3 ,.
22.22 . , _
k33 . - ... ' ' I ' " ' .' ' <". i  - '
, ...! 1 .. ' 2 2,2" . ram-1 2. > _ . ,
 . '2 1 ' 55/5 2 122'L5W'. , A . ~ _
2.; f; 225,; 9,231 . 2 :12 .2; 2- Ziggy? six 222-22" 2;
. ' 21 2:1 0f Emma" Phys 11 Th: P072 Mighr" 2,-_ '2; _A '. . \"~2.\ ' ' 222.222
. 2322211: 1 De 7 - 19101221342221.2431... "5 Egv?"a--Bu1mrs f w the ' 2 ' M. 2 ~23 "
2 . . .1 1 m . m ((S a Herr/n _2 . 1Wh1ch he puts . amOHS saying 31 , UNCLEIKE'IS SOL". '5 2 g 2- :2 . 2 
:. 2.\ a} bet - g This h . R . - 1to the  a (I'm _ 22 ,2 'oqu'tr 2 2. ,2 . 2 2
, .. - . .. : :1 . - 3:12 herring .132Ced t0 the hot thPtrase . K411611311y that the pe _nOllth of 1;. 13;: count. M "I M .  1. 3.2... 7 24.53 :5. g .1
.  32; "21 3 Is . t 2. a 1. mart L n15m' _ ' An. . an m .1. 23.: ,'. ,2..=
 ' ' 5232111311. XVI2.1'evet"ftnlely delicabt: mu, 2111:2423; SW0? is not 01%;? 1 W; 133 momma-a. mm. on a. - " if"!
2 2 1 '2-2'  ' ' 1 ' . - 2; m ' .....
,1 - 2_ . to 131: watel'wven tlhollslsafaken out number of I12ttte11'; the 1dea, A 1; Ya geawulbeneedln"m"u'l0tnowou 55%; 1 111,1
' 1 2 -- 2 e 2 . 11 w . ' w' .2 are 2 r '2 ,
..' 2- 12;; 1 .- and i111n$d1hqlzr1' It give: a 3:32:11: 132413116} 013'me hanltggengy 2' Km ggm'rdmm m om 9 V M min to E;%5f  1'1
. 1t'beth 2 Gy exp. ,' 010 amOn th . Y 2; ' mi Wmtniownn-m-d 39542 1'
~ 2? - - 10Wn ins es, though Pers of the g - 3 famlly a- 2 new.  mownezxnto 122:; 221 2
' ' ' 12'"- theowator it Reveal/2'3" back into ' his captainadzggf'gntd of 0m? of You b1gr3pu13$2mtgeunm [{xwffy 1",?
" - 70718 T/ . vers_ sword .. 5 e (Nice 0 Dem awe   2 1 mindm'obu. 1'g.,2.;"2,{~ V 4':
.  .7. 1 elt $16"? the Woobine Tw and 1:110 :Smg a P911 upon their 5; C2 #0311195: K4?" 112,510". Ind (rm-mu, HWWM ' ' 1
" . 1 1Ncw F Very Common . m- feat] . ebend,1en to On  1 no; '33.? mu"3010i1y1n my, kwmiwg .- 2. '1
" 1 ' t1'Ouo2'n ngland States to In the T)61 beats the iron  e the :1 ( 5221an '5 We "mag? 3130313333 13%? we 1 "1
- 2 333 b  01' S o 2, .see the MN h l0 - ' "' 1? Gar. mm ' m "7 1.1-.
. ' 2" the WMCX fronPtiut" Whmh leads Danagm] st ~10 Sight t0 Memm- 1' You ,,ifudacsoue soon?" what you 'bouz, You menu. {23%;3 l'111
. 2 (.:2 ed in . 192 eaves ent - b 15 hue has fr 3/ ,ghm Donnwnvmk svgag 1::
2 4:; 1::woodbin the clagpers of 711'" icet quoted, and in almoeguently 1'2 Lordtnow"nwm "WWW. ,2 11.
. ' .1 0. , 3 {mo ' ' S eve ' .L'. In  Manna sbo -2'22'."2'1"3"EI~=-222 in $
. 1 1.. grwe t] J, F 13 _ ,e If. 13 added th . 15" ,1 W n magma) guffwhggag '2 2|.
2 2 .2222 2 1e abov - 18k, J1. slup is atlta anti: 3. used :0 mm . 2:  2'.
. .3 1 2to ; . 0? 1311123  " , Unknow. . Or- wasno . mun. Minds 2 .::--:12.2.;;.~.4:~f':2,<; 2 i
. , 1s 'tquestmn 001100.552 m anew. ent, m an iss A OOrrespond_ ... 112"Bwaomumm. yearn work 14:43. 5.:
" 7'" 101111] of money llngacwtain Globe, 1873 ue 0f the St- Lo'm's 2'2 Wm??? '39 a- w$11431%35" "' - , 11
-- 5 " 0ereyth - ' 0 Wish ' th vaSSerts th '?2-' mm- m- mneu 2 2:
- . 2 _ .2' 2 - e . ed Or 2 .at an _ 1 when :1 "22,342 . 1 1; 1 ,
' ,  - .: 2 P the 221201139 that It had go; wrote 113%] 3.va Jenks; ..., WW 42mm, 1
2 ' 2 - - - w 2 . .132; ,2. 
. . . 2. 2 ' 52; 1 Let Slz' pubhshd - Omngm 1701 a d - J W. Mb9WM0160-hueun' "542".2'"f.1 1 1
 -  .1 Shakes p 1 Days Maw, 1111a awe It 1 the Green P 5 "33 mnmmm 1,, Mar. 1111
' " " 351': ' 1'51 Act IIIpeares Plav- For Mgnot a 42...? mm" wzch "2 Aw 10:53: com 1,, . B nee mm, 5 12

