a , "" - m .: _ _, .muup... 7.  Wm - .7.7, ., , 5 7, I
L'.;_. ~77. I... 5. ~ _ . ..,_. ..m ' .-.... .....' .  M 77.3-. . ~-   J ' '  ' p   I ; ,r  L4? ' l.
.II (V ': 1 V7 ,r   5 . ' , $3.5.
>153 . 4; off/i 7:'/7 5 . _ / g:
 , 5; _. '/ 5I '1 AK 11.1511 1:41er 570.317. 5. . .. . , I . I
f ii? i; , 5 _ pLAUIIBIUL uiiiaus. All Every-Day Girl. 5 . m;
,5. l f: l~ . [Ml-s. S. 111'. B. Flatt .n The-Jrla'lihuttan.] .F [Ilia Ellen R :1 lmfm. I, __ .
.9 ' Iii Li-2 i(5 - 3951 3??? "13? W m iiliItICeIis-Ililh: (33 31(i(-Er2ii3 m shes only an early-day girl.  i
|  1 l L: 531., , - l: :1'57;:1Hi}r:go:f;:lgu-cem5 Whole-soulei honesty painted there. , Without any semblance of an, I l >_ I.
II i 4' .I J ; ,_ ,_ .. 1 Mist ngllgbglb all IIIIII leors: Bmuiiifiil eyes are those that show, 1 This Wideuwuke, sensible,mald. l '21:.
. . -, '. ' g .j ,1 4or am uiL eyolld i. in skill . Like crystal punt-s where henrt-resg 0W. n , . - .'
1w F .' i? ll .1 . 0f leech. hurt will) u lmilIle k'll. Beautiful thoughts that burn below. misstagniimve g1; en 1331:1113" t' i . f,
 ; ..5 .l ,. . " lot seems. in soon. hut 5.?23'0 i  TH t'f ll   , ,1 ose \Ods ' - Yagen 88.11 n , -. .:-
37 i - Li i i . I  hood mother, hurt uh lite! 1.2%.}; lllglnIsfcali.iliti;l:l:sillngs Elf Ihirlv The [emit little? bit or 9' prude, I . :5:
l s. 1 W$Zg}Jim
.. .- l i? , I... ......m {orilldrillsfission-2....   .... .. 0...... l
I it" i 1%. )J. I ' iI IItigIgiifgigtlrfgve Moment by momem {he long day through. Shes honest and frank as the day, I .-
- \-_ :1 I: 519$} AlFiDiI'gcjdtIhIegEOdtI 11:11; tulclb give Igcusill ii'lJll {vet {we there thatfgo HRS never been know to deceive, I :-
'  . i  l1 .5 _ .f l . s  cs 12 ms ; ( ll 'lilil y munslrles .".I' {in l'il-- And everything she may assert } ,
, .. z; .. F-a w; - . i m thankful to be old. Down lowlmst ways, 11' Lind Wills it so. , s
-_ ' I if: '54  " I i Yes, God is goodJm told. You 563 Beautiful shoulders are those that bear HIS :81 tuinlv, safe to believe.
_ .f    . I can not. read But. then, (.ellS-EILSS burdens 3f homely euro ' er )eauty 15 nm or the kind .:I
- - , >1   > = 1 him _beheve. Hes good to me. 1With pliiieub grucs and daily praycr. _ - To set any heart in a. Whirl,  _j -
, l: p .. . l The;furiousroll... Bflay-vsm9se5t-Imbless- . Might-headedfriendships .0.
