Best Copy Available (I THE KENTUCKY KERNEL TUESDAY EDITION SEMI-WEKKL- KERNEL Y UNIVERSITY VOL. XXVI. News Flashes GROUP CONCLUDE SOVIET BUDGET ITFED TWO LONDON, Jan. 13 (INS) A 14 btlllm rouble defense budgeting than double for that for 1935 Is certain to be approved by tho Soviet Central Executive committer', now meeting In Moscow, tho Dolly Mall's correspondent Raid today. A dispatch In the same raid paper from Riga, Latvia, Premier V. M. Molotov informed the committee that the Soviets "thou ands of new would war planes, 4,000 new tanks and armo ed cars, and an army of 1,500,000 available men." SAYS DAY MEET II. A. Babb, Chosen President to Henri Association of Kentucky Teachers CENTRE HEAR LAUDS ASSOCIATIONS' IDEA haj "NO CUTS" - Approximately 200 College and High School Men Are In Attendance TERRY Election of officers and naming of additional members to the exec- utlve committee brought to a close Saturday morning the two -- day meeting of the Kentucky Assocla- tlon of Colleges and Secondary schools held Friday and Saturday CHANDLER Aid In Organizing can U. S. Collegians to Re Selected by Warner Rros. for Dance Orchestra The University of Kentucky was Invited to participate in the organcolle ization of an giate dance orchestra, according to a letter received by the MUo.c department last week from Warner Brothers' theatres. The orchestra will consist of 13 pieces to be carried by undergraduate men in tne outstanding colleges and universities throughout I ine country. OuUiueu by Warner Brothers, the giuup selected will tour the entire nation in a louneoii cca engagement starting shortly after the ciose ol the semester. In addition to travelling expenses each member of the orcnestra will receive a guaranteed contracted sal-ai- y of $50 per week. Further information may be had by those Interested If they will at tne Music department office. y ""f POLICE AVERT C NEAR SUICIDE Every gogy. f. VtrTfqU NEW SERIES NO. Heard At Organ At First GRADUATION Doctor Elmer E. Gabbard of Witherspoon College Will Make Paccjrlaureate Address DINNER WILL OPEN GRADUATION WEEK Faculty Will Have Tea for Class Following Baccalaur-eat- e Sermon K36 Vesper Danders "Aria", Guilmant's "Ariane" Rest Renditions LOUIS-BRADDO- Shooting, Sore Spot of N. Y. U. Go. a Ironed Out in Light Practice Session GK of Program Lawrence Cook, organist, of the University of Louisville, presented the first of the vesper mus.caie series In 1936 Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. in Memorial hail, rendering a pleasing program to a large vesper audience. Mr. C001. has appeared several times during the past few years on vesper programs and has always brought an enthusiastic response He is a member' of the faculty of the University of Louisville and president of the Louisville Community Concert association. Mr. Cook s finesse at the console showed excellent training and talent, and his renditions were all that could be expected. Outstanding numbers were Handel's "Aria from the Tenth Organ Concerto,' and the final march from the Symphot. ny-Cantata "Ariane", by ar ar FIGHT RUMORED Seek to Stage Bout in Philadelph'a Fol lowing Democratic National Convention in June Promoters newly-ap-po'nt- Guil-man- Y.W.C.A. OFFICER VISITSJT U. K. Brad-dock- Makes al ey . conai h. .,,, , v- ty-fo- 416-fo- ot r YMCA Group Gives al al Program at Berea HOME EC STUDY COURSE IS MADE rd r;., Formal Hop Will End Dance Series D o.- I ottui-shado- w - Bierman Will Stay With Minnesota U. es ' ce For Lost Aviator BONUS BILL IS COMPROMISED es ' er-m- an five-pow- er i With one defeat charged against four starts, Kentucky's Wildcat court squad travels to Cincinnati today, ready to break into the win column again at the of Xavier University's Musketeers whom they meet tonight in Xavier fieldhouse. Twice conquerors of the Musklcs last season, the Wildcats will be no better than an even choice tonight against Coach Clem Crowe's veteran combination. Xavier has won four and lost two games this season, dropping a close decision to Pittsburgh and losing to Purdue. Coach Crowe has seven lettermen back from last season's team and has several promising sophomores to augment this veteran collection. In both games Kentucky last year, the Musketeers put up strong opposition and it was only that the 'Cats were in good form that they were vic torious. It is expected that a capacity crowd of more than 6500 spectators will be on hand for tonight's classic as the