M K - 4 ' .
t , _ . . . < Inna-- ,. :
1;" -.. I 1 . ~ :1. .  " I I
.2 1 U ,7 :3'*:;.'Iaqu_.>.,vvm W 1 h 1 v "
1 11 A "" " u 1 m.
L , 7 M _ aw, _. ..:...T __ V , .
11 Skinner ARM M INCIDENT 711 1 furrvm
If an 6 - ' " " ' 1 I a" " 1 '3' "III" II ., ,
11  3 , - Blg 1'11 9 1   I 1': < '  - ""j V 
11 1 1 wilhe Mardl-graslhs Semi}. n , and [10585 ; BRASSEIVS SON CLAU 11 11 1' ,.1"I g 17"} V ,
I, I In PlocA. - ' , - ' jI-II H5"? 1;-
1 11 Perssgogymrgo 010VV%:SIZ:(1: Tuesday Was 11 TheF ___.__ ' DIIUb' I #113521
 1 lemma 5 of Characte; e ludicrous im- ' 1111 He Blade fer a v ." 80m ,  1 .  f
1 1 than aids or the masses W111 live long in th 01d FolksA Ml.hlmrs BOYDistu , 1 away 3 Darling. 2
I 1  Peramn es ached. Amon  W110 laughed un e 011 Snot_Smash1 ung '01 Into aWax-(l 
11 I a 10110 listed the streets 11:1 1318 motley host W121; Al'ousiug a Policemang Glass and 1 vahel'e thgfjgggwhitewfished halls 11
. I a: ave10us.1 0 procg u. 01 andd ' ' I
00m" coking! 351011 We ____.__ "1de b 7 Wm; la 1 -
I I hDCIle Indian elIOW, re  5 , .3 bayonet . 5 y
; mg 5 - His me Presenting a D . balls - I5, shells , I
Hit was e Was 1331 Mr B 1 I'm: Fr S  and 
. his well In Iliad red 1 ' mSser \I . 39 Pram] 111116bod ,7, 1 I
, { 0  ade  1:15 a 1  110 In; . 3 5 Dar v . I '1
 o: ngwndggga feet Were up; Upon Claudisfg gliaughtwwf $211131? aVenue Soquaiy_ 1mg was home One 9 a
1 the beaded casms, and 11 pair ICceide I e other ,0 (1 Hum . , ~ I m Ys 1) , . i
1 I mum t , anglng b0 permissi evenn, ~ ed  e I' . hug SO '  1
adOZenmo E enciTCIedb fr0m_ Ytto Sta 911 1,0 3110 , _ _hls boy V 0 Have 1 .ang a: 1 , y
me 1 ., is body "'1'  Pen 1 y 11 mwl t - 1 lemma ,,  e: - I 1 -'
ms belt st 05 and as We halt P e Slee ~1 With 1' ~ 01 s 11111 Vet 1
. . , uck a h mnnysc 1 100m P GOWu st -. . 111- The 1:  -- On his 
H1310!) 5 eBSe-kmg 31133. Inld - 7 and the b v ans 1;} . 01d . (We ' P310 a I 1 I'-
8 black )1 e and a e .I dllectl 39 We the Sltti {3001 1  1  8913 I 31
11-0111th air Was banded _ the blade, , be y abOvQ.  re put. into 11%" l to be hid 1 :II
1 Esme: I I czaudggg have; 61112:; I In, 1fW by the dust of the I
n  urk . . OS ' e \.' . l
1 1 Sign ngD 1a 10111311313811 hand he 118:: I733: 111]: :1; $11211113 pgglgelelzflmrs bl$;e1?:ger 1 11155? 111g 113115 of his bnvl' l 1 a
> ' Any One )Ted With) 50 {I n Say t1) _  . 9y (lid , a ( A. ' ., l()()( 1S 1
1 famousx Whhad 6m memms 1 then 'u e. Prayers 1-1 "1 kneel MI tt _.
g) , ndmn Wan read or heard storms b J mp 1111.0 1) 19 good 1, v  1 (Id and d 3
W said he had 1 0131310y Nos .01 the the 1, utas soon 0d and be] 038 ,1 r amp are J
1. procession, aglssxirtmm the dead 31137511111?! haVe 1133331118183 Thug-1:33 d 001' Was 10:15:13 Kisglhle the Curls Of 1 1
' of the fore Was not th e that; night 9 more f ' 1'" SHOW of T . 1 I "1
at. It eblood.;mr ~ tDan I0 . . un arm blow ,he fmr v 1
. mm, and h was Skinne Sty rOver 1 l'Om 11 he on . ""1 here t Pale .  )Oung 1, "1
edidit to r, W110 perso Suit 9' Closetmev 1 1911 acre] ' , 10 The 1i )9 -
17 wasterrm to Perfecmm' His Dated , of Brassewg 3 brought out 0 501mm] ,, 1' of delicate 1 1i-
;1 Whoop, and Men and child appearance hateVer m,  01011109 Stuff 1" cast-off Back f. ( I S Dul'lin . . ' .lmuld_ 19
the r Temwhu an om  6 hand I - 1 them I 10m m 5 1 dvm r I '
hawk Wer 81701111310115 of e mSWar Straw hat, 9 tled the Wlth S beautlf l f 1 how. 3
e Carmina that mom our; boy v on ior a h mask and brow 11 blue-v ,-
Everybod eath 5"de Y 01m}, th Vas cm. 1 . Gad and . Br ' , Lined \ W
 7 511W th "911 Popul I e Other w -' u 13' ralsi  While 411 all t1 I
11: knew w 6 Wild [mu 41101131 I the s 5 bylng ch ng the wi 1e Wande -' I'
1 3511111115 u, but man, 'lh  eelotheS-l (low 1 gold' Hg "1 ' " ' 1
l  W 1'. nobod 1n fro e lma , ine a Cl- . - I   9* 01 I
11 at we taprocessimm y up an of the sit,ting_e as loweredrimnd (3551115112111ds 0n ; - 1 1
[I rests, Sh Wed 1 a (10m g r00m .- . 1 Own room 1 . V. 115 has
11 . by do! inner Would gem Tough 11119173110115 391- was 119111391609 or twice alngow, lifted , 5121(1'11S D'lllino om n(,w_ 1 Va,

