xt73tx351g7x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx351g7x/data/mets.xml Henry, Edward Atwood, 1881- 1914  books b92-139-29331473 English s.n., : [Chicago : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. American newspapers Bibliography Catalogs. American newspapers Kentucky Bibliography. Durrett collection, now in the library of the University of Chicago  / Edward A. Henry. text Durrett collection, now in the library of the University of Chicago  / Edward A. Henry. 1914 2002 true xt73tx351g7x section xt73tx351g7x 

                  1. ITS NEWSPAPERS
                BY EDWARD A. HENRY
   Colonel Reuben T. Durrett was born January 24,
i824, and lived to the ripe age of eighty-nine years. He
graduated from Georgetown (Kentucky) College in I846,
from Brown University in i849, and from the Law De-
partment of the University of Louisville in i85o, and
at once entered upon the practice of his profession, in
which he early attained an eminence that brought him
wealth and fame and honor. In i857 he bought a half
interest in the Louisville Courier and for two years was
its editor-in-chief. Always a writer of much ability, this
two years' experience seems to have given him a special
interest in newspapers, a large collection of which is found
in his library.
   This library seems to be the growth of many years of
careful collecting. His avowed purpose was to secure
everything ever printed in Kentucky or about Kentucky,
written by a Kentuckian or about a Kentuckian. The
library was purchased by the University of Chicago only
a few months before his death. As it reached our campus
it consisted of one series of boxes numbered from i to
269, another series lettered from A to R, four portraits,
and one large wall map. Recognizing the importance


of this material, the trustees of the University appro-
priated special funds for the organization of a special
department in the library to prepare these materials for
the shelves. The facts presented in this paper are almost
literally "chips from the workshop" in which this work
is being done.
   At the present time, June i, I914, all the lettered
boxes and forty-nine of the numbered boxes have been
opened. In these forty-nine boxes has been found a
large collection of books on Kentucky and Virginia,
including probably the best file of journals of the Ken-
tucky General Assembly and collected legislative docu-
ments in existence. We have copies of almost all the
early books of travel and description which touch upon
Kentucky, all the early histories and many other valu-
able works which must wait until a later time for descrip-
tion. The lettered boxes contained the newspapers and
manuscripts. The manuscripts are just being arranged
and plans for preserving them in permanent form are
being formulated. Any detailed description of them
must come at a later time. In this paper we are con-
cerned with the newspapers, all of which have been
handled, unless, perchance, we come across stray volumes
in boxes yet to be opened.
   The newspaper collection was a huge mass when we
got it together in the office. Many volumes had been
bound years ago and the bindings were rotting away.
There were'dozens of volumes containing many titles and
many huge portfolios full of loose papers. The first task


was to get all papers of the same title together. This
required the taking apart of all the composite volumes.
Then we began binding the older papers first. At this
date one hundred volumes have been returned by the
binder and the balance of the collection is in the bindery.
All will be upon our shelves by October i, if not before.
   Our method of binding is worthy of a word of descrip-
tion. Each paper is moistened, smoothed out, and re-
paired. All clipped places and torn corners are replaced
with strong parchment paper. All tears, holes, and weak
folds are covered with a strong silk gauze which is almost
invisible once it is pasted down. The paper is then
folded and attached to a sheet of strong manila paper
which is half an inch wider and one inch longer than the
newspaper. These manila sheets, carrying the papers,
are then sewed to broad tapes which are glued between
two thick cover boards, making an unusually strong
cover and hinge. When there are fewer than ten num-
bers of a title, the titles are gathered into related groups
and bound together. We have some twenty such com-
posite volumes bearing such titles as:
        Maryland Newspapers before 1820.  Mscl.
        Virginia Newspapers before I820.  Mscl.
        Louisville Evening Newspapers.  Mscl.
        Louisville German Newspapers.   Mscl.
All other volumes contain but a single title. When there
are more than ten numbers but fewer than twenty the
cover boards are covered with mottled paper and given
a black cloth back. When there are more than twenty


numbers the boards are covered with a three-quarters
canvas binding. We are confident that these splendid
canvas bindings will stand usage equal to the best leather
and will continue clean and strong long years after leather
would have disintegrated and fallen apart.
   The user of these volumes will find in each a type-
written title-page giving a complete list of all papers
in the volume and in most cases a brief history of the
paper. In turning through the volume his fingers touch
only the projecting manila sheets, except when he pauses
to examine a paper closely, thus reducing wear and tear
upon the papers themselves and insuring to them the
longest possible life consistent with use.
   The oldest title in the collection is the London
Chronicle, London, England. A few numbers of Lloyd's
Evening Post, London, and the American Eagle, Vera
Cruz, Mexico, complete the list of foreign papers in the
collection. Since nearly go per cent of all the papers
are from Kentucky we will divide them for consideration
into Kentucky newspapers and non-Kentucky newspapers.
   Of the non-Kentucky papers there are two titles from
colonial days and fourteen others before i8oo. The
more important titles in this group are the Pittsburgh
Gazette, the first newspaper established west of the Alle-
ghanies, the Western Telegraphe and Washington Adver-
tiser, Washington, Pa., the second paper in western
Pennsylvania, the Knoxville Gazette, Knoxville, Tenn.,
and the Winchester Gazette of Winchester, Va. This
latter, a complete file from January, I799, to September,