Kentucklans have always been favorites of the Queen City sports fans. Coach Adolph Rupp sent his charges through a light worLout yesterday afternoon placing the most emphasis on shooting, the sore spot of the 'Cats play in New York. Red Hagan and Ralph Car- -' lisle were both hitting consistently during the practice session and ex pect to be in form tonight. The same team that started the N. Y. U. game will take the court as the fracas gets underway tonight. Ralph Carlisle and Red Hagan will be in the front court, Garland Lewis at center, and Captain Andy Anderson and Warfleld e In the guard positions. Big Jim Goforth and Duke Ellington, as well as J. Rice Walker will be sure to see action before the battle Is ended. The entire squad of 16 men will make the trip by bus, leaving here at 9 a. m. them in se well-drill- Don-ohu- Y CABINETS TO MEET A dinner discussion group, sponsored by the senior cabinets of the YWCA and the YMCA, will meet at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday night In Boyd hall Mrs. Wells Farrington. national YWCA secretary of New York City will lead the discussion. McVEY TO SPEAK AT PURDUE President Frank L. McVey will go to Purdue university Thursday, January 16, to address the annual agricultural conference to be held from January 13 to January 17. His subject will be "Economic Adjustments During the Next Decade." Kampus Kernels Two Begin Search State 1 2 'Cats Journey To Cincy To Engage Xavier Quint In Season's Fifth Game PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 13 (INS) Posslbll'ty of staging a Braddock- championship Louls heavyweight fight in this city as a climax to a rousing Democratic nat'onal convention In June was the subject of exci'ed simulation here today. That either a title bout or at least a ma'ch between Joe Louis and Max Schmellng, German boxer, Is being sought as an added convention "attraction" was revealed by John B. Kelly, continue through the baccalaureate state secretary of revenue services Sunday afternoon, Februand former Democratic city chairary 2, at 3 o'clock, followed by the man. faculty tea and the commencement "I have talked to Mike Jacobs, on Monday. New York promoter who has Louis Dr. Elmer E. Oabbard, president under contract," Kelly said, "and of Witherspoon college, Buckhorn, he reems interested." Ky., will deliver the baccalaureate Local promoters saw two possible address. Louis' hitches In the proposal The commencement program will contract to battle Schmelinsc in open with an organ concert by 's New York In June and J'm Mrs. Lela W. Cullis, followed by obligation to defend his title the invocation given by the Rev. National Secretary under Madison Square Garden proSeveral Addresses on Walker L. Shearer, pastor of Grace motion. Inter-raciBaptist church. Lee Crook accomEduSuggested for June 29, the Monpanied by Misa Martha Sue Durday following the convention's cation ham, will give a violin solo, followciose, the fight would be held in ed by Gov. Chandler's address, afMunicipal stadium, scene of Mrs. Wells Harrington, national the ter which President Frank L. Mc-V- secretary of the Y. W. C. A., is the Dempsey-Tunne- y fight in 1926. will confer the degrees and visiting the University campus for administer the oata of the senior three days. Mrs. Harrington, a na-- 1 CITY STATION GIVES class. The assembly will then sing tive of Mississippi, is a specialist in LIHRARY PROGRAMS the "Alma Mater" and the Rever- lnter-racieducation. end Shearer will give the benedicThis afternoon at 3 o'clock, she The University rad'o studios are tion. will meet the Joint Social and Book every Monday An organ prelude by Mrs. Cullis groups In the Boyd hall reading now broadcasting from 12:15 to 12:30 p. m. a series will open the bassalaureate pro- room, and at 6 o'clock she will be gram, followed by the Invocation mioef nf hrmrtr tkt A riinnpr mppttnOf of library programs over station especial by Rabbi Milton Louis Grafman, ' of the Senior cabinets of the Y. M. WLAP which are of Kentuckyinterliest to patrons of Adath Israel Temple. The univer- , C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. The topic braries. sity choristers will sing an antnem of her talk will be "A Program of The first program in this series Education for a Southand then Rabbi Grafman will give Inter-Racifeatured a talk by Dr. Thomas a scripture reading. Dr. Gabbard ern University." Clark, Instructor in history. Dr. On Sunday Mrs. Harrington