xt73tx35421b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx35421b/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1988 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1988 Vol.59 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 1988 Vol.59 No.10 1988 2019 true xt73tx35421b section xt73tx35421b , . " i = “7?" News?“ iris .~ M .. . ., " "I '1
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iv if: '1: " 7 7 2 Volume 59’ Number 10 October, 1988 '
eSu rvey s h ows 3 5 - c e nt SI n 9 l e c 0 mi ~ ‘ - _, .
price most popular In Kentuc y M... .
” A September survey by the Kentucky Press Association weeklies charging in that range. The net highest was the 17 _ .
51 "ShOWS weekly and daily newspapers followinganafional trend in weeklies charging $12 to $12.99. Surprisingly, the largest increase 3? 1,, - if;
smgle copy sales prices. in the price range was in those charging more than $20 per year. g .- ,’ 3% g =
”{LH Recent national surveys indicate a majority of newspa— Whereas only five charge $20 or more in-county, 16 i .' l, ., ‘.
{pipers have a35-cent single copy price with 25 cents as the next most charge more than $20 per year for an out—of-county subscription. 7" ‘1 .1 l . : 7 . ' ‘
lifrequent single copy cost. Also popular is $15 to $15.99 with 14 weeklies at that level. The . . * 3.; ~.; ' .‘ . ‘
2.42%? . Kentucky newspapers follow the national trend with a $13 to $13-99 and $14 to $14-99 both have 11 newspapers charging U . * ‘ ' 2
w” clear majority favoring the 35-cent price followed by the quarter those rates out-of-county. 5 5"} i; as 1:55;? 1 :1 f; .i ,
”t; ,' ’1 charge. On the lower end, one charges $7.50 for the lowest in the ::::.fi.'§55} figs? 3,5,.»‘1ij39f ‘ ' i
i ;. Of 148,1.(PA-member newspapers studied, 71 or nearly state, three charge $8 to $899; seven charge $9 to $999} eight 3:ng It?eijiiii"?l2?
~s°nehalf beetle new-“impress the statecharge'BS cents per cepy, Charge $10 to $10-99: and four charge $11 to $11-99- 1 ‘5i C: ». i
ewanaieeiueeemeeWMW -1 ;.Pi.evid Bitterness, creative directs-of KPAI said the J r ~ . ‘ i’
7:25: Fori‘WBekly newspapers, 55 have a ’35—cent neWSstand ‘ " "price range ‘"§hoW§‘“Kei‘i‘tu’cky“‘fieWspa‘per’s,‘~‘bom*daiiies—ancr~~aé i“: W‘s—if:
s». ’5‘: , :215‘3priCe “(139 (353,39 25 cents. Eight weekly neWspapers charge 30, weeklies, are affordable. With the many increases this industry '
:- j-jff—é'cen-tsper copy, eight charge 50 cents, four charge 40 cents and two has faced in the past few years -- higher postal rates, higher Lyles elected ‘,
tm , 31; H‘are‘atJS cents. ‘ newsprint costs, exorbitant insurance premiums —- you might -
{ii '1. W For dailies, 16 of the 25 dailies cost 35 cents for single expect the single COPY and yearly subscription rateS to be much
. ,7. . copies, seven charge 25 cents with one at 30 cents and one at 50 higher. , to K P A board '
Ell. ‘ f '- cents. The survey did not reflect Sunday single copy costs. "Bl" thls shows Kentucky newspapers have held the line /
' » , ,, The KP A study also examined one-year in—county sub- on newspaper costs and continue to be a good investment for the Jerry Lyles, general ri‘ian- ‘
,if- _ ~;; , .mipfion costs for weekly newspapers. readers." ager of the Benton Tribune
;_ .-; , 5 ' ‘ 2. Results of that survey show no clear-cut winner in any On average Of all weeklies, a one-year in-county sub- Courier, has been elected to the ‘ "
price range. Of all weeklies in the state, 18 carry an in—county scription cost is $11.99 while a one-year out-of—county subscrip— Kl’é/IKPS lioard of Elrecclsr's
if , , . subscription rate of $12 to $12.99. Next in popularity was the $11 tlon average is $14.83. _ manyoefs’tlre Elimiidszrtisziihr-
’ .. y- _ ' -= to $11.99 price with 16 weeklies in that range; 13 weeklies have a .. . , , Stering Committee in 1987 ang '9
j year's subscription at $14 to $14.99; and 12 at $8 to $8.99 and the We dld this Study two or three Years ago and It gave is presently a state Marge ‘
-. same number charge $10 to $10.99. Eight weeklies charge $16 to some newspapers an idea of where they stand f‘OI' Single COPY and member of the KPA Board, was
391:. y >$19_,for a one-year in-county subscription, five charge more than in—county and out—of—county subscription costs," Thompson elected as the District 1 board ‘
'. $20 per year and one has a year's subscription price at $5.50, the added. "By no means are we saying a newspaper should be member, to fulfill 9 term origi-
3,; " Only weekly newspaper in state charging less than $6 per year. charging a certain amount. With a new year approaching, and “ally held bfY DaVId Reeves.
