xt73tx35400n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx35400n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19131002 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 3, October 2, 1913 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 3, October 2, 1913 1913 2015 true xt73tx35400n section xt73tx35400n   n
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University of Kentucky
o Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., OCTOBER 2, 1913 N0, 3
Dill. EEO. W. BAIN lllllllllllllllll 1*11*9 llllllls llAllTZlEll GUNGERT $**1** Wlll lllll STATE WINS Fllllld
[ . nzucllls una: . .""*' “*"°"“ lllnstsculllvllan .5*** “"l““*“ aunts naval
Editor Idea:
  » Dear Slrz-     l ‘ M ’
The Blrmlngham Alumni Assoclatlon _i____   _, _;_`___*,_r,_, __ T**° B***° *”d w****° E*°*’°"* O“*'P**Y
of Kentucky State Unlverslty gave lts , si s  · J fhé Builer C¤||•¤• Team lrl a
Hls Lssssrs Non ms ss'. slssn P"` tlrst banquet Saturday night ln the Fl"` Prosnm ss ms Lscsurs cou". “ ‘    sl '   21 to 7 Game.
’ - *••·•• •’r••¤¤¤•¤ A¤¤•··••·- nent Llon Tea seems. This ass0cla· '*'”""°" "’ '“"· °"""°'· "'°'· R _.  
-—·· tlon was organlzed ln June but owlng B"l°° R°y"°***° *"°* P"°*· e lv- ‘ Q TUTT-LE AND ROTH STARS
Col. Geo. A. Bain, oqe of the most to the gmgll number prgggng only mm. DeRoode. Pm? _ __r ___
` distinguished orators or the United pgrgry career, were elected, At their ———-— $"·   I The wiidmhi initiated their him
3 States gave u very forceful and tlmely bgnquet saturday permanent Omcei-B A large and appreciative audience 4 W *_‘ Season, Saturday armmoon on Shih
address to the students in chapel 'l‘ues· were elected for the year as follows; tllled and honored the chapel last '· »   Jl  ioiehi bi. ootoihshiog the oievoh (rom
‘ <*¤Y *1 *° °`°*°°*‘· J. M· Sprnsnc. president: H. B Dnrllns '*`*1“”**°Y °“’“*'*¤ °¤¤*" 1° *1**1** 1*1** . . • ll T Butler College ln a 21 to 1 name. The
»e-· an Ml'- B¤l¤`¤ l'€I>¤l¤U¤¤ N 8 ¤D€¤*¥€l‘ vlce-president; R. G. Stevens, secre- 9**96* rn¤¤lc of thc D8lllZl€l‘ Concert. l     Hoosiers ohiy touchdown was or a
· had preceded hlm and the chapel was my- and ueewrei-_ We have waited and wlshed’ for some ta; .___. i
·ddrBII. cherish the memory of the   days Dantzler and WB Can declare lnow that  ,.:4r V N ’ ing an uncrossed goal une. The ciass
Aa an advocate of the Temperance spent ag me above Unlversityry to no dlsappolntment ls harbored ln the `*?’*fs l ‘"“ ` ll l oieoioyed by me Blue ond whiie are
‘ZZZZZ'§°'2§.’°I¥..Z‘°Z.‘Z,.`l.‘§.'l° ZI.’.`ZI.`.,".1°".IZ ;‘§'f,2§;§‘§§; iii ,§Li,‘;,§§,,§;§"1’.*;']§ii,§2,‘1 "’lL`.‘T.°Z.T.',Z. ISIS EZIIIF; 0. tr.     . {   ·s     le cover   com  
-·»· ,..- · stunnlng effect of tllls first surprise,
has accomplished. Practically his en- iii, memberih Constitution and Hy. ler’s voice ls unusual. Her technique   ‘ ahgum a successrui season
tlre llfe has been devoted to flghtlng Laws were drawn up and adopted and ls beyond that of any we have had the AS was to he expected, this Opening
the vlclbua and destructful enemy of me eeeoeieriori placed on ii Soiid rom,. pleasure of hearing. Several reliable _ game was characterized hv much
our social line. He spoke of the early d¤1*°“‘ Four regular mestlngs a year crltlcs have encouraged ns to say that ' '·¤ rumhiihg and Konami ioose hhrk hy
days when a man took his llfe ln hls ere planned to be held around the her singing is as good as can be had the Wiidcms. but the gang was there
hand when he opposed the factlons festive board, here or elsewhere. What we think . CAPTAIN SCOTT with the oid right and hiemy or gih_
which preyed upon the morals and hap· ii ie urgently reqiiieted met eii K_ might have been better ls the greater ger. which is the prerequisite Or a
plness of our cltlzenshlp. Col. Bain S_ U_ men iii their new who were not frequency ot encores, ‘*BRICK" CHAMBERS RESIGNS winning team. The Kentucky back
