xt73xs5j9s16_8 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9s16/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113.dao.xml unknown 0.64 Cubic Feet 1 box, 1 item archival material 59m113 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Hathaway family papers Composers -- Correspondence. Transcription of nine volumes of writing by Captain Leland Hathaway after the Civil War text Transcription of nine volumes of writing by Captain Leland Hathaway after the Civil War 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5j9s16/data/59m113/Box_1/Folder_7/3779.pdf undated section false xt73xs5j9s16_8 xt73xs5j9s16 A copy of the nQne volumes of writing by Captain Leland
Hathaway after the War between the States. He Was a
Native of Montgomery County, Kentucky. Later was a pro—
minent lawyer of Winchester, Ky. The original writings
belong to Mrs. Allice Apperson Young of Mount Sterling,
Ky., a niece.

Papers copied by Mrs. John M. Prewitt of Mount Sterling,
Ky., 1957.

With the permission of Mrs. Young.

 Fifteen young men of the best bloofl in all of the beautiful Blue Grass
lend and ranging in age from 80 to 26 yesrs old rode out frOm "Deer

Park" and set their faces towards Virginia by the way of Pound Gan.

To make my daughter understand the difficulties attending this hove—

ment it is necessary to know that in pursuance of the Federal clan of
repression, there was a Heme Guard at hount Sterling, one at therpsburg,
respectively 5 and 7 miles South and north of our home.

horses and arms had been gathered and 15 men marchefl away South with-

out hindrance or even protest. fihen we think of the necessity of absolute
secrecy for more than a week and that many had to be trusted, and snong
those most trusted and relied on there were more than a score of eleven
the wonder grows to astonishment, and astonishment is almost trans» '
formed into reverence for the truth enfi fidelity of these humble friends,
who held our fete in their hands. . '
The probable consequences of betrayal almost shoal us even as we think

off to the dungeons before this time who dragged out the H years of 1
war in nOpeless confinement. There was no exchange for the mere politic-
el prisoner and his only avenue of eszpe use to swallow anything in

the shape or political done that the bigoted and fanatical Getren chose
'to force down his throat and to submit to such terms of reetriction

or banishment as pleased these erbitary and petty desnote. Not leav—

ing out ot the count the suspicion and espionage which gollowed all rho
were willing to purchase peace st such a price. It was this neril
impending that we made outselvee ready, we knew that a shisner from a
servant to the wrong men, black or white would bring this sw rm of soles
upon us, but we and faith in their affection and their loyalty and our
expectations were fully met. All honor to the kindly, gentle and f 1th—
ful friends of our child hood and may God in his Infinite "isdon and kind-
ness guide them in a better Wsy than they are now being led by their so
called friends.

 While I had perfect faith in the intentions of those necessarily
sequainted with our secret, I knew that accident might give away our
intentions. So, we kept a close watch on the Home Guards and I had
instructed the boys all of them, as they came in, that I did not Want
anybody with me who would not decide not to be made a nrisoner.

I knew well the metal of the stay at home Bluecoots in arms and
felt assured that a few dead men in their ranks would abate their
ardor and worn them to let their neighbors alone. We were well armed
with pistols; were young, stour and consequently confident. But all
went well and our friends that evening did not pay us a visit and
we rode out of the old “Deer Park” gate about ten o'ciook at night;
moved to the left of hount Sterling through tne byways and struck
the State road about 2 miled south of town.

