-_ ... '
s. . 3 3 2 3 -.':-,v 6-  33 = 3
\3 3 . _ > 3 >3 _ 3 = 33 . = -- wiwm,
, ,3333 35. {3:33 Lit: . ' .'3 733333 ,3 33A,.333 3 59317; >..-=...;-,..-~.~.s.r.~.,> ,, ..ElF-W = _..,f 3.3-. ....l, ...,RL331; 3 3_ ,33 , t f__;33.1~,._r 7171.. i 3333 3333 3 :3:
. z ' = 2 3; > f -.  W:=::r.::;:i -' 4 "~":5, 1*. . '-. 1%
x r WW .. ,, .. . .. > . - otsam ; Av '- .
,,>- =3 .> w-"jZLijiiiiffE" immmm f HIS Slaf documents Will derycom- Ww 2.
; > ' 4 332 E JEFFERsoN Davis. parison with'tliose of an statesman l" P 7 HT W .._ . 5 __ '41. 1'
. .. l . . = y . NI ~ i l in ,
3 -, I 353213,, Taking it for granted that the release 3. whoever lived. Cbaste as theorations E minor a y. = - 
3s 3 , 3 \3 , 3 . of Mr. Davis implies that his enemies '> of Cicero; as polished as the periods of 'E n Y FATHER RYAN.  ' E17233 E
l ' 3. . . .72. 2;.f="=:..:.,;-ff;7 . no longer thirst for his blood, we may 1 Tacitus; ~manly as the battle . watch- in 29,-?
x, ,3 ,.._.,.5 , . . . - I V l 5",
.. 3 L , E now indulge in those reections which ;3 words of Brutus, or Bruce, Tell or GMEW 1E7e>530.19d (35
s .3 E. . 5' - Eacontemplation of his character su-g EWaslngtou; there they stand, to be 3', WEEE)ElEEEEQtEEEJItEIEEi: Efgigugt,l:l:il,ilf trust 35%";
3, 436; E 3 =. 3 3 gestS: 3 3. 33 3 3 f admired when the tumultuous multi- 3E [X111] fell in tliebcuuse, though lost. still EEC
,3 .3; 3 2 . z ' Without discussing his political tude that triumphed over them shall E3E jut, , EE
_ W E, E , .\ faults, We may now can to notice his have passed away and. been forgotten. Aiill died for me and With Eng;
- E. , 3 . 3 =3 ' -.~ 3 E peisonal Viiiues. Within? questioning 3Asa measure 0f policy, hm release ll Gather iliem,e2icli and all, E' '-
=3 ,3. . .3.\3_33;3=;3.,1 theJustlee. of the censure of his ene- , W111 be pacmcatory. Had'he been 0011- 5E From the private to the chief; .':'E E
3, .3 _3 3 ,- ,3, mies, we may criticize the euiogium of demned to deatli,.hls blood would have Quins they from hovel oi- princely hull. .':};igi
33 33 3 33.3,, 3 . 3. 33 3 3 his friends, Without apologizing for stained the hands that shed it; but the 5 1131336333, if E t3}S,illli13f()l'3tEie3l3n sliouldmll 13:3:
3," _ 3'ir E '3- 3 Ehis blunders, we may now ask how far 'imperisliable renown of his abilities K ears 0 3," nation 3 HSL ' {51}:
3 3f 3; .3; _ :5 .3 __ .  3%:52,;,.=33he has been culpable. What part had Ewould have remained . untaruished. E G'lwl *6 corpses mew" ;
3 / , 5333 ., -' Ey-i.'~__ ' 3 a3 :3; he in causing the strife which lately Eyeh 11941 he been the only man at the 3: I1 0'8" many a buttic-plai3ii, 31335;?
i , ,. , , must:   . ' . i' i: ' t '1 \H z' i i 5"
l . ass: :1 . , a 2i swept over our country? How farwas South Who advocated resstance to : a}Ei'toti33in'fhativiihtsli he
i 3'"; : . [_7  13,133: , he personally responsible for the vio- Northern dominatiOnvand aggression, Gather the Southern slain. ' ' 32E
. KNEE:  , j.3- _. lence that shook the continent, and . the worst that Euld havebefallen him, 3: W , t l tl  . res,"
'- : ,3. 3'; 3 . .  2" " scattered abroad over wasted . WUUld only have rendered more inter- Whether unknown or known to fume, ESE.