• ' **” **°°** ’*Y*°'* m***° “**"*` *°**$**“* at the first lneetlng, communicate with "Th'3 Y€¤l"¤ ol **16 Sp*`***K·" *#***`$  A8 CAPTMN OF wll“¤cATs—  leld failed to connect successfully with
orator of Ke¤tucky," and his address R_ G_ Ste,.eiie_ lug hviquols Street, and Zlgeunerlled were the ones that $C0`l"l' Wll-L SUCCEED HIM- rho mocking game, and cohseqoehriy
Tuesday morning justified his tltneas Cine ¤brought us a peculiar enjoyment. _ —-— ihdividoai work was necessary to grab
for uw diluusuhhad honor- Th; following mg;) gngwgrgd the Among the vlolln Pieces ln DEN foul', It·lS Wlth l‘€gl'€t that _th8 students the decision It was the individual
. _ Among other things he said: one roii eoii: o _Prol’. Reynolds lnstllled an exceptional learn gf the {ogg of Captain Brtck prowess or Squirmiy .rumB and Aha
-·` "The attitude concerning the prohlbl- H_ B_ Dariirigv Birmiri8iii,_m_ Mir; charm ln the Souvenir. Prot. DeRoode Chgmbgrg on our tggim this mir Hg that brought home the imcoh rm, the
NOD QIICIUOD hl! Chlllféd to I Hill'- S- G. Cutler. Eusieyi Aia_; G_ C_ `Vat WHS of COUTSG IIIBBCBT of [H8 plBJl0 8C- hgg played 3 mgtclilggg game at cgrngr houie {Ohm
veloua extent.ln the lnt decade. For irimh Ariorimi Goo Chu. Mecerroih companlment and added greatly ’to the fgr two yégrg and promised to guide The day was a iime warm rm, rooh
generations men have regarded drink Biooroih Aim i,i_ G_ Strong, Wooriwerrh success ofthe concert. the heroes Og the grldtron through 3 hah but the Brands were packed with
“ “ s***d °* p*°*v**°8°• °*` °* *°“* °* Ala.; R. E. Duncan, Birmingham, Ala.; *****6 8****}**1***1 and faculty ¤l‘€ 80 Wcll season of uninterrupted victory. When 800 emhueieetir Biitier woo the ross
¤€¤¢¤¤¤l‘Y ¤0€l\l D!‘6l‘08¤UV6. bu! ¢¤· R_ G_ ·Stroiig_ i.~oiriieid_ Aiihi _)_ M_ pleased wlthlthe one appearance of the ··5h0rty‘* Harriggn left last year we and chose to defend the west ghar At
day we consider lt a sign of moral Sprague. Emmy, Aim; C_ W_ Norirh Artistic Trio we will look forward to`r·ani.s imo at lasting Conndance in our 3:3o the whisiie sounded, and ihii
• wsllllllsss llll °ll°°*** °l *"*° s°°*“*’**` Fulrflcld. Ala.; A. B. Harwell. Ensley, **1° llmc when they Shall come again team with nrlrlr elected to pilot our Tuttle booted the ball to ltlccre on ilut-
**" ““‘* **‘° *’°"°" **‘“* ‘*°°‘*°““ **‘° Ala.: H. l. Wurtulc. Easley. Ala.; *° ‘*“**g*" ““ *“"*""”· *`<>r¤¤nlc¤ dlnlns lllc 1912 Sclnc- ler‘s 15-yard llne. After four nnnutes
_ noblest and truest nsplratlons of all i,~_ C_ Teyioh piiiryiem Ala"; mm   l lh-h-lr halls from Murray, Ky., whore or hoo, woodsoii rerovered ri riiiiibied
°***s**°s °* ms"' Llllsl-*** has bssll Kullzman, Atlanta, (la.; C. B. Perkins, BERT PHSTER LECTURES lllv llilll <·11l‘l>‘ training lll physical spiral on llutler‘s 15-yard llne. With
t “*’““‘*‘* ‘""°“ "° **‘*"*‘ **““ °“° "“" ulrmlnellsm. Ala.; Ernest Turner, 1’° $E'“'°” '“'E°*‘A"*'°’*LS·=¤·¤‘<>ll’c¤~=· llc lr one ol lllc most as- s touchdown ln sight, shraetler eneles
**° *11**18* '°’ *1** °w¤ °°¤°“¤* ¤'°1“*· wsrrler, ala.; R. o. Stevens. Blrmlns— **· srceslllc ccntcre our llnc over l¤¤<1— Butler·s right plank and had gained
cs*l°ll' wlllsll lswslls °lll* mllml stand` ham, Ala.; E. J. KOIID, Ensley, Ala. A1 ***° *0****** **0*** T**€******y Mc **6*** ***5 *`€"°“* 0***°*‘*S**9S ***a* of **** 0******8 flve yards, when he tackled hard. He
ards and weakens the dlvlne powers _ l'llSl€l‘. of Alluwlldll. M0lll·. Sal/€ iliwhen his weigllt is considered. When romoied_ 'lsapscott recovered the ovoi
· UIQ Creator ln HI! mGI°Cy and W‘BdOm VGTY lI\[€I'€S[lI\g l€C(\H`€ to [l\€ S€lllUl` hg (·ha]·gg$ hg )[()“·S in wholesale _ _
bcstowcd upon mon on his ovorlnstlns IDEA ME.ETlNGl Mccllonlcnlc conccrnlns tllc lnlnlnsitasltlnn. We hav; seen hhn against Ezlivrlaxdtlltz yt;al;;.*0;>;l:yHrlilclt;*s*ls
**°*`*°“°‘ ** ° ******* w**°· °**`*****s l** Thursday evening at 2:30 the mem- °1*‘"“**°**S ‘·*S"‘* *** ***‘* ***`°S"*** *****" *“ Malsllllll and *’~ **- *· and Clllclllllall goal. Score: Butler 7; State 0.
