xt73xs5jbv55 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jbv55/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1988 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham), February 5, 1988 text University of Kentucky vs. UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham), February 5, 1988 1988 2014 true xt73xs5jbv55 section xt73xs5jbv55 $1 M0 V ‘ Sophomore F0"Wa"d
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ln Kentucky spert has always  that always de/ng yeur best is
k been mere than playing a game.           an attitude that extends beyend
Here, spert means traditien. lt   et s ‘tt     ttat     t t · the playing held. Just as basket-
means pride.     st._ ef?)  ~‘t   t.-t   ball is ngiust basketball at
Thats why we suppert this        ..k_.s  y Kentucky meter eil is @iust
publicatien _with pride. Pride in    li°    l}  meter eil at \/alveline. With pride
the University et Kentucky Pride         and traditren. we make meter
in itsathletrc pregrams. And     my    eils precisely termulated te meet
SD€Ci&1|Dtld€lhih€ Siudentéithg k » vALvn_ullE- S_mP;,lQ -.-·   -trr   yeurcars special needs.
leteswhe hener us all with their     _ Valvelrne Orltlempany
cemmrtment te a/ways derng       Lexingten,KY ¤5~ra~~r»Drvrsren
therrbest. _ _ _.._,..__..c..*""*—‘” efAshland_Orl, lnc. ©l98Z
At Valvelrne, we believe Valveline Oil Cempany

  "" E1 EE {S i}~k (Uma/Q/zsify ogf {Kentucky
'A'.l I ll'] I l'L"
CONTENTS We’re Proud to be
Coach Sharon Fanning .......................... 2 '
easkeraii starr ...........................,.... s S
Dr. David Roselle .............................. 4       I
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4
Meet the Players ............................ 5-22 (/5,,);
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker W _»<}:’ _
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis/   l
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15) V
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
Opponents’ Feature .........................,. 18 /
Lady Kat Feature ............................. 19   ~
Scorecard ..................,.............. 22-23 »—— I ·‘
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 vi,
Assistant AD‘s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25 g   Q
UK Sports Information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27
Lady Kat Records .......................... 29-30
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33
UK Campus ............................... 35-36 ‘
Your hO|'T'I€‘lOWI1 gI‘OC6I’y StOI‘9S I
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky
Written, Produced and Edited by I
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports information Director
Special Thanks to I
¤sAi=iEN spears E T1CHETP•[3N® has seats for events at FREEDOM
'Q,"Q5§Eg'§EéEN ,:,,,;,8,,,9,,, HALL in Louisville, RUPP ARENA in Lexington,
and man other facilities around the count .
Advertising Sales
Photography by
Design and priming by ®TlCIiETRI3N`I LOCATIONS.

 (Unit/a/zstty 0;;l Waatuckg  
0000% Sha/z07t €;CWl/It/lg Cgagms    0  
  8 f   _ §`m       if-
QW   G S   he   ._0,      
Sharon Fanning brings to Ken- _  ` _   .   _  "  i f ` 0 ‘  `='‘’  "
tucky not only an exceptional   y      ,. f f  -1   ·»’*‘
record, but also a national repu—   J      e l:,‘  f  
tation as an outstanding coach, ,  - n—ag . ,;_              _   _
recruiter and motivator. In 11 _` ‘ , '    _ S V__l   “ l
memorable seasons at the Uni- 1   . ` .   I- -._‘_,‘  "  "`»gi’,   ·»‘‘_'   if t j_   ,
versity of Tennessee at Chatta- it   - . p 3.   .     -l:’A   S ‘;VA   -  
nooga, Fanning’s squads com- {if -i-p; égi;_ - _ 1. . · V     _vV‘_   i‘_g   .V··_~_   _  
piled a 189-129 mark, including ·;_gt-;-;i··;;;{ejh- · "_ r   t   ‘·A»·_     ___;;   -5;
five straight Southern Conference     `_       it   ’ ‘
championships from 1982-1986.   »_1l‘   i·.g_          -ti-,J     `‘t‘.. -1 pgg_ "
In 1984, the Lady Moes went 26-   vpsg gl V,,., g       _,-·   J ‘‘». -   -
· 5 and were runners-up in the     j °j    ] ;__ _,,j,,,;,  '`S``   il
Na ional Women’s Invitational   1 =`-       *   ~   ``'I  
TO;mam€m_ Coach Fanning is flanked by University President Dr. David Roselle and Athletics Director
. Cliff Hagan. BeIow,Fanning addresses the news media after being named new coach by Hagan.