, Other costs were five at $6 to $6.99; eight charge $7 to $799; 10 another increase expected in newsprint, we thought this might eeves,f 31mg? advelrélglng
‘_,‘ ;_, charge $9 to $9.99; three charge $13 to $13.99; and six charge $15 give newspapers at the lower end of the spectrum an idea of what 2:; egg; r eesi gill 5:12;,” If): "
to $15.99. , All five weeklies charging more than $20 per other newspapers are charging. in mid-September to become
; _ year for an invcounty subscription are published atleast twice per "Only the 1nle1dual newspaper knows what the local publisher of a newspaper in
week. market would tolerate. And obviously various factors (fre- Missouri. _
In examining out-of.county subscription prices, a cost of quency, production costs, etc.) are entered into making the choice Lyles will complete the term
,, . $16 to $19 for a one-year subscription was most popular with 22 of what single copy prices and the subscription prices should be." through January, 1990-
: I
I ' ' I I tl
< - Editors respond to AG 5 opinion, supp emen _
‘ In light of the Attorney Opinion basically addresses of having access to citations" organiaztions across the state news media, it is a victory for ‘-
' General‘s opinion issued in our questions concerning ac— Jim Paxton, Editor, The who rose to its defense, and we the public. Kentucky's open
. September concerning the re- cess to police uniform cita- Paducah Sun: "I am not at all sincerely hOpe that the attor- records and open meetings
9,7 -. lease of police citations, The tions. There are problems with convinced that the Open Rec- ney general holdsit eveic'ybit as laws areabenchmarkbyWhich
-. Kentucky Press asked various some of the specific language, ords ruling was the schocking important a law as we 0." other state laws are judged. .
Vif‘ . ' newspaper editors across the particularly that the opinion blow to accountability that we Bob Hendrickson, Editor, Any effort to weaken those
_ state for their opinions about "supplements and expands in the press first feared it was. The Ledger ' Independent, laws must be challenged. At'
" ' the issue. The ollowing is a OAG 88-58"-theopinion given The Open Records Law is , we Maysville: "Once again it is torneys general come and 3°
‘ , synopsis of their views. ' earlier by Thomas Emerson. lt think, a critical component of Important to say that maintain- and interpretations of the open
- , ~ ' 'il'Paul W. Sierer, Editor, The appears that the opinion has honest and competent govern- ingastrongopenrecordslaw is , '
e 1:" independent, Ashland: "I‘he resolved our specific problem ment. We aPPlBUd those news “OtaVidOTY 01' newspapers or Continued on Page 2'

 Page 2 , i
. . A The Kentucky Press (ISSN-0023-0324) is published monthly -
l W -' W W and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40601, and at l
_ _ > ~ . = * as ' ' ' ' ' ' ' b ' tion rice is $4 er ear. . i
’ as, a .4 :2- Siwt_ ii : . ““va sW rt dlsmISSeS additional mailing offices. Su scrlp p p y 1., i
‘3 ii 3 invest“ is. ‘5‘ ‘ COU Postmaster: Send change of address to The Kentucky Press, 7‘51
2*; is? j W :. libel lawsuit. 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Ky., 40601. i
