xt73tx35463q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73tx35463q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1999-01-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 1999 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 13, 1999 1999 1999-01-13 2020 true xt73tx35463q section xt73tx35463q r—m‘







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Lifelong learning


Here are some points
I now understand are
truths in college after
Iast semester.

That it didn't matter
how late I scheduled my
first class, I'd sleep right
through it.

That I could change
so much and barely real-
ize it.

That you can love a
lot of people in a lot of
different ways.

That college kids
throw airplanes too.

That if you wear
polyester everyone will
ask you why you're so
dressed up.

That every clock on
campus shows a differ-
ent time.

That if you were
smart in high school -
so what?

That I would go to a
party the night before a

That you can know
everything and fail a
test or know nothing and
ace a test.

That I could get used
to almost anything I
found out about my

That home is a great
place to visit.

That most of my edu-
cation would be obtained
outside of my classes.

That friendship is
more than getting drunk

That I would be one
of those people my par-
ents warned me about.

That free food served
until 10 am. is gone by

That Sunday does not
really exist.

That biology is really
chemistry, that chem-
istry is really physics,
and physics is really

That friends are what
makes this place worth-



First day births

It's a bad
day when

Your twin forgets
that it's your birthday.

You wake up face
down on the pavement.

You put your bra/un-
derwear on backward
and it fits better.

You call suicide pre-

vention and they put you
on hold.



4.3 3.8

Love those showers.



VOL. 38104 ISSUE #878


News tips!


January 13, T999








B-ball, NFL
and morel B













'; 2:3


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John Logan (center) ran the show at the auction last Saturday at Margaret I. King Library. Proceeds from the auction went to the library's general fund.

On the auction block

Catching the bargains: Hundreds brave the
weather to snag deals at M.I. King auction

buy tables for her doll house col-
lection. but buying old “remains“
was not why she was there.

“My husband and I come for


By Joshua Robinson

Going once, going twice. sold!

The auctioneer's call bel-
lowed through the halls of Mar-
garet 1. King Library last Satur-
day as UK sold the final remains
from the old building in a public

Several hundred people
braved the cold and snow to
make their way to the MI. King
Library. buying everything from
maps and desks to laser printers
and oak meeting tables.

Bargains abounded for items
like Macintosh Power Macs and
printers. Four hours into the auc-
tion. that had been the most ex-
pensive ticket purchased. But the
big-ticket items had to sell some
time. and sell they did. Several
pieces of oak furniture eventually

went for more than $1.000 a piece.

Although final earnings are
not yet available, library officials
estimated the event brought in at
least $10,000. Net proceeds will go
directly into the library's general

Helen Slayton. manager of
Plant Assets Inventory. said the
auction was more profitable than
expected. Plant Assets Inventory
maintains an inventory of UK
equipment and oversees the use
of building space and land. They
also take care of surplus property
and handle University auctions.

“We had no idea what to ex-
pect. but this has been tremen-
dous." Slayton said. “There were
over 400 bidding tickets given

Participant Betty Newcomer
attends several auctions a year.
Newcomer came to the auction to

the good deals. but also for the
amusement. You never know
what you will find." she said. “We
accidentally bought someone's re-
mains once.“

Ron Newcomer, Betty's hus-
band. found the cremated re»
mains in a box with a lamp they
had bought.

“I was cleaning it up to put a
plant in it. and when i took it
apart. I realized what was in it."
Newcomer said. "It was weird."

Luckily for the University.
the only remains being sold Sat-
urday were those left over from
the move to William T. Young Li-

Bidders such as Eric Von-
Wiegen are also auction veterans.
bidding without a budget. The
Lexington attorney has furnished

See AUCTION on A2 9,1» '4








Julie Beale. who works in the plant pathology department (left) and
Maryanne Abeid, a social work graduate student. checked out some items.