As we learned later a courier was sent to notify the Home Guards, V
soon after we were on the read and that we were followed to what is
now Frenchburh by a detachment consisting of about 30 men, but heard
nothing of them at the time.

he were joined at Jeffersonmille familarly known as Ticktown, by ,
5 other men who h d been informed by trust messenger of our movementsj
we reached the home of Morrison McCormick on Beaver Creek, now the site
of Frenchburg henefes County about sun up and stopped to feed our
horses and get breakfast for ourselves. we found willing hands here
Vand soon were raddy to move again among those who jioned us at
Jeffersonville was our guide Jacob Stull, an old woodsman and hunter
who Know the mountains of Eastern Kentucky well. '

Our march was steady and uneventful until we passed through Easel
Green in Wolfe County. We had been told by friends of different com-
panies of Home Guards along our proposed route and had Rent a regular
sdvance on the look out all the time. We had reason to believe that

our march was observed. Parties of two or three would apnear on the
mountain and suddenly disa pear and we were warned by other susnicious
circumstances that we were closely watched. My party consisted of 20
white men and Richard all well armed with a pair of first class pistols
each, and four of the members had good shot guns loaded with buckshott.
But two of the twenty had been mustered into services, there had been
no regular organization, and one of those felt that his age and exper~
ience entitled him to comrand. 1 1 1
He was a hississippian whom chance had drOpred into Kentucky after
the first Bull Run. Claimed to be a Major of infantry and gave himsklf
airs and in every way made much of himself as a soldier. This was not
1 pleasant to the boys who plainly said that they looked to me as their .
leuder and resented the assumption of the stranger. II had overlooked
' his presuming in Various ways until we neared Hazel Green when all
_ began to feel that we were a preaching danger. I here gaze orders for
a somewhat different order of match and for a mans constant outlook
on the part of our videttes, at this, the pseudo-ma30r was disnosed
to be merry and intimated that it was the result of our canteen.
I quietly but peremptorily repeated my orders by which he was
included and upon his showing a disinclination to obey, I directed
that he be placed in the rear under arrest, his arms be taken from
1 him and said to him unless he made amends and promising strict
obedience he would be left in Hazel Green with orders to shoot him,
if he attempted to interrupt us further. This brought him to his
senses and he gave no further trouble in that way.
do had no trouble in finding our friend here, J. G. Trimble,
who had been notified and was on the look out for us. He told us of
a company of Home Grarde commanded by William Hurst, on our side of
the river and of another company to our left, either of which might '
strike us at any time.

Several of our boys who were not need to horse back riding were
very tired and pleaded hard to stay ail night in town and rest. ‘
i at once decided that this would not do end after a generous eupper
wnion hrs. Trimble had prep red for us and with directions from
our friend, we moved out on the Pond which led up the fork of th:
river. Hoping by traveling until late in the night =nd ettrting
before daylight in the morning to evade the two commenies, 'e tent

~ into camp about midnight at the house of hr. James Rose. 5e put
out pionets and elent until near morning. I aroused my men and had
breekfest, we were ebout to start when Richard said: “Dem men is
comin‘", pointing towards the road. About 200 yards away deployed
and advancing steadily with well Kept guns we saw the enemy. The _
boys were excited, of course, but most of them seemed to remember
thet we were not to be taken and with thie reeoive, fourteen of us
made ready to fight.

I made my dispositions promptly end never was an officer PGPG
gellently seconded.- to soon discovered that 6 of our 20 had left,
dodging behind the house and into the bushes. flhon I learned this,
I gave orders in » voice to reach those who were left to shoot the
next men who ran. This Come too late to be of use to us for I no
sure that not one of the 1% who remained had a thought either of
running or surrenaering.

I saw something of war after this, new the n rve, the courage
and the fortitude of men tried to the quick, but I new at no time

' had no where a higher exhibition of cool staying grit, of dogged,
yet intelligent determination than those 13 boys geve on that bright
October morning. Uutnumbered more than 5 to one with some arms
’ enferior to tue enemy they atoped to their posts with stern resolve

 ,5 V
to do whet they could. '

I had sheltered them as well as I could and commended that no man
should fire until I gave the word. Old soldiers will tell you that
this whiting requires the highest qualities of the fighter and gives
the eterneet test of pluck and staying quality.