'“°‘*°“‘**°“ *“ *’°“°’ **‘°“ **‘° ‘*'““*" hers of The Idea starr and all those °¤l*l>€* mlnes- lend 11l¤·nl lneklns llugc 11<>l€S1l1l<>¤g11 The wllaeats then tees a brace and
• sllll' lllsll *1·¤*¤*·1 ssssslllsll ls bsllsll who wlsh to become members will HB g**v°***l°*y****s*°s*****°* °*°s°*`l***l°** ***6** ‘*°*‘*l**s€ *’***** "**"‘l*`***g ***5 c°***‘ pushed the flght lnto Indlana territory.
***llll ms lllmlsllsls lllllllllsl. llscsllss lls meet ln the chapel. Plans will be ex- of ***€ ******** “**‘* ***6 m1*c*l*11€'l"- rades as llc lllullscll No lllilll “'*1° With the ball on Butler‘s 15-yard line.
w*“““°°"**’*°*° '*°*°"’·" plalned for the ccntlng year. A The Chief ***11%**1***** 0* 1116 A¤1=*°°11**¤ evcr l>l¤>‘c‘ tackle huclt and the husky Somerset
mlllgllllg pslllos sud llllmos slld lll who were elected to represent their G****`°‘*· of ***6 °***S$ of `9‘*· 11*10 island ll0ll0 can testify that he was any- iari rihoeri io riiroogii iiie Hoosier iie_
lloldlllg lhs sllslllloll Os llls sudlsllcs respectlve classes, llterary societies, °°*******°*`°** °**° °* ***° **°s* ********l** "'*‘ ll1l1·¤ ***** ‘“*"**** ****** ********Y ****** °`*****g‘lfense for the State’s flrst touchdown.
spsllllslllld by lhs bsslltlllll slmlllss etc., be present or send substitutes. g***°°**`B *** ***°* w°°*· T***** 0***** g°°**il1l1¤l1l1<11l*·" ***9 Wl-ll”¢*l lllo ll•*ll*'>` *0** He later klcked goal. Score; llutler
¤¤d l*8\l!'9¤ of ¤D6€¢l1 Wllllilll ho it has become absoiomiy summarized to show that the State men can hold.bu; wm try ir, recovery lr; State T.
posssssss s llsmsllksbls sl‘°rs' at the very beglnnlng of the year ln****°**` 0**.** w**** ***s gllldlllllcs lll. llllyl **°*`“`**"* S‘*‘*** “l*** **`**‘* ****l *°`·****l During the second quarter Kentucky
As s dsbslsr lhs the polgmmcy of 0l‘d6l‘ to C¤l‘l'Y 01li UW ll¤l1l`0V€m€l11¤`lnsmulloll i**l**** ***s “*****° **`**“*** *‘****** ****** ***l hammered the Butler forwards for
MB BTKUIDBDY. Bild UIQ d!‘Y wlt with pianneir Aii those who wish to ger """‘——‘*‘ """"_- ldlsplnyetl ill the Knoxville game lastleorisieiem gains and near riie eori of
“'***"** **° ***°°*“ ***° ***°°*`*“ ****‘* “**°°` some experlence in journalistic work •**·*N*°R CLASS ELECT6 0FFlCER$-lyear. Scott is u Junior lll the Agri-lrhe horioir hom was Sem over ieir
lllsllslls Ol lllsss wlll) °*l*l°ss llls bs` may leave their names wlth Dr. Mac- --——— lcuiwmi i)hhih_hh__m uno has iiiily illu)'·it-llltl and raced 15 yards to the mack
~ ’ **°*“ **“"° ***“‘*° ****** *`°**°“'**°‘*· kenzle, c. E. Blevins or drop them ln **1** MSS of 1915 nlct ln €*l¤l*'~’*» Ullletl one >·•·n¤· ns n reanlnn llnt ne aland lvhlte goal nne. Tuttle Telcked
A Cssdlsl wslcoms slwsys swslls The Idea box at the nortll door of the w°****°******y’ Sullslllllsls zlllll lllllli******* *0 *****l****l"` ***" *'**‘* “***** *******goal. Score. llutler 7; State l·l.
lllm at the Unlverslty of Kentucky and main huiidingi work wiii he Mh elected ollicers for the ensuing year asiiiii,i“·pi· [hp will li, mm-S of piiipi-i;,.ii(·y h The wihicms hist mum hhhw huh
we slnccrely hope that he   favor signed theni such as proce reading. i.€_ follows Z ill? lll).S ft*\\' Sll|l\‘l'll`US llrlllllltl llt‘l`t* zlriiiiiiiiuta une'- kir.k_o"'_ 'l*urk9)r ugiihi
us wlsll more Os llls dsllshmll sds hashing newspaper articles and gen- l***" ******0** *l*`**°**l" ll l*l‘ l`l‘ “**“*"“‘**·"11ll*1=¤*‘**· lpersuaded Squirrelly to favor the
‘**`““"“ ********8 ***° °°******** *'°“*· argl repertlng, See to thls at once as **`°*** v°*’°*“****"’ “l**” “*’*‘*°*“** *’"`”*`! " ll wl- ”"—; {school wlth a short end run. Hill did.