i802, except three issues, is in excellent condition and we
understand is a unique file which is duplicated nowhere.
It is an ably edited paper and is a mine of rich informa-
tion on this period. From the period between i8oo and
i820 we have Vol. I of the National Intelligencer and
goodly representations of the Washington Federalist, the
Weekly Aurora of Philadelphia, the Richmond Enquirer,
Richmond, Va., and the Ohio Federalist of St. Clairsville,
Ohio, a rare early abolition paper. There is a complete
file of Niles's Register which begins in this period. The
most important non-Kentucky file after i820 is the
Cincinnati Enquirer for the years i86i, i862, and the
last six months of i863. A reference to the check-list
of this collection will show that outside of Kentucky the
collection is chiefly valuable for the number of titles it
contains and the early dates of the papers that represent
these titles. Many titles are represented by a single
-paper but that paper is so often Vol. I, No. i (or so near
it that it is very easy to compute the date of beginning)
that the collection is very important from the standpoint
of the history of journalism, especially in the South.
   In Kentucky this rule is quite reversed. Files of
considerable length are the rule and single numbers the
exception. Of the Kentucky Gazette, Lexington, Ky., the
first newspaper established in the state, we have three
large volumes, though the sequence is considerably
broken by missing numbers. Our oldest paper is Vol. I,
No. 28, March 8, 1788. Of the second paper in the state,
Stewart's Kentucky Herald, Lexington, we also have


a fair representation. One of the more valuable files in
the collection is a double one. In September, 1797,
Hunter  Beaumont started at Washington, Kentucky,
a paper known as the Mirror. A few months later Mr.
Hunter went to Frankfort and established the Palla-
dium. Shortly thereafter he sold his interest in the
Mirror and bought Mr. Beaumont's interest in the
Palladium. Thus the two papers, though not actually
connected, really form a connected file. We have Mr.
Hunter's own file of the two papers covering the period
from I797 to i8o8 in most thorough fashion. We also
have the Guardian of Freedom, the second paper estab-
lished in Frankfort and antedating the Palladium by a
few months. The first paper established in Louisville,
the Farmer's Library or Ohio Intelligencer, is well repre-
sented. The Kentucky Reporter, Lexington, i8i0-3i,
the Western Citizen of Paris, the Argus of Frankfort, and
the American Republic of Frankfort are files beginning
between i8oo and 1820 which are worthy of notice.
Another important file is that of the Presbyterian Herald
of Louisville, i846-62, complete except one year and
two other papers. Slavery was too dangerous an issue
for the ordinary daily press to handle. This religious
paper made it a matter of conscience and so is a most
valuable source of information upon the subject.
   The two greatest files in the collection are the Mays-
ville Eagle and the Louisville Public Advertiser. The
Eagle was established as a weekly which continued for
fifteen years, when a semi-weekly was established and


the weekly continued for mail subscribers. Ten years
later the semi-weekly was continued as a tri-weekly.
Our file begins with Vol. IV, whole number i84, and con-
tinues almost complete through the various changes to
December, i858, a file of thirty-five years in length. In
addition we have several years of the weekly which ran
parallel with the semi-weekly and tri-weekly papers.
The other great file is that of the Louisville Public Adver-
tiser. It was established June 30, i8i8, by Shadrach
Penn. It continued as a weekly only seven months,
when it changed to a semi-weekly, which continued ten
and a half years, when it was continued as a tri-weekly
which lasted only four months, to December 31, i829.
The next morning, January i, i830, appeared the first
daily paper ever printed in Kentucky. It continued
both the volume numbers and whole numbers of the
series of papers which had preceded it. Parallel with
this semi-weekly and daily a weekly mailing edition was
published, and during a part of the period of the daily
a tri-weekly mailing edition was also published. We
have an almost perfect file of this paper from Vol. I,
No. 4 of the original weekly, July 2I, i8i8, to October,
i841. In addition we have a large number of the weekly
and tri-weekly mailing editions which ran parallel with
the main paper. We only wish there were time here
to narrate the long struggle which developed between
this paper and the Louisville Journal, established Novem-
ber 24, i830, but the reader must look elsewhere for that
story. Suffice it to say that it was one of the most bitterly