. " 1. l i; - 5 The world would he too sweet _ lm? 1115 915 flf ligpp'igebtsj ' The choice of an every-day girl. > :_5-
_ ,l. I'l . To leave. if this should notbetrue." 053 oumdm 1 e 9 my 3 5 A
.. _. l r.  I .~. \  (The world the mum can 8M3.) Beautiful twilight at set of sun Her taste in the matter of dress a,  -
Iv )I: \iii! El - 5 ; He keeps my little cabin there gumiifui gory, Iii-13h {130,1 29111113111. IS neither too showy nor grave, II '
g:- 7 {g  '_ i i~_:;;a(;:;l3i - ufelwheu the sea-w; 21:1 blowsiu. Bsuuuful ids , 1.1).l woi 8 0115- But such as will lead you to guess
... 5 I-. ,   *r 5.97.;  ' 1911 was young he f me We ~ eauti u graves W ere. grasses creep. v . I' (
II . 7 Kiri i 5" i, 14.1.; Upon my chuck :i rose; Where brown leaves fall.\vhere drifts lie deep, 781m 15 net to fashion a SIM e ' '
- 2}... ' f: 3 1 - 3-2:; p} ll" A3150 iii! It '35 hi: 5611': a 50th Over worn-out hangs:Qh! bountiful sleep. let many a one has turned round -
2 . 0:32;:solidlzasru1.52m. " Unmemghemmthe W- . ~
 r ,5;; i;3_:j.1.;5 2 ms qucu I. livcdgione_   -7 ~  ~~--*- To admire the every-day girl {3-
i 5. i " - 1 [For the Courier Jouril ] W11 1 k d -k ] ' t "
. I; 12 i; . -, IIMFIlaIijy fine: that long black night 9 J. V V11" 0, VIII A ii) I 0 00 6 so remm ab 5 swee . _ .
i... . .., - I II I l is sh ng- oat wenu down.   1 I II I l I I H lit (111 II I
-.. . g '  . 5...: . My hoythutke- tiu heart so li ht . . - . erg m "ng 9 not
_ 3 - j l gal-7;; :1; k 3 Hard work than iii the tO\Vll;g 011m 0, Plimkbl'lle ll thmedbwa Set out in attractive array ._ '
 ' I " 7 is I. I I  Agile {3 051 sum 114 in TSIKIIxigIIi'ileribari 3 51'th IxILoather 1?) dazzle. or envy excite. ' Z
-' 5 i '' = : . -  i - . 5 I . . . 5. ' ' 353
_ (,9: 7 f v! i {trig-l. _ i cwuiip 11$? gefsgfznitgg Stood Jennie 0 hen. and l . B0r elveiu for public display; . _.
7 5 g g  ... :L 7'55  . 'lith daisies over him." And the moon and the stars were smiling. m 5 ti n3 beSIde her 810391 
 3  373317??? . . A ltl . l rrmi' lml Il'iilrrilll  h :5
, 7 _ v.21. l u.- h 'l. Sha hushed and turned to go Inside "I u-  ~   "   5 5 01' With 5" choice 13 you Will nd "
.5 ~ ., .4, 5,5..- u . 1 y ; an. 5; vr- a- .5
....soars.sail-shard... m . A. Howgooaanunowgremshernem. ~
. : f 7:'-.3 ' ' . w e   - . ,
Y I; i I 1L;- 2:152, ii; 1 Was all that; I could sie. .  But my hen rt ice-pt u: Ivlilg faster. - HOW 0th endo ed is her mind. : -
 _. -:' ..'. -_". "i et on t is ittle wuldow low I Like a bird that longs :0 ii -; . 
 - . ,3 l: A bright geranium grliw;  And ille moan and Lin slurs kept looking To her you may go in your grief I
- i 1 . .. I, , Thats for my boy. he loved them so. At Jennie, O'Neil and L And 0913' your "01113103 rehearse; -'
.- '2 Il - 9- .5 He loved these thrushes, hm, But. I mm I), my old. old story," On her in your sickness depend, - = .
7_ i; f E ,Aa 5 Good motlier Sure, but things go in As Illa bi-nok ran luughillz by. For she is :1 cu ital nurs - 5 . (I
'i  ' ' ~ 5 5 - In our poor country Yet An I lierullsu-i 1 brought heaven rearer p e  ' I
..~~:- 5-- mar , - ~ 1 5  . 7 - 7 -.
- .Q l, '1; , , Hiatgives {IBIS lilread :2le shelter still, 'l_o Jennie ONeil and I.  ggteve; as: Straw 3 0: al.2561121, , d I III
I iIvJ "LI I 5 me e' not oigot. Th ~ moon :lld the stars are still smilinv Ollg o I ers may g V you no nee ' 7
l I Egg I 5437;; T W}? $13.13.? iilgggfdiowi _.im'i I thiuii illut gull-lit sky m 1 DUI nd that an everydai girl I
l ,g _: [iii  lugs. of us all. can hearts-ease grow if: 13313;: (5)} NILE? : EigIlfIht future Will furnish the help that you need.