The Home Guards, not less than 75 strong, well armed and showing
some discipiline and evidently being led by an officer of courage and
intelligence, advanced with discretion somewhst slowly, but with per-
feet order end fair allignment as they fired as they came. Two of my
men were wounded but true to orders, the fire was not returned. when 1
within loo yards of us, it was very easily told that the officer
named was the oyster spirit end it occurred to me that this company
was there and under arms, not to be killed, not even to fight, but
to plunder who might fall into their hands.

I felt it like an inspiration that if the men who was directing
this attack could be killed, the organization might crumble. I said
this to my guide, Jake Stull and directed him and Jack Davis, both
of whom I had learned were crack shots, to direct their attention
exclusively to the Captain. I proposed to also, direct my attentions
to him. '

The three had good positions and when the blue costs were not over
50 yards from us I called "attention", “Feedy”, "fire". The 1” shots
were as one, the pistols ell, 28 in number with 6 balls each, fired

I in such rapid succession that the mountain guard seemed to be beWild-
ered. Ten rounds had been fired when the Captain threw no his hands
and whet with his being diSebled and the r pid and close fire from our
line, this overnnelming force csme together near their wounded officer;
~IV gays way and very quickly retrested taking their captain with them.

I yelled at the top of my voice “Charge them" and the boys wild

with excitement and the_wpirit of victory shouted in answer. ‘But,
'the order to charge was only to give the retreating enemy a parting I


seere and a motion of my hand brought our brave fellows to my side.
fishing Stull, if we could get out of there, without traveling the
main road for a few miles, he said that he could lead us up a branch
which came in there, and over the rounteins; striking the road by a
safe route several miles further on.

I found Stull and another were slightly wounded. This gave me
my first experience as a surgeon. I quickly bound the wounded limbs
with cotton cloth, bathed them with cold water and rode out followed
by my brave boys 13 tried end true. I had resolved not to be can-
tured and my spirit had been nobly reflected by these plucky young

I had deliberately decided that I could not afford to be made a
prisoner. Besides my own valuables consisted of fiBOO in gold and a ‘
handsome outfit; I had been entrusted with many horses and other
costly belongings of those who had gone out before, including not
less than $60,000 worth of bills and notes, which belonged to my
neighbor and kinsman, Col. Thomas Hohnson, who had hurried away some
weeks before by threats of arrest and imprisonment. Then I had
nundrede of letters from our friends all over Kentucky for their
kindred who had enlisted in the Confederate Army.

Sucn was the fury and unreason of the federal authorities at
that time that any communication with the South would subject the
correspondent to bitter persecution. So mv Capture might, besides
tehing from me all hope of being a soldier would have given to our

. captors the meterial for persecution end outrage. I felt then and
I heVe alwcys felt since thit I coyld not efford to let anybody
make me a prisoner and plrtioulnrly was it beyond my endurance to
suffer the Home Guard to take me a prisoner, and rnrticulerly was
it beyond my endurance to suffer the Home Guard to take me a


So on tn;t bright October day 5;; uur side knew the fight was
to the death if neceSssry and I h;ve always held these 13 breve
sgirits as heroes, guoa m teri l for Mertyrflom.

Our mares use net aéhin interumted tneugh we observed the great—
est Caution until we rescued General Lersnell's egmu in Floyd County.

Tnis Wes an exceptionally severe winter on raw troops and much
elchneas re ulted from the UGCRSb Ty eXposure end want of shelter and
pro er food. Seasoning tneugh, gradually mafia veterans of all and
every tminL hub born without com leint. The our est history of the
tine gives the military movements of the winter which culminated in
in tue Battle of Middleareek in Floyd County, wmeoh resulted in the
witnirawal of tue Confederates from Eastern Kentucky xnfl the estab—
lieumeut of G nerui harsusll's he aquarters in Russell County,
firginia, unere he TBTaiBed until Kay, 1868 watcning the Salt orks
at Sultville in hesuingtou Ceuntv, Vs. .