' . ' V '5'; 12f -, Scenel {nadr mOI'e th Hy ygtheart,g00db,e1  mt. Y 'bom Ifoun'de 1! awfbr :

2  I  22 1 >52: ' 11 mm the end o-thenivedinl'ts Shalijone Plau'Knoweggh: uttering gm ' Den '1??? m3 0! smmn' wid d  ', J1? 'E"{i""' 11
j . - 42 ... express 7 Z the . a ow Clngjt~ IL rgm thee; . An. 3 abomemm 255 ,2,
2 , 2 2 .1 .,x- 1'1 4 101]. Ant 1, Yd1d1- . ' tree JUSt beh (2 mm, : a up an do duh . 923252-19: 111 g .

2 ' '3' " mg as to th bSch 1Ve1n s muStVe 1nd thet be 2 An'aemm' 8' 0 ' We! each. "52?&2>"Tr::;i1;';:'2i"r;22" ' 7&1
" 5.:3' $7151" 1161' of Cga1gtgangcervme Was t k hicneitthheq bu??? Whig; The 3'2. ?' 338 Emwwwl luly ma mum ' "" '"' i '1'2'1

. 2 . 2 2 1" ; shall in t] Jr aft Sary det . 9. en th C ang d 8 11011 1'3ny E 2 . . 21, - .2 ; . j 1  1
22 _ 2r 2 2 2 lese erhe}1 allofh- . eSeye 9 but 2 Se yon ._ 2 . .2
2 2 ; . I cry havoc Seaboa ad Vie . 1s In S ars, It mlghtyl. der . 4 2 2 . .