fought in newspaper history. Mr. Penn was finally
defeated and forced to sell his paper and leave the city.
His paper survived him only a few years. Mention of
the Journal brings us to the one great weakness in the
collection. Whether his connection with the Courier
and the resulting duel with the editor of the Journal
made Colonel Durrett dislike the Journal so much that
he would not have it in his library or for some other
reason, this, one of the greatest papers ever published
in Kentucky, is represented by only a few scattered
numbers. Of the various papers which were established
in Louisville between i830 and i842, the period of the
Penn-Prentice struggle, none lasted very long. We have
almost complete files of all of them. Of the later papers
we have the Courier for the years of Colonel Durrett's
editorship, i857-59, the Democrat for the years i862-64.
   One very interesting group of papers in the collection
is that of campaign papers. As they are scattered
through the check list under the various places of publi-
cation we give the full list here. As gems of polemic,
not to say invective, these papers are beyond comparison.

   The Patriot, Frankfort, i826. New Court Party.
   The Spirit of '76, Frankfort, i826. Old Court Party.
   The Campaign, Frankfort, i840.
   The Campaign, Frankfort, i844.
   The Whig Banner, Nashville, i844.
   The Henry Clay Bugle, Maysville, i844.
   The Republican Sentinel, Richmond, Va., i844.
   The Tocsin, Frankfort, i844.


   The Campaign, Washington, D.C., i848.
   The Campaign Flag, Maysville, I848.
   Rough and Ready, Louisville, i848.

   With the close of the Civil War the newspaper files
of the Durrett Collection close. Since that date there
are only a few poultry and agricultural papers and one
or two other odd titles.
   Two summaries will conclude this discussion. By
titles, the resources of the collection are-

                   OF KENTUCKY PAPERS
      Titles beginning before i8oo ................  5
      Titles beginning between i8oo and i820 ......  I9
      Titles beginning since i820 ................. III

          Total Kentucky titles.135

                 OF NON-KENTUCKY PAPERS
      Titles beginning before i8oo ................  z6
      Titles beginning between i8oo and 1820 ......  56
      Titles beginning since i820 .................  42

          Total non-Kentucky titles .............. I14

            Grand total ........................ 249

   In terms of volumes the collection consists of some
75 volumes of files beginning before i820 and about 275
volumes of titles beginning since i820. Of this total the
75 volumes of Niles's Register are duplicates and will be
sold. All the others will go upon our shelves as rapidly
as they are bound.


   In making the check-list of these papers we have
followed in general the principles laid down in the Check
List of American Newspapers in the Library of Congress.
Whenever our first copy of a title was early enough to
throw light upon the establishment of the paper we have
added the volume and number of the paper. When
only whole numbers were used we have indicated that
fact by the abbreviation "w.no."     It will be noticed that
a few periodicals are included in the list. They were
packed with the papers and so handled with them and
since we shall probably never publish a separate list of
them they have been included here. There are many
boxes of periodicals yet to be opened.

                 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO
   Western American. w.
     i8o5. Jan. ii (V. 2, W. no. 7!), Mch. I5, 29-Apr. 5, 20.
     Continued as the Western American, Louisville, Ky.
   Candid Review. w.
     I8o8. Mdh. 29 (V. 2, no.
Bowling Green
   Green River Correspondent. w.
     1824. Sept. 25 (V. I, no. 46).
   Green River Gazette. w.
     1833. Feb. 2 (V. i, no. i8).
     I840. Mch. i8.
   Western Globe. w.
     1840. Feb. 26 (V. 2, no. ii).


    Kentucky Intelligencer. w.
      i846. May I3 (n. s. V. 2, no. Is).
    Covington Union. w.
      i848. Apr. 14 (v. I, no. 38).
    Guardian of Liberty. w.
      i8I7. Jan. I8-Dec. 27 (v. I, nos. 3-52 wanting nos. 41, 50, sI).
      i8i8. Mch. i4-i8i9. Mch. I3 (v. 2, nos. 2-52 wanting nos. 8, 9, 22, 28).
    Olive Branch. w.
      i821. Apr. 21 (v. 2, W. no. 54), June 23.
      i825. Dec. 23.
      Kentucky Rifle. w.
      i840. Oct. 31 (v. I, no. Is).
      Published simultaneously at Lancaster and Hustonville, Ky.
   Constitutional Advocate. w.
      i825. Oct. 5 (v. I, no. I), xg-Nov. 2, 30-Dec. 30.
      i826. Jan. I3-Feb. IO, Mch. 10, 24-31.
      Successor of the Harbinger.
      Absorbed into the Commentator, Apr. 8. 1826.
    Argus of Western America. w.
      i8i6. Jan. II (v. 8, no. 41), July i9, Aug. 2, 23, Oct. 4-Nov. I, 29-
        Dec. 6.
      I8I7. Jan. I7, Feb. 7, 21, Apr. 18-25, May 30, Oct. 17, Nov. 7,
        Dec. 5-i9.
      i8i8. Jan. 2, Feb. I3, May I, 22, July 24, Aug. 21, Sept. i8, Dec. II-i8.
      i8i9. Jan. Is-Feb. 5, I6, Mch. i9, Apr. 2, July 2, Aug. I3, Oct. 29,
        Dec. 17, 31.
      i820. Apr. 20, Dec. 28.
      i82I. Jan. 25, Feb. 8-Is, Mch. 22, Apr. 20, July 5.
      i822. Dec. 26.
      i825. Oct. S.
      1826. Feb. 22.
      i827. Jan. 24-Mch. 7, 2i-Apr. 25, May 9, 23-June 6, 20-27, July II,
        Aug. I5-Sept. 26, Oct. io-Dec. 5, 19-26.
      i828. Jan. 2-Feb. 13, 27, Apr. 9-23, July 23, Aug. 20, Sept. 3, I7-24,
        Oct. 22-Nov. 12.
      i829. Jan. 21, Feb. 25, May 13, July IS, Aug. I2-19, Sept. 9, 23-30,
        Oct. 7, 28, Nov. ii-i8.