”"_"“’"“'"""—_ all vacancles wlll be tllled during the **°***‘ | **‘*""** **‘**"`*“‘"‘- ‘*‘*l****""` °* **“lilliorcovcr. llc cntcrcd fully into tll•·
The agricultural society ot the State mm mn daysi Miss lclizabeth Moore or lloulstille. i ei-miiiutliih t-ieee of tai; who has been i Shim hi, the day, and decided to Mohr
Unlverslty wlll hold its llrst meetlng was chosen vice president. iS(ll(.l}'l|ll.1 in New York for a year has me eiiiiiiirriiesiiig deioy of iieiiiii
Monday evenlng at the Agricultural UNNERUTY NOTES. Mr. Lyman ll. Evans of Lebanon wasijnet tinighetl it visit to relatives ln l iiiekied iiiiri iiie reeiiitiiig ioes of iiiiir.
Building at 7:30 o‘clock. The old  llosen treasurer. Ellavls County and ls spendingtllc weekiiii iiiiiiio iii, and iiiiioir iii, ioi. iiiio
members are requested to return and Douglas ll. l·‘ellx, of Loulsvllle, Il\8lll· Miss Annabel Grainger of llklllllfllll purl liprp pn route- ttl Now York. iioie iiiii iiiiii ousted eoeii iihiiiiiiooi
new members are lnvlted. After the ber ot the graduating class of 1*113 was selected as secretary.   -e»-M U- ww--.---..» iiorich ooo hoo oust ohrhoi. ih yiiroh
aoclety la organised a regular program ot State Unlverslty, is spending a few Mr. J. W. Wesson or wlngo wnsi ti.-, py, ·i—_ l·(,,·i,.,·_ of lliipul has be", from whew his cieumhw huhwh hero
wlll be arranged for each week. days wltll friends here and will leave selected to represent the class asiuiiiiolnted night libruriuii iii the rin. dhwiih ihcioomhiii. the Show has eh
.._.......—...—- shortly for Harvard llnlverslty where Junior Urator oil the celebrated occa iwrglty und vtill mk., ui, his duties utlw rl which doeshw iooii hive ih hrhih
Pgugljgg gay Adygnjggrg, he wlll enter the Law School. sion known as Arbor Day. i,,iica_ ~vi- --7 ·R,Oiitim;&i6h -hiig§1.2i· .   .-
` _

 7 •
*;'iT‘;‘j;·f_;_r;j_· _ ·j _ _ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ · _· ‘ " ‘ ’ · • ·"*_; · _ j_ *··_; _ — _ V- _ 7
w · v v 1 1 - v i
ME AT ' ` ll
o (TENTS “
FlR8T.CLA8$ IN EVERY APPOINTMENT. J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Owner and Mnnaner. OPEN 10 A, M TO 11 p M  
    `STATE WINS FROM ll·l•~v•·rnl unique nnd orlglnnl numbers, L   & A
` BUTLER COLLEGE. Including n one~m·t musical <-mncdv nre U E I .
U . . THE LEON ARD} . I   ......,..,....,_ LEXAND R
‘· I ·If '*·(l·. . .
nlversuy BARBER Si-{QP' " "" '``'' ` ' '’'``     r···~ ····»~—...»·.· o.....r....,._ ,,.,,...,, m
L, lm k. `k_‘ _ il, S_ _: H HV f`rom the host talent ln the (lub has , _
of "‘ ’ _ " " *"‘ "‘" “ " nm W, ,,0 H , td A SEE OUR BIG LINE OF wo01,t.N5
is voun Helio oumrans. sun.- ;:\.. o. rz. u. · " *"` "" *‘ » ""°“¤°°m*‘¤¤ R , I I, _ _
  1: CHAIRS IN USE.   Umjm HW hm lm" hm`] Wnmg HRM will he nnuip |mm·_ Inllmll l’0¤’l $22-00 Io $.];).00
C0(`qWOF;?Nc;;I¥AITS` ) ·§llllllill‘l`?~ ol sullsIliIli•">¢. Sill\f"!< llll¥‘l|l> i ` " `I "“"` """'"_ QUAI IT`- Wr)RKMAN_}l|I,
_ _ _ l o “ ' ’ ’ OS' Ir0pS' ··~p·¢·lnIly uuelorgolng I`rr-qncnt alter- MR. E. L. HALL ADDRESSES V, I . , .  
Often free tmhon in all depart-I {_ H WMM H N hd H th ir "“d FII UUARAN Yl'll‘·l)
,, gt l()ll*~, 14* 'J < ‘!·l ‘ ll P
ments except Law to graduates} ___ _ I I _' I t I H I M‘C‘ A' MEN SUNDAY EVEN'N°· 0
"  11; ls zlllr (PIII 1*1 U $I'Il'4‘ Iltl lIl`I* '
of Kentucky High Schools who' .,/  `YY ‘. ; I     $••"0  
, r 7   ,  ~\ I L '|`h•·n·~n n¤;1I•·rinI uinde nuood ltn ,, . .
are prepared to enter the i·resii~   nl 5 `V `{T _ U ml It f ‘ i I 1 ll¤·‘ Ilrsl rvuulnr mens tmwtlpg of r · · - »· ·
·· , ` . ‘ · »‘•-ss Ul t‘ H lvl i Iii, vs N*(‘ ll · . · ·
man Class. /`gj;·J§ [ 1 §  F, ;' I Hm   if H I ll RHI`! ill•‘ l. Nl. (`. ¤\. WM held Snndny night BIUGEST i,iNi‘, OF CAPS IN THE ·
5 ` Y ·~ \ I M E i ' "` we 0 W SM") mv PL In the Vnlversity ehalel. l·‘r m tl _
_ ,  ss. 3**144  V ‘ l{•·ntut·k) `s forward passes flew wild, ) 0 lp    
Each county in the State is 4 — _ _. 9: . H I t TH q “ H wl standpoint of numbers present the , _ __
. '· ;z vn-. is ass as co ee t
entitled to send FREE of tu'. Q I 4 by, ilu I¤{¤lH· * I I l' f I" mepting did not prove entirely satis-   &  
. . . » / . hy 0 . 1lll( ie rn nway or it R .
