xt73xs5j9s16_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9s16/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113.dao.xml unknown 0.64 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 59m113 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hathaway family papers Composers -- Correspondence. Newspaper clippings about family members text Newspaper clippings about family members 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113/Box_1/Folder_1/3576.pdf 1904-1954 1954 1904-1954 section false xt73xs5j9s16_1 xt73xs5j9s16 MISS Carrie L. Hathaway
Dles Of Heart Attack
Miss Carrie Lee Hathaway, 87,
died unexpectedly early Sunday
morning at her residence, 345
NortlrliI Broadway, following a heart
attac . ('1 _ , 43".;
She was born E1 %ncheséer and
lived there for many years. She
Awas a daughter of the late Capt.
Leland and Mattie Wheeler Hatha-
way, received her early education
in Winchester private schools, and
attended Daughters College in
Harrodsburg. She was a member
of the Central Christian Church
and one of the founders of the
Lexington Garden Club.
Miss Hathaway is survived by a
number of cousins, including Miss
Mary Robinson, Sewickley, Penn.
Services will be conducted at 2
p.m. Tuesday at the W. R. Mil-
ward Mortuary Chapel by the Rev.
Leslie R. Smith. Burial will be in
the Winchester Cemetery.
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1 pkuts 01. the com]- 182. ./' _4 ,2, '-, ‘ . ‘ ‘&’\‘§‘«>«v§?§8§8t§88 05%“: ’3.
z :L number of bulls a? h J , ‘ I J . ‘ I > \ in“ .3.
LCh the huntvm w' ‘ > n
. / , Ill 1" .
may; The meeting 1 go “i Leland Hathaway, 3 Noted Hunter and H' D .2.
180mg three races in I? ’ is aughter, a De: 3. ‘
vmr trials must. be l‘f. - vetee 0f the Saddle. ? ‘
‘ V.|‘ (.‘””oonooooooo ”‘
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Frlday, March 3, 1950
. .
‘ll . p . [Tau Kappa Imtlates
5mm VLWV i
.‘LAEN "‘L aye, ”E 6E1 ‘ Tau Kappa fraternity recently
; {Ft He A a “a, ‘hcld initiation and pledging.
i ‘ H t . . .
. ‘1'! (Effigy? E r {1 l New initiates are Sumner Bort-
. «: i , , ._ y -- Y r_
1 1‘" 0"" u ”E'Lfifil “L Jinan, and games Lee. , lhe pledges
E— 1?} , 1ior this semester are Herbert
m 1 .60 P34; £5915" :Moulder James Adams and W11-
\1?‘ L-‘ , - .39.,Tai‘ " ’
‘ IJeEWA’eE‘ ’5‘?" * 1Q ' V" *" ham Mullins. g
. . T , . i
if Miss Carrie Lee I'iuhziwny of Lex- l 7.. 0 _
-ti:ig'ton has presented a (ffilieel'ion of;
Civil War letters. memoirs, diaries, iHatlmway's uncle and of Captain
Iplioiograplis, (bonnienis, and scrnp— lifethaway who were in General
iibooks to the lvigrgnret I. Kin: Morgan's command and were prison—
‘Libi'nry. The scrapbooks are D211— 01's of war with him. Descriptions
iticularly interesting as a reflection lure given of prison life during the
50f reconsirucnon days in Kentucky 1Civil War.
I Miss Hathaway's fatner, Captain;im»fi—E__.__h
1Leland Hathaway, was one of three 3 ' ' " ” ' ’ '
parolled Southern officers who were i ; '
serving as volunteer bodyguards; for : PLATE
Mrs. Jefferson Davis when the: LUNQH ‘2',
Davies were captured and. taken to i "
Fort McI—Ienry, Baltimore, Md. J
The letters include those of 15183 3 ~.
-—_»——-»_f~—~~——-»W--ifi~~ir 77*. I :
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r’fiifif y‘~~""§§% ..fIS-g._-,?;f‘“§{”*§%u%w$~fzd .Mjmyéw 533.,
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i £1.36:«huggingy---.;;;;a-?i13;ffi \J’A... ' ~uirzfi£3édiuifik ‘
; ‘ , Photos by Don Cravens.
;. Merritt shows one of eight boards holding his choice enlarged photographs . ~ '
l , ~ 0 o ’ .,
l .. . ,
l , ,
i For 10 years past/Lanier Merritt has Spent . ' i
, . . . . .
his spare time assembling a .photo gallery '
of Confederate generals, nearly completed i
. _ - , l -
_ By Josephine Murphey 3, , .