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Dr. Lewis Dittert
Is one of two Col-
lege of Pharmacy
professors who
have developed a
faster acting
form of Viagra
The new form is
soluble and is
administered as a
nasal spray. This
way, the profes-
sors say, there's
less chance of an


now: mm 1


Viagra turns nasal

Professors develop faster
way of using impotency drug
By Amber Scott


Two UK College of Pharmacy profes-
sors have developed a faster~acting ver-
sion of Viagra by making the compound
soluble and administering it as a nasal

Dr. Lewis Dittert and Dr. Anwar Hus
sain have been developing the new Viagra
out of their company, New Millennium
Pharmaceutical Research Inc.. in the
ASTeCC Building for almost two years.

“Hussain was overseas last year, and
we talked on the phone. He said people


The Student New

are complaining about having to wait for
Viagra to work." Dittert said.

The Viagra that's currently available
to men suffering from impotency comes
in tablet form and is poorly soluble in wa‘
ter. Dittert said.

This delays response to the drug and
requires a higher dosage to combat the di-
gestive enzymes the tablet encounters on
its way to the small intestine. where it is
absorbed into the blood.

Dittert said a nasally administered
Viagra would take 10 to 13 minutes to be-
gin working.

The faster-acting Viagra would help
to eliminate overdoses.

“The effects of Viagra taking so long

See VIAGRA on M )>>


UT edges

Defeat marks UK's fourth
loss; Padgett breaks 1,000

By Jen Smith

Nobody volunteered to shoot the ball.
so Tennessee decided to win the ugly
way. 17-46. last night in Rupp Arena.

The (‘ats‘ signatures: three-point
shooting. rebounds and a deep bench.

I weren‘t even a factor UK shot only 2 of
l 17 from beyond the arc for a tiny 11 per-
cent; it was outrebounded for the first
time this season 45-38: and the bench
only managed five points in the game.

“We just scented to be a half step off
i all night and 1 don't know why." l’K
(‘oach Tubby Smith said of his team's
first loss to UT in 11 games.

The starters weren't much better
than the reserves. Normal scoring
machines seniors Scott Padgett and
Heshimu Evans were a combined 3-for~
18 frotn the field, Point guard Wayne
Turner led l‘K scorers with 13 points.
Smith was not satisfied With his
seniors' play.

“We're not getting the consistent
play we need from our leaders to be a
good team." Smith said. “We don't have
chemistry yet."

Physical. heated defense by both
teams was the highlight. if you want to
call it that. Jamaal Magloirc. who was




spaper at the University


‘ Volunteer victory:


the only other UK scorer in double fig-
ures with 10. got a cut on his leg in the
first half. Ryan Hogan went down in the
second half with a cut on his leg. sparked
by a dive for the ball at mid-court.

Early in the second half. Michael
Bradley was elbowed to the ground by
Tennessee‘s (1.]. Black. The (‘ats 1114. ll-
1 in the Southeastern Conference) tried
to use it as a crowd and confidence
builder. but a quick Turner foul on l'T's
Tony Harris' three-point try negated
either factor.

The Vols (1174. 34) were plagued by
poor shooting too. They hit just 30.4 per-
cent from the field. compared to UK's 309.

But they could hit them when they
counted. threepointcrs down the
stretch from Aaron Green. Tony Harris
and Brandon Wharton helped put the
(‘ats away. Senior Wharton led all scorr
crs with 14 points.

“i didn‘t know if we could stop them
at the end." V'ols (‘oach .lerry (ireen said.

But they did.

With 9.5 seconds left to play and the
(‘ats down by one. Evans missed from
the left corner.

(in the last possession. Turner tried
to cut along the baseline for the layup.
but missed. Bradley nabbed the
rebound. but had his shot partially
blocked to end the game.

CScott Padgett became the 43th
player in UK lore to make it into the
1.000 Point (‘lub After his seven points
last night. he is up 1.005






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The Low-down


WASHINGTON — President Clinton mailed
a check for $850,000 to Paula Jones yesterday to
settle sexual harassment allegations. officially
ending the sex harassment legal battle that cast
his presidency into crisis.

The president drew about $375,000 from his
and Hillary Rodham Clinton’s personal funds
and got the rest of the settlement. about $475,000.
from an insurance policy. a White House official
told The Associated Press.

“This ends it. The check is being Fed-Exed"
to Bill McMillan. one of Mrs. Jones“ lawyers. the
official said.