met Clark spoke on "The Present Liwill deliver the main address followed by a hymn by the assembly with a committee for the purpose brary Service In Kentucky and the of planning a spring seminar. In Need of Improvement," and then the benediction. Margaret which the following schools wU T'lng, librarian at the University participate: the University of Kentalked on "Kentucky Library tucky, Flske, Berea, and the Municipal College of Louisville. Later on Commission and Its Work," January 13. Sunday she was a guest at a dinner given at Dean Blandlng's home, where she addressed the Senior cabinet and the advisory board of the Y. W. C. A. on "Interesting Negro Personalities." Yesterday at 3 p. m. she was Chief of Washington Bureau Miss Leila Bush Hamilton will Will Be in Charge of Two-- present at the regular meeting of hold a formal tea dance closing the the Woman's dancing a y Teachers' Training the Senior cabinet in she addressed second series of her 16, from classes building At 4 p .m. 4 unThursday, January groups til 6 p. m. in Patterson hall. Meeting the Joint music and worship Poetry." "The on "Negro Music and Miss Hamilton will be assisted by was the Representatives from all the ma- American Negro Today" Mrs. Har- Carol and Frances Hamilton. Chap-eronsubject of a forum led by for the affair will be Miss jor colleges of the state will attend rington at 7:30 o'clock In PatterYWCA the Teacher's Training conference son hall on the same day, which Augusta Roberts, president secretary, of the In Home Economics education to was attended by men and women Martha Fugett, YWCA, Don Reister, president of be held at the University Thursday students of the University. the YMCA, Mr. and Mrs. T. Aubrey afternoon, Friday, and Saturday. Mrs. Harrington Is on a tour of Morse, Mrs. L. M. Lebus, Mrs. C. Miss Florence Fallgatter, chief of schools and coheges of Kentucky Hamilton, Mrs. W. W. Cott, J. Mrs. Home Economics education In the and Ohio. Eda Giles, Mrs. Marylee Collins, Office of Education, Washington, Dean P. K. Holmes, and Genevieve D. C, will direct the conference. Hancock. MISTAKE IS FATAL Among the colleges to be repreMiss Betty Moffett will preside are Berea; Eastern Kentucky sented LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13 (INS) at the tea table. Teacher's college, Richmond; WestHaynes Gibson, 45, son of W. H. ern Kentucky Teacher's college, Gibson, candy manufacturer of Bowling Green; Murray Bristol, Tenn., and Marshall Teacher's college; Asbury college, 44, were dead here toWllmore; Center college, Danville, day because they mistook a bottle Unlverstly of Kentucky. and the of poison for liquor. Their bodies were found in an auto camp cabin George Redfern, Lost Eight which they had rented. Police reYears Ago, Sought by ported they had been drinking and Americans evidently and became confused poured a lost drink out of the wrong bottle. Colon, Janama, Jan. 13 (INS) Backed by the local American LeSHOOTS HUSBAND, SELF gion post, James A. Ryan and Art Farrell today were on their way to LOS ANGELES, Jan. 13 (INS) the Brazilian Jungle to lead anothVets May Get Baby Bonds Mrs. Malta Powell Rovig, 50, for- er expedition in search of Paul mer Metropolitan grand opera sing- Redfern, Georgian aviator who has from Government. Redeemer, early today shot and perhaps been missing eight years. able in Exchange for fatally wounded her husband. They sailed aboard the steamService Slips Charles Rovig, 53, and then turned ship Venezuela for Paramaribo, rethe gun on herself with fatal Guina, whence they will make the shooting took place In dangerous WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (INS) sults. The Journey upstream by apartment fol- canoe to where Redfern is reported An administration compromise their fashionable lowing a quarrel. bonus bill proposing to give Amerto be living with friendly Indians. ica's World War veterans two billion dollars in government "Baby IIAIPTMANN STILL FIGHTING Bonds," immediately redeemable in exchange for their adjusted servTRENTON, N. J , Jan. 13 (INS) ice certificates was Introduced in With two new attorneys suddenthe senate today. Cornelius Roosevelt Is Re- ly added to his defense staff, Bruno The bill was reported to have Richard Hauptnuum today apleased by Cops on Air President Roosevelt's approval. It peared ready to put up a tremenPistol Incident was sponsored by Senator Pat Harfight for his life, dous "lust-ditcrison (D) of Mississippi, chairman