s” rs i W ’ l i $5; a i _ t P t Off1c1al Publication of the Kentucky Press Assoc1at10n i
ZM’E-v my . ‘ ' ‘i. _ 3;»... . * , .- “*6 a x i
V H‘ «dawn-41.51,? o 13.1". 3 mark“ .:.-.- .o ‘ i . a :. M 3." agal n S OS . ‘7 i
2§’"°~"§\’””\WN .w.“r (5..» 9a j;._,,...= 2" -.»:v..v~-. n I, i .f: we:
is? N * i
:2; 1:413“ ‘1 ‘ " " "I wa‘at .. ' A l h u h d a Bo n I i
:fi'vq‘éjr?! / ,A 953%.», , . '1» ApfixangguVWWWsfiw ’ ppea s as p e 0 e 7
, CircutCourtiudge'sorderthat KENTUC 1m amass a
r“’*w.t"a‘,.e‘$= *éswfifla r‘ two people. _ _ . i
V . The appellate court an- 1988 Executive Committee District 13 . _. f
' Landmark Commumty Newspapers, Inc. nounced in a unanimous deci— Richard Anderkin M " i
celebrated its 20th anniversary in (siion that itegoxy LynélYancey itevedAustin Mt. Vernon Slgnal
- - - - _ oes not ave groun s to sue resi ent {
Shelbyvflle by mo-vmg mto Its new 2.1’000 for libel and invasion of pri- Henderson Gleaner District 14 i
square foot headquarters, located adlacent vacy, The court ruled that David Davenport E
' to the previous building on KY 55. Land- Boone County CirCUit Judge Larry Craig The Timesloumal ‘ 5'
- k h 1d 11 n h October 16-17 Sam Neace did not make an President Elect '
mar e a ope 01188 ' 317:“ When he dlsmlSSEd the Green River Republican District 15 r i
. . . 5““ last year. Mary Schurz 3:
Lite racy COm m l SS l on develops Yancey was Charged in the David Hawpe Danville Advocate Messenger ‘ i
_ slayings of Roy and Ruby Bick- Vice President s
exp I an atl O n Of am e n d m e n ts ers on March 28' 1985 at then‘ Courier Journal 8: Times State At-Large " i
home in Carrollton. He was f
» " , Because of the high illiteracy rate in Kentucky and want— 23:85:11 (Eglgigéob 13?; its: Celia McDonald Earl Burchfield . 3
‘ ing those Kentuckians to understand the constitutional amend- Yancey had confessed to kill— {rifsurgr H d N Mlddlesboro Daily News y. 1
ment on the Broad Form Deed question, the Kentucky Literacy ing the Bickers. a “9 ounty era] ews Jerry Lyles ;
Conuruspfim has dsvelofec'iualflmphfifeg explatntatipn. K t k Kevin Fitzgerald, a Carroll- Max Heath Benton Tribune Courier . § ‘
eamen men w1 eoneo wo pu e ore en uc y ton resident and a student at Past President t
voters November 8. The other amendment question, on Eastern Kentucky University, Landmark Community Newspa- Joel Ramon .;
Kentucky's lottery, may have a similar simplified versxon written was later convicted of two Pers Lexington Herald-Leader ;
prior to the election so the 400,000 functionally illiterates in the counts of manslaughter and ' _ , . ,l .‘ ‘ W.-
state can have the opportunity to understand the meaning of both 59108?le to 40 years in prison. J p 1988 Board of Directors, , . “Kgglfighglgggrcplgme gigm ?
aconstttptlonal mendmentspriontqgoingint'o the VOting 130031.... W; The KenmckXI’QStipubr '15" if " it 1 3 fibsoiélifééifiifiéifififimm’ ‘ W p
V “Tel iThe simplified lang11ag!n the Broad Form flood roaas: '115hed 31.1 arficle qUOtmg Fred 1 District 2 A The Wenz Neely Company > 1 _, '
‘ . H. Hamilton, an assoc1ate of Jed Dillin ham ‘
—.~ Will you vote yes or no? Yance aft h' t H 'd g _ . .. .
