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Vol. 10 August 1997 No 8
v A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization
IT’S ALL ABOUT FAMILY The Pride (Ienter is now open! As of Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
stark your calenders for August 19th. June 1st. the Pride fieritet' started sharing EBONY MALE PAG ANT
(in tlrrs ”ltresday. at too PM. the Lexington rent wrth .\i(3() at 58" \tialler Avenue. ()pen
Fairness Campaign is planning to rally at House was held June list. This will he a tihony Male is proud to arrnorrnce its
the Capitol Annex in Frankfort to focus on trial period of one year to measure interest first Miss Ebony Male Pagant to be field on
hills 119. 145‘ and sos. two of these have to to determine if it is feasible for the Pride \\ednesday August 20th at The [tar
do with outlawing gay marriage (which. of Center to he selfvsufficient. Complex. Admission is Silk) and the show
course. is not yet legal) and the other One of the rnissionsof the (Ierrter will will start at 3:00pm. The program will
concerns excluding gays and lesbians from he to provide meeting spaCe for use hy all feature two performers. Lexirrgton's own
domestic riolence laws. gay. lesbian. hisexrral and transgendered La'i'oyaltacall. and. from(Iirrcinrrati. Miss
benator' 'l‘im Philpot has declared organizations and our "friends". So far: Pettoie Pout. .\iisst?intit, ‘9".
August as ”Family Values Month“ at the there has been a lot of interest from This contest is open to all those
state capitol. lie is also the co—chair of the organizations in and around Lexington interested. "tihorry is an attitude not lust a
Senate Judiciary Committee which will he whowant to use the space. There is to he no color." it you would like to run or want
meetingon August l9. at 1:00 PM. to discuss set rate for use. each organization will he more intor‘rrratiorr talk to an ti-.\tale
these hills. it seems only fitting that our expected to pay what they can. rrremher or call Mark or'ylohn at ,sXKiA‘t its].
family should pay him a visit. There are a total of four spaces \\e would lore to see many of you loyely
Philpot has been working against the ayailahle: two small meeting rooms. one ladies on stage that night.
LBG’I‘Community since his election to the rrrediurn size room (that will hold about The first place winner of this pagarrr
Ky. (Iongress. tie is responsihle for twenty people) and one large room (which will r'eceir'e $1le in cash and he inrited to
introducing the hill excluding gays and will hold about sixty people). sing an errcoure rrumherforwlrich she can
lesbians from cor’er'age under the domestic The Pride (Ienter' 'l'askforce is seeking receire tips. The first runner up will win 1
yiolerrce laws. If his hill hecornes law. gays people who would he interested in serving Sittttand the second nrnnerup will receive
and lesbians could not get a restraining on the Pride tlenter Board or in Silt. Proceeds will benefit the ttoher't IL 1
order against an abusiye partner. Plrilpot yolunteering to help out. if you are \\illiams (Iultural (Ienter and the Health ‘
says it would be unfair to us to allow us to interested. contact ,lim \\iechers at 13+ Department'sAIDS Medication Fund. .
get restraining orders hecause “aberrant PW! or email him at sixtlrstcaansncorrr, “—
forms of riolent hehayior...seem to he more if you're interested in helping out -
accepted in the homosexual corrrrnurrity." financially with either monthly or yearly Sponsor of the
Philpot also said he was open to pledges oriust onetime donationsyou can
hearing from the gay corrrmunity. Let's go make checks payable to The Pride (lenter Month
express our opiniont Please join the and mail to Pt). ltox lush. Lexington ky.
Lexington Fairness Campaign in Frankfort \\e are currently workingorr a ”wish list" of
on ’itresday. Aug. 1‘). at too P..\L \\e would things we need including: or stack chairs ,. .
he particularlypleased to have straight allies (Slit each). .s‘ chalk/white hoards (S's-F. I'm & Tlm
and family rrremher‘s. For more inforrrratiorr $50 each), I hulletirr hoard (3“xa' Slot.
contact LFtI at 3% 181:. and a wall clock (Slot. ——____
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