_. acfqwl =1 '.j,I:'-?A'.~".'H%IA~.-~~_I .7 . I _ ,
y l ..x. - _. . "...... , -  -- ' - ' ' $7.in
_.a' ,~..,_ga1r"-;a{;, "4'4. er , , , _ A - . II , ,'_ ..i _  I v. , I . ~ ~~,,~-;._\I . . , m-
' " ' fr. . _ r _, lam4A. ;;.~.,,Im.., . .r- .. J .-.
w . . ,hmiv; , _. ,.- . . I I , . 7 . 4... . - 2.:-W W  l n
i" 1 . . _ . . .4 I .
I If iv l  I  . ll. V ,- . l . it; .m ' :.. ____ .. - The rst. ags sent :0 le 33 were Elmi-  l
l / I  . . " i -' ' *" , en. eaureaar n '
-. .51! l f ,  ms newsman BATTLE-Flim- , g::::%,i.lightning in. no... .... g
,v \ War .1224 ' l A. Clark Men 5- Trip-(IIQTy  3 dence that. :twognd become the emblem of .' 3'
' , 5 ~ ll , M  . . I. f L 0""in honor and 0 we cry. '
 I k : I'l l  011 73:1er 704 of VOlUli?) '2 vi tlie Angsnziisiigi'g ecfougp:m::mai. The first. Ilhi'co agsbrecived were made
l' n  .  -" I f .  " . ,. . . I   "  from ladies drosses Iv t 6 Nissan Carey ,j
1" l i l? l l  Rise and 11311 of the (JOflICLQJlaL'G l ? --- of Dominate and Alexandria, at their remz '
. r i ' I .5 l
- 9: ;| ~ I .. .. w... I a, , .' . I 7.1 -\ .o | . , . dencea an inc residences of iriendo as soon . 1
Il I l 1 I {Guteliuullq \VlltiC'il by Jilin. lulils,I Ibo Hub Fm- Made from :lelu Dream a mey could gem icscdpmn of 10 design I
i . r. o I . L. . N. _ . ., --- a tin. One or' t e Misses Care sent tile '
-  :1 '- .ar c at a. 11 mini a one I y l
.  l lg: l lo [1 by mum} the p n ,  K V | Quito], McCarthy in the current number ag one made to (ten. Beauregard. Horsister g ,
5 l" l l ' 001171333111! LELAND l1A__l'lIA.VAY. f lb S h 33 t it . S ie I, era sent hers melon. Van Dom, who was then at l .
"g. , H r: 'r l I, 2 ,. .I ,, . . . 3' o 6 out ern "5 or m 00 y p  Fairfax Court-house. Miss Constance Carey. 5'
.55 1 l. l9} . bum-my beiore tile CVF-CUIIHL'E. v): J's-.103. wmea me louowma sketch of the origin of of Alexandria, sent here to. Gen. Joseph E. a 5
-  l ligl llncnli he 11ml been paroled end sent. :1 Comedazzthbgzg'gzgafgxgsz his facts Jogggwgmmgnrd mm the ag he weaved f l .u
 . . , l .- 7  _ rom aspee . 2 - , >~
V g \ l ' from nor: Delaware, \vli't'lC ll.) was I it was I #110 battle 0 Manassas, about 4 at onceh toh hgllolllilms 691' safEIIkeegmg. . l
" ' ll. " , . Sn - . -. - - 1 l" m ? ciock ol' the afternoon of the 315i or July Afiert 8" a, a 0 cw 1 cans 3' beau' ' l
( H I . 3; long .L puconm Of \V.ll,fLCrOr3rl the lines :I $651 when the fate or the Confederacy regard sent me ag byoSpnmah man-of-wnr.  1
Q JI 7" p; I; in Dixie. Partly by Ill z)d partly: aeenled trembling in the balance, that Gen. thE%13;ng:klltggi?v$h?"lig 0x;leans,I I: l '
3i 5 t g . l Iv , I , 1 1 . . Beauregard, looking across the Warrenton   3 a it e d to .. e c gee 0 ' .
i" ' v 1 E: . ' Oli l0 it, liC Hall \VOIA'GH lilfi Wily to l turnpike which pgsggd through the valley be- the W9" When Was reurne uen. . on-  l . l
j E ': v I  . _ I ,. I . I ; tween the onion 0 the Confederates and regard, who presented it tomato keeping to l g .
I. .  31 l, iribUCVllle, S. on, where no {claim mm. l III elevatllllfs beyond. occupied by the Foa me Washinton Artillery, of New IOrleaiIis. . .  I,
.5 ._ . ; ,  . '1 :, _ 4. . .. ' . - . This mile a is  nned to ocean] :ah i 08- '
: V 2 I DAVIS With her family trying Lo gt- 1,  9. line, saw a body oil troops niovmlr tonand aibie, two Lhingueeri, to preserge tile lame I .