_ . ~ - - y er 15 ar res ' 95511 Dawson Springs Progress Kentucky Press Assocration/ 7 ,‘=
. The miners want to strip mine. th t Y .. .., _ .,
- - - - a ancey was a conartist Kentucky Press Serv1ce Staff‘ .
_ ' W Strip mines save the rmne owners money. and a "smooth talker." District 3 i
' The land owners say no. Yancey filed suit in 1986 . i
, _ . . ' Larry Hager, Ir. DaVid T. Thompson ;
- They say Strfp mines tear up the land. :EafinStP H: “£1391” T128 Ken— Owensboro Messenger—Inquirer Executive‘ Director 1;
They say strip nunes are not fair. I? 3% 05 , r1PPS owardr ' g
, The law says strip mines are all right. :1" dlcfiv g 31:5 13h:e;iesvgsp:pir; District 4 Lica McCain ' i
Should the law be Changed? had been ligelgi and l’usgpr: Mary Jane Smith V Members Services Coordinator “ i
j -/~~~ Should the land owners have the right to stop the strip vacy invaded because of Logan Leader/ News Democrat . ' .\ 1; '
mines on their land? Hamilton's comments. Bonnie Howard .
' ,Vote yes to change the law. The suit was thrown out in District 5 B‘OOl‘k‘ael’er ' i
Vote no to keep it the same. May 1987 by Judge Neace, ceha MCDonald . . ~ i
The Kentucky Literacy Commission is inviting newspa— saying that Hamilton's state- LaRue County Herald News Glom DEM? . D‘ , i
pers acrosss the state to reprint this simplified explanation so ments were his opinions, “Qt , _ KPS Advertismg Imam .5
those unable to com rehend the exact lan a e on the Broad facts. Neace ruled that Dlsmd 6 i
F D d _ p '11 h h t g: gt (1 h tth Hamilton's statements were V Dorothy Abernathy Cindy Pullen , ;
orm ee q‘fEStlon_W1 ave ac ance 0 un ers an W a ey protected by the First Amend— Oldham Era , Advertising Assistant/ Kentucky 3
— would be voting on in the election. ment. Press Editor 3
. District 7 _
‘ C ' d P u I I e n j o i n s K P S staff Kelley Warnick Division Officers
I n y Gallatin County News i
. - - - Advertisin Division 3
Cmdy Pullen has recently shi of Christian Athletes, Cindy 15 the danghter of Mr- . . g 5
joined the KPA/KPS staff as Varsity Club, pp; A Little Sis- and Mrs. Robert D. Pullen and at??? 8d . ks Err-y Broolkls ald Lead , V 3
Advertising Assistant and Edi- ters, and the Georgetown Stu- has been a lifetime resident of S“ “c on ”“3”“ er ' er ‘ g
I tor Of The Kentucky Press. dent Foundation. Frankfort. Maysvrlle Edger Independent . . . . . I A .Ci
Pullen is a 1988 graduate of . Cu'C‘flahon DIVISIOH 3
Georgetown College, where District 9 Coleman Love . _ I
she received a Bachelor of Arts I Ken Metz Elizabethtown News Enterprise i
degree, with a double major in Bath County News Outlook :
communications and political , courageous move. News Editorial Division ‘ ;
science. Continued from Page 1 The attorney general's staff District 10 Ed Staats .