Jordan expected to retire today

CHICAGO »—— Michael Jordan. considered
one of the greatest players in NBA history, is ex-
pected to announce his retirement today. accord-
ing to a source with close ties to the NBA.

The Chicago Bulls have scheduled a news
conference for noon. Jordan. who turns 36 next
month. is a five-time league MVP. Jordan retired
from basketball once before — in 1993 4—. and
played minor league baseball.

He returned to the Bulls in 1995. leading the
team to three consecutive NBA championships.

White House criticizes GOP brief

WASHINGTON — The White House yester-
day dismissed the House Republicans’ brief for
the impeachment trial. calling it an overblown
account that “reads like a cheap mystery."

“The discussions about sinister plots is
something you would expect to read in a novel
rather than in a document by the House of Repre-
sentatives,” White House spokesman Joe Lock-
hart said. Lockhart said the brief was a “con-
stantly shifting" version of the charges that re-
lies on "hyperbole and overblown rhetoric.” The
White House will offer its own next installment
tomorrow. he said.

Report: Haiti leader's sister shot

PORT-AU—PRINCE, Haiti Two gunmen on
a motorcycle opened fire yesterday on a vehicle
carrying the sister of Haitian President Rene
Preval, wounding her and killing her driver. a lo-
cal radio station reported. Marie~Claude Calvin
was being treated for two gunshot wounds to the
chest at Port-au-Prince‘s University Hospital af-
ter the 3 pm. attack. Radio Quisqueya reported.

Her condition was not immediately known.

Kosovo rebels to free 8 Yugoslavs

PRISTINA. Yugoslavia Ethnic Albanian
rebels have agreed to release all eight Yugoslav
soldiers they have been holding hostage since


Veteran British
rock star Red
Stewart says
he hopes and
prays his
estranged wife
Rachel Hunter
will come home
and rebuild
their eight-
year-oid mar-
riage. The cou-
ple, who have
two children.
announced last
week that they
had separated.
"I still love
Rachel very,
very much
Indeed and I
hope and pray
that she will
come back."
Stewart told
Sunday People
tabloid from
his mansion In



Edward Asner,
Is among the
names lending
their talents to
a documentary
development of
Playa Vista,
the future
home of


their convoy strayed into rebel-held territory in
Kosovo four days ago. an international official
said yesterday. The head of the Organization for
Security and Cooperation in Europe, Knut Volle-
baek, said negotiations with the Kosovo Libera-
tion Army ended successfully.

“We have had positive results." he said at a
news conference. “We have reached an agree-
ment with the KLA for early release of the de-


WASHINGTON w Supreme Court justices.
hearing a sexual harassment case that could af-
fect schools nationwide. questioned yesterday
how to draw the line between children’s play-
ground taunts and something more sinister.

In considering a case involving a fifth-grade
boy in Georgia who groped a classmate and
made crude remarks. the justices must decide
whether schools are to blame if educators will-
fully ignore and do not stop boorish conduct be-
tween students.

Alfalfa sprouts, salmonella linked

CHICAGO -— Alfalfa sprouts. the quintessen-
tial health food used as garnish on everything
from salads to hamburgers. sickened an estimat-
ed 20,000 people in the United States in two out-
breaks in 1995, researchers say.

Consumers "should consider this (larger
when deciding whether to eat alfalfa sprouts."
the researchers. led by Dr. Chris Van Beneden,
an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention. report in tomorrow’s Jour-
nal of the American Medical Association.

Dow ends down 145.21

NEW YORK — Stocks dipped yesterday as
investors gleaned profits from the bullish New
Year markets.

The soaring technology sector was hardest

hit. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 145.21

at 9.474.68. On the NYSE, losers led gainers 2,176-

883. The Nasdaq was down 63.58 at 2,321.01.

‘Star Trek' cook book makes debut

NEW YORK A, Eat your hearts out. Star
Trek fans. There is now a cookbook to tell you
how to make anything from Klingon blood wine
and worm-like gagh to Ferengi slug liver. The of-

ficial Star Trek Cookbook is a must for those

seeking new food frontiers and the secrets of in-
terstellar haute cuisine.