. 113 into b . .and bra k  great- 1 0 leg . . u ode. 0 . I a IS still u I 1 I

, k  usual dose brooms and a mum Wh Jar. He w, .P Out, 9 bed ms- _ ml 1' .
1' 151{inner had at am 13 '1? king in 11111 (alum 11911111 50511111251 beWmng tghth 8 K1511 him one: f I 1
11 and hid among:i 1111009911" ten or $13 the me in 19 $33511 iuggesteuutg 113 Windgve 1 Turmur a 1113111111 801110111111 VIII 

\I his per 9.1: a, ke eon blocks BWa - {e got'i 11; Was a. . 10 .  yer 110th . . \u. I,
 gen 11 g o: re- , . 3', and a Impullad c0W ( . WI Wt 111 I1 I -I
PI  man . e Wag m  Waterhabout - there 11 5 he behel 119 curm- )ne blw 1' 1
f;  11086211211551! began to tiggktrlllm" to play 00-  h Gregg gigging? 01;: ..d $1118.11 staudnig- 111-1311011111 from its f-Lir nllt  I 
.' e 3 r V ,. e -  _ . I A 7   l of .
 less than; 1111;121:1513ka he tried tyfsafd! Iglggggrligto Bedflt 1ts a robber! and It? weresol1mboclys 1 5 , .

T119 Braces esmatten . 11 scre 9 my I {now ' pm 6 v  .I .