And while her teams were
ggglggpixxl fofvglgcrgggg/ie Fanning join us," UK Athletics   `
g g Director Cliff Hagan says. "She    i '   i=`  I    
eeheeheh   ee weh- She Wee has at the qualities we were  .  , ,     1.  
gamcd Southern Cwfcrcncc looking for to till this position. ‘     S   _ .
oach of the Year in 1984 and . ·   r-—_ ‘_-, V   IIGSSCC, Wl'l€I`€ she S€I`V€(l HS 3. FANNINGIS RECORD AT UTC
  —    i           ’-  graduate assistant coach to Pat YEAR W L PCT-
` ` _         _ ‘ii`   Head Summitt for one year be- ieve-77 20 is sbs
    .‘ — =   ~ I-    '’``   fore returning home to build a 197778 19 7 -731
   A   ;  is t >· 5 8, 1978-79 15 11 593
  K   2 - -» wp  ` pI`OgI`HII'l at hcl- alma IIIGICI`. 197980 15 13 -536
ii=`   5°- . _\.e      .  ``'`` A ` A noted speaker who is very 1980-81* 19 9 we
      ep  I p active in civic affairs, Fanning Eggigg, lg   gg?
7 . lg     ` if     p`‘, Fl also served BS COOI`dlH3.tOI` of 1983-84*# 26 5 :839
 ·_     ·-~1 - h‘*’’       Women’s Athletics at UTC since 1984-85; 16 13 esa
  -e h``1   I       itrff Qt    hh--    1978- She he e emrem memhee ef IEEE? `? $3 S23
    ,,____ ;   __..       the National Women’s Basketball Totals E- E Q
This summer, Coach Fanning gave instruc- CQaCh€S A$S°C‘3“9“ BOard Of '$¤¤¤h9r¤ CUHIQVQVICE €he¤1P*¤¤S
trans al a basketball clinic an tlaelrsbn, lb1<= Hauserman tucky rm three years. A
  .» Cindy’s experience as 1980 graduate of
A-   a great player at all lcv- Sue Stanley Ya¤kt<>¤ C¤11¢s€» he Y€“
    i els of competition made Sue joined the UK mained at his alma mater
r   her an exciting addition training staff in 1982 for two years as football
, . _ . to the Lady Kats staff. A after serving for one and strength coach. He
_ ; it   two-time Olympian, Cin- year as Co—Ordinator of then served as a graduate
   ‘   dy joined the University Sports Medicine for the assistant strength coach
  ., __,   of Kentucky for her first Department of Intramu— for two years at South
; _ a i    coaching job in August, ral/Recreational Services Carolina and as an assis-
S e tr,   1985. at East Carolina Univer- tant strength coach at
_.   A native of Clarks- sity. Sue graduated from Oklahoma for one year
iisi. — ji     burg, Ohio, Cindy began Ohio State University, before coming to Ken-
  ` ` an stymin   an outstanding playing where she earned a de- tucky. Lee is 29 years
emit {wir yt.,i1~i{»,, mma, n·z.<·zy career at Frankfort- gree in Physical Educa- old and single.

  "-lrrrri rr grrrrrr/Qi  
  H  Executive Committee of the NCAA Division PRESIDENT  
1A Athletics Directors Association. “
D1l°€C1l0l` of Athletics A two-time All-American basketball center DAVID P'   l
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats `
A _. iu __‘_ ,_ win 86 of 91 games during his career. Includ- r
D ,__,.   in °`* ~  ed in his career is a 1951 national champion- I I
_`   __ ____   ls ship under legendary coach Adolph Rupp.   I · _ A
    —`’$   _ » As a senior, Hagan helped lead UK to a   I i
  _  [ perfect 25-0 record and the Southeastern _   _
 E;   _— Conference title. That season, Hagan aver- , ‘_s;“"‘ 1*
 *   aged 29 points per game and led the nation in r _     _
      _ rebounding (13.5 rpg).      