tion, matriculation, laboratory " ` · . ' _ I ; H; ‘ k { r Im llnotory. nut from the good at-complish.
ot »u was ca e me o runi ·
and other fees, one 0; more I" H Q '_ _ _ L intl. the olllcers of the Asstwlatlon feel M5 E. MAIN Opp_ Union Station
, out nl hounds. llne most lnghlp deco-
appomteeo, l (_ f { Y of H IN H fr mm `illill the llrst attempt was well worth  
.rn in- on u·e ie tty vis a l _
»“h·`n Rmh nlmwrml a mmm? on nm_»ulill<·. (lt the thirty-five men present     and  
Necessary cxpchscs moderate. ; V lseventten signed derision cards to live
, l•·r's hw yard line and ran through hm aggrgqqiw (_hrhu8n me and th   and  
.. . 'P
h.1Il` the lloosler eleven f'or 93 vards‘
F f ll ‘ f t' d- { · suonnm new nt su s t r 1
, or   m Orma mn rcgar     ‘nnd n touchdown, hut was culled bark I ` Q 0 0 wcom ng  
mg appointees, courses of study, . st t H H members of some church. l
 .`a vs se. _
..0,. of t,.,...i, ae., apply to Am not only essential rm usc. ""f,.§""` ,QfQ,,,§§`   `,.,, K,.,....... """ "‘ ""“ """·""“"‘ ‘°“‘“'°“ °‘ "‘° B|'0Wlllllg Drug Cu
ie in · . ·. ( · _·
H. S. BARKER, .but also for appearance gake, Ygui I H proxram was a solo by Mr. Sandford, °
President l , d d b th f_w¢~re Tuttle and Roth. lhe hrllllant mcompamed by Mr nehrmun $ •
. a » ‘ .° . .
. I rc Ju gc y C appearance 0 |def‘•·nsive game put up by 'l`om Zerfoss _        
Lexington, Ky. your teeth, . Mr. Hall then spoke on The Page
  lllllti i)lli('il SilYH9d(‘l` KIPSGTYCS SllPCi3i H      
Decayed, uncared for teeth de- _ That Kills and his earnest and
Telephone 638 . Imcnuon. ln the line, the work of TT#7T,,..eA~-.- -.e...~-iA-vL I
tract, while good, sound, well-EY I I H “ I ldedh auqdt thoughtful presentation of the facts "*’" rr"' **""r·"r·
».· l· »v as tec _‘ s   ··
· • kept teeth attyagp Come and let ; ( ` d l` _ so vltal to every student found a ready .
c   0 . , tory, and he holds a fine chance to win l
• us put your teeth in good condi- response ln those who had rome • I   _
tion For an kind of dentalju lwmmmxm berth among the mug through the rain to hear him •
I • y land \\’hlte forwards. A ` (t¤l—¤·p0..u».i) `
      VWOYR •1`0m¢ to 8¢¢ US- { TI i t_ H lie said In part as follows: "Young DORQTHY DODD SHOES Q
9 ’¤ . .· . ‘ J s ws:
{ W `ummqr} ` 8 0 0 men, standing as you are on the FQR WMEN A
· · rKentuckv——ltooth. r ei turner, r. t.; '
Plp€S R¢p8|T0d. Dr, J, T, Slat()n i I. _ " Y. ' _ V ' threshhold of a great opportunity, I   to   l
lattley r. g., Broun. c., \est, l. g., ,
I-¤><·N¤T<>~· · - KENTUCRY 127 csespslne ]w·m,.l.§.i... tr.; sl.md€r,i..».; nmeq. “““‘ "‘“; ’°‘;]‘"°;“"’ “‘”“'° °* ‘“° RAI-STON HEALTH SHOES l
Hour•—8 a. m. to8 p. m. Phone 864-x _ T I I I , S, it f b . T Z f p°w°rS { at ave een given y°“ to F()R MEN .
    un P' ' In (0 ’ l U l (xr OSS, \’l'\€€t 8,ii college [)I'Obi€UlS Wilat€V(ll"     t    
C t I _ I ` { d t ‘r' l' their natures maybe. No education ° 0 ° ` •
and imiazuoe silt. unomay Spears & F0rw00d l ` """"" Mi’°“" “ °" 1T‘”“°°"‘ ”‘ t j IS of value ¤¤l¢¤¤ it l>¤ll¤¤ ¤l·¤r¤<>¤¤r:
A B   1('°°d°· r" g·· Damgm °" Hum A' g" no life is worth while unless It is For the
• • Lockhart, l. t.; llurkliardt, l. e.; Wise. dedicated to the accom
pllshment of a
°°"‘- 8- '—"“E°T°"‘E A"° °°L"*" Shoe Ctlmpaliy Q·¤· '>-= "¤¤'· l- '*·= *’¤"°>’· °°l*‘· ’· "·> wont that will hmm humanly. nit. c°"cR° Boys Smoker
Leach, r. h G0 to
YES, ' cry of our University today is men
211 NORTH LIMESTONE ST. I - . · · . .
We are sian Prening 4 sum ra.- $120 WILL SAVE YOU MONEY} K°‘°"‘v· 'i"’“l’· °f _K?“’°“ I wanted. Those words should be wl-it. The Lewgg Cigar Q0_
-—at— l I '"ph`°· ( an ell Ot ('earkgm" n‘ ten over the doors of every class room, Opp. N•w Pho•nIx
I C I { 1 · •  
Billy Ba1ley’s Pressing Club P ON YOUR SHOES- I f*""""“°*“"‘?"· S‘°“""· nabmmry and every gateway. you
Ann mw CLEANING wonxs ° EN E"E"*'"°S °"T'L ° ° °L°°*‘·` time of ¤°"°dS- *2 ""““*°S °“°"· wm. or yourself a great suture. no   .