1 1  '4 A . " ' 1 n | + L r. 11 . : ' ~n_ mueff and [he hedola m lie was greet y Dialory connected with the origin of the ag;  i .
as, :._ 5 i out of tile counmy LO I.VCIL (aguun concelned to know, but could not decide, and second to placa the, battle ilngin aplace  t
I  II 'I. . u , .. . I t _ - . . _ 1 -. r . . . l 1,
,..:I v 133  -' . HQ 331:} H7 [NDER Man 11013, new depot a: 30:13: mayhggmgfeaeangggi33:: or accumy, as it wele. separated from all the - I . I ,
a ,. IlI - 1 l l I (,I I II . I be e a .' i db l1 y . I, 1 signicance which attaches to the Confederate j .
.  . l ' 2. l agent {03' the choir. Lllle 9 149'me Lon, 0  e colImedcarr e (1 yr, 6 0303:? any, ag, and depending for its iunure place 901er l
l !, l l .7 i JAICK MEQSICK a l)0tl0 Of Bits (1:116 00; Sid us, um e a most 1" upon the deeds of the armies which bore it. .
.l f; 1 ll In   9   " ' PM bl 0 ec e. _. . amid hardships untold to many Victories. .
. i :: 1= ,l: r . . .7 H l . ,w h , , .1" p. Shortly beiore this time Gen. Beauregard __,_,,___ .
. . l l l, JULIA O. ODoEb, ol l. c slime i) _llwsl had received from the signal oicer, Capt. ~/,F_j%ihe Courier-Joanna .  ;-.
. . l -; n I ; _ . . 7M  . ' .. l
j, . I . w l volunteered to escort tlle family or the l 3:333:30: IdnstrIwItlggagngngIghggItIrIgglIts: E OLD MN.  . 4.
. ., 4 T confederate president and protect them I colors 0: this column, drooping and covered. Yea. lnIdy. are do berry place an ole houseum w l '
.l I . , .. . m, : . , - . with the dust oi joul-ncviuga, but could not , a rm'; , - I 
-; _ f}: i .3 10m malatlllers. {hen servmes 6er tell whether they were the stars and stripes neurones! sitlvation, too. upon ole marsrsinn. i
' . l l - mm ..d the 80m of Apr, mastic: temillizcslcm it ,..... W "n "m ' 
.H '1 .- . .. ~. l . . . m? 1
, I L3 i' , 1800, they moved forward. gong 3011Ll1~ arriving on the eld and reeniorcmg the Day don, 8 31 0' strucon ml' 9 comm? lnr . f
,' 3 : ; 1 ' 1 . q \. l . , . H I 1 enemy. 7% -
1 l. y '2; . , . . . . no.1.1dic-lnulitl ~ . . . I I
. , I I ii In MI 3 M I 1 .W . In I  (yen. Beauregard Iwus momentarily expect Tain't numn but do crumble 181' m. pan do no- l _
V  1 a b 1 1 t 1 (k qltgy mblxc 11.111: ing nelo from me right, and the uncermlmy .. l v _
f. l I. i e m 0 O l I" I ' I ' If. and nuxretv or this hour amounted to anguish. (00:13)? ' l at d , , : .
I j V. ' - caught up With me party on we cm I Still the (Olumn pressed on. Cnllinga staff ialiiur Y0u S In In now. an see do walls l ,
= .g . 'l s . . - .. , olcer Can. Beauregard instructed him to o  . _.
 0 , . l 0f May. on tnc 1051} Of the LP mo l at once zo Gen. Johnston, at the Lewis ousge, . m new yearsago  15 3 still 99' 19 1"! l
V. I , l n . . II L. . , 1 Iv m, I and any that the enemy were receiving heavy An sickness 0! dat awful sight. came ober me again. l
l. I. I? _. I month, ubout dayllghl, no lie in: c. LI reenter-cementsmhanhetroops the mm hm do 0mm . mummy. .1 mm ,m chm ? I
I l. } '- I l sieting 0f the presnlcnt, hls ilmliy and gore veryIIrngigh :gflizeigdthgns nho Woulrid Tl baggie; w" '11 an 1 b I 5 ~:
v; ' 9 j ' -' . . . I ,, ecompe lo .0 e a once an  s a or me rigor are It on II o' m is '
; lllllll l: . ll Stall. Mlel MORAN, (#11)th M001, ~ were reformhoping than the troops ordered none. _ I ' I 
I 1  " -  t . r  Ar . .I , l   .' I, a up from too rigor. would amve in time to Your 1159in han'some b0 3dev as us rowed ;' . ;
3 ill  ll??? iffy: "xll'?slll"i.il 21%;.th eit"%$.ii%25.; ..., ' '  g l ' ~
' cam: - r0 '\" . Lil} lie .. i. -vllirf l ..2. l , .