    _, After graduating from UK in 1954 and _ _
  ‘‘`' li ` serving two years at Andrews Air Force Base ;_  
- as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a  
highly successiill National Basketball Associ- ‘ '
  ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. In 10  _Q  _ *—    
  seasons, he posted 12,433 career points in _ ’,.\
I 672 games (18.5 ppg) and played in five NBA · `
. , ` Alhstar gaillcsij S L _ h_ h Dr. David P. Roselle was named the
t. t . . D . .
A- on Hagar   ii- ii-i r-- --   .r.r.?.ii‘t“.l’,r"¥r?vr.?;‘.. ax`}? rié? rttgit me rrcggleiiiol the lmwmtr Ol   —
‘ director,·the·Umvers1ty· of Kentucky Athletics helped lead the Hawks to the World Champi_ lucky lll ` BTC I987- _ A
Association is undergoing an era of unprece- Onship by defeating the Boston Ceiticsi HC I Dr. Roselle comes to UK from Virgin-
dented growth. D D also Sci 3 NBA Singic game record for most ia Tech in Blacksburg, Va., where he
Rcccllllycomplclcd PTOJCCIS lllcllldc the $6 field goals in a quarter (12). Hagan was voted SCTYCCI as PTOVOSI Tour Y€aTS· The POSI‘
million   Nutter Football Training Facili— Aii_Pm from i957_62_ iioh Of i-WOVOSI at Viigihia Tech is the
Iy‘ thc Tlllfllry I ‘ BOOIIC IIICIOOI T€lllllS_C°IlI€l’ Between basketball seasons at St. Louis, number two administrative position at the
Ihc Ilgllllllg FII thc SIIIVCIY Bascballplcld and Hagan earned his M.S. degree from Washing- university which has more than 22 OOO
the resurfacing and seating expansion of the {On University in iD58 t d t ’ ’
snively Track. In tradition, the $5.5 million H i h d t. t ‘ i h f th S “ c" S; _
H C L .t r A { Cc {cr is i,_ C 350 3 8 S lll ¤§ PaY?l·°0¤C 0_ 6 A native of Pennsylvania, Dr. Roselle _
ally ‘ zlllcal C qua lcs ll Ima. Dallas Chapparals during his professional . h D · h · .
lng Colllplcllolh bllllglllg the wml Cxpclldk basketball days. In fact Hagan was chosen as has- A P- I I m mat emamx from Dllkf
me lr Capital erarslon rroiws *0 mrlr tip rmt prot.-saOrii’cOacn ofthe Year in U“‘““S“Y· H6 has *°““ 8 “‘a““’“‘”~I‘°S
I $15 million. iD68 His record at Daiias was iOD_DO in professor and researcher at the Univer-
iThi§ pagt Jplyijithe UK Athleticjs Associaé iD-/5; Hagan was named to the Kcmlicky sity of Maryland and Louisi-
mm Dill, O lrccmls approve a IBCET Athletic Hall of Fame. Three years later, he ana Stale UTIIVBTSIIY H9 Tlecfime a PIO'
$93 mlllloli bl-ld8€l Im rhs I987j88 Ilecal became the Eyst UK player jnductgd imd did fessor of mathematics at Virginia Tech in i
rw ln ll lllllc when many alhlcllc dcpam Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. 1974 and held that l`3Culty appointment
  ilgcblgligilrlllgifg Si1IlSi;’;ti;‘lIKA“’$;tl$°I;l(; Hagan is married to the former Martha during his entire tenure there.
tux dollars from ythe Unilvqzrsitygs general S/lllmn (i$iOWiiIlSb¥iEO' Thcliliihavi fmil   H9 also SCTYMI as dean OT YITEIITIII
hmm Nicrlii Ti; if axylgg TS· awe C; - Tech s graduate school and dean of re-
" . tt - . ·
Hagan. a native of Owensboro, replaced mgsof TI;Ial;`Syl:\;a;ia€i’l};l1iV€r;I;£yA lccclll gm ll Search and graduate studies. i
the late Harry C. Lancaster as athletics direc- DY- Roselle 15 I °?“ ‘?‘I"°' OI TWO b°‘?I“ ”‘“‘I was °“ The
Acudcniic Honor RDiiS_ MV I"I“‘ C O“‘°“* Dr. Charles P. Roland editorial board of a third.
