xt73tx354421 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx354421/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-04-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 13, 1979 1979 1979-04-13 2020 true xt73tx354421 section xt73tx354421 I Vol. LXXI. No. “I Ker 2 l liniverIsity of Kentucky Frldly. April I}, I979 In independent student newspaper l‘"'""°"‘ Kentucky F — f ' | C ' f' m ' f 8 , A ter achItta , UI'CI COO If S SUSPENSION O ; l d . I . I Cites football rules, orm wo ations , - By JOHN CLAY " | his has been the most dilficult "I think our program is very strong \\ «y . Assisi-am Sporty I'dlilti decision I have ever had to make.“ and I'm proud of it." ('urci said. \t.\ . Ind JAY FOSSETT (‘urci continued. reading the "I he administration has put no i \ \ \ "2.. " (‘opy tam" statements from a camera-mounted pressure on me in any way. shape or n \I . y . I. ‘ prompter. “but I had to consider the form. I speak strictly tonight as I‘ll!“ u 5?‘ »- ._ w i . t i - i [K football coach Fran ('urci well-being of our entire team. while at (‘urci. citi/en and football coach. i ‘ V “ .~ J . _ . confirmed lastnightina televised news the same time being fair to the “lhcy have not asked mctocallthis '53:“... ' " ' l conferenccethat he is suspending eight individuals involved. press conference." he said. “In fact I . . , ' members ofthe football team forwhat “'I he team as a whole is an have a feeling they just as soon wish I . » . ' i he called “football rules violations." outstanding group of young men and wasn‘t here." K i -. I‘he suspensions were first reported deserves the unqualified support ofthe He continued. speaking of his pride " . W._..$...I.___°I . l ,- fl at . in 'd copyrighted story in yesterday's Commonwealth. Io maintain their for the eight and the other players. " 3E: __ . . I 9 4"“ Kernel. positions I have had to impose both past and present. I t ya? " “ "W' ‘ Earlier yesterday. a Fayette (‘ounty sanctions on those who have broken “I feel as though all eight ol these E ‘ i.= i . grand jury exonerated the elght the football rules. people involved in this latest incident .. I . _g at) ' players of rape. sodomy and sexual "this decision may cost us some I have been in their homes. I‘ve .. . . t ‘ abuse charges filed March 5 by the l9- wins." he added.“but it had to be made visited their parents. I know their é .. I” ' ‘ ti!“ i I year-old daughter of 'd UK law") in order for us to maintain the goals backgrounds. We go through it y: M ‘*‘ K .iaz. I y; member. and principles of our program. and complete study before we bring the .__ a“. i -. 4? i i i The woman. “M is "01 a I'K hopelully‘todispelthe notionthatoui boys into school and I know those v T\ as i I. ' .w' .5 SlUant. claimed that on March 4. Sht‘ program lacks sound principle and people." a " k . . 'g- \ i ‘ was sexually assaulted by the eight in integrity." later he said. "I‘ve seen my players 3 "" - ' '~ ‘3)st. .. ' Kirwan I. the dormitory in Wthh (‘urci said that the players would cry. I‘ve seen my players hurt with “SW5 ‘3 .. \k 33'“ ‘ ’ aw _ . many 0f the football players it“: not be allowed to practice with the broken bones and Isee my players lay ' ‘2 ' .‘V, £3 » in The grandjury. called into a SPCCMI team during the suspension. When it out on the line week after week otit 4 ...; " ...; ~2 * * ‘ SCSSIO“ for the 9359- heard testimony asked if the players would be on the football field. ms” ~ 23.x“- -».. ” . . f h f for nearly ”0‘13.“ before returningits "redshirted". Curci said that some of "I know their families. I‘ve seen is...” “I 'i :3 i=3? i y . “3P0” ‘0 GNU" Judge L-T- Grant, the players already have been and these boys turn out to be doctors. “$35- § 2 . l v . Those acquitted ofrape and SOdOm." would lose a year of eligibiliiy lawyers. teachers and they ‘re good 2 ” i“ I m-.