,. · 4 ·   '
  . 2
(d) An assigned title is one given a record when the volume or container 1
j bears no title. The assigned title is always printed in capitals Q
V and enclosed in parentheses. 2 W {
(e) An abbreviated title is followed by fully spelled out words, and E e {
_A enclosed in parentheses. . Q · 5
2. Dates 3  Q ‘ t
“lhe—inc1usive dates covered by the entire record series should be shown. % * <
_ The first and last date should be separated by a "hyphen"; e.g., if the rec- { t {
_ ord started in 1800 and has been maintained to the present without any miss- Q j $
1 ing dates, the dates would read, 2/10/1800-current. If the oldest date V "Q L
found was 2/lg/1800 and the latest date 6/8/1910, it would be written; y", {
2/10/1800-6/8 1910. Missing records cause gaps to appear and should be in- Lal";
dicated by giving the inclusive dates of existing records only, e.g., .i,, Q
2/10/1800-8/2/1246, 5/7/was-es,/s/Jaoi, 7/1,/1912-summa;. These three in-    
clusive dates, separated by commas, explain that the records for 1847-1892 ·,f’p
and 1902-1911 are missing, ' }°fii
lf records are undated and you are unable to determine the dates, state ,ie·. ig?
J "na data" in item 2 and attach a note of explanation. When a record is shown {pi`;
as "current", although the last entry recorded may bear a date one or more ‘?[j
years previous, the exact date of the last entry should be given. Thus, let j~_j
us assume that in a medical register dated 1900-current, the last entry was y;§‘
May 17, 1938, then the dates should read: "l900-current. Last entry Kay 17, _iJ¤·
1938." hhere it is possible, give exact month and day as well as year dates. gf ''`l ,2
V 5. Quantity lj;-Q
—lh€“number of volumes, file boxes, bundles, or other containers should ?f?fT
be shown in this space. lf there are 20 deed books in the series, then item "QIg*¤
3 of the HR form for deeds would read: "2O volumes." Do not combine original QXQQ
documents with the record of those documents, and do not combine file box 3YCg
and volume records on tho same form. Qi: f
4. Labeling ;f§;~§
*ExaEt”information as to the "labeling" of volumes, file boxes, and other Lia §
containers should be given so that it will direct the user to the records for g}, ‘
which he is looking. The containers may be labeled by dates, numbers, letters, JQQQ3
or some other method. For example, if there are six volumes numbered 1, 2, yell]
5, 4, 5, 6, you would show "1-G" in item 4. Should the first three volumes _;?$]
be numbered 1, 2, Z, and the other three be lettered A, B, C, you would show »f7;,§
"l—5, A-C." Should the first four of these volumes be numbered 1-4 and the Aéilla
last two volumes bear no labeling, you would show "1-4, 2 volumes not labeled." @5;-
However, if the two oldest volumes bear no labeling, and the last four are ?§§e2
numbered 1-4, you would show "2 volumes not labeled, l—4". You can readily ,€f§ij
see that the labeling must follow the order of the dates. hhen the numbers Q§§ff
on the documents (case papers, for instance) are indicated on each file box, 2;§§j
the labeling should read as follows; "Numbered by case number as follows; g£g{·
l-50, 51-150, 151-250," and so on. fgf g
    ‘t··   ‘“     "  ` . .'...“ in  .. *‘‘ i ". "  “    -».e  ;  ‘'‘‘  gn-?