.T , \n l I ... . .. II 7 I . I .. 2 Vi l- I vm pressing on. Tho day was sulLry, and only at 0 2:2: do 3Pm yit.dey come lm i
E \\ ; l .\ Ale-V3013 "Vim @5119- UJ "'1 5-0 iong intervals was there the slightest breeze. Y i ised , i bd'. v
P \\ l, u... llmt to raped Gx-Iwwg, ll'li we The colors of the mysterious column hung onsee I 0' up my '3  em like . ,
\" ~ . 1}" A"  ' '  U    7 drooping on tile staii'. Gen. Beauregard tried HEY ovvn. . ,
" x '~ 3 who was in conlmnnrl of the federal scam and againto decide what. colors they 7 mm 63F! ladyW119 0 39 0 l g
. I 15 ,'  . .I , carried. he used his glass repeatedly and was L , .  '.
; I\ i  force that had him in custouy, to allow handing it to 0mm beggedmm to 1001 m, mea. lib long wm us. butane was 016 an' , ,9,
A"; l V 1 : the gentlemen escorting him to rclain gm '9 the 5 3 9" we" 9'" . a" v *
, . \ I . _ . I , . " So I had char-ca do 0211mm, sense baio' day all I .
l i ~ _ l . thrii horees, wnlcn were their own ant- Bastian? gm: lnI an? gt]??? wwwmeh I ;
5;.  . . ., nnxey. u nay eermne o o a l . 2'
2' f; , I [private property, and that lie prmnltcd . ground, relying on the promised help mm D 3, 1:35:039 Rm V91 WM 9" "011! I
r . ' -$ p
l; , to do so, but. that afterwards the horses gtgggf {gigctadffbt 2:11:33 8113033: An 66? lubbed dell" ole black mum tome ; '
'7 7': a ll '..:Iere taken from men], it the mysterious column should be Federal lubly muom W- : "
. ', I l . i l troops the day was lost. When do war cloud setiled hobby. down upon de 1'
\ :* l ,_ I Lieuten u-nt AATHAWAY was not act Suddenly a. pull! of wind spread the colors oounlry side, I
x g '; 3 - I _ . - . n ,, n . I .. _ to the breeze. I. Win the Confederate Ila  An men was volunteerin' rrn' do 1 ion tar nn 
55. M\1ng as a moldiei or the comedtmcy be | the m", and mm It was Em" mm f wme .W .
-' -, . I. c{' il . cause nls parole iorbmlc that He should l .lwentydmgh ,IthinmgthSevIenth Lolila- M, Man-m sons was 'mong do. rs' ob all do " '
s \ ,if;  I do thanbutsimplv :13 an, escort for Mrs. 2331;: ha?! b; PM: tllgmppracllgg ( 10ml? 9, I I l
-' 3 3: ll' 7'. I I. - N I r. - no ,. .- . the extreme right or the Federal He. oouldnt M mm: bokaso ole mm need 
. ID, to plotcct act now. one. 9.: will MEI The moment the ag was recognized him so.) . V .
. '~ .l J I IIII I7 2'14 llc Wl SC'vt *0 l1 mwtol Beauregard turned to his star! Em: and left First news come neck (in! Paul was killed. up in Vlr i I
g , -  . .   I  " " 1 saying, See that. the day is aural" and or}? 3" a  3 
. I I l; E l _LUDPOC With the precident as a. er~ I ggeoEnnIlnmecIclmtg uddvanlco. d In the menu- An' can do: Cgle, mo. maoneoh.Loml twag i ..7 ,
.  '. I . . .... _ . I . I e at y 5 mm 9 ep oya mm iine and mm o r. l '
S\ \ 5s I It onci. In 15; l 0 Col. lLlTliAWllIi,I(pl Oliot- { charged the enemys rlghtElzey, 3180, De other two was wounded, and day come home Ior I  _
I all Cd Since the war by 00111111153101: lrom | Eililllt"; le31lllll$flllll3m A no, 6 h hill t lid bor  '
I 3 :I ..I . . = .. - . ' tun. n' mammy nusse or c on up on we ey . i =2 '
_ \ :23' l I (rovernor MCCREARY) wrote; for the mvVmiE; 0111315 lfld and eulIennp; this torri- was we. . . i ,' -
. , .q_ 1, . :1 ~ , . e aux at . on. some am :3 . . , . .
. , I l =I I (_lluill County DEMOCRAT a, very ilitel the Coniogerate Ioldiergmustemalegatmt Depo 01 Misti. modfm M r' 3er in as fall,  l
. . l. , . . . I t fr 3 50 We drunk do cup 0 bitterness. I tell you. drone  .