Having lost my piece by m§ vesicent, I fell intc line in my
old “om any es Lieutenent, new Signer being the Captain. inile
hi3“ them the Battle of Erindeten, fiercer County, Va., was fought
by Generels Grouse & Marshall end their respective forces. This
occurred on the 12th of as}, 1&62 and resulted in a decided
victory for tne Gunfederste arms. The remainder of the snring and
summer HMS -e5sed in the tedious routine fif the cams and nicket duty.

In August of that year Bob Stone? and I resigned our comwissions
and wuet into Kentucfiy on a recuiting exeedition. I had great trouble
alt” my brakes ankle ans did service with difficulty anfl at the soli—
citation of friends I concluded to lay Off a while end rest.

I went to Indiana and staid about two weeks when I b came so
diesutisfied Witu my position and surroundings and so restless Lt

this being an inactive swactator of fire t avcnts that I returned to
Rentucny and bechme again a aoldiar Lnd ;u active pn?ticinant in
tue gtirring anj eventful nigtury which Wmfi heing enacted arounfi we. '
I found Kirby Fmitn anfi Egrgnall in Kentucky mnfl Tragg immed—
iately fc;lowad. Em: story of this 3 mrglgn with ifis premises and
its failur€s wiii be fcuud in any recgrd af these times.
fie Lg in left our humea, nvt 1855 than 30,0u3 Kentucny boys
Lu cxst uur lot vith our brethcrg of tn: floutfi‘ During the month
of caterer, 1852, all armeu Sundeéeratea pussea 3L6 boundary line
of Kentucky find the f reweli was for how long?? Thia was a question
which all aghed and us Lne could _nswer. Hope a id, not for long,
but DUye aux then as it is svar yrovcs dfiiuaive to must of us; it
was for three lOLg and eventful years. .Squuting parties came back,
but most of us did not gee nur homes until the summer Of 1565. '
Speukiug 0f returning to Kentucky reminds me of incidents which
in prayer order wu id have bean rglated before. luring tue first
yebr of tue gar, it ma; nu: uncuwvon for Que or were of the Ventucky
hays nfiu were hltn Pea. hthnQ;L in Virginia to unfie thruugn the
lines into Cuntrai EenLucgy;‘ To do tn*s he aunt evaue Home Guards, ;
t3"-:Vel by gr‘ivlr—te: pining after: L-slwil'k swollen Ltreimus unai- be sure to
be invisible tn any manner of fine dowinaint faction whilw hare.
SLecyiess vigilwnce on;3 cpu;& nocongish the task, for t'sk it was.
A mistake or a wisp; ced congiiaence brought 15 tn or c uture.
ivery town was gUhTQGQ uni avery road Wes ficketed. Thefie trims
mere Eadfi for a yurWORe alvsye; informntiun for the gray or sun 3188
fur the soldier were among the matives uhicn promrted theae h gardous
and sceniugig reckless tripa. hut y uth, strength and grit, to say
nothing of untrivtiam yroved equal to any dcmund made on the Ventucky
soldier and Luey were many and yeculiar.

 9 ‘ ,
I First, he left his home and left his state to cast his fortune
with his Southern brethren. Kentucky did not seCede and every
-‘ interest said to him, stay at home, but love of right and devotion
to principle were stronger than motives of gain or ease. There
‘ never was s time during the long and weary conflict that he could
not have been allowed to enjoy the comforts of home by a sacrifice of
principle and of manhood; the choice was promptly made and the stand
boldly taken.
But to return - during the winter of 1861—62, Peter Everett,
afterward celebrated as a psrtisan leader of dash and dering and
l Came through the lines making, perhaps one of the most hazardous
‘ of all these rishy excursion; the roads xere simply execrsble; rain
snow, sleet and freeze alternated in the work of making the road and
streams nearly imoassable and the weather well nigh unendureble, but
through it all we came, more then a hundred miles over paths and by—
weys dodging the Federal troops here and the more dresded Home Guards
‘ there; swimming mountain torrents and ploughing through mountain mud
I and always cold and most of the time hungry, sloshing a little in a
‘ barn or a haystuch diring the day time and traveling at night, we
" passed around and near haunt.3terling and on to or near Shnrosburg.
There was a considerxhle Yankee force at both places and our
mission was to ascertain the military status of Central Kentucky.
This was eesily done as .ur friends were always on the alert and co-
operated with us heartily and intelligently. We were informed, as
we resched the Slate Creek that the vigilance of the federsls had
been such increased and that they were relentless to those who were
, inforncd, as we reached the Slate Creek that the less to those who
were captured and to those whom have them shelter. So we were
_ very loth to put any one in jeopardy and went into no house except
. on earnest entresty.