, ' - .5573: F ...;7 snobs. 13137er groundl_.~,, ..:-#W/ . . _.
I ii iiilIl .g-ri-f . - n . .. . ,. . is * r * * * She's patient forbeariug and wise
li '5 I~',: " .-5.i-:;=.:I-: vial-Wit, = ' ' *1   -' - -  , - - .  .  35"-
llllll -. a l , (=25 vii-ididi'l": Grid's-Evil? ...... hood-natured. maimed (mam... 7 -
.l  lllllljll 9;, . . 5. Hush! be quiet Bess! . Quietly down life's path together And does mm 501 'm .
_' \I.\ - I; C ' l ,. . . Bennies sick. you know. . Go Jennie 01V oil iluli I. The tasks that are set her to do. "9:
, \ Ms-,4; Wbrigs 33'? '99? . . WIPE 11- HAWLF. Ah, happy,indeed, is hislot, 5 7.7:
5. . Ext (-I'f 1., _ IesilELz'Izy . 350. OxFOlLL. ALL. Dec. lo. lbbu. Without an occasion for strife, :_ ~
"* 7.'-1&1  .[ g :_gj7 "5 -;.:71;g:;gttggnbw . . , , W110 with such and every-damn! , I-
;  \ g KATIE: '; inkharwnto {my 5  Can spend every day of his life! 5 .
. . \ Fl: 55.3%.; i, _ .....;sgiisquunggbbutinstead. - 2 _ OUR OWL.  Joscphine Pollard, in N. Y. Ledger. .
' .{g i A. - gg;;;'f'du sizallputacap 3 IF I had known in the mom... I"  " ""  ' w  " " II ..:
; ii \I - Mitzi III-III I BAD??? 91115;? 011 I HOW Wearily all the day g How dds CouldCnnnl. I
5:: \f  I-I5:.III', .i' 5 f 3- } Hell ej .7"- -  _ The words unkind -  [Philadelphia Times.l - 4'
\I-IIi 5 ' i-F'li: WEVIWIHI? iqiiTluma 1580110. II 7.1 "Willa my mind {7* (Howpo you count the clothes-pins? - s3
(3 F  _. logis- _ . hfiiiiigielue himhere. . . , i Said when I we, may; ' saidpogi-go Bridget one lilo-g... . rs. -
. "a 5 5 , . half! grist keen _ I 5 bim- more carerui, darling "hum; Ys "l? 9 the'num??*5"'-"~
_ _, 5 , .1533 3-1- l, ., _An lthluh. perhaps, . Nor given you headlesg lain- ' _Ye: youcan not count. you say. > . .7
ii} L ,, i: i l _ _ HF: 11:.) to sleep. But we vex our oivnI , 4.5112.- misses, said. blushing Bridget; - if
(I. II i ~I I Iwfl. ..' .2 riyl nurse - With look and tone . burs. an luau-ea wal- - 5 , 5 L-I
.5 l, . I5 3-7:, 77 7 .35 . " _ 3- . .7. a We ma nave t  . , ext week. whcuthe wash was over. ' 5 if: 
SEW L .I 7. {u .2? l FQLIIIAAI).\WI);ER, w . y r he haw again. {273.We watched what. the girl would do;
:~.- . i W .- i' .itliy... , " 3% F mush in the quiet eveninw - l  :' 5 Andhbis i: onefwgly ihscquntef h 5 -- .
l s  . 5 v "75: s; , . I ma ' . D ' , lie-r as at 0 9L e'Dlnlil #9115 .= 2}
u i (I " {333 VII-EiT'IJ-II '5: %?:g%y{g:g1:gi III I , Yety iltJIiheigthiubIehe kISS or peace, .'-You and-your male, 90.??? Bridget-. 5:74:
1 :1 i :5? 3 .y > ,. .And 33713153 and his nurse _ Tm never for me  Xou and your mate. you .. . .. .;
M .;i  g: ' ~ - 3 h 777;_H._7?V61'e.plngylug pillow-ghti  The min at the heart should i In handfuls 0f '9 3} counted . . .1!