The book is written by Neelix. alias Ethan
Phillips. the peppy orange-blond chef of the
USS. Voyager, along with co-author William

The book includes recipes for some of the
out-of—thisworld and almost unpronounceable
foods that appear on the shows. along with some
real ones offered by many of the humanoid stars
of the series.

Compiled from wire reports.








Continued from page A1

Lexington attorney has fur-
nished most of his office with
furniture from auctions.

“I‘m looking for mostly
decorative items. and these
are the places to find them."
said VonWiegen. “It will all
stay in my family anyway.“

Slayton said that for many
of those doing the bidding the
auction experience was a first.

“We expected such a differ-
ent crowd than what showed
up. Our usual auctions are all
bulk buyers. but today we had
more people interested because
of the nostalgia.“ she said.

“I was looking for the stuff
that is hard to find." said recent
graduate Glen Doolittle. “I have
some software that will run
only on these old machines."

Other bidders were more

“I'm here to get a file cabi-
net.“ said math and physics se»
nior John Mackey. He wanted
the file cabinet to store old pa-
pers for graduate school.
“Some of the papers will defi-
nitely go into the fire, but I
might need a few of them."

Bethany Blankenship, a
nurse at Central Baptist Hos-
pital. wanted garbage cans for
potential plant holders.

“You have to set your bud-
get. otherwise you can get out
of control."






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Pizza deal falls through ox“ sages:

Papa John' 5 receives letter from UK severing
deal allowing students to use PLUS account

By Jessica Coy

Buying a pizza will not be
as simple as whipping out your
UK ID and paying for it with
PLUS account funds.

Last week Papa John’s re-
ceived a letter from UK termi-
nating the contract that allowed
the pizza chain to accept PLUS
accounts as a method of pay-
ment, said David Strickland,
district manager of Papa

Douglas Stephan, a Lex-
ington attorney representing
UK, said the letter was in
keeping with a termination
provision in the contract that
allows either side to cancel the
deal at any time for any rea-

Stephan said UK has not re-

ceived a formal response from
Papa John’s regarding the let-
ter, but Strickland said he does-
n’t see how a response will
change anything.

“They terminated our con-
tract and that is that. It was
their decision and I don't see
how anything we can do will
change that," he said.

The letter was sent last
week after Fayette Circuit
Judge Gary Payne placed a tem-
porary injunction on UK, for-
bidding students to use their
PLUS accounts to purchase piz-
za from Papa John‘s.

According to court docu-
ments, on Oct. 15, Domino's
placed a motion before the
court calling for a temporary
restraining order and prelimi-
nary injunction, which the
court ordered on Nov. 16.

The documents said that
the court “found that Domino' 5
would suffer irreparable injury
given its inability to recover
lost profits or market shares in
a court of law because UK has
sovereign immunity, if a tempo-
rary restraining order or pre-
liminary injunction was not is-

UK filed a motion on Dec. 4
asking the court to dissolve the
temporary injunction. a motion
the court overruled last Thurs

Judson Ridgway, manager
and franchisee of the Domino’s
on Euclid Avenue. said he was
happy with the judge's decision
to uphold the injunction, which
will stay in place until a trial is

"Any company willing to
pay for the equipment should
be able to service the Universi-
ty," he said. “Students should
have a voice about who they
want to order pizza from on a
daily basis. It should not be diC»

tated by the University"

Although the Domino' s
camp is pleased with the court-
room proceedings, Bullock said
the news of UK' s decision to ter
minate the PLUS account con-
tract altogether comes as a dis-

“The PLUS system is a
good system and could definite-
ly help UK, tlies tudents, the
community and local pizza
companies if implemented equi
tably," he said. “It doesn t make
sense for UK to cancel the
whole thing now.”

Nate Brown, UK's Student
Government Association presi-
dent, said he was disappointed
with UK’s decision.