' p While at Georgetown, records law are nothing new, Will take MT- Cowan's John Del Santo Associated Press, Louisville ’ ,
Cindy Spent a lot of her time but the people of this state strong statement as a proper Ashland Daily Independent . i ,
playing tenms for the Lady cannot a for to let any indi- reminder that its role is to pro- ' -:
Tigers. She earned the number vidual tinker with the funda- tect the public‘s interest by District 11 " 5’ »
one posrtion her senior year 1“ mental right of citizens to in- opening government from the Homer Mai-cum '*

.' both smgles and doubles. . . spect pubic documents." public scrutiny. The Open Martin Countian The Kentucky Press 3

‘7 At Georgetownfihe part1c1- The Kentucky Post, "Attor- Records Law is the closest 332 C 't 1 A , g

_ pated in many activmes, such ney General Fred ‘Cowan's de- thing we have to a guarantee DiStriCt 12 a1” 0 venue 5 i

: ' as, treasurer 0f Kappa Delta cision to overturn a legal opin— that our elected and appointed Louise Hatmaker Frankfort, Ky. 40601 ' i

x; , Sorority, Student Government ion written byananassistantis officials must answer to the Jackson Times (502) 223-8821 . g‘ i

, Athletic Committee, Fellow- to be applauded as a wise and public." . , : i

.> I - - V .. :ii'r

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Public Notice Ad ert' ' ' K t k
5 424.110 DEFINITIONS ' . '
_ As used in KRS 424.110 to 424.370: 424.130 TIMES AND PERIODS 0F PUBLICATION , j
p (1) "Publication area" means the city, county, district or other local area for . (1) Except as otherwise prov1ded m.K.RS 424']? to 424.370 and notvgith; , .t »
whichan advertisement is required by law to be made. An advertisement shall be “meme any PteVISIOIl 0f existing law providing for di ferent times orpegi: is 0 th
deemed to be for a particular city, county, district or other local area if it concerns an {3552:3233}? tri‘renes apd 393231: 13:21:?“an 0t advertisements require y aw
; . . . . . . . . in ws a w :
‘1‘ offiCial any“? of such Ctty’ county, dismd or other area or 0f any govermng body, (a) When an Pzidliyltoaertistement is of a com leted act such as an ordinance
board, commissmn, officer, agency or court thereof, or if the matter of which 1 , l . d 1 p ’ 'f' d th ’
‘5. > advertisement is made concerns particularly the people of such city, county, district reso ution,.reg.u ation, or 'er, ru e, report, statement, or certi icate an e purpose -
‘ or other area; 01: the publicatki‘oi; 13 not to inform the public 01: thenli‘embsrs of any glass pegsons that
3 2) .. A dvert'sement" means an tte . d b l . . t ey may or s a 0 an act or exerCISe a rig t Wit in a eSIgnate perio or upon
3 , ' ( 1 y ma r require y aw to be published or by a designated date, the advertisement shall be published one time only and .
t. 424.120 QUALIFICATIONS OF NEWSPAPERS within thilityi‘dlalys after;) completion of the act.f liliowevelraa failure to comply “2;: 31913 , to
g; p (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2) of this section, Whenever an adver- Palil‘agrap hs f a1 “Ct 5“ tea a person t9 agy ? t e penafties prov1ded by 1 h b P1
i _ tisement for a publication area is required by law to be published in a newspaper, “VET“: ?;t::ee;(1);:$ues or a perio O ten days a ter notice to comp y as een . p;
i; » the publication must be made in a newspaper that meets the'following require- g1 >21)??th an advertisement is for the purpose of informing the public or the f0
: - men s: - . _
if. (a) It must be published in the publication area. A newspaper shall be them? rs 0f any clas: 0f persons that or: or before a certqin daythety may or shalltfli‘le ca
; deemed tobepublished in the area ifit maintains its principal office in the area for a pe .tion f0 r excep otns or a $1.130“ rance or tproftlzs 011' t.) we 10113021132131 the to
g; the purpose of gathering news and soliciting advertisements and other general g‘rlanting 0 an applicbaeionglr l: dionl, or presenbor 1 ea; almi)? :udmi a l ’ e be
i _, . business of newspaper publications, and has a second-class mailing permit issued a vertisemeéitc: E pu 11; e .at east once, 1 “t niay e pu dis e two or rr;pre . . 1t5