 1..g: f'._ ,  Li 5 7777_777777_~v7-7_ '~* - How many go for". in the 99- ;. Th6 Him 01 PlEE-EQVQPEWQW 'I I 5. I32-
. Y -~ 2 . _. 3;; J . rrulu vvcr xne Ben. i That, never come ho ""7g >13 TWO pairs OIwtgsKOgodd 099'. ' I  ,5;?
, I  iIIgir'L . . 5 [Chicago News] Arid hems have SERIES . ..:.,rr.i..ygdzgliminllehps-boutzv. .f};
5:, . l _; 134 * i mgrlistening soul bears no echo of battle, By harsh words spoken 0 on, I II IIkIIB tub! moihtfd Ofcclgudlgiii' ' . I SI
V . if::._;i--;,,l-l-,_, _ l. hppeeun of triumph nor welcome of fame, Tllzit son-ow can now. .  . u ones eyou : '. - , I '
5' '. . . l. i 1'; i1- *guirdoWnntlhrough the years comes a. little oues a set right. by-Ilruinpurcels of ve sho luidftg'gai-g . I  7..
~ - , ( f  'l .~'. I * 57.13139 . ' . W 1. . . ,,iffi-"v.v::,Butstill Eher'eivus marl)? 0" 0' " :" i1};
hi5 , 5. 5; 5| .. fhmnfwyym mu'murshermouzed name: Language?! thought for the stranger, '.l-zmsuecbunied she vesvtogetuer -  ' 'ECT.
' - 5 1,: ;v. ' And .itfvemsu it now at hls heart she were But olt r ofKthe sometime guest, 1 Five vasiuapila sh; threwg- _ g 75
l. ,3, M :V, , , clinging .- Th , 01' our own H  . , Eon andyour mute,?' still uountmgr _..  :2};-
g .' 2 38...); 3. : .. ..- IlII {As shies (123$? in those dear, distant years. to Thouzhblxgrlxei , l;;~.,.,;:;h-f;pl.ou and your unto, you!? . fit}
.-   7:41.555 ; . ' i. . z . our 0 7 3 I  ' '- g
fr. - .; {.2531 . EejEiER her fan- face and-hohearshr sweetsing- . 1 .Alll leS. with nurse impatienntlIhe beSL ' "W:u'fgm5" I31?
, - ~,_ . j - .55.. . . g _ ; , . . 1L  a . .. 
'5;  w. - l a: i 1:) And $591119 is coming from over the sea. i AIIiwberl-Oewzi IzIrIuIIlIIlmiII leak DI scum! But melanin-leg if {)1qu if I13 prqudIIyII'I I) :_
L (I I7  " "13$?  ,   ' - e u 0 - As she., run: at e as e _ u. '_ :.;-.j
- i l) - 31:5: .,1 While; patriot; Hops stays the fullness of sorrow. I. i' '0 Lhe night too late , "irvo lashed for a. year.. said .,Bl'ilg- 5?.
3 ' 7 7 ii 3: . .5- whgfelggeyas are bedimmed and our voices l. To undo the work of the mom __And later, 1111ng j; i
_ .. _1 ._ ._ L .y . . .. . _~. 5,:
ii i ,I -?.- .-".-E I [HG dreams 0% the daughter who comes with the L'\_, . -
5.5}. or . {ix l 133; J. l 'IIL'k moriOW.  ,  +'_ op..mi....  ~ 5
i; .\ \ l', 1 _.i' I. . I 2;: angel come back from the dear long , HIS LITTLE LOVE. \ . [Geo. '1. SuniganJ   if..
yl   .. . .. -.;- i Ah. what to him now is a nation's emotion I " The world is bid. 13.17::
i \ v , 7,, :_7: . Am} What for our love 01. our grief 03mm be? She loves me. She. the dearost. best. - And love grows cold. .I l)?
5. \r \3 -.~ , l; . .f . A swxft-spoeumg ship is asa ou the bean Most perfect of created things. And heartsmre sold [-51
- . , 4 5,  . - 2 And Nellie is coming from over the'saal Has 1 she 105785 me. and has pressed For gold,  3'35.