lluuptmuim is sentenced to die in Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 13 (INS) tho electric of the Senate Finance committ.e. chair at 8 p. m. FriCornelius Van Schaakn Roosevelt, day for the murder of Charles A. He announced that senators Byrns, 20, grandson of the late "T. R." and Lindbergh Jr. (D) South Carolina, Cluik, (U) But with his deMissouri, and Steiwer (R) Oregon, his classmate at Massachusetts In- fense lawyers five of them of Technology, Peter De working us they have never worked of it. stitute were "In my opinion,' said Harrison, Florer, 21, today escaped prosecu- before in the case, and with Gov"this bill will be enacted into law." tion on indictments charging them ernor Harold G. Hoi f man's mind with a reported to be still "open," it apmotorists with peppering German air pistol from the window peared likely the doomed man will ETHIOPIAN RAIN'S START of tiie exclusive six club November not walk "the last mile" this week. Oov. A. B. Chandler will address the 1936 mid-yegraduating class at their commencement at the University Monday, February 3, at 3 p. m., it was announced by Dr. M. E. Ltgon, chairman of the commencement program. An alumni dinner for members of class Thursday, Janthe mid-yeuary 30, at 6:30 p m., will open commencement week and It will NEW YORK, Jan. 13 (INS) "No salary cuts and therefore no holdouts" Is the latest slogan of Bill Terry, manager of the New "I tried slashing York Giants. salaries on a couple of the players onco after a bad year and had dis- - at tne university. satisfied men on my hands for the recently appointed B P- --t of Morehead State Teach- toTveBC-sa"rW, !t;s better eA to get rid of him. There lsnt a year, and Prof. C. N. Shutt, dean cut in any of the contracts I've of Berea Academy, mailed out but there are several Those elected for terms on the exincreases for those who rate them.' ecutive committee were: Dr. Arthur Braden, president of TransylFORTUNE IS CONTESTED vania Cohege, two years; Prof. WalN. Jan. ter Jetton, principal of Faducah WINSTON-SALEof the schools, two yeais; Prof r. ivi. Beneficiaries 13 (INS) settlement of the $30,- - Heston, dean of Asbury College, one nnonnn tobacco fortune of the late year; and Lee Klrkpatrick, super. Zachary Smith Reynolds, young lntendent of Paris puouc scnoois, sportsman aviator who was shot to one year. death here the morning of July 6, other new members added to the "Discouraged" Has 1932. will go before the circuit court committee were Dr. J. W. Miner, Facility Put Lets Cops in February and nead of at Baltimore early in department of Psy- on Plan and Is of division ol tne request approval j, J oppenhelmer, dean Jailed estate as proposed by the brotnera at Umverslty 0j Louisville; Lee or- and sisters of Reynolds and Su- - Jones wiUlam t, d (INS) A CHICAGO, Jan. 13 dered bv the North Carolina Bpeaking at toe closlng Preme Court. m tne auditorium of University man who identified himself as Reg" High school. President Charles inald Muller, 29, of New Orleans and LINER CREWS BODIES SOUGHT TurcJc Qf Centre ooUege said: "We "Just discouraged about life," was po'.ice custody liere today. are gradually approaching a com- - in Muller was arrested last night. A AUSTORIA. Ore., Jan. 13 (iNfa) mon cenMJr iQf uw gun was In h's pocket, he carried of -S- earch for bodies of the crew of teachers. Uberai tho shipwrecked "elgMer low coUeges will Introduce educational a suitcase full of copper wire, and was headed for the Chicago was begun by Coast Ouartoen the he . 3 essential for - river. He told police: today as pounding seas, which have "I am going to kill myself. I am lashed the North Pacific Coast for """"T1"" " Thlr we In Kentucky have made great going to stand on a bridge and bind thA nost two davs. calmed. strides In this direction," myse.f with this 200 feet of wire. I men, the entire crew of Other speakers at the final ses- am going to attach weights to my the States Line freighter, perished vessel, bound sion were Dr. R. E. Jaggers, direc- feet, shoot myself, fall into the rivwhen the for San Francisco from this port, tor of teacher training In Ken- er and never been seen again. I'm was hurled upon treacnerous ea tucky, Waiter Jetton, principal of Just discouraged about life." He was taken to Jail. cock spit at the mouth of the CO' Paducah schools, and Dr. J. W. lumbia river by mountainous seas Miner, who spoke In the absence of Prof. J. J. Oppenheimer. early yesterday. Approximately 