~.. = y 3 i were freshman quarterback L3”) (A coach redshirts a player when he people. solid people." i ' ‘ e he ' " .... McCrimmon. junior running back takes him off the active roster while (‘urci said situations embarassingto i i . - - ' K '. Randy Brooks. and six sophomores; keeping him on scholarship. lhis the team might not arise if he had 2 . .2 z i E w 3' ‘ 1 tackles Earl Wilson. Robert Cobb. enables the player to play four lull better contrololthefootballplayersin {T 2. --—-""""" r i. £3 ‘\ ‘ haltback Henry Parks. IUHbHCk years and attend school for longer the dorm, He explained that lily' has a . ”:szfi' i . i - ii Charles Jackson. and defensive backs than that period. An individual can an arrangement under which the _y , 7.; N. ’ . " i it a ’ Norman Green and VCHUS Means. only be redshirted for one year.) football players stay in one dorm. ii a . \ a 2 5 . vsfifis ' McCrimmon was 3150 aquitted ofa Wearing a coat and tie and sweating Kirwan I. that is under l'niversity. 3": __ ,_ Q .. :3, m .. new first-degree sexual abuse charge. visibly from the hot studio lights. rather than coaching stall. control. " 2' y /‘Y be ‘ - In the news conference. which was (‘urci answered several reporters' He said one Kirwan entrance is > is“ . g i . televised onthe Kentucky Educational questions regarding the football monitored. but there are two 9/ f / ( 1: I. w MIi‘fii'i‘u \ Television network. Curci read a program. doorways through which the players .3 ' s .. 9 Ne.“ prepared statement. ”FINE “Th? men In response to one question. Curci can bring girlfriends and visitors after 2 2 V; i ii fl ‘ involved in these football team tUlCS said he was speaking as an individual hours. He added this probably in __j'! W a ’ '_ violations will be suspended from and not a representative of the contributed to the latest incident. . ' ' I. I, _ .. :3 \~ ' f . participating I" all football games for University. He then went on to speak “I think this is a clear example ol ~ ‘ i _._-g: i‘ i ' y . ' . ~ one year and they will retain their ol'the pride he has hadinhisteani both two wrongs. Our boys aren‘t rightand ‘ " " a? g i ._ st scholarships. past and present. 1 don‘t think the girl is right. So the i 53‘ $9 . j '5: " - . w hole situation is a classic example ot = ‘ - . r E .i 1 W0 “tongs" - :. . ’ ' . to C ear ouses Curci was asked about his i5: _ ' .i . . 33 ' relationship with the news media. ' . 6 5 ~ V . . I "I think the media does what they ' ' .. ' i ' ' out a story each day and that's tough. .::'...:\ . ' ‘“ i But there comes a time where people's . '- ty‘ ' i 2.. “a - » .. ' . ' lives are involved." (‘urci complained I'M . V. . .i . . By DALE G. MORTON vice-president of business affairs. and that news people do not show enough Bv (.ARl [ANDERS/Kernel St.“ W” WNW told 01 the situation. “We haven‘t concern about following ”p original "ran ('urt‘i fielded questions from sports writers and that eight I'Kfootballplayers have been put onone-year - . . , . come to any price or terms: but they charges. _ . broadcasters at KIIT studios last night after confirming suspension for violating football rules. _ Eight houses. ranging in value from have been very nice to me.’ He became visibly upset when ' 320.650 to $6.000. are scheduled to be Achisition of the houses began in talking about one journalist. are worth the price‘ the incident. checking for possible conduct the investigation during the torn down this summer to make way |958. Ruschell said. adding that most Louisville (humid-Journal sports "Ihe people ot Kentucky don‘t violations of the student code or grand |ury investigation. for a 360—space addition to parking were bought in estates afterthe owners columnist Billy Reed. deserve that." ('urci said."lhey vvnni l niversity regulations. Birch added that his office is not ' ' lots behind Memorial Coliseum. died. Quoting a column Reed wrote. to win with honor. and | thinkthat‘v a Dean of Students .loe Birch said allowed by law to reveal what L’K Director of Public Safety 'l'om Currently the houses are being (‘urci said. “In this article by Billy direct ship at the fans of l'lv' and | yesterday that the investigation began disciplinary action. if any. will be _ Padgett said $|65.000 has been rented to students. faculty and staff. Reed. he said. “ "I he victory-starved iesent that." when the charges were made against taken against the players. He said he , ' ~ allocated for demolition ofthe houses Ruschell said, However. he said the l'K fans. forthe most part. don‘t seem Although the cnmmul charges the players. iIe said completion ofthe hopes a decision will be made before ' and pavement 0f the '012 tenants have been given until May 30. to care much what happens outside against the players have been dropped. criminal CRN‘ itilititN lht‘ Pill)?