2 _ . E 3.1 ' l"dN - Wed th Chu 1 Sthe 1title 1 ' .. .. u 22 .. ' '2: 1 2
. 3 1 of War a)  Vlc Cent athnaI e Of f Yer CO Oldestb _ all I ..,, .. ,1 1":12 a -3 . _.. .7 .. 1 1
K " 2  def er, an Bank act, th unt-V- udl'n 922.2 "2 */, as .. 3 "552'224'5'24415223 ",1 2.1
- '12 . '- - ' g 1 Hobsons onZee 1:41:35 01' tgethmonu: {12:21 Startgrtgwg wit}? :1]? matte? .2 ' 5" ~  3: 1 cou'}: turkEM-M '51
 , 2 son Was th 9 of th re of a b mon e 0n th , or of Is ho 2 2 g. 1 2., a' , rag0 22.23;. 52:. v1;:
- 2. . . . , - - e gre use 1 4,! 1 1 Int 0: .1. 1
,2 .2 1, ..2 .. 2. 2 21 2 . \Vho ]et gral'y, aenfiau Columgoted and 31d COIODeI r3321? lands b30111) dOWn . I- I 2, z!!! ; v? 2 W911 Ear-Vthin. > 1: 21; :2 '
2' When a nhlm the V the IeSt 01?;1d the gr:d here_ 308qu afamHYhW' The . 112% ""1"": 1" ' here,'wefi'10100t 1'" "
' el'e Wr/ g to w Orthim ' 0 CO  8 Tie WeTe He is 2.2222222 .. 22: .2'.2..'4"' $1 inks ' e 1 '1

 " - :51. 1obligedgars while if; that Vacfgngh 11??? at one 1;? peomehipeople pg . 24. 1;? 1 : hesierygffse .. 3 2'

, 1. .- 1 2 1313101] tongua quiet; reSiIZig to make 115??! dOWn 2y all the laid n the --/{...I ""3114 13'2}? : i :0 See One ofst:51.,.'i; 2' . - '1 2
' '. . ' i o . m it . entia 1 S 0 O ' ' fr 323' 2 actur e4. 1'

' ' ' 1 1.0mm- ~ enter. Y r ant an Nic e to b 7 ats s 1 1 asnt red 3 2,, 2
2.24 , . 1; 2 , _ 31 $1113: shlning mgrgtih here an 1.121111) know 1:111:11 of 00113;: estate. I: gcluded 1.1:: '.W; 1 mom thzietnh in 4 1.2. 1 .

:I .5. 2 . V' US n 11 0 , a a W. \- 2 2 . ..'... .,.]; .1

,1 2. j .1 n ed'to be an gfaCe Ofre dfent SOm ne. Bute nd by all a s a farm .,...J! 2..., . tlns tOWn' re-;.,;...._...,rl_ .2' .. 1:

. .. you g 0 db e ach c  . , Ish . 2 .

.- 2 Whlch reha I'lck of th . ge . COun v , mdk u 2, 2 .
. _ -_ .1 youwelh'ngs andhas shouldgd and there thats left e Orlginal neratmn SOIdtS]; './} 9., M a . A e any mist: :2 . . 1 1 11 _
A ' ""2" ? WSi 1'8 dri - _Ted its treea nOWis th grant . 0 " . ' w 2:2 t Sjthe Ca j2' 2 2211.2}
2.:2- {2 . .:';2 1 J  nto the Vlng It Way nd ab ath  unt a x 2.? he'va . TSW 1 :21
..,/:.. 2 _ 1f0u2ither Side_ Clapboardedssast'lron :5 IeSS_ Anzutlan acre oguseWithth': 1? MM 9% thchtma 411
'  2 ' " ' '1 . 1cleud0ihthat Street Ort ribs Era With mogtuesS its??? more 22/. ""W~~ ~ '1. Its aDDeaSy-aoulde'fsiki' W211 '1 J  
. _  2 : ., , . I  e t .,.w ..,. _  J n "AC 324; 112
-, 2 2 .172! me 9 Van N' upn the - 15 1n s gages. YWeu g2 It - 91 .2. .2

' y . 2- 3.14312 1 eara S lcht P011 gulde ubsta ;  stllke 371622-4292 1' ;.