  i830. Jan. I3-27, Feb. 17, Mch. I7, 31, May 5, ig, June 23-July 7,
    2i-Aug. 4, 25, Sept. 8-IS, Nov. 3, 24-Dec. I.
  Continued as:
Frankfort Argus. w.
  i830. Extra. Dec. (sic).
  1831. Feb. g, 23, Mch. 23, Apr. 6, June 22, Aug. 3, Oct. 5, Dec. I4-21.
  i832. Jan. 25.
  i838. Feb. 9, Mch. 2.
Campaign. w.
  i840. Apr. 23-Oct. 8.
  r84r. May.
  A campaign paper.
Campaign for I844. w.
  i844. Apr. 13-Oct. 5.
  i845. June 4.
  A campaign paper.
Commentator. w.
  i823. Dec. 13 (v. 7, w. no. 363).
  1824. Oct. 2-Dec. 25.
  1825. Complete.
  j826. Complete. Extra Jan. 31.
  1827. Complete. Extra Dec. 6.
  1828. Complete.
  1829. Complete.
  1830. Complete, exceptwanting May z8, June IS, Aug. I7, Nov. 2,
    30, Dec. 21.
  i831. Complete, except wanting July 19, Aug. 23, Sept. 20, Nov. 22,
    Dec. 7, 27.
  1832. Jan. 3-Feb. 7, 2i-Apr. 24.
  Merged with the Kentuckian.
Frankfort Commonwealth. w. (s.-w. during legislative sessions after i842).
  i834. Sept. 2.
  i835. May 9, July II, 25, Aug. 8, 22-29.
  i836. Mch. 3o, Apr. 20.
  i837. Apr. S-Dec. 31.
  i838. Complete.
  I839. Jan. 2-Apr. 3, May 2I.
  i843. Mch. 7, May 23-June 6, Nov. 7.
  I845. June 24, Sept. 23.
  1846. Jan. 20.
  i862. Mch. II-July 8.


Frankfort Commonwealth. t.-w.
  x862. May 2.
Daily Commonwealth. d. (during session of legislature i844).
  I844. Jan. i-Mch. 6.
Cross. w.
  i834. Jan. 2 (v. 2, no. 6), Feb. 6-20.
Western Democrat. w.
  i838. Dec. 27 (v. I, no. II).
Franklin Farmer. w.
  i837. Aug. 12 (v. i, no. I), Sept. i6-23, Oct. 7-21, Nov. 4-II, 25.
  I838. Feb. Io, Mch. 10, 3i-Apr. 14, May 5, Ig-June 2, i6, 30, July
    7-14, 28, Aug. I I, Sept. 22-29, Oct. 13-Nov. 3, 24, Dec. 8-22.
  1839. Mch. i6, June i-Aug. io, Aug. 24-Dec. 28.
  Moved to Lexington and later continued as the Kentucky Farmer, which was moved back
to Frankfort Jan. 23, 2841.
Kentucky Farmer. w.
  I841. Feb. 27-Mch. 6, 20, Apr. 17-24, July 3-17, 3i, Aug. 28-Sept. 4,
    Oct. 30, Dec. 4-25.
  1842. Jan. I, Mch. ig.
  Discontinued Apr. 2, x842.
Guardian of Freedom. w.
  I7g9. May 30 (v. 2, no. 4).
  I802. June 30-July 7, Nov. 24.
  I803. July 20.
  i804. Jan. i8, Feb. I, is-May 12, 26-June 2, i6-30, July 14-28, Aug.
    II, 27-Oct. I, Nov. I4, 28.
  I805. Jan. io, Feb. II, Mch. 25.
Harbinger. w.
  1825. Mch. 30 (v. I, no. i)-Sept. 28
  Successor to the American Republic.
  Continued by the Constitutional Advocate.
Kentuckian. w.
  i828. Apr. io (v. I, no. i)-Aug. I4, 28-Sept. II, 25-Oct. 2, i6-Nov.
    27, Dec. II-25. Extra May 29.
  i829. Jan. i-Nov. 7, Dec. I1-25.
  i830. Jan. I-8, 22-29, Feb. 12-May I4.
  i83i. Extra. Address of Carrier. Jan.
  Successor to the Spirit of Seventy-Six.
  Continued as:
Kentuckian and Commentator. w.
I832. June 2I (v. 5, no. I2), July 26-Aug. 9, 23.
Successor to the Kentuckian and also the Commeutator.