; Vii . eating account of the capture of JEFF. gggevfggggfggf m 0 00 nunll. 
'_ _ I . . .. .  Scauseontn  '
ll lgl DAVIS, which was COplCll quite '.vmcly (logic! ngideih b I h t e 019 :25: NW "Mb" 5  1 e "m ' I
,,~,. - - . _ one. or e a a swarm! . . , . . .. I .
; s i; >-;. {at the time, and tallies wonderfully Bpondenoe Wm, 00;, wmmm $331333; An I amid home to mind do mingmu'wm tor . ,
 '- I - - . I . : ~ '.-
. . Eli: I, ; .zl , l q . . , ' . \ ,I I - i I: who had served on his stalf dunnrr this an 6W9 1-
I II I . , l \l ll [.19 .t015 told in tlchwl prcnlucnlt ml 3 new to securing ms aid {Bathe mung; Fore long mm mm do tidin's mo'distrcssfnlden 1 .
: - 1' . llzrcut work. We have it now before 2:3 ngggziggbl eldred bars, crosod: ' befO. ' , ' t '
l x : i ... I . . .' .I . ,  - not de b0 3 was ntlloners. Inobber heard no 
k l; 2 . l I : n.3, and comparing it With tnc ilfili 1- row discussed the matter at, length, 00L m mo} y .
-  l I s tom by Jun 1m .1... mitten: nestzatwbzlsimgt .. ...... mm .... ...... , J
,.r E .Iq . n. I 1'." A , ... b ' . 3 5 in nib, I  l
. J I M 1 luvs be, M I05 bcgause , they at 3 mg: {lieggzggnclhsen51tilsbg3-E lisbmomed An ole Mursrn heart was broken no he crop buck
. - ; 3| E-n exaczly alike, in spite of the fact. andtho stars White.  a m 1", homemak- a m (1 Y be, a" i
" "L l -  - . .  ~' ' ' t back here e mornm r e an a
, . . s" I that they were written by parties wno an? gillgilm :gmvegugze Chnzev He nowas none ' 4
l - -  . =  ; _ , I .I , , er  , .
If f lilo not consult {mo live-d hundreds oi with 6'0"- Jnnsmm Meanwhile a??? A'1"""m "51" 1 10 0f  l
g. l 35.; :1 II a I came known that. the design fora u was home.  
1, II, 1" l [_glch upurt. under discussion, and many designs were laced his has an drawn like when he reach do - I
 "I l ~ Colonel HATHAWAY was 1" gallant 3331 .ln'B gsgltgglgdflon fuaiisclniuong ' H mmglp [0115th an' leis like he was 1
_ ,_ I : . - o .- . . W 0 9 I
, I a, ll smallnezg uni we are glad to know that gggffgggeigedqwu ($0011; Mile. lhe ' snot. , 1
, I , . I , I II _ I . , . lscusser m . . - broke ,
. - _ l = :m numt gOCS oown the ages in e fJOOl-I nu. nally, when he arrived airlqllglitrlli Dwdlyotegehdyqne w mm m: mum .
I , . . ,. I : Courthouse G n. .. , 
' I l  50 immortal as that 01 313 UAVIS7- draugntemun (a. Eerngllggllllkgagfed, big We hurled him him datovouina-r-my ole man John l
{1 ._ 1  or all the various designs which n amngs an, mo. 1
:1 )2, i . , ,  i 7 , - , submitted. Wm; these designs forage . Bonn gone an'lls ler' a-wmln hmM 106. . 
' I the olcers at headquarters agreed on 19?: : 1A~llslemu an alongln for do voices from de pas ; I
l l mous oli thimnrlIfrLlie red eld, the blue l My freedom? You. 1 not it. but, it seemsnmng _ .I
: , erosion e w 110 stars. The ag was m  * apart. . ~
 J; l- , Submitted to the War Dopmmeni and 0" Au itdoblnilnp as yoamin at my wow. 0mm 1
l! . Inpprovcd. , II was 1mm. 4 . \iI
\ a. . bill . 7 7 DMs hungry for do sight. on dem i'our chlllun dot I I rt
. \I , ' ' "I; l raise, I . 2%
,f  ill . Ande dear ole houue dam sheltered all do mornin . f;
-. II. I . oh my days. i
l .  3 l M. o. magnum. i 'I
e I, f ,I NonwoomNnmmz (mun. J  ' " i 1 ,, '  "l I
" I _ . Ike-99:31.. _.. gi;gw;i~ W I . ' if!
\' - .,k l ""ZIIII . ,. m, .. , . ., ., .' L ' .. .I .. I  I. _l I j?