, , l
IN SPITE of several ancestors who followed Merritt can reel off name, rank, outfit and l
the Bonnie Blue Flag, and the patriotic biographical highlights for each, without a ;
devotion of hismother, who has been heard moment’s pause. l .
tQSay, “I'd tie up my head in rags ..if it would This familiarity with the departed gentle- ; _
help the Confederacy,” Lanier Merritt grew men to whom he devotes much (if his Spare I
. up, like many a latter-day Southerner, with time caused a recent visitor to remark, “You’re ! .
__ only a perfunctory interest in the War Be- going to have an easy time of it in Heaven." 1 ~
tween the _Slates,’ His knowledge of the pi'in- “Yes, I‘m- going to have a kit of friends :
eipal participants in that conflict was so there,” the collector replied, .
sketchy that he probably couldn‘t have. (115- ~ - .. 3
tinguished Jubal Early from Tubal Cain 10 ERTAINLY it will be a happy day, for .
years ago, when he fll‘St becameginteresfed in Merritt if he encounters John Hunt Mor- .
what the fianlfees used to call The War of gan, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Wade Hampton
the REPEHWH- . _ r“ or Jeb Stuart, since those stalwart cavalry-
It ups} the late\,\lai“ga’ret hlgchell who was men are his top-ranking favorites.
respon81 .e f0] ‘Ieans fin mg the Lost After the adventures of Scarlett O’Hara
Cause. Kindled by. the ieading of her claSSic. . , . , _ .
“Gone With the Wind" his enthusiasm for got )Ieiiitt inteiested in the “an, he began
. , ’ ._ _ ‘ ., reading everything he could find on the sub-
things Confedeiate flamed like a biush fiie . ,, . , n -
‘ in Au uqt Before vou could saV “Pierre Ject. I staited on John Maigan, he said
G'ustavi Toutant Beaui'e ard " he was collect- recently, “and _then I soon switched Off to
in Confederate memoraltgigilia ’with all the usto FOFTGSLH Forrest probably heads the ”St Of
ofga U D C historian g his pet generals, and he once prepared a win'- ‘
Yn life .511 ed' ' d cad h h a g d- (low display for a local bookstore employing .
arl rk bl cce 1mg feb (l: e (1:5 {Flags}, six different photographs of the Wizard of
dderlina t a e numt :1 0,”? tls an v En bnie h' the Saddle, in addition to various examples of
0- 1911.5 connec e “1 w \ a ’ .Lt IS Confederate arms, ammunition and flags.
masterpiece is a monumental collection \of ‘, , . ,3. , ,
,. photographs of Confederate generals, full, lieu-’ The fact that Meiriit s likenesses, which in‘
tenant, major and brigadier. , .. , - . . elude a fine set of 108 steel engravmgs and
The walls of the apartment he "shares with etchings of ethnic full generals, lieutenaint gen-
his mother, Mrs. Hari‘iotte J. J0hns’0h,“at 1519 erals and ”333‘” generals “1 the Confederate
Gale lane are almost covered ,with framed army, contain numerous cluplicaies accounfs
likenesses of most of the 460 generals who for tho total of better than 1000 pictures in his
served in the Confederate army, Merritt has collection.
pictures of all the full, lieutenant and major Among the more interesting photographic
generals who wore the gray. and lacks only items are the old-fashioned caries de visite,
25 or. 30 lowly bi‘igadier generals of having many of which contain several tiny, thumb-
the entire galaxy of commanding officers. nail-sized pictures on a single card the size of
He also has more than a dozen old-fashioned a playing card, and a collection of slightly
albums, padded and covered in tooled leather larger photographs, each accompanied by the
or velvet after the fashion of their day, which autograph of the man represented. Merritt
are appropriziie repositories for hundreds more obtained the latter from a Baptist preacher in
of his generals. The pictures in the albums Tulsa, Okla.. to whom he was referred by a
are not identified, except on the back, but Nashville minister who had fallen into con- ,5,
, THE NASHVILLE TsuhizssaAN M ' ~
~ 3i". AcAsz ,
. MN. is. i950
I 4niklius‘6’ea/‘Err NATHAN BEDFORD “6” 171535 Fl“! \.“*1 ‘III .
I _..-.. awn/m2 FORREST - m...,,,,,.