“ 1h“ end ”I ”“5 semester. The 70-year-old houses. seven on afterthcend ofthecurrentsemester.to Commonwealth Stadium. Most the dean ol sllldcnls' office is allows him to continue his probe. He Birch stud that he has nOI talked to ' ‘ ‘ ‘ College View and one on Rose Street. find another residence. probably would say that the triumphs conducting its own investigation into explained that it has been difficult to ('urci about the matter. . i are owned by the University. with the Osborne said some of the residents '. 2 exception of the house at 245 College are unhappy about leaving. adding . I ‘ View, that a neighbor who is handicapped " V 1 Mrs. Everett M. Osborne. who had converted her home for more i- I i ' owns that house. said she will not leave freedom of movement. “She is quite oar senate at 1 en ance "”8 St" en ts ~ her house untilshe has foundaplaceto disturbed“about havingtogothrough ? live. She said she has been on a waiting the trouble of relocation. Osborne i4; list for Emerson Apartments at said By GREGG FIELDS Yet. II at least nine SG members brings to light further problems that Dentistry.Sociall’rofessions or Allied .i‘ . . Turfland Mall forthe past three years. The state department of finance in Animate idltor who are on the send“: would MW 80 hi“ in exertingany “‘1” WWW" I. Health 0“?“ resign. and special “- Osborne said She w'astold she would Frankfort is taking bids for the ————-—— Senate. CIL‘CIIOM l0 gCl replacements are loo - i be contacted when her name is third demolition job. which will begin in "We really got screwed." Student analysis I“ ”IUMWCV 5“ m3) nominate 35 CXPCWW ‘- , from the top ofthe apartment list. She .Iune. Ruschell said. Government President (ienc 'I'ichcnor WWW” ‘0 I. Senate. “hiCh hi” ”‘6 And 5050* potency “Ni-"“5113“! ‘4 has not yet beencontacted. she said, Actual allocation of the lets will be said Monday. after the l'niversity ___— metnbers. and each COIICgC must have the best we can hope for is 20 at a 7; ' “I‘ve been in this house for 55 determined by a Parking Study Senate passed a policy allowing attended the meeting. the policy. at least one student representative meeting." said SG President (iene years." she said. “I‘ve seen a lot come Committee. Padgett said. He added students only seven days to withdraw which was passed 49—45. probably (some have twol But some seats are lichenor. “At least five seats are now 3 . and I‘ve seen a lot go. It is not a that the spaces Should increase from a course without a ‘W" would not have been passed almostalwayscmpty because senaton vacant and are almost always vacant it y pleasant thought to leave." student. staff and faculty parking appearing on their record. Besides low attendancethc measure from some small colleges such as ('ontinued on page 3 ‘II ' She said she was approached last equally. but he could not give any ‘3 I October by George Ruschell. asSistant definite figures. d V “is. .j / I '35..»nfii. 7.» as" 1' I I {I ' ..- l O a ‘1 ' i' ..- .1 . v15“: ' W: i; :"3'4 {I 94' state section damaged by the twister luesday night i ” .5511; are} ' i kin-3V5. ' . “4‘.” i l local (IiI()\IERM)R .ll LIAN ('ARROLI. s2vio “wen" "i ”WW “s“"ltt‘ttmldv i ’2:- . a“ . um?” . %A t MAJOR PARTY (. \NIHDATl-S FOR \I-.STI~.RI)¢\\ that is would be disastrous for the world Q ‘ . ff _ I‘ 3""-=’¢-’i;i"’«: . . 2-: II-Ij I‘ . ,_ 1. e 2' “ .. . f . ’ "I I‘ . Democratic Party II It (iov lhclma Stovall wcic 3 . ‘ ”fir-7'. . . ' yILj- ~ .- i 5 . y 312::If:2569;652:312];infill,”Sign:I‘I'I‘ikthIxIl iii: atom gown“! ’ niLsPiri: “ESTERN Piiorizsrs. IRAN‘S 3‘ . ...;jxwmu ~- - W ._ -. .; opportunm m We“ “n “Hm.