We collected such information as we desired and in every was obey—
ed our orders end afterward n not unnotural desire to see some of our
friends socially came over us. Py that telegraohy which existed among
our people it wee easy to peee the word that we would be at a certain
niece at a certain time. So the rendezvoue was fixed for the hospital
home of that tried and true gentleman Oliver taundere near Sherneburg

' and the time 11 o'clock on a given night.

we passed around tne town in eight of the fefiernl tP0038 and the
Home Guerfls and rode into the barnyard by a croes out in the rear of
the house. our signal was answered and we were soon greeting and
using greeted by several of our young lady friends, prominent among
whom was our charming hostess his: Eiien Seundere. Cur wraps and
pistols were laid oonvenientiy nerr us end we gave ourselves ofier to
the enjoyment of the oooaeion, thinning little of the emery within
less than a half mile from us. It was a wild, olnetering night and
the weather favored us. After the great log fire hed warmed us
tnoronghly and we had taken the generous teddy prepared by our friend

3 3r fiannders; supper was announced and all filed into the hosoitable

dining room, where a smoking hot Tenet eat before me.

"Aunt Mary" the old c0ok with the orihilege of age and long
toqueintenee geve us a hearty ”how de do" and said with emohaeis,
" I cooked ell dot wid my own h nee and I want you to eat a mighty
goofl supper, cause I spect you been hungry 8 long time}: " We ‘
die tne whole spread, the family and vieitore joining us in this _
pleasing exercise. .o ' ' ‘

Another hour was spent in bright and pleasant talk, when in the
"wee small hours" we took our leeVe of these kind friends and went
our way into the freezing night feeling that life still had its

Thus soldier: lived, enjoyed and endured taking the "bitter
with tee sweet”, careless of the present end seeroely with e
I tnougnt for tomorros; content if today'e duty be well Some and
he py if the night bringe either rest or e frolic; ready for
fight or fun and relishing either or both with just about the
same zest.
#0 took supper witn ry father at "Deer Park ” on the next night
and toe delight of all was touching to me. I had seen father ones '
before at a rendeZVoue two nights previous. He was the holy one of
the white family at none, but the older negroes crowed around he
with Jealous Care, eyery one trying to do more than the other.
"tertna" had done her best and we had e sup er fit for a lucullus.
Birds, saueige, which see Knew to be my weakness anfl evervthing
in the way of good f_re to rrovoke the eooetite. I
Father wee much pleaeed to have us, but his pleasure wee V
mixed with apprehension of danger, bee use he knew of the constant
viglenoe of the emery and also that there was a rumor in their ranks
tnet there were rebels in the co mty or in Bath. The belief was
that tnere was‘quite a number somewhere near the Hamilton olace.
5e took our time,_howerer and made our rercrt to the General who
expressed himself much pleeeed at our success. 3 ' '
In addition to our duty, 5e delivered letters and mess gee from
mothers, f ther, sister, elves and sweethearts and mefie the oemn
glad for days. fiuch were the pilgrimages to the Blue Grass region
with its good cheer, ite levee, its hopes and ite feere.» "
But, there is an other incident connected yith this time which
was fixed in our meeories by the tragic element with NuiCh it was
imbued. figcn town had its little eeepot coiled frovost Marshall
3 alothed with authority to arrest enfl examine, to seize ‘nd search