£1..- , .»,!‘1;:‘h‘~ ".:.,:,?&,:.2’ “fit in, . ‘ 4 ~ -‘ . "$312. '3'. « -1';~“‘c,.',1‘;.‘\r":
1. ‘21“ I. . '5'}: 2 4'2 12 ‘1 t. 11,, "’17 v.3“
-’.I.)" ' ‘5‘ ‘2‘ -. . 1.3, :I. ' I ' .I' ‘ , i .' ' :22 . I,‘
. 2 Sl‘mw 1 1 *“““”‘""“’°“" ( ‘
A T ......... ._ ....,_.. K P a 1“ <2:-.---A » 22. ‘rw’v-H
1 i ‘ "lhe \‘Vizdni of t l‘ .‘tt 1’ “ , '\. N‘
i , W‘ 2. 1 1 - «we, *4: “W k
f , \c {32". _2 ,. . ‘ “ .
.. ~———.—:'-m,, .' _ "" .. __ . 5. \
22- . - $.21. , -2. are
All six pictures are of Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, Merritt’s favorite
versation with him on a bus after he observed metto musket dated 1852, a $50 bill said to have
the big, old-fashioned album on the collector’s belonged to Forrest which was given Merritt
lap. by the general's granddaughter, and others).has
He had been reading about the Confederacy been a considerable problem, bUt nothing com-
and collecting in desultory fashion for a couple pared to that posed by the eight hinged boards.
of years before he decided to channel his ef- a 1.1“19 more than five feet square each, on
forts toward the writing of a book incorporat- Wh‘Ch he has mounted enlarged photographs
ing the pictures of all of the Confederate gen- of the generals comprismg various units of the
erals and a sketch of the life of each. For Al‘m?’ Pf Tennessee and the Army Of Northern
about eight years now he has been working V113"??- , _ ,
with that in mind, keeping a set of scrapbooks William J- Hardees corps, Leonidas ,POIKS
with a page for each general and noting facts corps, Stephen G.1Lees corps and Forrests cav-
on the appropriate pages as he reads. altar of 1the1 Army of Tennesseg; dthe first? sele-
. . . on anc t m corps, comman e respec ivey
1 , 51909 the amount of'readivng he can _do. 15 by James Longsti'eet, “Stonewall" Jackson, and
curtailed by the eyestrain involved in his Job . ,
. . _ . , A. P. Hill, and Jeb Stuart 5 cavalry of the Army
as artist for the Werthan Bag corporation, Mrs. , 1 , ,. . . ‘. . .
. ‘ . of hotthein Virginia comprise the eight (ll-
Johnson often leads aloud to her son in the ,. . . . . 1. .2
, . .1 . 1 . , Vigions. Each bOdld is arranged “1th the com-
evenings. We sometimes spend three or four mandin eneral in the center of the to row
nights a week that way," she said recently. ,. g g . .- . . I.) '
, y, . “1th his three lelSIOI‘l commanders directly
Merritt has been a 300599“ to the W ”113m beneath him and brigade commanders on either
B. Bate Chapter of the United Daughters of side.
the Confederacy, to \f'thh‘l‘llS mother belongs. All of the pictures used on the boards are
W hen, they need a b" M ieseaich into the “_fe 8x10 enlargements of smaller pictures in Mel‘-
and times. 0f any Confederate SO'l(ller,..\lel‘l‘1'IK ritt's collection, and all are framed in steel gray
IS the logical candidate for the Job, Since his frames, with the oval pictures posed against
knowledge extends constderably beyond the gen- mats of pale lavender. Red stars are pasted on
erals 1“ “mCh he has spec1alized. the glass covering pictures of generals killed
He has not. however, been nearly so popu- in action, each star indicating the place and
lar with the editors of Life magazine, whom he date 0f death. Beneath almost all of the gen-
has forced to admit the inaccuracy of several erals are brief typewritten biographies.
published statements about the war. When Merritt's interest in the Lost Cause has
they stated that Jo Johnston‘s was the last brought him a measure of fame as a collector,
command to surrender, for example, it was but there are probably those ardent Confed-
Merritt who pointed out that that honor right- crates who would say that he has even gone 1
fully belonged to Edmund Kirby—Smith, in com- a little too far. Carefully segregated from the
mand of the Trans-Mississippi forces. Southerners, but nevertheless present, are pic-
tures of some 50 Yankee generals which Mer-
FINDING house room for the sizeable library ritt acquired from the war department. Some-
of books dealing with the Confederacy, and times he takes them out and eyes them a bit
for the odds and ends of sentimental value (such doubtfully.