2 a 534 ' . DIe ' elm, Ofa W0 11Ce 2. unhe . S 151.2;23255; 2 2 _.
' 151919? and mild Vastu It Was 1 stranger 111d. tell t Was What 3;,,2.-/2M~2-;2"- m . it ,auhy air .:2 22::11211 .1 -

1:, 121.1," 1 Jself ,yellow in mblella 01- Was 1: ' T1215 1'11 he disti _ the -;, filana and as a  3 _-.- I 1111 i
if 2 agalnst th the fall- 2green aft old to yo' substanc ngulShed 2": \g trim upt rheumat Ts "777"? 1
2 ' iatblemish upone':ky 11he as, aand in oveerthe arrivedwg OICott SWas What 841:1,Wamue w;  the light hat big 01d t'rsm' I 2,th '31!"

"  ..2 1T 0 the ea 1,exc great 1' he . 1nSch n the ward; ' "Mara  3 Cha . 99 an I '2

* "2217:2592: .271: 4 Pth t 91313 fer Led editori 1 uylerv day 9 J'to 0k copy For 11 Ce to , . ,2 2 4 '22
2? 2. f  1W a SSurej . 0 Show 2 aScar . 391'. M a man 16 tot De d- Pu are Su etven. E23t1n - .

'2: ' .2 .- 7 1  11 Its - Wher prln ' aYor ageme ake dedl 94 .ggest t1 5 Sake 1.2 ' . -. '1 2"
. -. . ,f2 . . 15y 1113th; Era mlght e one Clpa] . T, J nt of y Tak and Sand 1at to and..; ,. ,

: 1 SS y be] e be POmt - ' MCG the S e" .81, MCG the 01 my
~' 2'? '. .:'/e) 16' It Was greWWith- e- N Called Soflnt lynn c1111er . ac}: Of _ Iynn . d be 17;?4'Kir 2 1
: a; 1 _ as th 111th . 0 Br - that eIest5 Was .rVIHeN Cuttm Wlth a _ .3",{ 4 12.:

23:222- 2...- 4-H: W nOu 011 9C1 31113 1110 - SO Sho 2 _ 9W _ - g O ' gr 43,"... .. 2 :2 4
.32 . .2, 22:2: , 1 he 11:22:18 Hi}; 11111: roots of 1:1: you;1g nghere 012(1):]? with $1111.: mayor 112121351: 111m 1: the 10433? tree. 12m leg]; 4.22 2 2222/4 .11;
, ""1 4"} . ' 1 :hat th e gTass t _ 501.1 m' Sort Of - 0 go f Was t 9W1! Ca 1t, Wh peOpIe v S breed Sacred t g... ., 7? f .115
x f; " 2:52;, :. 1," :, . 9 110 0 17th 1ghf: . Introd 01' a t S Oppln I' at th en u enerat and h 0 .,.-,v . ,' ; =111
3:24.;2 13, Was uSe, Whi 9 upon canon - uct0r Our of ' 8, and 2 .9 Hot I Then 9 an alt . eVener itafm 22 '3 1
a; 2 -' 1 mo Ch st ' pHOr - y and 1nSpe t' 111v e t 5 yOu t ' 31 1n kw; 2:12 '
..2? __ _ . 1f st; cIe 00d a1 Wh' to h Dre C Ion Ited t 0 fr hlnk _ a Ch ...-:22 _.. , 1...