“It‘s definitely frustrating
to hear that there will no
longer be this service, especial-
ly considering that so many
students were excited about
it," he said. “Hopefully in the
future this service will be
opened up to all pizza ven~



LCC grads mastering tests

Success comes from hard work, dedication
as students smash national statistics

By Roxanne McEntire

The majority of the 1998
graduates from Lexington Com-
munity College‘s health pro-
grams surpassed the national
average scores on the mandato-
ry certification tests in their

“I applaud these graduates
for their performance as well
as the instructors who practice
excellence in teaching," LCC
president Jim Kerley said.
“These results support the fact
that LCC is preparing its stu-

dents to compete, and to excel,
on a local, national and global

Kerley said he isn’t sur-
prised that graduates from LCC
compete so well on the national
level, and said they are well-
prepared to excel wherever
they choose to work.

The national average pass
rate for the nursing certifica-
tion exam, the NCLEX, was 88
percent last year; the pass rate
for graduates from LCC’s
nursing program was 96 per-

The 1998 dental hygiene,

respiratory care, nuclear medi-
cine technology and dental lab-
oratory technology graduates
from LCC had a 100 percent
pass rates for their certification
exams, while the national rates
ranged from 71 to 95 percent.

The Dental Laboratory
Technology program was par-
ticularly successful: Graduates
from it scored an average of 84
percent on the Recognized
Graduate Exam, which was the
second-highest mean among 32
contenders throughout the na-

Kerley said the success of
last year‘s health graduates
came from hard work on their
part, but it is crucial educators
are dedicated to their task.

Perhaps the best measure

of LCC’s success is the reviews
given by the students them-
selves. Many agreed that LCC
serves them well, and that LCC
genuinely cares about their

“They work with the stu-
dents -— if they see a problem,
they (the professors) try their
best to help,” said Barbara Sta-
ley, an undeclared freshman.
Students say personal attention
is high on their list of priori-
ties. The small class sizes at
LCC attract many of them.

Terri Tincher, a dental hy-
giene sophomore, said the small
class sizes are the secret of
LCC’s success. There was one
caveat for Terri, though: “I
wish it was easier to get into
the programs.”


No big money from Outback Bowl

After all the expenses are paid, conference
gets its share, UK not seeing lots of green

By Brooke Ison

While bowl games may be a
reward for a successful season,
they are often ones that come
without as much financial val-
ue as one would expect.

Purses such as the $11 mil-
lion Fiesta Bowl jackpot and
even the Outback‘s $3.6 million
purse might suggest a big pay-
day from the games.

Not necessarily.

Of the $3.6 million in the
Outback purse, each team re-
ceives $1.8 million for partici-
pating. Once the money is on
UK’s side, almost half of it,

$840,000, will go to the school
and the remaining money will
be pooled into a larger fund for
the entire conference.

This is because of a formu-
la used by the Southeastern
Conference, said Larry Ivy,
UK’s senior associate athletics

It may not be millions of
dollars, but at least UK didn’t
lose money at the Outback
Bowl. The cost of attending a
bowl game usually does not bal-
ance out with the money
earned from it. Most schools go
in the red.

Ivy estimates that $240,000
will be all that is left of UK’s

portion after the teams’ expens-
es from Tampa are paid. It
takes a lot of money to send 102
football players, 300 band mem-
bers and 100 staff and board
members to Florida for two
weeks. Airfare alone for the
football team and staff ran
about $120,000. Charter buses
for the band cost $30,000. And
the bills are still coming, Ivy

Asked if he was pleased
with this leftover sum, he said,
“Yeah. It's more than we bud-
geted for."

It is not clear how the mon-
ey from the Outback Bowl will
be spent.

“There is a lot of building
going on. The money will be put
in a reserve to finance later pro
jects,” Ivy said.

Aside from the direct par-

ticipation earnings, other pay-
offs to UK will include in-
creased ticket sales and more
sponsorships, said Kyle Moats,
UK’s assistant athletic director
for marketing.

Also, Outback Bowl mer-
chandise should bring in a good
amount of revenue for the Uni-
versity. Right now, though,
Moats said it is too early to tell
how much will be earned.