· . 'I` ·ld  ttl.2,Rtl. . ,
159 South Limestone Phone 621yl   (VW;llf?;;l:l*Tm;l`d;w“` Ofrllme 0 lrnhersity expects "_ Your friends On your Way to town
  l '°" K ( " “' hope f'or it, and society and the great stop at
V l ·. · · · · :
Q   i (dim ( hamberh md nm may industrial world demands that men of The New    
C. A. JOHNS lnor Luncn AT Au. nouns. »~·~#e·e —··#·~· .-.. ..s.,... M d......¤0.. to duty .·..l..... ,,6 ,0,,,,, ,_,,,,, ' · •
where you wsu rand everything a I G W Cha man I GLEE CLUB ‘·""GAN'ZED· new their s;·r»·n·e·s in the work of the  
COMPLETE DRUG STORE   ' ' p ` ’ ‘ present and future- generations.     p 1 `
. , , I'0p I' l
shwld Have' Ice Crea S°da' *559 S- Lune 0PP· AgrABAdg·‘ '|`ln· first tnwting of the (lice- (`lulw Sut·ct·ss will depend on mental, .
___,,__,._,, ,,_,_,,,_;__,_, _4,_, ,, ,_ ,   , ,,,, lol llllilrll was held Tuesday, Septenrlmornl, spiritual, and bodlly superior-       '
l ‘ .
~ht·r 2::rd, at which time new men were ity. No one can live at life alone; no
2 , ¤
’tried out and plans for the coming sea-K-rin that does not draw many others 107 South LIm••t0n• St.. cpp. Phoenix H0t•I i
son discussed. Regular meetings are into the net. lt is a great deal easier FlR$Y·Cl-ASS WORK GUARANTEED l
now being held at 4Z45 l’. M., every in the long run to do the square thing. ° `
Jlonday and 'l`hui·sday in Prof. llean`s Seek the great life and let all of your   '
studio or the third floor of Alumni llull. efforts be given toward its attainment Hot Lunchu at an h°u"_ cig"; at Toblcco
At the meeting of September 29th and no power on earth can prevent · Y
the personnel of the organization was you or wishes to prevent you from sum-- ° °   I
definitely decided and is as follows: t-eeding." Corner Upper and Bolivar
llireclor —l’rofl llarlowe F. Dean. While we do not wish to take anyone ———·——-»» ·—.—-·..»~.-..—.--»~..—·-· 1
l Manager- .1. listen llolling. from their studies, yet can you not
€ B I 1 _ , l
I l"ll'Sl 'l`t*llUl`S· ll. (`. Nlfll`l`lSUll, lnd— give one hour n week, especially on   & CQ t
lward Smith, Leo .l. Sandman, Seneca Sunday when no student will be 0C(‘ll- Su°°f6?'w ®i‘RFISSa' CO'
lltontl, .1. l·l. llycrs. pied with such work, to promoting and • ain t- I
P l . .. ·
AY   ` Set-ond 'l`enors l,. \\'. Noses, A. ll. elevating the religious standard of our BES'- SODA,FOUNTAAN AN THE `
·· · · · · s·· ‘, ll ‘·‘d l·l‘·   .l 'l`..· ·   ' U ‘   T
We are the originators m Lexington of high-class tailored l:{l‘t‘Kb“"L ‘i;`:" Ts"? I ) I ""d‘";`l Jil"} ha"` helped mdny .