nrrprrrrs trrvoivornonr in college ittnittitt i-iiDSiDDMDMi,DRD B€“"l’?gg¥S-MCWOS Dr- Rriselle is married lv the lbriiicr
cxtcnds noynnti tnc University ol`Kcntucky. Mr AWD Chmiicr DQg;‘i‘i'I§§,tIf·E"‘"g°' Louise Dowling <>l` Manliasser. NY-.
He serves on thc Executive Committee of the Mp Frank Riiimcv Dri LBL Vggidugcii ilhd they h2lV€ 11 SOIL Atthlllt 16. and 21
Southeastern Confercncc and is also on the I daughter. Cynthia. 15.
4 .

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One of the most talented players in Lady   t   i ‘   `  
Kat history. Bebe is expected to be one of the   y   _ yi _`  
top players in the Southeastern Conference     _.     Y 
this season and should be a strong contender Ve g   ~»t'`  
for All-America honors. She led the Lady I       »»  
Mts in mine lest Seesen with en Meee ei   ‘;t—       —tts  
17.7 points a game. which ranked her fourth _     SV  
in tnot eoteaoo onions SEC oleyeis Site was     ‘’i’i   s .— ~ 
also fourth in the SEC in free throw percent-   ;._;   _,»/‘    
age (78.6), sixth in steals per game (2.6) and ’   _‘t·`     g y gi  
nintn in rel>o¤n<1ins<7·i>-     r.’.   »~,,=»‘     ls7s_t     *
Bebe is 14th on the all-time Lady Kats *   'C`. {   »·»Ci.V   '`Cg   ` V ·
scoring list with 937 career points, and if she `· Q, _`_· ;       .'aVr·   V.V=           t
keeps up ner current paee, sne should easily   ·-.r       :’r t ·‘°;           ` ·
scorers   S     ·.—ii ¥?? i ll-l i       T   
A tirst—team Parade All-America as a sen- V   ~ _ ’ .     `‘`` in   J          '
ior at Henry Clay High School in Lexington, V  fj;  tl i ’   ‘’**   ._V_r     V  
Bebe suffered a stress fracture as a freshman »r,» V~   V. V I   ·V_: __   »_t_VV I   h    
and played in only half of the games in her  ;V.Q;;:V _v··— V`}.; t.__ _V  VV   _·-. 9* -`·.           jg- .~-·· s     . V
first year. But as a sophomore, she started in   -r_` ‘   ‘=__ _.iV_ _         I ·   ; ilv   _»_~    
22 of 27 games and was the fourth—leading       V~`i     _   if `:t‘’      
scorer on the team. W i  V   Q     tif I  `_  y ·_ `   - _ ’    
Last year she began ner junior season by   .`-  s  ‘ __ ~  ~        i   `·i.`_ `  
being named the first unanimous MVP in the · »     .   ·.·_    tti`‘  iii; t__‘ I   ir n ~:~  =·`   
l0—year history of the Lady Kats Invitational     *’   V_,»`»i     `'ff `     '  
_ tournament. She excelled in every phase V t ***1            
(Cg]5 and SQ()[‘h]g in dgiiblg liguygs in ;_]]| but Cosby TOP TV SIIOVVZ Opfiiil W1HffCy SIIOW program and ZS an   role  
ilirelei   a twi)—g;Fi11lilh0igl1q§"ct)tig[ sfint zhe Eiii0I‘lt€ Iioodz Ribs Htolghles and Pagmgeg; model for y0ung Studenpathletes,  
Ut _ ~() ’- vrgm [sig Ii;) 3]] injg Cf wi[ 3 1S €l'11I1g O YTIUSIC, WH C lng SO8pS 311 p ay- . · -  
eaieei--nigh 32 points against Alabama, and ing tennis Favorite Non—bosketb=¤ll sport: whlle also plqymg a Ve'?) 'mp"'  
[hg;] gggrcd   pgimg my l4-[`()[-l'] from [hg ICDDIS 1\’10St AdI111I`€d AI111€{€Z 21ppI`€Ci£i[€$ tant leadership r0le fOr her team-  
Held in the next game against Florida. ?hl€l°$· but OHL; adlnlfsghl? I-Ord Eevorite mdt€S. W8 dfé f0I‘l`llIldt€ I0  
Bebe has twice re resented the University ·Ym¤2$lUm¤ €¤l0Y1¤ 0 l$€Um 3V0Fif€ ·  
and the USA in intci)national competition. In City? D'~lbV0V¤lk» Yugoslavia Comment OU have the. Opportunity   Q
1985. she played for the U.S. in the Jones Wonien’s Baskiitballi “Th€}’ Shflllid lei US to work wlth Bebe Cr0ley• Q
Cup eonipetition in Taiwan and in 1986 sne play more and realize that girls can fingenroll ——C0ach Fanning
was a member of the USA Select team that illld $1UU0T·$i€P without Wéilkingii  
competed in thc Canadian Invitational.  