3 , - i? i'_:, = - 33 3M. 3 elds and desolated homes? Since vestingly melancholvthe causeto which i 'llieir cause and country still the same "if,
 E\- _ i - . .i , ".x E  ",'  " 1 ' .  *
, ' -> . E '5 ,  '- : -- his farewell speech in the United II he would have failena martyr. E lhey died _aml wore the gray.
. / ,: EM . E- 2  = -. States, when he implored ltS fanatical E Bi"; we 10% sight Of-hls Pelltle] " \Vherever the brave have died, " 1
W  ln-E E ,. :. . 2 , majority with pathetic eloquence not} zafwlls in our We f0? thevabsoiule 3 .TEWSShOUEd llotl'eo'ti 3P3? _ .
E9" E3 1;; .'3' 3. ,fggyto attempt the subjugation of the EEglalyneSS 0f the mam There is a 3004 IGEngE L1133E83tl'u3ogle3d 1? b5; SEER?!  . : E
. .3 3. .3333}; .  3011,3113 he has acted for his people >= lossal grandeur in his character. All :3 \' AEESISHJEEE; E38213: 63:11,; ,5mfggt ' E w 0 E-L.':>_.._-*=
3 3: 3; E ,= .. 3, 3' ~n0t for himself. They, not he, in sti 3': the scrutiny{if-espionage; slithewillai  5 , ' ' E;
_. \ 3i ' 33;!- .3 ' _ = * gated resistance to abolition encroach; :; ingiand SWifbVWitileeses 01" treachery ; 2 GEEEEEM tlieii-3s3cattercd 3clay, Eft
3 3.371533; . 33E 3 _= '3. g .3 ment, His uilshaken condean in 3.'3- all the pliant s3uggesti30ns of_ cupidity E 1,333,333,388: EmEEEgiEi-EEFEJ the bloody fray E
i 73 '. E3 E. g ~3 ' 1 E .~._.>,s.-; the courage, endurance and invincible have heel}- invoked, in .vain, toshow E Just as they fell on the battle day, . E 33.45:
, .3 E3 >3 3 , . 3 = . .3: 32,333.35; determination of the Southern people 35 that he ever did acorrupt thing while :33 Bury them breast to breast. Eff.
..33. A; . ; E .':". > . 3 may be said to be the basis 9" every 91" '3' in power; a, never was human frail- Ellie idem-an need ilotdreiul 1 7
=' E " _ 3.3g = r01 he has made as a politician;' .He E Ely more 3se . rely tested, 03F mere hero 3E 3lliis gathering of the brave; 1K4,"
_3, 3 .3 =43. V3 3 53:; believed they could never be conquered. E ically triumphant, than in this same >313 Without sword or ag and with sound-31 3.3:;-
a. :1! * E  'QEJEleaeted on thatbeliefuiitilitbecame 2 man, stripped of'allrhis glittering W 19*: '03; 3 t, , i d ,
~53 ' ,3 33 ,9 3 :33 3: _ 3 3: . :-,'_,:3,3 _ 3 ' =A '- _ . i 3. r . , -' i.  ._' ' " T- A EH" E
v-\3 * lv ' 359,3, 3: 33 > > ,, 3 5 :3 infatuation. He did not call them into 3i,gu;3de ," 33 helplessly at the mercy UT l 8,33; (ficEjlugengglgrzzeE en 1.9% cu  355-
\33 E 3 '33. 3. i=3: 33 strife. His pe0ple acted rst; Missis. liisfztpersecutors_as333ev33e'r33was Napoleon EE ' ELEM":