; ~22, 2 ..-p.21. gray St 2121;; I. most 119 17h IS ass . Darat 0f the . he 0m Wh I W111 Dre}; 1 1.723% 2 1 _21
:_2.2' h, a 11 One, ast eVealed rema 9 Worth umlng h or)? Cour . Clty a Persm] 1- at you belik 1 2 -; ,2 2
-: 1P roof 0P5? an as a - rks 01c y ma IS new - sel1110  s a u a 1135/. t9 m 63/ "2 1 .f'
3" "17.22213'21-372-17'2'22'2322 2":2' from door, 11'}? weatheTeg ahhalf in 1512mm of ling) bent his 13: Was Uttgl'ltles' cal edu_ Dretfes hes an 9 he mu 2. {'2 1 .111 .
2.2"? j; 23:1: 7"212? i 1 r0w of eapursed a s 1ngIes; 1 use, Whic}1 S and IeaVe ad and SQu' mg his deg. . . mo Y SUre to of that; . - Q1 2 .2:
"2'2.'.'-'.'2'{"2"'2".2,"25"'2: 1'5 531" 10W the ovgfer 1ittle lonnqtpmper always being 1735 CIOSed 2. He saw tlhntfd Past thcenfgwe Certnt'hs' He zeet him befgrmque, 1'" ##1111 "
/g* 19d ang f 231 udi rred - cosed ' Omeh a th ick . aln 9ms t eyo 2 3111'. 1
.:,'.22' .. ' 2 2 .y 'r 1. eyes pee - O the gab Dal a W'lth th- , and th 0W had 9 (1001 tlm peOple f 0 rega . [11 2.2V .. -_ 1 ,11. 1

"2.::2:22 "1" gm, too in rmg out fr 195 and Appear 10kSlum: at most the 100k Of the 1'11 6 and ext  a ter the  rd "5 a1*"">"25;i"'-" 12' 2" '1 "
N' "1'; 1 'h  he mold Om ben Comer _s rather 91's. of 1She - of abou Striou end to 1512 y V9 bee 2 1111111
~ 2211 lug: Stone thath eath  Strlvi d9s2ert Mndo 2 t lu 8 great em th n .2:-.2? 22.2;12: - :1 ,
 412;2':._.14';,2'2 2' .. 31:2}?  5 Work f ad fem Conrtes Hg to ed, d0 S Were leyor 'grandd efreed ":51 H.925 11'14 2
2v ' 2 mpnes 0 the W 951 a 5 that Sh0w esnt ' 9,, can . Spear] add f 0 2 4 .35:- 2 g _.
kiwi-1 3:22:21222'2 '. JO . S that h 3113 a nyou - . Was b 2 a It. - On h d1y y Oun - _~.2~.):4;2.;; 2.2; 1 .1-
,;252121:....,2..2,_.22, e . a 11d 4; e 11 e] - . pro 9 Sald 1m Unlu  d8 .:2: .2 1 2 ,
2 . .21; e ewind g to m ecius J B 1's - sent is t m-  0 the Sare - " amo 1 Ono? '  '2 *1 ?
1215.532"52"?32.232{1""5-"12' 1 One 0W Casi 1' thef . ac0b V  Sald M  hem? There ' , Sees w mlght mg the .222.2".5"274;2~2;22L
22 '2}.- Cptgk great cro ngs and . 311111 an N' aon- 11 ' IS t hat th ' YGXCIuS- Gide i272? 77211 ' 2
  1 4 e Oked M y : and h' Icht 4 {CG} Stran e lnsld 1"e and - . '2?- gamm 21 2 .r'.
22;."2T?,2222-2.'.;-f.  2theu- f 3' menacin bough - ISs Han-1' 13 x;  th w-h y ynn u . get. 9 of t . lt121;.,-.2."32 , 2,11;
Kw"f...~;,22.>2,2:,;'~-2:_ 1 ' _ e N 0 01 - . 0 ' m ' . he ~2iif-..'_- 1 . 2' 1}.
> 1 . .2 rs  ar . er ere t  18s R 0 . 1 Past  22.2. Jag 12:3 311-.- .
.. 2. 2X: ._ 11110d , We go? 31111031; 111. nev 01d m. than . . Ogeth ach W . Yum . 15h .; .13 ,. 2, 1,1
22....2;..;.-.- --' \ > ' er . vlds Mlss er_ h ' 391 and Ithln ' Mr 0 e ( 2%12 ..,=.2'-2 :1: 2:
21, 7.22 1A n11! *2 . Ont  COm- to marrzed - 51% th Harriet [38 Ra Pro h 31110111312 : 190th v.45. . 2'
C4. 1% . 1in a W elevft'lfth {join}? Walked SDhare the 11513::th ~c0uI1Ways M11 1?, theyre iii: Darfofg; Was to (Slime fr0r '55?"  " f ' 1" '11:"
153 13 b1 8tl'etchcir operato Homel- Into tb (grosuppme nd anybodi" gThg brother Edjoim'ng igumm 01:01:11, ""22'2M' ' '| 2"1'1'
2? 4 1' b1 1 ng t 1. 2r Said 9 ex ugh - 2 00 en ed 9 cit . 2 . ....i 23;
2:543 2 The 1 be: We sha Pens  Whe 2 Ough m ger buiIdi 3" r00m 0 a 2 2.:: :../2; 1'1:
422224;: ' men 1 up, eevat "1th a are e 1'1le t 1V6 10 re 2135242 . .  an cam g4 when n2e La. 3 211;
.' 971 .5221 1 31d. 20" do 9011 XPec 0 t bb ..' we ' " Hg 1505 hls  t 2 '2 1 ""'+='-23"-"22' ""- '2 2
27 Sfti'f' 2 0311 fight Hofface CIOSGdillofyatlif") WI]: 11681;}: 01397: 2' 3}:ng Lnamluv'm' ee -Mr 0100?? 1'522 M "1 "'
2".'212::.'." 1 '2 2 ere er 111"lo 4 e in S- C w a. . 1 . t Wmac 18212 son-0W2  '. 11
,2'2:'2;.." ' '2 =f 1 Wa Pr 2 W d as I in '2 - mm ' " 1