“ Nmfmml (sunny ”W”: “-l‘ midi: "I ”‘f MW“) ISI.AMI(' TRIBI'NAIS continue to dispense i We”; ." gufwijw,my . 'Mimlflmm ‘1‘», ‘ ’Ic, lelevision incvt month. ‘ ”“h‘d‘d‘l‘” '\“”“‘”"I‘" I‘m‘hmn I" “‘l‘m‘“ I“ 'I rev olutionaiy justice in nightly rounds ol executions. ti ; II:;2~.-z..,g..,,,-.Wa-.a. . . ., ".‘j{:’f‘j.-,/,..a:u2 .. .1)“, 6?. . . ( I .. I . . .. . qIIL\llOll on who ht thought would win lht. More and more the Hmm‘ who 2‘” “N tended to be 3 v . :2 mlti if 4 ,"'-.".I-I.-- " « Kl | plans It) candidatc forums bttwccn May l-Hltl Democratic nomination for governor . . . .. . . . . . 2 . - - = -. i. . s2 . . _ . gencralv and polio. chicls. an diplomats. mayors and . . , w ., If"? a ‘ 3‘15 f’ MI“) Ih- I“ I”? produced and modcrated I‘.‘ “I 5mllh- " ('.irrol| has \illtl he personally supports former state other politiCianv ' I’ 1"» ’ '. 2% 7;" “all"? IKcntucky newspaper publisher and hm! M ('onimertc (‘ommisvioner I0”) McBraycr. though l'crhaps only Avatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. : ' \ . ‘. ‘ . ' ' 9 -. V'- M H. l ‘ ( ommcnt M Kentucky program h" h-“l “WI h" backingdocs not V“"‘““”" '" “"‘CMI architect ol the revolution. knows how longthetrials Vi u i Democratic and Republican candida!“ [M F“""”‘““""" cndoisement will go on or how many People eventually will be ' . - . .,..-. . ...?- . governor will appear on three nights. beginning May _ . . . . .12} I. [a n . I caught in the nets of Islamic justice. ' . m? at» .3. .2 . . x nation ~ ~ _- '- ,/ .M. lhe schedule calls for a 90-minute program \4.iv x weather - ~ ‘ ., . i featuring Democratic candidates (icorgc ‘\llillls. PRESIDENT(‘MITFRl)|€('|.ARl~TD“I('HITA ‘ .. ‘ . 2 ' . . , i . .lohn Y Brown Ir. (‘arroll Hubbard. Icrrv FAILS. TEXAS A DISASTER AREA yesterdav. FLASH FLOOD “AT('H TODAY with showers . I- '» < ' . 'l 6““ LANDI‘RWKW' 8"" McBrayet. Harvey Sloanc and Ihclmii Stovall and city ollicials instituted .i dusk-to-dawn curfew and thunderstoimv. some posslhly \s‘lt‘rt‘. Nth mill“ I. C 1‘. 1 ‘ h i I Iwo major Republican candidates. I oiiis \unn and .i pncwlreclc in the aftermath ol one of the most neat 70 Partly cloudy and cooler tonight with lov.sin I " _ t. Mn. Everett M. Osborne's home on College View is the only one of eight and Ray White-art toappcarona Ill-minute program devastating tornadoes in the nation‘s history the mid 50s Partly cloudy again tomorrow with highs -. 2' l silted for destruction that I'K does not own. While Osborne is looking for a May 9 Wfl'mmlt‘» 'N‘l't‘t‘ “‘tth‘hmt! tht‘ ”mils-“mt! "0‘" 7” ' _ . '. ', [ new home. [1‘ is counting on buying the property for more parking space. i . .‘ ”..., .. . . .-N...M....-.s~:-o..w. ..-... .. “‘W‘ i. —-I~ ~ .. -- ~yi .. W‘d'qu 0 v . -- H ‘- ‘ .. 4 ~ -‘- e w~ '0“ «v ‘~—~-W . ' "h” ' . , '. . . . ~ _ . \ " ' . . ‘ I | J . , . .- . :I . i.’ i 2 . ,vI ‘ g . . r I . I . x t .. . ~ " . * .msa o. ,_ .~»~ h'l-h ‘t-~.moa. ..- . . ....,-....~ . .1- . ..-. uh. -»... i . KFNTUCKY ' J ,. . ‘ Steve Iailinger lisa Doussard lhomas ( "'k Walt" 'I'unls Jamie Vaught 'l'om Moran . IAIIII'I in ( lin'l liIi/ui ml Itllllll 1') “NW" It“ lililm Spurn l'iIi/ui' Ilm'ilut I" I’liulugruphi . Debbie McDaniel Steve Massey . Nkhlfll Nh'lhtnlid Gregg Holds Ruth Muttinali no wins John ('lay tind- (‘mpbeii ‘ ‘IIIIIIIL’UIL' LII/m Jeanne Wchm-s "- 1““! l'" i\\l\IlIHI MI [alum Brian Ritltcrd I'Iinlu Mtiritigi'r W ‘ N l . l'lI Cl A QY pp UNDER Tile 8th , IF . , ONe DlsAGReeDWlTll ‘ as es 3 erna ‘ iiie GolERNNeNT l-EWAs \ . . . . . . . 3"“ We are writing in rchpnnsc to Iom power has proven itselt unleasible as concerning the cost ol construction ol "t‘ I)“ B l DFimp AND . Fitrgerald‘s column “No Nukes Is an alternate energy source. what does nuclear power plants. lhe main , \ on Good Nukes“ that appeared in both he plan to use'.’ Solar energy is too reasons the plants overrun their .' the Tuesdayt4-l0) and Friday (4-“ expensive at present. and all other projected costs are unnecessary eourt .. . T T . Kernel. The article is very biased and options are still in developmental disputes and delays in construction L . so shallow and irrational that no one stages or are impractical relative to due to “occupations" such as Q HG \ FR” C K6... ' but a simpleton would believe e051 (‘oalt for use In electrical l’it/gcrald is advertising. ’l'hesc delays ’9 . .' ',\ g Fitzgerald‘s remarks. 'I his was generation is no better in relation to allow rising construction costs which i' i . .1 cmphasi7ed when he announced plans nuclear power. .A llltltl megawatt coal the consumer must absorb in higher I l ,. to occupy Marble Hill on Jum- 3. power plant puts out 56.500 truck energy costs. ‘ “‘—' l loads ol solid waste and 30 pounds ol ‘ “M NOT 16 "l He also used some very poor All this does not mean we are llll) . examples to compare with the Three commentary percent for nuclear power because it WAR A g l’ Mile Island reactor by using (‘halk does have certain disadvantages. _ ,. Q ~', River. Idaho Falls. and the Fermi ‘m‘“‘““’“"——~ However. it is the cleanest. most a-tN‘XOLD ..rfi. h ‘ - .v . reactor. These reactors were breeder available alternate power source that < . . E . . reactors that were test reactors using airborne waste per person per year in can be used until another permanent (. ‘ ‘5, n\. m ' . technology from the late l950s and the United States. A nuclear plant energy source such as nuclear fission. ’ ‘f . Int J: ‘60s. These test reactors (no longer in produces a total of two ions of waste hydrogen power or solar power can be t ' 0 1 use) used liquid sodium as a cooling per year. Further. even a coal plant developed. ’ / l '3. agent instead of the pressurized water cannot meet the radiation emission I 1“. I f‘ ' k ' )1 f "'l systems used in the commercial 7 1. . l g f ,‘ . _. 5‘93" l . reactors such as at Three Mile Island. standards set by the government for a ' // M g \ w. . 1055’ i‘ Anglia?“ / Also. the book he uses as a reference nuclear plant. That is. an average coal This commentary was submitted by t , \l\\‘ i \ . \ J . t . . (We Alma.” Lost Detroit) is as biased plant emits more radiation than is William C. Harned. an Agriculture / \ ‘ , { g. t t as his article. allowed for a nuclear power plant. sophomore. and Baron D. Mills. an . -. /’ ‘ ‘ 5 When Fitzgerald writes that nuclear There is also the controversial issue Electrical Engineering sophomore. 5,... _ Minus-12 ' i M - . L 17 fit Th Ed It 4 . "_——“— Kentucky reptrescntativt'tesandAstcnator; would be readily 'f““"f”"? to “it“ hear. image ‘1” limm the one we Wl‘Uld influence of all (her) life had been governnment and the power industry ‘3 .. . ~. . y i a . . - -. . l' ' - ‘ Draft on tap expreshing I f 5‘1th It”): ‘ tnoug f and evaluate. Yet. 'I '3‘. “‘“d lh‘“ assume MW“ had In mind. However. women." she neglected to recognize should pursue solar energy asamaior . from t e perspective 0 t e writers to television has removed us lurther than de Antonin is not concerned With the completion of the cycle. l~or source of energy for this nation. After i _ It has come to my attention as a ”If”? fill-5 ‘5 rfdltlt'tl‘tjan? [Hfmt t.‘ if”, lrom tilde wortldkaround u”; it making a personal attack. Rather. he clearly. Ms. Stone and her colleagues a little research into the sun‘s i lobbyist on the Student Government pwcrshcc’ive (:1. "Cd L talrtactetrs .l'r: antasy twor' .0. élc “Hmm and '5 concerned With exposing the serve now as very positive influences capabilities for energy. i found that ii Political Aff ' dc ' t . d . . . d3 ington I -Ls h~ out t “L mdl variety Spec'dl“ hf” so numbed usthat *uwepllh'lll)‘ 0‘ the [“1le l0 and models for ambitious. young. is a much safer. more efficient source. . tairs omtrtnit tee an as a volume which is awlully important: we can hardly believe what we aretold manipulaiton throught the media. An women poets. and is not reliant on the resources of I Resting"lnemstameldldn issue :85 Third. students should begin is live news has not been somehow example of this is when Nixon Reassurance and encouragement our planet. However. as long as ‘ .i ‘OlnlOH.SUCrCCCS ~ . . .... - .. . -.