ETlEs-a , 3' it. .':. _' . '- #E'Sippi called him. As a courageous son L himself; feeblejin health; imprisoned; E TEE foe-1113:3111 heed 1}: frown, 3 . E33,
, 1 5 forimsoil, he responded to her can. : jea}ummatesssempovemhedi denied E wtElite{2};iZlfrSSiEiiiXl-e a): memtt
,1 - ' 3,;_3' - E , x Q ,. i,.3ngf-Hefwas twice chosen President Of the 3-trial; {..I'efgeez 3.3vind'ication33; _ 173 E ' down, if;
It. 333313.533 L ,3 EEF'EQGovegnmeutof the Southern States, set , Sulted; 33hqndcu'ed; CHAI3NE3DL. yet And 531:5 and prayers are the only ClOWll.,EE:}3jl3:
3, 333333d3-~'-=:>3-.2 3133)?ng free will of the people of gingham/and majestic am his adver 3 We bring to Wreaihe each brow. E
3, 033.; a :3 E'f'git-lieSQ Statesnot by any political E'Slty' ' He asked no favor Of his tor- EAnd the dead must meet the dead. Eli: E
' ' 3 E =3. 4 5 demagoguery of his own. Hg did not j mentors. >3He protested With Roman  While the living oer them weep, 31
3 . NE". " E .. - ' . .m1:,EE,iseel< the oice, It sought him. What 5 dignity; 396 in thenumeot an Amer- And the men3w3hom Lee and Sto3neuill3led
. -/. " E _ * _ . - Ehe did while in the exercise of ? icansi. against whetihei considered a -, q"? E,E,lf:,E :E,;,EE;E: Ef'get M e  i .
=, 1;; <1: . . 7;: if, .531 .: j; . ,fAE-rthe duties of -that ofce belongs ..tlegradation, butnevera' nerve in 111.3 E g :m -13! .. E:
'3 EV,- " _ fill 'E ' ,E .t0 the hlStOlY"th not t? theE body: would his"= proud" soul allow to, :E ._ RING Tum? g ggiiwg.% .':Eh'u
Eli E555"??? gweeecret history ot those? 'times.' "" , . = .  t " ,-' ' a;
..4 - (...1..... - .. .u . >.|r= tremble With fear?. . .= - > > - .
, .. . . .2.: ' :7 ex! >> . _ = , = - ~ - =' ; > . ' - >. , =. i. * , a , 0 this strange World Oi :
l':iiigsiHWhaievelhehas donehas enamel; {And out of all these triaisLau these i me 833:1 on? m . . , M 3,
1; > if 3; E" 1. m 1broad,daylight; and 110'? all the Nb" romantic vicissitudes of good and evil ,4} No more to fatherits thorns with its owers; r 3=,.',r3
,= rill- .' E233i;.,I--'5',','~~'-'.'22:35::..::?1;,;.= '.-- ' _: d r d Conovers and  - 1: No more to lnger where sunbeauismus-tiaile. #3;
4r . ("'E. E -.'..::-'Ef.:*;=-"-' .': '13 33 "_ Fed an pelJure _" .33) De; .hesteps forth upon the ball or -'. Where, on all beauty, death's nger's are laid; .ej' .'
3 :15 ' =3 1:; 13 ;":i3;;;,fj.Stantons and'3Holtsonearl>11,,00__131d ever he; who vouch for his honor, al- :ij Weary with minglinglifos bitter and sweet, #31; 3,
5 - E 1 f mm t Web" has for thirty years they have agi- than}:lasso-13:1.agitatorsm.