Palladium. w.
  1798. Aug. g (v. I, no. I)-i8o8. Apr. 20 (II v. complete except i8o5).
    Aug. 31, I8o6. Jan. 23, and the last 12 numbers of v. II).
  Extras, 1799. Jan. I7, Apr. 4, 25, Aug. 8.
         i8oo. June 12, Aug. 14, Sept. Is, 25.
         i8oi. Apr. 2I.
         i803. Nov. 8.
         I80o. July 27.
         I8o6. July I0, Dec. 8.
         i807. July 2, Aug. 13.
         1808. July 21, Sept. 8.
Patriot. w.
  1826. Feb. 22-July 31.
  A campaign paper.
American Republic. w.
  i8io. Aug. I7 (v. I, no. 8), Oct. 12-26, Nov. 23, Dec. 7-14.
  I8II. Jan. 4, I7-Mch. 22, Apr. 5-Aug. 2, Sept. 20-Oct. II. Extra
    Nov. I 8.
  I812. Apr. io.
  Succeeded by the Harbinger.
Spirit of'76. w.
  i826. Mch. io-Aug. 4.
  A campaign paper, the success of which led to the establishing of:
Spirit of Seventy-Six. w.
  i826. Dec. i3 (v. I, no. 2), 28.
  1827. Jan. 4-June 21, July S-Nov. I2, 29-Dec. 6, 20-27.
  I828. Jan. 3-Mch. 27.
  Succeeded by the Kentuckian.
Tocsin. w().
  i843. Aug. 26 (v. I, no. io).
  A campaign paper.
Western World. w.
  i8o6. July 7 (v. I, no. I).
Kentucky Yeoman. w.
  i840. Feb. 28 (v. I, no. 2), Mch. I9-26, May 2I, July i6-23, Sept. I7-
    24, Oct. 22.
 1842. Mch. 3, Aug. 4.
 I845. Apr. io.
 1847. Feb. II, May 6, July 29, Nov. 26.
 i848. June J.


     Kentucky Yeoman. t.-w.
       i854. Mch. 23 (v. 4, no. 8).
       i862. Feb. 4.
    Daily Session Kentucky Yeoman. d. during session of legislature 1843.
       i843. Jan. 2-Mch. iI. Extra Jan. 20.
    Daily Session Yeoman. d. during session of legislature i846.
       i846. Jan. 8, '3.
    Daily Kentucky Yeoman. d. during session of legislature i86o.
       i86o. Feb. 3.
     American Sentinel. w.
     i824. Sept. Io (V. 2, no. 33)-17, Oct. 8-22.
     i827. Jan. 26-July 14, 28-Sept. I, Is-Dec. 8, 29.
     i828. Jan. i9-Feb. 8, 29.
     Continued as:
     Kentucky Sentinel. w.
     i829. May 23.
     American. w.
     i83I. Jan. 28 (v. r, no. 12), Mch. 4-II, 25, May 6, July 8, 22. Extra
    Light House. w.
      i8i5. May 27 (v. 2, w. no. 97).
    Ploughboy. w.
      I856. Feb. 2 (v. I1, no. I3).
    Central Watchtower and Farmer's Journal. w.
      x827. Sept. , Dec. 29 (v. 2, no. 3).
      i828. Mch. i-8, Sept. 3, Nov. ig.
      1829. Mch. 20, May i6, June I3.
      I830. May 22, June 12. Extra June i9.

    Kentucky Rifle. w.
      See Danville.
    Kentucky Rifle. w.
      See Danville.
    Central Kentuckian. w.
      i863. June ii (v. 6, no. I).