Personality Prutila  
Birthdatc· 3-10-oi    
M . __ ` `   · . Bebe is a tremendous athlete 1
tarot. Communications _ _ _ .
High School: Lexington Henry Clay and trelnendouéj lndwlduf1l• Her  
Iligh School Coach: Jackie Austin experlence, qUlCkU€SS, jumping g
VV V ability and overall perception 0f 3
favorite music: gos el and sou Favorite .
1 Performer: Anitai Btiiter '1`op Movie Star: thggame Should prove tf) be a 5-10 S€n|0r Forward A
Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey '1`op Ina-IOIO asset for us' She ls c0m` Lexington,  
Movie: The Color Purple Top TV Star: Bill lllitféd I0 the p]lil0S0phy Of Ouf  
L. **)****37 2*2*   i
__J"85‘S(‘ - ..~17_‘22 ._l5‘)‘3.l.4.  7
'1`()'1`i\l.S 71-53 403-826 48.8 131-181 72.4 409-5.8 937-13.2 139 127 .
. (Yarccr Highs: 32 pls. vs. Alabama, 1986-87, 15 rhs. vs. Florida. 1986-87 x

 T A ·ChQQe
Y v •
é 2% ,` ~   ·· “  
    . » ·;.ar~ ..
V 4 M y. ,   ,, . -2; .· ./   yy ,._·= ;_ ., .
..  .   . -      ..    ,A,VA       i
   ,¤     ’ ’       T .   , i         V,:vV,.   ····_
   ¥;- is rerr    ~     »  i   l r   v‘‘’*       .       Z    L       v:’’’:~ e- °:VVJ;V= Personality Profile
    ”,·»/ ~         V_;, r ‘       __’.   ‘ ·_ll      
l     in ”   fl  i  . I ,  ,i   ‘ 'AA, __-; “V,_‘A   ‘‘._V_i, ; Major: Business
"j; ;. . .¤     r -· . -  *4;/ .   4 ;  · =.-      ···. ie, ·-vv V   .       ·.4·· = . _ _
V A C A A "       *   e@·.:";  fi ‘ ~   ’V‘’'‘ t   ‘· V‘rAe Y   Z High School: Clearwater Central Catholic
   4* `  ·(   A '\’ High School Coach: Nancy Yengel
  ’“‘V     “   :4,,.- . M-...,f   ‘ . VV‘-.,‘   ..2 ‘‘·‘·-·‘’   Z . . .
·· --* ...l=   V.V_ 1   ~     ‘       Favorite music: Soft Rock Favorite Per-
r~.»s?...   ..»
‘ ·       » , gi° g f; ;.. _   ‘V_· i ‘ r· » former: Stylistics Top Movie Star: Meryl
. .     ‘'`:l   V . -  y y_v     ‘‘'` n i f ·     fi?    Streep Top Movie: One On One Top TV
.   .   `      A `   *‘°¤¤·t>..=;    · _
. ..... - .. ~ . . .·.I -     .—   -  ar [  e-   ..·r - .·   Star: Bill Cosby Top TV Show: L.A. Law
` — · ¤‘ -. —. ‘'‘v r-   p:   ';;*'-We K2; V  Y" . ·     ft . . .