While all the official num-
bers are not in, UK should
make a decent amount of mon-
ey off the game, more than it
made at the Peach Bowl in 1993.
Figures show only $140,000 was
made from participation in the
bowl and only about $10,000 was
made from merchandise sales.
So far, Ivy said, 1999 figures
have easily surpassed these





Continued from pagei

to work can range from embar-
rassment to danger,“ Dittert

“If a man takes Viagra and
gets no response. he may be-
come impatient and after 30 to
45 minutes be tempted to take
one or two more tablets. just as
the first one is being absorbed.
The result would be an over-

An overdose could mean
death for men with high blood
pressure or cardiovascular dis-
ease. Dittert said.

“We could get by with prob-
ably one-tenth the dose because
we will bypass the enzymes of
what we call the first-pass me-
tabolism," Dittert said. “We
would get a greater effect in a
shorter time with a smaller

Dittert and l-Iussain did
their first experiments in Feb-
ruary 1998, and filed a provi-
sional patent on June 25, 1998.

The experiments have so

far been on animals, and the
next step is humans, Dittert
said. They are looking for a
sponsor to help fund their fu-
ture experiments or to sell their
information to.

“We are a small company
with limited finanCes," Dittert
said. The company includes Dit-
tert, Hussain and two others.

As soon as they find a spon-
sor. Dittert said they would be
willing to help point the new
company in the right direction
but that they “don't want to be
involved 24 hours, like it is

Hussain and Dittert have
approached Pfizer, the company
that first introduced Viagra, to
be a sponsor, but they have
been slow to react. Once they
do get a sponsor, experiments
on humans will determine the
side effects and toxicity of the
nasal drug.

“Every drug is a two-sided
sword," Dittert said. “We will
have to see if this drug irritates
the nasal membranes, affects
the sense of smell, causes can-
cer, or leads to other health










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A utopian University


‘ Getting initiative



President's Initiative on Under-
graduate Education preliminary

0 Fm arm's, an "in-
teractive, inquiry-based experi-
ence" for all first'year students.
with small classes and faculty in-

0 Sailor menace. individ-
ual or team research projects that
would allow students to draw
upon knowledge gained through.
out their undergraduate years.
both within and outside their ma-

0 Classroom renovations. both
aesthetic and technology-orient-

0 Student resource ouster. to
unite many student services of-

O W use of peer men-
tors and distinctions among duties
and stipends of teaching assis-

Public Forums
Tuesday, 3 pm. to 4:30 pm,
Shdent Center Center Theater.

Wednesday. 5 pm. to 6:30 pm,
230 Oswald Building

Jan. 27, 1:30 pm. to 3 pin,
VLT. Young Library Auditorium

President's Initiative striving to achieve goal
of making students’ experience best possible

By Karla Dooley

Close your eyes, lean back
in your chair and relax.

Imagine a university
where all of the classrooms are
clean, attractive and comfort-

At least a third are
equipped with multimedia

All freshmen are enrolled
in a small discovery seminar
taught by a faculty member
who guides them through an
interactive, inquiry-based ex-

Seniors complete a re-
search project that combines
everything they've learned
throughout their college years.

Two-hundred undergradu-
ate research and creativity fel-
lowships are available to all

It’s a university where the
offices students deal with most
are centralized for the sole pur-
pose of making life easier for
the students they serve.

It’s a living and a learning

Now concentrate really
hard on this — it could be UK.

The President’s Initiative
on Undergraduate Education at
Kentucky's Comprehensive Re-
search University has released
a list of proposals that could
change the face of undergradu-
ate education at UK. Now, stu-

dents and faculty are being
asked to review and comment
on the committee‘s sugges

“In order to have an excel-
lent research university, one
has also to have an excellent
undergraduate program," said
Louis Swift, dean of Under-
graduate Studies, who serves
as chairman of the committee.

The President‘s Initiative
is an effort to “find a way in
which growth in graduate stud-
ies and research can also (im-
prove) instruction for under-
graduates across the campus,"
he said.

The initiative started last
summer, after the Boyer Com-
mission released a study criti-
cizing undergraduate educa-
tion at large research institu-
tions. The commission‘s report
came out at about the same
time the Kentucky legislature
issued its goal for UK to be-
come a top 20 research institu-

“We thought it was appro
priate to look at these two is-
sues together,“ Swift said.

“We’ve made some signifi-