' '- a: Eijxio his name. He was as conscientlous gated oppositepolitical principles. Hi5 E): King the bellsoftiy,tberes crepe on the doori ,
= ,  79.1%- 3.., 7~2.'.'.f=LEiiiii-;endrcrupulous in his administration 3" 1d family servants scorning-their en- :i Ring the bell softly,thero'scia1)80 tbedoori i/ '
33 . 3. 333:. f3: ;f/"~ 333. 333,333? Regulus. He did not seek to over- EEE'orced enfranchisemqllt, are amongjhe l some one is reeling from sorrow and sin,
' E; , ESFEL "throw the liberties, or invade the ter- EErstto' rush. forward and bathe the l [319312323 SshgffdearlgzrcggEgrgrgnz3131033332E333 > .5 ,3-
= v  M was . .. =  - - 0. 5 ' ' - ' =
' .3115 ~ , ' GEEEgif-I'r3 *~ 3: _:.T1t9.1ylf other States. He moderated Elband 0f their master Wlh tears Of J05" : When the sweet sunbeams have brought 1E9
_ _ ~EFV his ambitionto the defense of his own. E'EEight millions of people who-have e: W therir 23m,- 33 3333 3333 33333333. 3 ,r 3 3E3
. . : _,7&1:r'-,';:>",_3_3,-j.>5,.45 . ' - ' . .  ' -  -:1 ear 0 sow u an nev "
. 33; 33 _3 3 Q, 3.3.7,: Uri 3333H3e3d1d not seek to impose his govern . 3,33% that 1115 snerings were their own, ,., Wear; with lab'ogr and welcoming sleep 3!; 53 3.
33 3 ggtfgisg5f333flg3;'3rgi;ment on a peopleiwho did not want it. 3331 up their heads with a sigh of rehgf3 some on departed m heaven's bugm short 3,33 . 333:3;
3 33 2 . :3. 3133.313 -_~ 233,- 23He3_merely asked that the Southern Efrtnd wonder if the measure of abolition 3 {5:25 :3: [21313 2:13:13? 2335-2313; 3333:1353: 213: Elli: 3:833 3, 3 .3 3:3;
EECw-k''ii ::'~-E Statesmight 1"? let alone. :19 no gndiciiveness be full.  . , 1 3  E f:
5 V = 35332" fi3f",3.3;33;=i:insfandedid transcend the powercon- E Whatever moral the future historian 13 ggggiyg33gigg$13gzn 3:331:55: 33333g3333 W3
, 3 twee: 33:33: dedato him. by._the , Congress and 33mm, derive from the life-pf Mr. Davis, 3 street;
3,35,! 3",- :_ $323rwconstitution of the Confederacy, 1.10 this renown will be 'impeiishable, and 3, Lovedbfeiggs have whispered that some onels 3s}: E
3153 . 3i;- rqu3' rgmattc'r how tempting the expedienw- Efthen those who may thiukthe'South E Free from earths trlaii,snd taking sweet rest, '55;
EM! E g'~i*r" (E ._Igiad he possessed s3u1c1entp ersonal "T Ehad no rights the North werebound r ggglgsert: l: gagging 33113323233213 13:31:12; 323"" 3,1
.. ' ' 4" main2'v.>}-=,?;:Ef>_:-;::-,I-=.i5qu " , ,' . ' 5 . v - ' a " Ere-':- "'7
... ._ _3_.-3._ :;,,,3J K3333; uence at the outstal, to be 1:9 30 e 5_to respect, Will be compelled to admit . 03333 more departellto Heavens bright shore. 33,333
E ':Lv-{:"HE" .531? mover, to SumPlO u233333the' eVll pas- fithat the 3 Cm'ederate President has; Ripg the bellsoftly, there's crapeun use 2310013! y:
3 ;31~( , 55:";3' . 333333-Sighg of menv32,vai1d'toleadithe white Eat least taught the country by aterrible : Ring the bell soitly.theres3 craps out 0 col 3 3
E V off": *':f 9"iiidibleclier-rmrs 9f: she'louth lnEo-Elesmn that they 00mm: forge how clajivisvxtrs June 17, 1'82.'Kizidllrinf0mi'rue Ef E