    Lexington Public Advertiser. w.
      1823. Apr. IS, June 7, Aug. 2, Sept. 6.
    Franklin Farmer. w.
      1840. Jan. 4-Aug. 22.
      Continuation of the Franklin Farmer, Frankfort.
      Continued as:
    Kentucky Farmer. w.
      I840. Sept. 12, Oct. 10-17, Nov. 14-21, Dec. 5-12.
      i841. Jan. 2-16.
      Continued as the Kentucky Farmer, Frankfort.
    Kentucky Farmer. m.
      1842. July (v. I, no. 2).
      A revival of the Kentucky Farmer, Frankfort, and a continuation of the Kentucky
    Kenlucke Gazette. w.
      I788. Mch. 8 (v. I, no. 28), Sept. 6, 20.
      Continued as:
    Kentucky Gazette. w. and s.-w.
      1794. Feb. 8.
      '795. Oct. IO.
      1796. Jan. I6.
      I797. Sept- 9, i6, 23-
      1798. July xI-Aug. I, is-Sept. 12, Oct. 3-IO, Nov. 2I. Extras,
        July 25, Aug. I, 8, I5, 22.
     1799. Mch. I4, May i6-June 27, Aug. is-Sept. 26, Oct. io-Nov. 28,
       Dec. 19-26. Extras, July 4, i8, Aug. , Sept. 5, 12, Oct. IO, 3'.
       i80o. Jan. 2-9, 23-Feb. 27, Mch. 20-Apr. 3, I7, May 8, 22-June 26,
       July 10-24, Aug. 7-2I.
       i803. Feb. 14, Apr. 26-May 3, June 21-July 12, Aug. 2, i6, 30,
       Sept. I3, 27-Oct. 4, 25-Nov. I, 15-22, Dec. 27. Extra Aug. 2.
       I804. Jan. 3, Mch. 27-Apr. 3, 17-May I, Is, 29-June I9, 25, July 24,
       Oct. 2, Nov. 20. Extras, Apr. 3, July I7.
       i805. Mch. 5, Apr. 9-May 2I, 28, Nov. 14. Extra Apr. 30.
       i8o6. Aug. I4, Sept. 4, I8-22, Oct. 27, Nov. 3-6, 17.
       1807. Sept. 22, Oct. 20.
       i8o8. Jan. 12, Mch. 8-is, Apr. i9-May 3I, June I4-28, July 12-Aug.
       i6, Oct. 25, Nov. 8-22, Dec. 5-13.
       i8io. Feb. 20, June ig.
       1817. Feb. 24.
     i8ig. Mch. 5.
     i825. Extra Mch. 3.


  1827. Jan I2-19, Feb. 2-Mch. 3o, Apr. I3-20, May 4-June I, 29, July
    13-20, Aug. 3-Sept. 28, Oct. i2-io, Nov. i6, 3o, Dec. 14-28.
  i828. Jan. II-Feb. is, Mch. 28, Apr. iI, May i6, June 6, Aug. 22,
    Oct. io, Dec. ig.
  i829. Jan. 2-9, Apr. 3, June 5.
  i832. Extras, July ig, Aug. 2, Oct. 25.
  i833. May i8.
  1834. May 3i, Aug. 30.
  x836. Jan. 3o, Apr. 2. Extra Sept. 26.
  Called the Kentucky Gazelte and General Advertiser, 1803-9.
Stewart's Kentucky Herald. w.
  1795. Nov. 17 (v. I, no. 40)-Dec. I, 29.
  1796. Jan. 26-Feb. 2. Extras, Oct. i8, 25.
  1799. Jan. 3o-Feb. 5, I9-26, Mch. 12, July 23.
  i8oi. Feb. io, May ig.
  I802. Mch. 30, May 25.
Western Luminary. w.
  i824. July I4 (v. I, no. I)-Dec. 29.
  i825. Jan. 5-May II, 25-July 20, Aug. 3, I7-Dec. 28.
  i826. Jan. 4-II, 25, Feb. 8-22, Mch. 8-is, Apr. 5-12, 26-June 7, 21-28,
  Aug. 2, Dec. 20.
  i827. Jan. 3, 17-31, May 9-June 27, July 4-Aug. 29, Sept. 12-Dec. 26.
  i828. Jan. 2-Mch. 12, 26, Apr. i6, May 7, 2I, June 4-i8, July g-I6,
  3o, Aug. 27, Sept. io, Nov. i2.
  I829. Jan. 28-Feb 4, Mch. II, Apr. I, Is, May 6-June 3, 17-July I,
    15-22, Aug. 26-Sept. 9, 23, Oct. 14-2i, Nov. i8.
  i830. Feb. IO, Mch. 3i-Apr. I4, May I9-26, July I4, 28, Sept. I, 15,
  Oct. 6, Nov. 17-24, Dec. 29.
  i83I. Feb. i6-23, Mch. i6, May 25, July 20, Aug. 31, Sept. 2I, Oct. s,
  Nov. 3o, Dec. 14-28.
  i835. Jan. 21.
Western Monitor. w.
  I814. Dec. 23 (v. I, no. 2I).
  18i5. Jan. 20, June 23-30, Oct. 6, Dec. Is.
  i8i6. Dec. 6-13.
  i8i8. Jan. 24.
  i8ig. Feb. 27-Apr. 24, May 8-June I, 22-29, July 13, 27-Nov. 2,
  i6-3o, Dec. 14-28.
  i820. Jan. 4-Feb. I, I5-Mch. 28, May 2, 23-30, June 12, July 4-18,
  Aug. I, Is-Oct. 3I.
  i825. Jan. I2-Ig.