-. . _ . . . .. the matter of studeiits on thepCouncil Tdkmfihlip trirgartii/atititns toh d: {h} sta[g)ed or '5 ”We plft,‘ d' all. §Ub5llllll0 WdP'OPUd emotionalism lor the helpliil writer. viewed by Ruth investors have millions ofdollars sunk . on Higher Education and involves sartrtie. 3C6???" pgottdeint L mm d eAntoniaslilm [0""0/()"/"r'” ll" straightanswersto hard questions Whitman as essential in the into these veritable time bombs. . ' ‘ ' 1* r s . 1 i . . , . . ~ . . . . _ . . _ directing an effort not in Frankfort int: i setndte. 0hlcc b“ "‘55 dhre “fit Vof‘umiimdr) 'dhpm [ht Army- l0 deiend himself against charges 9' production "l the woman “m” “h” research lags and the Department Ol bl" l" Washington. This issue is the clhzfrice faxes aznin ‘iitirvérielisete‘rj in b'c‘kdtrt ,\ thcannlib ligi‘ll' .C'dme: .u? tltmtproper 98mm?" acts .. m [lm “in 0rd” to “mile has to h“"”..‘"-" Energy in Washington cringes at the attempt by certain congressmen to the Dean ofStiudents‘lM‘ficle arid make n2; rribdiiulriiwcltvipfirbltc fililblfratfnds‘: ‘Ufcdkcmhspclfh'h ()lZeLl'Im CUP; ”(my egO.“ “m repeatedly (illered thought of Changing lrom “Clear . ' . _” ‘ -" ‘ ce' tli incue te"'itcen eate"wit .2 . ~- . revive the dralt. In fact. I was it official. (iive these organi/ations “n5“ 0'. immediacy and high drama. Khrushchm the “la“ We“ :hriglilvgh kibd abdtsemiiiid‘imsereslt lb: Lnb’rtkiii‘re robablv askin Yourself " antICipating that some of the official soundin names with reference F th" . - 2' l .- ‘ 4 » 2 I .. 1' i "L ‘ t‘ . .g . ‘ . p ' .. g . ,', 1 candidates in the recent SC election i th l t thgt th ’ . l d or him tvery {C‘Nm' te “hm" “"5 conlerenee m I961 and revealing the authors in their audience reflects ‘Whv is this guyswriting this letter? .‘ . ‘ ’ 0 e ac a 036 ”1‘0“: are capa co to in Jose hMc(‘arthv. iuttak us from “Iiy “ t \‘iso . . 2 . . . .. . ' ,. ‘. . - would raise ihig matter but it was not citizens. voters or belong to the in front of lb: Argnericapn ‘0 le th . l .. _ e, . . . e. ele « n the committmcnt and concern. Well. the reason isthat l mtired ofthe [0 pass congre m n‘ pol't'c l pi t ( ’f If d b k l" p l ‘ qiicstion-and—answer bmddedfih- As loni(ade Bambara pointed out. lies that the government and the g ‘ $5 a S Ila if)‘ eveni curtain was pu e ac to revea not i, - i . *t i . ..1 ‘. . . . . . . . < . .. '. From the research I have done to it isn‘t true). This not onlvaddstothe the saviourofthe Americanwavoflit‘ Anyt nc t» ntcres ed nt recent education oltcn manages to destroy industry Feds. us . for 0",: own i date I conclude that students at UK "I . | . 'dd‘ h - , ’ _ . . ‘ . . ‘ American “N00 and In particularthe the very elements ot creativity and protection (or is it ignorance.) I feel haVeagreatdealatstakeinthis matter "“11 yo limit” 13.59” :,lmhpdct~l-'. tm‘m" had We“? hlm‘.hm.a small Vii-St ctlect television has had on that enthusiasm that should flow freely. it's time the public got up in arms :v and there is insufficient student 0 rei m c. . .I‘st's on "l. l e 4”“ and vicmus politican. fanning the WW"). |5 SUl‘e ‘0 enjoy these two But inthe last few days.away fromthe about this situation. write letters to .- . . stage ol political action and flames ol a witch-hunt tor no reason films. svllabus and the MI A Handbook ourcongressmen.stageprotestS.bUtat OPPOS'U‘)" that has beentorgani/ed, subsequent measeures must be taken. other than his own political true education has“ taken lace least show how you feeii ' The 6mm 9' the lack of this feedback Because Of this issue. student apathy advancement. Composed ofhighlights Jus‘kit' l Hm"! (‘oo eratidn has re~ laced Cotii eti; I i V is manifest inthat the presentdialogue must and will end. It is up to us from these historic hearings.thefilmi.- lint-yea: “with“, to p'ni h) 'tedl‘e‘ t’dre ifacadeiiiia Daniel Estes 0" Capitol H'll concerns “01 whether whether it will be too little too late. entirely without narration as de . .‘ . n,.