. Sion into ms 1med u . Ber are So" ' 1 5" II 1

0 passed w, hands. the 19 Wife , y0u a lebodvs . - s
111i In magi: 11211119. Skinnggnllm: asquareor 1770 1%): 1313113113138 to coizrhtfpgnohpol1133181111 AVlus 1131212113111): 3111111 111151199 [hem 115s
ro n I - We - . , 01101d' 8 ead m l ' 18 Soft " 1'
5km ve 1n , and She . Pered u ad . JaVe . - 1 mu - . 4
1 fact,1$::s 5311111111 Wire 13163;:er tour female y D 011111191311111235111119111 wigs; II: 11" Whig. Been 13:33:}? 9f 51 sister1fmme') I111
059"or  Own Wor - eacmn , me a' d ' 1 1  "1 th ' v 1 '1
he, mam Skinner 5, m G g m er and t- Ja 8!" she . lght? 91? avg: 4 -
 R 01! With 0: mi inst 1 up and WWI to  rapnea ' I of I, .4
. i Mt(Jher to, 3' Sring of 1 33d oln E the u d his 11 - ' C 1 ,
E 9 the proc "We 8mm ' g 1 8Ind 1110 - alr- 1 1 l\nows h I g
1 ngignlimmf' and ssaycgiofesk:m 115 111%: - 21%11121 1511f 10 it!" w his 119 S love; 16511 he was 50111911 1Y1 11
. 11g he pots k - c 911 attend I I )9 you old 1~1(1119|J()(| I 1  S I 1
i   AnewmeE  emes and 3 .' 11 never [1 0(Ward n y 3 heart I; .I .
I Strucxsk pansterdmn You (1 I V" with  she Sna Ulel-e- ' HIS-mug] '
1 scare Mrs lnner. He - - e" on E (10 it! you 11110 Dped, So 1 1 11 1 1'
' Skin 10111ng b Bls , ther an . ~ Dimmd r . 111.
,a He cut 1 Her and all t 01110 501' tux-n y H . I" '1 Wafted l '  "
a Dole from be little Ski bed and . ed 111) th 31"th , Us name I 1;!
1 dose of m- , . 18 process: llers. s;  enea out. e lamp 5 .   1111mm (  a 30"" . 1"
I BWMer .. 011-10011 anon;  19 than . . -  '1' 11D In pm Ie- 1 the W  1 '11
,. . his (tom Eat , and by the b er HM you, bolas p, S. 3 1' Ings 0f . 1
u I e, he Was ' me 118 reach any On'm ' - OlnebOdV W , ' 1
;- Cowanche the World the must reckless1 ed V 85:119. straw 11:1 gm. npppyen e d 3,;1 . Opt when he n ( 5
1 1111age he rushed: ever behe1d. making 53km t11311111111130w - Was knokingthe Wife Looking; " ' 11111011011 11
, little Skinn nto the (1.0: new :11 blow-13' . , ' against \ ~0 handy  1
. . . , elBwerau r00m Where; -- may 18 head o grandI  11116 bruvI . . -
I1 . mce Was 30 P133103 one Ir . he. rMae: in as clean . So I  11d 1'
I com 9- 1515 a He Btru k a 101161 - as mllklv mebodys 1" I " 1
I .dancin 1"de by Wild 919" c the st V0109 as h S  SS 0Y1 h'I 1
1 t 2217711116th d 516115 and I 19861: it oh . 018 thrp . 6 got up 1 mebod v ) 1 forehe. 1 I

, ,t 4 be room 0v 8 e that FOmaha ancy of the air, and lenc (e 01110111. tin] - 3 (,hmg t0 . M lay,

, . 1} , 1 business, that :ftilcmldrews 1163;152:511; around ket, bad and drew out:1 231111 1311311111 the foeost hand, 1111s Partmg 1 '
11 #1111111]. d011,,  II Skinners 8110mm :3 meant - Now. then f  army mus- SOmLbodws V . . :3 .
1? In: "whim! 1 g' 01 Mr. be adv ' , 01 bloo m . alfln - .