c» 1: :\ for that office. A newspaper published outside of Kentucky shall not be eligible to times, prov1de tbatfone 1131“ ication occufrshnot esst an seven ays nor more t an
‘; ' carry advertisements for any county or publication area within the county, other twenty -one ays e ore t. e occurrenceo . .t e act or event. Pl
, . than for the city in which its main office is located, if there is a newspaper published (c) Excepting counties with a city of the first class, when an advertisement If
i V. m'the county that has a substantial general circulation throughout the county and is for the purpose of informing the public and the advertisement is of a sale of ' dc
3? , » that othermse meets the requirements 0t thts section; and, . _ . . property orisanotice of delinquent taxes, theadvertisementshallbepublished once , ' ar
' '. . tb) It must be 0t regular issue and have a bona fide “radiation In the a week for three (3) consecutive weeks. For counties containing a city of the first
i _ publication area.Anewspaper shall be deemed tobeof regular issueif itis published class, when an advertisement is for the purpose of informing the public and the co
regularly, as frequently as once a Week: for at [least fifty (50) weeks .during the advertisement is a notice of delinquent taxes, or notice of the sale of tax claims, " -
‘ calendar year as prescribed by 1t? mailing permit, and has been 50 published In the the advertisement shall be published once, preceded by a one—half (1 / 2) page '
' ’ ., area for the immediately. preceding two-year period. A newspaper meeting ah the notice of advertisement the preceding week. The provisions of this paragraph shall V -
l ' 7 criteria to be 0t regularissue, except publication 1“ the area for the immediately not be construed to require the- advertisement of notice of delinquent state taxes ' " A ar
, 7 ‘ ypfecedmgtWOV-year period, shall be deemed to be of regular issue if it is thevonly- which are Collectediby the State.‘ , a . , V ; , n; g 7, ~, 3‘ s 1‘5
\IWQPéEgmxthepubhcahon .3? ea; and has afPfitd-dflfiulafionequal-Lioz‘vatéleasbten-percent i q; ,. ., j ' ((1)3 Any tadver'tisementn Ot'éébfifi ngWithiH the 5501330 =f» paragraph (a) Sr v (b) ,..~ Hut-h
(10%) 9f the EOPUIahonbf the PUbhcatXOh area. A newspaper shall be deemed to be or (c) of this subsection, such as one for the purpose of informing the public or the $71.
xl . _ , of bona tide Circulation in the publication area if it is Circulated generally in the area, members of any class of persons of the holding of an election, or a public hearing or K]
t p and {namtamé a dehhlte price 01' conSideration not less than fifty percent (50%) 0t its of an examination, or of an opportunity for inspection, or of the due date of a tax or - ea
2 , Phbhsheft Pneer and ‘5 bald to" by not less than fifty percent (50%) Of those to whom special. assessment, shall be published at least once but may be published two or , t a;
i , dlStI'lbuhOn 15 made; anti, . . more times, provided that one publication occurs not less than seven days nor a.
(C) It must bearatitle or name, C0h515t 0t notless than four (4) pages Wlthont twenty-one days before the occurrence of the act or event or in the case of an I * m.
5 , a cover, and be of'a type to which the general public resorts for passing events of a inspection period, the inspection period commences. I v . v 30
i , political, religious, clqmmerCial and 50031 nature, and for current happenings, an- t (e) If the particular statute requiring that an advertisement be published ' -
the . nouncements, nusce aneous reading matter, advertisements and other notices. The provides that the day upon or by which, or the period within which, an act may or - '~
1, news content mustbeatleast twenty-five percent (25%) of the total column space in shall be done or a right exercised, or an event may or shall take place is to be . _
t '_ , . more than one-half (1 / 2) pf IFS lSSl-leS duringany twehi‘e-month period. hi h determined by computing time for the day of publication of an advertisement, the ' - I?)