persons and houses. imagination can scarcely reacn the extent of
- the outrages comnitted by these SCOquTBlS or the persecution fiut
by Luem on their neighbors and even tneir Aindred. it is net
easy nee to canceive that oer gueréian Iriends ehuuli ioyget the
yeet and Cruel;y use the pre eat. It was 80 auwever. iraitur and
renal sauuidpel were names inoutat not too Led to be put u on men
nitnerto nituuut reproach, and its Letiy blaceguarflu iii not
hesitate to we offensive in uuyd 2nd get to Kentucky‘s beet
gentleuomen. This sent fPOm bgi t3 worse untii the winter of
lébl—bé was nearly pest amen hrs; Regers, wife of Silliam 3. Rogers 1
of ”N85 Forrest", bourbon Sgunty, Eentucfiy was returning_from a eieit
. to her some in Virginia. 3 ‘ ‘ .
fine wag maxing ner we; more my the usual route and on horse—
back amen sue wee intersepte; neur Snerpeburn and ereeuted and t ken
intg town. flare ene was :6 rcheé nd insulted and subjected to
many indignities by the Preheat fiersnall, one Martin Geesett, a
ehilom farmer and son of e h rd emailed Vaptist minister of the
SharpSuurg meignuornood. Thia outrege raised a furore and every
- Sournern sympathizer was aroue d and almrmed. The Union men bore 3
tnemeelvee naugntily and moulj not tuia 0f comprowise er fevev
without comglete abnegation on the ;:rt of the ”repels“.
’ So it wee for weeke, a perfect reign of terior existefi and no
euartere on traitors was the ~2ficu cry of tne Other side. But in
V Less tnem a Ewflth from the date of the seizure and sewrch of firs.
£05911, tween fieughty neroee met e on other with trembling smeedh
of mrs togers, tnese douguty neroes met eaeu other with trembling
. Speech and asked in subdued wiispers of Martin Gossett's death. 'How
1 was he Ailled and when and who did it; then what shall we do and
who is safe. .
‘ For nrue_it was taut this champion of the Union cause, this

 i 13
persecution of his neighbors, this insulter of women was shot to
death in his own door by an unknown hand and without a clue to the .
. identity and the where about of his slayer. Well might these in—
solent Carpet Knights tremble and with white lips and faltering
tongue askwherein lies safety. Ahl they have been taugh a
lesson by a little bolld letting. They have learned that there
are two sides to thss question. Might it not be well to look
on the other side little.

They were weift to propose terms. Southern symanthizers were .
masters of the situation; the Union men asking an interchange of
favor and our side were treated with much more consideration.

Arrest and insult were the exception now, instead of the rule in
Bath and Montgomery Counties and when arrests were made, Union
men were the first to ask for release and clemency.

But to return to my military life, after leaving Ken tucky
again in the fall of leE. I decided to go to Tennessee and fioin
General John H. Morgan. I was still quite lame though on horse—
back I made a good soldier and was able to perform every duty.

To that end I united myself with Capt in William Tipton's Company.
This troop was composed slmost wholly of my guardian neighbors, .
many of them having gone to school with me. We left camp in R4
Tussell County, Virginia during the last week in November and

. , after a march of about a week reached the camp of Col. Roy’s. Cluke
on Stone River in Tennessee. He was also A Mt. Sterling man and
his command were chiefly from Clark, Fayette & Woodford Counties.

V Tipton's company was at once by the order of Gen. Morgan incopor-

ated in Cluke’s Regiment and for the time I remained as a menber
of the company. Col. Cluke offered me a position for which I
thanked him but declined. ' d .