, ·‘ts, .v . S. c lI`lllilIl, . ' `. ' `ay UI`. they W I iw p V0u. I '
g2.I`I'l1€lltS made to your m€3Sl1I‘€ for , U N I ` ` S c
l liu¤‘llon<*> \\'. l.. Sllllillv W. J. Sand- llr. Ttgert will address the meeting   S      
No NO {lord, Jr., A. l·Z. \\'2Ill\'l`. l"l`1\|lk K<*llllt·¢ly. next Sunday at 6:30 and we want the ` 119 SOUT,H UPPER 8T' ,  
LESS More iJ. listen Hollins. chapel to be tllled. It will be if you Pres?) C%AdleSFMa?€ Dally' . 4 ’
l llusncs J. '|`. Jn<‘l<¤ull. J¤'.. 'l`. l". are there. 'l`l1e1neetlng will begin on L xl cp Orn rlt ers'  
Positively vvorth $3Qto $35. We _l»uy our YVo<»lens direct lln.o».·.s. is-as ns. n·:»¤ns. n. ¢‘. amt. mn will snort. ln time to gm E N°T°N’ ` ' KENTUCKY ’
fzom tg]? I;-SHE (;}ATm;t::{·gi:dm¥.1:;A2u§; l"()gtArAH g Wllliulns. 'l`. U. lli<‘•‘. anyone the opportunity to go to church l
g rmel S a 9 9 e e y ° l A svnson of ll|ll>|'<'¢'f‘¢l<'|lU‘¢l $ll('¢‘\‘b$ if he so desires. Ilemember, llr. 'l`lgert DL l•     ‘
"s ls; ·· _ '· ‘_ llenn is n man of -.---»-—»---------   ,
N I I l Islllttl I lol  
l•·straordiuztry ability. himself u Mr, A. S. llehrman, member of the City N;g°l_ Bulk ll|,_l'g_ .;
lsiugcr of note. llc has had lllU(‘il t*X· Senior class at State Unlvehslty. wllo  
. `pt~1‘i•·|»tt·t· in choral and glee `vlub \~Lorl<`llas been teaching in one of the   I 
lilllfl l> U ltlllilll >Il<‘<‘*‘*·>**l W l¥`0l· graded schools at Louisville since the  
‘l‘ II \\’l l l l l | tl ll A
x *I‘¤·< .} llllill wv H`. open ng of sc loo , l‘ettll'llt* to l I 5 L`
  W. Sh0I't St. Z•Z   COLIN House ·\iilll_\ 'innoutllons in llw ~lll'U£.l`ll|ll olty Friday evening and will resutnc and    
Next door to University Book St_ol·t»_ ;“‘H U" *****`··*I¤<‘·‘ (li. Ulll` LZFPLII ('I)lll[l(l5(·l`S,   our       •  
 iii ·
. l

 • •
T H E I D E A 3
      I I   Money Loancd on all imodsnf Vnluc. I van save you from 30 to 50 por cont on »
• li
l Dnamonds, Watches, jewelry, Etc. W
LICENSED PAWNBROKER. lI0 South Limestone St. Watch and Jcwclry Repairing. Phoenix Block i
THE STUDENT wi 1 . , S FE"' “A’°'*S·
. . . . . d i ;CR}:•.AM FLOURl Ender, Kccn cutter,
WII0 IS pdylllg iIIS Way Wlii [IE llIi€I‘€Si¢ to iiIl0W U { ·-MADE .N LEX,NGTON.. _ and EVN. Ready
.I` I   1
1 THAT WE ARE SELLING   ilmxinztun Roller Mills C0.,} JUST WHAT YOU NEE°·
i 15.00 Suits for $i0.00 $20.00 Suit for $13,50 ii i ii ..·t. r..~m·.~¤ i
E _ ii i ..;.............._. i C()()|>E|{ & DUNN
ai $25.00 buits for $16.50 ii   { K 1 I RI
i H · , ' ) T(‘(`lQ'l`<
J _ _ _ 1 ) Q A I I n i
iii We mak<`€VCfY Suit and U2l'3I\(€C Flt and S¢t’VIC€ i i · i         MAIN STREET AND BROA
" i » »., “Anthr·u·i|c and Bitummouqi UWM
U Unc Pricc-———%p0t Cach--- Plain I i urcs i   i ` — ( ` ii
`Ii · ‘ · g ~ h ¤ ~   i ) ¤
_ in ily · ihmmgu H K t I k lH()'l`O(.RAPHS
n ii U   4 ‘·\ P , ·- QT] UC {y IN AL
i " ‘ ` 1 -
_   ; w.40. www, wi-inane, wm; ¢ 3 REDULED RATFQ
Qli Incorporated     N ; —-TO_ A
M V   S   ·     .\ s;"<·:it frm! i— h•·iii;; 0i`i`+·r•·ai thwi  
U 115 E. MAIN bl`. Opp. Phoenix Hotel     ,,,,,,,.,,,, U, K S [· by ,.r,_,»A ,_.um_mh,__i ’ •
rig 2;* W Y M nr", W 7 7   rv *7 yrri V "j  `“'i\U   i$‘Hl'ililiL§‘ ll Sllnrhqy S(·hri(y| (·];`:;gi   S  
; at tlw ('s-mm! fhristiiui ('hurvh. Tlwi
miliaiwl 0I` th•~ Morton lliigh Svlmoi just *341 w' MAIN ST- ph°"‘¢ 1635*
J. T- LA". L. M· LAIL   S'[`()N}·]\\'AI,l, J,\(‘Ks()N_ j¥\"¥`*¤F*+ UW ¥\f`¤·¢·¥ Iius In-vii sswiireql my   l*·—:•**—m—"`_Q"-— `_‘t
          W , W Wish whil•· tho <~hur<-h is iimi¢·rgo1ng ri- i      
i Tm, MMS m- ·H mot in (_hHW_l on i pairs. If you uxxmt tu siwmi zi pivasamt h\<‘0Y`I><>¥`8¥"<|
    r iw,,dm.Sduy at 12 0-c|m.k mm (_|M,U_dizin  
, • i 4 ii i ` iwsiaem, smnewaii .lu<·ks0n. i*<*’*"¤U"’ *=·"‘*‘ ** *""f’“*‘ i" ""“"° '·'“"· 136 wzs·r Manu sinzsr °
we are Mw ·h°wing our F;|| Ling of imporged Wgglgn i Vice President, imiiiinp ii;mk_ *'*""“ "'h"`l' |""’""*"“ t" i"“ SMU and —-·— ~·——-—;—w ~ ·    ~
Call and let ua make your Fall suit. ’ Sevretury, Mary K. V¢·nai>|<·. "'|"“"""“'· i' i’* "*’·*‘*i**"**W>¤**i» WP
i » i = — W ·‘     # ¤   *~   ·   AMEEN MIRE
· PHOENIX HOTEL BUILDING LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY I Tmuquren H' k' ( aylk mt'.], Ju ,1% mlm lr B, W lm
` mags R‘,pr9S€ntmh.‘,’ _]L H_ Payne. lim viuss mvt lust bumh-1y morning E
A I ummhlerv E_ ·l~_ mukmn lwith 36 prvsmit uml urgiuiizmi for lc Cngq; PARLOR
V _______________H_____,__  ___ __r______   r _' _   i (;m(,,·ian_ W_ (1_ Cm,,S_ ;—.s<>rk. Ihee hrs: ria} S rmi imrk hm LUNCH STANDS
· i },"mlN_t’ Marguerite McGuin_» iwgiii nut Sunday morning, so vomv aca Souih Bmmww.