3; - (d) Itr 1“ a publication area there ‘5 more t an one newspapfer w C advertisement shall be published at least once, promptly, in accordance with the ' , :n
h' t' new the above requirements, the newspaper havmg the largest bona lde paid statute, and the computation of time shall be from day of initial publication. > I 3 u
if: v Clrculatigln :5 Shown by thqaveragehnumqelr at P331 eogle‘i gt eS‘eh 15:11? as shown (2) This section is not intended to supersede or affect any statute providing ‘t ' hd
{ff ' in its pu is e statemento owners ip as i e on cto er or e pu ica ion area for notice of the f t that . . , » p in
L. " . I '_ shall be the newspaper where advertisements required by law to be published shall ac an adversary action m court has been commenced. . _' fo:
l . ‘ ,
: - be carried. - ' ve
' , (e) For the purposes 0f KRS Chapter 424' FUthhmg Shah be consrdered as (1) Any advertisement of a hearing, meeting or examination shall state the
the total recurring processes of producmg the newspaper, embracmg all of the time place and purpose of the same _
2‘ included contents of reading matter illustrations and advertising enumerated in ' (2) A . ' . , . ' ,
1. V . _ ' I _ r ny advertisement of an election shall state the time and purpose of the " - ‘ IS
1‘ ' paragraphs (fit) through (d) Of this subsechorgi'A newspaper 5.33% nothlge eSIUde: election, and if the election is upon a public question the advertisement shall state ‘ _ ‘
E from qualifying for the purposes of legal pu ications as prov1 e .in t. sc pteri the substance of the question. ’ 7 . \ a g
i- V _ . its- printing orreproduction processes take place outSIde the publication agleat.‘ _ . (3) Any advertisement for bids or of a sale shall describe what is to be sold, _ I . re<
' '~ (2)1f,in the case Of a publication area smaller than the county m w C h ‘5 the time and place of the sale or for the receipt of bids, and any special terms of the ’ ‘ ' tis
l._ 7 ’y located, there is no newspaper published in the area, the publication shall be made sale. ‘ .7. mi
2- f. ; inanewspaper published in the county thatis qualified under this section to publish * (4) Where an t . , , . . . _ . , , . , , h'
l . , : .. . _ , y s atute prov1des that, Within a specxfied riod of time after . t 1
> p. advertisements for the county. If, in any county there is no newspaper meeting the action by any governmental agency, unit or body, members of tEEpublic or anyone ' '
it - , requirements of this section for publishing advertisements for such county, _any ad- interested in or affected by such action shall or may act, and it is provided by statute ' . P“
t _ , Vettgeeht‘:nt5 teqtgtegatltl’ lb: Petgietf‘: for such county 3" tgifigflgggtczgg‘: :3: that notice of such governmental action be published, the advertisement shall state ' th’
. . WI , in e coun s pu is e in a newspape o the time and lace hen a d h . a i- , su'
L : , circulation in that county, published in and qualified to publish advertisements for p w n w ere action may be taken. ‘ wi
_ ,_ an adjoining county in Kentucky. This subsection is intended to supersede any 424.150 PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLISHING ;. ; ,,
LIT-11...; ,- Estatutethat provides or contemplates thatnewspaper publication maybe dispensed When any statute providing for newspaper publication of an advertisement p ' ~: ._ .
37 " ‘ whh. if there 15 no newspaper printed or published or 0‘ general Circulation m the does not designate the person responsible for causing the publication tobemade, the t j ‘ C1
i {I g-particular publication area. . _ . . . responsible person shall be: - ‘7
t5 ' ‘ - .7 (3) If a publication area consists of a district, other than a City, which extends ‘ . ' . _ . , , sui
is} ' _ into more than one_(1) county, the part of the district in each county shall be (1) Where the advertisement ‘5 0f the hhng ofa petition 0" application. - $3 » in;
t . ' 7, considered to be a separate publication area for the purposes of this section, and an the person by whom the same 15 filed? . _ . ‘ f c01
lg; " ‘ advertiSementr for each such separate publication area shall be published in a p (2) Where the advertisement ‘5 Of an aChWtYPT action 0t: - L , me
at. newspaper qualified under this sectionto publish advertisements for such area. (a) An thlelduat PUth officer, the officer himself; _' _ , L , . , '31:]; p’ . exq

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' . ,aiii. »
i . . Page _5 .» '
: I I l l I , _ r, ,5 . 3:;
PUbIIC Notice Adverttsmg In Kentucky t 1
(b) A city, the city clerk it there be one; if not the mayor; a broadcast studio within the county of origin of the legal notice, and that broadcast t J '
_ (c) A county, the county clerk; notices shall call attention solely to published or posted notices required by statute. t . , . '
f . . > . (d) A district, or a board, commission or agency of a city, county or district, (2) Each radio or television station broadcasting a legal notice or notice of t r » ‘7
, the chief administrative or executive officer or agent thereof; event shall for a period of three months subsequent to such broadcast retain at its . .