Lexington Observer. w.
  1831. May 2I (v. I, no. 2), June II-Dec. 30.
  z832. Jan. I3-Mch. 9.
  Merged, Mch. 1832, with Kentucky Reporter to form:
Lexington Observer and Reporter. w.
  I836. Dec. 2I.
  i843. Apr. 26.
Lexington Observer and Reporter. s.-w.
  1843. Mch. i8 (v. II, no. 9i).
Progtess of the Age. w.
  i850. June 7 (v. I, no. I).
North American Literary and Political Register. w.
  i826. Sept. 21 (v. I, no. i)-Dec. 21.
Reporter. w. and s.-w.
  i8io. Dec. 8 (v. 3, no. 49).
  1812. Jan. II-Dec. 26. Extra July II.
  i813. Jan. 23-Dec. 25.
  18I4. Jan. I-July 9, 25-Aug. 20, Sept. 3.
  i8i5. Jan. 13, Feb. 8-I3, Mch. 6, 17, 31, Apr. I2, 26, May ig-Aug. 4,
  18-25, Sept. 8-Dec. 22.
  i8i6. Jan. 5, ig-Apr. I2, May 3-July 12, 24-Dec. 27.
  1817. Jan. i-is, 29, Feb. 2i-June II, July 2,-Sept 3.
  Continued as:
Kentucky Reporter. w. and s.-w.
i8I7. Oct. 8-Dec. 3I.
I8i8. Jan. 7, 21-Feb. II, 25-Apr. I, IS-Dec. 30.
i81i. Jan. 6, Feb. 17-Mch. 3i, Apr. i4-May ig, June i6-23, July 7-
   21, Aug. ii-Sept. 8, 22-29, Nov. io-Dec. I, 29.
 i820. Feb. i6, Mch. 29, Apr. 26-May 3, 24, June 7-I4, July io, Aug.
   i6-23, Sept. I3-Oct. 4, 25, Nov. 27, Dec. II.
 I82I. Jan. 29, Feb. 26, Apr. 2, Aug. 20, Oct. I, 15-20, Nov. 26, Dec.
 1822. Jan. i4-Mch. 4, 25, Apr. 15-22, May 6, June 3, I7-July I, Is-
   Aug. 5, I9, Sept. 9, 23, Oct. I4-21, Dec. 9, 23.
 1823. Feb. 3, I7-24, Mch. I7, May 5, July 7, 2i-Aug. 4, Sept. 29,
   Nov. 3, 24-Dec. I5.
 1824. Jan. 12, Feb. 2-9, Mch. 8-I5, 29, May IO-17, June 7-14, July
   5-I2, 26-Aug. 2, 30-Sept. 6, 20, Nov. I, 22-Dec. 20.
 I825. Jan. 3, 24, Feb. 7-I4, Mch. 7-2I, Apr. 4-1, May i6-23, June
   20, Aug. 8-is, 29-Sept. 5, Oct. 10, 24.


      i826. Jan. i6, Feb. 13, Mch. 6, 27-Apr. 3, 24, May 22, June 5, 26-
        July 17, Aug. 7, 2i-Dec. 25.
      i827. Complete.   i828. Complete.    i829. Complete.   I830. Com-
        plete. Extra June 9. I83i. Complete.       i832. Jan. 4-Feb. 22,
        Mch. 7, 2i-Apr. 4.
      Merged with Lexingion Observer.
    Kentucky Statesman. w.
      i855. Mch. 27 (v. 6, no. 26).
      i856. Apr. i.
    Kentucky Whig. w.
      i825. Sept. 22 (v. i, no. i)-Nov. 3, Dec. I-29.
      i826. Jan. 5-Mch. 2, 23-May 4, i8-June 8, 22, July 6-I3. Extra
        July 20.

Lincoln County
    Lamp. w.
      i8o8. Jan. 12 (v. i, no. 24).
    Louisviller Adler. d.
      i852. Oct. I4 (v. i, no. 46).
    Louisville Public Advertiser. w.
      A country mailing ed. without vol. nos.
      i826. Jan. 28, May 20, June 24, July I5, 29.
      i827. Jan. 13-Feb. 2I, Mch. io-June 2, i6-July 2I, Aug. 4-Dec. I5.
      i828. Feb. 2.
      1833. Sept. 28.
      i837. Apr. Is, July i, I5, Nov. ii.
      i838. Apr. 7, 28, May I2-I9, June i6, Aug. 25-Sept. i, Nov. io, Dec.
        15, 29.
      Changed to s.-w.
      I839. Jan. 2-5, Feb. 9, Mch. 9, 27-Apr. 10, 20-May I, 22-29, June 29-
        July 3, I7, 31, Nov. 23-27.
      1840. Jan. 22.
      Changed back to w.
      i840. Jan. 25-Feb. I, 29-Mch. 7, 21-28, Apr. i8, Sept. I2, Oct. IO,
      I84I. Nov. 20.
      i842. Feb. 12, June i8.
    Louisville Public Advertiser. s.-w.
      (This is the chief paper. Founded as a weekly on June 3o, x8z8, it became a semi-weekly
      Jan. 23, i8ig, and continued until Sept. I9, 1829, when it became a tri-weekly until the
      close of the year, when the daily was established.)