- ,l dd‘hn‘ in} hflt. em -r red u; Accountin senior 51" . the dralt is to berevived but howto get Antonia is secure that Sen. McCarthy Arts and k - e -i. an s ”(hes' d L “ lib ' ‘ 3 aweay with it without too much of 1! Richard W. Dizney given the opportunity. is fully capable I Heme w" l il‘cdhlciiriitrdarii: 3'5“” m l c PUTSU“ “‘55- The only active student Arts and Sciences senator of exposing his own corruption. lo M FOCUS on FOCUS Organiration that has voiced quote Missouri Sen. Stuart (S)heroes Car Miller 1 opposnion m congress. Students to” . Sumington to McCarthy during the Asia - UK students you haveamared once « L'ttfllatnan. S‘tmeltk IS SOllelllng MOVIeS on TV hearings: “Senator. let 'me tell you i senior more~ Voted .for and elected Mark p01 ica action rom campuses across somethin The A . . ' .. . - . . . merican co lehave -- . - .' . . the coutry in April and Mav. As afirst had' 10,1: 't . f . Pk‘pY . . htirthe pastthree day. UK students. I Metcalfand 3“? Neal.whose only WISh . stage in implementingthis at UKlam 0 A 'l 19 d 2 h ' . é (- d you 0va6 3' 0” a primarily women. ”“9 been 8'" rome '5“) get brownie pomtsforlawschool. urging students to take thr e ' t. . , n ‘ .p“ an 6 l e Student ”01 tooling any‘one. entertained.educated and delighted by Well. let‘s give the [wosomeabig hand First 4L1 L‘K “Udenets atchitont: .(emer Theatre will be showing two It pony, 0/ ()n/g,‘ thong us the h“. contemporary women writers. for pulling the wool over the gullible write, a letter to their tumult itrrtitportant historical documentaries. dramatic impact telewsion once had. Readings and discussions by Toni Forthose of you have already seen llK students‘ eyes. with ridiculous congressmen These letters srliould g: A ey are ‘30. l'lm5 h} Emile d9 M'llh0U5e 5 .4 ” We ( (”NW/J: reveals (‘ade Bambara. Rut). \‘i ii.i.ii; n. Ruth The (‘hina .S‘i'nr/rome. you campaign posters(surely. they weren‘t no means. assume an apologetic (on; .wrltlt/Znia. . A rut/it (é! ”tr/d.” and how Well that impact has been Stone. Maya \neclou ind Alice undoubtedly recogni7e the similarities serious)and the use of money. money. . and should indicatethatthisisamak ‘ 'lhomtfl h .1," umui. hdrncssed ll" (“‘5'er efleets. Walker have 'zllt ~l ": writers‘ ol the movie and the recent “acmdent” money. Hell. how could anyone beat . . ' 8- ~ . ‘ ‘ t ' - a . . - ' ' . ' ‘ or—break issue in terms of anv toa Bestierlart‘ibn iiiniltio lisfhwiil belong “"T‘P'k‘l ”0m "”2"?" and enmuslasttc CUl‘lll‘Nll'tiJlt' to their atthe Three Milclsland nuclear power the power hungry twosome? subsequent elections involvin those _ hg b IC , ehe eyis'ion television lootage and interviews wrth work. their sci. and ;!ieii t‘JfllCUlfll‘ plant, Perhaps this is not the first More than an apology should have congressmen‘s Candidacy angd thii setd as een metro: bytcheesecake several political commentators. the individualistic views. incident of the nature. l don't know. been granted to the other candidates ~~ . ’ a an soap Opera. ani eao t eimpact lilmisacollectionofhi hli htsinthc - - ' ' ‘ ' ‘ V ' - -. - ‘ . -‘ ' every attemptwill be madeto manifest that television had at its inception uhli. .. f R‘ hli dgM‘lh ._ In. sharing Eh?” WON.“ mm the Bl" Wh‘“ I do rcal'7?'51hc.'n'.meqldu over the Imus incrdent. I knowthata a corresponding sentiment where When television first a ~68er mani ll; c career o . . ic ar tl oust public. and tillering patient. helplul and urgent surroundings ol this highly maJOI‘IIy ofthe papers were picked up. effecti‘et felt that itw ld b [Th . -‘ - '80“. 'lhls Is no obiective advice and oinicnm to ‘Would-bc volatile power source. but that is not the pornt. Focusshows Second 4L1 student Organi/ations m' lo I 0:. mfg i-éomrmm, W“W‘i“l"“- De Anmma' lhmukihth" poets.