200 educators from KIPLING UNDER KNIFE all over the state attended the meeting. The college anu secondLONDON. Jan. 13 (INS) Rud-yaary scnools met in separate StaThe deputation team of the Y. M. Kipling, famous poet of the tions Friday and as a group Sat- C. A. gave the third in Its series of was taken urday, frnuay evening tne annual programs Sunday evonng at Berea Tnriinn barrack-roomirtdenlv 111 during the night and . ,UJ K of ut v. men uc. college. Cloyd McAllister, a memunderwent an emergency operation James sherwood president 0f the ber of the deputation committee, t Middlesex hospital nere ior association, delivered the presi had charge of the program. The m nm rf era c '"'" devotion was led by Bart Peak, ur. k,Vho , -i auuiess. " Kapung ooscrvcu lua bank, protestor of sociology at the general secretary of the University December 30. Uiuverstiy fo Cincinnati, spoke on Y. M. C. A. The program was given on "Education and Democracy." RFAflY FOR FIGHT "Threefold Man." Donald Riester, (INS) also president of the Y. M. C. A., gave a 13 Tne e: ecutive commission WASHINGTON, Jan. House leaders today girded them- - named the following persons to talk on "Keeping the Body Fit"; 1 e 011 uie cummiSoion of second-supreselves for a series of fights over the Elvis Stahr, Freshman Y. M. C. A. court. Inflation and econ- - ary schools for the couiuig you: cabinet advisor spoke "On Mind of omy, with the possibility of a huge one year, R. B. Clem, Louisville; Man"; and Robert Denny spoke on new tax bill casting a disturbing yf, a. Cook, Dayton; T. a. "Spirit of Man." over the body. Th-- battle t0rd, DanviJe, and Sister Eugenia Harlowe Dean, Jr., sang two to surb the power of the supreme gcherm, Mt. St. Josepn Acaacmy; songs entitled, "My Task" and "The court, and perhaps to pave the way tWo years, superintendent O. C. Builder." for a constitutional amendment, Burkhead, Hardin county schools; was siatea to ges unuer way uum.8 aicipie j. u. Williams, University Training school; Col. W. R. Nel the week. son, MUlersbmg Military Institute; COURT WORRIES ROOSEVELT Lucy Peterson, Kentucky Female Uipnans bcnool, tarn nay. Turns Down Offer at InWASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (INS) Three. years: L. C. Henderson, t.k- - Divusuplf a H ministration a- wwww.w.w creased Salary to Return AIAC . it.... n. . . C!... TT1 DumKuucm gain looked anxiously toward tne to Tulane supreme court's new tempt of Jus- - icuaugn. iwuueiu; Sister Aga-titoday. The court, reconvening tha Young, Presentation Academy, CHICAGO, Jan. 13 (INS) Ber-nl- e of lor decis ons, may hand down rul- -' iuisvuie. Four representatives on Bierman has turned down an tags on constitutionality of the hijlier education win aiu offer to return to Tulane university Tennessee valley authority act and the commission. Those appointed as head football coach at a salary decide whether the government will ior una purpose were: uean k. m, reported to be $15,000 a year, to have to pay back over $1,000,000,. iiestun, Auuiy Co.iuge; rioieasur stay at Minnesota at a reported 8. E. CrannMl, Bowling Green Bus-ui- salary of $7,500 a year, 000 In processing taxes. was uiuvcisny; Dean Hilda Thrtl-kel- d. learned from an authentic itsource University of Louisville, and MAY STRENGTHEN NAVY here today. Prof. V. E. Payne, Transylvania Bierman was on his way back to WASHINGTON, Jan. 13 (INS) College, Minneapolis after conferring here for the strengthDetailed plans with Dr. Wilbur C. Smith, director ening of America's defenses in the of athletics at the New Orleans Inbeen worked out by DEFENSE OF RUSSIA Pacific have SCORED IN SPEECH stitution. Before entraining, B the Navy department. This was refused to comment on the learned here today as both naval negotiations to return to Tulane, state department officials priand MOSCOW, Jan. 13 (INS) While as did Dr. Smith on vately abondoned hope of any new Soviet newspapers beat war drums the Minnesota coach. his offer to naval agreement being reached at and openly accused Germany and During the past two seasons the tottering London Naval con- Japan of intentions to Invade the Blerman's Minnesota toams have ference In view of Japan's adamant U. B. S. R., it was disclosed today been generally acknowledged as demand for the right to possess a that Russia exceeded her 1935 war national champions. navy fully as powerful as either budget by about one and a hall the American or British fleets. million