1 soun saw that soldicrln; witu horgan meant suretning different
from unat I had been eccueiuwed to uitn Gen. bersnall. Una meant
life, quicn and ever Stirring 2ni scout uni foray, dufih end flarieg
while the utner n31 been the slow yet determlned waiting ror the
sneer and a 5033 atrong blow when He 0;"e. Fut, now thera was no
waiting for tne eneny uLd a goqu strung blow mnen me cawe. But,
now mien: we; no waiting 1132-:3 lua going EC; .4209: for a ight.
The ruutine of Gen. Lgrsnall's quiet C mm life had weanefl we end
1 had yictured to myeclf tale new life a: fine ideel one for the
suldier but too mucu of anytuing, amen excitevent and danger say ‘
yrove u little .earying tnoubu it caulk tht;iHlW never grow
nonotunuus. The s lrit of 333 Chief Vervaede every cgva and all '
were l00£1n6 forward to cuae men 3nd trillient vanauver. Faail A.
bugs why “an been e al.85m is in thfi L35 Congol, res mom a Zoloncl a
and was aguyed near us.
; was 3nxious to meet nlfie and stner friends. ’y tax may, I
h&d met George bldlaie of Lexington here, he being 5 "QVLQT of the
poignant. we were clasenlte; L tue fl. . I. and graduatei to—
gether in 165». Very auon 3iter yr ivlng I want to 33v H3 iquavters
or general morg u at 31335'3 inc ls ne‘r Lurfréasboro. Here 1 vet
Duke 2mm otuer thu;th uses. miter Z n d Eeen in tae ruam a short
time listenmng to tne 13:5 of r3138 an guns uni amwumitinn& scoums
and other matters gunnectei with miie 3w ka war, a smrn331y dressed
young m;u came in and after aaluting tne offieers asse'blei Lnfl
whey ..>exx=::1‘:L;l burg: :1 final 5503:;116143 the out; vzn3 there, he, ‘, 01:": the voungj
man go Q0 on wing his rayoyt 3 ying “#6 3 8 ill fripnfi; hfile".
General buge's introduction neviny no iuubt satieféed tnc énief
‘ taut I Cpulu be trusted. ”me lieutenant for sue“ he pyobad to he
vegan “an related 3 mueL r3w;r;;vle aficrfi sue ing sucn f mill rltv
witn the numbera, usitions end raverents of fine SHUT“ as ?o it'rtle

 ,15 - '
me. He could not nave learned all this wiznout n Vina event days
‘ in Lneir camps uni being in the most intimate enfi QOHTiJential
terms witn the federel Officere, fierticulerly vita the Comnender-
in»3niof end yerneis tue chiefs of porn thE 30mwissrry eni -ufirter»
meatQPFE Department.

I felt tnot I was in the presence of one of thut dreafied yet
very necessary Ldgunote of every army, a shrewd and daring shy.
After he nee told uie tale 3? r.tner,ve&e nis report, the GeneWnl
Listening all of too time with moet reepethul bearing, he turned
to tne marretor and in tones almost 0 rreeeing he gently askefi,
"you Sew and neere all of unis youroelf, of course" -”Qh, no,”
promptly replied the soldier. "en! then, now do you Know about
it"? fieii, mr.—— woo 18 a vexy true and relieble Southern men
toia me tuis“. to is well nnown to you, of course“? "Nell, no
I do not Know him". “Teen how do you Know he is true and reliablel
”any, -——~ail tue peogle down that way say he is all right”. An
ominous ”Hemph, Humph” same fnom tue General's throat, yet he pro-
ceeded very quietly and with much gentleness with the cross ex-
eminetlon. Tue young fe;low soon begen to stewmer and to hesitate
and toe old adage "that woo neeitatee is lost", was not Leliefi in

It was goon app rent that he nei snent Several fieys with very
agre.eble peofile and had picked up the reports of the enemy which
were current in the neighborhOoi. Then the well moduleted yet not