(e) A court, the clerk thereof; office a copy of the transcript of the text of the notices actually broadcast and such t Z
» (f) A state department or agency, the head thereof. shall be available for public inspection. t; .
; , ' (3) The radio or television station which broadcasts the legal notice author— i ,
t . _ ized by this section shall be entitled to receive payment of an amount equal to the if
i 424 160 RATES customary charges of such station for such service. 1 . 3:.»-
l (1) bor all n d _ ' _ d b l h . _ ' (4) The publication of legal notices under this shall be restriCted to legal t: . w
s . - . ewspaper a vertismg require _ y aw, t e buthhet ‘5 ehh tled notices relating to those official acts of public officers requiringa final determination 5 . '
. to recelve payment for each Insertion at a rate per linear inch, Single column, com- by order of any court of competent jurisdiction in the Commonwealth. t i , 1",
) puted as solid nine-point measure. The rate shall not exceed the lowest paid rate ' t ' 7
t _ paid by advertisers for comparable matter in the same publication. 424.210 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS ABOLISHED ' i t t
a (2) Whenever by law or by the nature Of the matter to be published a display No official newspaper shall be designated by any governmental unit for the l t.
— . form of advertisement 15 required, or whenever the person or officer responsible for publication of advertisement for such unit. - i5 ' '
e causing an advertisement to be published determines in his discretion that a display ' i f »
3 form is practicable or feasible, and so directs the newspaper, the advertisement shall l :5 . " f5 1
i be published in display form and the newspaper shall be entitled to receive therefor 424.220 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS i if I t _’._
; » . Its established display fete ' I . (1) Excepting officers of a city of the first class, a county containing such a l , fig
_ (3) Whenever 1t ‘5 prowded by statute that an advertlsement shall be city, a public agency of such a city or county, or a joint agency of such a city and ti » -
. PUthhed Of the hhhg Of a PehtiOh or application seeking official action, the filing, county, or of a school district of such a city or county, and excepting officers of a city «/ . . ~ it
' It required by other than a governmental official action 01” agency, shall hOt be of the second class or an urban-county government, every public officer of, any 5i ' _
, deemed complete unless there ‘5 deposited With the petition 0" application an school district, city, county, or subdivision, or district less thana county, whoseduty t . 7 .'
. - amount suffrarent to pay the wet Pt publication. itis to collect, receive, have thecustody, control ordisbursementof public funds, and it i ' ‘ . 5,:
' 1'» (4) The expense 0t advertisements 1“ judicial proceedings shall be taxed as every officer of any board or commission of the city, county or district whose duty 3 3 . I
. costs by the clerk 0f the court. is to collect, receive, have the custody, control or disbursement of funds collected $j. _ ‘1
> _ from the public in the form of rates, charges or assessments for services or benefits, l ;. L .a...’
. 424170 P300? 0F PUBLIFIATION shall at the expiration of each fiscal year prepare an itemized, sworn statement of the. it 3 ~
' _ (t) The atttdaVIt Of the Phthhet 0t proprieter Of a newspaper, stating that funds collected, received, held or disbursed by him during the fiscal year just closed, . it t . . 7
' ~ 5 ‘ an advertisement has been Phthhed in his newspaper and the times it W35 pub- unless he has compiled with KRS 424.230. The statement shall show in the aggregate ‘ I " 5 fl 7';
e: V” , lished,attached toacopy of the advertisement, constitutes prima facie evidence that by source, the amount of funds collected and received, and in the aggregate by i E
:_ _ 7 ”the ‘ ilcatbitws‘dnjamac its stated 1h the affidavit. _ 7 . 7 7 ,, _ , . .... g ._ j th amounts disbursed oremthaount of funds collected and received, from 3 ; ., 7 .
- ” e a 3‘“ 0 ,e Pr " " '30' _1 e 0" '- " '- 1' : I '- V" M ' " ' "at sources receive,:_ e'a oun ' is-u se', ‘ a e o 'a "’ ‘6 -‘ i” 'e " " . ' e
KRS424.150, stati