roubles. JAP ARMS DEMAND In reveuling this a commander IS OPPOSED BY V. 8. IS VICTIM OF PICKETEERS White of the military forces in stressed before the seventh Russia (INS) LONDON, Jan. 13 CENTRAL CITY, Ky., Jan. 13 congress of the central executive Maintaining sharp opposition to (INS) County officers today startcommittee of the Soviet union the Japan's demand for a common uped an investigation of the mysteri- need for a Russian defense fund of ous death yesterday of Everett 14,000,000,000 roubles. While last per limit of naval tonnage, the United States today scored a notaGreen, 23 years old.Graham, shot year's defense was $0,500,000,000 ble victory In behind-the-- f cents In the heud when a picket army roubljs, the nation actuul.y spent maneuvers, prepaiatory to formal marched on the Holt Coal Com- 8,000,000,000 roubles for delense, he resumption of the naval pany mine, south of here. Mine ofsaid. conference tomorrow. In a series ficials reported that the mob shot Opening the congress, Premier V. of informal discussions, the Amerat fixtures and Given apparently M. Molotov declared It wus necessican dt'K'Kutiou won its point in was killed by a stray shot. The ary to strengthen Soviet defenses preventing the Jupanese common plcketeers curried off his body and because of the threat of war. upper Hunt demand from appearing later left It at his home. in advance upon the agenda for ROME. Jan. 13 (INS) As the tomorrow's conference session. GRADUATE CLUB hlPPER AT PRESS TIME "little rains" setttled on E.hiopia, Italy concentrated on aerial activL. N. Plummer, Instructor In the The Graduate Woman's club of PROF. BOWLS PERFECT GAME ity today, according to the daily Department of Journalism, was the the University gave a supper Sun- military communique. "Our aircraft guest at the regular meeting of the day evening at 6:30 o'clock In Boyd Professor C. S. Crouse bowled a curried out reconnaissances in the International Relations club, held haJ for all graduate students. Dr. perfect game of 300 Saturday eve-la- st Teru region of the Danakll desert," night In McVey hall. Mr. W. D. Funkhouser, dean of the ntng at the local bowling alley. It the statement said. "On the rest of Plummer s subject was "Ethiopia graduate school, was speaker of the Is the first perfect game that has the Erltrean front our patrols have ' evening. and the World Situation." ever been rolled on these alleys. been active." paVr'des I WILL Lawrence Cock Is ADDRESS CLASS Band AT Ail-Ameri- NIGHT DANCE TOMORROW, 8 TO 10:30 P. M. OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON. KEN I UCKV, TUESDAY, JANUARY NEW EDUCATORS' U. K. Is Invited To WEDNESDAY Socialite, Friend Escape Prosecution 20. Indictments were not pressed after the two undergraduates pleaded not guilty to three indictments before Judge Thomas H. Dowd. In his not pressing motion, District Attorney Warren L. Bishop said the youths were "actuated by a spirit of fun and playfulness." He also pointed out that none of the three complainants were Injured. A.A.l'.W. DINNER MEETING The American Association of University Women will give a dinner at 6:30 o'clock tonight in the Green Tree tea room. Miss Myrtle Weldon, leader of home demonstration agents, will speak on "The Government Program for Resettlement In Kentucky." Strollers will meet in the basement of the Administration building at 4 p. m. on Friday. A sponsor will be chosen and settlements on the minstrel will be made. Sigma Delta Chi will meet at 8 o'clock tonight at 324 Aylesford place. AU members please be present. There will be no regular meeting of Chi Delta Phi Tuesday night. The next meeting will be held in the early part of the second semester. There will be a business meeting of Scabbard and Blade ut 7 o'clock tonight In the Armory, W. A. A. Ping Pong started yesterday and will continue on Monday, Wednesday and Friday in the Women's gym. The Pitkin club will hold its regular meeting Wednesday at the Maxwell street Presbyterian church at 12 noon. The University debaters will meet o'clock this are urged to attend. In room 230 ut 7:30 evening. All members The YWCA Freshmen afternoon roup will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m. in Woman's build-my- ;. Dean Sarah Holmes Is the speaker, and her subject will be "How to Be or Not to Be." The Sociul Service group of the will not meet again until further notice. YWCA at There will be a meeting of Suky 6 p. m. today In the basement of Alumni gym. *