  i8iS. July 2i-Aug. 25, Sept. 8-Dec. 8, 22-29.
  i8ig. Complete except May 5, 8, Sept. 5.
  1820. Complete.
  i821. Complete except Dec. I2.
  i822. Complete except Jan. 12, Mch. 27, Oct. 26.
  1823. Complete except Apr. 2, Oct. 4, 8, i5, Nov. IS.
  i824.  Complete except Jan. 2I, Feb. 7, Apr. 3, May 5, July 3, 7, Oct.
    23, Dec. I, i8. Extra Nov. 27.
  1825. Complete except May Ii, i8-June 8, July 9.
  I826. Complete except Jan. 4, 28, May 20, June 14, July 26, Nov. 22.
  1828. Complete except Jan. Ig, June 7, July 30, Dec. 3.
  1829. Complete except Aug. 8, Oct. IS, Nov. 26, Dec. 3I.
Louisville Public Advertiser. t.-w.
A country mailing ed. without vol. no.
  i832. Nov. I2/13.
  i833. Feb. 8/9, 22/23, Mch. I-/I6, 25/26, July 8/9.
  i834. Mch. I9/20, Apr. 4/5, May 2/3, 9/10, 2I/22, July 9/Io, Aug.
    I/2, Oct. 8/9, ii, Nov. 7/8, Ii.
  I835. Jan. 26/27, Feb. 20/2I, May 22/23.
  I836. Apr. 6/7.
  1837. Feb. 17/I8, Apr. 7/8, 19/20, 2I/22, Nov. I/2, 13/14, 17/i8,
  1838. Jan. I9/20, 22/23, May I4/I5, Oct. 3/4, 8/9.
Louisville Public Advertiser. d.
I830. Jan. I.-I84I. Oct. 24 volumes complete except the following
        1830. Jan. 30, Mch. 5, I3, Apr. 27, 30, May 29, 31, July 29,
          Dec. io.
        I831. Jan. II, 20, 22, 3I, Mch. I9, Apr. 30, May 20, Aug. 3I,
          Sept. Ig, Nov. II.
        I832. Jan.4, 27, Feb. I,2,I4,2I,27,Apr. I7, May 24,June I2,
          July 7,20,23,27, Sept. I,8,I4,I5,28, Nov.I3,14,27, Dec. 26.
        I833. Jan. 12, I8, Feb. 4, 9, II, 23, 28, Mch. i6, I8, 23, 25, 26,
          30, Apr. 5, 30, May 6, 8, I3, 24, July 8, 9, 12, 13, i6-i8,
          Aug. 9, 13, 21, 22, 30, Sept. 3, 24, Oct. 4, Nov. 8, 30, Dec. 17,
          26, 27.
        I834. Jan. 2, 6, 13, 27, Feb. I, i8, 24, Mch. II, I3-15, i8, 28,
          29, Apr. I, 4, 8, May I, 3, 10, 2I-22, June I8, 21, 24, 28, 30,
          July I0-II, 14,I6-17, 3I, Aug. 2, I5, Sept. I0, 19, 22, 25, 27,
          Oct. 9, II, I3, 20,22,27, Nov. 3,8, II, Dec. I-4, IO, 13, 20, 29.


          i835. Jan. 5, I7, Feb. 20, May 12, Aug. 27.
          I836. Jan. 2, Apr. 7, Aug. 12, Dec. 27.
          I837.  Feb. i8, Apr. 8, I9, 21, Sept. 26, Nov. 2, I3, I7, 25.
          i838. Jan. I9, 23, May I4, Oct. 3, 9.
          i840. Jan. 2i, Dec. 24.
          1I84I. July 7.
Louisville Public Advertiser for the Country. w.
  i844.  Feb. I7 (v. I, no. I).
Age. w.
  1879. Jan. 4 (v. i, no. i)-June 28.
Western American. w.
  i8o6. Mch. 6-20.
  Continuing the Western American, Bardstown.
Louisville Anzeiger. s.-w.
  I849. Sept. 8 (v. i, no. 123).
Louisville Anzeiger. d.
  1852. July 23 (v. 4, no. I22).
  i853. July 26.
Beobachier am Ohio. w.
  I852. July 2I (v. 8, no. 56).
Louisville Evening Bulleti