xt73xs5jdc4w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73xs5jdc4w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 10, 1987 1987 1987-09-10 2020 true xt73xs5jdc4w section xt73xs5jdc4w  





UK rugby team takes to the field
for fall opener. SEE PAGE 3.





For history of Lexington’s old-
est movie theater, SEE PAGE 6.




Today: Mostly Cloudy
Tomorrow: Chance of Showers



Vol. XCI. No. 20

ntucky Kerne

Established 1894

University of Kentucky, Lexington. Kentucky

SGA votes to look at
transmission of STDs

Associate Editor

The Student Government Associa-
tion senate last night overwhelming—
ly approved a resolution calling for
a study in preventing the spread of
sexually transmitted diseases and
unwanted pregnancies.

A task force will now be created
by SGA President Cyndi Weaver to
meet with campus and local health
officials to study the issue. No date
has been set for resolving the issue.

The resolution. proposed by SGA
Senator at Large David Botkins.
originally had called only to study
feasibility of placing condom vend-
ing machines in University and dor-
mitory restrooms.

However. several SGA senators
said that resolution was too narrow


“(I’m) surprised by the number of
students/senators who said there are
alternatives to abstinence other than condoms.

Socks won’t do it.”

in scope and an amendment was
later added by Senator at Large
James Rose.

Rose‘s amendment not only called
for the study of placing condom
vending machines on campus. but
also for an investigation of other
ways to prevent sexually trans-
mitted diseases.

Susan Brothers
senator at large

After a lengthy debate. it was ap-
proved by a 20-7 margin.

“1 think tonight we illustrated
logic and rational thinking overcom-
ing irrational thinking." Botkins
said. ”I‘m very pleased and proud
of this student senate.“

Rose said he proposed the amend—
ment because “we shouldn‘t pass


something we really don‘t believe

With the amendment. Rose said he
is "satisfied that it needs to go on

See SGA. Page 2


Breaking ground


Former UK President Otis Singletary. left. and current President
David Roselle and other University officials take part in ground-

breaking ceremonies at the Site of the new regulatory services

building yesterday.


MARK ZEIOF Kernel Staff



Independent since 1 971

Thursday. September 10. 1987

SGA passes budget;
questions about size

Editorial Editor

Although the Student Government
Association unanmiously adopted its
budget of more than $ltitl.tlltl last
night, some senate members raised
concern about discrepancies in it.

"We've put our money where our
mouth is this year." said SGA Senv
ator at Large David Botkins

"We said we were going to em-
phasize on certain things this year
and «SGA Presidenti (‘yndi Weav.
er‘s budget does that.”

However. SGA Executive Vice
President Brad Dixon voiced con-
cern over discrepancies in the bud
get -—» specifically the $4.000 cost of
operating eight phones in the senate
office in addition to long distance

“A lot of them are not utilized.”
Dixon said. The money that goes to
operate unused services could be
better spent

“I‘m a very fruitful person when
it comes to my money and the stu4
dents money "

Bryan Payne. senator at large.
said he didn‘t feel the phone expen-
diture was significant

"it's such a small cost to the over
all picture.” Payne said

Dixon said the phones are Just a
portion of the misappropriated

“1 think we‘ve got too much
money ‘lll the SGA budgets. Dixon
said. "We can't spend it all I would
like to take that increase