. ,  .- ere were sucks murder!" r l" c V _nnced to th 'd. be contin f01 111111 g and 1atchi _ ,.
. \a ' sure enough 1111;831:118 would have mid and, 11E1flmn. . e wmdow and 133863111113 Yew-11in 1 to ho] 1 h Hg 1' 111 3
1 \ skinner- an Inn. Bany 1 6 man w e 1' h- (1 im " ' 11  1
:  Was .. I glass as ther wart,- dgmn t I I,
y :18 screams 0:11;: 11:311.: middle of his tun Wen I :10 5fagguhnimd eucafgii 331059 to the And there 11,81ng win 1 3 her .1 :

II o the . I ren a, 1  ac  I 'nance  o ante}; ( '  '1 Iis .
' I1 acne. 3311231123,:hbmum 14311512313113-1111) 3 d 1111111113111E (3'13" 01 1:13:11: Brass 3111111111:in 11111111111 gm. 11" yes : 
, ' 1 n ' V 1 1 1 In  I 1
  up be '1 1ron 8km  119 11v bead!" 1111m do a 2 . g 01ml - ' ~. - 11 1
I; head 0111113111115 me "Wynn 1,13%? upped B111 will, bscamed the1I1x1I11]reyu 1 nOo- VFC]111(;1111:'1{):'1 . 1 11 111 1111* I; e
. with 13059, and 'land . I_ drew a. Insser 94115111 mderx I W'h ,, lau Vl-V 1the fair VOL 1
i am them force 0, a I sfdd thatImut Brilrly 111nm 1% bluzed aWay lan1d treplied Cal.ve:;111dl01)()n mg gigg 1191K],
 rapiduy 8 6 11 11er Vet sash  Ore o , 19 w I ' 1' "e a te' 1- I , 
|  or 11 amm Oys 11 ~ - - 13 1 OOdOH - A" 
I an ant er  . S 513 ,  ,
1 f begdbiggodthetomahawkjgigfgfhrnst 16- The $21211? BFaZLZS 11333611911 1 3611 and 1 01111113123095715 13211111121113: fad; 1'
e and m . ,I emew 19 n ' 9 for Eh I a . ' m 915 '
 fell to ' a seal I! , .tpe Ha 51:00 .r 15m was <1 , 3 Wlndmy _._ t ,z
 I 1111119313320; Sherewaggisgzggf k111i Yes . 3591?? "51111111919,an (J11: adggimsng.  " + 1 111"
u 3 m we wn  0 and .es c P at 1  II ' ,
I, looznfmiemf the 11193611123222: '1? W a , Degoew :g'] 33511511109 PM! 11 D  1 , 1
I 1 3 rated to I V - In no . 0 tag: 0 ma 1 ~- 0! 91 S'r .1 1
: I lac . Illa-to s I W - B . Grad 1" man Y
.1 1 twaanfmmf you 1 11111111: eztoilewer ma '1 gafggldgicatm 211151111213: ermited M rs So hcip Ir g oung Baby, 1 *3
quiet. Th Eula or 1 v y, and Tl man V . _ . I m rncious! cf , , . '.
, J. . the ."happy bun at CONancn 190(1on S e yelled )llmmg luugh me Cry my , _
. . . tins 5mm 6 n ehadtouna F - 1 SI Im go' I \1. 1111mm dc
 \ Instead 0: Mr - . n s. _ 11,113 and bed mg t0 faint: 1 1 511 yo 1" I'1
11* 1 and bath] 3' 5mm" sending to h? 161111911, WOlln 11mm Borax.1 ' 11 funn 1mg baby 1 1 V'My 1 I I
a mula'tednfg his race, me locked d1 the doctor 133% the Poker Plug the sheet_h,g:rl1cep, w Y1ectlcbaby, 1 y
'  . 08, and: 511 . _ own into his . on"? o " Stove 11811110 1  1
g . . with he: ngm hand. 63111311851111! 0mm": shlleked {11531310 talk that W Una saw :03" 1111 leeue toes, I I:
I 3"- You thOupht yam:a :16: 111 War-wnoop heflgesire to faiugvoman recovgrif? rm!" 11nd heard dummy 3:011 S1 1 '1
3 emed old 1001 1) care somebod O-leece! 1, ' 5' 10m 11 _ vay 0t roostc .
II I I W I kn V y, 9 the b0 0~leecem 51m11clikc1 , rcrOWSJ /' '