I to be mistaken voice of the Chief said, "Sir, you souxht the ser—
vice. I reluctantly permittefl you to undertvke it, you hive utterly
‘ failed so far, as you mufit see. I gill however, give V‘u another

opportunity”, turning to an ordariy, he said, "Tell the quarter—
master to furnish Nr.—-——, with a Eu. 1 norse and such as requires.
Then to the yaung van, “1 ehsll cx~ect to hear from yQu ag in on
or before the day of tue manta. Good Earning, flir”. I
Tnis was sumetuing like EH8 tars and the inciients that I had
read pmuut, and I realized that I was in the presence of A great
sllxier far the first time in wy life. '
Tablet 2. First 332 u x83 missing.
its dashing Captain held a pl ce Second to none in the confifiencw
and este?m of nia General. If ans of tne "330nts" gave infarmation, \
iordan flid not he.itute to form his nlans relying in every ietail
on the re art.
So 418 marvelous feats of arms, his surprises, nis well nigh ~
ubiquitcus yregence :nich vewildered the enemy were enl” the results
of ex ct calculations mafia fret fiat; furniSaed by his awn aildiers
whiCu date he knew to be :bsclutely accurate. This at tameut
perhays will Oflle apply to the Lirst 2; years of the Ear. 318
OPtQDiJltiOD was never so perfect nor was n18 relations to his
command ever tue Safle after 1863-4.
float of nis mivision were in DPiSOfl and his force waa m,de up
of yortiong of other commands, thrown together m king not a novagen—
eous body and tnere Seemed never to be.tne ”Exprit fie Germs" among
the men or the ties betwean tnem and their officers which had
Characterized the splendid army uf ydung men who followed the-
‘ great cavalry leader during tne first two years of his glittering ‘
Ctreer. Only such men made such a cgreer possible.
It is true that me had a remnant of His old division after his


escape frOm prison, but they were the fragwents of broken cannanies,
rut together often under officers not 0f their choice and there were
mixed witm others, LHOSS mude of Jflff re had been entifiely flifferent
and who were thoroughly iHCUVjetent end uncongenial.

‘ The volunteer, Darticulrrly the Kentucky volunteer never for-
gets that he is a volunteer QLd of all tfllugg, he flemanfle a voiCe .
in tne selection of those who nee to commgnd file. Then, too, Gen. .
Lorgun wge much newnerei by fine Aer department wnd by these who
were put over him. He was essentiaily a utrtiean uni cewld not be
Gunfined mitnin the limits of iron Clea orflers and POWtiEG WLPCRGS.,
eeunter-msrches. After 1363, he was curhefi and circumscritefl and
n18 influences impaired if Not thtffiyfid. I

I return to ca: , much 13 reamed by flufit I had seen and he rd
and felt tpat new 2 3:3 to see rowetbing of real wsr. “e had been ‘ ‘
with Clu£e but a few deys ugen he joined the remaiufier of the_cunvand
and moved tcward Hartsville. ,

Gen. horgan had learned that a Cam? had been eatsblished there

i and ne determined to LttfiOK and capture the farce. Cm the Eyh. of
Remember, 1862, he moved from $1eck's Shop 7 milee from Iurfreesboro,
marcned a1; nigut, seem the Cumberland Eiver and gtruck the enemy at
daylight. They were cuwplet64y surprised enfi after a runninw fight
whiCL last about an hour, they surrenderei and we recroesed the
river with £100 prisonere. Qe had eng~ged in tne fight less than
1100 men. The other part Of the Jemrend difl not get um on tiwe.
The weather was egtrevly cmld and eiter the =lunge in the river,
our clotmes froze On us. we were not ullowei to wake fires and mad
to get fizfm gnfl ‘ry by exerciee.

I went out on tgie fight witn Tipten'e Company. The boys were
a little anxious refore epyreciuted taeir wertn.

Yhe Captured comp use very rich in everything, wnion r soliier
govete, flour, neat, enger, oofyos, bioniete, etc. Rionar? “ent with