= *=.. aMime-in.easiest-peruse;9.9?we) iaan'gerousitiswinvade even 1? P- {5 whothewihbrisvf thewlosed We weir-xiiiw
3,3 , ,3.)ij .. @3:;,:;? :3q3,:3.-j3g3-3i3:3ghvmglnt3 . to .3 desolate ~ thei3 Eli-ow one resolute man can punitsh ME .33; 331313 33131323 EEEEES'beiEeObIE-Bfghc 333033333 333333333 ,. 3 3 . 333%,:33
'2 a"? " sift/tars? "ah % i e be] lessness' an *3- .- ' n the constitu ionu . whhhedym sun, .  31,}:3, 3452s,:
110' E J" 3:: .%E~jgfpi E Egelvdse outlagu p.  .lnfiingelnell lipo h  f l'mi- . The mindlliasatfhousimd eyes;   . ,, {12.39}
in. E.E/.ii}-'?i"5 ~:3~2%,J33.12-7739-5tabilsh 1113313131tary 33 rule over _rights of thefellhno matter ow 0 3 i. 3 3Amltlielieart but one. , , 3 _ EM
2'2? 'lelgitbem; agaiuseitheir will; 'he"Wuld dabiemay be 161W EME'EEMEEES ' 'iigii'gcigici'iilem"ii-(ism" i3
 v > war. n}:*;;:;22"'-===1s~ ::,...*=* y u , 15" fun: E . . . 3 - - >. . ' ' " ' f ' " 1.i"':.,',; ':"
ls'k >1 - ifiligages???>.--.*~.-'E:meritI-~:the Odlumwh10h 1115 enemies the usuiptmn' I EE hg t, 1? AnswerThoseeight lines, entitled Light, 34;
.0 E  E3%%r'mziw "Hillier L toattaeh t6 him. .He did .'cureer has been a benefaction 1:9 man Flounded the reputation of Frimcisw, Bourdmoe. 1;? a"
=11: 7" ' N7 gfetmigiar ':Eif'fien . 'ikindeven to those who hate 1m. . He wrc-bethem when he was an undergradueer'ef F-"nilfei E
got J; K iwg"'4'E1*:~.}iinothing. the3k1nd. H9 refused to or: 53 m  WorcesterCollege, Oxford. They were speedily Ei
5,3;th . Eggm f>3,::.33,;:,33,5 gaigaggfederate troops into >Missouri 3W _~~~,: 33339333331333 mm the principallanguagesqt.3u3,9pe3,. 3 ,,
an . , fifgawlgri'tilherLeUislatrie'PaSSed an NIH o.=-2niw.er.Thesaptiat :cburch haMhaWeW-z:Bcgentsays: Kaitlynwortwwmpm -' ,2:
ill* E5 1 r, ' ii .311 , 9,3 , Th":reluctance t0 membership 0: Any Evangelicaldenominationjns: '70 so smug, yenturez'jn yerse. Boilfdmonj .1313;
en in =1"? as awe af-secswi- . .' 3; . . '3'=5{tiiib'UnMd Swiss mineabbunazozoowwl theauthdner,smqnmhe.Mowers.and. Peel ' 57.55%
m.- E , f =, - 4...; gigge5wethemilitary Precedenee over 0 15ers. The Methodist Message 31,790.000:3_the; 33fbg13393a',y51j1me30f.;176 pages, ' puiilisheri in ,," '4" '=,-,,.
inf; '* ' 'i, 5: varitytibm ' earlyiperhapslnvoived ;~Lutheran,.950;90.0iEQMJ?15,W9FEEF~ 599=99i7t2n5011im1378v'l'y/43WwWM'MVQW 59-19:??- 351"
Ltm E; 3= 3 > #"W'EEEEE'EE 333: thge Jot-the 53330133343333.3331 go feChsan,59,1,90305jheCongrygagggqf3>igqt-3-Wp1954333133i3h13153e3>y3431$6g$ *3 par,
.= r ,. .. i ,, 3 tggalwtgig} 3333 3e333 3.3 , 3 .513, 1 _3 3 3 3 .EWOOQTthe:Protcs'tant-EpiSQOpl'-giq 3Q; 3 23333333333333;3.33353333333333333133333 _9 {51,533,
_* ' -' v _ ; sabj 3r32113menifyvgehiherstood at the ,head'i' ",yersalist, 27,000; the Unitarfan;i',lg' 2275:1193 I penioEIeS'Wo a MEN-3" ' = .> =
. a Ewe-.11? W- Boman Cotoliefchmha 'fnvlj.  ya >. - ' My,
,_ ? 33%;, i"  4 PH, '\-"._="==-;;>s_ L.>: W 3:14:91. A .-. .174."  a" I *w -:  
~~. -3 .3 .. =~ v, .- , aw: _.g m ~="'