‘ ”1e 3mm haVe demonstrated Of course. the human error factor how far 86 was willing to go to get its on campus should write to 4]! ha" c ,5" :1) is'wgr . rteevents use ol eiditngand soundshdes behind the meaning oi ‘eomnllllmenV When was evident, but the repercussions of choices elected. lagreewiththe Kernel ‘ ‘ appening t (“mm 5 m nu ‘5 away ”‘8 surlace 0' the screen '0 dep'“ an, Rlllh 510“ noted 1th the "greatest those mistakes could easily lead to a editorial. that those involved should major catastrophe. However. even at have been banned from participating . the lower-scale disruptions. radiation in the election. How couldthestudents q t a? leakage can lead to cancer. claim he so ignorant and elect two men so ’I l ‘ '9 M” m human lives and contaminate a large deeply involved in this incident? I area in a short time. f t \_ It I may put forth a bit of personal Andrea J. Fried . / If philosophy. I believe that the federal Accounting sophomore / . i l I. ‘ ‘ Letters pa Icy . l o the Aenluiti- A'eme/ welcomes and “WW" particular mt“. comrnum ‘ encourages °°"'"b_“"9m "0'" ”l? UK events relri'anl Io [he (llt't'rimmuniti'. or ' r + 0 community for publicationontheeditorial ”mu,“ concerning 1hr operation and «2. a"? “WHO" paacs. d ' reporting at Mr Kentucky Kernel. , .etters. opinions an commentaries ‘ y ‘ i“ must betyped and triple-spaced.and must amt/NWT _ Ir _ . ' 4% include the writer's signature. address and ‘/_ 0" mm 0' ""' M‘M'm'u' fl phone number. llK students should ”’5'?” I I . . . . . , 4 A include their year and mayor. and [”1an mfg/m "I’m" atpoxllmn "arm": . . my employees should listtheirdepartment It" Mp"? tissues 0’ "mm" m I U I , I J '7 / , ,I , / / / and position, mmnmnm. ‘ .i ' . ////4/ , .1 0/ / // / mi 07/? /, , ,/ // I'he Acme/reserve the right tocondensc (mm ' ‘ ' / W / , r. y/l, / /' / 1.7 / /r / or reject contributions. limitthenumberoi SM)u/llh¢9lllh¢.rurlrx.r.anchored": . 3 . . .' ////,///IZ/// // // t 't', “' [I // "/49”? i/q, (hli/ " , /¢ / submissions by trequent writers. and to pr! line. I . . ' ///"//"” . y , y////',// g /// y' '2’ /’/// /’ 1 // '/ '// // I, ,1: VI/ editiorspelling.grammer.clarityandlibe- Arr reserved for ante/n who" ‘ . . . . . [/11] [/1 ’7 t / /,,/ / l/// . ‘ /// I ’t ' ”I I’ll/”t / lous statements. aurlmn. Ihr mliluri feel. have speck/err- . ‘ VRE? ‘ 65/ ‘ ///////// d b Lulm: Jenna/s, crprrr’rnrr. training. or other . . It A m Shun/11hrIII/mmurlrv.i.60rhuratlrr.\ qW/I/It'dlilln.\' m alt/firs l parlifllhr 7‘ . ’. .' per line. ..mhm'l 3; I??? st -. ‘3: 21;: "rib; . t v Earl’s! 7132‘ a“ a 25?th fivwwttytthita a . 4.5;.- 4 0 . ......e... . .., 603%..»13” «awn-«e!» . -- g.«..--..—t,.......,.~ .. ~ ‘.“‘“~":*'"""' ‘ "‘ ‘ ’ ‘ "i2" '. ' "”W 3' ’. .>. :f‘i2i'5‘L-‘uf‘ ,- '- ‘t '-..,:»,'.-' - “6., "?~"'- \ ‘ 2" "'~ .' . ' . ‘v - -. ‘ "v.3“. tin-we.» {Rn wiiz‘lm’ . “"“ ‘ '. ~ m‘.‘~.“v:’- . . -:.'.'._ .- ~.-".-‘- - - ”.3.” .. - ..wwg‘» st, 3.-t,~._%' @éw;gt ‘.7 .v . "cc 3.3.4.: 2.7/- . but " ‘1‘ fags"; 33"., to {ma . . . b. t ..7 .» .. ‘ . , - . _ .rj‘; v' ct." f}??- ital: {{(fi’E‘T-‘fii . . . ,k‘fii’bi'fiii‘wi‘?“ . .S- I. -i ‘ 'i1'-'i!‘e-".'~"”.'31".“: ‘7“ ' MW“ 3 ' “ . o! . ~ .. ' J .‘i . ~ !'~' @233 "i” "” ‘ . re iglfizfir‘ :rrttiim'~”'x~t1"..vlm“. '~.:~5'.'« b": i" f; . i '. ,- . . . ' ’ - . .. . r ». ' ’- 1' ' {WEEK . , sate fie??? Wm, ~t--- '3' x-‘u’ . «a . .‘ ~ . , ’ - . . ~, .. teens . ~ : .7 sin/ta“ .g'nt ' ~\..'. 1~:.;./.’- '39" 1' "."2"- . ' '1‘ .‘ t, ‘7‘ .y 4, ‘v. t... . . .- , t - ' ‘ .. .gtfltttf“; - - £52-»:- fi’? .mfilgbflég‘lSltfiwgffiéwiflb(Stiff!.541,Z. 2!.v'. :. .2 t. . . . - . - . , . « ... ‘ .... l llll hl \ ll ( h\ hi R'SH . l riday. \prillt. ”79-! Continued from 9089' Whlllflt‘k. Whit dltln'l attend \t‘lltCSIkl without ll .ippcariiig Whilc sonic S(i iiicrnbcrs thc Sciiaic ( tIllllLIl. has to do l\ tittrt» ' ~i.rri Mint \(r tan work otit a system lot like Soctal Professions. lt‘s Monday‘s niccttrig Whitlock on their record havcsaid they may be lobbying pllhllth said he doesn‘t want to \A\ \r naror \l.rii gown“... ltpldtlllyj tcsigltt'tlsc‘li.itri|s.u‘.d part of the problem of the said he had to work on a " l he amendment was so lactilty members to hclp biing bother with It any loligci and lit. prop...“ .. r..,..,.,r.._lru, .‘lr. rump.“ mm ”Hmddmu‘” system," research project lot aclass, hilt completely out of the Mile." thc riialtct up for icconsnlcta- to get lt'ttltlsltit'lrllititl on tin Ill tlic \Plllitl Wm to or t \t‘llrtlt