  D       m““"`i**“- WH here 'i`urm»r_ iiuul gp; mu, UH, work at mp mlm and li _ _  iwm I M  mw__
Y • iw-i. <·. ¤~;. ieimiis. <·¤J<>2·‘ ¤¤¤<¤f·¤1¤<>-‘>·1¤*n>- i   °i`i ;"*" 
) I N ., .... i  -.._i~-,--   'H·<· <·1=¤»¤ <·¤‘¢`i<·<¤r‘= <·¤··<·*•··* MM Sun-] f     . l
» FINE CANDIES STATIONERY AND memim best. Ask me imavmny Uooki """ *“"""""· """“"“""· ii f “ ig"  . 
y Store. 4 l). H. Sartin, vice-pr<¤sident.     "'_!_;;» l [ l__ ._` R Z
• , BEST SODA WATER IN THE CITY. ` ....-...._... l Mm “*"“'”"“'°· “"“’“"""· iii  {TQ] i · » 2/i?7T'? i
• _ i i M r. Stephens, treasurer,   ' l . - ; °t;5’·  
`   PhOI'I€S   PhO€Y°iIX Block Th¤ Philosophiun Literary Society,  \\'h0?——» i·Lv¢¤rybu¤m·¤ mw uw screen i .7 AW i
‘   % i i ‘ ··`· ‘- V
I %%¢;/     , V ` i UI um •· 4 mm al .m2h'1\lliiN}1lI:% [iii!.   \\iliS{i¢’ UH           `
»     · . · • ·   ’l`h•· t1i·•·¤·u ihui iiuxw by t`urmilwii.   Shoes ctc. {Or    
3     IIld1V1d\13.llty IS the DOmIH€¤t Note i _ _ _ i ii
    5 i'! he- ‘.iii:ir·¤· \ti‘»·i*i still nawsvs in , ‘ `
, D     i i ¤ i a now { i
'Z   , 3 'I`h¤· imii:~e·> I hw in kiimx   [
"   % zi         S • V SUIIIU ili'0 illi\\ ill li¤'SUi3lIiUll  ii      
/éZ / ¤,· __ I ,· ii
'   Q "   ` { ,·\ii1i \\1·t‘tiS uio I`i‘0i~ lu g|‘u\\‘,     `
/   i \   \ No puhiiv m»rk> h;u•· iiviifii tl1•~um`ii i | i
‘ / W * ‘ " ’ ~— ~ » :
    \     $1.  = \•‘l i\_¤¤' lil•‘ |·lii>ii<‘ \\•·iI lor uiiu          
; { / ¢ { I il;i> rm iiiil >UIlit‘ ¤lilll'\‘•‘ lu iii•·Ii[ill IiU\\>   (‘;,|,l`l`()ii[\>ll,       I`
I ‘   ;»· ii i
*5% ` ` i
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J _ Zi`   _ ` Sniiiv i;i1ixiliizil'k~ lin\\ i\l`i* goiiv   ·
I C_W_‘mwu` ‘ i *41-7 mw 7 N ’ 7 _ V 4   I Ami ull ihv h.»y> hiuv giumii in iiivin      
· D•n•¤uh»sm..n.y. ‘ 1 No liinl'•‘ you .—i·¤· thu s<·lli•·i‘s liix·i‘¢·      
ai ·’ i
i' \ _ ‘—· . __ ,`# UL · _ · _   $ \\`iih linen") h¤·u¢i» mid i»¤·aii‘di·•i vhih} ii ’  
y wi g _ ' ‘•- I / hw-Nh-l iiui 1ih·n·`»i»n1¤·1iii¤ni.;ihut >tiii rvriiuiiieei   l
{ ) P 4 .\hni ll Ii¤’\t‘|' <·<·ai><· its l‘Uli|'>\‘ lo Full ` iii     A
`- ‘ _ - 'iiiiu iigvs roliiv aiiiii ;i;.;n·>1‘ {lil lii;il'>`    
•   6 __ N____“ —_l__` tii·i·i·u [hut {hum hy <‘;irmilum, ` M INCORPORATED 1
· ii _" ` Fwmm ii `   '   "W ii   `i ¤·‘. M. ] i
ir · ·i

 ' •
Published every Thursday throughout the College year by the student holly   l
of the State University of Kentucky, for the benefit of the un- l l
der-graduates, alumni and faculty of the lnstllutlon. ` T _
;:.;._;.:;··T.·..- ;‘ii:";.‘;: . . . T . ii'; . . ‘ i