as a lock of \Vade Hampton's hair, a large col- "1 just don’t know why I got those things,"
lection of Confederate reunion badges, a Pal- he said the other day. ***
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.3381? .71??? fuel). '1'. «1:3 , an?" ‘e'. . 55:95?“ .:$1‘fv:¢;lr"...«*".:~v:‘i- -; ‘ . ’. ,fiéé‘th 1.1.1:. .» {>1 3 Z ”L "I m meg“ ”mm?“ 91m?” 11:“? A11-
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fr%.<.c‘a‘€":.~:~i . ”‘33. 3“ .La' -. ; ‘ . * . . . 41»; £3 *2. ~1’ J. ‘ 1. ‘L Mil-"2‘“.- h““‘ of Whom Were C ~ r . L .1
firfwflé'k £ . _. -. , 1 . .. 3 . .. - . . ,. A. , .1 . 231$;an . 31.13%} 33 W1 .. 2931.3;er i a f . . . 01 “' nunme. l
«w -- 2 - , . .. W ‘ ., ‘fi?¥‘iyui\‘a , 0 WW Officers m the Rssor‘intirn 3M .
3 2!. ." ‘..;.’fq?"‘,LL«-s"“‘i:‘1~ 35%;“. . .. _ \ , .13, .13; .1233'KA‘5 bluoght \\ 1th them annuallv here u 1
.w ..... 2. w . ..A A. . a...” ,. _1: s ._ thug. r'}z’/,‘;'g_1 - . . . , . " ’
. __._._ «MAW .... . . 1, .._ . .~ . . a3 5.151;; , . 1:.“ 111?.«311 humln] of lady and gentlemen friend: I
-———_...,. 11...... e ,. .)._..m,M_mvmu m... “AMA,“ . 7:... ,, ,.':"", _ -..’...3“"":“ / '_ -"'-“:"‘..'":‘;"".'LV*' I '7 . v. w - . . . . . > 3
THE: 3:171 _ _ *~l::~-»....... ....,..... - “HAM ...m-.- _ .m, ,. -L~—v:;;_1.;2 1 .4“... in... '1,~.:--1?;_;§ejl l E ll \\ .1419. of pittslmlg, .11 noted (131”th ‘
. TUChj/ .\3_} f \.27T-‘:.'“'- 799:, . .3 15—23%" . . .1n.......l__..._....,i,m”_v - ~-.o.1.....~___, 7 ..:.L and plnluntln‘m)ist. known through- 1
- i, .. A .143»; 1‘. . ;. w-v~~u<~............,....i: T the 1.11119 . 1 W .
_ . .. 1, ; . 1 ,d 15mm: 11.: :1. la 'n‘
EXINGTON. Ky. Nov w) 1.». - nfflom‘ <1lorte me ~ , 1‘ 1 0f the
. 1 , V "'5‘“ Ni‘iL‘ in the I'nlon ..‘1 :. 1. .1 . ,. L. " “L” plesu‘lt last year
01a.]--—A fresh red in; m. 'u L. H. ”K litll } ' ‘ LL.‘ “not 11, 1%. ‘Hul :vlz.» mm.» ; 1.1 mm ,_ C “L l‘>(“\'121'1§ Cxl‘c-en. John (1. Hflvumkor
. 1. . .K... ._: C‘ 1 l) . z . n H * L _.,_, (r, ' n)‘ . ... ', 7‘ I
falFlY open country, 11...... , H 1 .1 f 0”} . L - ., . ill. um... m- I..L.-i.11,...p.._.k.,_.[ «11.4.- rum-11:... «Ll. .l Illsbmg, M1,, and H. p. Sturgil] o"
..... "e m r::' _ -' '1. .- . .. 1.. :' . " " “ (mun. ... ..,. . .. ‘ "
ally bred foxhounds ol's; bl. r .- 1,. 3 mm hm “ HUM 191mE 1“ the pally. m Vuaglvvu. w m. .,L' ”1.1m. \‘\' “l" “‘9’“ among the first
6. .: .. .1. ,,.v‘ . . _ .l ‘ .n . ’ ‘ '*~.- 1 . ' ..
the Derby—the puppy event mi" ".1 \‘ \1- mm” b 301mg . 1‘ X“ 1? “'11,! mm. '1' W“ “”3 I‘m” 11“" M“ ”1 |ZHSLMIUE mm ME M]. U. R JOSM’ of
. . . .1._L 1 ,1 h 4. é%1_1.e~_' kw; . . . . (x1011 'R.‘ " ‘ 1 ~‘« ., '
thHBJ FOXhUHters‘ ASSOcl'it'n -. A ‘. L (,Lhum. .mrl “0: .~ .- A 1 whim“ m. 5.”. WW.” m “AAA" 17, AA . ALI x... 1.x mm oi the \lte mesh.
cry with Ju t . . 11.1.1741. .111 1'1‘9’1111111‘. “1-le (‘mnfm .\<.,1n.. but 111.51 :m- 3W.“ 1'o‘flm‘21n~ ‘ ‘ Ir...