-:, - . Jr; 5 , . m_=7~__t_~_ w_7____7_ Her-dips to mine. My whole heart sings They say. . .. E7
, . , l 5mg. - 1.3755, . .   " Evnh Joy, btageeg am sohbflessed. d  ' M lad is t th 1 .
l v -,_ M5275}. , K  l' - , ~ . '0 more wl ou ts, Wit ears oppresse  y Y S 03 6 P 535136   {-5 7
'5' . .._ _.. l 5,. *- al'g , . {V1335}??? 1281)? moment on high,  My whole heart. Smgg_ ' Of each hour that passes by; 5 'l =. 7
i \ , a;  Iivvii. 3'- , And Spangled Egataggegl shlry2 f > IDTEAISEIOII: golgen garden, 1.5:,
 5 I35 h-%;;'.I.'.I5II- ?  ' " ' . '. . . ~ 5 mung mm. Would for hex-sake. my own my sweet. , e rig test uttery. - 3-3;.
. , i??- .3333; i $113111; Thfftiiclrlgmal proclaim.  - That-riches. fame. allprecious things,  Meanwhile, down town. her husband, .97:
. ' .53 >33??? -i Does his If)"; a? will" from d. 0 day, Wore mine to lavish at her'feet. From dawn until (lurk. [5:55
~ ff . s31.- i. - And publlsifs I35 Zdlwiiggpiay. Butusave the-iove that; takes not wings, In his chase 413d cghwebbed oico. 
 3:; . CHE: The works of an Almiy ht h And mes away on plenS ea; Outos his bliaiest Clerk I;
' .. I..~ ? 5: L? ,1." . Soon as the evening sbgadgs :23 '1 .No wealth hav? 1 tobrlug my sweet; 0 For the world is old, II I f 
.  . I3"? 7.' . 1: l . gllgniiogiitakes up the woucIiroutsutalq I Naught. e se but love. And love grows cold, 5 I "III'I'
. . 1 - 7 w . n P. g. c y, to the list -  _ , 7 .  And hearts are sold . .:-:=;
; . a -; : i . 5 ' - Rgqesns them"), of 116311315; in: th. . D33; iIsotlf ilh ehgaitvif: 3:11: m 89 m" . For sold  is?
I' To}? ' I. f5 ,. " "Hm [1 the stars that round her burn 5 "One lock of nal: pureiroldetfgfiihir , --:  I Well adayl '
I III {xi cIIzIzIIi-iiltiIllIIeIiI-'lm in their tum. ? . More than the Wealth of'worlds I 'nrlze. . , But my ladyt presence ever .  ~, (I3?
I i .'-" iii If??? Add spread thaliil'gst; i they 1'0. - ~Oh, strange that she for me should care. _  ' Brighteus the busy place: xii:
- ' Kl 1; _ UK I  What though inlsloleniImlP1 to lpole, Who hasull beauty for her share! When he P111565 in his Writing I5 ' - I-if
l\  i II. ITfII' I 5?? '- lyre round the dark tgrflgiiciael gain? 5 Oh, sweetl 0h, strange!  I 11:15:13: eaglgilutgvdy I I 2:.
l . _ . at chou h no real . . -. . > ,   (.1;
A _ .4, . 7:.:  l i > Amid thesegmdlam 032$? souiigd .  . Yelat that she loves me well I know. Thegoyssc of the gay, .. i lg:-
lg. ., i Mi .  In 2- e as oils ear the ll pun . -. I n her pure heart no guile could dwell. . The kiss of her lips koens for him i 32..7.
la: 5.-.ina..mmgun.l.glorious , Amour?missus. a swat-u l
i "  - ' ' ill; . l E93953" signing. as they shine, 3 ,5 In lispinz acegtgsoft'ngd 10;e  the 0?- then. 01d? *5 
: 54:; l . Mi made us is dim-11g. I love you, papa-l ldvIe you so! Does 1 gm" 1' 5!-
\ 13.; .' :5 ' E"~---F 51 my. u 50!" j .  And are hearts sold , I; .
 ...,- i3. .. l . inll .Bdey. in N. Y. Joumal. . For gold Alway" 'II' I I - W TIE.
k . :1 is? , . \ m . -___: ,-.___-_., _ , \x;
'I L I  I; :71: ,  II . ., I I MI II_7*II_I-W -,
- -  ~.- I": .'l . V I"
K! (5 ."-:...:g. - . I 5 .g' - . .. iii
\- _ 4 > ' _ ,- > - - ".  I (I -'-..,- , NR7 771 ./'/ " I II II