g 596d your feet aid Wd HI Sobn as u 311 P-StaiI - new 0 15 Hm I = 1
l V ed to 15y and . . ame fro U d y I -
1 K  P. s__ I melt your breath, I  . . Show; n Mule an _m II when 1 1 .K; I ..
I. {of , shun" 11115 an Indian 39 11 limb frle on? m0w thee comm' Dhm bop lg.1 1111 11 "166 vaI
e . be an a cheap. He Wont-e abl masquamde suit Plgces, 1 om mm) and seal-Era up, Mere Iik ph S m my '11 they 5:1 :1 E41
 gets done breath: e to be Outu ti eVeIal n . , e the e is father? ef y: _ :.
,I' I' doctbr. says mg "3' 11111011811 his 9 n 1 cel came elghbo were a I 5 5 Proud 1' CW day 1 I 1
1 1 'time than 11059 may row 0 t S The Search up f10111 Lb 11011-5911: 8n of I: , (6 blaze 514 1
I 9312 Mann  u again by th 1 0f the Dre] ' 9 Station  omer'mes dh~ 1 {11 -
I 11" . Skinner to get a bragrzzggifl: glue. We advls: 13:16:11}? 31:11am ill)1 113:: 1:3: made. 1 122% 5% 3 "hen (14:12:51,131? 21MB 511q0311 -1
c 7 A 20 West." 1 said t 091' put On a . .1 Was mun izhd in its] 1 "111Craw1 MI
\E 1 ' MINE VAMILY _, , .7 ,7 , A goultl; 10331355611 1 lquu-ed 100k and DO,5 {0035:}: {thgmach Shmull .- 1 I 1i
. . : Dimb1 a  ' ,...,j  Th 4 Scienc  ' 3111311 1 " I
I e , - at e n y.
\ I' I 1 - Mous m??? mib eyes on- 1 nei hb .5 90! Choruseeda n0 goonser ,, I301 makes him sin , , :-
, , , U a Has molsd Blue, , g 0153.9 ml 9d the ' L d 31" h '
j i n leetleDteeih shust oggsdfig, . ShAs 11L Blassg (ilepayted ldlgnant Und gnrcbonc he must my: r so shwcet, I i
1 We der bah 1 foo-t : atterea . 118 a 1 - 1 Imil-etch   " ,
1 I , Carlyn 7- . u Window 11 ,q _11 berm mb 51111131 III -
1 1 DYOWsegg' mm 1 01' Klee maNow see What. 0 rammed to his e 1119 T11 help 110 113llc 1mm my {1- , I1
: 1 He); mglgudt 8% (ier knive 1 (if Of YOUIsemn an Old cunduran Wife; H b n Jy '1 1
1 jam ho .. .: Ont ' 3 you v6  Smy 115 ' I 1
g 1 Von hunting 5 leedle 1330 59"" 33011? the 3113151132? (insults at me if: gmwls me 0:35:51: my hair, '1  :
, : e 4e  . p ed 6 lire I I Or 111  Shlobbe 1 I
Der ode,- dav 911V in e, Fhad & - Out of you 1,, .s mcbut th  1 
1 She beernniiggs1 "1 88 vet e  (1 tue to Is]  . 5119 DOI vas m h 11 Care! I 1
I I n I Va: ghod... I Chuckcd 3 {leked a . . I y 5 "1 youn b 1
1 1 D011, mine a amid 1 03-011 other i lollnd on th Aroum g aby! I .
1 Eire1001:9411 when- d 1191 be a b0 u the 111115: and 05% d Vas my head dot leeu *1 ,
I 1 , . sh  C am . .
" I  mwrm 10343331101) "01W. , _...3: than be Pl'csidetdv; 0h: (WWW 16 so nice and] , "II  I:
 1 Fond 01 1113 beer 2211 bend MN I 111,- . ,,.T I 1 may (lhcrc never Co \arm ;_ 1I1 :1 1.
1}. You h Devi me himsfxr m0ld ' ' , ,, A 7  , 7 T0 do: 511111311 10:11.: 11:: 511: harm 1 ,
. I V sc mall ' 1 ' , .J 1 1
1 ; Van Iocdze mgn mu 0, fun I .. ,- , . . I .1
5 Von -au to greet then 20019121511 lon, I, 1
' . g" _F #591113 him 1 1
_..... ____ >T_1ree Pms, i . _
I - t1 .1