported that the leave of absence, asked

for by Miss Mary Sweeney, of the Department of Home Economics,

had been extended to November 1.

       In tne matter of Dean rzoberts' request -tnat the Research

Department of the Experiment Station be discontinued, which had

been referred to President McVey, the President asked more time

to consider it.

       In the matter of collegiate rank and training of Extension

workers, which had been referred to President McVey at a previous

meeting, the President said that he wished to take more time to

consider the subject in conference.

       In the matter of preparation of by-laws, which had been

referred to President. McVey at a former meeting of this committee,

the President submitted for tentative consideration of the. Board-

a list of "Rules and regulations of the Board of Trustees of the

University of Kentucky". These tentative rules were read to the

Committee in part and discussed merely for the purpose if get-

ting the various viewpoints of the committeemen en the several

phases presented. After considerable discussion, it was decided

that the President should re-draft the rules and submit them for

further consideration at a subsequent meeting.

       President McVey Explained in this connection that the draft

he Submitted was not intended as a final one, but merely for disB-

acu s.in and for the purpose of ascertaining the views of members

iv tile committee on various points involved.