.2153- 1:2 *213W2er 81m:I 0 imzsssgd hiss apartzgsand We 4223 new 1 wagggimiixui7 ' .. 2 " 2 " :
ag; 1 (31" 8011' dgole' Thurledlate a thumb eat. 3 Scooted  . 1. .: Nggigg-mmm-tbdnmgegmm ' My: 24.2%.};3 Z" .1511?
2; {42% . 1.105 01d War dCIOth 0w 0p Wet 012 t1; asat 15}: 2235;332:021, :" , m) dark ude enmimlurever. 12W22 1; :1
.. _ 1'5 . {readyWJ-s Chineened th So be 9 butto e 1 . 13:13:33,531, 1351] twmum's haur 52212225
' .22  16d: Go slow; untjed Se rob edool. gaVe it D- 219 nnce '.. No'lwe 90mm biz: sifsmrum Qaffzi 151 4
2? . mourners; boys." exnresSie and Is He badan 9 22 225225143 Affngcmf 13:24:92"... 3300:? 2-132;. 122"
4:. 3 .222 . '2 . .2/2 on as - d an On ...-2. .12.. 2,22%: 212.2%;112c22'22pa22e2mm 5 '2 .. 2'2'2 2:
2:2' '2 . " . " "  .2 5.32.5513; 2 ' If We happers, hdm 1}? ' Cmtcmminivtiggggqme036   3  32.71
2 - 2 17" g . . i'1'2ar2sug2..2.;.-_d_..in- f..."E."?:?P{2a ' 12222212222232 wamff '7'" 2 ' 2223' '21"
2 , - 2.131; 2.22.1; .2:/w .. 2 z ' 3 T7:_;:\ 242-145)., Lbi zyglltlSEGmAxxw . ' . if???" 111:6
,3 ..2 1, g ..- _2,.. 4 _, ,1. 22 ,._7_\_:. WEM 2 :.wffg. 11 1.31:1
2,  i  2 212222;... V 2 ' . . * . , . _ 22 _, 72
1'! ' ' : . .1 2 -.j' 2 5% 1' r
" " 2__ . . / '
4' - ;'