. s a stem .. ,. . ‘ _ ' ‘n'onl'ine' " . . . . '3 ’ ' 'l‘llo ('- X . -. ,.
ioned rail f e or £11. 1:.._,fl...h. . r. Roger \Villimns lllll’l . mm. :M slum 11 11.11 HIM] the A .1 hunt” 1.. nmkrn (and Open, with
ence now and th-m H. anv‘ m“ "’L""I‘Pi’11'y "H‘l x . | l.\ .Jmms ‘1'”113‘T“V']"‘\'111'“thorn}. 1111.: I streams 11mm: and there. TINT?
. - ; ' .1 1. n: 1135“. . L L51.” . - - V ’ a ' "I ‘ -‘ - ~ 7 I I ’
high the two hundred horsw-p. 1.141 l I t t L}, ”“11““ ('1 11w lnmrvus l'm‘er‘w'ihqw ‘1‘" H" ”m” to nflord hnlmg Dlnm‘e
. ‘ L = LL" ‘I‘PFC-‘ll 1 . “10‘ ~.~ . "“ ‘ ‘ ' ' "L 2' ‘ ~ . ,1 4 ' 7W
homewomen varlety, is a brief (1.» .U» 2.. .1 0 511} l , Lu} Ltd [UM ‘3 m “a"; 35"“) “V UV”? Im1 tm {0393‘ and dwm‘dmg to the
11"1;. murmur 1 . nu. '.}:42l11!~0~~1 ..- - ‘ 9': - + ‘ ~ . v
tlon of the Scene that will be v1.1 l .1 H r: of. Lie 1m .11 1:1“? 11. 1him—11111 \\.[l1 fnxhnumle that A t Omen. or people 10>.omg “hm” hew
- 1,: .L .1: ....L..,.. . 'L\ 1“: w 1L“ ‘ ‘ " '3 -
1n NelsOn C0unty the ‘1 .e, ; m n mung at 511mm. nothn An;](,& .1“ lllllt 1.x.» famous: :15: m. ”u [All 71ml foxes aboum. thi‘Oughout the
lovers of f coming ‘.‘ 1.le 'l‘l1.1 ‘ 1.1. we hundred mam . .. . " ' “Ll“ M 11w lhm-uuthm-ri l'u\’- “who. r«‘o that the hunters need not
. . ‘L '2 Lzom . "V-w . ‘ ‘ ' 7. ~ .. .
['nlted “It Oxhuntmg from all “L‘L flu: ,. l moat 1“” PM?“ :L L - . . 'Lmill‘11étlm 1111545. “”‘ltl’L’éi' :LInl 3-,]..1112l11 :10 “11011“ 1thdh “‘0 01 three miles from
. , . . . ..';‘l. .. . , ,- . _ . lk‘ 1““ ‘ :‘ " - ' .
ill b k ates are already CI'OSMHL, Mn 7,. 4 -,~) 10‘? .1115 1mm l""'"“’ “llwr hum. 1‘ C‘llilm‘ 13”] L 1.ue. Tne («Commo- l
.~2;L1.LL..' ., . ; . 1.,1 u. _ .. .mn' ' . 1 r. .
e orders of the greatest fO.‘L:lH’l5l . ( L 7 K; (11‘ (193911.14 " "‘ “ . .2 ;; \l‘lUT‘lll‘lu .1. 1:3.” ML” 1““1“ ““311 u-m Ln r 3 (111111)]?! and COL “1111-41113 8
W+95W \ L»... \‘ amen \Vm have mm... W v» . 1. .. 1 u... u ,‘ .£_‘.’r:1“—h:lll‘:ul “my.“ _ 11. 1 .. . 3. nvr‘x‘m ZIC<‘fJ1111110rlq,ti .1 _
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nO'l‘v+¢, ré+\°/\'3‘<‘>‘1‘£L'X‘Q*X‘é+1§+1§+<éol1dflms.1.. r. 1 I . . , {MSL‘LL‘H ‘H'l‘x' 5”" 1‘.“ l'llllH his llolx-‘w (“‘1 11‘;YA.‘L}1‘1(>IHIUIL“ hm“? 1‘ has been DH“’— (3
_ . , 1,.v " e .1. L? 1- 1 L'/-.-1. . 1 . . . ‘. “‘3“ “”“lwk-V “Km““ds ““1 hunt i)
, , .1 #5:.“ ".11... ,g.-,;.,-_ .. ,. . ,
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