.   .V · A ·, ._     .r __     A . {   V, I     _j - Favorite Food: ice cream Hobbies and Pas-
V t   ·. 2 “*` M       zil          v_ ,   “A``   " _ Vi; times: water skiing. softball Favorite Non-
g ` J ‘ f r   :    »'" /·’·i I   ·'i', / '      Q. —~ ,V_·   basketball sport: softball Most Admired
‘ ’; ‘ ~ · F CQ  7         .  ' —»     Athlete: Wayne Gretsky Favorite Gymnasi-
.   _        '_   _  i   um: Clearwater Central Catholic High
: - `            ' =’‘‘   School gym Favorite City: Norwalk. Conn.
      2   No. 1 Team an *88; Texas comment on
i     ..:.       V\bmen’s Basketball: "I like the small ball
{           we play with, and I think it has improved the
_     {   overall game."
    “’'i   is ‘ leyl
      =rr-   =-—     ·
   I-   As one of three seniors on
z       the team, Michele ’s experience
.   rt. y .   ---\g    and athletic ability should be an
s   »~.t, - .1;-    »    ·‘:‘‘‘‘   -:»»·r··‘ ·    
  · ·   ··._ . _,t_. r ...      —~»r ~ _   A is   · 1 ·~#r advantage for the Lady Kats. She
  — · .- can run the floor, shoots well ·
            and is a very good passer. Mi-
            chele is an anseyish player and .
          i   ___t,, j 5 Wallis The team to do well. We ex-
?           ‘ ....   t.» 1 ‘...i   ·
  ?“f·i§5_§i —.`‘-[           pect l€(ld€I‘Shlp from OMF S8-
          . :‘~.     ...   · ·
          °   liters and e xpee t M le h el e tv
   i            play a big part in  
                    ·»`e   _COaCh Fanning
  After struggling with a severe knee prob- when Michele tore the anterior cruciate liga-
  lem as a freshman and sophomore. Michele ment of her left knee in the semifinals ofthe
  finally enjoyed her first full season last year Florida state championship. She underwent
  as a_iunior.. She played in 24 ofthe team’s 28 extensive knee surgery before coming to Ken-
  games and. although she never received a tucky. and has necessitated arthroscopic sur-
  starting assignment, iinished as the Kats` gery twice since.
  fifth—leading scorer with an average of 4.6 A versatile player who could help at either
I points per contest. _ guard or forward, Michele will be relied on _ -
Her outstanding high school career at for her exceptional scoring and passing ability 5 11 Senlor Guard
Clearwater Central Catholic ended tragically this year. Cl€3I'W8t€l`,  
  Year G P-S FG-FGA Pct. l·"l`-FTA Pct. REB-AVG l"l`S-AVG Steals Assists
if 1986-87 24-0 42-90 46.7 26-36 72.2 61-2.5 110-4.6 12 24 l
  1985-86 17-2 14-27 51.8 lt)-ll 90.9 l5—.88 as-2.2 io 14 -
  1984-85 15-1 15-35 42.s 16-27 59.2 23-1.5 46-1.5 3 10
  T()'l`Al.S 56-3 71-152 46.7 52-74 70.3 99-1.8 194-3.5 25 34
  Career Highs: 14 pts. vs. ()hio State. 1986-87. 8 rbs., twice
§ 7

 •   ‘
OMLQ _  
  " 1 im   .<— i  ..       .     ’.V-—A   ’  A
Monique possesses all the skills necessary ` -   ~ t   ,     *·` _   g , V.      ` *
to be a standout player at both ends of the T " v_ J    *;.£ _ .*        
court. Although she was recognized for her . s. . .    _ W  ,..   Y  _ f`- i t _           
great scoring ability in high school. she has ‘   ~ ° ‘ . ~ ,   t[’    j `·``   y     _   J l
excelled more as a defensive player at Ken- ` ‘*··   M  ”` i    3   _V-’     yit,   3 ...   _ Z
tucky, displaying good speed, quickness and V 1 `·       i       V
Still, she can be an explosive scorer. and ._ t ‘   -4   `E`~       ~ 5 j   ` i
has hit double figures several times even .       ’lii         
though she has never appeared as a starter at {